how to get the 12 hour date from DateTime - c#

when i get the DateTime.Hour property, i always get the 24 hour time (so 6PM would give me 18).
how do i get the "12 hour" time so 6PM just gives me 6.
i obviously can do the check myself but i assume there is a built in function for this.

How about:
DateTime.Hour % 12
That will give 0-11 of course... do you want 1-12? If so:
((DateTime.Hour + 11) % 12) + 1
I don't think there's anything simpler built in...

DateTime.Now.ToString("hh"); --> Using this you will get "06" for 18h.

I don't know of any built in method, but you can always add an extension method to accomplish this.
Of course, you could always replace the code with the way you want to accomplish it.
public static class Extension
public static int GetTwelveCycleHour(this DateTime dateTime)
if (dateTime.Hour > 12)
return dateTime.Hour - 12;
return dateTime.Hour;

What about simply:
public static int GetTwelveCycleHour(this DateTime dateTime)
return Convert.ToInt32(dateTime.ToString("h"));

There's no built-in function, mainly because you shouldn't need it:
If you're doing this for output to the user, look at using a format string.
If you're doing this for a calculation, you can subtract datetimes or add timespans directly.
Outside of this, the math calculation is simple enough and already available in other answers here.

I thought the most convenient answer was submitted by Jon Skeet. The below is the same but converted to Visual Basic. I like things to be super easy. It took me a few to figure out the C# to Visual Basic Conversion. I included some 'extra' stuff as well. Hope this saves someone else time.
Visual Basic
(((DateTime.Now().Hour + 11) Mod 12) + 1)
Dim stringDate = DateTime.Now().Year &
DateTime.Now().Month.ToString("00") &
DateTime.Now().Day.ToString("00") & "_" &
(((DateTime.Now().Hour + 11) Mod 12) + 1).ToString("00") &
The ToString("00") forces each Month/Day/Hour/Minute to always be represented by two digits.
Year = 2019
Month: April 4 = 04
Day: 3 = 03
Hour: 10 = 10
5 Minutes = 05
stringDate = 201904031005

DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime("12/12/2022 20:20:00 PM");
var hour = date.Hour;
var dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime((date.ToShortDateString() + " " + hour + ":00:00"));
Console.WriteLine(dateTime); // 12/12/2022 8:00:00 PM
Console.WriteLine(hour); // 20


The best way to compare DateTime?

The problem is the best way to compare DateTime form the past with now.
I try to diff a past of time with DateTime now but It's not absolutely solve my problem.
The function I have try is here =>
public void diffOfEpochTime(DateTime past_time){
double howlong = (DateTime.Now() - past_time).TotalDays;
Console.write(howlong/365.25 + " Year "
+ (howlong%365.25)/30 + " Month "
+ (howlong%365.25)%30 + " Day");
Seem like it's work but actually not because the diff of time is missed some of month and day.
Example the Time is January 1, 2018 12:00:00 AM
and today is March 1, 2018 12:00:00 AM
the answer should be 0 Year 2 Month 1 Day.
but the Function's answer is 0 Year 1 month 29 Day
Anyone have a suggestion to me how to dare with this, Thank you.
#Drag and Drop
Your answer about Noda Time library is solve my problem
=> Another answer
=> Noda time

rounding to a specific 12hr timeframe in

I realize this may have been answered before, and I may just not be searching for the answer properly, so my apologies if this is a duplicate. This is for a c# webform.
I've got a datetime, set to now, and rounded up the nearest 30 minutes:
DateTime dtNow = RoundUp(DateTime.Now, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));
I'm splitting the datetime into its component parts, using M:YY tt (no preceding 0 on the month, two digit year, 12 hr am/pm)
DateString = dtNow.ToString("M/dd/yy");
TimeString = dtNow.ToString("h:mm tt");
What I want do to is simple, I want to see if that TimeString falls between 7:00pm and 5:59am, just need to round it to 6:00am of the following day (unless its past midnight, in which case 6:00am of that day).
Can anyone help me out, or at least point out where its already answered?
You should really stick to DateTime. What you want using string will always need to parse again that string into a DateTime to implement your logic.
A simple solution:
public static DateTime GetRoundedDate(DateTime originalDate)
if(originalDate.Hour > 19)
return originalDate.Date.AddDays(1).AddHours(6);
else if (originalDate.Hour < 6)
return originalDate.Date.AddHours(6);
return originalDate;
So now you may call:
DateTime dtNow = RoundUp(DateTime.Now, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));
var rounded = GetRoundedDate(dtNow);
DateString = rounded.ToString("M/dd/yy");
TimeString = rounded.ToString("h:mm tt");
Just look at the time properties on your DateTime object.
if (dtNow.Hour >= 19 || (dtNow is tomorrow && dtNow.Hour <= 7)) {
//do your stuff
where "is tomorrow" is something like dtNow.Date == DateTime.Today.AddDays(1)


*(This is for ISV database so I am kind of reverse engineering this and cannot change) ...
How can I do the following date to int (visa/versa) conversion in C# ...
So Say the Date is:
it gets converted to int
in the database.
At first I thought this was a Julian date however it does not appear to be the case. I was fooling around with the method from Julian Date Question however this does not match up.
var date = ConvertToJulian(Convert.ToDateTime("5/17/2012"));
public static long ConvertToJulian(DateTime Date)
int Month = Date.Month;
int Day = Date.Day;
int Year = Date.Year;
if (Month < 3)
Month = Month + 12;
Year = Year - 1;
long JulianDay = Day + (153 * Month - 457)
/ 5 + 365 * Year + (Year / 4) -
(Year / 100) + (Year / 400) + 1721119;
return JulianDay;
Outputs 2456055 //Should be 77207
I've been using this SQL to do the conversion:
SELECT Convert(date, CONVERT(CHAR,DATEADD(D, 77207, '1800-12-28'),101))
and it appears to be accurate. How could I do this conversion in C# ? And can someone edify me as to what standard this is based on or is it simply a random conversion. Thanks in advance.
//TO int
var date = new DateTime(1800,12,28,0,0,0);
var daysSince = (DateTime.Now-date).Days;
//FROM int
var date = new DateTime(1800, 12, 28, 0, 0, 0);
var theDate = date.AddDays(77207);
This appears to be a Clarion Date:
the number of days that have elapsed since December 28, 1800
Allegedly to, Display Clarion Dates In Excel it only takes
subtracting 36161 from the value and formatting it as a date
If it is a linear formula, you should be able to calculate formula in the form of y=mx+b. You would need a minimum of two data points.
Here is the Code I use to convert Clarion Date to Julian Date:
Dim ldblDaysToSubtract As Double = 36161.0
mclsRevEmployeeRecd.BirthDate(istrBirthDate:=(CDbl(E1Row.Item("BIRTH_DT")) - ldblDaysToSubtract).ToString)
mstrBirthDate = Format(CDate(Date.FromOADate(CDbl(istrBirthDate)).ToString), "MM/dd/yyyy")

Extract Values from DateTime

I'm working on an edit admin form and I'm populating two DropDownLists (hours and mins) from a DB. I need to extract the hours (12 hour format) and minutes from the returned DateTime object in the DB. Here's what I've tried:
DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(biz.GetStartDateByID(classID).ToString());
int hrs = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.ToString()).Hour;
For "2012-03-08 22:45:00.000" in the DB, this gives "22" for hours. What's the best way of extracting the hours in 12 hour format and the minutes? For example, if the hours value in the DateTime object was "18", I'd need it as "6".
Try this:
String.Format("{0:hh}", dt);
This will give you the hour in 12-hour, zero-padded format.
For no zero-padding:
String.Format("{0:h}", dt);
int hrs24 = dt.Hour;
int hrs12 = hrs24 > 12 ? hrs24 - 12 : (hrs24 == 0 ? 12 : hrs24);
DateTime.Hour % 12
That will give 0-11 of course... do you want 1-12? If so:
((DateTime.Hour + 11) % 12) + 1
I don't think there's anything simpler built in...
you can visit this link also...
Just use the proper format for DateTime to string conversion
DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(biz.GetStartDateByID(classID).ToString());
int hrs = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.ToString("hh:mm:ss")).Hour;
For reference please look at this

Convert a two digit year to a four digit year

This is a question of best practices. I have a utility that takes in a two digit year as a string and I need to convert it to a four digit year as a string. right now I do
//DOB's format is "MMM (D)D YY" that first digit of the day is not there for numbers 1-9
string tmpYear = rowIn.DOB.Substring(rowIn.DOB.Length - 3, 2); //-3 because it is 0 indexed
if (Convert.ToInt16(tmpYear) > 50)
tmpYear = String.Format("19{0}", tmpYear);
tmpYear = String.Format("20{0}", tmpYear);
I am sure I am doing it horribly wrong, any pointers?
The .NET framework has a method that does exactly what you want:
int fourDigitYear = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar.ToFourDigitYear(twoDigitYear)
That way you will correctly adhere to current regional settings as defined in Control Panel (or group policy):
Given that there are people alive now born before 1950, but none born after 2010, your use of 50 as the flipping point seems broken.
For date of birth, can you not set the flip point to the 'year of now' (i.e. 10) in your app? Even then you'll have problems with those born before 1911...
There's no perfect way to do this - you're creating information out of thin air.
I've assumed DOB = date-of-birth. For other data (say, maturity of a financial instrument) the choice might be different, but just as imperfect.
You can also use the DateTime.TryParse method to convert your date. It uses the current culture settings to define the pivot year (in my case it is 2029)
DateTime resultDate;
Console.WriteLine("CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax : {0}", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax);
DateTime.TryParse("01/01/28", out resultDate);
Console.WriteLine("Generated date with year=28 - {0}",resultDate);
DateTime.TryParse("01/02/29",out resultDate);
Console.WriteLine("Generated date with year=29 - {0}", resultDate);
DateTime.TryParse("01/03/30", out resultDate);
Console.WriteLine("Generated date with year=30 - {0}", resultDate);
The output is:
CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax : 2029
Generated date with year=28 - 01/01/2028 00:00:00
Generated date with year=29 - 01/02/2029 00:00:00
Generated date with year=30 - 01/03/1930 00:00:00
If you want to change the behavior you can create a culture with the year you want to use as pivot. This thread shows an example
DateTime.TryParse century control C#
But as martin stated, if you want to manage a time period that spans more than 100 year, there is no way to do it with only 2 digits.
I think Java has a good implementation of this:
People rarely specify years far into the future using a two-digit code. The Java implementation handles this by assuming a range of 80 years behind and 20 years ahead of the current year. So right now, 30 would be 2030, while 31 would be 1931. Additionally, this implementation is flexible, modifying its ranges as time goes on, so that you don't have to change the code every decade or so.
I just tested, and Excel also uses these same rules for 2-digit year conversion. 1/1/29 turns into 1/1/2029. 1/1/30 turns into 1/1/1930.
The implementation of
public virtual int ToFourDigitYear(int year)
if (year < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("year", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
if (year < 100)
return (this.TwoDigitYearMax / 100 - (year > this.TwoDigitYearMax % 100 ? 1 : 0)) * 100 + year;
return year;
Hope this helps!
It might be smarter to check tmpYear > currentYear%100. If it is, then it's 19XX, otherwise 20XX.
This solution we use for Expiration Dates, the user enters MM and YY into separate fields. This results in dates being the 31st or 30th and 28th or 29th also for February.
/// <summary>
/// Creates datetime for current century and sets days to end of month
/// </summary>
/// <param name="MM"></param>
/// <param name="YY"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static DateTime GetEndOfMonth(string MM, string YY)
// YY -> YYYY #RipVanWinkle
// Gets Current century and adds YY to it.
// Minus 5 to allow dates that may be expired to be entered.
// eg. today is 2017, 12 = 2012 and 11 = 2111
int currentYear = DateTime.Now.Year;
string thisYear = currentYear.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + YY;
int month = Int32.Parse(MM);
int year = Int32.Parse(thisYear);
if ((currentYear - 5) > year)
year += 100;
return new DateTime(year, month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month));
This Method can convert the credit card last two year digits to four year
private static int ToFourDigitYear(int year)
string stringYear = year.ToString("00");
if (stringYear.Length == 2)
int currentYear = DateTime.Now.Year;
string firstTwoDigitsOfCurrentYear = currentYear.ToString().Substring(0, 2);
year = Convert.ToInt32(firstTwoDigitsOfCurrentYear + stringYear);
if (year < currentYear)
year = year + 100;
return year;
Out of curiosity, from where do you get this data? From a form? In that case; I would simply ask the user to fill in (or somehow select) the year with four digits or get the users age and month/day of birth, and use that data to figure out what year they were born. That way, you wouldn't have to worry about this problem at all :)
Edit: Use DateTime for working with this kind of data.
Try this simple code
//Invoke TextBoxDateFormat method with date as parameter.
public void TextBoxDateFormat(string str1)
// Takes the current date format if MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(str1);
//Converts the requested date into MM/DD/YYYY and assign it to textbox field
TextBox = String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", dt.ToShortDateString());
//include your validation code if required
Had a similar issue, and came up with this... HTH!
value = this.GetDate()
if (value.Length >= 6)//ensure that the date is mmddyy
int year = 0;
if (int.TryParse(value.Substring(4, 2), out year))
int pastMillenium = int.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy").Substring(0, 2)) - 1;
if (year > int.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yy")))//if its a future year it's most likely 19XX
value = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", value.Substring(0, 4), pastMillenium, year.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'));
value = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", value.Substring(0, 4), pastMillenium + 1, year.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'));
value = string.Empty;
value = string.Empty;
My answer will not match your question but for credit cards I just add 2 digits of current year
private int UpconvertTwoDigitYearToFour(int yearTwoOrFour)
if (yearTwoOrFour.ToString().Length <= 2)
DateTime yearOnly = DateTime.ParseExact(yearTwoOrFour.ToString("D2"), "yy", null);
return yearOnly.Year;
return yearTwoOrFour;
If you calculate for a person he will probably not be more than 100 years...
Eg: 751212
var nr = "751212";
var century = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-100).Year.ToString().Substring(0, 2);
var days = (DateTime.Now - DateTime.Parse(century + nr)).Days;
decimal years = days / 365.25m;
century = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString().Substring(0, 2);
var fullnr = century+nr;
To change a 2-digit year to 4-digit current or earlier -
year = year + (DateTime.Today.Year - DateTime.Today.Year%100);
if (year > DateTime.Today.Year)
year = year - 100;
My two cents,
Given an age range=[18, 100+], two digits year=90, I can do
current year - twoDigitsYear = 2018 - 90 = 1928, I got 19, 28
hence 19 is the first two digits of year of born, and 28 is the age, which is
year=1990, age=28
But it won't work when age 0 and 100 both included in the range, same to some of the other answers here.
Based on above solutions, here is mine, i used in android while using java
it takes current year in two digit format then checks for if input
year length is equal to 2, if yes then it get current year and from
this year it splits first two digits of century, then it adds this
century with year user input. to make it 4 digit year.
public static int getConvertedYearFromTwoToFourDigits(String year) {
if (year.length() == 2) {
int currentYear = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR);
String firstTwoDigitsOfCurrentYear = String.valueOf(currentYear).substring(0, 2);
year = firstTwoDigitsOfCurrentYear + year;
return Integer.parseInt(year);
int fYear = Convert.ToInt32(txtYear.Value.ToString().Substring(2, 2));
My answer will not match your question but for credit cards I just add 2 digits of current year
private int UpconvertTwoDigitYearToFour(int yearTwoOrFour)
if (yearTwoOrFour.ToString().Length <= 2)
DateTime yearOnly = DateTime.ParseExact(yearTwoOrFour.ToString("D2"), "yy", null);
return yearOnly.Year;
return yearTwoOrFour;
