We are creating dynamic text boxes and buttons inside a grid for each row. Now we want to create click event for each button. To create button inside the grid in using ITemplate.
ImageButton imbtnAdd = new ImageButton();
imbtnAdd.ID = "imbtn" + columnName;
imbtnAdd.ImageUrl = "btn_add_icon.gif";
imbtnAdd.Width = 20;
I have used imbtnAdd.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(imbtnAdd_Click); but it shows an error message
imbtnAdd_Click does not exist
ImageButton imbtnAdd = new ImageButton();
imbtnAdd.ID = "imbtn" + columnName;
imbtnAdd.ImageUrl = "btn_add_icon.gif";
imbtnAdd.Width = 20;
imbtnAdd.Click += imbtnAdd_Click;
// ...
private void imbtnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// handle event
Jrista's answer is correct.
Although, if you want to implement different handlers for all the buttons and you are using .Net 3.0 or above, you can use lambdas:
imbtnAdd.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
// Code handling code goes here...
private void btnShowCausali_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataGridView Dati = new DataGridView();
Dati.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize;
Dati.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(120, 40);
Dati.Name = "Dati";
Dati.RowTemplate.Height = 24;
Dati.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(979, 458);
Dati.TabIndex = 1;
Dati.Visible = true;
Dati.Columns.Add("id", "ID");
Dati.Columns.Add("causaliname", "Nome Causale");
Dati.Columns.Add("Identificationcode", "Codice Identificativo");
Dati.Columns.Add("expired", "Data di Scadenza");
When I run this code the DataGridView does not appear on the form. Just in case it could create problem, the button btnShowCausali get created on the form load.
public void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button btnShowCausali = new Button();
btnShowCausali.Text = "Causali";
btnShowCausali.Location = new Point(20, 20);
btnShowCausali.Size = new Size(120, 40);
By the way, I don't know why the button actually gets created but the DataGridView does not.
Your event handler btnShowCausali_Click is not attached to the button in Form1_Load. Are you sure it is called?
I also do not see adding this button to any container (Form, Panel, ...)
Your DataGridView will be added to grpDatore control (not form) so have that in mind when you set Location.
Attach event:
btnShowCausali.Click += btnShowCausali_Click;
First of all, if the button is created dynamically, add it to the UI.
Button btnShowCausali = new Button();
btnShowCausali.Text = "Causali";
btnShowCausali.Location = new Point(20, 20); // Make shure there aren't other controls in this point
btnShowCausali.Size = new Size(120, 40);
this.Controls.Add(btnShowCausali); //Adding the button to the form
Then, you have to attach an event handler for the Click event of the button. In short, you have to tell to the button what to do when it is clicked. You have two options to add an event handler for the click event:
Code: add btnShowCausali.Click += btnShowCausali_Click; after the InitializeComponent function call (in the constructor) or in the Load event of the form. Then add the function btnShowCausali_Click:
private void btnShowCausali_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataGridView Dati = new DataGridView();
Dati.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize;
Dati.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(120, 40);
Dati.Name = "Dati";
Dati.RowTemplate.Height = 24;
Dati.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(979, 458);
Dati.TabIndex = 1;
Dati.Visible = true;
Dati.Columns.Add("id", "ID");
Dati.Columns.Add("causaliname", "Nome Causale");
Dati.Columns.Add("Identificationcode", "Codice Identificativo");
Dati.Columns.Add("expired", "Data di Scadenza");
grpDatore.Controls.Add(Dati); // DataGridView added to grpDatore, not form. Make shure grpDatore is visible.
Designer: double click on the button. Visual Studio will do the magic for you.
I have two Buttons on my Sharepoint 2010 Web Page. One fires (server-side), the other doesn't*. They are set up similarly. Here is the one that does fire:
Button btnSave = new Button();
btnSave.Text = "Save";
btnSave.Click += new EventHandler(btnSave_Click);
. . .
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
LiteralControl message = null; // this breakpoint is hit, sho' nuff
. . . // code elided for brevity
...and here is the one that isn't invoked:
Button btnGeneratePDF = null;
. . .
btnGeneratePDF = new Button();
btnGeneratePDF.Text = "Generate PDF";
btnGeneratePDF.UseSubmitBehavior = true; // trying this after it didn't work without it... (still doesn't work)
btnGeneratePDF.Click += new EventHandler(btnGenPDF_Click);
private void btnGenPDF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
GeneratePDF(listOfListItems); // breakpoint here never reached
Why is btnSave's handler invoked when I click it, but btnGeneratePDF's handler is not?
I can get buttons to fire client-side (jQuery) by using HtmlButtons, but I need this one to fire server-side/C#.
Would the fact that I'm creating the pdfgen button inside the click handler of the other Button have anything to do with this? Here's the significant part of that:
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
. . . relatively insignificant code elided for brevity
Button btnGeneratePDF = new Button();
btnGeneratePDF.Text = "Generate PDF";
btnGeneratePDF.UseSubmitBehavior = true; // trying this after it didn't
work without it...still doesn't work; don't know why - configuration of this
button is the same as for btnSave
btnGeneratePDF.Click += new EventHandler(btnGenPDF_Click);
. . . relatively insignificant code elided for brevity
Only the first (btnSave) button (and not the identically-created btnGeneratePDF button) is marked as type="submit":
<input type="submit" name="ctl00$ctl24$g_5f3fedca_19f7_4bc3_b84e_efbef0c48a33$ctl00$ctl152" value="Save" onclick="javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$ctl24$g_5f3fedca_19f7_4bc3_b84e_efbef0c48a33$ctl00$ctl152", "", true, "", "", false, false))" />
I believe only one button of type submit is allowed, but I tried to shove btnSave out of the way when I was done with it by setting its Enabled property to false, but that did nothing (good).
You must recreate the dynamic control in page processing. Here is an example of how to do it:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button b = new Button();
b.ID = "one";
b.Text = "one";
b.Click += B_Click;
// this is where the dynamic control is created if id is in postback
if (Request["two"] != null)
Button x = new Button();
x.ID = "two";
x.Text = "two";
x.Click += X_Click;
private void B_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button x = new Button();
x.ID = "two";
x.Text = "two";
x.Click += X_Click;
LabelOutput.Text += " ...one";
private void X_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
LabelOutput.Text += " ...two";
If you assign the click event handler of the "pdf" button inside the click event of the Save button means that the PDF button is dynamically created and its click event assigned each time you press click on the save button. Only at that time the pdf will get its event assigned.
This is how I got it to work:
0) Declare button at the top:
Button btnGeneratePDF = null;
1) Create and configure it within the Page_Load() event (as suggested by Michael Palermo)
btnGeneratePDF = new Button();
btnGeneratePDF.Text = "Generate PDF";
btnGeneratePDF.UseSubmitBehavior = true; // I don't know if this is necessary
btnGeneratePDF.Click += new EventHandler(btnGenPDF_Click);
btnGeneratePDF.Visible = false;
Note that visible is set to false at first
2) Make the "Generate PDF" button visible within the "btnSave" click handler:
btnGeneratePDF.Visible = true;
That's it - it works fine now.
I have a radio buttons and one text box on a panel made dynamically . Now, I want to disable the text box when the second radio button is checked, means they are both connected. how can I make the event for it. I want to have the event working.
Thanks a lot in advanced.
this is my code which is not working:
Panel pnl = new Panel();
pnl.Name = "pnl_";
pnl.Size = new Size(630, 80);
RadioButton rd = new RadioButton();
rd.Name = "rd_" + dr[i]["Value_Name"].ToString();
rd.Text = dr[i]["Value_Name"].ToString();
rd.Location = new Point(i,i*2);
TextBox txt = new TextBox();
txt.Name = "txt_" + Field_Name+"_"+dr[i]["Value_Name"].ToString();
txt.Size = new Size(171, 20);
txt.Text = Field_Name + "_" + dr[i]["Value_Name"].ToString();
txt.Location = new Point(20, 30);
////// ???? ////////
rd.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(eventTxt(txt));
void eventTxt(object sender,EventArgs e,TextBox txt)
RadioButton rd = (RadioButton)sender;
txt.Enabled = rd.Checked;
Use a lambda to close over the relevant variable(s):
rd.CheckedChanged += (s, args) => txt.Enabled = rd.Checked;
If you had more than a one line implementation, you could call out to a method accepting whatever parameters you've closed over, instead of including it all inline.
I would suggest to set the Tag of the radio button and get walk down the dependencies.
rd.Tag = txt;
In the event handler use this:
TextBox txt = (sender as Control).Tag as TextBox;
txt.Enabled = ...
you can use code given
rd.CheckedChanged += (s,argx) => txt.Enabled = rd.Checked;
Here's how you could create an event for it:
//if you are using Microsoft Visual Studio, the following
//line of code will go in a separate file called 'Form1.Design.cs'
//instead of just 'Form1.cs'
myTextBox.CheckChangedEventHandeler += new EventHandeler(checkBox1_CheckChanged); //set an event handeler
public void checkBox1_CheckChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) //what you want to happen every time the check is changed
if(checkBox1.checked == true) //replace 'checkBox1' with your check-box's name
myTextBox.enabled = false; //replace 'myTextbox' with your text box's name;
//change your text box's enabled property to false
Hope it helps!
I am a begginer in C# and I want to create a button which creates button.
but these buttons never appear...
please find my code :
private void addstrat3_i_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
panel3strat.Width += 200;
Button addstrat3_2 = new Button();
addstrat3_2.Size = new Size(210, 41);
addstrat3_2.Location = new Point(50,50);
addstrat3_2.Visible = true;
Thanks a lot
You have to add the button (or any other controls) on the form using the Controls property, for sample:
private void addstrat3_i_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
panel3strat.Width += 200;
Button addstrat3_2 = new Button();
addstrat3_2.Size = new Size(210, 41);
addstrat3_2.Location = new Point(50,50);
addstrat3_2.Visible = true;
// add control
You need to add the button to the form.
I'm trying to create ASP.NET buttons programmatically inside an update panel in my SharePoint instance, but because of the page life cycle, I can not attach server side events on buttons.
Here is the code:
TableCell tcellbutton = new TableCell();
b.Click += new EventHandler(b_Click);
b.CausesValidation = true;
void b_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string studentnumber = (sender as Button).ID.ToString().Substring(3, (sender as Button).ID.ToString().Length - 3);
TextBox t = panel1.FindControl("txt" + studentNumber) as TextBox;
Is there another way to create and attach buttons in Sharepoint?
Ok here is how I solved it, Thanks for all replies, I was looking for a way to attach an event to a button that is created dynamically during runtime (after initialization). Hope It works for others as well.
<script type="text/javascript">
function ButtonClick(buttonId) {
alert("Button " + buttonId + " clicked from javascript");
protected void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), ((Button)sender).ID, "<script>alert('Button_Click');</script>");
Response.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + ((Button)sender).ID + " was clicked");
private Button GetButton(string id, string name)
Button b = new Button();
b.Text = name;
b.ID = id;
b.Click += new EventHandler(Button_Click);
b.OnClientClick = "ButtonClick('" + b.ClientID + "')";
return b;
You should add your code in PreInit event, code below work good:
protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)
Button bb = new Button();
bb.Click += new EventHandler(bb_Click);
bb.CausesValidation = true;
bb.ID = "button1";
private void bb_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Write("any thing here");
You are creating dynamic controls. Your code should execute in each PageLoad event.
Remove IsPostBack for the part of code where you are creating the buttons is my advice.
If you don't do this, you will create the controls, but each time when PageLoad event occurs, your control will be deleted and the application will not follow your events. With other words you should always recreate the controls.