What is the equivalent of a 'friend' keyword in C Sharp?
How do I use the 'internal' keyword?
I have read that 'internal' keyword is a replacement for 'friend' in C#.
I am using a DLL in my C# project that I have the source code for and yet I do not want to modify the existing code. I have inherited the class and I can use my inherited class any way I want. The problem is that most of the code in the parent class has protected methods. Will using a friend somehow make it possible to access or call these protected methods?
You can use the keyword access modifier internal to declare a type or type member as accessible to code in the same assembly only.
You can use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute class defined in System.Rutime.CompilerServices to declare a type as accessible to code in the same assembly or a specified assembly only.
You use the first as you use any other access modifier such as private. To wit:
internal class MyClass {
You use the second as follows:
[assembly:InternalsVisibleTo("MyFriendAssembly", PublicKey="...")]
internal class MyVisibleClass {
Both of these can rightly be considered the equivalent of friend in C#.
Methods that are protected are already available to derived classes.
No, "internal" is not the same as "friend" (at least the C++ 'friend')
friend specifies that this class is only accessible by ONE, particular class.
internal specifies that this class is accessible by ANY class in the assembly.
internal is the C# equivalent of the VB.NET friend keyword, as you have guessed (as opposed to a replacement)
Usage is as follows
internal void Function() {}
internal Class Classname() {}
internal int myInt;
internal int MyProperty { get; set; }
It, basically, is an access modifier that stipulates that the accessibility of the class / function / variable / property marked as internal is as if it were public to the Assembly it is compiled in, and private to any other assemblies
Your subclass will be able to access the protected members of the class you inherit.
Are you looking to give access to these protected members to another class?
Here's a weird trick I used for adding behaviour akin to C++'s friend keyword. This only works for nested classes AFAIK.
Create a nested protected or private interface with the variables you'd like to give access to via properties.
Let the nested class inherit this interface and implement it explicitly.
Whenever using an object of this nested class, cast it to the interface and call the respective properties.
Here's an example from Unity.
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
namespace TL7.Stats
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Progression", menuName = "TL7/Stats/New Progression", order = 0)]
public class Progression : ScriptableObject
// Provides access to private members only to outer class Progression
protected interface IProgressionClassAccess
CharacterClass CharacterClass { get; set; }
public struct ProgressionClass : IProgressionClassAccess
[SerializeField] private CharacterClass characterClass;
[Tooltip("Levels are 0 indexed.")]
[SerializeField] float[] healthOverLevels;
public float[] HealthOverLevels => healthOverLevels;
CharacterClass IProgressionClassAccess.CharacterClass
get => characterClass;
set => characterClass = value;
static readonly Array characterClasses = Enum.GetValues(typeof(CharacterClass));
[SerializeField] ProgressionClass[] classes = new ProgressionClass[characterClasses.Length];
public ProgressionClass this[in CharacterClass index] => classes[(int)index];
void Awake()
for (int i = 0; i < classes.Length; ++i)
// Needs to be cast to obtain access
(classes[i] as IProgressionClassAccess).CharacterClass = (CharacterClass)characterClasses.GetValue(i);
public void AssertCorrectSetup()
for (int i = 0; i < characterClasses.Length; ++i)
CharacterClass characterClass = (CharacterClass)characterClasses.GetValue(i);
(this[characterClass] as IProgressionClassAccess).CharacterClass == characterClass,
$"You messed with the class values in {GetType()} '{name}'. This won't do."
I think this only works for nested classes. In case you want to do this with regular classes, you'd need to nest them inside a partial outer class, which should work in theory, and use a protected or private nested interface (or two, if you're inclined) for providing them access to each other's privates... that came out wrong.
Internal is the equivalent of friend. A protected method is only available within the same class or from an inheritor. If you're trying to expose protected methods from an inheritor, you can wrap them in public methods.
Splitting a big class in two partial class-files can achive the desired friend-effect. It is not equivalent, but it works in some cases.
I am trying on a project to use private values in my internal functions. In past I used only public ones, but I noticed that obfuscation is working much better when using as much as possible private parameters.
My question is regarding Parent/Child classes.
In my main class I define all the parameters as following :
public class MyFatherClass
private long id = -1;
public long ID { get { return this.id; } set { this.id = value; } }
So in all internal functions I access to my private value instead of the public one.
Then in my daughter class I just add parameters specific to the child class.
public class MyChildClass : MyFatherClass
private long anotherParameter = -1;
public long AnotherParameter { get { return this.anotherParameter; } set { this.anotherParameter = value; } }
Just, I see that in my Parent class, I can access to id and ID without problem, but from daughter classes I can only access ID(as id is private).
If I understood correct, I would need to replace all private by protected in my parent lass, so it would solve the problem?
What I don't understand is the code is working even if I leave it so.
Why don't I have an error message, when I set ID value in daughter class, the sentence this.id=value is executed, but how can can I access to it from my child class if it is private?
I am now hesitating, may I just add a private id in each child class, or may I set id to protected in my parent class?
Thanks for your explanations.
Edit, just adding a screenshot of my reversed code after obfuscation, so you could understand difference on how are obfuscated private/public methods/fields
Why don't I have an error message, when I set ID value in daughter class, the sentence this.id=value is executed, but how can can I access to it from my child class if it is private?
When you call a public method on a class, that method can access private members of that class:
public class Foo
public void Bar()
private void Baz()
// private method called by public method
var foo = new Foo();
This compiles just fine. Your setter is the same: it's public, so callable from everywhere, even if it accesses private members.
As for making your field (private long id = -1;) protected: yes, that will mean you can access it in derived classes. But whether you want to is another question.
You have declared a public property for a reason. Perhaps you want to do some validation in its setter or getter. If not, if you're just using a property to access a private field, you could just ditch the entire private field and use an auto-implemented property:
public long ID { get; set; } = -1;
Then you can access the property everywhere, from within itself, from derived classes and from code using this class.
See also:
What is the difference between a field and a property?
What are Automatic Properties in C# and what is their purpose?
Here is a short and reduced description of what access modifiers do:
Public : fields (variables) and properties (variables encapsulation) and methods (functions and procedures) are visible and accessible by the class itslef, by its childs and by any other external classes.
Private : members (fields, properties and methods) are visible and accessible only by the class, not by its childs nor by any external class.
Protected : members are visible and accessible by the class and by its childs, but not by others classes.
Internal : members are visible and accessible by the class and by its childs and by any class that is in the same assembly (.exe and .dll), but not by a class from another assembly.
So you should set id to protected in the parent class to use it in the childs.
But here is the rule:
If childs classes can modify id you should set as a protected field, and offer a public property (get) if available for external items.
If childs classes are not allowed to modify it you should set it private and offer :
A propected property with only a getter if external items can't access it.
A public property with only a getter if external items can access it.
Don't repeat a member with the same name else it will hide the parent and can cause polymorphism problems, else you know what you do.
You can read these tutorials to more understand access modifier keywords:
C# Access Modifiers
Access Modifiers (C# Reference)
Here are some readings:
C# Tutorial Level 0
C# Tutorial Level 1
C# Tutorial Level 2
C# Tutorial Level 3
C# Snippets # Techi.io
Beginning Visual C# 2008 Programming
The MyChildClass class which inherits from the MyFatherClass can not access the id field because it's private. To make it accessible, you will need to change the field's access modifier to either:
protected :
// Dll1.dll
namespace Dll1
public class Base
//The field we are attempting to access
protected int a;
public sealed class Main : Base
public void DoSomething()
//Can be done sins Main inherits from Base
base.a = 100;
public class Invader
public int GetA()
var main = new Main();
// can not be done sins the field is only accessible by those that inherit from Base
return main.a;
// Dll2.dll
namespace Dll2
public class ADll2Class : Dll1.Base
public int GetA()
//Can be done because ADll2Class inherits from Dll1's Base class
return base.a;
private protected :
Same as protected but, in the example above, Dll2's class, ADll2Class, will not be able to access the a field because it would be privately protected, in other words only classes from the same dll as Base which inherit from Base will be able to access a.
or you can set it to
internal :
If the a field in the example above was internal, then, same as private protected, Dll2's class wont be able to access it but, the Invader class in Dll1 will be able to access it sins it's part of the same dll as Base.
Note that, sins you mentioned obfuscation, try as hard as you will, the id field can still be accessed by others in an obfuscated state with the help of reflection, especially sins you provide a public property ID, might as well set everything in your project to internal.
Assembly with internal class (Example class)
internal class Abc
int a;
float pos;
How do i make a List<T> with T as internal class Abc?
It's an external assembly which means that I can't do InternalsVisibleTo, and the assembly isn't made by me so I can't just edit it.
I think the List<T> issue is a moot point. Really what you seem to be asking is "how do I expose an internal implementation to a public API?"
There are a few options for this:
Use an interface (if implementations are related by functionality)
Use an abstract class (if derived types are related by identity)
Use a base class (if derived types are related by identity and the base class may also be instantiated)
Consider AbcBase and AbcInternal are in a separate assembly.
// Provides a publicly available class.
// Note, the internal default constructor will only allow derived types from the same assembly, meaning the class is essentially sealed to the outside world
public class AbcBase
internal AbcBase()
protected int a;
protected float pos;
public static List<AbcBase> CreateList()
return new List<AbcBase>()
new AbcInternal(1, 2.3f),
new AbcInternal(4, 5.6f)
internal sealed class AbcInternal : AbcBase
public AbcInternal(int a, float pos)
this.a = a;
this.pos = pos;
Consider Program is in the consuming assembly, or in other words, references the assembly where AbcBase and AbcInternal are implemented
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<AbcBase> list = AbcBase.CreateList();
Note that the public implementation is exposed through AbcBase but not the internal implementation.
public class AbcImpl : AbcBase
Note, the above will cause a compiler error because the contructor in AbcBase is internal, therefore this class cannot be overridden from a different assembly.
'AbcBase.AbcBase()' is inaccessible due to its protection level
Provided you have a variable of the type Abc you can do the following:
// Get the value of type Abc with its runtime type.
var abc = ...;
// Variable listOfAbcs will be of type List<Abc>.
var listOfAbcs = CreateList(abs);
// Local function to create a list.
List<T> CreateList<T>(T value) => new List<T>();
Alternatively you can create a list with reflections and access it via IList interface.
You can't. internal restricts access to the type to only the containing assembly.
Apparently this works in Java:
class BigClass
public SecretClass not_so_secret = new SecretClass();
public class SecretClass
// Methods and stuff
But is there no equivalent in c#? Where I can create an instance of BigClass but NOT be allowed to create the subclass SecretClass:
class testing_class
BigClass BIG_CLASS_SHOULD_BE_ALLOWED = new BigClass();
BigClass.SecretClass SUB_CLASS_SHOULD_NOT = new BigClass.SecretClass();
I've tried combinations of internal (which sounded right...), private, protected - basically just all of them now :D
Is it a fundamental no-way-round principle in c# to always have this one-way street for access modifiers?
By the way I did find a sort-of answer here referring to Kotlin (whatever that is) and it seems to be a strict thing that just wouldn't make sense to some or be dangerous for some reason - public instances of an "internally" created private class
Is there no way to achieve that level of access in c#?
If you want to make a member (field, property, method, event, delegate or nested type) public, all the types exposed by this member must be public.
However, there is a trick on how you can make the class only instantiateable within BigClass: Make the class abstract, and if you need to write a constructor, make it protected or, since C# 7.2 private protected (see below). Then derive a nested private class from it.
public class BigClass
public SecretClass not_so_secret = new VerySecretClass();
public abstract class SecretClass
private class VerySecretClass : SecretClass
Also make everything private or protected that you don't need to expose. You can even give the setters more restrictive access modifiers.
public string Text { get; private set; } // or: protected set;
It also helps to make things internal if you are writing a class library. It makes things invisible for other assemblies.
Since C# 7.2 there is also a new level of accessibility (from C# 7 Series, Part 5: Private Protected):
Private Protected
Private Protected: The member declared with this accessibility can be visible within the types derived from this containing type within
the containing assembly. It is not visible to any types not derived
from the containing type, or outside of the containing assembly. i.e.,
the access is limited to derived types within the containing assembly.
First of all let me start by saying that I do understand access specifiers I just don't see the point of using them in classes. It makes sense on methods to limit their scope but on classes, why would you want a private class, isn't it the purpose of classes to be able to reuse them?
What is the purpose of access specifiers when declaring a class in C#? When would you use them?
Well, let's say that you want a class to be only accessed inside her own assembly:
internal class Test
Let's say that you have two classes, one inside the other (nested classes):
protected internal class TestA
private TestB _testB;
private class TestB
public TestA()
_testB = new TestB();
The TestB class can be only accessed inside methods/properties/contructors inside TestA or inside herself.
The same applies to the protected modifier.
// Note
If you don't specify the access modifier, by default it will be private, so on my example the following line:
private TestB _testB;
is equal to
TestB _testB;
And the same applies to the class.
Special Modifier
Then, there is the protected internal which joins both modifiers so you can only access that class inside the same assembly OR from a class which is derived by this one even if it isn't in the same assembly. Example:
Assembly 1:
public class TestA : TestB
public TestB GetBase()
return (TestB)this;
public int GetA1()
return this.a1;
protected internal class TestB
public int a1 = 0;
TestA _testA = new TestA(); // OK
TestB _testB = new TestB(); // ERROR
int debugA = new TestA().a1 // ERROR
int debugB = new TestA().GetA1(); // OK
TestB testB_ = new TestA().GetBase(); // ERROR
Link (Access Modifiers)
The type or member can be accessed by any code in the same assembly,
but not from another assembly.
The type or member can be accessed only by code in the same class or
The type or member can be accessed only by code in the same class or
struct, or in a class that is derived from that class.
The type or member can be accessed by any other code in the same
assembly or another assembly that references it.
I will give you an example of an internal class. Imagine I have some DLL. Form this DLL I want to expose only a single class called A. This class A however, should have access to other classes inside DLL - thus I will make all other classes inside DLL internal. Hence, from the DLL you can only use class A, while A can still access other classes inside DLL - you however, can't.
The greatest benefit of using access specifiers is when someone else is using your classes. By clearly specifying, what should and what should not be touched within your objects, you can protect your object internal mechanism and integrity from being misused or damaged.
With bigger classes, if you made everything public, you would also make it harder for the user of your code to work with IntelliSense, which is something that is very handy when you deal with unknown libraries.
I have created one application to understand Access Specifiers.
It will be more easy to understand it with code instead of Theory.
I have added my notes in code, for better guidance.
namespace ConsoleApplication1
//A normal public class which contains all different types of access-modifier classes in the assembly named 'ConsoleApplication1'
public class Base
public class PublicBase
public static void fn_PublicBase()
private class PrivateBase
public static void fn_PrivateBase()
protected class ProtectedBase
public static void fn_ProtectedBase()
internal class InternalBase
public static void fn_InternalBase()
protected internal class ProInternalBase
public static void fn_ProInternalBase()
//TIP 1:This class is inside the same class 'Base' so everything is accessible from above.Hurray!!
class Base_Inside
public static void fn_Base_Inside()
//All methods are easily accessible.Does not consider a modified indeed.
//Different class but inside the same assembly named 'ConsoleApplication1'
public class Base_Sibling : Base
//TIP 2:This class is NOT in same class 'Base' but in the same assembly so only protected is NOT accessible rest all are accessible.
public void fn_Base_Sibling()
//PrivateBase.fn_PrivateBase(); //ERROR:Accesibility of 'protected'
ProtectedBase.fn_ProtectedBase(); //protected is accessible because Base_Sibling inherit class 'Base'. you can not access it via Base.ProtectedBase
Now to Understand difference between internal, protected internal,
I Have added one for project named with Assembly_1 in same
I have inherited Base class of ConsoleApplication1 to Derived class of Assembly_1.
namespace Assembly_1
//TIP:if it does not inherit class 'ConsoleApplication1.Base' then we can not access any thing beacuse this is different assembly.
//TIP:only INTERNAL is NOT accessible , rest all are accessible from first assembly if it inherits class 'Soul'
public class Derived : ConsoleApplication1.Base
public class PublicDerived
public static void fn_PublicDerived()
PublicBase.fn_PublicBase(); //YES, becuase this is 'public'
//PrivateBase.fn_PrivateBase(); //No, becuase this is 'private'
ProtectedBase.fn_ProtectedBase(); //YES, becuase this is 'protected'
//InternalBase.fn_InternalBase(); //No, becuase this is 'internal'
ProInternalBase.fn_ProInternalBase(); //YES, becuase this is 'protected internal'
- Update answer 2019 -
Hi You can find accessibility via below table
This question already has answers here:
Why/when should you use nested classes in .net? Or shouldn't you?
(14 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
I'm trying to understand about nested classes in C#. I understand that a nested class is a class that is defined within another class, what I don't get is why I would ever need to do this.
A pattern that I particularly like is to combine nested classes with the factory pattern:
public abstract class BankAccount
private BankAccount() {} // prevent third-party subclassing.
private sealed class SavingsAccount : BankAccount { ... }
private sealed class ChequingAccount : BankAccount { ... }
public static BankAccount MakeSavingAccount() { ... }
public static BankAccount MakeChequingAccount() { ... }
By nesting the classes like this, I make it impossible for third parties to create their own subclasses. I have complete control over all the code that runs in any bankaccount object. And all my subclasses can share implementation details via the base class.
The purpose is typically just to restrict the scope of the nested class. Nested classes compared to normal classes have the additional possibility of the private modifier (as well as protected of course).
Basically, if you only need to use this class from within the "parent" class (in terms of scope), then it is usually appropiate to define it as a nested class. If this class might need to be used from without the assembly/library, then it is usually more convenient to the user to define it as a separate (sibling) class, whether or not there is any conceptual relationship between the two classes. Even though it is technically possible to create a public class nested within a public parent class, this is in my opinion rarely an appropiate thing to implement.
A nested class can have private, protected and protected internal access modifiers along with public and internal.
For example, you are implementing the GetEnumerator() method that returns an IEnumerator<T> object. The consumers wouldn't care about the actual type of the object. All they know about it is that it implements that interface. The class you want to return doesn't have any direct use. You can declare that class as a private nested class and return an instance of it (this is actually how the C# compiler implements iterators):
class MyUselessList : IEnumerable<int> {
// ...
private List<int> internalList;
private class UselessListEnumerator : IEnumerator<int> {
private MyUselessList obj;
public UselessListEnumerator(MyUselessList o) {
obj = o;
private int currentIndex = -1;
public int Current {
get { return obj.internalList[currentIndex]; }
public bool MoveNext() {
return ++currentIndex < obj.internalList.Count;
public IEnumerator<int> GetEnumerator() {
return new UselessListEnumerator(this);
what I don't get is why I would ever need to do this
I think you never need to do this. Given a nested class like this ...
class A
//B is used to help implement A
class B
... you can always move the inner/nested class to global scope, like this ...
class A
//B is used to help implement A
class B
However, when B is only used to help implement A, then making B an inner/nested class has two advantages:
It doesn't pollute the global scope (e.g. client code which can see A doesn't know that the B class even exists)
The methods of B implicitly have access to private members of A; whereas if B weren't nested inside A, B wouldn't be able to access members of A unless those members were internal or public; but then making those members internal or public would expose them to other classes too (not just B); so instead, keep those methods of A private and let B access them by declaring B as a nested class. If you know C++, this is like saying that in C# all nested classes are automatically a 'friend' of the class in which they're contained (and, that declaring a class as nested is the only way to declare friendship in C#, since C# doesn't have a friend keyword).
When I say that B can access private members of A, that's assuming that B has a reference to A; which it often does, since nested classes are often declared like this ...
class A
//used to help implement A
class B
A m_a;
internal B(A a) { m_a = a; }
...methods of B can access private members of the m_a instance...
... and constructed from a method of A using code like this ...
//create an instance of B, whose implementation can access members of self
B b = new B(this);
You can see an example in Mehrdad's reply.
There is good uses of public nested members too...
Nested classes have access to the private members of the outer class. So a scenario where this is the right way would be when creating a Comparer (ie. implementing the IComparer interface).
In this example, the FirstNameComparer has access to the private _firstName member, which it wouldn't if the class was a separate class...
public class Person
private string _firstName;
private string _lastName;
private DateTime _birthday;
public class FirstNameComparer : IComparer<Person>
public int Compare(Person x, Person y)
return x._firstName.CompareTo(y._firstName);
There are times when it's useful to implement an interface that will be returned from within the class, but the implementation of that interface should be completely hidden from the outside world.
As an example - prior to the addition of yield to C#, one way to implement enumerators was to put the implementation of the enumerator as a private class within a collection. This would provide easy access to the members of the collection, but the outside world would not need/see the details of how this is implemented.
Nested classes are very useful for implementing internal details that should not be exposed. If you use Reflector to check classes like Dictionary<Tkey,TValue> or Hashtable you'll find some examples.
Maybe this is a good example of when to use nested classes?
class ImageCacheSettings { }
class ImageCacheEntry { }
class ImageCache
ImageCacheSettings mSettings;
List<ImageCacheEntry> mEntries;
class ImageCache
Settings mSettings;
List<Entry> mEntries;
class Settings {}
class Entry {}
PS: I've not taken into account which access modifiers should be applied (private, protected, public, internal)