.net c# excel column AutoFit - c#

I'm working with an excel object in c#. I want to auto-fit the columns, but like this: I want the columns' width to be 5 bigger than what the AutoFit method set.
How can I get the width after AutoFit() is used?
How can I make the columns 5 bigger than this width?

If you wish to use the Selection object and have IntelliSense with early binding, you need to cast the Selection object to a Range first:
Excel.Range selectedRange = (Excel.Range)myExcelApp.Selection;
foreach (Excel.Range column in selectedRange.Columns)
column.ColumnWidth = (double)column.ColumnWidth + 5;
-- Mike

Assuming that you are on cell A1 & have long text in it, following code will make the column Autofit and then increase the width by 5 characters.
Selection.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = Selection.Columns(1).ColumnWidth + 5

Try to loop through your rows to get the text length of it:
var row = 1;
ws.Column(1).AutoFit(ws.Cells[row, 1].Text.Length + 5);
Where ws is your Worksheet:
var pck = new ExcelPackage();
var ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Plan1")

Try Like this,
ExcelWorksheet ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");
//Load the datatable into the sheet, starting from cell A1. Print the column names on row 1
ws.Cells["A1"].LoadFromDataTable(data_table, true);
//Set full Sheet Auto Fit
ws.Cells[1, 1, data_table.Rows.Count, data_table.Columns.Count].AutoFitColumns();


How to get actual columns range Spreadsheetgear

I have an Excel worksheet which has 50 Rows and 38 columns "Filled" with actual data but when I try to get the .UsedRange I am getting More than 1025 Rows and 250 columns as Used range! Please let me know how can I get only actual Used ranges with filled data and retrive the actual range data using Spreadsheetgear lib? I tried something like, but when user added some column, it's does not work.
var workbook = Factory.GetWorkbook(filePath);
var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
var cells = worksheet.UsedRange;
var headerCount = 0;
// get columns size
for (var columnCount = 0; columnCount <= range.ColumnCount; ++columnCount)
if (columnCount > headers.Length && string.IsNullOrEmpty(range[HeaderRow, columnCount].Text))
headerCount = columnCount - 1;
SpreadsheetGear (and Excel itself) will include cells into the UsedRange that are empty but have formatting of some kind. For instance, if cell ABC123 has a custom NumberFormat, Font color or similar, the UsedRange will include that cell, thereby potentially blowing up your UsedRange A1:ABC123 even if the actual "value-populated" or "filled" portion of the worksheet is much smaller.
If this is a problem and you need to only include the portion of a sheet that is actually populated with cell values, below is one possible routine you might be able to use to only include cells that have cell values of some kind. It is written as an extension method off of IWorksheet to make utilization of it easier, and includes a bool flag that you can pass in so as to return either the "normal" UsedRange (including cells with other types of formatting) or the "altered" UsedRange discussed here:
public static class SGExtensionMethods
public static IRange GetUsedRange(this IWorksheet worksheet, bool ignoreEmptyCells)
IRange usedRange = worksheet.UsedRange;
if (!ignoreEmptyCells)
return usedRange;
// Find last row in used range with a cell containing data.
IRange foundCell = usedRange.Find("*", usedRange[0, 0], FindLookIn.Formulas,
LookAt.Part, SearchOrder.ByRows, SearchDirection.Previous, false);
int lastRow = foundCell?.Row ?? 0;
// Find last column in used range with a cell containing data.
foundCell = usedRange.Find("*", usedRange[0, 0], FindLookIn.Formulas,
LookAt.Part, SearchOrder.ByColumns, SearchDirection.Previous, false);
int lastCol = foundCell?.Column ?? 0;
// Return a new used range that clips of any empty rows/cols.
return worksheet.Cells[worksheet.UsedRange.Row, worksheet.UsedRange.Column, lastRow, lastCol];
A couple additional notes about this approach. It does generally take into account hidden rows or columns--meaning hidden rows or columns that have cell values will be included in the UsedRange. One exception / edge-case to this inclusion of hidden rows or columns is if AutoFilters is enabled on the worksheet. This puts the worksheet in a special "mode" that excludes hidden rows from search results. So if AutoFilters is enabled (in such cases IWorksheet.AutoFilterMode will be true), you may not be able to rely on this approach if the last row(s) or column(s) of the AutoFiltered range could possibly have been filtered out.

How to know editable cell address in merged cells

enter image description here
Here, there are four cells(A1,B1,C1,D1) have been merged, I would like to get the editable cell address(A1).
According to Excel A1 Cell able to edit, others not editable.
I could able to get merged cells count as 4 using below code.
Also I can get whether cell has been merged or not.
But not able to get the address of editable cell(A1) in merged cells.
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application appl = null;
appl = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wbk;
wbk = appl.Workbooks.Open("C:\\Users\\test\\Desktop\\test.xlsx");
Worksheet sheet = wbk.Worksheets.get_Item(1);
Range range = sheet.Cells[1, 2]; //B1 Cell
var a = range.Cells.MergeArea.Count; // can be able to get merged count cells
string b = range.Address;
**int ab = range.Cells.Areas.Count;**
Range ac = range.Cells.Areas.get_Item(1);
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
**if (sheet.Cells[1, i].Mergecells)** //merged cell
else //Unmerged cell
MessageBox.Show("UnMerged Cells");
The MergeArea property of a Range is again a Range. If you have a cell, just use something like the following to get the first (=top left) cell of the merged area (untested in C# as I don't have it available, but works in VBA and should also work for C#):
Range range = sheet.Cells[1, 2];
Range firstCell = range.MergeArea.Cells[1, 1];
This works even if a cell is not merged, MergeArea is always set, so on an unmerged cell range and firstCell would point to the same cell.
If I correctly understood your real need, please try the next approach. It is based on the fact that a merged area keeps the value in its first cell:
'your existing code...
if (sheet.Cells[1, i].Mergecells) //merged cell
MessageBox.Show(sheet.Cells[1, i].MergeArea.cells[1, 1].Value);
else //Unmerged cell
MessageBox.Show(sheet.Cells[1, i].Value);
'your existing code...
Here is the solution
string mergedCellsAddress = mergedRange.Address;
string[] firstMergedCell = mergedCellsAddress.Split(':');
string firstCell = firstMergedCell.GetValue(0).ToString().Replace("$", "");

Autofit text in merged rows in Excel interop objects. C#

I have a method that writes data in excel, but there are parts that have a lot of text and the method wrap the text into the column but I canĀ“t do it in the rows because they are merged. So i get something like this:
And I need to get it like This:
Is there a way to do it by code? Using Interop Objects. Thanks for any help.
I don't know whether this is correct or not, but I've come up with the following solution. The idea is the following:
remember rows count
calculate total height of all rows in merged area
calculate percentage of every row according to total height
unmerge cells
autofit rows
remember the height of first row (i.e. data row) - a new height
main: apply percentage (on stage 3) to new height
merge cells back (with the help of rows count on stage 1)
As you can see, this method is universal - i.e. it will work on any rows count in merged area and it will honor the previous ratio of each row according to new height. You can download sample workbook with code.
Sub Test()
Call AutoFitMergedCells(Range("D11"))
End Sub
Sub AutoFitMergedCells(cell As Range)
Dim dOldHeight#, dNewHeight#, dPercent#, arow, addr, rows_count
Dim dicCells As New Dictionary, dicHeights As New Dictionary
'// turn off flickering
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With cell
'// remember rows count for merging cells back
rows_count = .MergeArea.Count
'// every dictionary entry holds following info:
'// 1) original height of all rows in merged cells
'// 2) percentage of row's height to height of all rows in merged area
For Each arow In .MergeArea.Rows
With arow.Cells(1)
Set dicHeights = New Dictionary
dicHeights("height") = .RowHeight
dicHeights("percent") = 0
dicCells.Add Key:=.Address(0, 0), Item:=dicHeights
End With
'// total height of all rows
For Each addr In dicCells.Keys()
dOldHeight = dOldHeight + dicCells(addr)("height")
'// update the percentage of every row
For Each addr In dicCells.Keys()
dicCells(addr)("percent") = dicCells(addr)("height") / dOldHeight
'// remember new height
dNewHeight = .RowHeight
'// this applies percentage of previous row's height to new height
For Each addr In dicCells.Keys()
Range(addr).EntireRow.RowHeight = dicCells(addr)("percent") * dNewHeight
'// merge back
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
private void ProcessMergedCells()
var xlApp = new Excel.Application { Visible = false, ScreenUpdating = false };
// get Excel process in order to kill it after the work is done
var xlHandle = new IntPtr(xlApp.Hwnd);
var xlProc = Process
.First(p => p.MainWindowHandle == xlHandle);
var book = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(#"C:\AutoFitMergedCells.xlsm");
var sheet = book.Sheets[1] as Excel.Worksheet;
// obtain merged cells any way you like
// here I just populate array with arbitrary cells
var merged_ranges = new Excel.Range[]
// process merged cells
foreach(var merged_range in merged_ranges)
// quit with saving
book.Close(SaveChanges: true);
// clean up
// kill Excel for sure
private void AutoFitMergedCells(Excel.Range merged_range)
double dOldHeight = 0d, dNewHeight = 0d;
var dicCells = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>>();
// remember rows count for merging cells back
int rows_count = merged_range.MergeArea.Count;
// every dictionary entry holds following info:
// 1) original height of all rows in merged cells
// 2) percentage of row's height to height of all rows in merged area
foreach (Excel.Range the_row in merged_range.MergeArea.Rows)
// we need only top-left cell
var first_cell = the_row.Cells[1];
var dicHeights = new Dictionary<string, double>
["height"] = first_cell.RowHeight,
["percent"] = 0d
dicCells[first_cell.Address[0, 0]] = dicHeights;
// total height of all rows
foreach (string addr in dicCells.Keys)
dOldHeight += dicCells[addr]["height"];
// update the percentage of every row
foreach (string addr in dicCells.Keys)
dicCells[addr]["percent"] = dicCells[addr]["height"] / dOldHeight;
// unmerge range and autofit
// remember new height
dNewHeight = merged_range.RowHeight;
// this applies percentage of previous row's height to new height
var sheet = merged_range.Parent;
foreach (string addr in dicCells.Keys)
sheet.Range[addr].EntireRow.RowHeight = dicCells[addr]["percent"] * dNewHeight;
// merge back
I don't recall where I saw this, but I once saw a hack to accomplish this. In a nutshell, you take the text in question from the merged cell, paste it into a non-merged cell in the same column and do an autofit on that one cell to see how tall it should be. Then you take that height of the safe cell and manually set it to each of the merged rows, dividing by the total number of rows that were merged.
It's ugly, but it does work. In your example, if it's always two rows, that makes it a lot easier because you can always divide by two and increment the row count by two. If not, you just need to factor that in. Assuming C1 is our "safe cell," it would looks something like this:
Excel.Range testCell = ws.Cells[1, 3];
testCell.WrapText = true;
for (int row = 11; row < ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count; row += 2)
testCell.Value2 = ws.Cells[row, 4].Value2;
ws.Range[string.Format("{0}:{1}", row, row + 1)].RowHeight = testCell.RowHeight / 2;

C# Reorder columns of Excel worksheet

I have an Excel worksheet with some data. I also have a List of the column headers of the worksheet. The headers in the list are in a different order than the headers in the worksheet, and I need to reorder the Excel worksheet's columns to be the same order as the list.
List<string> dataset1Variables = new List<string>() { "Variable1", "Variable2", "Variable3", "Variable4" };
The headers of my Excel sheet may look like this:
Variable 3 | Variable 1 | Variable 4 | Variable 2
I have come across this code to shift columns but this is only for moving 1 column to a specific location. The list might be completely mixed up so I would need to shift many columns.
Excel.Range copyRange = xlWs.Range["C:C"];
Excel.Range insertRange = xlWs.Range["A:A"];
What would be the best approach for doing this? Preferably using Interop.
If you have an empty row right above your worksheet with data, you can add matching formula right above headers. In below assuming your list is on Sheet2 range B2:B5 and your data headers start on Sheet1 range A2:D2
Excel.Workbook myBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(#"path\excel.xlsx");
Excel.Worksheet ws = myBook.Worksheets[1];
// You can use all dynamic ranges instead
// Excel.Range xlRng = ws.Range[ws.Cells[yourRow, firsColumn], ws.Cells[yourRow, lastColumn]];
Excel.Range xlRng = ws.Range[ws.Cells[1, 1], ws.Cells[1, 4]]; // ws.Range["A1:D1"];
xlRng.FormulaR1C1 = "=MATCH(R[-1]C,Sheet2!R2C2:$R5C2,0)";
// Below is how you can get full address for your list if it's in different workbook and replace Sheet2!R2C2:$R5C2 with rangeFullAddress
// string rangeFullAddress = xlRng.Address[true,true,Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlR1C1,true];
xlRng.Value = xlRng.Value;
After this you can just sort your data using Excel Sort by 1st row. After sorting your 1st row it would look like this: 1, 2, 3, 4. Then clear data on 1st row ws.Range["A1:D1"].Clear();.
Your sort key would be Key1: ws.Range["A1:D1"], here is c# sort example using c# to sort a column in excel only change Excel.XlSortOrientation and adjust for your range.
There are other ways to sort but this way you'll keep individual formats, comments of each cell within your data
I missed 1 important detail - that your list is not in Excel sheet, but you can add it to Excel, perhaps in temporary workbook or right on the same sheet:
object [,] columnHeaders = new object[3,0]; // or object[0,3]; if you'd like to add into 1 row
columnHeaders[0, 0] = "Variable1";
columnHeaders[1, 0] = "Variable2";
columnHeaders[2, 0] = "Variable3";
columnHeaders[3, 0] = "Variable4";
xlRng.FormulaR1C1 = columnHeaders; // xlRng would be in the above Sheet2!R2C2:$R5C2

Read Excel Cell And Set Row Colour

I am using Com Interop and C#. I have to iterate through an Excel file looking for certain values in each of the rows (always in column 2). For some values I need to set the background colour of the row to red.
I am having trouble:
Reading the value in cell [i][2] for row i, and
Setting the background colour of this row.
Basically I am looking for something like this (which is the best I can find after much Googling):
// ws is the worksheet
for (int i = 1; i <= ws.Rows.Count; i++)
Range range = ws.Cells[i][2];
int count = Convert.ToInt32(range.Value2.ToString());
if (count >= 3)
Range chronic = ws.UsedRange.Rows[i];
chronic.EntireRow.Cells.Interior.Color = 0xFF0000;
Of course this doesn't work. I can't get past the first hurdle of just reading the cell. Any advice is appreciated.
Try this. The code assumes that the value in the column 2 cell is a number.
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
using System.Reflection;
Missing noValue = Missing.Value;
Excel.Range conditionalCell;
foreach (Excel.Range usedRange in ws.UsedRange.Rows)
conditionalCell = usedRange.Cells[noValue, 2] as Excel.Range;
if (Convert.ToInt32(conditionalCell.Value2) >= 3)
usedRange.Cells.Interior.Color = Excel.XlRgbColor.rgbRed;
