How to write/read bits from/to a Stream? (C#) - c#

How can I write bits to a stream (System.IO.Stream) or read in C#? thanks.

You could create an extension method on Stream that enumerates the bits, like this:
public static class StreamExtensions
public static IEnumerable<bool> ReadBits(this Stream input)
if (input == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
if (!input.CanRead) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot read from input", "input");
return ReadBitsCore(input);
private static IEnumerable<bool> ReadBitsCore(Stream input)
int readByte;
while((readByte = input.ReadByte()) >= 0)
for(int i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
yield return ((readByte >> i) & 1) == 1;
Using this extension method is easy:
foreach(bool bit in stream.ReadBits())
// do something with the bit
Attention: you should not call ReadBits multiple times on the same Stream, otherwise the subsequent calls will forget the current bit position and will just start reading the next byte.

This is not possible with the default stream class. The C# (BCL) Stream class operates on the granularity of bytes at it's lowest level. What you can do is write a wrapper class which reads bytes and partititions them out to bits.
For example:
class BitStream : IDisposable {
private Stream m__stream;
private byte? m_current;
private int m_index;
public byte ReadNextBit() {
if ( !m_current.HasValue ) {
m_current = ReadNextByte();
m_index = 0;
var value = (m_byte.Value >> m_index) & 0x1;
if (m_index == 8) {
m_current = null;
return value;
private byte ReadNextByte() {
// Dispose implementation omitted
Note: This will read the bits in right to left fashion which may or may not be what you're intending.

If you need to retrieve separate sections of your byte stream a few bits at a time, you need to remember the position of the bit to read next between calls. The following class takes care of caching the current byte and the bit position within it between calls.
// Binary MSB-first bit enumeration.
public class BitStream
private Stream wrapped;
private int bitPos = -1;
private int buffer;
public BitStream(Stream stream) => this.wrapped = stream;
public IEnumerable<bool> ReadBits()
while (bitPos >= 0)
yield return (buffer & (1 << bitPos--)) > 0;
buffer = wrapped.ReadByte();
bitPos = 7;
} while (buffer > -1);
Call like this:
var bStream = new BitStream(<existing Stream>);
var firstBits = bStream.ReadBits().Take(2);
var nextBits = bStream.ReadBits().Take(3);

For your purpose, I wrote an easy-to-use, fast and open-source (MIT license) library for this, called "BitStream", which is available at github (
In this example, you can see how 5 unsigned integers, which can be represented with 6 bits (all below the value 63) are written with 6 bits each to a stream and then read back. Please note that the library takes and returns long or ulong values for the ease of it, so just convert your e. g. int, uint, etc to long/ulong first.
using SharpBitStream;
uint[] testDataUnsigned = { 5, 62, 17, 50, 33 };
var ms = new MemoryStream();
var bs = new BitStream(ms);
Console.WriteLine("Test1: \r\nFirst testing writing and reading small numbers of a max of 6 bits.");
Console.WriteLine("There are 5 unsigned ints , which shall be written into 6 bits each as they are all small than 64: 5, 62, 17, 50, 33");
foreach(var bits in testDataUnsigned)
bs.WriteUnsigned(6, (ulong)bits);
Console.WriteLine("The original data are of the size: " + testDataUnsigned.Length + " bytes. The size of the stream is now: " + ms.Length + " bytes\r\nand the bytes in it are: ");
ms.Position = 0;
Console.WriteLine("The resulting bytes in the stream look like this: ");
for (int i = 0; i < ms.Length; i++)
uint bits = (uint)ms.ReadByte();
Console.WriteLine("Byte #" + Convert.ToString(i).PadLeft(4, '0') + ": " + Convert.ToString(bits, 2).PadLeft(8, '0'));
Console.WriteLine("\r\nNow reading the bits back:");
ms.Position = 0;
bs.SetPosition(0, 0);
foreach (var bits in testDataUnsigned)
ulong number = (uint)bs.ReadUnsigned(6);
Console.WriteLine("Number read: " + number);


Read binary objects from a file in C# written out by a C++ program

I am trying to read objects from very large files containing padded structs that were written into it by a C++ process. I was using an example to memory map the large file and try to deserialize the data into an object but I now can see that it won't work this way.
How can I extract all the objects from the files to use in C#? I'm probably way off but I've provided the code. The objects have a 8 byte milliseconds member followed by 21 16bit integers, which needs 6bytes of padding to align to a 8byte boundary.
unsafe public struct DataStruct
public UInt64 milliseconds;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 21)]
public fixed Int16 data[21];
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3)]
public fixed Int16 padding[3];
public class DataArray
public DataStruct[] samples;
public static class Helper
public static Int16[] GetData(this DataStruct data)
Int16[] output = new Int16[21];
for (int index = 0; index < 21; ++index)
output[index] =[index];
return output;
class FileThreadSupport
struct DataFileInfo
public string path;
public UInt64 start;
public UInt64 stop;
public UInt64 elements;
// Create our epoch timestamp
private static readonly DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
// Output TCP client
private Support.AsyncTcpClient output;
// Directory which contains our data
private string replay_directory;
// Files to be read from
private DataFileInfo[] file_infos;
// Current timestamp of when the process was started
UInt64 process_start = 0;
// Object from current file
DataArray current_file_data;
// Offset into current files
UInt64 current_file_index = 0;
// Offset into current files
UInt64 current_file_offset = 0;
// Run flag
bool run = true;
public FileThreadSupport(ref Support.AsyncTcpClient output, ref Engine.A.Information info, ref Support.Configuration configuration)
// Set our output directory
replay_directory = configuration.getString("replay_directory");
if (replay_directory.Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Configuration does not provide a replay directory");
// Check the directory for playable files
Console.WriteLine("Replay directory {} did not have any valid files", replay_directory);
// Set the output TCP client
this.output = output;
private bool loadDataDirectory(string directory)
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
file_infos = new DataFileInfo[files.Length];
int index = 0;
foreach (string file in files)
string[] parts = file.Split('\\');
string name = parts.Last();
parts = name.Split('.');
if (parts.Length != 2)
UInt64 start, stop = 0;
if (!UInt64.TryParse(parts[0], out start) || !UInt64.TryParse(parts[1], out stop))
long size = new System.IO.FileInfo(file).Length;
// Add to our file info array
file_infos[index] = new DataFileInfo
path = file,
start = start,
stop = stop,
elements = (ulong)(new System.IO.FileInfo(file).Length / 56
// Sort the array
Array.Sort(file_infos, delegate (DataFileInfo x, DataFileInfo y) { return x.start.CompareTo(y.start); });
// Return whether or not there were files found
return (files.Length > 0);
public void start()
process_start = (ulong)DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds;
UInt64 num_samples = 0;
// Get our samples and add it to the sample
DataStruct[] result = getData(100);
Engine.A.A message = new Engine.A.A();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; ++i)
Engine.A.Data sample = new Engine.A.Data();
sample.Time = process_start + num_samples * 4;
Int16[] signal_data = Helper.GetData(result[i]);
for(int e = 0; e < signal_data.Length; ++e)
sample.Value[e] = signal_data[e];
// Send out the websocket
// Sleep 100 milliseconds
public void stop()
run = false;
private DataStruct[] getData(UInt64 milliseconds)
if (file_infos.Length == 0)
return new DataStruct[0];
if (current_file_data == null)
current_file_data = ReadObjectFromMMF(file_infos[current_file_index].path) as DataArray;
if(current_file_data.samples.Length == 0)
return new DataStruct[0];
UInt64 elements_to_read = (UInt64) milliseconds / 4;
DataStruct[] result = new DataStruct[elements_to_read];
Array.Copy(current_file_data.samples, (int)current_file_offset, result, 0, (int) Math.Min(elements_to_read, file_infos[current_file_index].elements - current_file_offset));
while((UInt64) result.Length != elements_to_read)
current_file_index = (current_file_index + 1) % (ulong) file_infos.Length;
current_file_data = ReadObjectFromMMF(file_infos[current_file_index].path) as DataArray;
if (current_file_data.samples.Length == 0)
return new DataStruct[0];
current_file_offset = 0;
Array.Copy(current_file_data.samples, (int)current_file_offset, result, result.Length, (int)Math.Min(elements_to_read, file_infos[current_file_index].elements - current_file_offset));
return result;
private object ByteArrayToObject(byte[] buffer)
BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); // Create new BinaryFormatter
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(buffer); // Convert buffer to memorystream
return binaryFormatter.Deserialize(memoryStream); // Deserialize stream to an object
private object ReadObjectFromMMF(string file)
// Get a handle to an existing memory mapped file
using (MemoryMappedFile mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(file, FileMode.Open))
// Create a view accessor from which to read the data
using (MemoryMappedViewAccessor mmfReader = mmf.CreateViewAccessor())
// Create a data buffer and read entire MMF view into buffer
byte[] buffer = new byte[mmfReader.Capacity];
mmfReader.ReadArray<byte>(0, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
// Convert the buffer to a .NET object
return ByteArrayToObject(buffer);
Well for one thing you're not using that memory mapped file well at all, you're just sequentially reading it all in a buffer, which is both needlessly inefficient and much slower than if you simply opened the file to read normally. The selling point of memory mapped files is repeated random access and random updates backed by the OS's virtual memory paging.
And you definitely don't need to read the entire file in memory, since your data is so strongly structured. You know exactly how many bytes to read for a record: Marshal.SizeOf<DataStruct>().
Then you need to get rid of all that serialization noise. Again your data is strongly typed, just read it. Get rid of those fixed arrays and use regular arrays, you're already instructing the marshaller how to read them with MarshalAs attributes (good). That also gets rid of that helper function that just copies an array for some unknown reason.
Your reading loop is very simple: read the correct number of bytes for one entry, use Marshal.PtrToStructure to convert it to a readable structure and add it to a list to return at the end. Bonus points if you can use .Net Core and Unsafe.As or Unsafe.Cast.
Edit: and don't use object returns, you know exactly what you're returning, write it down.

Bitwise operation performance, how to improve

I have a simple task: determine how many bytes is necessary to encode some number (byte array length) to byte array and encode final value (implement this article: Encoded Length and Value Bytes).
Originally I wrote a quick method that accomplish the task:
public static Byte[] Encode(Byte[] rawData, Byte enclosingtag) {
if (rawData == null) {
return new Byte[] { enclosingtag, 0 };
List<Byte> computedRawData = new List<Byte> { enclosingtag };
// if array size is less than 128, encode length directly. No questions here
if (rawData.Length < 128) {
} else {
// convert array size to a hex string
String hexLength = rawData.Length.ToString("x2");
// if hex string has odd length, align it to even by prepending hex string
// with '0' character
if (hexLength.Length % 2 == 1) { hexLength = "0" + hexLength; }
// take a pair of hex characters and convert each octet to a byte
Byte[] lengthBytes = Enumerable.Range(0, hexLength.Length)
.Where(x => x % 2 == 0)
.Select(x => Convert.ToByte(hexLength.Substring(x, 2), 16))
// insert padding byte, set bit 7 to 1 and add byte count required
// to encode length bytes
Byte paddingByte = (Byte)(128 + lengthBytes.Length);
return computedRawData.ToArray();
This is an old code and was written in an awful way.
Now I'm trying to optimize the code by using either, bitwise operators, or BitConverter class. Here is an example of bitwise-edition:
public static Byte[] Encode2(Byte[] rawData, Byte enclosingtag) {
if (rawData == null) {
return new Byte[] { enclosingtag, 0 };
List<Byte> computedRawData = new List<Byte>(rawData);
if (rawData.Length < 128) {
computedRawData.Insert(0, (Byte)rawData.Length);
} else {
// temp number
Int32 num = rawData.Length;
// track byte count, this will be necessary further
Int32 counter = 1;
// simply make bitwise AND to extract byte value
// and shift right while remaining value is still more than 255
// (there are more than 8 bits)
while (num >= 256) {
computedRawData.Insert(0, (Byte)(num & 255));
num = num >> 8;
// compose final array
computedRawData.InsertRange(0, new[] { (Byte)(128 + counter), (Byte)num });
computedRawData.Insert(0, enclosingtag);
return computedRawData.ToArray();
and the final implementation with BitConverter class:
public static Byte[] Encode3(Byte[] rawData, Byte enclosingtag) {
if (rawData == null) {
return new Byte[] { enclosingtag, 0 };
List<Byte> computedRawData = new List<Byte>(rawData);
if (rawData.Length < 128) {
computedRawData.Insert(0, (Byte)rawData.Length);
} else {
// convert integer to a byte array
Byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(rawData.Length);
// start from the end of a byte array to skip unnecessary zero bytes
for (int i = bytes.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// once the byte value is non-zero, take everything starting
// from the current position up to array start.
if (bytes[i] > 0) {
// we need to reverse the array to get the proper byte order
computedRawData.InsertRange(0, bytes.Take(i + 1).Reverse());
// compose final array
computedRawData.Insert(0, (Byte)(128 + i + 1));
computedRawData.Insert(0, enclosingtag);
return computedRawData.ToArray();
return null;
All methods do their work as expected. I used an example from Stopwatch class page to measure performance. And performance tests surprised me. My test method performed 1000 runs of the method to encode a byte array (actually, only array sixe) with 100 000 elements and average times are:
Encode -- around 200ms
Encode2 -- around 270ms
Encode3 -- around 320ms
I personally like method Encode2, because the code looks more readable, but its performance isn't that good.
The question: what you woul suggest to improve Encode2 method performance or to improve Encode readability?
Any help will be appreciated.
Update: Thanks to all who participated in this thread. I took into consideration all suggestions and ended up with this solution:
public static Byte[] Encode6(Byte[] rawData, Byte enclosingtag) {
if (rawData == null) {
return new Byte[] { enclosingtag, 0 };
Byte[] retValue;
if (rawData.Length < 128) {
retValue = new Byte[rawData.Length + 2];
retValue[0] = enclosingtag;
retValue[1] = (Byte)rawData.Length;
} else {
Byte[] lenBytes = new Byte[3];
Int32 num = rawData.Length;
Int32 counter = 0;
while (num >= 256) {
lenBytes[counter] = (Byte)(num & 255);
num >>= 8;
// 3 is: len byte and enclosing tag
retValue = new byte[rawData.Length + 3 + counter];
rawData.CopyTo(retValue, 3 + counter);
retValue[0] = enclosingtag;
retValue[1] = (Byte)(129 + counter);
retValue[2] = (Byte)num;
Int32 n = 3;
for (Int32 i = counter - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
retValue[n] = lenBytes[i];
return retValue;
Eventually I moved away from lists to fixed-sized byte arrays. Avg time against the same data set is now about 65ms. It appears that lists (not bitwise operations) gives me a significant penalty in performance.
The main problem here is almost certainly the allocation of the List, and the allocation needed when you are inserting new elements, and when the list is converted to an array in the end. This code probably spend most of its time in the garbage collector and memory allocator. The use vs non-use of bitwise operators probably means very little in comparison, and I would have looked into ways to reduce the amount of memory you allocate first.
One way is to send in a reference to a byte array allocated in advance and and an index to where you are in the array instead of allocating and returning the data, and then return an integer telling how many bytes you have written. Working on large arrays is usually more efficient than working on many small objects. As others have mentioned, use a profiler, and see where your code spend its time.
Of cause the optimization I mentioned will makes your code more low level in nature, and more close to what you would typically do in C, but there is often a trade off between readability and performance.
Using "reverse, append, reverse" instead of "insert at front", and preallocating everything, it might be something like this: (not tested)
public static byte[] Encode4(byte[] rawData, byte enclosingtag) {
if (rawData == null) {
return new byte[] { enclosingtag, 0 };
List<byte> computedRawData = new List<byte>(rawData.Length + 6);
if (rawData.Length < 128) {
computedRawData.InsertRange(0, new byte[] { enclosingtag, (byte)rawData.Length });
} else {
// temp number
int num = rawData.Length;
// track byte count, this will be necessary further
int counter = 1;
// simply cast to byte to extract byte value
// and shift right while remaining value is still more than 255
// (there are more than 8 bits)
while (num >= 256) {
num >>= 8;
// compose final array
computedRawData.Add((byte)(counter + 128));
return computedRawData.ToArray();
I don't know for sure whether it's going to be faster, but it would make sense - now the expensive "insert at front" operation is mostly avoided, except in the case where there would be only one of them (probably not enough to balance with the two reverses).
An other idea is to limit the insert at front to only one time in an other way: collect all the things that have to be inserted there and then do it once. Could look something like this: (not tested)
public static byte[] Encode5(byte[] rawData, byte enclosingtag) {
if (rawData == null) {
return new byte[] { enclosingtag, 0 };
List<byte> computedRawData = new List<byte>(rawData);
if (rawData.Length < 128) {
computedRawData.InsertRange(0, new byte[] { enclosingtag, (byte)rawData.Length });
} else {
// list of all things that will be inserted
List<byte> front = new List<byte>(8);
// temp number
int num = rawData.Length;
// track byte count, this will be necessary further
int counter = 1;
// simply cast to byte to extract byte value
// and shift right while remaining value is still more than 255
// (there are more than 8 bits)
while (num >= 256) {
front.Insert(0, (byte)num); // inserting in tiny list, not so bad
num >>= 8;
// compose final array
front.InsertRange(0, new[] { (byte)(128 + counter), (byte)num });
front.Insert(0, enclosingtag);
computedRawData.InsertRange(0, front);
return computedRawData.ToArray();
If it's not good enough or didn't help (or if this is worse - hey, could be), I'll try to come up with more ideas.

Hash SHA1 large files (over 2gb) in C#

I`m looking for solution for hashing large file content (files may be over 2gb in 32bit os). It there any easy solution for that? Or just reading by part and loading to buffer?
Driis's solution sounds more flexible, but HashAlgorithm.ComputeHash will also accept Streams as parameters.
Use TransformBlock and TransformFinalBlock to calculate the hash block by block, so you won't need to read the entire file into memory. (There is a nice example in the first link - and another one in this previous question).
If you choose to use TransformBlock, then you can safely ignore the last parameter and set the outputBuffer to null. TransformBlock will copy from the input to the output array - but why would you want to simply copy bits for no good reason?
Furthermore, all mscorlib HashAlgorithms work as you might expect, i.e. the block size doesn't seem to affect the hash output; and whether you pass the data in one array and then hash in chunks by changing the inputOffset or you hash by passing smaller, separate arrays doesn't matter. I verified this using the following code:
(this is slightly long, just here so people can verify for themselves that HashAlgorithm implementations are sane).
public static void Main() {
RandomNumberGenerator rnd = RandomNumberGenerator.Create();
byte[] input = new byte[20];
Console.WriteLine("Input Data: " + BytesToStr(input));
var hashAlgoTypes = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(HashAlgorithm)).GetTypes()
.Where(t => typeof(HashAlgorithm).IsAssignableFrom(t) && !t.IsAbstract);
foreach (var hashType in hashAlgoTypes)
new AlgoTester(hashType).AssertOkFor(input.ToArray());
public static string BytesToStr(byte[] bytes) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
str.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", bytes[i]);
return str.ToString();
public class AlgoTester {
readonly byte[] key;
readonly Type type;
public AlgoTester(Type type) {
if (typeof(KeyedHashAlgorithm).IsAssignableFrom(type))
using(var algo = (KeyedHashAlgorithm)Activator.CreateInstance(type))
key = algo.Key.ToArray();
public HashAlgorithm MakeAlgo() {
HashAlgorithm algo = (HashAlgorithm)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
if (key != null)
((KeyedHashAlgorithm)algo).Key = key;
return algo;
public byte[] GetHash(byte[] input) {
using(HashAlgorithm sha = MakeAlgo())
return sha.ComputeHash(input);
public byte[] GetHashOneBlock(byte[] input) {
using(HashAlgorithm sha = MakeAlgo()) {
sha.TransformFinalBlock(input, 0, input.Length);
return sha.Hash;
public byte[] GetHashMultiBlock(byte[] input, int size) {
using(HashAlgorithm sha = MakeAlgo()) {
int offset = 0;
while (input.Length - offset >= size)
offset += sha.TransformBlock(input, offset, size, input, offset);
sha.TransformFinalBlock(input, offset, input.Length - offset);
return sha.Hash;
public byte[] GetHashMultiBlockInChunks(byte[] input, int size) {
using(HashAlgorithm sha = MakeAlgo()) {
int offset = 0;
while (input.Length - offset >= size)
offset += sha.TransformBlock(input.Skip(offset).Take(size).ToArray()
, 0, size, null, -24124512);
sha.TransformFinalBlock(input.Skip(offset).ToArray(), 0
, input.Length - offset);
return sha.Hash;
public void AssertOkFor(byte[] data) {
var direct = GetHash(data);
var indirect = GetHashOneBlock(data);
var outcomes =
new[] { 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21 }.SelectMany(i =>
new{ Hash=GetHashMultiBlock(data,i), Name="ByMSDN"+i},
new{ Hash=GetHashMultiBlockInChunks(data,i), Name="InChunks"+i}
}).Concat(new[] { new { Hash = indirect, Name = "OneBlock" } })
.Where(result => !result.Hash.SequenceEqual(direct)).ToArray();
Console.Write("Testing: " + type);
if (outcomes.Any()) {
Console.WriteLine("not OK.");
Console.WriteLine(type.Name + " direct was: " + BytesToStr(direct));
} else Console.WriteLine(" OK.");
foreach (var outcome in outcomes)
Console.WriteLine(type.Name + " differs with: " + outcome.Name + " "
+ BytesToStr(outcome.Hash));

Gray code in .NET

Is there a built in Gray code datatype anywhere in the .NET framework? Or conversion utility between Gray and binary? I could do it myself, but if the wheel has already been invented...
Use this trick.
The purpose of this function is to convert an unsigned
binary number to reflected binary Gray code.
unsigned short binaryToGray(unsigned short num)
return (num>>1) ^ num;
A tricky Trick: for up to 2^n bits, you can convert Gray to binary by
performing (2^n) - 1 binary-to Gray conversions. All you need is the
function above and a 'for' loop.
The purpose of this function is to convert a reflected binary
Gray code number to a binary number.
unsigned short grayToBinary(unsigned short num)
unsigned short temp = num ^ (num>>8);
temp ^= (temp>>4);
temp ^= (temp>>2);
temp ^= (temp>>1);
return temp;
Here is a C# implementation that assumes you only want to do this on non-negative 32-bit integers:
static uint BinaryToGray(uint num)
return (num>>1) ^ num;
You might also like to read this blog post which provides methods for conversions in both directions, though the author chose to represent the code as an array of int containing either one or zero at each position. Personally I would think a BitArray might be a better choice.
Perhaps this collection of methods is useful
based on BitArray
both directions
int or just n Bits
just enjoy.
public static class GrayCode
public static byte BinaryToByte(BitArray binary)
if (binary.Length > 8)
throw new ArgumentException("bitarray too long for byte");
var array = new byte[1];
binary.CopyTo(array, 0);
return array[0];
public static int BinaryToInt(BitArray binary)
if (binary.Length > 32)
throw new ArgumentException("bitarray too long for int");
var array = new int[1];
binary.CopyTo(array, 0);
return array[0];
public static BitArray BinaryToGray(BitArray binary)
var len = binary.Length;
var gray = new BitArray(len);
gray[len - 1] = binary[len - 1]; // copy high-order bit
for (var i = len - 2; i >= 0; --i)
// remaining bits
gray[i] = binary[i] ^ binary[i + 1];
return gray;
public static BitArray GrayToBinary(BitArray gray)
var len = gray.Length;
var binary = new BitArray(len);
binary[len - 1] = gray[len - 1]; // copy high-order bit
for (var i = len - 2; i >= 0; --i)
// remaining bits
binary[i] = !gray[i] ^ !binary[i + 1];
return binary;
public static BitArray ByteToGray(byte value)
var bits = new BitArray(new[] { value });
return BinaryToGray(bits);
public static BitArray IntToGray(int value)
var bits = new BitArray(new[] { value });
return BinaryToGray(bits);
public static byte GrayToByte(BitArray gray)
var binary = GrayToBinary(gray);
return BinaryToByte(binary);
public static int GrayToInt(BitArray gray)
var binary = GrayToBinary(gray);
return BinaryToInt(binary);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the bits as string of '0' and '1' (LSB is right)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bits"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string AsString(this BitArray bits)
var sb = new StringBuilder(bits.Length);
for (var i = bits.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
sb.Append(bits[i] ? "1" : "0");
return sb.ToString();
public static IEnumerable<bool> Bits(this BitArray bits)
return bits.Cast<bool>();
public static bool[] AsBoolArr(this BitArray bits, int count)
return bits.Bits().Take(count).ToArray();
There is nothing built-in as far as Gray code in .NET.
Graphical Explanation about Gray code conversion - this can help a little

C# - Converting a Sequence of Numbers into Bytes

I am trying to send a UDP packet of bytes corresponding to the numbers 1-1000 in sequence. How do I convert each number (1,2,3,4,...,998,999,1000) into the minimum number of bytes required and put them in a sequence that I can send as a UDP packet?
I've tried the following with no success. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
List<byte> byteList = new List<byte>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 255; i++)
byte[] nByte = BitConverter.GetBytes((byte)i);
foreach (byte b in nByte)
for (int g = 256; g <= 1000; g++)
UInt16 st = Convert.ToUInt16(g);
byte[] xByte = BitConverter.GetBytes(st);
foreach (byte c in xByte)
byte[] sendMsg = byteList.ToArray();
Thank you.
You need to use :
Think about how you are going to be able to tell the difference between:
260, 1 -> 0x1, 0x4, 0x1
1, 4, 1 -> 0x1, 0x4, 0x1
If you use one byte for numbers up to 255 and two bytes for the numbers 256-1000, you won't be able to work out at the other end which number corresponds to what.
If you just need to encode them as described without worrying about how they are decoded, it smacks to me of a contrived homework assignment or test, and I'm uninclined to solve it for you.
I think you are looking for something along the lines of a 7-bit encoded integer:
protected void Write7BitEncodedInt(int value)
uint num = (uint) value;
while (num >= 0x80)
this.Write((byte) (num | 0x80));
num = num >> 7;
this.Write((byte) num);
(taken from System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(String)).
The reverse is found in the System.IO.BinaryReader class and looks something like this:
protected internal int Read7BitEncodedInt()
byte num3;
int num = 0;
int num2 = 0;
if (num2 == 0x23)
throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_Bad7BitInt32"));
num3 = this.ReadByte();
num |= (num3 & 0x7f) << num2;
num2 += 7;
while ((num3 & 0x80) != 0);
return num;
I do hope this is not homework, even though is really smells like it.
Ok, so to put it all together for you:
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace EncodedNumbers
class Program
protected static void Write7BitEncodedInt(BinaryWriter bin, int value)
uint num = (uint)value;
while (num >= 0x80)
bin.Write((byte)(num | 0x80));
num = num >> 7;
static void Main(string[] args)
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter bin = new BinaryWriter(ms);
for(int i = 1; i < 1000; i++)
Write7BitEncodedInt(bin, i);
byte[] data = ms.ToArray();
int size = data.Length;
Console.WriteLine("Total # of Bytes = " + size);
The total size I get is 1871 bytes for numbers 1-1000.
Btw, could you simply state whether or not this is homework? Obviously, we will still help either way. But we would much rather you try a little harder so you can actually learn for yourself.
EDIT #2:
If you want to just pack them in ignoring the ability to decode them back, you can do something like this:
protected static void WriteMinimumInt(BinaryWriter bin, int value)
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
int skip = bytes.Length-1;
while (bytes[skip] == 0)
for (int i = 0; i <= skip; i++)
This ignores any bytes that are zero (from MSB to LSB). So for 0-255 it will use one byte.
As states elsewhere, this will not allow you to decode the data back since the stream is now ambiguous. As a side note, this approach crams it down to 1743 bytes (as opposed to 1871 using 7-bit encoding).
A byte can only hold 256 distinct values, so you cannot store the numbers above 255 in one byte. The easiest way would be to use short, which is 16 bits. If you realy need to conserve space, you can use 10 bit numbers and pack that into a byte array ( 10 bits = 2^10 = 1024 possible values).
Naively (also, untested):
List<byte> bytes = new List<byte>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++)
byte[] nByte = BitConverter.GetBytes(i);
foreach(byte b in nByte) bytes.Add(b);
byte[] byteStream = bytes.ToArray();
Will give you a stream of bytes were each group of 4 bytes is a number [1, 1000].
You might be tempted to do some work so that i < 256 take a single byte, i < 65535 take two bytes, etc. However, if you do this you can't read the values out of the stream. Instead, you'd add length encoding or sentinels bits or something of the like.
I'd say, don't. Just compress the stream, either using a built-in class, or gin up a Huffman encoding implementation using an agree'd upon set of frequencies.
