IntPtr arithmetics - c#

I tried to allocate an array of structs in this way:
struct T {
int a; int b;
data = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(count*Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
I'd like to access to allocated data "binding" a struct to each element in array allocated
with AllocHGlobal... something like this
T v;
v = (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(data+1, typeof(T));
but i don't find any convenient way... why IntPtr lack of arithmetics? How can I workaround this in a "safe" way?
Someone could confirm that PtrToStructure function copy data into the struct variable? In other words, modifing the struct reflect modifications in the structure array data, or not?
Definitely, I want to operate on data pointed by an IntPtr using struct, without copying data each time, avoiding unsafe code.
Thank all!

You have four options that I can think of, two using only "safe" code, and two using unsafe code. The unsafe options are likely to be significantly faster.
Allocate your array in managed memory, and declare your P/Invoke function to take the array. i.e., instead of:
static extern bool Foo(int count, IntPtr arrayPtr);
make it
static extern bool Foo(int count, NativeType[] array);
(I've used NativeType for your struct name instead of T, since T is often used in a generic context.)
The problem with this approach is that, as I understand it, the NativeType[] array will be marshaled twice for every call to Foo. It will be copied from managed memory to unmanaged
memory before the call, and copied from unmanaged memory to managed memory afterward. It can be improved, though, if Foo will only read from or write to the array. In this case, decorate the tarray parameter with an [In] (read only) or [Out] (write only) attribute. This allows the runtime to skip one of the copying steps.
As you're doing now, allocate the array in unmanaged memory, and use a bunch of calls to Marshal.PtrToStructure and Marshal.StructureToPtr. This will likely perform even worse than the first option, as you still need to copy elements of the array back and forth, and you're doing it in steps, so you have more overhead. On the other hand, if you have many elements in the array, but you only access a small number of them in between calls to Foo, then this may perform better. You might want a couple of little helper functions, like so:
static T ReadFromArray<T>(IntPtr arrayPtr, int index){
// below, if you **know** you'll be on a 32-bit platform,
// you can change ToInt64() to ToInt32().
return (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)(arrayPtr.ToInt64() +
index * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T)));
// you might change `T value` below to `ref T value` to avoid one more copy
static void WriteToArray<T>(IntPtr arrayPtr, int index, T value){
// below, if you **know** you'll be on a 32-bit platform,
// you can change ToInt64() to ToInt32().
Marshal.StructureToPtr(value, (IntPtr)(arrayPtr.ToInt64() +
index * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T)), false);
Allocate your array in unmanaged memory, and use pointers to access the elements. This means that all the code that uses the array must be within an unsafe block.
IntPtr arrayPtr = Marhsal.AllocHGlobal(count * sizeof(typeof(NativeType)));
NativeType* ptr = (NativeType*)arrayPtr.ToPointer();
ptr[0].Member1 = foo;
ptr[1].Member2 = bar;
/* and so on */
Foo(count, arrayPtr);
Allocate your array in managed memory, and pin it when you need to call the native routine:
NativeType[] array = new NativeType[count];
array[0].Member1 = foo;
array[1].Member2 = bar;
/* and so on */
fixed(NativeType* ptr = array)
Foo(count, (IntPtr)ptr);
// or just Foo(count, ptr), if Foo is declare as such:
// static unsafe bool Foo(int count, NativeType* arrayPtr);
This last option is probably the cleanest if you can use unsafe code and are concerned about performance, because your only unsafe code is where you call the native routine. If performance isn't an issue (perhaps if the size of the array is relatively small), or if you can't use unsafe code (perhaps you don't have full trust), then the first option is likely cleanest, although, as I mentioned, if the number of elements you'll access in between calls to the native routine are a small percentage of the number of elements within the array, then the second option is faster.
The unsafe operations assume that your struct is blittable. If not, then the safe routines are your only option.

"Why IntPtr lack of arithmetics?"
IntPtr stores just a memory address. It doesn't have any kind of information about the contents of that memory location. In this manner, it's similar to void*. To enable pointer arithmetic you have to know the size of the object pointed to.
Fundamentally, IntPtr is primarily designed to be used in managed contexts as an opaque handle (i.e. one that you don't directly dereference in managed code and you just keep around to pass to unmanaged code.) unsafe context provides pointers you can manipulate directly.

Indeed, the IntPtr type does not have its own arithmetic operators. Proper (unsafe) pointer arithmetic is supported in C#, but IntPtr and the Marshal class exist for 'safer' usage of pointers.
I think you want something like the following:
int index = 1; // 2nd element of array
var v = (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(data.ToInt32() +
index * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T)), typeof(T));
Also, note that IntPtr has no implicit conversion between int and IntPtr, so no luck there.
Generally, if you're going to be doing anything remotely complex with pointers, it's probably best to opt for unsafe code.

You can use the integral memory address of the pointer structure using IntPtr.ToInt32() but beware of platform "bitness" (32/64).
For typical pointer arithmetics, use pointers (look up fixed and unsafe in the documentation):
T data = new T[count];
fixed (T* ptr = &data)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// now you can use *ptr + i or ptr[i]
I'm pondering that IntPtr allows you to handle pointers to data without explicitly manipulating pointer addresses. This allows you to interop with COM and native code without having to declare unsafe contexts. The only requirement that the runtime imposes is the unmanaged code permission. For those purposes, it seems like most marshalling methods only accept whole IntPtr data, and not pure integer or long types, as it provides a thin layer that protects against manipulating the content of the structure. You could manipulate the internals of an IntPtr directly, but that either requires unsafe pointers (again unsafe contexts) or reflection. Finally, IntPtr is automatically adopted to the platform's pointer size.

You could use Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement to get address of specific elements in an array using an IntPtr from a pinned array.
Here is a sample class for a wrapper around pinned arrays so that I can use them with IntPtr and Marshaling code:
/// <summary>
/// Pins an array of Blittable structs so that we can access the data as bytes. Manages a GCHandle around the array.
/// </summary>
public sealed class PinnedArray<T> : IDisposable
public GCHandle Handle { get; }
public T[] Array { get; }
public int ByteCount { get; private set; }
public IntPtr Ptr { get; private set; }
public IntPtr ElementPointer(int n)
return Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(Array, n);
public PinnedArray(T[] xs)
Array = xs;
// This will fail if the underlying type is not Blittable (e.g. not contiguous in memory)
Handle = GCHandle.Alloc(xs, GCHandleType.Pinned);
if (xs.Length != 0)
Ptr = ElementPointer(0);
ByteCount = (int) Ptr.Distance(ElementPointer(Array.Length));
Ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
ByteCount = 0;
void DisposeImplementation()
if (Ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
Ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
ByteCount = 0;
public void Dispose()
IMHO Working with PInvoke and IntPtr is as dangerous as marking your assembly as unsafe and using pointers in an unsafe context (if not more)
If you don't mind unsafe blocks you can write extension functions that operate on the IntPtr cast to byte* like the following:
public static long Distance(this IntPtr a, IntPtr b)
return Math.Abs(((byte*)b) - ((byte*)a));
However, like always you have to be aware of possible alignment issues when casting to different pointer types.


Representing unmanaged memory

I have a simple class that wraps around some unmanaged memory, like this:
public class Wrapper<T>
private unsafe T* _ptr;
private int _length;
public int Length => _length;
public unsafe Wrapper(int length)
_ptr = ...; // Assigns ptr to some pointer from unmanaged code
_length = length;
Now I would like to have a way to be able to use _ptr safely and universally with many of .NET 5's functions, so the solution to me would be to use Span<T>. However, a Span is allocated on the stack so I cannot cache the span.
Here is what that would look like:
public class Wrapper<T>
private unsafe T* _ptr;
private int _length;
public T this[int index]
get => _ptr[index]; // Works, but not very safe. Bounds checking reduces performance by 2x
set => _ptr[index] = value;
// I could do this, but every time this is accessed I have to create a new span. (Like in the indexer)
public Span<T> Span => new Span<T>(_ptr, _length);
public int Length => _length;
public unsafe Wrapper(int length)
_ptr = ...; // Assigns ptr to some pointer from unmanaged code
_length = length;
This would work well except for the fact that I also want to implement an indexer, which might be called millions of times, and that means I would have to create a Span<T> millions of times, which is not ideal for a single access.
The compiler would optimize most of it out, but as I expected, not everything could be optimized out as shown by a simple benchmark.
I could also use the raw _ptr for the indexer, but that could lead to some security issues if the caller goes out of bounds. I also simply implemented my own bounds checking, but the performance was 2x worse!
EDIT: I did a benchmark comparing iterating through Wrapper billions of times, one using a Span and the other indexing through a raw array, and the array performed consistently better.

interop with nim return Struct Array containing a string /char* member

interoping nim dll from c# i could call and execute the code below
if i will add another function (proc) that Calls GetPacks() and try to echo on each element's buffer i could see the output in the C# console correctly
but i could not transfer the data as it is, i tried everything but i could not accomplish the task
proc GetPacksPtrNim(parSze: int, PackArrINOUT: var DataPackArr){.stdcall,exportc,dynlib.} =
var dummyStr = "abcdefghij"
for i, curDataPack in PackArrINOUT.mpairs:
dummyStr[9] = char(i + int8'0')
curDataPack = DataPack(buffer:dummyStr, intVal: uint32 i)
DataPackArr = seq[DataPack]
DataPack = object
buffer: string
intVal: uint32
when i do same in c/c++ the type i am using is either an IntPtr or char*
that is happy to contain returned buffer member
EXPORT_API void __cdecl c_returnDataPack(unsigned int size, dataPack** DpArr)
unsigned int dumln, Index;dataPack* CurDp = {NULL};
char dummy[STRMAX];
*DpArr = (dataPack*)malloc( size * sizeof( dataPack ));
CurDp = *DpArr;
strncpy(dummy, "abcdefgHij", STRMAX);
dumln = sizeof(dummy);
for ( Index = 0; Index < size; Index++,CurDp++)
CurDp->IVal = Index;
dummy[dumln-1] = '0' + Index % (126 - '0');
CurDp->Sval = (char*) calloc (dumln,sizeof(dummy));
strcpy(CurDp->Sval, dummy);
c# signature for c code above
[DllImport(#"cdllI.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
private static extern uint c_returnDataPack(uint x, DataPackg.TestC** tcdparr);
C# Struct
public unsafe static class DataPackg
public struct TestC
public uint Id;
public IntPtr StrVal;
finally calling the function like so:
public static unsafe List<DataPackg.TestC> PopulateLstPackC(int ArrL)
DataPackg.TestC* PackUArrOut;
List<DataPackg.TestC> RtLstPackU = new List<DataPackg.TestC>(ArrL);
c_returnDataPack((uint)ArrL, &PackUArrOut);
DataPackg.TestC* CurrentPack = PackUArrOut;
for (int i = 0; i < ArrL; i++, CurrentPack++)
RtLstPackU.Add(new DataPackg.TestC() { StrVal = CurrentPack->StrVal, Id = CurrentPack->Id });
//Console.WriteLine("Res={0}", Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)RtLstPackU[1].StrVal));//new string(RtLstPackU[0].StrVal));
return RtLstPackU;
how could i produce similar c code as above from Nim ?
it doesn't have to be same code, but same effect, that in c# i would be able to read the content of the string. for now, the int is readable but the string is not
this is what i tried to make things simple
struct array of int members
it seem that the problem is to do with my settings of nim in my windows OS.
i will be updating as soon as i discover what exactly is wrong.
The string type in Nim is not equivalent to the C's const char* type. Strings in Nim are represented as pointers, pointing into a heap-allocated chunk of memory, which has the following layout:
NI length; # the length of the stored string
NI capacity; # how much room do we have for growth
NIM_CHAR data[capacity]; # the actual string, zero-terminated
Please beware that these types are architecture specific and they are really an implementation detail of the compiler that can be changed in the future. NI is the architecture-default interger type and NIM_CHAR is usually equivalent to a 8-bit char, since Nim is leaning towards the use of UTF8.
With this in mind, you have several options:
1) You can teach C# about this layout and access the string buffers at their correct location (the above caveats apply). An example implementation of this approach can be found here:
2) You can use a different type for the buffer field in your Nim code. Possible candidates are ptr char or the fixed size array[char]. The first one will require you to give up the automatic garbage collection and maintain a little bit of code for manual memory management. The second one will give up a little bit of space efficiency and it will put hard-limits on the size of these buffers.
Using cstring may also look tempting, but it's ultimately dangerous. When you assign a regular string to a cstring, the result will be a normal char * value, pointing to the data buffer of the Nim string described above. Since the Nim garbage collector handles properly interior pointers to allocated values, this will be safe as long as the cstring value is placed in a traced location like the stack. But when you place it inside an object, the cstring won't be traced and nothing prevents the GC from releasing the memory, which may create a dangling pointer in your C# code.
Try to change your struct to:
public unsafe static class DataPackg
public struct TestC
public uint Id;
public String StrVal;

Marshalling Complex structures between C#/C++

I'm trying to populate an array of structures from C++ and pass the result back to C#.
I thought maybe creating a struct with an array of structures maybe the way forward as most examples I have come across use structures(but passing basic types). I have tried the following but no luck so far.
Found an example at:
I have the following in C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace CSharpDLLCall
class Program
public struct Struct1
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 10)]
public double[] d1;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 10)]
public double[] d2;
public struct TestStructOuter
public int length;
public IntPtr embedded;
static void Main(string[] args)
Program program = new Program();
public void demoArrayOfStructs()
TestStructOuter outer = new TestStructOuter();
testStructOuter.embedded = new Struct1[10];
outer.length = 10;
outer.embedded = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Struct1)) * 10);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(outer, outer.embedded, false);
testAPI2(ref outer);
outer = (TestStructOuter)(Marshal.PtrToStructure(outer.embedded, typeof(TestStructOuter)));
static extern void testAPI2(IntPtr pTestStructOuter);
In C++ in the header i have
#define DLLSAMPLE_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLLSAMPLE_API __declspec(dllimport)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#pragma pack(1)
struct struct1
double d1[];
double d2[];
struct TestStructOuter
struct1* embedded;
extern "C"
DLLSAMPLE_API void __stdcall testAPI2(TestStructOuter* pTestStructOuter);
In the cpp I have:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "DLLSample.h"
__declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall testAPI2(TestStructOuter* pTestStructOuter)
// not sure that this is necessary
// for (int i = 0; i < 10 ; ++i)
// {
// pTestStructOuter->embedded = new struct1;
// }
for (int i = 0; i < 10 ; ++i)
struct1 s1;
for (int idx = 0; idx < 10; ++idx)
s1.d1[i] = i+0.5;
s1.d2[i] = i+0.5;
pTestStructOuter->embedded[0] = s1;
This doesn't seem to work the error i get:
The parameter is incorrect.(Exception from HRESULT:0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))
Which probably means that its not recognizing the array of structures. Any ideas how I can do this? Thanks.
Okay, I have a working sample. I'm posting this as another answer because it's a very different approach.
So, on the C++ side, I've got this header file:
struct Struct1
int d1[10];
int d2[10];
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall
TestApi2(int* pLength, Struct1 **pStructures);
And the following code:
__declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall
TestApi2(int* pLength, Struct1 **pStructures)
int len = 10;
*pLength = len;
*pStructures = (Struct1*)LocalAlloc(0, len * sizeof(Struct1));
Struct1 *pCur = *pStructures;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
for (int idx = 0; idx < 10; ++idx)
pCur->d1[idx] = i + idx;
pCur->d2[idx] = i + idx;
pCur ++;
Now, the important bit is LocalAlloc. That's actually the place where I've had all the issues, since I allocated the memory wrong. LocalAlloc is the method .NET calls when it does Marshal.AllocHGlobal, which is very handy, since that means we can use the memory in the caller and dispose of it as needed.
Now, this method allows you to return an arbitrary length array of structures. The same approach can be used to eg. return a structure of an array of structures, you're just going deeper. The key is the LocalAlloc - that's memory you can easily access using the Marshal class, and it's memory that isn't thrown away.
The reason you have to also return the length of the array is because there's no way to know how much data you're "returning" otherwise. This is a common "problem" in unmanaged code, and if you've ever done any P/Invoking, you know everything about this.
And now, the C# side. I've tried hard to do this in a nice way, but the problem is that arrays of structures simply aren't blittable, which means you can't simply use MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ...). So, we have to go the IntPtr way.
The definitions look like this:
public class Struct1
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 10)]
public int[] d1;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 10)]
public int[] d2;
[DllImport(#"Win32Project.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
static extern void TestApi2(out int length, out IntPtr structs);
Basically, we get a pointer to the length of the "array", and the pointer to the pointer to the first element of the array. That's all we need to read the data.
The code follows:
int length;
IntPtr pStructs;
TestApi2(out length, out pStructs);
// Prepare the C#-side array to copy the data to
Struct1[] structs = new Struct1[length];
IntPtr current = pStructs;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
// Create a new struct and copy the unmanaged one to it
structs[i] = new Struct1();
Marshal.PtrToStructure(current, structs[i]);
// Clean-up
Marshal.DestroyStructure(current, typeof(Struct1));
// And move to the next structure in the array
current = (IntPtr)((long)current + Marshal.SizeOf(structs[i]));
// And finally, dispose of the whole block of unmanaged memory.
The only thing that changes if you want to really return a structure of an array of structures is that the method parameters move into the "wrapping" structure. The handy thing is that .NET can automatically handle the marshalling of the wrapper, the less-handy thing is that it can't handle the inner array, so you again have to use length + IntPtr to manage this manually.
First, don't use unknown-length arrays at all. You're killing any possible use of arrays between managed and unmanaged code - you can't tell the required size (Marshal.SizeOf is useless), you have to manually pass the array length etc. If it's not a fixed length array, use IntPtr:
public struct Struct1
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 10)]
public double[] d1;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 10)]
public double[] d2;
public struct TestStructOuter
public int length;
public IntPtr embedded;
(if your array of embedded is fixed length, feel free to ignore this, but do include the ByValArray, SizeConst bit. You also have to add ArraySubType=System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.Struct to the attribute).
As you've probably noticed, the TestStructOuter is pretty much useless in this case, it only adds complexity (and do note that marshalling is one of the most expensive operations compared to native languages, so if you're calling this often, it's probably a good idea to keep things simple).
Now, you're only allocating memory for the outer struct. Even in your code, Marshal.SizeOf has no idea how big the struct should be; with IntPtr, this is even more so (or, to be more precise, you're only requesting a single IntPtr, ie. 4-8 bytes or so + the length). Most often, you'd want to pass the IntPtr directly, rather than doing this kind of wrapping (using the same thing in C++/CLI is a different thing entirely, although for your case this is unnecessary).
The signature for your method will be something like this:
public static extern void testAPI2(ref TestStructOuter pTestStructOuter) ;
Now, if you're going with the IntPtr approach, you want to keep allocating memory manually, only you have to do it properly, eg.:
TestStructOuter outer = new TestStructOuter();
testStructOuter.length = 1;
testStructOuter.embedded = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Struct1)));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(embedded, testStructOuter.embedded, false);
And finally, you call the method:
// The marshalling is done automatically
testAPI2(ref outer);
Don't forget to release the memory, ideally in the finally clause of a try around everything since the memory allocation:
Now, this is overly complicated and not exactly optimal. Leaving out the TestStructOuter is one possibility, then you can simply pass the length and pointer to the embedded array directly, avoiding one unnecessary marshalling. Another option would be to use a fixed size array (if it needs to be an array at all :)) in TestStructOuter, which will cure a lot of your headaches and eliminate any need for manual marshalling. In other words, if TestStructOuter is defined as I've noted before:
public struct TestStructOuter
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 10,
public Struct1[] embedded;
Suddenly, your whole call and everything becomes as simple as
testAPI2(ref outer);
The whole marshalling is done automatically, no need for manual allocations or conversions.
Hope this helps :)
Hint: Leadn C++/CLI. I had to deal with complex interop two times in my life - once with ISDN (AVM devkits make it a lot easier - sadly C++, I needed C#) and now with Nanex (great real time complex and full market ata feeds, sadl complex C++, I need C#)
Both cases I make my own wrapper in C++/CLI, talking down to C++ and exposing a real object model in C#. Allows me to make things a lot nicer and handle a lot of edge cases that our friendly Marshaller can not handle efficiently.

c#: generically convert unmanaged array to managed list

I am dealing with a set of native functions that return data through dynamically-allocated arrays. The functions take a reference pointer as input, then point it to the resulting array.
For example:
typedef struct result
//..Some Members..//
int extern WINAPI getInfo(result**);
After the call, 'result' points to a null-terminated array of result*.
I want to create a managed list from this unmanaged array. I can do the following:
struct Result
//..The Same Members..//
public static unsafe List<Result> getManagedResultList(Result** unmanagedArray)
List<Result> resultList = new List<Result>();
while (*unmanagedArray != null)
return result;
This works, it will be tedious and ugly to reimplement for every type of struct that I'll have to deal with (~35). I'd like a solution that is generic over the type of struct in the array. To that end, I tried:
public static unsafe List<T> unmanagedArrToList<T>(T** unmanagedArray)
List<T> result = new List<T>();
while (*unmanagedArray != null)
return result;
But that won't compile because you cannot "take the address of, get the size of, or declare a pointer to a managed type('T')".
I also tried to do this without using unsafe code, but I ran into the problem that Marshal.Copy() needs to know the size of the unmanaged array. I could only determine this using unsafe code, so there seemed to be no benefit to using Marshal.Copy() in this case.
What am I missing? Could someone suggest a generic approach to this problem?
You can make a reasonable assumption that size and representation of all pointers is the same (not sure if C# spec guarantees this, but in practice you'll find it to be the case). So you can treat your T** as IntPtr*. Also, I don't see how Marshal.Copy would help you here, since it only has overloads for built-in types. So:
public static unsafe List<T> unmanagedArrToList<T>(IntPtr* p)
List<T> result = new List<T>();
for (; *p != null; ++p)
T item = (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(*p, typeof(T));
return result;
Of course you'll need an explicit cast to IntPtr* whenever you call this, but at least there's no code duplication otherwise.
You said:
Marshal.Copy() needs to know the size
of the unmanaged array. I could only
determine this using unsafe code
It seems that you're missing Marshal.SizeOf().
From what you've mentioned in the post, that may be enough to solve your problem. (Also, the parameter of your function may need to be Object** instead of T**.)

C# memory address and variable

in C#, is there a way to
Get the memory address stored in a
reference type variable?
Get the memory address of a
int i;
int* pi = &i;
How do you print out the hex value of pi?
For #2, the & operator will work in the same fashion as in C. If the variable is not on the stack, you may need to use a fixed statement to pin it down while you work so the garbage collector does not move it, though.
For #1, reference types are trickier: you'll need to use a GCHandle, and the reference type has to be blittable, i.e. have a defined memory layout and be bitwise copyable.
In order to access the address as a number, you can cast from pointer type to IntPtr (an integer type defined to be the same size as a pointer), and from there to uint or ulong (depending on the pointer size of the underlying machine).
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
class Blittable
int x;
class Program
public static unsafe void Main()
int i;
object o = new Blittable();
int* ptr = &i;
IntPtr addr = (IntPtr)ptr;
GCHandle h = GCHandle.Alloc(o, GCHandleType.Pinned);
addr = h.AddrOfPinnedObject();
Number 1 is not possible at all, you can't have a pointer to a managed object. However, you can use an IntPtr structure to get information about the address of the pointer in the reference:
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(str, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr pointer = GCHandle.ToIntPtr(handle);
string pointerDisplay = pointer.ToString();
For number 2 you use the & operator:
int* p = &myIntVariable;
Pointers of course have to be done in a unsafe block, and you have to allow unsafe code in the project settings. If the variable is a local variable in a method, it's allocated on the stack so it's already fixed, but if the variable is a member of an object, you have to pin that object in memory using the fixed keyword so that it's not moved by the garbage collector.
To answer your question most correctly:
#1 is possible but a bit tricky, and should be only done for debugging reasons:
object o = new object();
TypedReference tr = __makeref(o);
IntPtr ptr = **(IntPtr**)(&tr);
This works for any object and actually returns the internal pointer to the object in memory. Remember the address can change at any moment because of the GC, which likes to move objects across the memory.
#2 Pointers aren't objects and thus don't inherit ToString from them. You have to cast the pointer to IntPtr like so:
