Linq to Xml Convert a list - c#

I am having trouble wrapping my mind around how to do this in linq.
How can i convert this:
to this
public class MyObject
public tag1;
public tag2;

Try this out:
string input = "<mytags><tag1>hello</tag1><tag2>hello</tag2><tag1>MissingTag</tag1><tag1>Goodbye</tag1><tag2>Goodbye</tag2></mytags>";
var xml = XElement.Parse(input);
var list = (from x in xml.Elements("tag1")
let next = x.NextNode as XElement
select new MyObject
Tag1 = x.Value,
Tag2 = (next != null && next.Name == "tag2") ? next.Value : ""
This only works for scenarios where tag2 is missing, not the other way around.


Why is the return is List<char>?

I am trying to pull file names that match the substring using "contains" method. However, return seem to be List<char> but I expect List<string>.
private void readAllAttribues()
using (var reader = new StreamReader(attribute_file))
//List<string> AllLines = new List<string>();
List<FileNameAttributeList> AllAttributes = new List<FileNameAttributeList>();
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
FileNameAttributeList Attributes = new FileNameAttributeList();
Attributes ImageAttributes = new Attributes();
Point XY = new Point();
string lineItem = reader.ReadLine();
var values = lineItem.Split(',');
Attributes.ImageFileName = values[1];
XY.X = Convert.ToInt16(values[3]);
XY.Y = Convert.ToInt16(values[4]);
ImageAttributes.Location = XY;
ImageAttributes.Radius = Convert.ToInt16(values[5]);
ImageAttributes.Area = Convert.ToInt16(values[6]);
List<string> unique_raw_filenames = AllAttributes.Where(x => x.ImageFileName.Contains(#"non")).FirstOrDefault().ImageFileName.ToList();
List<string>var unique_reference_filenames = AllAttributes.Where(x => x.ImageFileName.Contains(#"ref")).FirstOrDefault().ImageFileName.ToList();
foreach (var unique_raw_filename in unique_raw_filenames)
var raw_attributes = AllAttributes.Where(x => x.ImageFileName == unique_raw_filename).ToList();
Datatype class
public class FileNameAttributeList
{ // Do not change the order
public string ImageFileName { get; set; }
public List<Attributes> Attributes { get; set; }
public FileNameAttributeList()
Attributes = new List<Attributes>();
Why is FirstOrDefault() does not work ? (It returns List<char> but I am expecting List<string> and fails.
The ToList() method converts collections that implement IEnumerable<SomeType> into lists.
Looking at the definition of String, you can see that it implements IEnumerable<Char>, and so ImageFileName.ToList() in the following code will return a List<char>.
AllAttributes.Where(x =>
Although I'm guessing at what you want, it seems like you want to filter AllAttributes based on the ImageFileName, and then get a list of those file names. If that's the case, you can use something like this:
var unique_raw_filenames = AllAttributes.Where(x => x.ImageFileName.Contains(#"non")).Select(y=>y.ImageFileName).ToList();
In your code
List<string> unique_raw_filenames = AllAttributes.Where(x => x.ImageFileName.Contains(#"non")).FirstOrDefault().ImageFileName.ToList();
FirstOrDefault() returns the first, or default, FileNameAttributeList from the list AllAttributes where the ImageFileName contains the text non.
Calling ToList() on the ImageFileName then converts the string value into a list of chars because string is a collection of char.
I think that what you are intending can be achieved by switching out FirstOrDefault to Select. Select allows you to map one value onto another.
So your code could look like this instead.
List<string> unique_raw_filenames = AllAttributes.Where(x => x.ImageFileName.Contains(#"non")).Select(x => x.ImageFileName).ToList();
This then gives you a list of string.

Converting/handling returned IList object

I'm having issues extracting values from a returned IList and populating a combobox in windows.forms. All items in the combobox are listed as System.object.
I have done some testing;
var retList = Services.Get<IWarehouseInfo>().ExecuteSPArray("sp_executesql", dict); <-- method that returns some values.
//Tries to extract value from retlist/which is a IList<object[]> collection.
var strList = (from o in retList select o.ToString()).ToList();
var strList2 = retList.OfType<string>().ToList();
var strList3 = retList.Cast<string>();
var strList4 = retList.Where(x => x != null).Select(x => x.ToString()).ToList(); //All these seem to result in system object.
var bub = strList.ElementAt(2).ToString();
var bob = strList4.ElementAt(2).ToString();
var kupa = strList.ToArray();
var kupo = kupa[2].ToString();
All these fail to extract anything useful.
I thank you all for any beeps given. My mistake was that I thought
that the returned values were in a list of objects. But the result was
an IEnumerable, so I did not check the correct vector.
I added an method extracting the values and returning it in desired format, in this case string.
private static List<string> ToListString(IEnumerable<object[]> inparam)
var custNums = new List<string>();
foreach (var row in inparam)
if (row[0] != null && row[0] != DBNull.Value)
return custNums;

Setting the value to null using LINQ in list of list

I have a class
public class ReceiptDisplayInfo
public string ReceiptItemFor{get;set;}
public string ReceiptItemCategory{get;set;}
public string ReceiptItemReference{get;set;}
public string ReceiptRowCategory{get;set;}
public string ReceiptAmount{get;set;}
I have a list
List<List<ReceiptDisplayInfo>> dataSourceToBind ;
My requirement : For every List , if ReceiptRowCategory="Payment" , I have to set the value of ReceiptItemForm,ReceiptItemCategory to blank or null in dataSourceToBind .
I am doing using for loop but this is not the most appreciated approach.
Please assist me in doing using LINQ/Lambda Expression.
dataSourceToBind.ForEach(x =>
var innerList = x;
innerList.ForEach(y =>
if (y.ReceiptRowCategory == "Payment")
y.ReceiptItemFor = null;
y.ReceiptItemCategory = null;
I guess just 2 ForEach calls would suffice, no need to use LINQ here. However, since the transformation logic is quite complicated, I think you should extract it as a method:
private void SomeMethod(ReceiptDisplayInfo info) { // please name this appropriately
if (info.ReceiptRowCategory == "Payment") {
info.ReceiptItemForm = null;
info.ReceiptItemCategory = null;
And then,
dataSourceToBind.ForEach(x => x.ForEach(SomeMethod));
You can use below code to achieve this-
((from l in list
where l.ReceiptItemCategory == "payment"
select new ReceiptDisplayInfo()
ReceiptItemFor = null,
ReceiptItemCategory = null,
ReceiptItemReference = l.ReceiptItemReference,
ReceiptRowCategory = l.ReceiptRowCategory,
ReceiptAmount = l.ReceiptAmount
}).Union(from l in list
where l.ReceiptItemCategory != "payment"
select l)).ToList();

Convert Object to List

I want convert object to list of myclass, which object is return from linq query.
object list = detailManager.GetMutabakatDetailListByMutabakat(oMutabakat, true);
List<CurrentAccount> accountList = ??
GetMutabakatDetailListByMutabakat method like this;
public object GetMutabakatDetailListByMutabakat(Mutabakat mutabakat, bool Gonderen)
var detayIdList = this.Context.MutabakatDetay.Where(s => s.MutabakatId == mutabakat.MutabakatId).Select(s => s.MutabakatDetayId).ToList();
var CariEkstreList =
(from ekstre in this.Context.CariHesapEkstre
join detay in this.Context.MutabakatDetay on ekstre.MutabakatDetayId equals detay.MutabakatDetayId
where detayIdList.Contains(ekstre.MutabakatDetayId.Value) && ekstre.GonderenMukellefFirmaId == mutabakat.GonderenMukellefFirmaId
select new
MutabakatDetayId = ekstre.MutabakatDetayId,
MutabakatVar = ekstre.MutabakatVar,
AlanFirmaId = ekstre.AlanFirmaId,
GonderenMukellefFirmaId = ekstre.GonderenMukellefFirmaId,
KayitTarihi = ekstre.KayitTarihi,
DonemYil = ekstre.DonemYil,
DonemAy = ekstre.DonemAy,
Degistirildi = ekstre.Degistirildi,
CariHesapEkstreId = ekstre.CariHesapEkstreId,
AktaranKullaniciId = ekstre.AktaranKullaniciId,
AktarimId = ekstre.AktarimId,
AktarimTarihi = ekstre.AktarimTarihi,
BakiyeTur = ekstre.BakiyeTur,
BelgeNo = ekstre.BelgeNo,
BelgeTarihi = ekstre.BelgeTarihi,
BelgeTur = ekstre.BelgeTur,
IslemTarihi = ekstre.IslemTarihi,
ParaBirimi = ekstre.ParaBirimi,
TLTutar = ekstre.BakiyeTur == "B" ? ekstre.TLTutar * -1 : ekstre.TLTutar,
Tutar = ekstre.BakiyeTur == "B" ? ekstre.Tutar * -1 : ekstre.Tutar
return CariEkstreList;
It depends on what list actually is:
A) if detailManager.GetMutabakatDetailListByMutabakat(oMutabakat, true) returns IEnumerable<CurrentAccount> then all you have to do is to add .ToList():
List<CurrentAccount> accountList = detailManager
.GetMutabakatDetailListByMutabakat(oMutabakat, true)
B) if detailManager.GetMutabakatDetailListByMutabakat(oMutabakat, true) returns IEnumerable<SomeObject> and SomeObject can be cast to CurrentAccount then
List<CurrentAccount> accountList = detailManager
.GetMutabakatDetailListByMutabakat(oMutabakat, true)
C) Finally, in the general case you have to implement .Select:
List<CurrentAccount> accountList = detailManager
.GetMutabakatDetailListByMutabakat(oMutabakat, true)
.Select(item => GetAccountFromItem(item)) //TODO: implement Select
Thanks everyone, i solved my problem with using reflaction.
firstly, object casted to IList
List<CariHesapEkstre> senderExtractList = GetExtractList((IList)detayManager.GetMutabakatDetayListByMutabakat(oMutabakat, true));
private List<CariHesapEkstre> GetExtractList ( IList tempList )
List<CariHesapEkstre> returnList = new List<CariHesapEkstre>();
foreach ( var item in tempList )
CariHesapEkstre extract = new CariHesapEkstre();
foreach ( PropertyInfo prop in item.GetType().GetProperties() )
foreach ( PropertyInfo prop2 in extract.GetType().GetProperties() )
if ( prop2.Name == prop.Name )
prop2.SetValue(extract, prop.GetValue(item));
return returnList;
There are few things I can say,
What does your method GetMutabakatDetailListByMutabakat return? Does it have to be object?
As its name implies - if a methods name is Get...List I would expect it to return a list, not an object. If you can, first change that behaviour then you'll be ok.
If that method is written by someone else(that you cannot change the behaviour) then you should play with casting operations as the others suggest, but you can only do this if the underlying object is really of type List<CurrentAccount>.
And if the underlying object is not even of type List<CurrentAccount> then you should learn what the object structure is(another class, anonymous object, or dynamic) then we can work something out.
After Update
With the update to your question I can see that you are returning a list of anonymous objects. But isn't it actually CurrentAccount?
So if you select it as following:
public List<CariHesapEkstre> GetMutabakatDetailListByMutabakat ( Mutabakat mutabakat, bool Gonderen )
var detayIdList = this.Context.MutabakatDetay.Where(s => s.MutabakatId == mutabakat.MutabakatId).Select(s => s.MutabakatDetayId).ToList();
var CariEkstreList =
( from ekstre in this.Context.CariHesapEkstre
join detay in this.Context.MutabakatDetay on ekstre.MutabakatDetayId equals detay.MutabakatDetayId
where detayIdList.Contains(ekstre.MutabakatDetayId.Value) && ekstre.GonderenMukellefFirmaId == mutabakat.GonderenMukellefFirmaId
/// here you only need to use object initializer for CariHesapEkstre like just below
select new CariHesapEkstre
MutabakatDetayId = ekstre.MutabakatDetayId,
MutabakatVar = ekstre.MutabakatVar,
Tutar = ekstre.BakiyeTur == "B" ? ekstre.Tutar * -1 : ekstre.Tutar
} ).ToList();
return CariEkstreList;
Last Update
I see what you are trying to do, you want a method to do the hardwork for you. So you can check this tool called automapper. It does what you are trying to do. But still it's a hard work for your code too.
But if you are only trying to convert an object to a list you can use the code below.
public List<CariHesapEkstre> ConvertToDesiredType ( object list )
return ( (IEnumerable<dynamic>)list ).Select(item => new CariHesapEkstre
MutabakatDetayId = item.MutabakatDetayId,
MutabakatVar = item.MutabakatVar,

create an array of anonymous type

I am trying to get data from database for Google charts in my program. I would like to create an array of anonymous type (var) instead of repeating my code over and over again:
public JsonResult GetChartData(int sID, int regionID)
var testPathOne = from p in _rep.GetMetricsData().GetLHDb().page_loads
where p.t_3id == sID && p.test_path_id == 1
select new { time = p.time, created_at = p.created_at };
var testPathTwo = from p in _rep.GetMetricsData().GetLHDb().page_loads
where p.t_3id == sID && p.test_path_id == 2
select new { time = p.time, created_at = p.created_at };
var tOne = testPathOne.ToArray();
var tTwo = testPathTwo.ToArray();
var name = new { test1 = tOne, test2 = tTwo };
return Json(name);
i know that i will need a for loop so i can go through all the test path id's instead of hard coding them like this p.test_path_id == 1, but my question is how would i make this part dynamic var name = new { test1 = tOne, test2 = tTwo };
I apologize, I would like to do something like this:
name is an array
for loop:
testPath = query
I hope that makes sense
The easiest solution in this particular case would be to just give a name to the class that is currently anonymous. While there are workarounds that you can use, when you need to start working really hard to use an anonymous type you probably shouldn't be using it. It's there to make certain tasks quicker and easier; if that isn't happening then you are likely better off with a real class.
That solution would look something like this:
//Please give me a real name
public class ClassToBeRenamed
public DateTime Time { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedAt { get; set; }
List<ClassToBeRenamed[]> myList = new List<ClassToBeRenamed[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
myList.Add((from p in _rep.GetMetricsData().GetLHDb().page_loads
where p.t_3id == sID && p.test_path_id == i
select new ClassToBeRenamed { Time = p.time, CreatedAt = p.created_at })
Having said all of that, it's still possible.
var myList = new[]{
from p in _rep.GetMetricsData().GetLHDb().page_loads
where p.t_3id == sID && p.test_path_id == 1
select new { time = p.time, created_at = p.created_at }.ToArray()
for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++)
myList.Add(from p in _rep.GetMetricsData().GetLHDb().page_loads
where p.t_3id == sID && p.test_path_id == i
select new { time = p.time, created_at = p.created_at }.ToArray()
var myArray = myList.ToArray();
If it's really, really important that you have an array, and not a list, then you could call ToArray on myList at the very end. It's important that you start out with a list, and only convert it to an array at the end because Arrays have a fixed size once they are created. You can mutate their contents, but you can't make them bigger or smaller. A List on the other hand, is designed to mutate it's size over time, so it can start out with 0 or 1 items and then add items over time, which is important for us in this particular context. (It's actually useful quite often, which is why it is frequently useful to use List over arrays.)
Instead of using LINQ use foreach loops. You are more limited with LINQ.
Also define your ArrayLists at the beginning and add to them as you go.
var test1 = new ArrayList();
var test2 = new ArrayList();
foreach(PageLoad p in _rep.GetMetricsData().GetLHDb().page_loads)
if(p.t_3id == sID)
var tr = new { time = p.time, created_at = p.created_at };
case 1: test1.Add(tr); break;
case 2: test2.Add(tr); break;
return Json(new { test1, test2, });
You do not need to define the names of properties anonymous types because they default to the variable names.
