Clearing a TextBox in ASP.NET - c#

I have webpage where there is textbox with some default value. I have to clear that value from the textbox. I have two options:
Which one should I use? Does it make any impact on page performance (there are many textboxes placed on my page)?

The best way to do this is
textbox.text = string.Empty;
Also remember that string type is immutable!

It makes no difference - do what is most readable for you and your colleagues.
Many prefer to use string.Empty.

The performance difference between the two options will be too small to measure, most likely.
TextBox.Text = String.Empty; is a lot more readable. It clearly states what you're trying to do: "set the text property of this text box to an empty string".
I recommend you go with the assignment, as it is both faster, and much more clear.

Presumably, you mean clear the value with javascript when a user clicks int the box? If so, it won't make any difference to performance.
I use jQuery in most pages, so I just hook up this function to clear default values onClick, using the ClientId of the textbox:
$('#ctl00_TextBox').click(function() { $('#ctl00_TextBox').val('');
If you mean clear it in codebehind use this:
yourTextBox.Text = String.Empty;

foreach (var item in Page.Controls)
if (item is TextBox)
((TextBox)item).Text = "";

The impact on performance will be minimal even with hundreds/thousands of calls, however
textbox.text = "";
should in theory be very slightly quicker, since you're just assigning a new value rather than processing the string (as .Remove does)
The best way to do this would be to do
textbox.text = String.Empty;
Update: if you're counting clock-cycles, String.Empty will actually execute faster as well, because it doesn't create a new object, whereas "" will create a new String object.
However, you should really not be too concerned about this, there aren't many ways to set a string to empty that will cause performance issues! You should use whichever is the most readable...


Quickest way to Update Multiline Textbox with Large Amount of Text

I have a .NET 4.5 WinForm program that queries a text-based database using ODBC. I then want to display every result in a multiline textbox and I want to do it in the quickest way possible.
The GUI does not have to be usable during the time the textbox is being updated/populated. However, it'd be nice if I could update a progress bar to let the user know that something is happening - I believe a background worker or new thread/task is necessary for this but I've never implemented one.
I initially went with this code and it was slow, as it drew out the result every line before continuing to the next one.
OdbcDataReader dbReader = com.ExecuteReader();
while (dbReader.Read())
This was significantly faster.
string resultString = "";
while (dbReader.Read())
resultString += dbReader[0].ToString();
txtDatabaseResults.Text = resultString;
But there is a generous wait time before the textbox comes to life so I want to know if the operation can be even faster. Right now I'm fetching about 7,000 lines from the file and I don't think it's necessary to switch to AvalonEdit (correct me if my way of thinking is wrong, but I would like to keep it simple and use the built-in textbox).
You can make this far faster by using a StringBuilder instead of using string concatenation.
var results = new StringBuilder();
while (dbReader.Read())
txtDatabaseResults.Text = results.ToString();
Using string and concatenation creates a lot of pressure on the GC, especially if you're appending 7000 lines of text. Each time you use string +=, the CLR creates a new string instance, which means the older one (which is progressively larger and larger) needs to be garbage collected. StringBuilder avoids that issue.
Note that there will still be a delay when you assign the text to the TextBox, as it needs to refresh and display that text. The TextBox control isn't optimized for that amount of text, so that may be a bottleneck.
As for pushing this into a background thread - since you're using .NET 4.5, you could use the new async support to handle this. This would work via marking the method containing this code as async, and using code such as:
string resultString = await Task.Run(()=>
var results = new StringBuilder();
while (dbReader.Read())
return results.ToString();
txtDatabaseResults.Text = resultString;
Use a StringBuilder:
StringBuilder e = new StringBuilder();
while (dbReader.Read())
txtDatabaseResults.Text = e.ToString();
Despite the fact that a parallel Thread is recommended, the way you extract the lines from file is somehow flawed. While string is immutable everytime you concatenate resulString you actually create another (bigger) string. Here, StringBuilder comes in very useful:
StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder ()
while (dbReader.Read())
resultString = resultString.Append(dbReader[0].ToString());
txtDatabaseResults.Text = resultString;
I am filling a regular TextBox (multiline=true) in a single call with a very long string (more than 200kB, loaded from a file. I just assign the Text property of TextBox with my string).
It's very slow (> 1 second).
The Textbox does anything else than display the huge string.
I used a very simple trick to improve performances : I replaced the multiline textbox by a RichTextBox (native control).
Now same loadings are instantaneous and RichTextBox has exactly the same appearance and behavior as TextBox with raw text (as long as you didn't tweaked it). The most obvious difference is RTB does not have Context menu by default.
Of course, it's not a solution in every case, and it's not aiming the OP question but for me it works perfectly, so I hope it could help other peoples facing same problems with Textbox and performance with big strings.

Why does textbox overflow slow down the program so significantly?

I made an application (something like Google Maps) and I added a textbox field to which debugging data were written (of course I meant to remove it afterwards). The interesting fact is that after it was "full" let's say several kilobytes - the whole program slowed down significantly and needed to be exited because one could not work with it.
Could you please explain?
Well, it is surely more than a couple of kilobytes. But yes, TextBox is pretty unsuitable as a control to display tracing information. Every time you add a new line, it must re-allocate its internal buffer, merging the old text with the new text. It is the exact same kind of problem with .NET's String class. With the StringBuilder class as a workaround, but no equivalent exists for TextBox.
Another option that makes TextBox very slow when you add a lot of lines is the WordWrap property. Setting it to True requires it to do a lot of work to figure out the length of each line every time it paints itself.
So workarounds are to leave WordWrap set to False and to prevent the amount of text from growing boundlessly by throwing half of it away whenever the length reaches a limit. Or by using a different control, TextBox isn't very suitable anyway since it doesn't make sense to edit tracing data. Like ListBox.
Instead of appending a little data at a time, eg:
debugTextBox.Text += "Some new debug info"
Perhaps this stragegy might be faster:
StringBuilder debugText = new StringBuilder();
debugText.Append("Some new debug info");
debugTextBox.Text = debugText.ToString();
(although StringBuilder is probably overkill for this, and may prove slower than just working directly with string concatenations against a string debugText)

Highlighting in a RichTextBox is taking too long

I have a large list of offsets which I need to highlight in my RichTextBox. However this process is taking too long. I am using the following code:
foreach (int offset in offsets)
richTextBox.Select(offset, searchString.Length);
richTextBox.SelectionBackColor = Color.Yellow;
Is there a more efficient way to do so?
Tried using this method but it doesn't highlight anything:
richTextBox.SelectionBackColor = Color.Yellow;
foreach (int offset in offsets)
richTextBox.Select(offset, searchString.Length);
I've googled your issue and I found that RichTextBox is getting very slow when having many lines. In my opinion, you have either buy a third part control which you can be satisfied by its performance or you may need threads to devide the whole selection task. I think they can accelerate things up.
Hope it helps !
I've had this same problem before. I ended up disregarding all of the methods they give you and manipulated the underlying RTF data. Also, the reason that your second block of code doesnt work is that RTF applies formatting as it goes, so if you call a function (or Property in this case) to change the selection color, it will only apply it for the currently selected block. Any changes made to the selection after that call become irrelavent.
You can play around with the RGB values, or here is a great source on how to do different things within the RTF control. Pop this function in your code and see how well it works. I use it to provide realtime syntax highlighting for SQL code.
public void HighlightText(int offset, int length)
String sText = richTextBox.Text.Trim();
sText = sText.Insert(offset + length - 1, #" \highlight0");
sText = sText.Insert(offset, #" \highlight1");
String s = #"{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}}
{\colortbl ;\red255\green255\blue0;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard";
s += sText;
s += #"\par}";
richTextBox.Rtf = s;
Does it make any difference if you set the SelectionBackColor outside of the loop?
Looking into the RichTextBox with Reflector shows, that a WindowMessage is sent to the control every time when the color is set. In the case of large number of offsets this might lead to highlighting the already highlighted words again and again, leading to O(n^2) behavior.

Elegant way of switching between ValidationSummary and single validation strings

In a nutshell, let's say I have two textboxes, both have RequiredFieldValidator controls. I want to display only a single string in ValidationSummary control if both of the values are not valid and one string, in the place of RequiredFieldValidator if only one is not valid.
Currently, What I have is working but it is a bit messy. Was wondering if there is easier, more elegant way, of doing this.
if ((!Text1Valid.IsValid) && (!Text2Valid.IsValid))
// Make sure the individual validator shows nothing and ValidationSummary is visible.
Text1Valid.Display = ValidatorDisplay.None;
Text2Valid.Display = ValidatorDisplay.None;
ValidSummary.Visible = true;
Text1Valid.ErrorMessage = "Both of the values are wrong!";
Text2Valid.ErrorMessage = String.Empty;
// Single validation strings visible and ValidationSummary hidden.
Text1Valid.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic;
Text2Valid.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic;
ValidSummary.Visible = false;
Text1Valid.ErrorMessage = "The value is wrong.";
Text2Valid.ErrorMessage = "The value is wrong.";
There definitely is not an out of box way to do what you want in a an easier/elegant fashion that I'm aware of. In terms of custom code it's a bit difficult to get a really elegant solution because the validation logic is very coupled. I can totally imagine the situation where you have a variety of validators on each input, differing numbers of "linked" inputs, and different types of input elements. If this is a one off situation, a solution similar to yours is probably ok. If this is a recurring theme for you project then you probably want to think about how much time you can afford to invest into a more robust solution.

SubSonic RESTHandler Question

I'm playing with the SubSonic RESTHandler for the first time and it's awesome... There is one quirk tho, that I'm curious about.
RESTHandler.cs (line 319):
//if this column is a string, by default do a fuzzy search
if(comp == Comparison.Like || column.IsString)
comp = Comparison.Like;
paramValue = String.Concat("%", paramValue, "%");
This little blurp of code forces all searches on string columns to wildcard searches by default. This seems counter intutive, since you've provided a nice set of comparisons we can add to a parameter (_is, _notequal, etc...). Is there a reason this was done? The EvalComparison uses "Comparison.Equals" as it's default, so unless a like is explicitly needed the " || column.IsString" looks like it should be removed since it breaks the ability to use different types of comparisons.
This was driving me crazy, since you can't do a "WHERE Field = X" without modifiying code...
Just curious if this is more of a feature than a bug...
It's because this is a LIKE operation which for a DB usually allows string operations. The feeling at the time was that if you wanted equals you could just use that.
It's been a while since I've touched this code - if you'd be kind enough to open a bug I'll take a look at it.
It does indeed look like a feature. It's based on the idea that, if I am searching for a string in a column without the wildcards, I must match the string exactly or I get no hits. I suspect that this was done to make programming search textboxes easier.
