I am working on a page that inherits a Base Page. The aspx page includes a control that uses xslt for to transform an xml document to html markup. Within that document I am using the following:
<xsl:template match="Headline">
<h1 runat="server" id="h1" class="article-heading">
<xsl:value-of select="text()"/>
I am trying to get the get the value of the h1 to set it to page.title, can this be done with page.findControl ?
XSLT within a browser tends to be interpreted on the client-side, not the server side. Using Page.FindControl to find the content of the H1 won't get you too far, as all that will return is the literal <xsl:value-of...> statement.
The best approach is to also open the XML document within the codebehind on the server and set the Page Title from there.
you can use javascript to find h1 on clientside then set it to the document.title
Unfortunately no, because your <h1> element never gets added to control tree on the server. Even though you have runat="server" ASP.NET doesn't parse HTML resulting from XSLT transformation.
You would have to resort to parsing your XML to get the heading. With XPath it should be easy.
The HTML content I need to parse is the text in the marquee element as given below. I'm using C# with HTML Agility Pack to parse it, but a nullrefrence exception is thrown.
C# code is
var ht1 = ht.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("html/body/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div[2]/marquee/text()").InnerText;
Part of HTML:
-<body ...
-<table id=..
+<div ......
-<div style="width:100%;padding:0;margin:0;border
<marquee width="100%" height="20" bgcolor="" style="color:
darkorchid; font-size: 14" loop="3" behavior="scroll"
scrolldelay="90 scrollamount="5" align="middle" border="0">
your scrolling text - these are some samples - think of
Did you look in the direct source of the html file? If you only look in the html shown in a browser like Firebug/fox, it shows additional tbody tags, that are not actually in the file.
Therefore use:
var ht1 = ht.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("html/body/table/tr/td[2]/div[2]/marquee/text()").InnerText;
You usually do not want to use text() because, the text content of a node is already its text. And text() returns a set of text-nodes, not the concatenated text.
Therefore use:
var ht1 = ht.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("html/body/table/tr/td[2]/div[2]/marquee").InnerText
That page does not seem to be well formed HTML.
This worked for me though:
I'm trying to render an element's mark-up using asp controls while avoiding using code-behind. So I want to dynamically generate the href property to include what is rendered from a FieldValue control (SharePointWebControls).
So for example this control I have:
<SharePointWebControls:FieldValue id="PageTitle" FieldName="Title" runat="server"/>
Appears as:
And I have a link on that same page looking like this:
But above in the <a> element - I need TestPage to be there as a result of what's rendered by my FieldValue control; so I basically need a way of 'embedding' the output of this control within the <a> element's href property.
There's no messy bits of markup to accompany the rendered version of FieldValue - it's literally just text - so I'm assuming this isn't complicated.
Not familiar with SP controls, but I guess the compiler stops on the double quotes when you try to embed you control in the href.
Maybe you can try replacing you href's double quotes with single quotes like this :
<a href='http://www.mysite.com/mypage.aspx?title=<SharePointWebControls:FieldValue id="PageTitle" FieldName="Title" runat="server"/>'>CLICK HERE!</a>
( be aware that it will fail if there are quotes in your text )
another solution I see is using some js/jquery (almost the same solution, in fact) :
$('selectorForYourA').attr("href", 'http://www.mysite.com/mypage.aspx?title=<SharePointWebControls:FieldValue id="PageTitle" FieldName="Title" runat="server"/>');
Iam using wkhtmltopdf for html to pdf conversion of an html page using C# code and it is working absolutely perfect but i want to convert a particular part of html page to pdf like by specifying div id of that part or any similar method.How can i do this?
Please help
You can just create a new HTML page with just your div as a body:
Since you already know how to produce a PDF from an HTML file, you know know how to produce a PDF from a DIV ;)
BUT: Of course the CSS is going to be all wonky, since the selectors won't match anymore etc. This is a problem for the general case, but I'm guessing in your specific case, you can make that work.
Imagine the following HTML:
</div> <!-- this one -->
How could I find the matching closing tag for the first opening div tag? Is there a reg ex that could find it? I guess this is quite a common requirement but I'm struggling to find anything straightforward, just full blown HTML parsers.
Use a full blown HTML parser. There's a reason they exist.
Use Html Agility Pack.
I'm assuming that you have tokeinized the html tags... Now create a stack and every time you see an opening tag push and everytime you see a closing tag pop... and see if the ones you pop macth the closing tag...
But there are already HTML parsers for this so search for one on codeplex.
Well, You need to have a 'clear' view of the syntax ! However, regexp are very limited in scope and I would'nt recommand using it for multi-line/tag syntax.
You rather need to track each tag (open/close) and use a 'handler' to deal with your request. You could use some Lex/Yacc tools but this may be overkilling. Depending on the language you use, you may already have modules for this purpose (like HTMLParser in Python).
There's always LinqToXml if you want to parse HTML and don't need every little detail.
I have some XML in an XmlDocument, and I want to display it on an ASP.NET page. (The XML should be in a control; the page will have other content.) Right now, we're using the Xml control for that. Trouble is, the XML displays with no indentation. Ugly.
It appears that I'm supposed to create an XSLT for it, but that seems kind of boring. I'd rather just throw it into a control and have it automagically parse the XML and indent correctly. Is there an easy way to do that?
You could try to use XmlWriter/XmlTextWriter, set the writer's Indentation property, write to a StringBuilder or MemoryStream, and output the result inside a <pre> tag
A quick (and dirty) way of doing this would be to use an IFrame.
In truth, an XSLT is the "ideal" way for formatting an XML for display. Another option would be to parse it manually for display.
To use an Iframe:
ASPX side:
< iframe runat="server" id="myXMLFrame" src="~/MyXmlFile.xml" /></pre>
Code Side:
myXMLFrame.src = Page.ResolveClientUrl("~/MyXmlFile.xml")
You can find a slightly modified version of the XSLT that IE uses to transform XML to HTML when viewing in IE at http://www.dpawson.co.uk/xsl/sect4/N10301.html#d15977e117.
I have used it in a WebBrowser control in a WinForms application, and it works lika a charm. I have not tested it in FireFox/Chrome/Safari/Operat, though.