Cross-thread event handling in C# - c#

I am working with a framework that runs its own event dispatcher in a separate thread. The framework may generate some events.
class SomeDataSource {
public event OnFrameworkEvent;
void FrameworkCallback() {
// This function runs on framework's thread.
if (OnFrameworkEvent != null)
I want to deliver these events to a Winforms object on Winforms thread. I obviously check for InvokeRequired and dispatch it to Winforms thread if necessary.
class SomeForm : Form {
// ...
public void SomeAction(SomeArgs args) {
if (InvokeRequired) {
BeginInvoke(new Action(SomeAction), args);
// ...
Now events may be delivered when the form is in the process of being closed, which causes all sorts of problems, so I unregister the form's event handler from framework's event source on Winforms thread like this:
var form = new SomeForm();
var src = new SomeDataSource();
// ...
src.OnFrameworkEvent += form.SomeAction;
form.Closing += (sender, eargs) => src.OnFrameworkEvent -= form.SomeAction;
Now, is this approach thread-safe? If the form is in the process of being closed, and a foreign thread calls BeginInvoke, will the invocation still be queued for execution if the form is closed? (which means I still have a chance of encountering the same problem)
Is there a better approach or recommended pattern for cross-thread event handling?

No it is not. The thread might just be executing the event handler while you unregister it and close the form. Small odds, but not zero. You have to have the thread stopped before you can close the form. If you don't want to abort it, you'll have to keep the form open by canceling the FormClosing event, then let the thread's completion callback close the form.
Check this thread for more info.

You can add this code to constructor CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; and no exception will be thrown.

I haven't used a framework with its own event dispatcher, but I had my own experience with the threads that I created. Here's my experience
This approach is not thread-safe. The invocation will still be called even if the program itself is closed. I saw this in task manager (after the program is closed as you say) as hanging threads. (even if you kill the program from task manager also.). I had to kill those threads seperately later.
When the form is closing you have to kill the dispatcher thread so that it does not hang if anything wrong happens in that thread.
form.Closing += (sender, eargs) => src.OnFrameworkEvent -= form.SomeAction;
// pseudo-code (find c# equivalent)
if (dispatcherthread.isrunning)


Fire events from different thread

In my main window (Thread A), I start a new thread (Thread B) which does some work while the user waits.
Thread B fires events if there is an error or extra information is required from the user, Thread A will listen to these events.
In Thread A's event listener I need to show dialog messages to the user, I have a custom dialog window and show it using dialogWindow.showDialog(). This works fine, but causes an error when I try and set the owner of the dialog, I do this dialogWindow.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this).
The error that I get is: The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.
What is the correct way to listen for events that are fired from a different thread?
The event listener code will run implicitly at the thread which fires the event, so the event listener is not thread-bound.
If you want to show something in the UI as a result of event handling, you should do the marshalling yourself. Something like that:
void OnEvent(object sender, EventArgs args)
// runs in the event sender's thread
string x = ComputeChanges(args);
() => UpdateUI(x)
void UpdateUI(string x)
// runs in the UI thread
control.Content = x;
// - or -
new DialogWindow() { Content = x, Owner = this }.ShowDialog();
// - or whatever
So: you execute your computations (if any) preferrably in the background thread, without touching the UI; after that, when you know which are the needed changes in the UI, you execute the UI-updating code in the UI thread.
The Dispatcher is a property of a control, so if your code is a part of UI, you'll have your Dispatcher for free. Otherwise, you can take the dispatcher from any of the controls (e.g., control.Dispatcher).
The correct way to raise an event to the UI thread from the background thread is that, the event should be raised on that Dispatcher,
Key here is get the dispatcher of UIthread before hand.
UIDisaptcher.BeginInvoke((ThreadStart)(() => RaiseEventToUIThread()));
when the UI thread listens to the raised event it can set the Owner property(as the window was created by the UI thread).
Sure -> what we do is to use the SynchronizationContext.
So when you start a new thread, you capture (on UI thread) the current context and pass it into the second thread as parameter.
Then on the second thread when you want to raise an event you do it this way:
if (_uiThreadId != Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)
new SendOrPostCallback(delegate(object o) { OnYourEvent((EventArgs)o); }),

understanding InvalidAsynchronousStateException occurrences

When does InvalidAsynchronousStateException get thrown?
I have the following piece of code:
control.InvokeRequired ?
control.Invoke(expression) :
In some random cases I get InvalidAsynchronousStateException and my application hangs, after doing some reading it seems to be that this exception will be thrown when the thread where the control was created finished. Is this correct? If so, this doesn't seem to be the case, unless something is making my application crash and this exception is just a consequence? is this possible?
System.ComponentModel.InvalidAsynchronousStateException: An error occurred invoking the method. The destination thread no longer exists.
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WaitForWaitHandle(WaitHandle waitHandle)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method)
at Optimus.Desktop.Framework.Spring.Aspects.UIThreadInterceptor.Invoke(IMethodInvocation invocation) in c:\Optimus\Desktop\Framework\Spring\Aspects\UIThreadInterceptor.cs:line 22
at Spring.Aop.Framework.AbstractMethodInvocation.Proceed()
at Spring.Aop.Framework.DynamicProxy.AdvisedProxy.Invoke(Object proxy, Object target, Type targetType, MethodInfo targetMethod, MethodInfo proxyMethod, Object[] args, IList interceptors)
at InheritanceAopProxy_4fda07e8828744839065a154b30915ee.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at System.ComponentModel.Component.Finalize()
btw, I've checked this answer and didn't clarify my doubt -> InvalidAsynchronousStateException in function that checks if invoke is required for control
Usually this occurs when a background thread is attempting to invoke to a UI thread after the UI thread has already exited. Do you by any chance attempt to run different forms each in their own thread, or do you Show() forms from a non-UI thread, or Invoke() to a form before it is shown?
The background is as follows:
1) Every control (including Forms) has a handle. This is used to tie the control back to the underlying windows GDI objects.
2) The control's handle is usually not created when the control itself is created. The handle is created when the control is Show()n for the first time.
3) When Invoking to a control, the .NET API attempts to locate the control's UI thread using it's handle. If the form has not yet been shown, the CURRENT THREAD (the invoking thread) will be assigned as the UI thread.
4) The UI thread for a control is expected to run a message loop for handling that control (which happens automatically when you do, for instance, Application.Run(someForm);
5) So the common mistake is that you create a form F, Invoke() or BeginInvoke() to it from a temporary or threadpool thread, which creates the form's handle and is therefore assigned as the form's UI thread. Then the background thread exits, or is terminated by the threadpool, or simply fails to run a message loop, since it is not aware that it has been designated a UI thread. Subsequently, any invocations to that form fail with this exception. The exception is thrown simply because the form's assigned 'UI thread' is not running a message loop.
See Ivan's post for a detailed analysis of how this happens:
I've been faced to the same issue recently. My form contains several invisible user controls that may be required to appear later in the life cycle of the application. Sometimes, those requests come from background threads.
The problem was that even if I enclose control.Visible = true inside a control.Invoke, the control was actually assigned to the background thread (as mentioned in Chris's point #3) instead of the form's main UI thread. A simple workaround for me was to call once the IWin32Window.Handle property during the creation of the parent form (for instance from the form's Load event) This ensures that the control is created in main UI thread without making it visible.
public partial class MyForm : Form
private void MyForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ForceControlCreation(IWin32Window control)
// Ensures that the subject control is created in the same thread as the parent
// form's without making it actually visible if not required. This will prevent
// any possible InvalidAsynchronousStateException, if the control is later
// invoked first from a background thread.
var handle = control.Handle;
As others have correctly shown this happens when a UI component is disposed or is completed (return) while a different thread is still invoking code on the same UI component.
This usually happens when a user closes a window (a form) that has been updated by a different thread and this is more prevalent when the update frequency is high (because the chance of having an incomplete invoke when the user closes the form is high).
This can be gracefully handled by:
Set a flag to indicate an invoke is in progress
Intercept the UI dispose or return
Stop further (new) invokes from taking place
Wait until existing invokes finish
Complete the intended dispose or return
Below example shows how to gracefully handle the most common scenario (when a form is closed while it's been updated).
The example is from a simple form that has a listbox that is updated from an outside thread via a public method (AddItem(string)).
private bool invokeInProgress = false;
private bool stopInvoking = false
Invoking code
public void AddItem(string newItem)
if (listView1.InvokeRequired)
if (stopInvoking != true) // don't start new invokes if the flag is set
invokeInProgress = true; // let the form know if an invoke has started
listView1.Invoke(new Action(() => addItem(newItem))); // invoke
invokeInProgress = false; // the invoke is complete
listView1.Items[listView1.Items.Count - 1].EnsureVisible();
Intercepting and managing form closing event
private async void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (invokeInProgress)
e.Cancel = true; // cancel the original event
stopInvoking = true; // advise to stop taking new work
// now wait until current invoke finishes
await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
while (invokeInProgress);
// now close the form
You can further extend this by exposing a method or a property that lets the users (other threads) know that the form is shutting down so that the callers can gracefully handle the situation.
Example below shows how a new property (ShuttingDown) allows a caller to handle its flow correctly if a user closes the display form.
New flag on form
public bool ShuttingDown { get { return stopInvoking; } }
Caller now can detect the problem
static void Main()
Form1 frm = new Form1();
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => frm.ShowDialog(), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
int i = 0;
while (i < 2000)
if (frm.ShuttingDown != true) // the clients can also be notified and allowed to handle the UI disruption
MessageBox.Show("Form is closing. Stopping the process.");
MessageBox.Show("Program completed! i=" + i.ToString());
You can read more and download the sample project from here:

Object Disposed exception and multi thread application

I have an application that start System.Threading.Timer, then this timer every 5 seconds read some information from a linked database and update GUI on main form of application;
Since the System.Threading.Timer create another thread for the Tick event, i need to use Object.Invoke for updating User Interface on the main Form of application with code like this :
label1.Text = "Example";
The app work very well, but sometimes when the user close the main form and then close the application, if the second thread on timer_tick event is updating the user interface on main thread the user get an ObjectDisposedException.
How can i do for stop and close the threading timer before closing the main form and avoiding then Object disposed exception ?
This is a bit of a tricky proposition as you must ensure the following on a given Close event
The timer is stopped. This is fairly straight forward
The control being updated isn't disposed when the delegate is run. Again straight forward.
The code currently running off of a timer tick has completed. This is harder but doable
There are no pending Invoke methods. This is quite a bit harder to accomplish
I've run into this problem before and I've found that preventing this problem is very problematic and involves a lot of messy, hard to maintain code. It's much easier to instead catch the exceptions that can arise from this situation. Typically I do so by wrapping the Invoke method as follows
static void Invoke(ISynchronizedInvoke invoke, MethodInvoker del) {
try {
} catch ( ObjectDisposedException ) {
// Ignore. Control is disposed cannot update the UI.
There is nothing inherently wrong with ignoring this exception if you're comfortable with the consequences. That is if your comfortable with the UI not updating after it's already been disposed. I certainly am :)
The above doesn't take care of issue #2 though and it still needs to be done manually in your delegate. When working with WinForms I often use the following overload to remove that manual check as well.
static void InvokeControlUpdate(Control control, MethodInvoker del) {
MethodInvoker wrapper = () => {
if ( !control.IsDisposed ) {
try {
} catch ( ObjectDisposedException ) {
// Ignore. Control is disposed cannot update the UI.
As Hans noted ObjectDisposedException is not the only exception that can be raised from the Invoke method. There are several others, including at least InvalidOperationException that you need to consider handling.
System.Timers.Timer is a horrible class. There is no good way to stop it reliably, there is always a race and you can't avoid it. The problem is that its Elapsed event gets raised from a threadpool thread. You cannot predict when that thread actually starts running. When you call the Stop() method, that thread may well have already been added to the thread pool but didn't get around to running yet. It is subject to both the Windows thread scheduler and the threadpool scheduler.
You can't even reliably solve it by arbitrarily delaying the closing of the window. The threadpool scheduler can delay the running of a thread by up to 125 seconds in the most extreme cases. You'll reduce the likelihood of an exception by delaying the close by a couple of seconds, it won't be zero. Delaying the close for 2 minutes isn't realistic.
Just don't use it. Either use System.Threading.Timer and make it a one-shot timer that you restart in the event handler. Or use a System.Windows.Forms.Timer, it is synchronous.
A WF Timer should be your choice here because you use Control.Invoke(). The delegate target won't start running until your UI thread goes idle. The exact same behavior you'll get from a WF timer.
Create two booleans called 'StopTimer' and 'TimerStopped'. Set the timer's AutoReset property to false. Then format the Elapsed method to the following:
TimerStopped = false;
Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate {
// Work to do here.
if (!StopTimer)
TimerStopped = true;
This way you are preventing a race condition, checking if the timer should continue and reporting when the method has reached its end.
Now format your FormClosing event as follows:
if (!TimerStopped)
StopTimer = true;
Thread waiter = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate {
while (!TimerStopped) { }
Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { Close(); });
e.Cancel = true;
If the timer hasn't stopped yet, a thread is launched to wait until it has done so and then try to close the form again.

Invoke a method on the main thread without a WinForm control to call Invoke or BeginInvoke on

I want to run an operation on a background thread. When it has completed I want to check for any errors that occurred and re-throw them on my original thread.
I am using a backgroundworker. Throwing an exception in the RunWorkerCompleted event handler results in an unhandled exception - this makes sense if the eventhandler is running on the background thread. If I had a winform control I could call Invoke or BeginInvoke but I do not have a winform control in this object, although it is a winform project.
How can I re-throw an exception that occurred in the backgroundworker?
private void bgw_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error != null)
// I want to throw an exception here, without causing an unhandled exception and without being able to call Invoke or BeginInvoke on a WinForm control.
else if (e.Cancelled)
// Do something useful
if (e.Result != null)
// Do something with the result
I would have assumed that the RunWorkerCompleted event handler would be running on the original calling thread. Perhaps the backgroundworker is not what I need in this case.
It's not possible to inject code into another running thread. Not even the operating system can do this.
Control.BeginInvoke works by putting the delegate reference in a queue and then using PostMessage to post a user-message into the UI thread's message queue. The Application.Run message loop looks for this message and when it finds it pops the delegate off the queue and executes it.
The point is that there is no other way to do what you need without your main thread being coded to look for a some kind of signal (or message) from the other thread.
You stated that this is a WinForm application but you do not have a Control to use BeginInvoke with.
Edit: I suggested a lazy-load without thinking it through. The Control might end up getting created on the wrong thread.
Pre-create a Control prior to Application.Run that lives for the lifetime of the app. You can use this to BeginInvoke from.
Edit #3
So then I try this to make certain it works and of course it doesn't. You can't simply create a generic Control, it must have an HWND handle. Simple fix: create it like this:
invokerControl = new Control();
That will allow you to BeginInvoke from it, even if there are no open Form objects to invoke from.
You can check from other side. I mean - place timer (that will run in same main thread as form) on your form, and once per second - check some Exception field on your form (with lock()), and also some object field to detect that operation is completed. And then from bgw_RunWorkerCompleted wrap code with try...catch, and on catch (again with lock()) set Exception field of form to caught exception. But why not use Invoke or BeginInvoke?
If you didn't create the BGW instance on the UI thread then its RunWorkerCompleted event is going to run on an arbitrary threadpool thread. Any exception you throw on that thread is uncatchable and will terminate your app with a last gasp through AppDomain.UnhandledException.
In this case, there just isn't much use for BGW anymore. It is only nice to ensure that its events run on the UI thread. You might as well use MethodInvoker.BeginInvoke(). You'll need to think this through a bit and decide exactly what you're going to do when a bit of code off on some worker thread fails to do its job. Dealing with such a mishap is generally not possible and letting the program crash and burn is the right thing to do.
If you do want some kind of way to notify the user and try to keep the program stumbling along then you really ought to create the BGW instance on the UI thread. And use, say, MessageBox.Show() in the RunWorkerCompleted event handler. Be sure to recover your program state when you do this, you almost certainly need a catch clause in DoWork() to clean up the shrapnel.
Don't throw an exception.
Raise an event in the background worker which your main application thread subscribes to and then handle the error there - by throwing an exception if necessary.
Just handle the RunWorkerCompleted event. This event is synchronized for you
BackgroundWorker bgw;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
bgw = new BackgroundWorker();
bgw.DoWork +=new DoWorkEventHandler(bgw_DoWork);
bgw.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bgw_RunWorkerCompleted);
void bgw_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error != null)
textBox1.Text = e.Error.Message;
void bgw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
throw new NotImplementedException();
If by chance you're using 4.0 you can switch to using a Task instead which will do what you want. See this example

Deadlock in WinForms that is prevented by right click on the taskbar

I encountered a strange problem with our Windows C# / .NET application. Actually it is a GUI application, my job is the included network component, encapsulated in an assembly. I do not know the code of the main/GUI application, I could contact it's developer though.
Now the application's UI has buttons to "Start" and "Stop" the network engine. Both buttons work.
To make my component threadsafe I am using a lock around three methods. I dont't want a client to be able to call Stop() before Start() finished. Additinally there is a Polling Timer.
I tried to show you as few lines as possible and simpified the problem:
private Timer actionTimer = new Timer(new
null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
public void Start()
lock (driverLock)
active = true;
// Trigger the first timer event in 500ms
actionTimer.Change(500, Timeout.Infinite);
private void actionTimer_TimerCallback(object state)
lock (driverLock)
if (!active) return;
log.Debug("Before event");
StatusEvent(this, new StatusEventArgs()); // it hangs here
log.Debug("After event");
// Now restart timer
actionTimer.Change(500, Timeout.Infinite);
public void Stop()
lock (driverLock)
active = false;
Here is how to reproduce my problem. As I said, the Start and Stop buttons both work, but if you press Start(), and during the execution of the TimerCallback press Stop(), this prevents the TimerCallback to return. It hangs exactly at the same position, the StatusEvent. So the lock is never released and the GUI also hangs, because it's call of the Stop() method cannot proceed.
Now I observed the following: If the application hangs because of this "deadlock" and I click on the application in the task bar with the right mouse button, it continues. It just works as expected then. Anybody has an explanation or better a solution for this?
By the way, I also tried it with InvokeIfRequired as I don't know the internas of the GUI application. This is neccesary if my StatusEvent would change something in the GUI.
Since I have no reference to the GUI controls, I used (assuming only one target):
Delegate firstTarget = StatusEvent.GetInocationList()[0];
ISynchronizeInvoke syncInvoke = firstTarget.Target as ISynchronizeInvoke;
if (syncInvoke.InvokeRequired)
syncInvoke.Invoke(firstTarget, new object[] { this, new StatusEventArgs() });
firstTarget.Method.Invoke(firstTarget.Target, new object[] { this, new StatusEventArgs() });
This approach didn't change the problem. I think this is because I am Invoking on the main application's event handlers, not on the GUI controls. So the main app is responsible for Invoking? But anyway, AFAIK not using Invoke although needed would not result in a deadlock like this but (hopefully) in an exception.
As for why right-click "unlocks" your application, my "educated guess" of events that lead to this behaviour is as follows:
(when your component was created) GUI registered a subscriber to the status notification event
Your component acquires lock (in a worker thread, not GUI thread), then fires status notification event
The GUI callback for status notification event is called and it starts updating GUI; the updates are causing events to be sent to the event loop
While the update is going on, "Start" button gets clicked
Win32 sends a click message to the GUI thread and tries to handle it synchronously
Handler for the "Start" button gets called, it then calls "Start" method on your component (on GUI thread)
Note that the status update has not finished yet; start button handler "cut in front of"
the remaining GUI updates in status update (this actually happens quite a bit in Win32)
"Start" method tries to acquire your component's lock (on GUI thread), blocks
GUI thread is now hung (waits for start handler to finish; start handler waits for lock; the lock is held by worker thread that marshalled a GUI update call to GUI thread and waits for the update call to finish; the GUI update call marshalled from worker thread is waiting for start handler that cut in front of it to finish; ...)
If you now right-click on taskbar, my guess is that taskbar manager (somehow) starts a "sub-event-loop" (much like modal dialogs start their own "sub-event-loops", see Raymond Chen's blog for details) and processes queued events for the application
The extra event loop triggered by the right-click can now process the GUI updates that were marshalled from the worker thread; this unblocks the worker thread; this in turn releases the lock; this in turn unblocks application's GUI thread so it can finish handling start button click (because it can now acquire the lock)
You could test this theory by causing your application to "bite", then breaking into debugger and looking at the stack trace of the worker thread for your component. It should be blocked in some transition to GUI thread. The GUI thread itself should be blocked in the lock statement, but down the stack you should be able to see some "cut in front of the line" calls...
I think the first recommendation to be able to track this issue down would be to turn on the flag Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = true;.
Next, I would recommend firing the notification event outside of the lock. What I usually do is gather information needed by an event inside a lock, then release the lock and use the information I gathered to fire the event. Something along the lines:
string status;
lock (driverLock) {
if (!active) { return; }
status = ...
actionTimer.Change(500, Timeout.Infinite);
StatusEvent(this, new StatusEventArgs(status));
But most importantly, I would review who are the intended clients of your component. From the method names and your description I suspect GUI is the only one (it tells you when to start and stop; you tell it when your status changes). In that case you should not be using a lock. Start & stop methods could simply be setting and resetting a manual-reset event to indicate whether your component is active (a semaphore, really).
In trying to reproduce your scenario I wrote the following simple program. You should be able to copy the code, compile and run it without problems (I built it as a console application that starts a form :-) )
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Timer=System.Threading.Timer;
namespace LockTest
public static class Program
// Used by component's notification event
private sealed class MyEventArgs : EventArgs
public string NotificationText { get; set; }
// Simple component implementation; fires notification event 500 msecs after previous notification event finished
private sealed class MyComponent
public MyComponent()
this._timer = new Timer(this.Notify, null, -1, -1); // not started yet
public void Start()
lock (this._lock)
if (!this._active)
this._active = true;
this._timer.Change(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500d), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1d));
public void Stop()
lock (this._lock)
this._active = false;
public event EventHandler<MyEventArgs> Notification;
private void Notify(object ignore) // this will be invoked invoked in the context of a threadpool worker thread
lock (this._lock)
if (!this._active) { return; }
var notification = this.Notification; // make a local copy
if (notification != null)
notification(this, new MyEventArgs { NotificationText = "Now is " + DateTime.Now.ToString("o") });
this._timer.Change(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500d), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1d)); // rinse and repeat
private bool _active;
private readonly object _lock = new object();
private readonly Timer _timer;
// Simple form to excercise our component
private sealed class MyForm : Form
public MyForm()
this.Text = "UI Lock Demo";
this.AutoSize = true;
this.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
var container = new FlowLayoutPanel { FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown, Dock = DockStyle.Fill, AutoSize = true, AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink };
this._status = new Label { Width = 300, Text = "Ready, press Start" };
this._component.Notification += this.UpdateStatus;
var button = new Button { Text = "Start" };
button.Click += (sender, args) => this._component.Start();
button = new Button { Text = "Stop" };
button.Click += (sender, args) => this._component.Stop();
private void UpdateStatus(object sender, MyEventArgs args)
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke(new EventHandler<MyEventArgs>(this.UpdateStatus), sender, args);
this._status.Text = args.NotificationText;
private readonly Label _status;
private readonly MyComponent _component = new MyComponent();
// Program entry point, runs event loop for the form that excercises out component
public static void Main(string[] args)
Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = true;
using (var form = new MyForm())
As you can see, the code has 3 parts - first, the component that is using timer to call notification method every 500 milliseconds; second, a simple form with label and start/stop buttons; and finally main function to run the even loop.
You can deadlock the application by clicking start button and then within 2 seconds clicking stop button. However, the application is not "unfrozen" when I right-click on taskbar, sigh.
When I break into the deadlocked application, this is what I see when switched to the worker (timer) thread:
And this is what I see when switched to the main thread:
I would appreciate if you could try compiling and running this example; if it works the same for you as me, you could try updating the code to be more similar to what you have in your application and perhaps we can reproduce your exact issue. Once we reproduce it in a test application like this, it shouldn't be a problem to refactor it to make the problem go away (we would isolate essence of the problem).
[update 2]
I guess we agree that we can't easily reproduce your behaviour with the example I provided. I'm still pretty sure the deadlock in your scenario is broken by an extra even loop being introduced on right-click and this event loop processing messages pending from the notification callback. However, how this is achieved is beyond me.
That said I would like to make the following recommendation. Could you try these changes in your application and let me know if they solved the deadlock problem? Essentially, you would move ALL component code to worker threads (i.e. nothing that has to do with your component will be running on GUI thread any more except code to delegate to worker threads :-) )...
public void Start()
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate // added
lock (this._lock)
if (!this._active)
this._active = true;
this._timer.Change(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500d), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1d));
public void Stop()
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate // added
lock (this._lock)
this._active = false;
I moved body of Start and Stop methods into a thread-pool worker thread (much like your timers call your callback regularly in context of a thread-pool worker). This means GUI thread will never own the lock, the lock will only be acquired in context of (probably different for each call) thread-pool worker threads.
Note that with the change above, my sample program doesn't deadlock any more (even with "Invoke" instead of "BeginInvoke").
[update 3]
As per your comment, queueing Start method is not acceptable because it needs to indicate whether the component was able to start. In this case I would recommend treating the "active" flag differently. You would switch to "int" (0 stopped, 1 running)and use "Interlocked" static methods to manipulate it (I assume that your component has more state it exposes - you would guard access to anything other than "active" flag with your lock):
public bool Start()
if (0 == Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this._active, 0, 0)) // will evaluate to true if we're not started; this is a variation on the double-checked locking pattern, without the problems associated with lack of memory barriers (see
lock (this._lock) // serialize all Start calls that are invoked on an un-started component from different threads
if (this._active == 0) // make sure only the first Start call gets through to actual start, 2nd part of double-checked locking pattern
// run component startup
this._timer.Change(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500d), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1d));
Interlocked.Exchange(ref this._active, 1); // now mark the component as successfully started
return true;
public void Stop()
Interlocked.Exchange(ref this._active, 0);
private void Notify(object ignore) // this will be invoked invoked in the context of a threadpool worker thread
if (0 != Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this._active, 0, 0)) // only handle the timer event in started components (notice the pattern is the same as in Start method except for the return value comparison)
lock (this._lock) // protect internal state
if (this._active != 0)
var notification = this.Notification; // make a local copy
if (notification != null)
notification(this, new MyEventArgs { NotificationText = "Now is " + DateTime.Now.ToString("o") });
this._timer.Change(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500d), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1d)); // rinse and repeat
private int _active;
A couple things come to mind when reviewing your code. The first thing is that you are not checking for a null delegate before firing the status event. If no listeners are bound to the event, then this will cause an exception, which if not caught or handled, might cause strange issues in threaded code.
So the first thing I'd so is this:
if(StatusEvent != null)
StatusEvent(this, new StatusEventArgs());
The other thing that comes to mind is that perhaps your lock is failing you in some manner. What type of object are you using for the lock? The simplest thing to use is just a plain ole "object", but you must ensure you are not using a value type (e.g. int, float, etc.) that would be boxed for locking, thus never really establishing a lock since each lock statement would box and create a new object instance. You should also keep in mind that a lock only keeps "other" threads out. If called on the same thread, then it will sail through the lock statement.
If you don't have the source for the GUI (which you probably should) you can use Reflector to disassemble it. There is even a plugin to generate source files so you could run the app in your VS IDE and set breakpoints.
Not having access to the GUI source makes this harder, but a general tip here... The WinForm GUI is not managed code, and doesn't mix well with .NET threading. The recommended solution for this is to use a BackgroundWorker to spawn a thread that is independent of the WinForm. Once you're running in the thread started by the BackgroundWorker, you're in pure managed code and you can use .NET's timers and threading for pretty much anything. The restriction is that you have to use the BackgroundWorker's events to pass information back to the GUI, and your thread started by the BackgroundWorker can't access the Winform controls.
Also, you'd be well off to disable the "Stop" button while the "Start" task is running, and vice versa. But a BackgroundWorker is still the way to go; that way the WinForm doesn't hang while the background thread is running.
Yes, this is a classic deadlock scenario. The StatusEvent cannot proceed because it needs the UI thread to update the controls. The UI thread is however stuck, trying to acquire the driverLock. Held by the code that calls StatusEvent. Neither thread can proceed.
Two ways to break the lock:
the StatusEvent code might not necessarily need to run synchronously. Use BeginInvoke instead of Invoke.
the UI thread might not necessarily need to wait for the thread to stop. Your thread could notify it later.
There is not enough context in your snippets to decide which one is better.
Note that you might have a potential race on the timer too, it isn't visible in your snippet. But the callback might run a microsecond after the timer was stopped. Avoid this kind of headache by using a real thread instead of a timer callback. It can do things periodically by calling WaitOne() on a ManualResetEvent, passing a timeout value. That ManualResetEvent is good to signal the thread to stop.
A wild guess here: Could the status message somehow be causing the other app to call your Stop task?
I would put debug stuff at the start of all three methods, see if you're deadlocking on yourself.
