Self-Profiling using Proxy class - c#

Given an interface
public interface IValueProvider
object GetValue(int index);
and a tree structure of instances of IValueProvider similar to a math expression tree.
I want to measure the time that is spent in the GetValue method of each node at runtime without an external profiler.
GetValue could do anything that i don't know at design time: Collecting values from other IValueProviders, running a IronPython expression or even be an external plugin. I want to present statistics about the node-timings to the user.
For this i can create a proxy class that wraps an IValueProvider:
public class ValueProviderProfiler : IValueProvider
private IValueProvider valueProvider;
public object GetValue(int index)
// ... start measuring
return this.valuepProvider.GetValue(index);
// ... stop measuring
What is the best way to measure the time that is spend in a node without distortions caused by external processes, with good accuracy and respect to the fact that the nodes are evaluated in parallel?
Just using the Stopwatch class won't work and having a look at the process' processor time doesn't respect the fact that the cpu time could have been consumed on another node.

If you're trying to analyze performance instead of starting with a given method get an actual profile like Ants profiler and see where the real bottlenecks are. Many times when you assume why your application isn't being performant you end up looking and optimizing all of the wrong places and just waste a lot of time.

You don't say how quickly you expect each GetValue call to finish, so it's hard to give any definite advice...
For things that take some number of milliseconds (disk accesses, filling in controls, network transfers, etc.) I've used DateTime.Ticks.Now. It seems to work reasonably well, and the claimed resolution of 10,000,000 ticks per second sounds pretty good. (I doubt it's really that precise though; I don't know what facility it is backed by.)
I'm not aware of any way of avoiding distortions introduced by execution of other processes. I usually just take the mean time spent running each particular section I'm interested in, averaged out over as many runs as possible (to smooth out variations caused by other processes and any timer inaccuracies).
(In native code, for profiling things that don't take long to execute, I use the CPU cycle counter via the RDTSC instruction. So if you're timing stuff that is over too soon for other timers to get a useful reading, but doesn't finish so quickly that call overhead is an issue, and you don't mind getting your readings in CPU cycles rather than any standard time units, it could be worth writing a little native function that returns the cycle counter value in a UInt64. I haven't needed to do this in managed code myself though...)


C# Efficiency for method parameters

Am I correct in saying that this:
public static void MethodName{bool first, bool second, bool third}
//Do something
Is more efficient than this:
public static void MethodName{bool [] boolArray}
bool first = boolArray[0];
bool second = boolArray[1];
bool third = boolArray[2];
//Do something
My thoughts are that for both they would have to declare first, second and third - just in different places. But for the second one it has to add it into an array and then unpack it again.
Unless you declared the array like this:
MethodName(new[] { true, true, true });
In which case I am not sure which is faster?
I ask because I am thinking of using the second one but wanted to know if/what the implications are on performance.
In this case performance is not particularly important, but it would be helpful for me to clarify this point.
Also, the second one has the advantage that you can pass as many values as you like to it, and it is also easier to read I think?
The reason I am thinking of using this is because there are already about 30 parameters being passed into the method and I feel it is becoming confusing to keep adding more. All these bools are closely related so I thought it may make the code more manageable to package them up.
I am working on existing code and it is not in my project scope to spend time reworking the method to decrease the number of parameters that are passed into the method, but I thought it would be good practice to understand the implications of this change.
In terms of performance, there's just an answer for your question:
"Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or
worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and
these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact
when debugging and maintenance are considered. We should forget about
small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization
is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities
in that critical 3%."
In terms of productivity, parameters > arrays.
Side note
Everyone should know that that was said by Donald Knuth in 1974. More than 40 years after this statement, we still fall on premature optimization (or even pointless optimization) very often!
Further reading
I would take a look at this other Q&A on Software Engineering
Am I correct in saying that this:
Is more efficient than this:
In isolation, yes. Unless the caller already has that array, in which case the second is the same or even (for larger argument types or more arguments) minutely faster.
I ask because I am thinking of using the second one but wanted to know if/what the implications are on performance.
Why are you thinking about the second one? If it is more natural at the point of the call then the reasons making it more natural are likely going to also have a performance impact that makes the second the better one in the wider context that outweighs this.
If you're starting off with three separate bools and you're wrapping them just to unwrap them again then I don't see what this offers in practice except for more typing.
So your reason for considering this at all is the more important thing here.
In this case performance is not particularly important
Then really don't worry about it. It's certainly known for hot-path code that hits params to offer overloads that take set numbers of individual parameters, but it really does only make a difference in hot paths. If you aren't in a hot path the lifetime saving of computing time of picking whichever of the two is indeed more efficient is unlikely to add up to the
amount of time it took you to write your post here.
If you are in a hot path and really need to shave off every nanosecond you can because you're looping so much that it will add up to something real, then you have to measure. Isolated changes have non-isolated effects when it comes to performance, so it doesn't matter whether the people on the Internet tell you A is faster than B if the wider context means the code calling A is slower than B. Measure. Measurement number one is "can I even notice?", if the answer to that measurement is "no" then leave it alone and find somewhere where the performance impact is noticeable to optimise instead.
Write "natural" code to start with, before seeing if little tweaks can have a performance impact in the bits that are actually hurting you. This isn't just because of the importance of readability and so on, but also because:
The more "natural" code in a given language very often is the more efficient. Even if you think it can't be, it's more likely to benefit from some compiler optimisation behind the scenes.
The more "natural" code is a lot easier to tweak for performance when it is necessary than code doing a bunch of strange things.
I don't think this would affect the performance of your app at all.
I'd go with the first option for two reasons:
Naming each parameter: if the project is a large scale project and there is a lot of coding or for possible future edits and enhancements.
Usability: if you are sending a list of similar parameters then you must use an array or a list, if it just a couple of parameters that happened to be of the same type then you should be sending them separately.
Third way would be use of params, Params - MSDN
In the end I dont think it will change much in performance.
array[] though inheritates from abstract Array class which implements IEnumerable and IEnumerable<t> (ICloneable, IList, ICollection,
IEnumerable, IStructuralComparable, IStructuralEquatable), this means objects are more blown up than three value type Parameters, which will make then slower obviously
Array - MSDN
You could test performance differences on both, but I doubt there would be much difference.
You have to consider maintainability, is another programmer, or even yourself going to understand why you did it that way in a few weeks, or a few months time when it's time for review? Is it easily extended, can you pass different object types through to your method?
If your passing a collection of items, then certainly packing them into an array would be quicker than specifying a new parameter for each additional item?
If you have to, you can do it that way, but have you considered param array??
Why use the params keyword?
public static void MethodName{params bool [] boolAarray}
//extract data here
Agreed with Matias' answer.
I also want to add that you need to add error checking, as you are passed an array, and nowhere is stated how many elements in your array you will receive. So you must first check that you have three elements in your array. This will balance the small perf gain that you may have earned.
Also, if you ever want to make this method available to other developers (as part of an API, public or private), intellisense will not help them at all in which parameters they're suppposed to set...
While using three parameters, you can do this :
///This method does something
///<param name="first">The first parameter</param>
///<param name="second">The second parameter</param>
///<param name="third">The third parameter</param>
public static void MethodName{bool first, bool second, bool third}
//Do something
And it will be displayed nicely and helpfully to others...
I would take a different approach and use Flags;
public static void MethodName(int Flag)
if (Flag & FIRST) { }
Chances are the compiler will do its own optimizations;
Check Added method from Jamiec comment
M1 took 5ms
M2 took 23ms
M3 took 4ms

C# huge performance drop assigning float value

I am trying to optimize my code and was running VS performance monitor on it.
It shows that simple assignment of float takes up a major chunk of computing power?? I don't understand how is that possible.
Here is the code for TagData:
public class TagData
public int tf;
public float tf_idf;
So all I am really doing is:
float tag_tfidf = td.tf_idf;
I am confused.
I'll post another theory: it might be the cache miss of the first access to members of td. A memory load takes 100-200 cycles which in this case seems to amount to about 1/3 of the total duration of the method.
Points to test this theory:
Is your data set big? It bet it is.
Are you accessing the TagData's in random memory order? I bet they are not sequential in memory. This causes the memory prefetcher of the CPU to be dysfunctional.
Add a new line int dummy =; before the expensive line. This new line will now be the most expensive line because it will trigger the cache miss. Find some way to do a dummy load operation that the JIT does not optimize out. Maybe add all values to a local and pass that value to GC.KeepAlive at the end of the method. That should keep the memory load in the JIT-emitted x86.
I might be wrong but contrary to the other theories so far mine is testable.
Try making TagData a struct. That will make all items of term.tags sequential in memory and give you a nice performance boost.
Are you using LINQ? If so, LINQ uses lazy enumeration so the first time you access the value you pulled out, it's going to be painful.
If you are using LINQ, call ToList() after your query to only pay the price once.
It also looks like your data structure is sub optimal but since I don't have access to your source (and probably couldn't help even if I did :) ), I can't tell you what would be better.
EDIT: As commenters have pointed out, LINQ may not be to blame; however my question is based on the fact that both foreach statements are using IEnumerable. The TagData assignment is a pointer to the item in the collection of the IEnumerable (which may or may not have been enumerated yet). The first access of legitimate data is the line that pulls the property from the object. The first time this happens, it may be executing the entire LINQ statement and since profiling uses the average, it may be off. The same can be said for tagScores (which I'm guessing is database backed) whose first access is really slow and then speeds up. I wasn't pointing out the solution just a possible problem given my understanding of IEnumerable.
As we can see that next line to the suspicious one takes only 0.6 i.e
float tag_tfidf = td.tf_idf;//29.6
string tagName =...;//0.6
I suspect this is caused bu the excessive number of calls, and also note float is a value type, meaning they are copied by value. So everytime you assign it, runtime creates new float (Single) struct and initializes it by copying the value from td.tf_idf which takes huge time.
You can see string tagName =...; doesn't takes much because it is copied by reference.
Edit: As comments pointed out I may be wrong in that respect, this might be a bug in profiler also, Try re profiling and see if that makes any difference.

How can I measure cold-code performance?

Suppose I have two methods, Foo and Bar, that do roughly the same thing, and I want to measure which one is faster. Also, single execution of both Foo and Bar is too fast to measure reliably.
Normally, I'd simply run them both a huge number of times like this:
var sw=new Stopwatch();
for(int ii=0;ii<HugeNumber;++ii)
Console.WriteLine("Foo: "+sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
// and the same code for Bar
But in this way, every run of Foo after the first will probably be working with processor cache, not actual memory. Which is probably way faster than in real application. What can I do to ensure that my method is run cold every time?
By "roughly the same thing" I mean the both methods are used in the same way, but actual algorithm may differ significantly. For example, Foo might be doing some tricky math, while Bar skips it by using more memory.
And yes, I understand that methods running in cold will not have much effect on overall performance. I'm still interested which one is faster.
First of all if Foo is working with the processor cache then Bar will also work with the processor cache. Shouldn't It ???????? So both of your functions are getting the same previledge. Now suppose the after first time the time for foo is A and then it is running with avg time B as it is working with processor cache. So total time will be
A + B*(hugenumber-1)
Similarly for Bar it will be
C + D*(hugenumber-1) //where C is the first runtime and D is the avg runtime using prscr cache
If i am not wrong here the result is depended on B and D and both of them are average runtime using the processor cache. So if you want to calculate which of your function is better I thing processor cache is not a problem as both functions are suppose to use that.
I think now its clear. As Bar is skipping some tricky maths by using memory it will have a little bit (may be in nano/pico seconds) advantage. So in order to restrict that you have to flush your cpu cache inside your for loop. As in both the loops you will be doing the same thing I think now you will get a better idea about which function is better. There is already a stack overflow discussion on how to flush cpu cache. Please vist this link
hope it helps.
Edit details: Improved answer and corrected spellings
But assuming Foo and Bar are similar enough, any cache speedup (or any other environmental factor) should affect both equally. So even though you might not be getting an accurate absolute measure of cold performance, you should still observe a relative difference between the algorithms if one exists.
Also remember that if these functions are called in the inner loop of your system (otherwise why would you care so much about their performance), in the real world they're likely to be kept in the cache anyway, so by using your code you're likely to get a decent approximation of real world performance.

How much does bytecode size impact JIT / Inlining / Performance?

I've been poking around mscorlib to see how the generic collection optimized their enumerators and I stumbled on this:
// in List<T>.Enumerator<T>
public bool MoveNext()
List<T> list = this.list;
if ((this.version == list._version) && (this.index < list._size))
this.current = list._items[this.index];
return true;
return this.MoveNextRare();
The stack size is 3, and the size of the bytecode should be 80 bytes. The naming of the MoveNextRare method got me on my toes and it contains an error case as well as an empty collection case, so obviously this is breaching separation of concern.
I assume the MoveNext method is split this way to optimize stack space and help the JIT, and I'd like to do the same for some of my perf bottlenecks, but without hard data, I don't want my voodoo programming turning into cargo-cult ;)
If you're going to think about ways in which List<T>.Enumerator is "odd" for the sake of performance, consider this first: it's a mutable struct. Feel free to recoil with horror; I know I do.
Ultimately, I wouldn't start mimicking optimisations from the BCL without benchmarking/profiling what difference they make in your specific application. It may well be appropriate for the BCL but not for you; don't forget that the BCL goes through the whole NGEN-alike service on install. The only way to find out what's appropriate for your application is to measure it.
You say you want to try the same kind of thing for your performance bottlenecks: that suggests you already know the bottlenecks, which suggests you've got some sort of measurement in place. So, try this optimisation and measure it, then see whether the gain in performance is worth the pain of readability/maintenance which goes with it.
There's nothing cargo-culty about trying something and measuring it, then making decisions based on that evidence.
Separating it into two functions has some advantages:
If the method were to be inlined, only the fast path would be inlined and the error handling would still be a function call. This prevents inlining from costing too much extra space. But 80 bytes of IL is probably still above the threshold for inlining (it was once documented as 32 bytes, don't know if it's changed since .NET 2.0).
Even if it isn't inlined, the function will be smaller and fit within the CPU's instruction cache more easily, and since the slow path is separate, it won't have to be fetched into cache every time the fast path is.
It may help the CPU branch predictor optimize for the more common path (returning true).
I think that MoveNextRare is always going to return false, but by structuring it like this it becomes a tail call, and if it's private and can only be called from here then the JIT could theoretically build a custom calling convention between these two methods that consists of just a jmp instruction with no prologue and no duplication of epilogue.

Benchmarking method calls in C# [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Exact time measurement for performance testing [duplicate]
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm looking for a way to benchmark method calls in C#.
I have coded a data structure for university assignment, and just came up with a way to optimize a bit, but in a way that would add a bit of overhead in all situations, while turning a O(n) call into O(1) in some.
Now I want to run both versions against the test data to see if it's worth implementing the optimization. I know that in Ruby, you could wrap the code in a Benchmark block and have it output the time needed to execute the block in console - is there something like that available for C#?
Stolen (and modified) from Yuriy's answer:
private static void Benchmark(Action act, int iterations)
act.Invoke(); // run once outside of loop to avoid initialization costs
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
Console.WriteLine((sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / iterations).ToString());
Often a particular method has to initialize some things, and you don't always want to include those initialization costs in your overall benchmark. Also, you want to divide the total execution time by the number of iterations, so that your estimate is more-or-less independent of the number of iterations.
Here are some things I've found by trial and errors.
Discard the first batch of (thousands) iterations. They will most likely be affected by the JITter.
Running the benchmark on a separate Thread object can give better and more stable results. I don't know why.
I've seen some people using Thread.Sleep for whatever reason before executing the benchmark. This will only make things worse. I don't know why. Possibly due to the JITter.
Never run the benchmark with debugging enabled. The code will most likely run orders of magnitude slower.
Compile your application with all optimizations enabled. Some code can be drastically affected by optimization, while other code will not be, so compiling without optimization will affect the reliability of your benchmark.
When compiling with optimizations enabled, it is sometimes necessary to somehow evaluate the output of the benchmark (e.g. print a value, etc). Otherwise the compiler may 'figure out' some computations are useless and will simply not perform them.
Invocation of delegates can have noticeable overhead when performing certain benchmarks. It is better to put more than one iteration inside the delegate, so that the overhead has little effect on the result of the benchmark.
Profilers can have their own overhead. They're good at telling you which parts of your code are bottlenecks, but they're not good at actually benchmarking two different things reliably.
In general, fancy benchmarking solutions can have noticeable overhead. For example, if you want to benchmark many objects using one interface, it may be tempting to wrap every object in a class. However, remember that the class constructor also has overhead that must be taken into account. It is better to keep everything as simple and direct as possible.
I stole most of the following from Jon Skeet's method for benchmarking:
private static void Benchmark(Action act, int interval)
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < interval; i++)
You could use the inbuilt Stopwatch class to "Provides a set of methods and properties that you can use to accurately measure elapsed time." if you are looking for a manual way to do it. Not sure on automated though.
Sounds like you want a profiler. I would strongly recommend the EQATEC profiler myself, it being the best free one I've tried. The nice thing about this method over a simple stopwatch one is that it also provides a breakdown of performance over certain methods/blocks.
Profilers give the best benchmarks since they diagnose all your code, however they slow it down a lot. Profilers are used for finding bottlenecks.
For optimizing an algorithm, when you know where the bottlenecks are, use a dictionary of name-->stopwatch, to keep track of the performance critical sections during run-time.
