Using IoC for Unit Testing - c#

How can a IoC Container be used for unit testing? Is it useful to manage mocks in a huge solution (50+ projects) using IoC? Any experiences? Any C# libraries that work well for using it in unit tests?

Generally speaking, a DI Container should not be necessary for unit testing because unit testing is all about separating responsibilities.
Consider a class that uses Constructor Injection
public MyClass(IMyDependency dep) { }
In your entire application, it may be that there's a huge dependency graph hidden behind IMyDependency, but in a unit test, you flatten it all down to a single Test Double.
You can use dynamic mocks like Moq or RhinoMocks to generate the Test Double, but it is not required.
var dep = new Mock<IMyDependency>().Object;
var sut = new MyClass(dep);
In some cases, an auto-mocking container can be nice to have, but you don't need to use the same DI Container that the production application uses.

I often use an IoC container in my tests. Granted, they are not "unit tests" in the pure sense. IMO They are more BDDish and facilitate refactoring. Tests are there to give you confidence to refactor. Poorly written tests can be like pouring cement into your code.
Consider the following:
public class ImageGalleryFixture : ContainerWiredFixture
public void Should_save_image()
.Setup(r => r.Create(It.IsAny<IFile>()))
AddToGallery(new RequestWithRealFile());
private void AddToGallery(AddBusinessImage request)
There are several things that happen when adding an image to the gallery. The image is resized, a thumbnail is generated, and the files are stored on AmazonS3. By using a container I can more easily isolate just the behavior I want to test, which in this case is the persisting part.
An auto-mocking container extension comes in handy when using this technique:

How can a Ioc Container be used for unit testing?
IoC will enforce programming paradigms that will make unit testing in isolation (i.e. using mocks) easier: use of interfaces, no new(), no singletons...
But using the IoC container for testing is not really a requirement, it will just provide some facilities e.g. injection of mocks but you could do it manually.
Is it useful to manage mocks in a huge solution (50+ projects) using IoC?
I'm not sure what you mean by managing mocks using IoC. Anyway, IoC containers can usually do more than just injecting mocks when it comes to testing. And if you have decent IDE support that makes refactoring possible, why not using it?
Any experience?
Yes, on a huge solution, you need more than ever a non error-prone and refactoring-adverse solution (i.e. either through a type safe IoC container or good IDE support).

Using containers with ability to resolve unregistered/uknown services like SimpleInjector, DryIoc (its mine) can return mocks for not yet implemented interfaces.
Which means that you can start development with first simple implementation and its mocked dependencies, and replace them with real thing as you progress.


Should I use a dependency injection container in Unit Tests? [duplicate]

We've been using Simple Injector with good success, in a fairly substantial application. We've been using constructor injection for all of our production classes, and configuring Simple Injector to populate everything, and everything's peachy.
We've not, though, used Simple Injector to manage the dependency trees for our unit tests. Instead, we've been new'ing up everything manually.
I just spent a couple of days working through a major refactoring, and nearly all of my time was in fixing these manually-constructed dependency trees in our unit tests.
This has me wondering - does anyone have any patterns they use to configure the dependency trees they use in unit tests? For us, at least, in our tests our dependency trees tend to be fairly simple, but there are a lot of them.
Anyone have a method they use to manage these?
For true unit tests (i.e. those which only test one class, and mock all of its dependencies), it doesn't make any sense to use a DI framework. In these tests:
if you find that you have a lot of repetitive code for newing up an instance of your class with all the mocks you've created, one useful strategy is to create all of your mocks and create the instance for the subject-under-test in your Setup method (these can all be private instance fields), and then each individual test's "arrange" area just has to call the appropriate Setup() code on the methods it needs to mock. This way, you end up with only one new PersonController(...) statement per test class.
if you're needing to create a lot of domain/data objects, it's useful to create Builder objects that start with sane values for testing. So instead of invoking a huge constructor all over your code, with a bunch of fake values, you're mostly just calling, e.g., var person = new PersonBuilder().Build(), possibly with just a few chained method calls for pieces of data that you specifically care about in that test. You may also be interested in AutoFixture, but I've never used it so I can't vouch for it.
If you're writing integration tests, where you need to test the interaction between several parts of the system, but you still need to be able to mock specific pieces, consider creating Builder classes for your services, so you can say, e.g. var personController = new PersonControllerBuilder.WithRealDatabase(connection).WithAuthorization(new AllowAllAuthorizationService()).Build().
If you're writing end-to-end, or "scenario" tests, where you need to test the whole system, then it makes sense to set up your DI framework, leveraging the same configuration code that your real product uses. You can alter the configuration slightly to give yourself better programmatic control over things like which user is logged in and such. You can still leverage the other builder classes you've created for constructing data, too.
var user = new PersonBuilder().Build();
var controller = Container.Get<PersonController>();
var result = controller.GetCurrentUser();
Assert.AreEqual(result.Username, user.Username)
Refrain from using your DI container within your unit tests. In unit tests, you try to test one class or module in isolation, and there is little use for a DI container in that area.
Things are different with integration testing, since you want to test how the components in your system integrate and work together. In that case you often use your production DI configuration and swap out some of your services for fake services (e.g. a EmailService) but stick as close to the real thing as you can. In this case you would typically use your Container to resolve the whole object graph.
The desire to use a DI container in the unit tests as well, often stems from ineffective patterns. For instance, in case you try to create the class under test with all its dependencies in each test, you get lots of duplicated initialization code, and a little change in your class under test can in that case ripple through the system and require you to change dozens of unit tests. This obviously causes maintainability problems.
One pattern that helped me out here a lot in the past is the use of a simple SUT-specific factory method. This method centralizes the creation of the class under test and minimizes the amount of changes that need to be made when the dependencies of the class under test change. This is how such factory method could look like:
private ClassUnderTest CreateClassUnderTest(
ILogger logger = null,
IMailSender mailSender = null,
IEventPublisher publisher = null)
return new ClassUnderTest(
logger ?? new FakeLogger(),
mailSender ?? new FakeMailer(),
publisher ?? new FakePublisher());
The factory method's arguments duplicate the class's constructor arguments, but makes them all optional. For any particular dependency that is not supplied by the caller, a new default fake implementation will be injected.
This typically works very well, because in most tests you are just interested in one or two dependencies. The other dependencies might be required for the class to function, but might not be interesting for that specific test. The factory method, therefore, allows you to only supply the dependencies that are interesting for the test at hand, while removing the noise of unused dependencies from the test method. As an example using the factory method, here's a test method:
public void Doing_something_will_always_log_a_message()
// Arrange
var logger = new ListLogger();
ClassUnderTest sut = CreateClassUnderTest(logger: logger);
// Act
// Arrange
Assert.IsTrue(logger.Count > 0);
If you are interested in learning how to write Readable, Trustworthy and Maintainable (RTM) tests, Roy Osherove's book The Art of Unit Testing (second edition) is an excellent read. This has helped me tremendously in my understanding of writing great unit tests. If you’re interested in a deep-dive into Dependency Injection and its related patterns, consider reading Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns (which I co-authored).

Dependency Injection (Unity): Where to RegisterTypes in Unit Test Project [duplicate]

How can a IoC Container be used for unit testing? Is it useful to manage mocks in a huge solution (50+ projects) using IoC? Any experiences? Any C# libraries that work well for using it in unit tests?
Generally speaking, a DI Container should not be necessary for unit testing because unit testing is all about separating responsibilities.
Consider a class that uses Constructor Injection
public MyClass(IMyDependency dep) { }
In your entire application, it may be that there's a huge dependency graph hidden behind IMyDependency, but in a unit test, you flatten it all down to a single Test Double.
You can use dynamic mocks like Moq or RhinoMocks to generate the Test Double, but it is not required.
var dep = new Mock<IMyDependency>().Object;
var sut = new MyClass(dep);
In some cases, an auto-mocking container can be nice to have, but you don't need to use the same DI Container that the production application uses.
I often use an IoC container in my tests. Granted, they are not "unit tests" in the pure sense. IMO They are more BDDish and facilitate refactoring. Tests are there to give you confidence to refactor. Poorly written tests can be like pouring cement into your code.
Consider the following:
public class ImageGalleryFixture : ContainerWiredFixture
public void Should_save_image()
.Setup(r => r.Create(It.IsAny<IFile>()))
AddToGallery(new RequestWithRealFile());
private void AddToGallery(AddBusinessImage request)
There are several things that happen when adding an image to the gallery. The image is resized, a thumbnail is generated, and the files are stored on AmazonS3. By using a container I can more easily isolate just the behavior I want to test, which in this case is the persisting part.
An auto-mocking container extension comes in handy when using this technique:
How can a Ioc Container be used for unit testing?
IoC will enforce programming paradigms that will make unit testing in isolation (i.e. using mocks) easier: use of interfaces, no new(), no singletons...
But using the IoC container for testing is not really a requirement, it will just provide some facilities e.g. injection of mocks but you could do it manually.
Is it useful to manage mocks in a huge solution (50+ projects) using IoC?
I'm not sure what you mean by managing mocks using IoC. Anyway, IoC containers can usually do more than just injecting mocks when it comes to testing. And if you have decent IDE support that makes refactoring possible, why not using it?
Any experience?
Yes, on a huge solution, you need more than ever a non error-prone and refactoring-adverse solution (i.e. either through a type safe IoC container or good IDE support).
Using containers with ability to resolve unregistered/uknown services like SimpleInjector, DryIoc (its mine) can return mocks for not yet implemented interfaces.
Which means that you can start development with first simple implementation and its mocked dependencies, and replace them with real thing as you progress.

Using DI container in unit tests

We've been using Simple Injector with good success, in a fairly substantial application. We've been using constructor injection for all of our production classes, and configuring Simple Injector to populate everything, and everything's peachy.
We've not, though, used Simple Injector to manage the dependency trees for our unit tests. Instead, we've been new'ing up everything manually.
I just spent a couple of days working through a major refactoring, and nearly all of my time was in fixing these manually-constructed dependency trees in our unit tests.
This has me wondering - does anyone have any patterns they use to configure the dependency trees they use in unit tests? For us, at least, in our tests our dependency trees tend to be fairly simple, but there are a lot of them.
Anyone have a method they use to manage these?
For true unit tests (i.e. those which only test one class, and mock all of its dependencies), it doesn't make any sense to use a DI framework. In these tests:
if you find that you have a lot of repetitive code for newing up an instance of your class with all the mocks you've created, one useful strategy is to create all of your mocks and create the instance for the subject-under-test in your Setup method (these can all be private instance fields), and then each individual test's "arrange" area just has to call the appropriate Setup() code on the methods it needs to mock. This way, you end up with only one new PersonController(...) statement per test class.
if you're needing to create a lot of domain/data objects, it's useful to create Builder objects that start with sane values for testing. So instead of invoking a huge constructor all over your code, with a bunch of fake values, you're mostly just calling, e.g., var person = new PersonBuilder().Build(), possibly with just a few chained method calls for pieces of data that you specifically care about in that test. You may also be interested in AutoFixture, but I've never used it so I can't vouch for it.
If you're writing integration tests, where you need to test the interaction between several parts of the system, but you still need to be able to mock specific pieces, consider creating Builder classes for your services, so you can say, e.g. var personController = new PersonControllerBuilder.WithRealDatabase(connection).WithAuthorization(new AllowAllAuthorizationService()).Build().
If you're writing end-to-end, or "scenario" tests, where you need to test the whole system, then it makes sense to set up your DI framework, leveraging the same configuration code that your real product uses. You can alter the configuration slightly to give yourself better programmatic control over things like which user is logged in and such. You can still leverage the other builder classes you've created for constructing data, too.
var user = new PersonBuilder().Build();
var controller = Container.Get<PersonController>();
var result = controller.GetCurrentUser();
Assert.AreEqual(result.Username, user.Username)
Refrain from using your DI container within your unit tests. In unit tests, you try to test one class or module in isolation, and there is little use for a DI container in that area.
Things are different with integration testing, since you want to test how the components in your system integrate and work together. In that case you often use your production DI configuration and swap out some of your services for fake services (e.g. a EmailService) but stick as close to the real thing as you can. In this case you would typically use your Container to resolve the whole object graph.
The desire to use a DI container in the unit tests as well, often stems from ineffective patterns. For instance, in case you try to create the class under test with all its dependencies in each test, you get lots of duplicated initialization code, and a little change in your class under test can in that case ripple through the system and require you to change dozens of unit tests. This obviously causes maintainability problems.
One pattern that helped me out here a lot in the past is the use of a simple SUT-specific factory method. This method centralizes the creation of the class under test and minimizes the amount of changes that need to be made when the dependencies of the class under test change. This is how such factory method could look like:
private ClassUnderTest CreateClassUnderTest(
ILogger logger = null,
IMailSender mailSender = null,
IEventPublisher publisher = null)
return new ClassUnderTest(
logger ?? new FakeLogger(),
mailSender ?? new FakeMailer(),
publisher ?? new FakePublisher());
The factory method's arguments duplicate the class's constructor arguments, but makes them all optional. For any particular dependency that is not supplied by the caller, a new default fake implementation will be injected.
This typically works very well, because in most tests you are just interested in one or two dependencies. The other dependencies might be required for the class to function, but might not be interesting for that specific test. The factory method, therefore, allows you to only supply the dependencies that are interesting for the test at hand, while removing the noise of unused dependencies from the test method. As an example using the factory method, here's a test method:
public void Doing_something_will_always_log_a_message()
// Arrange
var logger = new ListLogger();
ClassUnderTest sut = CreateClassUnderTest(logger: logger);
// Act
// Arrange
Assert.IsTrue(logger.Count > 0);
If you are interested in learning how to write Readable, Trustworthy and Maintainable (RTM) tests, Roy Osherove's book The Art of Unit Testing (second edition) is an excellent read. This has helped me tremendously in my understanding of writing great unit tests. If you’re interested in a deep-dive into Dependency Injection and its related patterns, consider reading Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns (which I co-authored).

Mocks for service using for IoC

I'm in the process of creating unit tests for an existing serie of classes that use IApplicationContext to resolve types and I want to mock the dependencies resolved by
I'm having problems getting to use my mocked objects, basically getting ContextRegistry.GetContext() to return them in the actual application.
The best solution I've found so far is something similar to this, but is not very clean to manage in the actual unit test code, or defining my own IApplicationContext on the fly and register it in the registry which has the same problem.
My question is whether I'm missing some framework that ties these things together or some pattern I can use that would allow me to define things easily.
Your classes are using IApplicationContext as a service locator. Many consider "Service Locator" an anti-pattern. I suggest you form your own opinion on this; if you agree that it is an anti-pattern, then you can take this opportunity to factor out the dependency on IApplicationContext and replace them by explicit dependencies on the objects your class needs.
If you (have to) stick to the current approach, then I'm afraid it's really difficult to get a clean solution. In your situation, I'd configure my containers specifically for testing (perhaps including mocks like described in your linked blog post) and use unit test support for easy wiring of my test objects. But I'd feel really uncomfortable - like you ...

Combining Unit Tests (mocking) and a Dependecy Injection Framework [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Using IoC for Unit Testing
I think I do have a Problem understanding the way Unit Tests and/or Dependency Injection are working. I'm using NUnit and Rhino Mocks for Unit testing and Ninject as an Dependency Incection Framework. In general, I though those two would fit perfeclty - but somehow, it seems like it gets just more complicated and harder to understand.
(I'll try to make up a good example, to keep it clean and easy. It's about me, riding a bike).
1.) Without DI / Unit Tests:
Without knowing of DI and Unit Tests, my code would have looked like that - and I'd be happy:
public class Person
public void Travel()
Bike bike = new Bike();
public class Bike
public void Ride()
Console.WriteLine("Riding a Bike");
To ride my bike i would just need: new Person().Travel();
2.) With DI:
I don't want that tight coupling, so I need an Interface and a NinjectModule! I'd have some Overhead, but that will be fine, as long as the code is easy to read and understand. I'll just pass the code for the modified Person class, the Bike class is unchanged:
public class Person
IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel(new TransportationModule());
public void Travel()
ITransportation transportation = kernel.Get<ITransportation>();
I could still ride my bike with just: new Person().Travel();
3.) Considering Unit-Testing (without DI):
To be able to check if the Ride-Method is called properly, I'll need a Mock. As far as I know, there are gernerally two ways to inject an Interface: Constructor Injection and Setter Injection. I choose Constructor Injection for my example:
public class Person
ITransportation transportation;
public person(ITransportation transportation)
this.transportation = transportation;
public void Travel()
This time, i would neet to pass the bike: new Person(new Bike()).Travel();
4.) With DI and preparing for Unit-Tests
The class in 3. Considering Unit-Testing (without DI) would do the job without modification, but I would need to call new Person(kernel.Get<ITransportation>());. Through that, it feels like I'm loosing the benefit from DI - the Person class could call Travel without any coupling and any need to know what kind of class the transportation is. Also, I think this form is lacking a lot of the readability of example 2.
Is this how it is done? Or are there other - more elegant ways achieving Dependency Injection and the possibility to unit test (and mock)?
(Looking back, it seems the example is really bad - everyone should know what kind of transportation device he is riding at the moment...)
Generally I try to avoid using a IoC container for my unit testing - just use mocks and stubs to pass in the dependencies.
Your problem starts in scenario 2: This is not DI - this is the service locator (anti-)pattern. For real Dependency Injection you need to pass in your dependencies, preferably via constructor injection.
Scenario 3 is looking good, this is DI and generally also how you are enabled to test your classes in isolation - pass in the dependencies you need. I rarely find the need to use a full DI container for unit testing since each class under test only will have a few dependencies, each of which can either be stubbed or mocked to perform the test.
I even would argue that if you need a IoC container, your tests are probably not fine-grained enough or you have too many dependencies. In the later case some refactoring might be in order to form aggregate classes from two or more of the dependencies you are using (only if there is any semantic connection of course). This will eventually drop the number of dependencies to a level that you are comfortable with. That maximum number is different for each person, I personally strive to have 4 at most, at least I can count them on one hand and mocking is not too much of a burden.
A last and crucial argument against using an IoC container in unit testing is behavioral testing: How can you be sure the class under test behaves the way you want it to if you are not in full control of your dependencies?
Arguably you can achieve this by stubbing out all dependencies with types that set flags for certain actions, but this is a big effort. It is much, much easier to use a mocking framework like RhinoMocks or Moq to verify that certain methods were called with the arguments you specify. For that you need to mock the dependencies you want to verify calls on, an IoC container cannot help you here.
You are getting some things confused.
Implementation 3 is better then number 2, because you don't need to setup the DI framework in your unit tests.
So when testing number 3 you would do:
ITransportation transportationMock = MockRepository.GenerateStricktMock<ITransportation>();
// setup exceptations on your mock
var person = new Person(transportationMock);
The DI framework is something that's only needed when constructing object trees in production code. In your test code you have total control of what you want to test. When Unit Testing a class, you mock out all dependencies.
If you also want to do some integration testing you would pass a real Bike to your person class and test it.
The idea of testing classes in total isolation is that you can control each and every code path. You can make the dependency return correct or incorrect values or you can even have it throw an exception. If everything is working and you have a nice code coverage just from your unit tests, you will only need a couple of bigger tests to make sure that your DI is wired correctly.
The key to writing testable code is to split object creation from business logic.
My 2 cents...
Although point 2 is an example of the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP), it uses the Service Location Pattern, rather than Dependency Injection.
Your point 3 Illustrates Dependency Injection, where the IoC container would inject the dependency (ITransportation) into the constructor during build up of Person.
In your real app AND the unit test, you would want to use the IoC container to build Person as well (i.e. don't new Person directly). Either use the service locator pattern (kernel.Get<Person>(); ), or DI (e.g. Setter) if your Unit Test Framework supports this.
This would then Build Up Person AND its Dependencies (viz the Configured concrete class for ITransportation) and Inject that into Person as well (obviously, in the unit test your IoC would be configured for the mocked / stubbed ITransportation)
Finally, it is the Dependencies that you would want to Mock, i.e. ITransportation, so that you can test the Transport() method of Person.
Since Bike has no dependencies, it can be Unit Tested directly / independently (You don't need a mock to test Bike.Ride() unless a dependency is added to Bike).
