using OpenFileDialog for directory, not FolderBrowserDialog - c#

I want to have a Folder browser in my application, but I don't want to use the FolderBrowserDialog. (For several reasons, such as it's painful to use)
I want to use the standard OpenFileDialog, but modified for the directories.
As an example, µTorrent has a nice implementation of it (Preferences/Directories/Put new downloads in:). The standard Open File Dialog enable the user to:
paste full paths in the text field at bottom
use "Favorite Links" bar on Vista
use Search on Vista
auto remember last directory
Does anybody know how to implement this? In C#.

I am not sure about uTorrent but this sounds pretty much like new Vista's IFileDialog with FOS_PICKFOLDERS option set. Generic C# code for it would go something like:
var frm = (IFileDialog)(new FileOpenDialogRCW());
uint options;
frm.GetOptions(out options);
if (frm.Show(owner.Handle) == S_OK) {
IShellItem shellItem;
frm.GetResult(out shellItem);
IntPtr pszString;
shellItem.GetDisplayName(SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, out pszString);
this.Folder = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(pszString);
Full code can be found here.

var dlg = new Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.CommonOpenFileDialog();
dlg.IsFolderPicker = true;

See this answer by leetNightShade for a working solution.
There are three things I believe make this solution much better than all the others.
It is simple to use.
It only requires you include two files (which can be combined to one anyway) in your project.
It falls back to the standard FolderBrowserDialog when used on XP or older systems.
The author grants permission to use the code for any purpose you deem fit.
There’s no license as such as you are free to take and do with the code what you will.
Download the code here.


Intercept MS Windows 'SendTo' menu calls?

I manage and organize many files during the day, the SendTo is the most used feature that I use on Windows.
By default, when the user clicks an item/link of the contextmenu to send the files, the O.S does not show any kind of advise/notifier indicating that the files are copying to the selected destination.
I consider it a very wrong design issue because for big files its OK ...a progressbar will be shown, but if the files are to small it will not show any progressbar/visual indicator so is not possible to ensure that the files are copied (without manual effort) because I'm human and I could click outside the SendTo contextmenu by error.
So, I would like to develop a personal mini-tool that will help me to optimize my time showing me a notifier window wherever on the screen when I send/copy files using the SendTo feature from the contextmenu, and only the SendTo feature.
In just simple words, I want to detect a copy/send operation from SendTo menu to ensure that the click was done properly on the menu item (and not outside the menu), by also providing additional basic info such as the source folder, the destination folder, and the amount of files or the filepaths.
Any ideas to start developing this tool in the right direction?.
I will be grateful for a code example in C# or else VB.Net, preferably this last.
Since I don't know how to start doing this I mean which could be the easiest or the efficient way to intercept those SendTo calls, firstly I thought to hook the CopyFile or CopyFileEx API functions, but they do not provide the information that I need because that function will be called in any kind of copy operation and not only when I use the SendTo Feature, so I'm lost.
I'm not sure if I should investigate more about internal calls, or maybe investigate more about the windows contextmenu itself instead of messing with function hooks and ugly things that I could avoid.
My main idea is to develop a hidden WinForms (or else a windows service) that stays in background waiting for when I use the SendTo feature (when I click on an item of the SendTo menu) and then show any kind of visual indicator on the screen to ensure that I properly clicked that menu-item and maybe inform about the amount of files that I'm moving and where I'm moving them.
Here is a code example that I think it demostrates how to instantiate the SendTo com object to create your own?, but its written in c++ and I'm not sure if the example is helpful because my intention is not to replace the SendTo menu but I'll keep this useful info here it it serves for something else:
How to add(enable) standard "Send To" context menu option in a namespace extension
The KNOWNFOLDERID constants docs gives some useful info about the SendTo folder, again I'm not sure if this could help maybe for a read/access monitoring approach?, I just keep the info here:
GUID: {8983036C-27C0-404B-8F08-102D10DCFD74}
Default Path: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
Legacy Default Path: %USERPROFILE%\SendTo
In the Shell Extension Handlers docs there is a Copy hook handler which I don't know if it has relation with the SendTo's COM component and if that could help me in some way,
the same ignorance for IContextMenu::InvokeCommand method reference which maybe I could intercept it to identify a SendTo invocation?
By the moment I feel like flying blind.
I recently found this A managed "Send To" menu class but again its a example written in C/C++ (I think is the same source before) which I don't understand at all and again I'm not sure if that could help me because I repeat that replacing SendTo is not what I have in mind (just because I don't know how to properly do it avoiding all possible risks, I prefer to still let Windows logic copy/send the files, I just want to detect the copy operation to retrieve info)
Step 1:
Select a random file and use the SendTo menu (in my language, Spanish, the command name is 'Enviar a')
Step 2:
Let the .net application's logic (working in background) intercept the SendTo operation to retrieve info.
(I only need help with this step)
Step 3:
Display the info somewhere over the screen to ensure that the SendTo operation was performed, to ensure that I properly clicked the SendTo item (My Link).
(That popup is just a simulation, I don't know any way to retrieve all that info)
It's really simple to do once you understand what SendTo really does, and it doesn't involves COM or shell extensions at all. Basically, the send to menu is populated with the content of the SendTo folder of the user profile (C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo by default in Windows 6.x).
When clicked, if the option is a shortcut to a folder it will copy the files there, but if there is a shortcut to a program (or a program executable itself) it will run that program, passing the paths of the selected files as command-line arguments.
From there, it's really trivial to make some program that simply takes paths as arguments, present some kind of notification and then copies the files or do whatever you want with them.
A quick and dirty example could be as follow (in C#, but could be done with anything else really):
private static void Main(string[] args)
if(MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to copy files?", "Copy files", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) return;
foreach (string file in args)
File.Copy(file, Path.Combine("c:\\temp", Path.GetFileName(file));
This just ask for confirmation for copying a bunch of files. Note that this really doesn't "intercepts" the send to menu, but rather handles it completely, so it's the program responsability to do any meaningful action. A more serious implementation could use the built-in Windows copy dialog and display some screen with progress or anything else, that's up to your needs.
It could also take some more parameters on the command line. When you place a shortcut in the SendTo folder, the destination could add some more parameters that will be passed as the first ones (before the file names). For example the destination of the shortcut can read c:\program files\copyfiles.exe c:\temp to pass the destination folder instead of hardcoding. The called program must then interpret the first parameter as the destination path and subsequent ones as the source files.
I've had to do something like this before. You don't even have to intercept the SendTo() function, you only need to make sure the the file has arrived. How about FileSystemWatcher if it's on the same computer?
You could use a watcher to watch before you send it, then, if the file successfully arrives at it's destination, you can display a successful message, and then kill the watcher.
Code Example
// Create a FileSystemWatcher property.
FileSystemWatcher fsw { get; set; }
// So we can set the FileToWatch within WatchFilesBeforeTransfer().
private string FileToWatch { get; set; }
private void WatchFilesBeforeTransfer(string FileName, string DestinationFolder)
fsw = new FileSystemWatcher();
fsw.Path = DestinationFolder;
FileToWatch = FileName;
// Only if you need support for multiple directories. Code example note included.
fsw.InclueSubdirectories = true;
// We'll be searching for the file name and directory.
fsw.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.DirectoryName
// If it's simply moving the file to another location on the computer.
fsw.Renamed += new RenamedEventHandler(FileRenamed);
// If it was copied, not moved or renamed.
fsw.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(FileCreated);
fsw.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
// If the file is just renamed. (Move/Rename)
private void FileRenamed(Object source, RenamedEventArgs e)
// Do something.
// Note that the full filename is accessed by e.FullPath.
if (e.Name == FileToWatch)
// If creating a new file. (Copied)
private void FileCreated(Object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
// Do something.
// Note that the full filename is accessed by e.FullPath.
if (e.Name == FileToWatch)
private void KillFileWatcher()
You can access the desired property information (like in your popup gif) in this way:
Folder name: Path.GetDirectory(e.FullPath); (like "C:\yo\")
Full file name: e.FullPath (like "C:\yo\hey.exe")
File name: e.Name (like "hey.exe")
Non-code execution process:
Before you initiate SendTo(), create an instance of the FileSystemWatcher property, and have it watch for a specific Folder/File name combination, which should show up in the watched folder: WatchFilesBeforeTransfer(FileName, DestinationFolder).
Initiate SendTo().
File received? DisplaySuccessfulSendToMessage(), KillFileWatcher();
I just realized that's just for one file. If you want to check for multiple files, you could either create multiple FileWatcher instances (not recommended), or use a List<string> object, like this:
private void SendTo(List<string> FileCollection)
// Clear your previous FileList.
foreach (string file in FileCollection)
// Rest of the code.
List<string> FileList { get; set; }
private void WatchFilesBeforeTransfer(string DestinationFolder)
// Same code as before, but delete FileToWatch.
private void FileRenamed(Object source, RenamedEventArgs e)
foreach (string file in FileList)
if (e.Name == file)
// Do stuff.
private void FileCreated(Object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
foreach (string file in FileList)
if (e.Name == file)
// Do stuff.
Hope this helps!
I'm afraid this ain't that easy.
I was playing around with the FileSystemWatcher on this, but with only partly success.
Something that should definitely work are File system drivers but this looks like just too, well, look at it...
In the end it might be the easiest way to write your own shell extension to access the SendTo folder, and use this instead of the SentTo command which would give you full control.
These might be some starters:
Windows shell extensions
Shell Context Menus
Maybe I come a little bit late to answer my own question, which was published on year 2015, but it wasn't until few days ago that I became interested in this matter again, with much more experience and knowledge gained in .NET after these years to start from scratch and try to understand everything that I did not understood in the past.
I just discovered that, as #Ňɏssa Pøngjǣrdenlarp already commented in the comments box, apparently the most viable way to accomplish this would be to implement my own SendTo context menu and use IFileOperationProgressSink interface to report progress, which for this firstly I need to depend on the usage of IFileOperation interface.
The reason to use the IFileOperation interface is because it seems the only way offered in the Windows API to let the developer perform multiple file operations (copy, move, rename, create or delete) all at once within the same progress dialog UI. This is probably the interface used by the system when the user selects multiple files or directories (via the SendTo menu or just CTRL+C and CTRL+V) to move or copy them at once, because it only shows one progress dialog with all the copy operations queued in it...
So clearly IFileOperation and IFileOperationProgressSink interfaces were what I need. But from what I know there is no managed implementation of these interfaces in the .NET framework namespaces (neither in the Microsoft's WindowsAPICodePack library), which seems somewhat inexcusable to me considering that these interfaces exists since the era of Windows VISTA or even earlier, and it is an indisputable improvement being the totally opposite of any built-in members that you can think of to perform copy, move, rename, create or delete operations, like for example System.IO.File.Copy or Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.CopyFile method. All of them only supports a single operation and only on a single progress dialog at once.
So I focused to investigate on that suggested solution, and I ended up finding a good implementation of IFileOperation and IFileOperationProgressSink interfaces in this repository:
And this one which is the original implementation that I found on a old Microsoft's article which also comes with a good PDF reading to learn some things:
Actually, for what I've discussed in this thread to do since year 2015, delving into the use of the IFileOperationProgressSink interface to report progress would not be necessary (only if I really want a deep progress information), since it is enough to determine that the copy was started / the call to IFileOperation.PerformOperations function was performed, and if any problems occur during the copy then it will appear in the progress dialog UI.
But of course what is still necessary is to develop a shell-extension of a custom SendTo menu to replace the one built into Windows. Shell-extensions could be developed with SharpShell library.
I develop in VB.NET language. I managed to extend and document their IFileOperation implementation and the wrapper, and updated the enums adding the newer, missing values added for Windows 7 and Windows 8.
If it can be helpful for someone, I'm going to attach the IFIleOperation and the wrapper in Vb.NET all in a new answer (because it exceeds the maximum character limit allowed for a post).
Note that in my implementation of IFileOperation interface and the wrapper class with name FileSystemOperation you will find some return types and missing classes or methods (like HRESULT return type or NativeMethods class), I just can't share all in one place, but these missing things are things that any experienced programmer will know how to resolve (eg. change HRESULT to UInteger type, and go to to find any missing method from my NativeMethods class).
It seems that StackOverflow doesn't allow me to add another answer, so I'll upload my implementation on PasteBin instead:
Class FileSystemOperation
Interface IFileOperation
Interface IFileOperationProgressSink
Class ComObjectDisposer(Of T As Class)
Enum TransferSourceFlags
Enum FileOperationFlags
That's all.

How can I open an Excel file from C#/WPF in "Full Screen"?

Currently I'm opening files from my C#/WPF application using
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\ .... ");
Whether the application window is in full screen etc depends on the state the previous instance of the application was in when it was closed (e.g. If it was closed when full screen, it opens a new instance full screen)
What I'm trying to do is open a file in Excel and make it full screen. I looked into command line switches for Excel, seemed fairly limited since I can't modify the excel files by adding Application.DisplayFullScreen = True into a VBA module.
Edit: Was unclear, but I meant to open it in Full Screen mode (no ribbon etc), not maximized.
Edit2: The key sequence would be alt+v,u. Looking for a way to use SendKeys to send the key sequence to the excel window
Looks like you can use SendKeys.
Edit: This code worked for me
Be sure to #include System.Windows.Forms and everything else that's needed.
static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);
public void Go()
Process excel = new Process();
excel.StartInfo.FileName = #"C:\Test.xlsx";
// Need to wait for excel to start
IntPtr p = excel.MainWindowHandle;
ShowWindow(p, 1);
See this SO post:
How to open a PDF file by using Foxit/Adobe in full screen mode?
Excel interop might work for you... it's rather nasty to code with but you can do pretty much anything with it that the user can do in excel itself.
This is an overview of how to use it
This says you can use the property Application.DisplayFullScreen to get it to go full screen

Trying to create a new tab from notepad++ .NET plugin

I am writing a Notepad++ plugin, and need to create a new tab, for a new file. I haven't been able to find anything covering this in the documentation.
The closest I have come is:
IntPtr curScintilla = PluginBase.GetCurrentScintilla();
IntPtr documentPtr = Win32.SendMessage(curScintilla, SciMsg.SCI_CREATEDOCUMENT, 1, 1);
Win32.SendMessage(curScintilla, SciMsg.SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, documentPtr);
but this acts in the current tab (I think it's creating a new document and pointing the current tab at that).
I was reading the "Multiple views" section of but am unable to get any further than the above. I don't normally work in C# or even Windows, so I might be missing something obvious. I tried looking at existing plugins for examples but most of them seem to be written in C++, rather than C#.
Any guidance appreciated.
I have not gone through scintilla. But I used simple approach. I used this for creating, you may need to look for more information for sending the message.
Create file if it doesn't exist in the directory before you start. Else it will ask for user confirmation.
Arguments for the process should differ from the first and next tabs:
File.Create(yourNewFile); //or yourNextNewFile in case of second, third, so on..
Process notepadPlus = new Process();
notepadPlus.StartInfo.FileName = "notepad++.exe";
For the first file use as (new instance with new session - without any old tabs):
notepadPlus.StartInfo.Arguments = #"-multiInst -nosession yourNewFile";
For next files use as (only new tabs will be created):
notepadPlus.StartInfo.Arguments = #"yourNextNewFile";
/* Start the process */
You have to send a message not to the Scintilla control, but to Notepad itself.
Like this:
Win32.SendMessage(PluginBase.nppData._nppHandle, NppMsg.NPPM_MENUCOMMAND, 0, NppMenuCmd.IDM_FILE_NEW);
More informations here including the used constants.

Extracting keyboard layouts from windows

OK, this is a slightly weird question.
We have a touch-screen application (i.e., no keyboard). When users need to enter text, the application shows virtual keyboard - hand-built in WinForms.
Making these things by hand for each new language is monkey work. I figure that windows must have this keyboard layout information hiding somewhere in some dll. Would there be anyway to get this information out of windows?
Other ideas welcome (I figure at least generating the thing from a xml file has got to be better than doing it by hand in VS).
(Note: having said all which, I note that there is a Japanese keyboard, state machine and all..., so XML might not be sufficient)
UPDATE: pretty good series on this subject (I believe) here
Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator can load system keyboards and export them as .klc files. Since it’s written in .NET you can use Reflector to see how it does that, and use reflection to drive it. Here's a zip file of .klc files for the 187 keyboards in Windows 8 created using the below C# code. Note that I originally wrote this for Windows XP, and now with Windows 8 and the on-screen keyboard, it is really slow and seems to crash the taskbar :/ However, it does work :)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
class KeyboardExtractor {
static Object InvokeNonPublicStaticMethod(Type t, String name,
Object[] args)
return t.GetMethod(name, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.Invoke(null, args);
static void InvokeNonPublicInstanceMethod(Object o, String name,
Object[] args)
o.GetType().GetMethod(name, BindingFlags.Instance |
BindingFlags.NonPublic) .Invoke(o, args);
static Object GetNonPublicProperty(Object o, String propertyName) {
return o.GetType().GetField(propertyName,
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
static void SetNonPublicField(Object o, String propertyName, Object v) {
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.SetValue(o, v);
[STAThread] public static void Main() {
System.Console.WriteLine("Keyboard Extractor...");
KeyboardExtractor ke = new KeyboardExtractor();
Assembly msklcAssembly;
Type utilitiesType;
Type keyboardType;
String baseDirectory;
public KeyboardExtractor() {
msklcAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator 1.4\\MSKLC.exe");
utilitiesType = msklcAssembly.GetType("Microsoft.Globalization.Tools.KeyboardLayoutCreator.Utilities");
keyboardType = msklcAssembly.GetType("Microsoft.Globalization.Tools.KeyboardLayoutCreator.Keyboard");
baseDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
public void extractAll() {
DateTime startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
SortedList keyboards = (SortedList)InvokeNonPublicStaticMethod(
utilitiesType, "KeyboardsOnMachine", new Object[] {false});
DateTime loopStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
int i = 0;
foreach (DictionaryEntry e in keyboards) {
i += 1;
Object k = e.Value;
String name = (String)GetNonPublicProperty(k, "m_stLayoutName");
String layoutHexString = ((UInt32)GetNonPublicProperty(k, "m_hkl"))
TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.UtcNow - loopStartTime;
Double ticksRemaining = ((Double)elapsed.Ticks * keyboards.Count)
/ i - elapsed.Ticks;
TimeSpan remaining = new TimeSpan((Int64)ticksRemaining);
String msgTimeRemaining = "";
if (i > 1) {
// Trim milliseconds
remaining = new TimeSpan(remaining.Hours, remaining.Minutes,
msgTimeRemaining = String.Format(", about {0} remaining",
"Saving {0} {1}, keyboard {2} of {3}{4}",
layoutHexString, name, i, keyboards.Count,
SaveKeyboard(name, layoutHexString);
System.Console.WriteLine("{0} elapsed", DateTime.UtcNow - startTime);
private void SaveKeyboard(String name, String layoutHexString) {
Object k = keyboardType.GetConstructors(
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)[0]
.Invoke(new Object[] {
new String[] {"", layoutHexString},
SetNonPublicField(k, "m_fSeenOrHeardAboutPropertiesDialog", true);
SetNonPublicField(k, "m_stKeyboardTextFileName",
String.Format("{0}\\{1} {2}.klc",
baseDirectory, layoutHexString, name));
InvokeNonPublicInstanceMethod(k, "mnuFileSave_Click",
new Object[] {new Object(), new EventArgs()});
Basically, it gets a list of all the keyboards on the system, then for each one, loads it in MSKLC, sets the "Save As" filename, lies about whether it's already configured the custom keyboard properties, and then simulates a click on the File -> Save menu item.
It is a fairly well-known fact that MSKLC is unable to faithfully import & reproduce keyboard layouts for all of the .DLL files supplied by Windows–especially those in Windows 8 & above. And it doesn't do any good to know where those files are if you can't extract any meaningful or helpful information from them.
This is documented by Michael Kaplan on his blog (he was a developer of MSKLC) which I see you have linked to above.
When MSKLC encounters anything it does not understand, that portion is removed.
Extracting the layout using MSKLC will work for most keyboards, but there are a few–namely the Cherokee keyboard, and the Japanese & Korean keyboards (to name a few, I'm not sure how many more there are)–for which the extracted layout will NOT accurately or completely reflect the actual usage & features of the keyboard.
The Cherokee keyboard has chained dead keys which MSKLC doesn't support. And the far Eastern keyboards have modifier keys which MSKLC isn't aware of–that means entire layers/shift states which are missing!
Michael Kaplan supplies some code and unlocks some of the secrets of MSLKC and the accompanying software that can be used to get around some of these limitations but it requires a fair amount of doing things by hand–exactly what you're trying to avoid! Plus, Michael's objectives are aimed at creating keyboards with features that MSKLC can not create or understand, but which DO work in Windows (which is the opposite of what the OP is trying to accomplish).
I am sure that my solution comes too late to be of use to the OP, but perhaps it will be helpful in the future to someone in a similar situation. That is my hope and reason for posting this.
So far all I've done is explain that the other answers are insufficient. Even the best one will not and can not fully & accurately reproduce all of Windows' native keyboards and render them into KLC source files. This is really unfortunate and it is certainly not the fault of its author because that is a very clever piece of code/script! Thankfully the script & the source files (whose link may or may not still work) is useful & effective for the majority of Windows' keyboards, as well as any custom keyboards created by MSKLC.
The keyboards that have the advanced features that MSKLC doesn't support were created by the Windows DDK, but those features are not officially documented. Although one can learn quite a bit about their potential by studying the source files provided with MSKLC.
Sadly the only solution I can offer is 3rd party, paid software called KbdEdit. I believe it is the only currently available solution which is actually able to faithfully decode & recreate any of the Windows supplied keyboards–although there are a few advanced features which even it can not reproduce (such as keys combinations/hotkeys which perform special native language functions; for example: Ctrl+CapsLock to activate KanaLock (a Japanese modifier layer). KbdEdit DOES faithfully reproduce that modifier layer which MSKLC with strip away, it just doesn't support this alternate method of activating that shift state if you don't have a Japanese keyboard with a Kana lock key. Although, it will allow you to convert a key on your keyboard to a Kana key (perhaps Scroll Lock?).
Fortunately, none of those unsupported features are even applicable to an on-screen keyboard.
KbdEdit is a really powerful & amazing tool, and it has been worth every penny I paid for it! (And that's NOT something I would say about virtually any other paid software…)
Even though KbdEdit is 3rd party software, it is only needed to create the keyboards, not to use them. All of the keyboards it creates work natively on any Windows system without KbdEdit being installed.
It supports up to 15 modifier states and three addition modifier keys, one which is togglable–like CapsLock. It also supports chained dead keys, and remapping any of the keys on most any keyboard.
Why don't you use the on-screen keyboard (osk.exe)? Looks like you re-inventing the wheel. And not the easiest one!
I know where are these DLL files' path:
In your registry, you see:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts
where each branch has some value like "Layout File"="KBDSP.dll". The root directory is
Those are all the keyboard layout files are located. For example, KBDUS.dll means "keyboard for US".
I tried to substitute the DLL file with my custom DLL made by MSKLC, and I found it loads the layout mapping images automatically in the "Language" - "input method" - "preview":
So we know that the mapping is there in the DLL.
Please check following Windows API
private static extern long LoadKeyboardLayout(string pwszKLID, uint Flags);
Check MSDN here

How do I popup the compose / create mail dialog using the user's default email client?

The use case is simple. At a certain point of time, I need to be able to show the user his familiar compose email dialog (Outlook or other) with
fields like from, to, Subject already filled up with certain application determined values.
The email would also have an attachment along with it.
The mail should not be sent unless the user explicitly okays it.
I did this once back in the ol' VB6 days.. can't figure out how now.. I just remember that it was quite easy.
Managed app, C#, .net 3.0+
Update#1: Yeah seems like mailto removed support for attachments (as a security risk?). I tried
You need to include ShellExecute signature as described here. All I got from this was a 5 SE_ERR_ACCESSDENIED and a 2 just for some variety
string sMailToLink = #" yeah yeah yeah";
IntPtr result = ShellExecute(IntPtr.Zero, "open", sMailToLink, "", "", ShowCommands.SW_SHOWNORMAL);
Debug.Assert(result.ToInt32() > 32, "Shell Execute failed with return code " + result.ToInt32());
The same MailtoLink works perfectly with Process.Start... but as long as thou shalt not mention attachments.
The other options are using the Outlook Object model to do this.. but I've been told that this requires you to add assembly references based to the exact version of Outlook installed. Also this would blow up if the user doesn't prefer MS for email.
The next option are Mapi and something called Mapi33.. Status still IN PROGRESS. Ears still open to suggestions.
You can create a process object and have it call "". This will cause the system to act on the mailto with its default handler, however, while you can set subjects and such this wont handle adding an attachment. I'll freely admit im not entirely sure how you'd go about forcing an attachment without writing some mail plugin.
The process code is:
It's probably not the most efficient or elegant way, but shelling a "mailto:" link will do what you want, I think.
EDIT: Sorry, left out a very important "not".
Since mailto does not support attachments, and since MAPI is not supported within managed code, your best bet is to write (or have someone write) a small non-managed program to call MAPI functions that you can call with command-line arguments. Pity that .NET does not have a cleaner alternative.
See also : MAPI and managed code experiences?
Could it be that you used the mailto: protocol?
Almost all of what you highlight can be done, but I am quite sure, that you cant do attachments.
Microsoft MailTo Documentation
Starting process with mailto: arguments is the simplest approach. Yet, it does not allow anything more or less complex.
Slightly different approach involves creating email template and then feeding it to the Process.Start:
var client = new SmtpClient();
var folder = new RandomTempFolder();
client.DeliveryMethod =
client.PickupDirectoryLocation = folder.FullName;
var message = new MailMessage("",
"", "Subject","Hi and bye");
// add attachments here, if needed
// need this to open email in Edit mode in OE
message.Headers.Add("X-Unsent", "1");
var files = folder.GetFiles();
Scenarios for the default email handler:
Outlook express opens
Windows: Outlook - does not handle by default, Outlook Express is called instead
Windows: The Bat! - message is opened for viewing, hit Shift-F6 and Enter to send
I've also tested with Mono and it worked more or less.
Additional details are available in this post: Information integration - simplest approach for templated emails
PS: in the end I went for slightly more complex scenario:
Defined interface IEmailIntegraton
Code above went into the DefaultEmailIntegration
Added implementations for OutlookEmailIntegration (automation) and theBat! email integration (using their template format).
Allowed users of the SmartClient to select their scenario from the drop-down (alternatively this could've been implemented as "Check the system for the default email handler and decide automatically")
You're making the assumption that they will have an email client installed, of course.
The option I've taken in the past (in a corporate environment where everyone has at least one version of Outlook installed) was to use the Outlook interop - you only need to reference the earliest version you need to support.
You could look at P/Invoking MAPISendDocuments (which I'd try and avoid, personally), or the other option would be to create your own "compose" form and use the objects from the System.Net.Mail namespace.
you can use a trick if you intend to use Outlook[this code is based on outlook 2010[v14.0.0.]]
Create Outlook MailItem
and transmit file (ie download)
if user opens the file (.msg) the compose message dialog opens automatically
here is the code ...
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application outapp = new Application();
_NameSpace np = outapp.GetNamespace("MAPI");
MailItem oMsg = (MailItem)outapp.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem);
oMsg.To = "";
oMsg.Subject = "Subject";
//add detail
oMsg.SaveAs("C:\\Doc.msg", OlSaveAsType.olMSGUnicode);//your path
catch (System.Exception e)
status = false;
then transmit the file you created say "Doc.msg"
string filename ="Doc.msg";//file name created previously
path = "C:\\" + filename; //full path ;
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "filename=\"" + filename + "\"");
FileInfo fl = new FileInfo(path);
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", fl.Length.ToString());
