----> I have datatable which is passing to another page in session variable.
----> Now on another page i take the session variable into datatable.
datatable ds_table = new datatable();
ds_table = (datatable)session["table_value"];
----> so problem, is that , when i filtering some rows from ds_table . that taking effect in the session variable. if some rows deleted from ds_table. then it is also deleted from session variable.
----> so, anyone tell me why is this going to happene?
help me. its necessary.
I would suggest that you copy the datatable before placing it in session. Then, it won't be affected by any changes you make later to the original datatable.
All you have to do is declare a new DataTable variable and copy it:
private void CopyDataTable(DataTable table){
// Create an object variable for the copy.
DataTable copyDataTable;
copyDataTable = table.Copy();
// Insert code to work with the copy.
Then you can put copyDataTable into session.
Well, if session["table_value"] points to the datatable, and you make assign its value (the datatable) to another variable, and THEN MAKE CHANGES to that variable, the changes will be relfected in the datatable and thus you'll see the effect you illustrated.
----- Not always, but in the case you illustrated (so is datatable a shared resource?)
Sounds like you want to make a copy of the DataTable. Try this:
ds_table = ((datatable)session["table_value"]).Copy();
This will be bad if the DataTable is large, so bear that in mind. That said using Session for a large DataTable sounds like a bad idea anyway!
Of course whether that works or not depends on where you are changing its state (I've made some big assumptions). Perhaps describe in more detail what you are doing, and you will get more help (e.g. a code example).
I have a dataset called "titulos" and have 1 table there called "tb"
with the columns with the name "titulo","titulo 2" and "titulo3".
I'm trying to do an insertion of rows in the event onclick of a button
but for some reason my code doesn't work!
My dataset is on a xsd file and I am using visual studio 2013 with c#.
I already tried this code but I don't know how to apply in my situation:
NorthwindDataSet.CustomersRow newCustomersRow =
newCustomersRow.CustomerID = "ALFKI";
newCustomersRow.CompanyName = "Alfreds Futterkiste";
The problem is that shows an error saying it does not recognize the dataset...
The erros is : "The name " Ds_Admissibilidade" does not exist in the current context
A DataSet is a disconnected copy of the data. It forgets if the data originated from database, an xml file or anything else. When you add rows to the DataSet, you only change the in-memory copy, not the original source.
You need some mechanism to update the source. For databases, a table adapter or dataadapter will do this for you. For a file source, you need to serialize the DataSet to the file, much the reverse of the way you read in in first place.
Hope this helps :)
DataRow newRow = titulos.Tables["tb"].NewRow();
newRow["titulo1"] = "titulo1";
newRow["titulo2"] = "titulo2";
newRow["titulo3"] = "titulo3";
Make sure you're setting all the values of the non nullable parameters. If you're using another instance of the dataset "titulos" use ImportRow instead of Add function.
I am doing a small project to learn how to use DataSet but i have a small problem. Consider following code:
foreach (DatabaseDataSet.ApplicationRow rowApplication in database.Application)
if (rowApplication.AID.ToString() == lblIDApplication.Text)
rowApplication.Date= tbApplicationDatum.Text;
rowApplication.Status = tbApplicationStatus.Text;
I don't know why but the database doesn't get updated. The DataRow is being updated as when I call the data again I see the new value. But when I re-run my application it's back to it's old value again. Any help?
EDIT: I'm working with strongly typed DataSet
You need to call the Update method of your adapter to propogate the changes
AcceptChanges only updates the changes in memory for the row and does not migrate those to the database
AcceptChanges and RejectChanges only apply to DataRow related changes
(that is, Add, Remove, Delete, and Modify). They are not applicable to
schema or structural changes.
Calling AcceptChanges will not replicate these changes back to the
data source if the DataSet was filled using a DataAdapter. In that
situation, call Update instead
See Updating Data Sources with DataAdapters for more information
Its important to remember that the DataSet is a 'local copy' of the data not a 'live link' to the DB. If your DataSet is populated by a IDataAdaptor (say a TableAdaptor) for example you need to call the DataAdaptors Update method passing in the Updated dataset to sync the results back to the underlying DB.
Also I would suspect you DONT want to be doing 'new ApplicationTableAdapter()' because typically you would want to update with the TableAdaptor you populated with, at the least you would need to ensure you had the correct connection, query etc set up.
SOLUTION: It happens that nothing was wrong with the code. I had two ConnectionString defined in App.config. I forgot to remove the first one after I removed a previous database that had errors in it. Upon removing the first ConnectionString, everything worked.
How to make all columns allow null before adding a new row to the datatable .
This line throws an exception
Column XXX does not allow nulls
How to fix this problem.
You don't add the row until it's filled and ready to be saved.
DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
...fill row with values...
Usually the database designer specifies that a column can't be null for a reason. For example, it might be a primary key or a foreign key, or is otherwise mandatory information.
If you are sure that it is OK to provide no data for this column for this particular record, try passing an empty string.
It is usually better to initialize the whole row in memory before sending it to the database (instead of filling it field-by-field when it is already there).
However, if you absolutely must do that, and if your DBMS supports it, you can declare your NOT NULL constraints as deferred, so they are not checked until the transaction commits. Here is an Oracle example.
It's rarely good solution. Start from redesigning your database.
Consider removing NOT NULL constraints from all not necessary fields.
Also if any fields is obligatory, but you still do not want to fill it during row creation, set default value either in database or middle layer (ORM or whatever)
however, in this case it looks like you're just trying to pass an empty row to db, before initializing it with data. That will never work ;-)
I'm creating a HashMap mapping the ID field of a row in a DataTable to the row itself, to improve lookup time for some frequently accessed tables. Now, from time to time, I'm getting the RowNotInTableException:
This row has been removed from a table and does not have any data. BeginEdit() will allow creation of new data in this row.
After looking around the net a bit, it seems that DataRows don't like not being attached to a DataTable. Even though the DataTable stays in memory (not sure if the DataRows keep a reference to it, but I'm definitely still caching it anyway), is it possible I'm breaking something by keeping those rows all isolated in a HashMap? What other reason can there be for this error? This post
RowNotInTableException when accessing second time
discusses a similar problem but there's no solution either.
I'm actually storing DataRowViews if that makes any difference.
The DataRow should be always attached to some DataTable. Even if is removed from DataTable, the row still has reference to the table.
The reason is, the schema of table is placed in DataTable not in DataRow (and the data itself too).
If you want fast lookup without DataTables, use some own structure instead of DataRow.
I've created a new project in .Net (2010 4.0) and added an SDF data file. I've generated a dataset and created a table in it (and I believe generated the Fill and other methods).
In code, I'm trying to add a row to the database.
eBureauScrubber.App_Data.matchingtempDataSet ds = new App_Data.matchingtempDataSet();
eBureauScrubber.App_Data.matchingtempDataSet.ctfFileRow row = ds.ctfFile.NewctfFileRow();
row.Address = "123 Main St.";
row.City = "Overland Park";
row.FirstName = "Matt";
row.LastName = "Dawdy";
row.rownum = 1;
EDIT: Added the next bit of code.
eBureauScrubber.App_Data.matchingtempDataSetTableAdapters.ctfFileTableAdapter ctfa = new App_Data.matchingtempDataSetTableAdapters.ctfFileTableAdapter();
This runs fine. However, after the program completes, the data is not persisted in the database. What am I missing?
EDIT: I've tried all different combinations of AcceptChanges() on the datatable, the dataset, running update() before, after, etc. I'm missing something huge here. I'm not even sure it is connecting to the "right" database. Maybe that's my problem.
EDIT 2: Here's what I did to get this to work (it's still funky, though).
Change the properties of my DB file in App_Data to "Do Not Copy"
Manually copy that db file to bin\debug\app_data
Use the data adapter's fill method to fill the ds.ctfFile data table.
Create a row (.NewctfFileRow())
Set values on that row.
Call the adapater's update method.
Now, the data is in my database file (in bin\debug\app_data), but I can't see it because the Data Sources connection. I'm still trying to find out how to do that.
It should have generated a TableAdapter class with a .Update() method that you have to call to save data in your database. See MSDN for some examples.