How do you compile and execute a .cs file from a command-prompt window?
CSC.exe is the CSharp compiler included in the .NET Framework and can be used to compile from the command prompt. The output can be an executable ".exe", if you use "/target:exe", or a DLL; If you use /target:library, CSC.exe is found in the .NET Framework directory,
e.g. for .NET 3.5, c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\.
To run, first, open a command prompt, click "Start", then type cmd.exe.
You may then have to cd into the directory that holds your source files.
Run the C# compiler like this:
/t:exe /out:MyApplication.exe MyApplication.cs ...
(all on one line)
If you have more than one source module to be compiled, you can put it on that same command line. If you have other assemblies to reference, use /r:AssemblyName.dll .
Ensure you have a static Main() method defined in one of your classes, to act as the "entry point".
To run the resulting EXE, type MyApplication, followed by <ENTER> using the command prompt.
This article on MSDN goes into more detail on the options for the command-line compiler. You can embed resources, set icons, sign assemblies - everything you could do within Visual Studio.
If you have Visual Studio installed, in the "Start menu"; under Visual Studio Tools, you can open a "Visual Studio command prompt", that will set up all required environment and path variables for command line compilation.
While it's very handy to know of this, you should combine it with knowledge of some sort of build tool such as NAnt, MSBuild, FinalBuilder etc. These tools provide a complete build environment, not just the basic compiler.
On a Mac
On a Mac, syntax is similar, only C sharp Compiler is just named csc:
$ csc /target:exe /out:MyApplication.exe MyApplication.cs ...
Then to run it :
$ mono MyApplication.exe
Another way to compile C# programs (without using Visual Studio or without having it installed)
is to create a user variable in environment variables, namely "PATH".
Copy the following path in this variable:
or depending upon which .NET your PC have.
So you don't have to mention the whole path every time you compile a code.
Simply use
"C:\Users\UserName\Desktop>csc [options] filename.cs"
or wherever the path of your code is.
Now you are good to go.
You can compile a C# program :
c: > csc Hello.cs
You can run the program
c: > Hello
For the latest version, first open a Powershell window, go to any folder (e.g. c:\projects\) and run the following
# Get nuget.exe command line
wget -OutFile nuget.exe
# Download the C# Roslyn compiler (just a few megs, no need to 'install')
.\nuget.exe install Microsoft.Net.Compilers
# Compiler, meet code
.\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.3.2\tools\csc.exe .\HelloWorld.cs
# Run it
An example HelloWorld.cs
using System;
public class HelloWorld {
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello world!");
You can also try the new C# interpreter ;)
> Console.WriteLine("Hello world!");
Hello world!
While it is definitely a good thing knowing how to build at the command line, for most work it might be easier to use an IDE. The C# express edition is free and very good for the money ;-p
Alternatively, things like snippy can be used to run fragments of C# code.
Finally - note that the command line is implementation specific; for MS, it is csc; for mono, it is gmcs and friends.... Likewise, to execute: it is just "exename" for the MS version, but typically "mono exename" for mono.
Finally, many projects are build with build script tools; MSBuild, NAnt, etc.
Here is how to install MSBuild with standalone C# 7.0 compiler which is no longer bundled in the latest .Net Framework 4.7:
Is it possible to install a C# compiler without Visual Studio?
Then just run
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\Roslyn\csc.exe" MyApplication.cs
to compile single source file to executable.
Also note that .Net Core doesn't support compiling single source file without preconfigured project.
Add to path
To Compile:
csc file.cs
To Execute:
PowerShell can execute C# code out of the box.
One liner to compile & execute a file:
(Add-Type -Path "Program.cs" -PassThru)::Main() #'Main' is the entry point
Supposed you have a .cs file like this:
using System;
public class Program
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello from C#");
You can build your class files within the VS Command prompt (so that all required environment variables are loaded), not the default Windows command window.
To know more about command line building with csc.exe (the compiler), see this article.
In Windows systems, use the command csc <filname>.cs in the command prompt while the current directory is in Microsoft Visual Studio<Year><Version>
There are two ways:
Using the command prompt:
Start --> Command Prompt
Change the directory to Visual Studio folder, using the command: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\ <Version>
Use the command: csc /.cs
Using Developer Command Prompt :
Start --> Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017
(Here the directory is already set to Visual Studio folder)
Use the command: csc /.cs
Once you write the c# code and save it. You can use the command prompt to execute it just like the other code.
In command prompt you enter the directory your file is in and type
To Compile:
mcs yourfilename.cs
To Execute:
mono yourfilename.exe
if you want your .exe file to be different with a different name, type
To Compile:
mcs yourfilename.cs -out:anyname.exe
To Execute:
mono anyname.exe
This should help!
If you have installed Visual Studio then you have Developer Command Prompt for VS. You can easily build your program using csc command and run your application with the name of the application inside the developer command prompt.
You can open Developer command prompt as given below.
Start => Developer Command Prompt for VS
Hope this helps!
I found a simple way to do this if you have the correct system and environmental variables set up and your path is properly configured.
you just need to run in the directory of the project
dotnet new console --> this will generate the required files such as the .csproj. it will also generate a Program.cs file which it automatically uses as the entry point, if you have other files with your static Main method you can remove this file and it should find the Main entry point automatically.
then all you need to do to run is
dotnet run and it should compile and run automatically
this was how i managed to get my projects working in vs code using gitbash as my terminal. Also I have VS 2019 installed, i used the .net 5.0 framework from this as my system variables. This was the simplest solution i found for basic console programs. It also allows you to add custom imports in your .csproj file
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\Roslyn
this is where you can find the c# compiler that supports c#7 otherwise it will use the .net 4 compilers which supports only c# 5
# File : csharp.ps1
# Purpose : Powershell Script to compile a csharp console application from powershell prompt
try {
# CSharp Compiler
#$csc = "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\bin\csc.exe"
$csc = "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe"
# NOTE: if this path doesn't work search Framework folder for csc.exe
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
if ($args.Count -eq 0) {
write-host "`nUSAGE: csharp.ps1 (console_application.cs)"
exit 1
$file = $args[0];
if (-not(test-path $file)) {
throw "file doesn't exist: $file"
$cmd = "$csc /nologo /t:exe /out:${file}.exe $file"
write-host -ForegroundColor Green "`nx: $cmd"
invoke-expression $cmd
catch {
write-host -ForegroundColor Red "`nEXCEPTION: $_"
finally {
write-host ""
// File: helloworld.cs
using System;
namespace MyProgram
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("Hello World...");
PS> .\csharp.ps1 helloworld.cs
Search "Path" in windows
Select "Edit the system environment.."
Click on "Environment Variable" right bottom
Double Click on Path in Variable Section
Click on
New and add the path (you Want to add)
Click Okay Okay Okay
for me to run csc from command Prompt
Added this "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" to path
then open command prompt where my file is located, and ran this
PS C:\Users\UserName\Downloads\Mouse> csc.exe Mouse.cs
This is oooold. But since this is where you end up as a beginner when you ask questions to understand how to use C# like C or C++ in a console using compilers without Visual Studio CE (highly recommended for C# btw if you aren't already using it) you end up getting more confused within the lingo of .NET framework and libraries and SDKs.
If someone like you stumbles upon my answer as a complete beginner:
1. Understand the difference between Framework and SDK.
2. Understand what C# is and what .NET is.
3. THIS:
You'll pick up the rest along the way.
But instead of using framework I suggest using the SDK and mostly sticking to VS. As for me, I learned C# for unity and mostly game dev.
Also Google is your friend. Ask Questions, stay curious.
Initially I created an application that I completely rewrite in a second version. It is a complete different Visual studio solution.
Now I would like that its Setup installer uninstall the previous version but because it was not created using the same solution, the automatic uninstallation of previous version does not work.
Is there any way to force the installer to uninstall certain application based on product name or product code?
I found a WMIC command that works when run from command line
wmic product where name="XXXX" call uninstall /nointeractive
So I created a VBS script which execute a bat file containing the WMIC code and I added it to the Setup project
dim shell
set shell=createobject("") "uninstallAll.bat",0,true
set shell=nothing
but when I run the result MSI, it fires an error 1001, meaning that a service already exists. , in other words the uninstallation didn't work.
The old program is still present and they create a service with the same name. :/
any suggestion?
There are 2 options:
You can increase the version of MSI project so it will treat as upgrade and it will not throw any error while installing.
another way out is the write some in the installer project as follows:
protected override void OnBeforeInstall(IDictionary savedState)
//Write uninstall powershell script
//installutil /u <yourproject>.exe
using (PowerShell PowerShellInstance = PowerShell.Create())
Note: This InstallUtil is available with the .NET Framework, and its path is %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework[64]\<framework_version>.
For example, for the 32-bit version of the .NET Framework 4 or 4.5.*, if your Windows installation directory is C:\Windows, the path is C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe.
For the 64-bit version of the .NET Framework 4 or 4.5.*, the default path is C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe
I decided to go for the option of introducing c# code in the project installer. Firstly I added the reference for System.Management.Automation via nuget
After this, I just created a string variable containing the PS code I need to uninstall several programs with a similar name.
string unInstallKiosk = #"$app = get-WMIObject win32_Product -Filter ""name like 'KIOSK'""
foreach ($program in $app){
$app2 = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where -Object { $_.IdentifyingNumber -match ""$($program.identifyingNumber)""
and passed this variable to the method PowerShellInstance.AddScript()
The installation ends but the uninstallation simply dont happens.
anyone has an idea how to solve this?
I am running an inherited project written in C# inside Visual Studio Code. In order for this application to run, it needs to take command line input (-t, -h, etc). How do I test this from inside Visual Studio?
Currently (I've been learning dotnet, C#, VS, etc as I go) I have a hello world program I can run from vsc's terminal. For a reason I haven't been able to pinpoint, probably how I installed it, dotnet run isn't recognized - I have to feed it an explicit path to dotnet.exe: C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe run
How can I do this when the program requires command line input? My shot in the dark of C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe run -t predictably didn't work, but I'm not sure what else to try.
If you are using dotnet.exe run to start your application you need add the -- switch statement to instruct dotnet.exe to pass the arguments to your application. For example
Microsoft Documentation
dotnet.exe run -- -arg1 -arg2 (etc) notice the -- after the dotnet arguments and before your program specific arguments.
GitHub Issue
Run with Terminal
When you run your code using terminal you must add ' -- ' to tell dotnet you are running your code with an argument/s
C:>dotnet run -- <your arguments here>
Run with Debugger
Locate your .vscode folder inside your project if not create one.
Open the launch.json file
You will see a json object and add your arguments inside the "args" key.
"configurations": [
"name": ".NET Core Launch (console)",
I tried to add a comment to Nico's answer but I lack sufficient reputation points. I was confused by the dash character in front of each arg: "-arg1 -arg2 (etc)". For clarity I would like to point out that .NET Core 2.1 seems to not need this. In the case of my console app, it takes a date for the first arg, an integer for the second, then an operator (+ or -) for the third arg. If I entered the following:
C:\>dotnet run -- -7/13/2018 -30 -+
I found that the leading dash in front of each arg was passed into the program along with the intended arg and I ended up trying to date parse "-7/13/2018"
I got the expected result when I entered it like this:
C:\>dotnet run -- 7/13/2018 30 +
Since OP is specifically asking about how to do this in Visual Studio Code, they are likely using VSCode's run feature (not the dotnet CLI as other answers assume), to run their application. In this case, the proper way to supply command line arguments is via the .vscode\launch.json file.
Add an args array attribute to your configuration and populate it with the arguments you would like to pass.
"configurations": [
// ... ,
"args": ["-arg1", "-arg2"]
Right click on your project
Click Properties
Click Debug in the Properties window
Under "start options:"
Add a "Command Line Argument:" = run -t
Add a "Working Directory:" try the bin\debug directory
I have installed the preview version of Microsoft's new code editor "Visual Studio Code". It seems quite a nice tool!
The introduction mentions you can program c# with it, but the setup document does not mention how to actually compile c# files.
You can define "mono" as a type in the "launch.json" file, but that does not do anything yet. Pressing F5 results in: "make sure to select a configuration from the launch dropdown"...
Also, intellisense is not working for c#? How do you set the path to any included frameworks?
"configurations": [
// Name of configuration; appears in the launch configuration drop down menu.
"name": "Cars.exe",
// Type of configuration. Possible values: "node", "mono".
"type": "mono",
// Workspace relative or absolute path to the program.
"program": "cars.exe",
"type": "mono",
Since no one else said it, the short-cut to compile (build) a C# app in Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is SHIFT+CTRL+B.
If you want to see the build errors (because they don't pop-up by default), the shortcut is SHIFT+CTRL+M.
(I know this question was asking for more than just the build shortcut. But I wanted to answer the question in the title, which wasn't directly answered by other answers/comments.)
Intellisense does work for C# 6, and it's great.
For running console apps you should set up some additional tools:
ASP.NET 5; in Powershell: &{$Branch='dev';iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))}
Node.js including package manager npm.
The rest of required tools including Yeoman yo: npm install -g yo grunt-cli generator-aspnet bower
You should also invoke .NET Version Manager: c:\Users\Username\.dnx\bin\dnvm.cmd upgrade -u
Then you can use yo as wizard for Console Application: yo aspnet Choose name and project type. After that go to created folder cd ./MyNewConsoleApp/ and run dnu restore
To execute your program just type >run in Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), or execute dnx . run in shell from the directory of your project.
SHIFT+CTRL+B should work
However sometimes an issue can happen in a locked down non-adminstrator evironment:
If you open an existing C# application from the folder you should have a .sln (solution file) etc..
Commonly you can get these message in VS Code
Downloading package 'OmniSharp (.NET 4.6 / x64)' (19343 KB) .................... Done!
Downloading package '.NET Core Debugger (Windows / x64)' (39827 KB) .................... Done!
Installing package 'OmniSharp (.NET 4.6 / x64)'
Installing package '.NET Core Debugger (Windows / x64)'
Failed to spawn 'dotnet --info' //this is a possible issue
To which then you will be asked to install .NET CLI tools
If impossible to get SDK installed with no admin privilege - then use other solution.
Install the extension "Code Runner". Check if you can compile your program with csc (ex.: csc hello.cs). The command csc is shipped with Mono. Then add this to your VS Code user settings:
"code-runner.executorMap": {
"csharp": "echo '# calling mono\n' && cd $dir && csc /nologo $fileName && mono $dir$fileNameWithoutExt.exe",
// "csharp": "echo '# calling dotnet run\n' && dotnet run"
Open your C# file and use the execution key of Code Runner.
Edit: also added dotnet run, so you can choose how you want to execute your program: with Mono, or with dotnet. If you choose dotnet, then first create the project (dotnet new console, dotnet restore).
To Run a C# Project in VS Code Terminal
Install CodeRunner Extension in your VS Code (Extension ID: formulahendry.code-runner)
Go to Settings and open settings.json
Type in code-runner.executorMap
Find "csharp": "scriptcs"
Replace it with this "csharp": "cd $dir && dotnet run $fileName"
Your project should Run in VS Code Terminal once you press the run button or ALT + Shift + N
On my Windows 7 workstation, I have a variety of compilers installed - including MSVC9 and MSVC10. I recently noticed the following strange problem which only occurs in my MSVC10 environment.
In my MSVC9 shell (I use the one from the start menu), running csc.exe shows that it's using the C# 2008 compiler version 3.5.30729.4926 (.NET 3.5). In the MSVC10 shell, it's compiler version 4.0.30128.1. Now, the following little sample program builds with csc.exe as of MSVC9, but it fails with MSVC10:
using System;
using System.Windows.Automation;
namespace UIAutomationTest
class Program
static void Main()
I use the following command line (with MSVC9 as well as MSVC10) to build the program:
csc Hello.cs /r:UIAutomationClient.dll /nologo
With MSVC9, this succeeds (no output is printed and Hello.exe is built). With MSVC10, the build fails with this error message:
C:\src>csc Hello.cs /r:UIAutomationClient.dll /nologo
error CS0006: Metadata file 'UIAutomationClient.dll' could not be found
Does anybody know why that is?
UPDATE: I noticed that I can make the build work with MSVC10 if I modify the command line so that /r:UIAutomationClient.dll becomes /r:WPF\UIAutomationClient.dll.
Where is this UIAutomationClient.dll file located relative to your cs files?
Try passing the full path of UIAutomationClient.dll.
I'm trying to create a script to compile an Windows Forms C# 2.0 project from the command line (I know, I know.. I'm reinventing the wheel.. again.. but if somebody knows the answer, I'd appreciate it).
The project is a standard Windows Forms project that has some resources and references a couple external assemblies. Here is a list of the files:
Program.cs // no need to expand on this on :)
frmMain.cs // this is a typical C# windows forms file
frmMain.designer.cs // .. and the designer code
frmMain.resx // .. and the resource file
MyClasses.cs // this contains a couple classes
Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs // the Properties folder -- again pretty standard
References\AnAssembly.dll // an assmebly that I reference from this application
So far I've identified the following programs/tools that I would need:
csc.exe // the C# compiler
al.exe // the assembly linker
resgen.exe // the resource compiler
And this is my script so far:
#echo off
set OUT=Out
set AL=C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\al.exe
set RESGEN="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin\resgen.exe"
set COMPILER=C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\csc.exe
echo Compiler: %COMPILER%
if "%1"=="/help" goto help
echo Starting...
set REFERENCES=.\References\AReferencedll
set SRCFILES=Program.cs frmMain.cs frmMain.designer.cs MyClasses.cs Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs Properties\Resources.Designer.cs Properties\Settings.Designer.cs
del /Q %OUT%\*
%RESGEN% /compile frmMain.resx,%OUT%\frmMain.resources
cd Properties
%RESGEN% /compile Resources.resx,..\%OUT%\Resources.resources
cd ..
%COMPILER% /target:module /out:%OUT%\app.module %SRCFILES% /reference:%REFERENCES%
%AL% %OUT%\app.module /embed:%OUT%\frmMain.resources /target:winexe /out:%OUT%\app.exe /main:App.Program.Main
goto done
echo Ooooops!
echo Done!!
In the end, no matter how I spin it I get different errors from the linker, or the final executable will just not run - it crashes.
Please help (MSDN didn't help too much..)!
I like to cheat for these kinds of things. Take a working project and run the following command on it
msbuild Project.csproj /t:rebuild /clp:ShowCommandLine
The output of that will show you the command msbuild uses to compile the project, which you can then take and modify as you like.
Is there a reason why you are not using msbuild? It can compile any visual studio project/solution in one command...
msbuild.exe <solution filename>
Just use MSBuild passing in the solution or project file.
The best way to use MSBuild is via the Visual Studio Command Prompt; it sets all the required environment variables for you. This command setup is also available in the SDK.