Setting Margin Properties in code - c#

MyControl.Margin.Left = 10;
Cannot modify the return value of 'System.Windows.FrameworkElement.Margin' because it is not a variable

The problem is that Margin is a property, and its type (Thickness) is a value type. That means when you access the property you're getting a copy of the value back.
Even though you can change the value of the Thickness.Left property for a particular value (grr... mutable value types shouldn't exist), it wouldn't change the margin.
Instead, you'll need to set the Margin property to a new value. For instance (coincidentally the same code as Marc wrote):
Thickness margin = MyControl.Margin;
margin.Left = 10;
MyControl.Margin = margin;
As a note for library design, I would have vastly preferred it if Thickness were immutable, but with methods that returned a new value which was a copy of the original, but with one part replaced. Then you could write:
MyControl.Margin = MyControl.Margin.WithLeft(10);
No worrying about odd behaviour of mutable value types, nice and readable, all one expression...

The Margin property returns a Thickness structure, of which Left is a property. What the statement does is copying the structure value from the Margin property and setting the Left property value on the copy. You get an error because the value that you set will not be stored back into the Margin property.
(Earlier versions of C# would just let you do it without complaining, causing a lot of questions in newsgroups and forums on why a statement like that had no effect at all...)
To set the property you would need to get the Thickness structure from the Margin property, set the value and store it back:
Thickness m = MyControl.Margin;
m.Left = 10;
MyControl.Margin = m;
If you are going to set all the margins, just create a Thickness structure and set them all at once:
MyControl.Margin = new Thickness(10, 10, 10, 10);

Margin is returning a struct, which means that you are editing a copy. You will need something like:
var margin = MyControl.Margin;
margin.Left = 10;
MyControl.Margin = margin;

One could simply use this
MyControl.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(10, 0, 5, 0);

One would guess that (and my WPF is a little rusty right now) that Margin takes an object and cannot be directly changed.
MyControl.Margin = new Margin(10,0,0,0);

To use Thickness you need to create/change your project .NET framework platform version to 4.5. becaus this method available only in version 4.5. (Also you can just download PresentationFramework.dll and give referense to this dll, without create/change your .NET framework version to 4.5.)
But if you want to do this simple, You can use this code:
MyControl.Margin = new Padding(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
MyControl.Margin = new Padding(int all);
This is simple and no needs any changes to your project

Depends on the situation, you can also try using padding property here...
MyControl.Margin=new Padding(0,0,0,0);

Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0);

It's a bit unclear what are you asking, but to make things comfortable, you can inherit your own Control and add a property with the code that Marc suggests:
class MyImage : Image {
private Thickness thickness;
public double MarginLeft {
get { return Margin.Left; }
set { thickness = Margin; thickness.Left = value; Margin = thickness; }
Then in the client code you can write just
MyImage img = new MyImage();
img.MarginLeft = 10;
MessageBox.Show(img.Margin.Left.ToString()); // or img.MarginLeft


Combine BarChart and PointChart

i got a Little "Problem", i want to create a Chart looking like this:
So basically
Series 1 = Normal bar Chart. Color green if it Ends before the "time max" (series2) Series 2 = just a DataPoint / Marker on top of series 1 items.
I am struggling with this though...
my Code:
string series_timeneeded = "Time Needed";
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded]["PixelPointWidth"] = "5";
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.Size = 10;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.ButtonStyle = ScrollBarButtonStyles.SmallScroll;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.IsPositionedInside = true;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.Enabled = true;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].BorderWidth = 2;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].YValueType = ChartValueType.Time;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.LabelStyle.Format = "HH:mm:ss";
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].XValueType = ChartValueType.String;
for (int i = 0; i < MaxNumber; i++)
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].Points.AddXY("item"+ " " + (i + 1).ToString(), DateTime.Now.Add(Timespans[i]));
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].BorderWidth = 0;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].MarkerSize = 15;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Square;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].MarkerColor = Color.Black;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].YValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].XValueType = ChartValueType.String;
for (int i = 0; i < MaxNumber; i++)
DateTime YPosition = GetFinishTime(i);
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].Points.AddXY("item"+ " " +(i+1).ToString(), YPosition);
but this only Displays the 2nd series on top of the first one but the first one isnt visible anymore. The Maker of series 2 isnt shown but instead the bar is (eventhough i made borderwidth to 0). In my opinion/thinking i just have to make the "bar" of series 2 invisible and just Show the marker Points for series 2.
Any ideas?
string seriesname = Name+ i.ToString();
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].SetCustomProperty("DrawSideBySide", "false");
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar; //Y and X are exchanged
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].YValueType = ChartValueType.Time;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.LabelStyle.Format = "HH:mm:ss";
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].XValueType = ChartValueType.String;
DateTime TimeNeeded = DateTime.Now.Add(List_AllLiniengroupsTimespans[k][i]);
DateTime TimeMax = GetFinishTime(k, i);
TimeSpan TimeDifference = TimeNeeded - TimeMax;
if (TimeNeeded > TimeMax) //All good
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded); //Time till finish
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].Color = Color.Blue;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded.Add(TimeDifference)); //time left
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[1].Color = Color.Red;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[1].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
else if (TimeMax > TimeNeeded) //wont make it in time
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded); //time till still okay
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].Color = Color.Blue;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded.Add(TimeDifference)); //Time that is too much
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[1].Color = Color.Green;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[1].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
else if (TimeMax == TimeNeeded) //fits exactly
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded);
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].Color = Color.DarkOrange;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
the Code will be displayed as:
but i want it to look like this:
!! See the update below !!
If you really want to create a StackedBar chart, your chart has two issues:
If you want to stack datapoints they need to have meaningful x-values; without them how can it know what to stack on each other?
You add strings, which look fine but simply don't work. That is because the DataPoint.XValue field is double and when you add string into it it is set to 0 !! Your string is copied to the Label but otherwise lost.
So you need to come up with a suitable numeric value you use for the x-values..
And you also need to group the series you want to stack. For this there is a special property called StackedGroupName which serves to group those series that shall be stacked.
Here is how you can use it:
yourSeries1.SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", "Group1");
For a full example see this post !
It also shows one way of setting the Labels with string values of your choice..
This is the way to go for real StackedBar charts. Your workaround may or may not work. You could try to make the colors transparent or equal to the chart's backcolor; but it won't be more than a hack, imo.
I guess I have misread the question. From what I see you do not really want to create a stacked chart.
Instead you struggle with these issues:
displaying bars at the same y-spot
making some bars invisible
displaying a vertical line as a marker
Let's tackle each:
Some column types including all Bars, Columns and then some have a little known special property called DrawSideBySide.
By default is is set to Auto, which will work like True. This is usually fine as we don't want bars to sit upon each other, effectively hiding all or part of the overlaid points.
But here we do want them to share the same y-position, so we need to set the property to false for at least one Series; the others (on Auto) will follow..:
You can do it either like this:
aSeries["DrawSideBySide"] = "false";
or like this:
aSeries.SetCustomProperty("DrawSideBySide", "false");
Next we hide the overlaid Series; this is simple:
aSeries.Color = Color.Transparent;
The last issue is displaying a line marker. There is no such MarkerStyle, so we need to use a custom style. For this we need to create a suitable bitmap and add it as a NamedImage to the chart's Images collection.
This sounds more complicated than it is; however the MarkerImage will not be scaled, so we need to created suitable sizes whenever we resize the Chart or add/remove points. I will ignore this complication for now..
int pointCount = 10;
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(2, chart.ClientSize.Height / pointCount - 5);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) g.Clear(Color.Black);
NamedImage marker = new NamedImage("marker", bmp);
chart.Images.Clear(); // quick & dirty
Here is the result:
A few notes:
I would recommend to use variables for all chart elements you refer to repeatedly instead of using indexed references all the time. Less code, easier to read, a lot easier to maintain, and probably better performance.
Since your code called for the visible datapoints to be either red or green the Legend will not show a good representation. See here for an example of drawing a multi-colored legend item..
I used the chart height; this is not really recommended as there may be Titles or Legends or even more ChartAreas; instead you should use the height of the ChartArea, or even more precise, the height of the InnerPlotPosition. You would need to convert those from percentages to pixels. Not too hard, see below or see here
or here for more examples!
The markers should be adapted from the Resize and probably from the AxisViewChanged events. Putting it in a nice function to call (e.g. void setMarkerImage(Chart chart, Series s, string name, int width, Color c)) is always a good idea.
If you need to adapt the size of the marker image repeatedly, you may want to write better code for clearing the old one; this should include disposing of the Bitmap that was used before..
Here is an example:
var oldni = chart.Images.FindByName("marker");
if (oldni != null)
In some situations one needs to nudge the Chart to update some of its properties; RecalculateAxesScale is one such nudge.
Example for calculating a suitable marker height:
ChartArea ca = chart.ChartAreas[0];
float cah = ca.Position.Height;
float iph = ca.InnerPlotPosition.Height;
float h = chart3.ClientSize.Height * cah / 100f * iph / 100f;
int mh = (int)(h / s.Points.Count);
Final note: The original answer stressed the importance of using meaningful x-values. Strings are useless! This was important for stacking bars; but it is equally important now, when we want bars to sit at the same vertical positions! Adding the x-values as strings is again resulting in nonsense..
(Since we have Bars the x-values go along the vertical axis and vice versa..)

Can't set TextBox.MinWidthProperty when creating a VisualTree for GridViewColumn.DataTemplate

I have am trying to set a GridViewColumn.DataTemplate to a TextBox VisualTree. The code so far is:
//GridViewColumnCollection columns
DataTemplate template = new DataTemplate();
FrameworkElementFactory elementFactory = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(TextBox));
elementFactory.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, new Binding { Path = new PropertyPath("Position") });
elementFactory.SetValue(TextBox.MinWidthProperty, new GridLength(50));
template.VisualTree = elementFactory;
columns[1].CellTemplate = template;
When I run this code I get the following error:
50 is not a valid value for property 'MinWidth'.
on this line:
elementFactory.SetValue(TextBox.MinWidthProperty, new GridLength(50));
I also tried setting the value to just 50, but to no avail!
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
According to MSDN, the MinWidth dependency property is of type double. You should set it to a double instead of a GridLength object.
Property Value
Type: System.Double
The minimum width of the element, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit). The default value is 0.0. This value can be any value equal to or greater than 0.0. However, PositiveInfinity is not valid, nor is Double.NaN.
I totally assent with bouvierr. I was working on a WPF project and this was something I also run into. Eventually, through the MSDN documentation, I noticed that the code behind concept only accepts double data type as supposed to an integer.
textBox.SetValue(HeightProperty, 120.0);
textBox.SetValue(WidthProperty, 360.0);
textBox.SetValue(FontSizeProperty, 14.0);
textBox.SetValue(MinWidthProperty, 50.0);

How to set just only a side of WPF control margin?

I'm trying set a margin of a Image Control top margin, I can get this value with Margin.Top, but why can I set this with image1.Margin.Top = 5;?
How to can I set just this only value?
This is because the property accessor does not give you a reference to the object. It is simply a wrapper around a DependencyProperty, which returns the value via GetValue. If you want to change that item, you must do this:
Thickness margin = image1.Margin;
margin.Top = 5;
image1.Margin = margin;

.NET Multiline TextBox - Set number of lines

I want to be able to set the number of lines in a multilined TextBox.
I've tried the following:
int initHeight = textBox1.Height;
textBox1.Height = initHeight * numOfLines;
But this makes it too large when numOfLines gets large. So then I tried this:
float fontHeight = textBox1.CreateGraphics().MeasureString("W", textBox1.Font).Height;
textBox1.Height = fontHeight * numOfLines;
But this was too small when numOfLines was small, and too large when numOfLines was large.
So I'm doing SOMETHING wrong... any ideas?
This would set the exact Width & Height of your multi line Textbox:
Size size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(textBox1.Text, textBox1.Font);
textBox1.Width = size.Width;
textBox1.Height = size.Height + Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Font.Size);
Something like this should work:
Size size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(textBox1.Text, textBox1.Font);
textBox1.Width = size.Width;
textBox1.Height = size.Height;
This was from C# Resize textbox to fit content
What you are doing should work, but you need to set the MinimumSize and MaximumSize I am not 100% positive, but I think this constraint will still hold if height is set via code
From the documentation of Graphics.MeasureString:
To obtain metrics suitable for adjacent strings in layout (for example, when implementing formatted text), use the MeasureCharacterRanges method or one of the MeasureString methods that takes a StringFormat, and pass GenericTypographic. Also, ensure the TextRenderingHint for the Graphics is AntiAlias.
As such, you should use one of these overloads, such as this one, which allow you to specify StringFormat.GenericTypograpic to get the required size.
Try this:
float fontHeight;
using (var g = textBox1.CreateGraphics())
fontHeight = g.MeasureString("W", textBox1.Font, new PointF(), StringFormat.GenericTypograpic).Height;

Transformation matrix C#

The Christmas is coming and I got idea to send electricity card (little program). Something like dropping snow would be fine. But it is little bit boring something nice extra effects would be nice. Then I find this little flash example.
But I don’t have idea how to convert theses lines (47-49) to C#.
this._forceMap = new BitmapData(465, 465, false, 0x0);
this._forceMap.draw(tf, tf.transform.matrix);
new Point(0, 0),
new BlurFilter(8, 8));
If the value of autosize is "left" and the text field line type is set to Multiline in the text Property inspector, then the text field expands or contracts its right and bottom sides to fit all contained text.
tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
tf.text = 'Wonderfl!!';
tf.x = (465 - tf.width) / 2; // tf.width = textfield.width
tf.y = (465 - tf.height) / 2; // tf.height = textfield.height
x = paddingleft
y = paddingtop
