Getting rid of null/empty string values in a C# array - c#

I have a program where an array gets its data using string.Split(char[] delimiter).
(using ';' as delimiter.)
Some of the values, though, are null. I.e. the string has parts where there is no data so it does something like this:
1 ;2 ; ; 3;
This leads to my array having null values.
How do I get rid of them?

Try this:
yourString.Split(new string[] {";"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

You could use the Where linq extension method to only return the non-null or empty values.
string someString = "1;2;;3;";
IEnumerable<string> myResults = someString.Split(';').Where<string>(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s));

public static string[] nullLessArray(string[] src)
int index = Array.IndexOf(src, null);
string[] outputArray = new string[index];
for (int counter = 0; counter < index; counter++)
outputArray[counter] = src[counter];
return outputArray;

You should replace multiple adjacent semicolons with one semicolon before splitting the data.
This would replace two semicolons with one semicolon:
datastr = datastr.replace(";;",";");
But, if you have more than two semicolons together, regex would be better.
datastr = Regex.Replace(datastr, "([;][;]+)", ";");

words = poly[a].Split(charseparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string word in words)
richTextBox1.Text += (d + 1)+ " " + word.Trim(',')+ "\r\n";
charseparators is a space


Replace string if starts with string in List

I have a string that looks like this
s = "<Hello it´s me, <Hi how are you <hay"
and a List
List<string> ValidList= {Hello, hay} I need the result string to be like
string result = "<Hello it´s me, ?Hi how are you <hay"
So the result string will if it starts with an < and the rest bellogs to the list, keep it, otherwise if starts with < but doesn´t bellong to list replaces the H by ?
I tried using the IndexOf to find the position of the < and the if the string after starsWith any of the strings in the List leave it.
foreach (var vl in ValidList)
int nextLt = 0;
while ((nextLt = strAux.IndexOf('<', nextLt)) != -1)
//is element, leave it
if (!(strAux.Substring(nextLt + 1).StartsWith(vl)))
//its not, replace
strAux = string.Format(#"{0}?{1}", strAux.Substring(0, nextLt), strAux.Substring(nextLt + 1, strAux.Length - (nextLt + 1)));
To give the solution I gave as a comment its proper answer:
Regex.Replace(s, string.Format("<(?!{0})", string.Join("|", ValidList)), "?")
This (obviously) uses regular expressions to replace the unwanted < characters by ?. In order to recognize those characters, we use a negative lookahead expression. For the example word list, this would look like this: (?!Hallo|hay). This will essentially match only if what we are matching is not followed by Hallo or hay. In this case, we are matching < so the full expression becomes <(?!Hallo|hay).
Now we just need to account for the dynamic ValidList by creating the regular expression on the fly. We use string.Format and string.Join there.
Something like this without using RegEx or LINQ
string s = "<Hello it´s me, <Hi how are you <hay";
List<string> ValidList = new List<string>() { "Hello", "hay" };
var arr = s.Split(new[] { '<' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
bool flag = false;
foreach (var item in ValidList)
if (arr[i].Contains(item))
flag = false;
flag = (flag) ? flag : !flag;
if (flag)
arr[i] = "?" + arr[i];
arr[i] = "<" + arr[i];
A possible solution using LINQ.It splits the string using < and checks if the "word" (text until a blank space found) following is in the Valid List,adding < or ? accordingly. Finally,it joins it all:
List<string> ValidList = new List<string>{ "Hello", "hay" };
string str = "<Hello it´s me, <Hi how are you <hay";
var res = String.Join("",str.Split(new char[] { '<' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(x => ValidList.Contains(x.Split(' ').First()) ? "<" + x : "?"+x));

Get first word on every new line in a long string?

I am trying to add a leaderboard in my unity app
I have a long string as below(just an example, actual string is http pipe data from my web service, not manually stored):
string str ="name1|10|junk data.....\n
name2|9|junk data.....\n
name3|8|junk data.....\n
name4|7|junk data....."
I want to get the first word (string before the first pipe '|' like name1,name2...) from every line and store it in an array and then get the numbers (10,9,8... arter the '|') and store it in an other one.
Anyone know whats the best way to do this?
Fiddle here:
code below, you may want to revisit the algorithm for performance, but if that is not an issue, this will do the trick;
using System;
public class Program
public static void Main()
string str ="name1|10|junk data.....\nname2|9|junk data.....\nname3|8|junkdata.....\nname4|7|junk data.....";
foreach (var line in str.Split('\n'))
First split by new-line characters:
string[] lines = str.Split(new string[]{Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Then you can use LINQ to get both arrays:
var data = lines.Select(l => l.Trim().Split('|')).Where(arr => arr.Length > 1);
string[] names = data.Select(arr => arr[0].Trim()).ToArray();
string[] numbers = data.Select(arr => arr[1].Trim()).ToArray();
Check out this link on splitting strings:
You could first create an array of strings (one for each line) by splitting the long string with \n as the delimeter.
Then, you could split each line with | as the delimeter. The name would be the 0th index of the array and the number would be the 1st index of the array.
First of all, you can't have a multi line string without using verbatim string literal. With using verbatim string literal, you can split your string based on \r\n or Environment.NewLine like;
string str = #"name1|10|junk data.....
name2|9|junk data.....
name3|8|junk data.....
name4|7|junk data.....";
var array = str.Split(new []{Environment.NewLine},
foreach (var item in array)
Output will be;
Try this:
string str ="name1|10|junk data.....\n" +
"name2|9|junk data.....\n" +
"name3|8|junk data.....\n" +
"name4|7|junk data.....";
string[] tempArray1 = str.Split('\n');
string[] tempArray2 = null;
string[,] newArray = null;
for (int i = 0; i < tempArray1.Length; i++)
tempArray2 = tempArray1[i].Split('|');
if (newArray[0, 0].ToString().Length == 0)
newArray = new string[tempArray1.Length, tempArray2.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < tempArray2.Length; j++)
newArray[i,j] = tempArray2[j];

Parse for words starting with # character in a string

I have to write a program which parses a string for words starting with '#' and return the words along with the # symbol.
I have tried something like:
char[] delim = { '#' };
string[] strArr = commenttext.Split(delim);
return strArr;
But it returns all the words without '#' in an array.
I need something pretty straight forward.No LINQ like things
If the string is "abc #ert #xyz" then I should get back #ert and #xyz.
If you define "word" as "separated by spaces" then this would work:
string[] strArr = commenttext.Split(' ')
.Where(w => w.StartsWith("#"))
If you need something more complex, a Regular Expression might be more appropriate.
I need something pretty straight forward.No LINQ like things>
The non-Linq equivalent would be:
var words = commenttext.Split(' ');
List<string> temp = new List<string>();
foreach(string w in words)
string[] strArr = temp.ToArray();
If you're against using Linq, which you should not be unless you're required to use older .NET versions, an approach along these lines would suit your needs.
string[] words = commenttext.Split(delimiter);
for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
string word = words[i];
if (word.StartsWith(delimiter))
// save in array / list
const string test = "#Amir abcdef #Stack #C# mnop xyz";
var splited = test.Split(' ').Where(m => m.StartsWith("#")).ToList();
foreach (var b in splited)
Console.WriteLine(b.Substring(1, b.Length - 1));

Extract node value from xml resembling string C#

I am having strings like below
<ad nameId="\862094\"></ad>
or comma seprated like below
<ad nameId="\862593\"></ad>,<ad nameId="\862094\"></ad>,<ad nameId="\865599\"></ad>
How to extract nameId value and store in single string like below
string extractedValues ="862094";
or in case of comma seprated string above
string extractedMultipleValues ="862593,862094,865599";
This is what I have started trying with but not sure
string myString = "<ad nameId="\862593\"></ad>,<ad nameId="\862094\"></ad>,<ad
string[] myStringArray = myString .Split(',');
foreach (string str in myStringArray )
chkStringVal = xd.SelectSingleNode("/ad/#nameId").Value;
Search for:
<ad nameId="\\(\d*)\\"><\/ad>
Replace with:
Note that you must search globally. Example:
Please see code below to extract all numbers in your example:
string value = #"<ad nameId=""\862093\""></ad>,<ad nameId=""\862094\""></ad>,<ad nameId=""\865599\""></ad>";
var matches = Regex.Matches(value, #"(\\\d*\\)", RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
foreach (Group item in matches)
string yourMatchNumber = item.Value;
Try like this;
string s = #"<ad nameId=""\862094\""></ad>";
if (!(s.Contains(",")))
string extractedValues = s.Substring(s.IndexOf("\\") + 1, s.LastIndexOf("\\") - s.IndexOf("\\") - 1);
string[] array = s.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string extractedMultipleValues = "";
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
extractedMultipleValues += array[i].Substring(array[i].IndexOf("\\") + 1, array[i].LastIndexOf("\\") - array[i].IndexOf("\\") - 1) + ",";
Console.WriteLine(extractedMultipleValues.Substring(0, extractedMultipleValues.Length -1));
mhasan, here goes an example of what you need(well almost)
EDITED: complete code (it's a little tricky)
(Sorry for the image but i have some troubles with tags in the editor, i can send the code by email if you want :) )
A little explanation about the code, it replaces all ocurrences of parsePattern in the given string, so if the given string has multiple tags separated by "," the final result will be the numbers separated by "," stored in parse variable....
Hope it helps

comparing string and variable but failing based on contains

What I have going on is I have two files. Both files are delimited by '|'. If file 1 matches a line in file 2 I need to combine the lines. Here is the code:
string[] mathlines = File.ReadAllLines(#"C:\math.txt");
var addlines = File.ReadAllLines(#"K:\add.txt");
foreach (string ml in mathlines)
string[] parse = ml.Split('|');
if (addlines.Contains(parse[0]))
File.AppendAllText(#"C:\final.txt", parse[0]+"|"+parse[1]+"\n");
File.AppendAllText(#"C:\final.txt", ml + "\n");
I realize that the math part isn't setup yet, but I need to get the match part working.
Here is an example:
As you can see mathlines contains GSxil and so does addlines but my if (addlines.Contains) never fines the variable in addlines. Any help is always loved! Thanks.
Sorry forgot to mention that I need it to match exactly on the comparison. Also i need to split out the variable on the correct line that matches. So I would need to split out the 394735896576 this example and then append the 394735896576.
addLines.Contains(parse[0]) is going to match on the entire string; you need to match based on part. There are more efficient solutions, but a O(n^2) option is to use LINQ Any():
if (addLines.Any(l => l.StartsWith(parse[0])))
You could load all lines from addlines.txt into a dictionary and then use that to find a match for each line in mathlines.txt. This method would be much faster than what you have currently.
string[] mathlines = File.ReadAllLines(#"C:\math.txt");
string[] addlines = File.ReadAllLines(#"K:\addlines.txt");
string[] finallines = new string[mathlines.Length];
var addlinesLookup = new Dictionary<string, string>();
for (int i = 0; i < addlines.Length; i++)
string[] parts = addlines[i].Split('|');
if (parts.Length == 2) // Will there ever be more than 2 parts?
addlinesLookup.Add(parts[0], parts[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < mathlines.Length; i++)
string[] parts = mathlines[i].Split('|');
if (parts.Length >= 1)
if (addlinesLookup.ContainsKey(parts[0]))
finallines[i] = mathlines[i] + "|" + addlinesLookup[parts[0]] + "\n";
finallines[i] = mathlines[i] + "\n";
File.AppendAllLines(#"C:\final.txt", finallines, Encoding.ASCII);
