Formatting Math.Pow Output - c#

I hate to ask such a dumb question, but I'm just starting out, so here goes.
myString = "2 to 2.5 power is " + Math.Pow(2, 2.5);
I want to format the resulting number to 4 decimal places and show the string in a MessageBox. I can't seem to figure this out or find the answer in the book. Thanks!

The ToString method should do the trick. You might need to look it up in the MSDN to find more formatting options.
Math.Pow(2, 2.5).ToString("N4")

To show a string in a MessageBox you use MessageBox.Show. In particular, there is an overload accepting a single string parameter that will be displayed in the MessageBox. Thus, we need
string s = // our formatted string
Now, let's figure out what our string is. A useful method here is String.Format. A useful reference here is the Standard Numeric Format Strings page on MSDN. In particular, I draw your attention to the fixed-point specifier "F" or "f":
The fixed-point ("F) format specifier converts a number to a string of the form "-ddd.ddd…" where each "d" indicates a digit (0-9). The string starts with a minus sign if the number is negative.
The precision specifier indicates the desired number of decimal places.
Thus, we want
double result = Math.Pow(2, 2.5);
string s = String.Format("2 to 2.5 power is {0:F4}", result);
so, putting it all together,
double result = Math.Pow(2, 2.5);
string s = String.Format("2 to 2.5 power is {0:F4}", result);

string.format("2 to 2.5 power is {0:0.000}", Math.Pow(2, 2.5));

Math.Pow(2, 2.5).ToString("N4")
is what you want I think.
more formatting options

It's not a dumb question: several of the other answers are wrong.
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("2 to 2.5 power is {0:F4}", Math.Pow(2, 2.5)));


C# String format: escape a dot

I have a line of code, something like:
mbar.HealthLabel.text = String.Format("{0:0.0}", _hp);
Output is: 2.25 for example. Is it possible to escape a dot from the output string view with String.Format function ?
For. ex. 225,
To make my question more clear, I need the same effect like:
Math.Floor(_hp * 100).ToString();
But need to do it by String.Format template.. Thanks.
Simply you can do it this way
double value = 1.25;
var stringValue = string.Format("{0:0}", value * 100, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //125
More general solution would be to Replace the dot with empty string as stated in the comments.
double value = 1.25;
var stringValue = value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace(".",string.Empty);
EDIT2: Also there is another general idea that do not use Replace function (but also it does not use the String.Format)
var stringValue = string.Join("", value.ToString().Where(char.IsDigit));
Also another similar idea:
var stringValue = new string(value.ToString().Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray());
First of all, please read my comment to the question. As i mentioned there, string format for numeric values depends on regional settings. So, below line
mbar.HealthLabel.text = String.Format("{0:0.0}", _hp);
will return: 2,25 (as to the polish numeric standard)
In my opinion you need something like this:
mbar.HealthLabel.text = String.Format("{0:D}", Math.Floor(_hp*100));
For furhter details, please see:
Standard Numeric Format Strings
Custom Numeric Format Strings
Up to Microsoft.NET Framework 4.7 there is no way to solve this when we are only allowed to modify the format string ("template"). All solutions require to either:
Post-process the resulting string. Here, the closest for the special case with two decimals may be the % format
Compute the numeric argument first to make it integer
Write and apply a custom IFormatProvider implementation
If you want to eliminate the decimal separtor ("escape the dot", as you've put it), try replacing the decimal separator with empty string:
string result = String
.Format("{0:0.0}", _hp)
.Replace(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator, "");

formatting a number string with commas [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
String.Format an integer to use a thousands separator without decimal places or leading 0 for small integers
(5 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a string number that I want to format to have commas.
For example, the string 12345 needs to be displayed as 12,345
How do I accomplish this?
This is embedded in html.
The canonical MSDN article
Group separator specifier:
2147483647.ToString("##,#", en-US) -> 2,147,483,647
2147483647.ToString("##,#", es-ES) -> 2.147.483.647
Scaling specifier:
2147483647.ToString("#,#,,", en-US) -> 2,147
2147483647.ToString("#,#,,", es-ES) -> 2.147
or, for a lighter touch, see this great article from years ago
Check out the documentation
value = 1234567890;
Console.WriteLine(value.ToString("0,0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// Displays 1,234,567,890
string str = string.Format("{0:n2}", 12345);
Note: that I have used n2 in string.Format which means you want upto 2 digits after decimal. if you don't want any digit after decimal you can set 2 to 0
See Standard Number Formatting.
int number = 12345;
To display a number with formatting, you'll need to use the ToString() function to format.
int value = 123456;
value.ToString("N0") // Displays: 123,4556 as a string.
More information can be found here:
int answer = 12345;
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:n0}", answer));
Using Console.WriteLine's built in formatter:
int answer = 12345;
Console.WriteLine("{0:n0}", answer);

Convert string value into decimal with proper decimal points

i have value stored in string format & i want to convert into decimal.
i have 11.10 stored in string format when i try to convert into decimal it give me 11.1 instead of 11.10 .
I tried it by following way
string getnumber="11.10";
decimal decinum=Convert.ToDecimal(getnumber);
i tried this also
decinum.ToString ("#.##");
but it returns string and i want this in decimal.
what could be the solution for this?
As already commented 11.1 is the same value as 11.10
decimal one=11.1;
decimal two=11.10;
Console.WriteLine(one == two);
Will output true
The # formatter in the to string method means an optional digit and will supress if it is zero (and it is valid to suppress - the 0 in 4.05 wouldn't be suppressed). Try
And you will see the string value of 11.10
Ideally you actually want to use something like
string input="11.10";
decimal result;
if (decimal.TryParse(input,out result)) {
Console.WriteLine(result == 11.10);
} else {
// The string wasn't a decimal so do something like throw an error.
At the end of the above code, result will be the decimal you want and "true" will be output to the console.
this will work perfectly
string getnumber = "11.10";
decimal decinum = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(getnumber), 2);
A decimal datatype stores a value. The value of 11.1 is identical to that of 11.10 - mathemtically, they're the exact same number, so it's behaving properly.
What you seem to want is to display the number as 11.10, but that's up to the code that displays it - I don't know if you're writing to log file, displaying on a web-page or any other format - but that is independent of the internal representation of the decimal datatype.
there is no solution, This is expected behaviour.
11.10 in string = 11.1 in number
you cant store zeros on the decimal part, otherwise 11.10 would be different than 11.100, which is true if you are talking about strings but not if you are talking about numbers.
I think your problem is on a presentation level only. Why dont you explain better what you want to do.
11.10 expressed as a decimal is 11.1, just like it is 11.100000000000000000000000000000000000.
For mathematical processes, don't worry about how it displays itself. If you are displaying the value then converting it into a string is no biggie either. Remember that
decinum.ToString ("#.##");
is returning a string (from the 'ToString' function) and not converting the 'decinum' to a string.
string getnumber = "11.10";
double decinum = double.Parse(getnumber);

c#: how to force trailing zero in numeric format string?

I need to display float as
The following is what I see using f2 format.
Is there a way to force the trailing 0 to appear?
(I'm using a DevExpress SpinEdit control and trying to set the display and edit format.)
You can use syntax like this:
String.Format("{0:0.00}", n)
For future reference,
On those rare occasions I need to formatting, I go here:
spinEdit.Properties.DisplayFormat.FormatType = FormatType.Numeric;
spinEdit.Properties.DisplayFormat.FormatString = "C2";
In the future, though, I would recommended searching Dev Express' knowledge base or emailing support ( They'll be able to answer your question in about a day.
You can also do this with string interpolation (note that this is C# 6 and above):
double num = 98765.4;
Console.WriteLine($"{num:0.00}"); //Replace "0.00" with "N2" if you want thousands separators
Let's say you had a variable called "myNumber" of type double:
double myNumber = 1520;
Instead of:
myNumber.ToString("N2"); // returns "1,520.00"
I would opt for:
myNumber.ToString("0.00"); // returns "1520.00"
since N2 will add "," thousands separators, which can often cause problems downstream.

VB.NET FormatNumber equivalent in C#?

Is there a C# equivalent for the VB.NET FormatNumber function?
JSArrayString += "^" + (String)FormatNumber(inv.RRP * oCountry.ExchangeRate, 2);
In both C# and VB.NET you can use either the .ToString() function or the String.Format() method to format the text.
Using the .ToString() method your example could be written as:
JSArrayString += "^" + (inv.RRP * oCountry.ExchangeRate).ToString("#0.00")
Alternatively using the String.Format() it could written as:
JSArrayString = String.Format("{0}^{1:#0.00}",JSArrayString,(inv.RRP * oCountry.ExchangeRate))
In both of the above cases I have used custom formatting for the currency with # representing an optional place holder and 0 representing a 0 or value if one exists.
Other formatting characters can be used to help with formatting such as D2 for 2 decimal places or C to display as currency. In this case you would not want to use the C formatter as this would have inserted the currency symbol and further separators which were not required.
See "String.Format("{0}", "formatting string"};" or "String Format for Int" for more information and examples on how to use String.Format and the different formatting options.
Yes, the .ToString(string) methods.
For instance,
int number = 32;
string formatted = number.ToString("D4");
// Shows 0032
Note that in C# you don't use a number to specify a format, but you use a character or a sequence of characters.
Formatting numbers and dates in C# takes some minutes to learn, but once you understand the principle, you can quickly get anything you want from looking at the reference.
Here's a couple MSDN articles to get you started :
Standard Numeric Format Strings
Formatting Types
You can use string formatters to accomplish the same thing.
double MyNumber = inv.RRP * oCountry.ExchangeRate;
JSArrayString += "^" + MyNumber.ToString("#0.00");
While I would recommend using ToString in this case, always keep in mind you can use ANY VB.Net function or class from C# just by referencing Microsoft.VisalBasic.dll.
