How to compute ifft from fft? - c#

I've done a fft to get fundamental frequency in real time and to implement high and low pass filters.
Now I want to be able to record to a .wav file after I apply a filter.
First I'll have to invert the fft and that is my question.
What are the steps to do this?
I use the FFT defined in this project.
Here is the code for it:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace SoundLog
public class FourierTransform
static private int n, nu;
static private int BitReverse(int j)
int j2;
int j1 = j;
int k = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= nu; i++)
j2 = j1 / 2;
k = 2 * k + j1 - 2 * j2;
j1 = j2;
return k;
static public double[] FFT(ref double[] x)
// Assume n is a power of 2
n = x.Length;
nu = (int)(Math.Log(n) / Math.Log(2));
int n2 = n / 2;
int nu1 = nu - 1;
double[] xre = new double[n];
double[] xim = new double[n];
double[] magnitude = new double[n2];
double[] decibel = new double[n2];
double tr, ti, p, arg, c, s;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
xre[i] = x[i];
xim[i] = 0.0f;
int k = 0;
for (int l = 1; l <= nu; l++)
while (k < n)
for (int i = 1; i <= n2; i++)
p = BitReverse(k >> nu1);
arg = 2 * (double)Math.PI * p / n;
c = (double)Math.Cos(arg);
s = (double)Math.Sin(arg);
tr = xre[k + n2] * c + xim[k + n2] * s;
ti = xim[k + n2] * c - xre[k + n2] * s;
xre[k + n2] = xre[k] - tr;
xim[k + n2] = xim[k] - ti;
xre[k] += tr;
xim[k] += ti;
k += n2;
k = 0;
n2 = n2 / 2;
k = 0;
int r;
while (k < n)
r = BitReverse(k);
if (r > k)
tr = xre[k];
ti = xim[k];
xre[k] = xre[r];
xim[k] = xim[r];
xre[r] = tr;
xim[r] = ti;
for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++)
//magnitude[i] = (float)(Math.Sqrt((xre[i] * xre[i]) + (xim[i] * xim[i])));
decibel[i] = 10.0 * Math.Log10((float)(Math.Sqrt((xre[i] * xre[i]) + (xim[i] * xim[i]))));
//return magnitude;
return decibel;

There are so many really good fft implementations around such as FFTW that I highly recommend using one. They come with ifft as well. Yours, as implemented, will be excruciatingly slow.


Trying to perform 2D Cross correlation on 2 images without using Matlab/Numpy/etc

I am trying to perform Cross Correlation on these 2 images in C#:
Image, Template
Matlab says the result is supposed to look like: Matlab result
But this is my result: My result
Here is my Cross Correlation function:
public static Signal2D CrossCorrelation2D(Signal2D signal, Signal2D pulse) {
return InverseFFT2D(FFT2D(signal) * FFT2D(pulse).GetConjugate());
Here is my FFT2D:
public static Signal2D FFT2D(Signal2D signal) {
Signal2D result = new Signal2D(signal.Height, signal.Width);
for (int i = 0; i < result.Height; i++)
result[i] = new ComplexNumber[signal[i].Length];
for (int n = 0; n < signal.Height; n++) {
result[n] = FFT(signal[n]);
for (int i = 0; i < signal[0].Length; i++) {
ComplexNumber[] col = new ComplexNumber[signal.Height];
for (int j = 0; j < col.Length; j++) {
col[j] = result[j][i];
col = FFT(col);
for (int j = 0; j < col.Length; j++) {
result[j][i] = col[j];
return result;
Here is my FFT:
public static Signal FFT(Signal signal) {
int N = signal.Length;
if (N == 1)
return signal;
if ((N & (N - 1)) != 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("signal length must be a power of 2");
Signal evenArr = new Signal(N / 2);
Signal oddArr = new Signal(N / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < N / 2; i++) {
evenArr[i] = signal[2 * i];
evenArr = FFT(evenArr);
for (int i = 0; i < N / 2; i++) {
oddArr[i] = signal[2 * i + 1];
oddArr = FFT(oddArr);
Signal result = new Signal(N);
for (int k = 0; k < N / 2; k++) {
double w = -2.0 * k * Math.PI / N;
ComplexNumber wk = new ComplexNumber(Math.Cos(w), Math.Sin(w));
ComplexNumber even = evenArr[k];
ComplexNumber odd = oddArr[k];
result[k] = even + (wk * odd);
result[k + N / 2] = even - (wk * odd);
return result;
Here is my Signal multiplication (using pointwise multiplication):
public static Signal2D operator* (Signal2D a, Signal2D b) {
if (a.Height != b.Height || a.Width != b.Width)
throw new ArgumentException("Sizes must be equal");
Signal2D result = new Signal2D(a.Height, a.Width);
for (int y = 0; y < a.Height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < a.Width; x++) {
result[y][x] = a[y][x] * b[y][x];
return result;
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Edit: I left the matlab image at the original size of 1023 by 1023 and overlayed my result. It looks like I may already be at the result, I am just not sure how Matlab pads the image. Overlayed results (The red is the white part from my result, the grey is the black part from my result. Black/white is from Matlab)

1D Fast Fourier Transform

What algorithm is the following?
What I understand from the following source code is:
dir is the direction of FFT: forward=1, inverse=-1.
x is the real part
y is the imaginary part
What is m here?
If x = {1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, and, y = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, what would be the value of m?
//Inplace 1D FFT
public static void FFT1D(int dir, int m, ref double[] x, ref double[] y)
long nn, i, i1, j, k, i2, l, l1, l2;
double c1, c2, tx, ty, t1, t2, u1, u2, z;
/* Calculate the number of points */
nn = 1;
for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
nn *= 2;
/* Do the bit reversal */
i2 = nn >> 1;
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nn - 1; i++)
if (i < j)
tx = x[i];
ty = y[i];
x[i] = x[j];
y[i] = y[j];
x[j] = tx;
y[j] = ty;
k = i2;
while (k <= j)
j -= k;
k >>= 1;
j += k;
/* Compute the FFT */
c1 = -1.0;
c2 = 0.0;
l2 = 1;
for (l = 0; l < m; l++)
l1 = l2;
l2 <<= 1;
u1 = 1.0;
u2 = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < l1; j++)
for (i = j; i < nn; i += l2)
i1 = i + l1;
t1 = u1 * x[i1] - u2 * y[i1];
t2 = u1 * y[i1] + u2 * x[i1];
x[i1] = x[i] - t1;
y[i1] = y[i] - t2;
x[i] += t1;
y[i] += t2;
z = u1 * c1 - u2 * c2;
u2 = u1 * c2 + u2 * c1;
u1 = z;
c2 = Math.Sqrt((1.0 - c1) / 2.0);
if (dir == 1)
c2 = -c2;
c1 = Math.Sqrt((1.0 + c1) / 2.0);
/* Scaling for forward transform */
if (dir == 1)
for (i = 0; i < nn; i++)
x[i] /= (double)nn;
y[i] /= (double)nn;
The implementation of the FFT you have posted is limited to inputs of size 2m. Here m thus indirectly specify the size of the FFT block size. So, for your example with x = {1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0} and y={1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0} being arrays of size 8=23, m would be equal to 3.
Note that there are no additional checks for the size of the arrays x and y so make sure they are at least that size.

Laplace Transform And Getting The Frequent Value For Gyro

I'm getting x,y,z values from gyro-sensor. Each variable is being sent 10 values per second. In 3 seconds I have;
Some of the values are too different from the others cause of noise. With laplace transform I need to get the most frequent value from my array.
I need to filter the array with Laplace Transform equation. I need to build the equation in C#. How can I implement the array with the equation?
Since this kind of filter (Laplace) is very specialized to certain area of Engineering and needs a person who has good understanding on both the programming language (in this case is C#) and the filter itself, I would recommend you to use such source, rather than code the filter by yourself.
Here is the snippet of the source code:
class Laplace
const int DefaultStehfest = 14;
public delegate double FunctionDelegate(double t);
static double[] V; // Stehfest coefficients
static double ln2; // log of 2
public static void InitStehfest(int N)
ln2 = Math.Log(2.0);
int N2 = N / 2;
int NV = 2 * N2;
V = new double[NV];
int sign = 1;
if ((N2 % 2) != 0)
sign = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < NV; i++)
int kmin = (i + 2) / 2;
int kmax = i + 1;
if (kmax > N2)
kmax = N2;
V[i] = 0;
sign = -sign;
for (int k = kmin; k <= kmax; k++)
V[i] = V[i] + (Math.Pow(k, N2) / Factorial(k)) * (Factorial(2 * k)
/ Factorial(2 * k - i - 1)) / Factorial(N2 - k)
/ Factorial(k - 1) / Factorial(i + 1 - k);
V[i] = sign * V[i];
public static double InverseTransform(FunctionDelegate f, double t)
double ln2t = ln2 / t;
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < V.Length; i++)
x += ln2t;
y += V[i] * f(x);
return ln2t * y;
public static double Factorial(int N)
double x = 1;
if (N > 1)
for (int i = 2; i <= N; i++)
x = i * x;
return x;
coded by Mr. Walt Fair Jr. in CodeProject.

Neural Net - Feed Forward, Matrix Multiplication in C#

I'm attempting to make a Neural Network in C#, I based the design in a python code I made a while back. But somehow the end result is not the same.
I'm new to C# and I'm using it in Unity, so I have limitation to library uses.
In python numpy can do matrix multiplications with the method. I Haven't found something similar in C#, especially in Unity. So I had to do it by hand.
The Python code:
import numpy as np
class NN:
def __init__(self, n_input, n_hidden_layers, n_hidden_nodes, n_output):
self.weights_hidden = []
for n in range(n_hidden_layers + 1):
if n == 0:
size = n_input, n_hidden_nodes
elif n == n_hidden_layers:
size = n_hidden_nodes, n_output
size = n_hidden_nodes, n_hidden_nodes
def activation(x):
return np.tanh(x)
def feed_forward(self, ip):
input_values = (ip - np.mean(ip, axis=0)) / np.std(ip, axis=0)
for w, weights in enumerate(self.weights_hidden):
if w == 0:
result = input_values
result = np.array(
return result
ANN = NN(n_input=5, n_hidden_layers=2, n_hidden_nodes=3, n_output=1)
print ANN.feed_forward([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
My attempt to convert it to C#.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class neural_net : MonoBehaviour {
int n_inputs;
int n_hidden_layers;
int n_hidden_nodes;
int n_outputs;
float[] inputs;
ArrayList hidden_weights;
ArrayList hidden_results;
float[] output_results;
public void init(int n_inputs, int n_hidden_layers, int n_hidden_nodes, int n_outputs){
this.n_inputs = n_inputs;
this.n_hidden_layers = n_hidden_layers;
this.n_hidden_nodes = n_hidden_nodes;
this.n_outputs = n_outputs;
this.hidden_weights = new ArrayList ();
this.hidden_results = new ArrayList ();
this.output_results = new float[n_outputs];
int rows;
int columns;
for (int h = 0; h < n_hidden_layers + 2; h++) {
if (h == 0){
// input -> hidden
rows = n_inputs;
columns = n_hidden_nodes;
else if(h == n_hidden_layers + 1){
// hidden -> output
rows = n_hidden_nodes;
columns = n_outputs;
else {
// hidden -> hidden
rows = n_hidden_nodes;
columns = n_hidden_nodes;
float[] hidden_result = new float[rows*columns];
float[,] target = new float[rows,columns];
string test = "";
for(int r = 0; r < rows; r++){
for(int c = 0; c < columns; c++){
target[r,c] = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
test += target[r,c] + ", ";
float activation(float x){
// tanh(x);
return (1 - Mathf.Exp (-2 * x)) / (1 + Mathf.Exp (-2 * x));
float[] _dot_matrix(float[] results, float[,] weights){
float[] new_matrix = new float[weights.GetLength(1)];
string t0 = "";
for (int r = 0; r < weights.GetLength(1); r++){
float res = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < weights.GetLength(0); c++) {
res += results[c] * weights[c,r];
new_matrix[r] = res;
return new_matrix;
float[] _map_activation(float[] pre_results){
float[] results = new float[pre_results.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++) {
results[i] = activation(pre_results[i]);
return results;
float[] feed_forward(){
int h;
for (h = 0; h < n_hidden_layers + 2; h++) {
float[] dot_matrix_result;
if(h == 0){
dot_matrix_result = _dot_matrix(inputs, (float[,])hidden_weights[h]);
else if (h == n_hidden_layers +1){
dot_matrix_result = _dot_matrix((float[])hidden_results[h-1], (float[,])hidden_weights[h]);
output_results = _map_activation(dot_matrix_result);
else {
dot_matrix_result = _dot_matrix((float[])hidden_results[h-1], (float[,])hidden_weights[h]);
float[] result = _map_activation(dot_matrix_result);
hidden_results[h] = _map_activation(result);
return output_results;
float[] normalize_input(float[] inputs){
float sum = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++) {
sum += inputs[i] ;
float average = sum / inputs.Length;
float[] deviations = new float[inputs.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++) {
deviations[i] = Mathf.Pow(inputs[i] - average,2);
float sum_deviation = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < deviations.Length; i++) {
sum_deviation += deviations[i];
float variance = sum_deviation / deviations.Length;
float std = Mathf.Sqrt (variance);
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++) {
inputs[i] = (inputs[i] - average)/std;
return inputs;
public void start_net(float[] inputs){
this.inputs = normalize_input(inputs);
feed_forward ();
I run the net from other script using the init method and then the start_net() method.
I made a test with not random weights and fixed input data, but it didn't came to the same result as the python code.
What's wrong with the C# code?

C# FFT Implementation not producing expected results

I'm trying to implement, in C#, for my own learning, an FFT algorithm described here:
under "Data reordering, bit reversal, and in-place algorithms".
My code is as follows, with some background operator overloading for the "cplx" structure to allow me to do arithmetic on these objects.
Bitreverse seems to work fine, and so does the "twiddle factor" calculation, so I'm not sure where I've gone wrong. The code looks awfully similar to the pseudocode given on the wiki page.
public cplx[] FFT(cplx[] x)
//Bitreverse Copy
cplx[] a = BitReverse(x);
//Number of points
int n = a.Length;
for (int s = 1; s <= Math.Log(n); s++)
int m = (int)Math.Pow(2,s);
cplx w_m = Omega(m);
for (int k = 0; k < n; k += m)
cplx w = new cplx(1, 0);
for(int j = 0; j < m/2; j++)
cplx t = w * a[k + j + (m / 2)];
cplx u = a[k + j];
a[k + j] = u + t;
a[k + j + (m / 2)] = u - t;
w = w * w_m;
return a;
I'm testing it with an input array of an origin-impulse with 8 samples, which should produce a constant output.
Instead, I'm getting 4 ones and 4 zeros, in that order.
As an aside, I assume that in the pseudocode:
for k = 0 to n-1 by m
Refers to for(k = 0; k < n; k += m) although I'm not sure that's right.
Hopefully someone can shed some light on my incompetence!
Here's the code for bitreversal and the omega calculation.
private int Rev(int x, int k)
int reversed = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
reversed |= (x & (1 << i)) != 0 ? 1 << (k - 1 - i) : 0;
return reversed;
public cplx[] BitReverse(cplx[] x)
cplx[] r = new cplx[x.Length];
int bits = (int)Math.Log(x.Length, 2);
for(int k = 0; k < x.Length; k++)
r[Rev(k, bits)] = x[k];
return r;
private cplx Omega(int m)
float x = (- 2 * (float)Math.PI) / m;
return new cplx((float)Math.Cos(x), (float)(Math.Sin(x)));
I should have been using log2(n) when I was using Math.Log().
