Function naming: ActionIfCondition() - c#

I often need to use a function which performs and action X is condition Y is set. What is the best way to name such a function?
I don't want to repeat if statements, since they could be complex.
For instance, if I want to trim a string if a property is set, function could be named:
void TrimIfOptionSet(string) -- too unwieldy, especially if condition is complex
bool TryTrim(string) -- does not mention an external condition, I'd expect it to only take the argument into account.
void ConditionalTrim(string) -- bit verbose
Are there any conventions for this situation in C#/.Net, or any similar language?

Try something like:
You generally don't want to couple the condition with the operation because you're making a single function capture too much semantic information at that point. It's "doing more than one thing." Instead, if you have a complex condition, capture that condition in a function to encapsulate it.
If you're referring to a much more common situation, such as parameter validation at the top of functions, consider something like fluent parameter validation. If you're not doing something like parameter validation, then I might question why it's at the top of every function and not captured in a common location or performed once at a system boundary.
I don't think that there is a good answer for naming the general ActionIfSomething() case simply because it's not generally a good solution to a problem. I'd probably just say make the function call Action() and document it, perhaps in <remarks>, to only perform the action when Something is true. If the Action belongs with the condition in the function, then it only makes sense in the context of that condition, so re-specifying it in the function name is redundant.

Given the constraints, I'd pick TrimIfOptionSet or TrimIfNeeded.
TryTrim feels like it'll always run a trim operation (in a try block), which isn't the same as running it only if needed
ConditionalTrim is too long -- the reader's eyes stay on "conditional" and never get to "trim"

Could this be solved through the use of accessors?
public class MyObject
private string _content = string.Empty;
public bool Trim { get; set; }
public string Content
return this.Trim ? _content.Trim() : _content;
internal set
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
_content = string.Empty;
_content = value;
This will take the action determined by the Trim boolean whenever the Content is accessed. I've protected the set accessor, since it might be somewhat ambigious what happens when the value of Content is set while Trim is true, and checked for the special case of trying to set the content to null. Good documentation should cover these cases.


In C#. If a property isn't used, is it's value still calculated?

Imaginge this class
Class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public int SomeExpensiveCalculation {
get {
return TimeConsumingCalulation(Name )
Since get is a method, I assume, when the the property "SomeExpensiveCalculation" is never requested or used, the function "TimeConsumingCalulation" is never executed. Is this correct?
That's correct. Property getter is just a method that executes when called.
But properties should be simple, avoid expensive calculations inside the property get.
That is correct. Properties are just Syntax Sugar for GetValue and SetValue function pairs. I think they also had some added reflection support.
With Time Consuming Operation for a value that may not be needed, maybe a Lazy[T] would be a good tool? It might at least be clearer that Lazy Initialsiation is your intention. Between it and WeakRefrence[T], you can usually cover edge cases with Memory allocation or time consumption.
However wich code is actually executed at runtime is a bit tricky. .NET has this Feature called a "just in time" compiler, and it may or may not do all kinds of Optimsiations. It can add a temporary variable to avoid retrieving the same collection value twice. Or cut unused temporary variables. Cut out a large part of the bounds checks in a array accessor.
Inling properties is way up there, but usually this will not affect any working of it.

Purpose of the () => vs just getting a property directly

So I am learning more C# and came across this syntax:
Log.Info(() => $"Some Text {SomeVariableorProperty}");
How does this differ from the following?
Log.Info($"Some Text {SomeVariableorProperty}");
I know that the () => is basically a delegate but not sure what its purpose is here.
The scenario is:
Log.Info(() => $"Some Text {SomeSlowMethod()}");
public static string SomeSlowMethod()
return "Foo";
Now... What happens if the logging of Info is disabled? Is the SomeSlowMethod called? The answer is no! Because the calling of the delegate () => $"Some Text {SomeSlowMethod()} is done by Log.Info() if it needs to do it. Compare it with:
Log.Info($"Some Text {SomeSlowMethod()}");
Now SomeSlowMethod() is always called, and there is the possibility that Log.Info will ignore its value.
If you think that SomeSlowMethod()s in real case scenarios don't exist, remember that even string composition is "slow" compared to other operations. Simply doing useless string.Format ($"Some Text {SomeVariableorProperty} is a string.Format) is a waste of time. And one of the laws of a good logging library is that if it isn't active it shouldn't slow your application.
To make an interesting comparison, Debug.Assert():
public static void Assert(bool condition, string message);
Here message is a string, but you see the [Conditional(...)]? if DEBUG isn't defined at compile time, the C# compiler can remove the whole Debug.Assert() method call, and even remove all the methods that are called inside the Debug.Assert(), so modifying possible side effects:
Debug.Assert(false, Throw());
public static string Throw()
throw new Exception();
If DEBUG isn't defined (so you are executing a RELEASE build), this will be converted to:
; // nothing
so no throw (see for example this). But note that this must be resolved at compilation time, while logging libraries are configured at runtime.
It means that the Log.Info method is expecting a function with the signature Func<String>, essentially a parameterless function that will return a string.
Passing $"Some Text {SomeVariableorProperty}" directly will fail when building, as this is a String and not a function that can be executed. That is - unless the method itself has overloads that accept just a String.
If you're in complete control over the code, then completely agree that it's a little odd, I can't see a strong reason for wanting to use a function over a String.
The only good use case for this as #KirkLarkin suggests is if the generation of that Log message needs to be done in a lazy manner. You'd probably only need this in an edge case scenario where the creating the actual message to log is an expensive operation. That way if you're call to Log.Info() decides it doesn't need to log it (e.g. it's too verbose based on a setting) you can bypass the expensive message generation. As I say though - it'd be rare that you'd come across a situation like this and probably indicates that too much is being logged.

How to avoid convoluted logic for custom log messages in code?

I know the title is a little too broad, but I'd like to know how to avoid (if possible) this piece of code I've just coded on a solution of ours.
The problem started when this code resulted in not enough log information:
var users = [someRemotingProxy].GetUsers([someCriteria]);
var user = users.Single();
catch (InvalidOperationException)
logger.WarnFormat("Either there are no users corresponding to the search or there are multiple users matching the same criteria.");
We have a business logic in a module of ours that needs there to be a single 'User' that matches some criteria. It turned out that, when problems started showing up, this little 'inconclusive' information was not enough for us to properly know what happened, so I coded this method:
private User GetMappedUser([searchCriteria])
var users = [remotingProxy]
switch (users.Count())
case 0:
log.Warn("No user exists with [searchCriteria]");
return null;
case 1:
return users.Single();
log.WarnFormat("{0} users [{1}] have been found"
String.Join(", ", users);
return null;
And then called it from the main code like this:
var user = GetMappedUser([searchCriteria]);
if (user == null) return;
The first odd thing I see there is the switch statement over the .Count() on the list. This seems very strange at first, but somehow ended up being the cleaner solution. I tried to avoid exceptions here because these conditions are quite normal, and I've heard that it is bad to try and use exceptions to control program flow instead of reporting actual errors. The code was throwing the InvalidOperationException from Single before, so this was more of a refactor on that end.
Is there another approach to this seemingly simple problem? It seems to be kind of a Single Responsibility Principle violation, with the logs in between the code and all that, but I fail to see a decent or elegant way out of it. It's even worse in our case because the same steps are repeated twice, once for the 'User' and then for the 'Device', like this:
Get unique user
Get unique device of unique user
For both operations, it is important to us to know exactly what happened, what users/devices were returned in case it was not unique, things like that.
#AntP hit upon the answer I like best. I think the reason you are struggling is that you actually have two problems here. The first is that the code seems to have too much responsibility. Apply this simple test: give this method a simple name that describes everything it does. If your name includes the word "and", it's doing too much. When I apply that test, I might name it "GetUsersByCriteriaAndValidateOnlyOneUserMatches()." So it is doing two things. Split it up into a lookup function that doesn't care how many users are returned, and a separate function that evaluates your business rule regarding "I can handle only one user returned".
You still have your original problem, though, and that is the switch statement seems awkward here. The strategy pattern comes to mind when looking at a switch statement, although pragmatically I'd consider it overkill in this case.
If you want to explore it, though, think about creating a base "UserSearchResponseHandler" class, and three sub classes: NoUsersReturned; MultipleUsersReturned; and OneUserReturned. It would have a factory method that would accept a list of Users and return a UserSearchResponseHandler based on the count of users (encapsulating the logic of the switch inside the factory.) Each handler method would do the right thing: log something appropriate then return null, or return a single user.
The main advantage of the Strategy pattern comes when you have multiple needs for the data it identifies. If you had switch statements buried all over your code that all depended on the count of users found by a search, then it would be very appropriate. The factory can also encapsulate substantially more complex rules, such as "user.count must = 1 AND the user[0].level must = 42 AND it must be a Tuesday in September". You can also get really fancy with a factory and use a registry, allowing for dynamic changes to the logic. Finally, the factory nicely separates the "interpreting" of the business rule from the "handling" of the rule.
But in your case, probably not so much. I'm guessing you likely have only the one occurrence of this rule, it seems pretty static, and it's already appropriately located near the point where you acquired the information it's validating. While I'd still recommend splitting out the search from the response parser, I'd probably just use the switch.
A different way to consider it would be with some Goldilocks tests. If it's truly an error condition, you could even throw:
if (users.count() < 1)
throw TooFewUsersReturnedError;
if (users.count() > 1)
throw TooManyUsersReturnedError;
return users[0]; // just right
How about something like this?
public class UserResult
public string Warning { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<User> Result { get; set; }
public UserResult GetMappedUsers(/* params */) { }
public void Whatever()
var users = GetMappedUsers(/* params */);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(users.Warning))
Switch for a List<string> Warnings if required. This treats your GetMappedUsers method more like a service that returns some data and some metadata about the result, which allows you to delegate your logging to the caller - where it belongs - so your data access code can get on with just doing its job.
Although, to be honest, in this scenario I would prefer simply to return a list of user IDs from GetMappedUsers and then use users.Count to evaluate your "cases" in the caller and log as appropriate.

Can I remove the property setter (without ANY problem) in the example provided in the question?

In existing code of my project, at number of places the property is declared like this:
public long ResourceID
return this.resourceID;
if (this.resourceID != value)
this.resourceID = value;
Note: private long resourceID is already declared.
Properties not only of value types but also of reference types (including string) too are declared like this.
Another example:
public Collection<Ability> Abilities
return this.abilities;
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Abilities");
this.abilities = value;
As per my knowledge, the setter in the first example does not make any sense and the if condition is meaningless there. So i decided to change the code (as part of refactoring) to make them Auto-Properties. (In second example I need setter since exception is handled there.)
I want to know from experts here, will whether making existing properties auto properties (or at least removing if condition from setter) cause any harm? Sometimes there are subtle things which a developer may not be aware of and some changes can have side effects too. That's why I am asking this question. (My libraries are used at many places.)
Note: Let me know if this is purely a homework question.
private long resourceID;
public long ResourceID
return this.resourceID;
this.resourceID = value;
public long ResourceID { get; set; }
won't cause any harm, guaranteed.
Removing the if statement might cause harm. For example in WPF when working with the MVVM pattern and implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface it is often good practice to check whether the value has changed before actually setting it. Removing this check will provoke notifications to be sent to the UI no matter whether the value changed or not. So it would be a breaking change.
I can only think of one kind of problem you could run into (which is fixable):
If you are using ORM or other external tool, they might rely on a naming convention for finding properties/fields. So, the 3rd party dll might be looking for a field resourceId that no longer exists.
So, code using reflection to access fields might break, but if you have control over the codebase, that is unlikely to be an issue.
There are some edge-cases where this might cause harm:
Changing to an automatically implemented property {get;set;}
if you are using field-based serialization at any point (for example, BinaryFormatter), then this will break when changing to an automatically implemented property, as the field-name will change. This will also impact any other scenario that uses reflection to access the (hopefully private) fields, but BinaryFormatter is the most common cause of confusion here.
Removing the if test
will be fine for most data-types such as long etc, however, if you use it with a type that implements a custom equality operation, you might find you are suddenly swapping a reference when previously (with the if) the objects reported equal for different references
The first is a more likely problem. If you are using BinaryFormatter, then keep the private field (byt maybe remove the if test). And then start refactoring your code away from BinaryFormatter ;p
What you have done is correct. The if statement is meaningless. I always think that less code is better, because the lines of code is directly proportional to the number of faults.
public long ResourceID { get; set; }
Your first example only sets the resourceID field if its value has changed.
The only difference you would see by removing the "if" test is a possible impact if multiple threads are reading the value. In which case they probably should be using a lock, so it's almost certainly safe to remove the test.
Your second example prevents a caller from setting the property value to null. Presumably the field is initialized to a non-null value, and this has value as it means that callers can read the property without needing to check for null.
Usually in such scenarios and how you've explained, it shouldn't be a concern.
You could just go ahead and change the code of all properties;
public long ResourceID { get; set; }
public long ResourceID
get { return this.resourceID; }
set { this.resourceID = value; }
But it might cause an issue if upon
changing the value of the property,
it cascades to some other custom
function-call which is only executed
if the new value is different from
old ones. Usually when when you've implemented custom events or even maybe in case of property-changed events
Also might affect, when using
Data-Context classes
Both scenarios are totally application specific.
I'd suggest you reactor with caution. Or as you've written yourself, HOMEWORK.

Implementing a "LazyProperty" class - is this a good idea?

I often find myself writing a property that is evaluated lazily. Something like:
if (backingField == null)
backingField = SomeOperation();
return backingField;
It is not much code, but it does get repeated a lot if you have a lot of properties.
I am thinking about defining a class called LazyProperty:
public class LazyProperty<T>
private readonly Func<T> getter;
public LazyProperty(Func<T> getter)
this.getter = getter;
private bool loaded = false;
private T propertyValue;
public T Value
if (!loaded)
propertyValue = getter();
loaded = true;
return propertyValue;
public static implicit operator T(LazyProperty<T> rhs)
return rhs.Value;
This would enable me to initialize a field like this:
first = new LazyProperty<HeavyObject>(() => new HeavyObject { MyProperty = Value });
And then the body of the property could be reduced to:
public HeavyObject First { get { return first; } }
This would be used by most of the company, since it would go into a common class library shared by most of our products.
I cannot decide whether this is a good idea or not. I think the solutions has some pros, like:
Less code
Prettier code
On the downside, it would be harder to look at the code and determine exactly what happens - especially if a developer is not familiar with the LazyProperty class.
What do you think ? Is this a good idea or should I abandon it ?
Also, is the implicit operator a good idea, or would you prefer to use the Value property explicitly if you should be using this class ?
Opinions and suggestions are welcomed :-)
Just to be overly pedantic:
Your proposed solution to avoid repeating code:
private LazyProperty<HeavyObject> first =
new LazyProperty<HeavyObject>(() => new HeavyObject { MyProperty = Value });
public HeavyObject First {
get {
return first;
Is actually more characters than the code that you did not want to repeat:
private HeavyObject first;
public HeavyObject First {
get {
if (first == null) first = new HeavyObject { MyProperty = Value };
return first;
Apart from that, I think that the implicit cast made the code very hard to understand. I would not have guessed that a method that simply returns first, actually end up creating a HeavyObject. I would at least have dropped the implicit conversion and returned first.Value from the property.
Don't do it at all.
Generally using this kind of lazy initialized properties is a valid design choice in one case: when SomeOperation(); is an expensive operation (in terms of I/O, like when it requires a DB hit, or computationally) AND when you are certain you will often NOT need to access it.
That said, by default you should go for eager initialization, and when profiler says it's your bottleneck, then change it to lazy initialization.
If you feel urge to create that kind of abstraction, it's a smell.
Surely you'd at least want the LazyPropery<T> to be a value type, otherwise you've added memory and GC pressure for every "lazily-loaded" property in your system.
Also, what about multiple-threaded scenarios? Consider two threads requesting the property at the same time. Without locking, you could potentially create two instances of the underlying property. To avoid locking in the common case, you would want to do a double-checked lock.
I prefer the first code, because a) it is such a common pattern with properties that I immediately understand it, and b) the point you raised: that there is no hidden magic that you have to go look up to understand where and when the value is being obtained.
I like the idea in that it is much less code and more elegant, but I would be very worried about the fact that it becomes hard to look at it and tell what is going on. The only way I would consider it is to have a convention for variables set using the "lazy" way, and also to comment anywhere it is used. Now there isn't going to be a compiler or anything that will enforce those rules, so still YMMV.
In the end, for me, decisions like this boil down to who is going to be looking at it and the quality of those programmers. If you can trust your fellow developers to use it right and comment well then go for it, but if not, you are better off doing it in a easily understood and followed way. /my 2cents
I don't think worrying about a developer not understanding is a good argument against doing something like this...
If you think that then you couldn't do anything for the fear of someone not understanding what you did
You could write a tutorial or something in a central repository, we have here a wiki for these kind of notes
Overall, I think it's a good implementation idea (not wanting to start a debate whether lazyloading is a good idea or not)
What I do in this case is I create a Visual Studio code snippet. I think that's what you really should do.
For example, when I create ASP.NET controls, I often times have data that gets stored in the ViewState a lot, so I created a code snippet like this:
public Type Value
if(ViewState["key"] == null)
ViewState["key"] = someDefaultValue;
return (Type)ViewState["key"];
set{ ViewState["key"] = value; }
This way, the code can be easily created with only a little work (defining the type, the key, the name, and the default value). It's reusable, but you don't have the disadvantage of a complex piece of code that other developers might not understand.
I like your solution as it is very clever but I don't think you win much by using it. Lazy loading a private field in a public property is definitely a place where code can be duplicated. However this has always struck me as a pattern to use rather than code that needs to be refactored into a common place.
Your approach may become a concern in the future if you do any serialization. Also it is more confusing initially to understand what you are doing with the custom type.
Overall I applaud your attempt and appreciate its cleverness but would suggest that you revert to your original solution for the reasons stated above.
Personally, I don't think the LazyProperty class as is offers enough value to justify using it especially considering the drawbacks using it for value types has (as Kent mentioned). If you needed other functionality (like making it multithreaded), it might be justified as a ThreadSafeLazyProperty class.
Regarding the implicit property, I like the "Value" property better. It's a little more typing, but a lot more clear to me.
I think this is an interesting idea. First I would recommend that you hide the Lazy Property from the calling code, You don't want to leak into your domain model that it is lazy. Which your doing with the implicit operator so keep that.
I like how you can use this approach to handle and abstract away the details of locking for example. If you do that then I think there is value and merit. If you do add locking watch out for the double lock pattern it's very easy to get it wrong.
