We're being really stuck here so I decided to ask your help.
Yesterday I've been asked to help to consume a web service, got the URL to the WSDL, and the user credentials to use.
I've never really had anything to do with web services, but having a general idea about them and seeing a few examples I thought it can't be that bad. Obviously I was wrong as I'm stuck now.
Everything seems to be fine, the proxy class (or client) has been generated, building up requests and sending them are fine too, apart from the authentication part. Which we can't seem to figure out how to do.
Using the:
client.ChannelFactory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = "myusername";
client.ChannelFactory.Credentials.UserName.Password = "mypassword";
doesn't seem to work. (When I check the BindingElementCollection returbed by the client.Endpoint.Binding.CreateBindingElements() there's no SecurityBindingElement)
I've tried so many other ways of doing it, but I think I'm missing something basic and the lack of documentaion is not really helping either.
So the question is: How do I send the username and password when making a call to a web service, using WCF?
Just to clarify, the request should contain something similar to this:
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-25763165">
<wsse:Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordDigest">1DiaGTkOLk/CZhDaEpbkAaKRfGw=</wsse:Password>
I had the same problem. Instead of the custom token serializer I used a MessageInspector to add the correct UsernameToken in the BeforeSendRequest method. I then used a custom behavior to apply the fix.
The entire process is documented (with a demo project) in my blog post Supporting the WS-I Basic Profile Password Digest in a WCF client proxy. Alternatively, you can just read the PDF.
If you want to follow my progress through to the solution, you'll find it on StackOverflow titled, "Error in WCF client consuming Axis 2 web service with WS-Security UsernameToken PasswordDigest authentication scheme":
I've achieved similar, using a regular HttpCookie.
To create the cookie:
public void LoginToApi(string username, string password, string clientName)
// authenticate with DB, if successful ...
// construct a cookie
HttpCookie httpCookie = new HttpCookie("SessionID","whateverneeded");
This appears in your regular HttpRequests, too. So you just reverse the process, checking the hash/session ID/username/password whatever you put in the cookie on receipt before doing anything.
var factory = new ChannelFactory<IService>('*');
factory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = 'bob';
factory.Credentials.UserName.Password = 'bob';
var proxy = factory.CreateChannel();
For more information you can explore Authorization In WCF-Based Services*( http ://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc948343.aspx)*
I maintain an ASP.NET Web API project which supports a simple REST end point for clients to post XML data to our server. This site is setup to support BasicAuthentication and works very well. All of our security checks are done at the network firewall and on the machine itself using custom Windows User accounts. Recently, one of our clients requires that we support a SOAP end point to receive the XML data as well.
My thought was to simply add a new WebService (Blah.svc) with supporting interface having the required [ServiceContract] and [OperationContract] attributes to my interface. I had hoped that I could simply expose the URL to our client and it would "just work". I am able to hit the end point, but this service is not able to extract the user name.
Here is my sample code:
public string CreateWorkItem(string xml)
var userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
userName = "NO USER NAME";
var elem = XElement.Parse(xml);
return $"Hello [{userName}]! You sent [{elem.Value}].";
Here are my results:
I've scoured the web to try and find out how to get access to the BasicAuthentication details in a Soap message, but I'm not having any luck. All the examples that I'm finding require that I create a new WCF project and expose it with a lot of web.config settings, or the examples are ~5 years old using older techniques.
I'd like this service to simply publish with my WebAPI project using the Publish... option inside Visual Studio. Unfortunately, I've not found a common denominator to make it work. I'm sure I'm missing something, and I hope someone can help.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Check this link out: WCF Services and ASP.NET
In short you need to enable ASP.NET Compatibility in your WCF service.
However, you may want to look into using OperationContext.Current.ServiceSecurityContext.*
The fact that it is HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name is returning null means either:
User is null; or
User is Anonymous
I have a few ideas to help resolve the issue.
1. Your User.Name is actually null
You might want to debug by grabbing HttpContext.Current.User and see if it's correct.
2. Go direct: get the cookie via a parameter
Try and pass the HttpContext as a parameter so you can grab the cookie?
public string CreateWorkItem(HttpContext context, string xml)
var username = context.Current.User.Identity.Name;
3. Your configurations are not setup properly
The alternative is that maybe your web.config or Global.asax is not setup to properly.
I'm coming to .net web api from a JavaScript background, and I'm trying to make a proxy to help with a cross domain JSON request. I'm GETing from a server I don't control the source code for, so I can't configure CORS directly. Likewise, it doesn't speak JSONP.
So two questions as I try to get my head around Web API:
1) Is Httpclient the right tool for this job? (if not, what is?)
2) If httpclient IS the right tool, what is an absolute bare bones httpclient config so I can test this out? Not worried about throwing exceptions or anything else other than just GETing API data and feeding it to a jQuery client.
I guess one other piece of information that would be nice would be building username / password authentication into the http request.
Any help is much appreciated, as are links to any good blogs / tutorials / etc that might help as an introduction to this sort of thing. I've watched several today alone, and I'm still not able to get a basic http request going on the server side without resorting to cutting / pasting other people's code.
Thanks in advance!
** EDIT - To make this question a bit more clear, what I'm trying to test is 1) Can the proxy connect to the third party server, which involves authentication via a username and password 2) Can the proxy then respond to the jQuery client request with the JSON data it received from the third party server.
Thanks to all who have taken the time to respond.
HttpClient seems to be ok in this job.
About the minimal config- it depends on what the third party expects. In most cases would work out-of-the-box, but there always may be some minor tweaks like headers and/or auth code.
I have just found some blog entry where some author shows how to test such a proxy and shows the proxy code too. Please see: http://www.davidbreyer.com/programming/2014/10/11/create-fake-responses-to-rest-service-calls-in-c/
You can find info about sending credentials here: How to use credentials in HttpClient in c#?
this sample code should work (copied from blog above and modified):
public class Proxy
public async Task<ExampleDto> GetExample(int id)
var client=new HttpClient();
//set some auth here
//set other headers
var response = client.GetAsync(
string.Format("/api/restserviceexample/{0}", id))
return await response;
It's so simple that you can just run it and see if the other server responds. If not, you can play with headers - since all the session info and user auth info are sent using ookies and/or headers, all you have to do is to see how it's made with regular browser and then fake it on the server. Probably best tool for this job will be Fiddler.
However - there is one thing to consider. If the other service has special method for authorization (other than passing credentials with each request) the whole thing becomes tricky, since your proxy should perform authorization using their service, then store their auth cookie on the server or propagate them to the browser and attach them with all next requests.
First, you don't need ASP.NET with C# if you really want minimal.
.NET has great http handling without ASP. Check out classes like HttpListener, HttpListenerContext, HttpListenerRequest, etc... Yes, you'll have to write some boilerplate as your application, but these classes are pretty good.
See among others:
Second, if you want user & password, I'd checkout using oauth authentication so you don't have to deal with them directly. Google Plus, Windows Live, Facebook, etc... all have similar OAuth 2.0 APIs for that. See among others:
I keep getting the following error when trying to consume a webservice:
The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Basic'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Basic Realm'.
The webservice is REST written with WCF. The authentication is basic over https.
Any help fixing the error would be apreciated.
Here is the code I tried:
WebHttpBinding webBinding = new WebHttpBinding();
webBinding.Security.Mode = WebHttpSecurityMode.Transport;
webBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Basic;
ChannelFactory<ServiceReferences.BTService.FLDT_WholesaleService> factory = new ChannelFactory<ServiceReferences.BTService.FLDT_WholesaleService>(webBinding,
new EndpointAddress(
factory.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new WebHttpBehavior());
factory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = "username";
factory.Credentials.UserName.Password = "password";
ServiceReferences.BTService.FLDT_WholesaleService proxy = factory.CreateChannel();
As long as you expose RESTful service you may attempt to use Fiddler - http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/ and/or normal HttpRequest/HttpResponse. Did you try anything like that?
Mr. Franek's answer is useful - you WILL be using Fiddler in working with WCF, period. I can add a little bit...what is happening here is that you've specified "Basic" as your authentication scheme as a client. The server is saying "I only allow 'Basic Realm'" as the authentication scheme. What is 'realm'? Basically a credential namespace:
Realm for HTTP basic authentication
Here's another helpful link: Authentication in WinHTTP
I can't find a property or method overload that carries Realm...I would probably try to construct the Authenticate-WWW header manually.
That would go something like this:
request.Headers.Add("WWW-Authenticate", string.Format("basic realm=\"{0}\", realm));
"realm" would be the value of whatever the server is expecting, e.g., "www.targetsite.com".
Hi ive been trying to add http headers to a webclient in c# , ive been looking alot of places and have had little luck often people point to a Credentials class however i only have ClientCredentials my client also missing is a PreAuthenticate field?
The service is written in Java and I can add http headers to that as follows
reqHeaders.put(HEADER_NAME_USERNAME, Collections.singletonList(USER_NAME));
reqHeaders.put(HEADER_NAME_PASSWORD, Collections.singletonList(PASSWORD));
((BindingProvider) webWS).getRequestContext().put(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS,reqHeaders);
However i have no idea how to do this in c# ive tried endpoint address builder, ClientCredential, windows.ClientCredential basically anywehre i can find a username and passsword
When i make a request in java i capture the http packet in wireshark
looks kinds like this
+hypertext transfer protocol
post stuff
Password: mypass
Username: username
soapaction: ... and so on
i cant change the server side code all i know is if i can add two headers one called username and one password with values ill be Sheening (read:winning)
This mostly answered my problem, instead of editing the app.config though i jsut added the newly defined behaviour class under
webservice.Endpoint.Behaviors.add(new CustomBehavior(params));
I have successfully created a WS client that works correctly when NOT using authentication.
However, the server (WebSphere) now requires adding a ws-security username token, and I'm having a hard time doing this. The resulting SOAP message is supposed to look something like this:
<wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd">
<wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-2" xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd">
<wsse:Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText">bar</wsse:Password>
<wsse:Nonce EncodingType="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#Base64Binary">foooooobar==</wsse:Nonce>
I've downloaded and installed Microsoft's WSE 3.0 SDK and added a reference to the DLL in my Visual Studio 2005 project.
I now have access to the Microsoft.Web.Services3.* namespaces, but I'm currently stumped on how to proceed.
The client code has been generated automatically by a web reference, so I only do a minor amount of work to send the message to the server unauthenticated:
WS.FooResultHttpService ws = new WS.FooResultHttpService();
ws.Url = "http://foo.bar.baz";
I've just begun to investigate using Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security.Tokens.UsernameTokenManager, but so far I haven't been able to get anything up and running.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated, as I can't seem to find any good recipes on the net.
Make sure your proxy class inherits from Microsoft.Web.Services3.WebServicesClientProtocol.
You can do this either by changing the proxy class itself, or by generating it via the command line using wsewsdl3.exe with the /type:webClient switch.
You can then pass the credentials like this:
using Microsoft.Web.Services3;
using Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security.Tokens;
using Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security;
WS.FooResultHttpService ws = new WS.FooResultHttpService();
ws.RequestSoapContext.Security.Tokens.Add(new UsernameToken("blah", "blah", PasswordOption.SendPlainText));
This is what I've done in the past to get WSE3.0 going in Studio 2008. Hope that helps.
Got it working, unfortunately before reading wsanville's great answer.
To help others, I'm posting all the steps I needed to do to get it working with Visual Studio 2005:
Install WSE 3.0, choose custom and select everything
Read Implementing direct authentication with username token in WSE 3.0 for hints
Relaunch Visual Studio 2005, now right-click on your project in the solution explorer, and you should have a WSE Settings 3.0 menu item and use that if you want to.
Update your web references, this should create a new HTTP web service proxy class, with a different name, e.g. YourWsNameHttpServiceWse. This is essentially the same as running wsewsdl3.exe
Use this new class, and you should have access to WSE methods and properties, such as SetClientCredential.
I ended up doing almost everything in code, instead of relying on the config-files that are built with my C# DLL. The code ended up looking like this:
FooBarHttpServiceWse wse = new FooBarHttpServiceWse();
wse.SetClientCredential(new UsernameToken(
wse.SetPolicy(new FooBarPolicy());
I created my own policy, which looked like this:
using Microsoft.Web.Services3.Design;
// ...
public class FooBarPolicy : Policy
public FooBarPolicy()
this.Assertions.Add(new UsernameOverTransportAssertion());
Finally, the WebSphere server responded that A required header representing a Message Addressing Property is not present, and inspecting the outgoing message (using the nice tool Fiddler) I saw the SOAP fault from the server indicated that the Action header was missing.
I tried in vain to set the wsa:Action element myself:
using Microsoft.Web.Services3.Addressing;
// ...
wse.RequestSoapContext.Addressing.Action = new Action("CallSomeServerFunction");
The problem was that even if I set an action, when it was sent over the wire, it was empty. Turned out I had to open the WSE proxy class and edit an attribute there:
"---Edit this to set wsa:Action---",
// ...
public SomeServerFunction(...)
After that, it all worked out nicely.