Rightly or wrongly, I am using unique identifier as a Primary Key for tables in my sqlserver database. I have generated a model using linq to sql (c#), however where in the case of an identity column linq to sql generates a unique key on inserting a new record for guid /uniqueidentifier the default value of 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.
I know that I can set the guid in my code: in the linq to sql model or elsewhere, or there is the default value in creating the sql server table (though this is overridden by the value generated in the code). But where is best to put generate this key, noting that my tables are always going to change as my solution develops and therefore I shall regenerate my Linq to Sql model when it does.
Does the same solution apply for a column to hold current datetime (of the insert), which would be updated with each update?
As you noted in you own post you can use the extensibility methods. Adding to your post you can look at the partial methods created in the datacontext for inserting and updating of each table. Example with a table called "test" and a "changeDate"-column:
partial void InsertTest(Test instance)
instance.idCol = System.Guid.NewGuid();
partial void UpdateTest(Test instance)
instance.changeDate = DateTime.Now;
Thanks, I've tried this out and it seems to work OK.
I have another approach, which I think I shall use for guids: sqlserver default value to newid(), then in linqtosql set auto generated value property to true. This has to be done on each generation of the model, but this is fairly simple.
There's two things you can do:
either just generate the GUID in your C# client side code and use that value
create a DEFAULT constraint on the GUID column in SQL Server that defaults to newid() for the column - the SQL Server will make SURE to always add a default - unless you specify a value yourself
As for the self-updating date/time columns - here you probably have to use either client-side logic to do that, or if you want to do it on SQL Server, you'll have to write a trigger. That's really the only way to update a specific column everytime the row gets updated - there's no "autoupdate" constraint or anything like this (and the default constraint only work on INSERTs, not updates).
Something like this might work:
CREATE TRIGGER TRG_UpdateDateTimestamp
ON (your table name)
IF NOT UPDATE(DateTimeStamp)
UPDATE (yourtablename)
SET DateTimeStamp = GETDATE()
WHERE i.OID = (yourtable).OID)
I am trying to understand the (functional) difference between the two DatabaseGeneratedOption's in Entity Framework (code first):
I have read the documentation, but I do not understand the functional difference between the two.
The option Identity is described as The database generates a value when a row is inserted. But I cannot update the value later if I try I get an exception saying that I cannot modify a column with Identity pattern.
The option Computed is described as The database generates a value when a row is inserted or updated. However, this is just what you tell Entity Framework, so far I have not been able to achieve this, without SQL triggers. If I try to update the value, nothing happens (Entity Framework refuses to overwrite the existing value).
So what I am left with, is two functionally identical options. I can have a default value in my SQL table, which will be applied on the insert. And I cannot update this value afterward (using Entity Framework). So where in lies the difference in how they should be used?
A computed column contains a value that is computed (hence the name) when the record is requested.
A computed column can be composed of other column values, constants and function return values.
You could for example create a computed column for an invoice expiry date:
ExpiryDate AS DATEADD(DAY, 30, InvoiceDate)
Now if you mark this column as computed in Entity Framework, it will refuse any updates to that column, because it'll know the database won't support that.
So the documentation for that attribute is incorrect or incomplete.
A column marked as Identity will use the database-specific syntax to generate a primary key for the given table when inserting a record, being IDENTITY() in MSSQL and AUTO_INCREMENT for MySQL. A computed column will simply be marked as read-only, and you'll have to provide your own implementation (either in the database or in your migration file) to specify the computation (see How to add computed column using migrations in code first?).
My customer has requested that a field ("Code") in the database should be read-only incremental value starting from 100000. The funny thing is that the entity already has a primary key.
I don't know how to implement this easily with Entity Framework. What can I try?
Have you looked at the DatabaseGenerated Annotation?
public int Code { get; set; )
This forces the database to generate the value and by using Identity it only generates the value on insert (not on update)
As far as I understand using this method would require you to set the value creation inside your database instance and EF would not generate it for you.
Sorry if this doesn't answer your question 100% but hopefully it sets you on the right track!
Only one identity column can be created per table. It is not possible to have more than one identity column.
One solution would be to use SQL Server Sequence which was introduced in SQL Server 2012.
I am working on code which I cannot run until it's finished, as it is a long and tedious process to go through. I have been tasked to add a new table to the existing database, update the .edmx of the model and write a method to add new rows to the table through c# backend code.
In my situation, I have 2 default constraints on my table
SomeOtherField VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
Using the .edmx model of this table, I set SomeDate's StoreGeneratedPattern to Computed. I also manually double-checked it in the SSDL to ensure the computed StoreGeneratedPattern attribute was on the SomeDate Field in the SomeTable entity.
As far as I know, and are unsure of, when I have a the following code
public void AddSomeRow(...)
SomeDbContext context = new SomeDbContext;
var table = new SomeTable { SomeOtherField = "Value" };
I believe the SomeDate Field will be set to it's default constraint (because it hasn't been populated in the entity). Is this true?
Doing the same steps listed above for SomeOtherField, can I still manually give it a value (the value appearing into that field instead of the Default Constraint) or omit it (The default constraint will be set into that field)?
This question was hard to explain, I apologize if it doesn't make sense
The StoreGeneratedPattern implies that the value is always generated by the DB, so that you're not allowed to modify it. I.e it only makes sense for DB computed columns.
At least until EF 6.1 there is no direct way to support DB defaults. The only thing that you can do is move the default values out of the DB and generate them in the model (or code first) side. You'll find some work-aounds but they're not safe for some cases (specially for N-tier apps).
I have a Table in my DataBase (MS SQL 2008) with a default value for a column SYSUTCDATETIME ().
The Idea is to automatically add Date and Time as soon as a new record is Created.
I create my Conceptual Model using EF4, and I have created an ASP.PAGE with a DetailsView Control in INSERT MODE.
My problems:
When I create a new Record. EF is not able to insert the actual Date and Time value but it inserts instead this value 0001-01-01 00:00:00.00.
I suppose the EF is not able to use SYSUTCDATETIME () defined in my DataBase
Any idea how to solve it? Thanks
Here my SQL script
CREATE TABLE dbo.CmsAdvertisers
AdvertiserId int NOT NULL IDENTITY
CONSTRAINT PK_CmsAdvertisers_AdvertiserId PRIMARY KEY,
DateCreated dateTime2(2) NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT DF_CmsAdvertisers_DateCreated DEFAULT sysutcdatetime (),
ReferenceAdvertiser varchar(64) NOT NULL,
NoteInternal nvarchar(256) NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT DF_CmsAdvertisers_NoteInternal DEFAULT ''
My Temporary solution:
Please guys help me on this
e.Values["DateCreated"] = DateTime.UtcNow;
More info here:
How to use the default Entity Framework and default date values
The problem is that EF doesn't know about that default value so it sends .NET default value to database. It is possible to force EF to use default value from DB but you must manually modify EDMX file (XML not designer). You must find column definition in SSDL part of EDMX and add StoreGeneratedPattern="Computed" attribute. You also must the same in CSDL part (this can be done in designer).
This setting will have several problems. First of all each update from database will delete your changes in SSDL. Also each insert and update will trigger select which will requery value from this column (because EF thinks that it is computed every time).
In your ASP .NET page when you create the record are you actually adding a value for the DateCreated value. I see that you are doing that now, which is what you needed to be doing in the first place.
So I would guess what was happening earlier is that you were creating your new record but not setting a value for the DateCreated Field. But since a DateTime has a default value of 0001-01-01 00:00:00.00 is why you were getting that behavior.
The default value would only work for the case where you insert a row but provide no indication of what to do with the DateCreated field. But the way that EF works it is always going to provide a value for this (unless you write your own insert query to override the generated ones).
You will also be potentially changing the value any time that you update the record as EF won't know what to do with it.
How would I get the primary key ID number from a Table without making a second trip to the database in LINQ To SQL?
Right now, I submit the data to a table, and make another trip to figure out what id was assigned to the new field (in an auto increment id field). I want to do this in LINQ To SQL and not in Raw SQL (I no longer use Raw SQL).
Also, second part of my question is: I am always careful to know the ID of a user that's online because I'd rather call their information in various tables using their ID as opposed to using a GUID or a username, which are all long strings. I do this because I think that SQL Server doing a numeric compare is much (?) more efficient than doing a username (string) or even a guid (very long string) compare. My questions is, am I more concerned than I should be? Is the difference worth always keeping the userid (int32) in say, session state?
#RedFilter provided some interesting/promising leads for the first question, because I am at this stage unable to try them, if anyone knows or can confirm these changes that he recommended in the comments section of his answer?
If you have a reference to the object, you can just use that reference and call the primary key after you call db.SubmitChanges(). The LINQ object will automatically update its (Identifier) primary key field to reflect the new one assigned to it via SQL Server.
Example (vb.net):
Dim db As New NorthwindDataContext
Dim prod As New Product
prod.ProductName = "cheese!"
You could probably include the above code in a function and return the ProductID (or equivalent primary key) and use it somewhere else.
EDIT: If you are not doing atomic updates, you could add each new product to a separate Collection and iterate through it after you call SubmitChanges. I wish LINQ provided a 'database sneak peek' like a dataset would.
Unless you are doing something out of the ordinary, you should not need to do anything extra to retrieve the primary key that is generated.
When you call SubmitChanges on your Linq-to-SQL datacontext, it automatically updates the primary key values for your objects.
Regarding your second question - there may be a small performance improvement by doing a scan on a numeric field as opposed to something like varchar() but you will see much better performance either way by ensuring that you have the correct columns in your database indexed. And, with SQL Server if you create a primary key using an identity column, it will by default have a clustered index over it.
Linq to SQL automatically sets the identity value of your class with the ID generated when you insert a new record. Just access the property. I don't know if it uses a separate query for this or not, having never used it, but it is not unusual for ORMs to require another query to get back the last inserted ID.
Two ways you can do this independent of Linq To SQL (that may work with it):
1) If you are using SQL Server 2005 or higher, you can use the OUTPUT clause:
Returns information from, or
expressions based on, each row
affected by an INSERT, UPDATE, or
DELETE statement. These results can be
returned to the processing application
for use in such things as confirmation
messages, archiving, and other such
application requirements.
Alternatively, results can be inserted
into a table or table variable.
2) Alternately, you can construct a batch INSERT statement like this:
insert into MyTable
select scope_identity();
which works at least as far back as SQL Server 2000.
In T-SQL, you could use the OUTPUT clause, saying:
INSERT table (columns...)
OUTPUT inserted.ID
SELECT columns...
So if you can configure LINQ to use that construct for doing inserts, then you can probably get it back easily. But whether LINQ can get a value back from an insert, I'll let someone else answer that.
Calling a stored procedure from LINQ that returns the ID as an output parameter is probably the easiest approach.