I have a case in my application where the user can search for a list of terms. The search needs to make three passes in the following order:
One for an exact match of what they entered. Done, easy.
One where all the words (individually) match. Done, also easy.
One where any of the words match...how?
Essentially, how do I, in Linq to Sql, tell it to do this:
select * from stuff s where s.Title like '%blah%' || s.Title like '%woo&' || s.Title like '%fghwgads%' || s.Title like...
And so on?
This might be a tough one... I think you'd have to write your own operator.
(Update: Yep, I tested it, it works.)
public static class QueryExtensions
public static IQueryable<TEntity> LikeAny<TEntity>(
this IQueryable<TEntity> query,
Expression<Func<TEntity, string>> selector,
IEnumerable<string> values)
if (selector == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("selector");
if (values == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("values");
if (!values.Any())
return query;
var p = selector.Parameters.Single();
var conditions = values.Select(v =>
(Expression)Expression.Call(typeof(SqlMethods), "Like", null,
selector.Body, Expression.Constant("%" + v + "%")));
var body = conditions.Aggregate((acc, c) => Expression.Or(acc, c));
return query.Where(Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(body, p));
Then you could call this with:
string[] terms = new string[] { "blah", "woo", "fghwgads" };
var results = stuff.LikeAny(s => s.Title, terms);
P.S. You'll need to add the System.Linq.Expressions and System.Data.Linq.SqlClient namespaces to your namespaces for the QueryExtensions class.
I am building a repository and would like to be able to pass a list of sorts to a function to receive the entities back in the correct order and possibly paged.
I found out that linq will correctly sort if you use reverse the list of sorts and use Orderby for each sort expression..
foreach (var s in sorts.Reverse())
query = query.OrderBy(s);
However while testing the addition of the sort direction I found that it only takes the first sort direction and seems to apply that direction on each sort.
private void applySorts(ref IQueryable<TEntity> query, Dictionary<Expression<Func<TEntity, dynamic>>, string> sorts)
if (sorts != null)
foreach (var s in sorts.Reverse())
Expression<Func<TEntity, dynamic>> expr = s.Key;
string dir = s.Value;
if (dir == "d")
query = query.OrderByDescending(expr);
query = query.OrderBy(expr);
I originally tried to use OrderBy on the first sort and then switch to ThenBy, but this is not possible because ThenBy requires a type of IOrderedQueryable.
I would like to note the use of dictionary may not be the best, if you have any better ideas please share. However, I just wanted to get it running and see how things go.
I am using C#, Linq, and Entity Framework.
Thanks in advance for your time.
Update: Unfortunately I have found that this does not support sorting numbers. Error(Unable to cast the type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.Object'.)
Grammatically, all you need is a temp variable of type IOrderedQueryable.
I would try something like:
private void applySorts(ref IQueryable<TEntity> query, Dictionary<Expression<Func<TEntity, dynamic>>, string> sorts)
if (sorts != null)
IOrderedQueryable<TEntity> tempQuery = null;
bool isFirst = true;
foreach (var s in sorts.Reverse())
Expression<Func<TEntity, dynamic>> expr = s.Key;
string dir = s.Value;
if (first)
first = false;
if (dir == "d")
tempQuery = query.OrderByDescending(expr);
tempQuery = query.OrderBy(expr);
if (dir == "d")
tempQuery = tempQuery.ThenByDescending(expr);
tempQuery = tempQuery.ThenBy(expr);
query = tempQuery;
The key to the above solution is that an IOrderedQueryable is an IQueryable.
I haven't tried it myself. However, I would emphasis that this is only a grammatical solution.
You can use ThenBy() method to chain your filters like this:
bool first = true;
foreach(var s in sorts)
query = first ? query.OrderBy(s) : query.ThenBy(s);
// It will became like query.OrderBy(a => a.A).ThenBy(a => a.B).ThenBy(a => a.C)...
You can also use sorting by multiple columns in a LINQ query if you know the properties on which you will sort:
var result = (from row in list
orderby row.A, row.B, row.C
select row).ToList();
I am using Dynamic Linq to perform some queries (sorry but it's my only option). As a result, I am getting an IQueryable instead of an IQueryable<T>. In my case, I want an IQueryable<Thing> where Thing is a concrete type.
My query is as such:
public IQueryable<Thing> Foo(MyContext db)
var rootQuery = db.People.Where(x => x.City != null && x.State != null);
var groupedQuery = rootQuery.GroupBy("new ( it.City, it.State )", "it", new []{"City", "State"});
var finalLogicalQuery = groupedQuery.Select("new ( Count() as TotalNumber, Key.City as City, Key.State as State )");
var executionDeferredResults = finalLogicalQuery.Take(10); // IQueryable
IQueryable<Thing> executionDeferredTypedThings = ??; // <--- Help here!!!!
return executionDeferredTypedThings;
My Thing.cs:
public class Thing
public int TotalNumber { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
Yes, I know the exact above thing can be done without Dynamic Linq but I have some variableness going on that I've simplified out of here. I can get it to work with my variableness if my return type is simply IQueryable but I can't figure out how to convert to IQueryable<Thing> while keeping it execution-deferred and while also keeping Entity Framework happy. I do have the dynamic Select always returning something (with the correct data) that looks like a Thing. But I simply can't figure how to return the IQueryable<Thing> and could use some help there. Thanks!!
Failed Attempt 1
Based on Rex M's suggestion, I am now trying to use AutoMapper to solve this problem (although I am not committed to this approach and am willing to try other approaches). For the AutoMapper approach, I am doing it as such:
IQueryable<Thing> executionDeferredTypedThings = executionDeferredResults.ProjectTo<Thing>(); // <--- Help here!!!!
But this results in an InvalidOperationException:
Missing map from DynamicClass2 to Thing. Create using Mapper.CreateMap.
The thing is, while I have defined Thing, I have not defined DynamicClass2 and as such, I cannot map it.
Failed Attempt 2
IQueryable<Thing> executionDeferredTypedThings = db.People.Provider.CreateQuery<Thing>(executionDeferredResults.Expression);
This gives an InvalidCastException and seems to be the same underlying problem that the above AutoMapper fail hits:
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery'1[DynamicClass2]' to type 'System.Linq.IQueryable'1[MyDtos.Thing]'.
You can use AutoMapper's Queryable Extensions to produce an IQueryable which wraps the underlying IQueryable, thus preserving the original IQueryable's IQueryProvider and the deferred execution, but adds in a mapping/translating component to the pipeline to convert from one type to another.
There's also AutoMapper's UseAsDataSource which makes some common query extension scenarios easier.
If I understand correctly, the following extension method should do the job for you
public static class DynamicQueryableEx
public static IQueryable<TResult> Select<TResult>(this IQueryable source, string selector, params object[] values)
if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
if (selector == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("selector");
var dynamicLambda = System.Linq.Dynamic.DynamicExpression.ParseLambda(source.ElementType, null, selector, values);
var memberInit = dynamicLambda.Body as MemberInitExpression;
if (memberInit == null) throw new NotSupportedException();
var resultType = typeof(TResult);
var bindings = memberInit.Bindings.Cast<MemberAssignment>()
.Select(mb => Expression.Bind(
(MemberInfo)resultType.GetProperty(mb.Member.Name) ?? resultType.GetField(mb.Member.Name),
var body = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(resultType), bindings);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(body, dynamicLambda.Parameters);
return source.Provider.CreateQuery<TResult>(
typeof(Queryable), "Select",
new Type[] { source.ElementType, lambda.Body.Type },
source.Expression, Expression.Quote(lambda)));
(Side note: Frankly I have no idea what values argument is for, but added it to match the corresponding DynamicQueryable.Select method signature.)
So your example will become something like this
public IQueryable<Thing> Foo(MyContext db)
var rootQuery = db.People.Where(x => x.City != null && x.State != null);
var groupedQuery = rootQuery.GroupBy("new ( it.City, it.State )", "it", new []{"City", "State"});
var finalLogicalQuery = groupedQuery.Select<Thing>("new ( Count() as TotalNumber, Key.City as City, Key.State as State )"); // IQueryable<Thing>
var executionDeferredTypedThings = finalLogicalQuery.Take(10);
return executionDeferredTypedThings;
How it works
The idea is quite simple.
The Select method implementation inside the DynamicQueryable looks something like this
public static IQueryable Select(this IQueryable source, string selector, params object[] values)
if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
if (selector == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("selector");
LambdaExpression lambda = DynamicExpression.ParseLambda(source.ElementType, null, selector, values);
return source.Provider.CreateQuery(
typeof(Queryable), "Select",
new Type[] { source.ElementType, lambda.Body.Type },
source.Expression, Expression.Quote(lambda)));
What it does is to dynamically create a selector expression and bind it to the source Select method. We take exactly the same approach, but after modifying the selector expression created by the DynamicExpression.ParseLambda call.
The only requirement is that the projection is using "new (...)" syntax and the names and types of the projected properties match, which I think fits in your use case.
The returned expression is something like this
(source) => new TargetClass
TargetProperty1 = Expression1(source),
TargetProperty2 = Expression2(source),
where TargetClass is a dynamically generated class.
All we want is to keep the source part and just replace that target class/properties with the desired class/properties.
As for the implementation, first the property assignments are converted with
var bindings = memberInit.Bindings.Cast<MemberAssignment>()
.Select(mb => Expression.Bind(
(MemberInfo)resultType.GetProperty(mb.Member.Name) ?? resultType.GetField(mb.Member.Name),
and then the new DynamicClassXXX { ... } is replaced with with
var body = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(resultType), bindings);
Would something like this be of benefit to you?
public static IQueryable<TEntity> GetQuery<TEntity>(this DbContext db, bool includeReferences = false) where TEntity : class
if (db == null)
return null;
var key = typeof(TEntity).Name;
var metaWorkspace = db.ToObjectContext().MetadataWorkspace;
var workspaceItems = metaWorkspace.GetItems<EntityType>(DataSpace.OSpace);
var workspaceItem = workspaceItems.First(f => f.FullName.Contains(key));
var navProperties = workspaceItem.NavigationProperties;
return !includeReferences
? db.Set<TEntity>()
: navProperties.Aggregate((IQueryable<TEntity>)db.Set<TEntity>(), (current, navProperty) => current.Include(navProperty.Name));
catch (Exception ex)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Entity Type supplied for Lookup", ex);
You may want to take a look into the Generic Search project on Github located here:
There is no need for Dynamic Linq on this one.
var groupedQuery = from p in db.People
where p.City != null && p.State != null
group p by new {p.City, p.State}
into gp
select new Thing {
TotalNumber = gp.Count(),
City = gp.Key.City,
State = gp.Key.State
IQueryable<Thing> retQuery = groupedQuery.AsQueryable();
retQuery= retQuery.Take(10);
return retQuery;
Is there a way to avoid multiple IF/CASE statements in C#?
In my app I will end up with 8+ fields used to create a Linq query where every expression can be null or != null so it will give me 64 scenarios.
I'm not providing any code samples because I can do it using IF/CASE and simplify it as much as I can.
If You are familiar with some useful approaches to that problem I will appreciate any advice.
Code Sample (it only includes two delegates but I'll have to add more to filter data)
public virtual IEnumerable<T> Get(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter = null, Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter1 = null)
IQueryable<T> query = dbSet;
if (filter != null)
query = query.Where(filter);
return query.ToList();
if (filter1 != null)
query = query.Where(filter1);
return query.ToList();
return query.ToList();
public ActionResult Index(string searchFullName, string searchExtension)
var extensionList = new List<string>();
var extensions = from n in unitofwork.DomainRepository.Get()
select n.Extension;
ViewBag.searchExtension = new SelectList(extensionList);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchFullName) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchExtension))
return View(unitofwork.DomainRepository.Get(n => n.Extension == searchExtension && n.Name.Contains(searchFullName)));
else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchExtension))
return View(unitofwork.DomainRepository.Get(n => n.Extension == searchExtension));
else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchFullName) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchExtension))
return View(unitofwork.DomainRepository.Get());
else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchFullName) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchExtension))
return View(unitofwork.DomainRepository.Get(n => n.Name.Contains(searchFullName)));
return View(unitofwork.DomainRepository.Get());
Yes it is possible, using Linq's powerful Aggregate method (a version of the fold function from functional programming).
public virtual IEnumerable<T> FilterOnAll(params Expression<Predicate<T> filters)
return filters.Aggregate(dbSet, (acc, element) => acc.Where(element));
public virtual IEnumerable<T> FilterOnAny(params Expression<Predicate<T> filters)
Expression<Predicate<T>> alwaysTrue = _ => true;
var compositeFilter = filters.Aggregate(alwaysTrue, (acc, element) => acc.Or(element));
return dbSet.Where(compositeFilter);
You can then compose these two builders to create pretty much any logical condition you want from within your controller.
Good luck.
What you can do is an or statement in your where clause
where (variable1 == null || b.data = variable1)
and just do that for all 8 if im understanding your problem if its null it passes over it as true else it checks against the data.
Your entire if .. elseif .. else block can be replaced by:
return View(unitofwork.DomainRepository.Get(n =>
(string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchFullName) || n.Name.Contains(searchFullName))
&& (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchExtension) || n.Extension == searchExtension)));
I'm constructing a simple search function for a site. The aim is to allow the user to find 'swimmers' and add them to a list via a search box, using a query like "bob staff".
The first part of this I decided to tackle was allowing the user to search via a group name (In the database all swimmers are part of a group). The following is the code I have at the moment.
public JsonResult searchForSwimmers(string q)
//designed to return [{name='foo',id='bar'}]
String[] QueryTerms = q.Split(' '); //all the search terms are sep. by " "
var groupResults = _db.SwimGroups.Where(g => g.Name.ContainsAny(QueryTerms))
.OrderByDescending(g => g.Name.StartsWithAny(QueryTerms) ? 1 : 0)
.ThenBy( g => g)
.Select(g => new { name = g.Name, id = g.ID });
return Json(groupResults,JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
On line 8, there is a method invoked called StartsWithAny. This is an extension method I defined in the following file:
public static class StringUtils
public static Boolean StartsWithAny(this String str, params String[] Fragments)
foreach (String fragment in Fragments)
if (str.StartsWith(fragment))
return true;
return false;
The idea is that if a Name starts with one of the terms then it should be ranked higher in relevancy. I recognize that this logic is naïve and has flaws however I thought it would be a good example to illustrate the problem I've having. The code compiles however when searchForSimmers is invoked in my cshtml page with the following: (using the tokenInput library)
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
I get a 500 internal server error. The error message is as follows:
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean ContainsAny(System.String, System.String[])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
The ContainsAny method
public static Boolean ContainsAny(this String str, List<String> Fragments)
foreach (String fragment in Fragments)
return true;
return false;
I've had a look around but couldn't find a solution to the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated, cheers.
Check out my blog where I create a search extension method for IQueryable.
UPDATED: I have created a new blog post showing the extension method required to acheive your goal
The problem is linq does not know how to translate your code into SQL.
By adding the following extension method:
public static class QueryableExtensions
public static IQueryable<T> Search<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, string>> stringProperty, params string[] searchTerms)
if (!searchTerms.Any())
return source;
Expression orExpression = null;
foreach (var searchTerm in searchTerms)
//Create expression to represent x.[property].Contains(searchTerm)
var searchTermExpression = Expression.Constant(searchTerm);
var containsExpression = BuildContainsExpression(stringProperty, searchTermExpression);
orExpression = BuildOrExpression(orExpression, containsExpression);
var completeExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(orExpression, stringProperty.Parameters);
return source.Where(completeExpression);
private static Expression BuildOrExpression(Expression existingExpression, Expression expressionToAdd)
if (existingExpression == null)
return expressionToAdd;
//Build 'OR' expression for each property
return Expression.OrElse(existingExpression, expressionToAdd);
private static MethodCallExpression BuildContainsExpression<T>(Expression<Func<T, string>> stringProperty, ConstantExpression searchTermExpression)
return Expression.Call(stringProperty.Body, typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains"), searchTermExpression);
This will allow you to write the following lambda:
public JsonResult searchForSwimmers(string q)
//designed to return [{name='foo',id='bar'}]
String[] QueryTerms = q.Split(' '); //all the search terms are sep. by " "
var groupResults = _db.SwimGroups.Search(g => g.Name, queryTerms)
.OrderByDescending(g => g.Name.StartsWithAny(QueryTerms) ? 1 : 0)
.ThenBy( g => g)
.Select(g => new { name = g.Name, id = g.ID });
return Json(groupResults,JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
That's because neither your ContainsAny or StartsWithAny extension methods can be translated into SQL.
As your database table is small (as noted in comments), just resolve your query, by calling .ToList() before you do the Where and OrderBy.
Try this:
var groupResults = _db.SwimGroups
.ToList() //evaluate the query, bring it into memory
.Where(g => g.Name.ContainsAny(QueryTerms))
.OrderByDescending(g => g.Name.StartsWithAny(QueryTerms) ? 1 : 0)
.ThenBy( g => g)
.Select(g => new { name = g.Name, id = g.ID });
We're working on a Log Viewer. The use will have the option to filter by user, severity, etc. In the Sql days I'd add to the query string, but I want to do it with Linq. How can I conditionally add where-clauses?
if you want to only filter if certain criteria is passed, do something like this
var logs = from log in context.Logs
select log;
if (filterBySeverity)
logs = logs.Where(p => p.Severity == severity);
if (filterByUser)
logs = logs.Where(p => p.User == user);
Doing so this way will allow your Expression tree to be exactly what you want. That way the SQL created will be exactly what you need and nothing less.
If you need to filter base on a List / Array use the following:
public List<Data> GetData(List<string> Numbers, List<string> Letters)
if (Numbers == null)
Numbers = new List<string>();
if (Letters == null)
Letters = new List<string>();
var q = from d in database.table
where (Numbers.Count == 0 || Numbers.Contains(d.Number))
where (Letters.Count == 0 || Letters.Contains(d.Letter))
select new Data
Number = d.Number,
Letter = d.Letter,
return q.ToList();
I ended using an answer similar to Daren's, but with an IQueryable interface:
IQueryable<Log> matches = m_Locator.Logs;
// Users filter
if (usersFilter)
matches = matches.Where(l => l.UserName == comboBoxUsers.Text);
// Severity filter
if (severityFilter)
matches = matches.Where(l => l.Severity == comboBoxSeverity.Text);
Logs = (from log in matches
orderby log.EventTime descending
select log).ToList();
That builds up the query before hitting the database. The command won't run until .ToList() at the end.
I solved this with an extension method to allow LINQ to be conditionally enabled in the middle of a fluent expression. This removes the need to break up the expression with if statements.
.If() extension method:
public static IQueryable<TSource> If<TSource>(
this IQueryable<TSource> source,
bool condition,
Func<IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TSource>> branch)
return condition ? branch(source) : source;
This allows you to do this:
return context.Logs
.If(filterBySeverity, q => q.Where(p => p.Severity == severity))
.If(filterByUser, q => q.Where(p => p.User == user))
Here's also an IEnumerable<T> version which will handle most other LINQ expressions:
public static IEnumerable<TSource> If<TSource>(
this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
bool condition,
Func<IEnumerable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>> branch)
return condition ? branch(source) : source;
When it comes to conditional linq, I am very fond of the filters and pipes pattern.
Basically you create an extension method for each filter case that takes in the IQueryable and a parameter.
public static IQueryable<Type> HasID(this IQueryable<Type> query, long? id)
return id.HasValue ? query.Where(o => i.ID.Equals(id.Value)) : query;
Doing this:
bool lastNameSearch = true/false; // depending if they want to search by last name,
having this in the where statement:
where (lastNameSearch && name.LastNameSearch == "smith")
means that when the final query is created, if lastNameSearch is false the query will completely omit any SQL for the last name search.
Another option would be to use something like the PredicateBuilder discussed here.
It allows you to write code like the following:
var newKids = Product.ContainsInDescription ("BlackBerry", "iPhone");
var classics = Product.ContainsInDescription ("Nokia", "Ericsson")
.And (Product.IsSelling());
var query = from p in Data.Products.Where (newKids.Or (classics))
select p;
Note that I've only got this to work with Linq 2 SQL. EntityFramework does not implement Expression.Invoke, which is required for this method to work. I have a question regarding this issue here.
It isn't the prettiest thing but you can use a lambda expression and pass your conditions optionally. In TSQL I do a lot of the following to make parameters optional:
WHERE Field = #FieldVar OR #FieldVar IS NULL
You could duplicate the same style with a the following lambda (an example of checking authentication):
MyDataContext db = new MyDataContext();
void RunQuery(string param1, string param2, int? param3){
Func checkUser = user =>
((param1.Length > 0)? user.Param1 == param1 : 1 == 1) &&
((param2.Length > 0)? user.Param2 == param2 : 1 == 1) &&
((param3 != null)? user.Param3 == param3 : 1 == 1);
User foundUser = db.Users.SingleOrDefault(checkUser);
I had a similar requirement recently and eventually found this in he MSDN.
CSharp Samples for Visual Studio 2008
The classes included in the DynamicQuery sample of the download allow you to create dynamic queries at runtime in the following format:
var query =
Where("City = #0 and Orders.Count >= #1", "London", 10).
Select("new(CompanyName as Name, Phone)");
Using this you can build a query string dynamically at runtime and pass it into the Where() method:
string dynamicQueryString = "City = \"London\" and Order.Count >= 10";
var q = from c in db.Customers.Where(queryString, null)
orderby c.CompanyName
select c;
You can create and use this extension method
public static IQueryable<TSource> WhereIf<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, bool isToExecute, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate)
return isToExecute ? source.Where(predicate) : source;
Just use C#'s && operator:
var items = dc.Users.Where(l => l.Date == DateTime.Today && l.Severity == "Critical")
Edit: Ah, need to read more carefully. You wanted to know how to conditionally add additional clauses. In that case, I have no idea. :) What I'd probably do is just prepare several queries, and execute the right one, depending on what I ended up needing.
You could use an external method:
var results =
from rec in GetSomeRecs()
where ConditionalCheck(rec)
select rec;
bool ConditionalCheck( typeofRec input ) {
This would work, but can't be broken down into expression trees, which means Linq to SQL would run the check code against every record.
var results =
from rec in GetSomeRecs()
(!filterBySeverity || rec.Severity == severity) &&
(!filterByUser|| rec.User == user)
select rec;
That might work in expression trees, meaning Linq to SQL would be optimised.
Well, what I thought was you could put the filter conditions into a generic list of Predicates:
var list = new List<string> { "me", "you", "meyou", "mow" };
var predicates = new List<Predicate<string>>();
predicates.Add(i => i.Contains("me"));
predicates.Add(i => i.EndsWith("w"));
var results = new List<string>();
foreach (var p in predicates)
results.AddRange(from i in list where p.Invoke(i) select i);
That results in a list containing "me", "meyou", and "mow".
You could optimize that by doing the foreach with the predicates in a totally different function that ORs all the predicates.