In Xamarin google maps for Android using C# you can create polygons like so based on this tutorial:
public void OnMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap)
mMap = googleMap;
PolylineOptions geometry = new PolylineOptions()
.Add(new LatLng(37.35, -37.0123))
.Add(new LatLng(37.35, -37.0123))
.Add(new LatLng(37.35, -37.0123));
Polyline polyline = mMap.AddPolyline(geometry);
However I have downloaded a CSV file from my Fusion Table Layer from google maps as I think this might be the easiest option to work with polygon/polyline data. The output looks like this:
,Highland,61,"<Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>-5.657018,57.3352 -5.656396,57.334463 -5.655076,57.334556 -5.653439,57.334477 -5.652366,57.334724 -5.650064,57.334477 -5.648096,57.335082 -5.646846,57.335388 -5.644733,57.335539 -5.643309,57.335428 -5.641981,57.335448 -5.640451,57.33578 -5.633217,57.339118 -5.627278,57.338921 -5.617161,57.337649 -5.607948,57.341015 -5.595812,57.343583 -5.586043,57.345373 -5.583581,57.350648 -5.576851,57.353609 -5.570088,57.354017 -5.560732,57.354102 -5.555254,57.354033 -5.549713,57.353146 -5.547766,57.352275 -5.538932,57.352255 -5.525891,57.356217 -5.514888,57.361865 -5.504272,57.366027 -5.494515,57.374515 -5.469829,57.383765 -5.458661,57.389781 -5.453695,57.395033 -5.454057,57.402943 -5.449189,57.40731 -5.440583,57.411447 -5.436133,57.414616 -5.438312,57.415474 -5.438628,57.417955 -5.440956,57.417909 -5.444013,57.414976 -5.450778,57.421362 -5.455035,57.422333 -5.462081,57.420719 -5.468775,57.416975 -5.475205,57.41135 -5.475976,57.409117 -5.47705,57.407092 -5.478101,57.406056 -5.478901,57.40536 -5.479489,57.404534 -5.480051,57.403782 -5.481036,57.403107 -5.484538,57.402102 -5.485647,57.401856 -5.487358,57.401287 -5.488709,57.400962 -5.490175,57.400616 -5.491116,57.400176 -5.493832,57.399318 -5.495279,57.399134 -5.496726,57.39771 -5.498724,57.396836 -5.49974,57.396314 -5.501317,57.39627 -5.502869,57.395426</coordinates></LinearRing></innerBoundaryIs></Polygon>"
,Strathclyde,63,"<Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>-5.603129,56.313564 -5.603163,56.312536 -5.603643,56.311794 -5.601467,56.311875 -5.601038,56.312481 -5.600697,56.313489 -5.60071,56.31535 -5.60159,56.316107 -5.600729,56.316598 -5.598625,56.316058 -5.596203,56.317477 -5.597024,56.318119 -5.596095,56.318739 -5.595432,56.320116 -5.589343,56.322469 -5.584888,56.325178 -5.582907,56.327169 -5.581414,56.327472 -5.581435,56.326663 -5.582355,56.325602 -5.581515,56.323891 -5.576993,56.331062 -5.57886,56.331475 -5.57676,56.334449 -5.572748,56.335689 -5.569012,56.338143 -5.564802,56.342113 -5.555237,56.346668 -5.551214,56.347448 -5.547651,56.346391 -5.54444,56.344945 -5.541247,56.345945 -5.539099,56.349674 -5.533874,56.34763 -5.525195,56.342888 -5.523518,56.345066 -5.52345,56.346605 -5.526417,56.354361 -5.535455,56.353681 -5.537463,56.35508 -5.536035,56.356271 -5.538923,56.357205 -5.53891,56.359336 -5.539952,56.361491 -5.538102,56.36372 -5.535934,56.36567 -5.53392,56.367705 -5.531369,56.369729 -5.529853,56.371022 -5.532371,56.371274 -5.534177,56.371708 -5.532846,56.373256 -5.529845,56.37496 -5.527675,56.375327 -5.528531,56.375995 -5.526732,56.376343 -5.525442,56.377809 -5.524739,56.379843 -5.526069,56.380561</coordinates></LinearRing></innerBoundaryIs></Polygon>"
I uploaded a KML file to Google Maps Fusion Table Layer, it then created the map. I then went File>Download>CSV and it gave me the above example.
I have added this csv file to my assets folder of my xamarin android google map app and my question would be because LatLng takes two doubles as its input, is there a way I could input the above data from the csv file into this method and if so how?
Not sure how to read the above csv and then extract the <coordinates> and then add those coordinates as new LatLng in the example code above?
If you notice however the coordinates are split into lat and lng and then the next latlng is seperated by a space -5.657018,57.3352 -5.656396,57.334463.
Sudo code (this may or may not require xamarin or android experience and may just require C#/Linq):
Read CSV var sr = new StreamReader(Read csv from Asset folder);
Remove description,name,label,geometry
Foreach line in CSV
Extract Item that contains double qoutes
Foreach Item Remove Qoutes and <Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates> from start and end
Foreach item seperated by a space Extract coordinates
(This will now leave a long list of 37.35,-37.0123 coordinates for each line)
Place in something like this maybe?:
public class Row
public double Lat { get; set; }
public double Lng { get; set; }
public Row(string str)
string[] separator = { "," };
var arr = str.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.None);
Lat = Convert.ToDouble(arr[0]);
Lng = Convert.ToDouble(arr[1]);
private void OnMapReady()
var rows = new List<Row>();
Foreach name/new line
PolylineOptions geometry = new PolylineOptions()
ForEach (item in rows) //not sure how polyline options will take a foreach
.Add(New LatLng(item.Lat, item.Lng))
Polyline polyline = mMap.AddPolyline(geometry);
As there is no way of using Fusion Table Layers in Xamarin Android with Google Maps API v2 this may provide a quick and easier workaround for those that need to split maps into regions.
If I understand correctly, the question is how to parse the above CSV file.
Each line (except the first one with headers) can be represented with the following class:
class MapEntry
public string Description { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Label { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<LatLng> InnerCoordinates { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<LatLng> OuterCoordinates { get; set; }
Note the Inner and Outer coordinates. They are represented inside the XML by outerBoundaryIs (required) and innerBoundaryIs (optional) elements.
A side note: the Highland line in your post is incorrect - you seem to trimmed part of the line, leading to incorrect XML (<outerBoundaryIs>...</innerBoundaryIs>).
Here is the code that does the parsing:
static IEnumerable<MapEntry> ParseMap(string csvFile)
return from line in File.ReadLines(csvFile).Skip(1)
let tokens = line.Split(new[] { ',' }, 4)
let xmlToken = tokens[3]
let xmlText = xmlToken.Substring(1, xmlToken.Length - 2)
let xmlRoot = XElement.Parse(xmlText)
select new MapEntry
Description = tokens[0],
Name = tokens[1],
Label = tokens[2],
InnerCoordinates = GetCoordinates(xmlRoot.Element("innerBoundaryIs")),
OuterCoordinates = GetCoordinates(xmlRoot.Element("outerBoundaryIs")),
static IEnumerable<LatLng> GetCoordinates(XElement node)
if (node == null) return Enumerable.Empty<LatLng>();
var element = node.Element("LinearRing").Element("coordinates");
return from token in element.Value.Split(' ')
let values = token.Split(',')
select new LatLng(XmlConvert.ToDouble(values[0]), XmlConvert.ToDouble(values[1]));
I think the code is self explanatory. The only details to be mentioned are:
let tokens = line.Split(new[] { ',' }, 4)
Here we use the string.Split overload that allows us to specify the maximum number of substrings to return, thus avoiding the trap of processing the commas inside the XML token.
let xmlText = xmlToken.Substring(1, xmlToken.Length - 2)
which strips the quotes from the XML token.
Finally, a sample usage for your case:
foreach (var entry in ParseMap(csv_file_full_path))
PolylineOptions geometry = new PolylineOptions()
foreach (var item in entry.OuterCoordinates)
Polyline polyline = mMap.AddPolyline(geometry);
UPDATE: To make Xamarin happy (as mentioned in the comments), replace the File.ReadLines call with a call to the following helper:
static IEnumerable<string> ReadLines(string path)
var sr = new StreamReader(Assets.Open(path));
string line;
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
yield return line;
finally { sr.Dispose(); }
I'm not sure to understand your questions but I think that can help:
You have to read the csv file line by line and foreach line extract the third argument, remove the quote and read the result with a XMLReader for extract the line you want (coordinate). After you split the result on white space, you get the list of LatLng and you split each LatLng on ",", then you've got all the information you need.
System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(#"file.csv");
string line = file.ReadLine(); //escape the first line
while((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
var xmlString = line.Split({","})[2]; // or 3
xmlString = xmlString.Replace("\"","")
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xmlString)))
string coordinate = reader.Value;
PolylineOptions geometry = new PolylineOptions();
var latLngs = coordinate.Split({' '});
foreach (var latLng in latLngs)
double lat = 0;
double lng = 0;
var arr = latLng.Split({','});
double.TryParse(arr[0], out lat);
double.TryParse(arr[1], out lng);
geometry.Add(new LatLng(lat, lng));
Polyline polyline = mMap.AddPolyline(geometry);
// Do something with your polyline
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication35
public class LatLng
public LatLng(double lat, double lng)
class Program
private static IEnumerable<LatLng> GetCoordinates(string polygon)
var xElement = XElement.Parse(polygon);
//var innerBoundaryCoordinates = xElement.Elements("innerBoundaryIs").FirstOrDefault()?.Value ?? "";
var outerBoundaryCoordinates = xElement.Elements("outerBoundaryIs").Single()?.Value ?? "";
return outerBoundaryCoordinates
.Split(' ')
.Select(latLng =>
var splits = latLng.Split(',');
var lat = double.Parse(splits[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var lng = double.Parse(splits[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return new LatLng(lat, lng);
static void Main()
const string header = "description,name,label,geometry";
var latLngs = File.ReadLines("file.csv")
.SelectMany(x => x.Split(new[] { header }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) //all geometry`s in one array
.Select(x => x.Split('"'))
.SelectMany(x => GetCoordinates(x[1]))
The string I'm trying to parse from looks something like this:
And this is my regular expression:
And this is the code I'm using in my C# application:
string responsePattern = "Hhgi79M1\":\"(?<encodeKeyID>.*?)\",.*Kn51uR4Y\":\"(?<encodedBody>.*?)\"}";
if (Regex.IsMatch(body, responsePattern))
var match = Regex.Match(body, responsePattern);
string encodeKeyID = match.Groups["encodeKeyID"].Value;
string encodedBody = match.Groups["encodedBody"].Value;
Now it works, but it doesn't get the value of "encodedBody". I tested my expression with the data on and it seems to work fine on there. However, when getting the value in my program it's just an empty string.
I sense the issue is that your body string is not escaped properly, as your pattern works fine in the following code:
string body = "{\"F4q6i9xe\":{\"Hhgi79M1\":\"cTZ3W2JG\",\"j0Uszek2\":\"0\"},\"a3vSYuq2\":{\"Kn51uR4Y\":\"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\"}}\n" +
string responsePattern = "Hhgi79M1\":\"(?<encodeKeyID>.*?)\",.*Kn51uR4Y\":\"(?<encodedBody>.*?)\"}";
if (Regex.IsMatch(body, responsePattern))
var match = Regex.Match(body, responsePattern);
string encodeKeyID = match.Groups["encodeKeyID"].Value;
string encodedBody = match.Groups["encodedBody"].Value;
string msg = String.Format("encodeKeyID: {0}\nencodedBody: {1}", encodeKeyID, encodedBody);
//show in message box
MessageBox.Show(msg, "Pattern Match Result");
Try it this way.
string sTarget = #"
Regex responseRx = new Regex(#"Hhgi79M1"":""(?<encodeKeyID>.*?)"",.*Kn51uR4Y"":""(?<encodedBody>.*?)""}");
Match responseMatch = responseRx.Match(sTarget);
if (responseMatch.Success)
Console.WriteLine("ID = {0}", responseMatch.Groups["encodeKeyID"].Value);
Console.WriteLine("Body = {0}", responseMatch.Groups["encodedBody"].Value);
Body = c6QUklQzv+kRLnmvS0zsheqDsRCXbWFVpYhq2rsElKyFQnla01E6P3qQ26b+xWSrscFJCi2qs
I have a large htmlencoded string and i want decode only specific whitelisted html tags.
Is there a way to do this in c#, WebUtility.HtmlDecode() decodes everything.
`I am looking for an implementaiton of DecodeSpecificTags() that will pass below test.
public void DecodeSpecificTags_SimpleInput_True()
string input = "<span>i am <strong color=blue>very</strong> big <br>man.</span>";
string output = "<span>i am <strong color=blue>very</strong> big <br>man.</span>";
List<string> whiteList = new List<string>(){ "strong","br" } ;
Assert.IsTrue(DecodeSpecificTags(whiteList,input) == output);
You could do something like this
public string DecodeSpecificTags(List<string> whiteListedTagNames,string encodedInput)
String regex="";
foreach(string s in whiteListedTagNames)
return encodedInput;
A better approach could be to use some html parser like Agilitypack or csquery or Nsoup to find specific elements and decode it in a loop.
check this for links and examples of parsers
Check It, i did it using csquery :
string input = "<span>i am <strong color=blue>very</strong> big <br>man.</span>";
string output = "<span>i am <strong color=blue>very</strong> big <br>man.</span>";
var decoded = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(output);
var encoded =input ; // HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(decoded);
var doc=CsQuery.CQ.CreateDocument(decoded);
var paras=doc.Select("strong").Union(doc.Select ("br")) ;
var tags=new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
var counter=0;
foreach (var element in paras)
var key ="---" + counter + "---";
var value= HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(element.OuterHTML);
var pair= new KeyValuePair<String,String>(key,value);
element.OuterHTML = key ;
var finalstring= HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(doc.Document.Body.InnerHTML);
foreach (var element in tags)
Or you could use HtmlAgility with a black list or white list based on your requirement. I'm using black listed approach.
My black listed tag is store in a text file, for example "script|img"
public static string DecodeSpecificTags(this string content, List<string> blackListedTags)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
return content;
blackListedTags = blackListedTags.Select(t => t.ToLowerInvariant()).ToList();
var decodedContent = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(content);
var document = new HtmlDocument();
decodedContent = blackListedTags.Select(blackListedTag => document.DocumentNode.Descendants(blackListedTag))
(current1, nodes) =>
nodes.Select(htmlNode => htmlNode.WriteTo())
(current, nodeContent) =>
current.Replace(nodeContent, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(nodeContent))));
return decodedContent;
I am working on an application that gets text from a text file on a page.
Example link:
This text file contains the following text:
1 Milk Stuff1.rar
2 Milk Stuff2.rar
3 Milk Stuff2-1.rar
4 Union Stuff3.rar
What I am trying to do is as follows, to remove everything from each line, except for "words" that start with 'Stuff' and ends with '.rar'.
The problem is, most of the simple solutions like using .Remove, .Split or .Replace end up failing. This is because, for example, formatting the string using spaces ends up returning this:
I bet it's not as hard as it looks, but I'd apreciate any help you can give me.
Ps: Just to be clear, this is what I want it to return:
I am currently working with this code:
client.HeadOnly = true;
string uri = "";
byte[] body = client.DownloadData(uri);
string type = client.ResponseHeaders["content-type"];
client.HeadOnly = false;
if (type.StartsWith(#"text/"))
string[] text = client.DownloadString(uri);
foreach (string word in text)
if (word.StartsWith("Patch") && word.EndsWith(".rar"))
This is obviously not working, but you get the idea.
Thank you in advance!
This should work:
using (var writer = File.CreateText("output.txt"))
foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines("input.txt"))
var match = Regex.Match(line, "Stuff.*?\\.rar");
if (match.Success)
I would be tempted to use a regular expression for this sort of thing.
Something like
will pull out just the text you require.
How about a function like:
public static IEnumerable<string> GetStuff(string fileName)
var regex = new Regex(#"Stuff[^\s]*.rar");
using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileName))
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
var match = regex.Match(line);
if (match.Success)
yield return match.Value;
for(string line in text)
int index = line.LastIndexOf("Stuff");
if(index != -1)