.Net Application to capture image from pda camera - c#

I need a .net application to interact with pda's camera so that with save button (in my application) I can save in sql server, with zoom button (in my application) I can zoom the image.

mmm, at first glance your question reads like you are after an app to do this (which is why I voted to close the question as non programming related)
but...If you are in fact after the compact framework code for this then, this may help (and I'll try reverse my vote...)
CameraCaptureDialog cameraCapture = new CameraCaptureDialog();
cameraCapture.Owner = null;
cameraCapture.InitialDirectory = #"\My Documents";
cameraCapture.DefaultFileName = #"test.3gp";
cameraCapture.Title = "Camera Demo";
cameraCapture.VideoTypes = CameraCaptureVideoTypes.Messaging;
cameraCapture.Resolution = new Size(176, 144);
cameraCapture.VideoTimeLimit = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 15); // Limited to 15 seconds of video.
cameraCapture.Mode = CameraCaptureMode.VideoWithAudio;
if (DialogResult.OK == cameraCapture.ShowDialog())
Console.WriteLine("The picture or video has been successfully captured to:\n{0}", cameraCapture.FileName);
This code snipped from the MSDN article on the CameraCaptureDialog


Vidyo.IO sharing screen and monitors error

I use vidyo.IO for communication using the following code
var _connector = new Connector(Handle, Connector.ConnectorViewStyle.ConnectorviewstyleDefault, 8, "all#VidyoClient", "VidyoClient.log", 0);
// This should be called on each window resizing.
_connector.ShowViewAt(Handle, 0, 0, Weidth, Height);
// Registering to events we want to handle.
_connector.RegisterLocalCameraEventListener(new LocalCameraListener(this));
_connector.RegisterLocalWindowShareEventListener(new LocalWindowShareListener(this));
_connector.RegisterLocalMicrophoneEventListener(new LocalMicropfoneListener(this));
_connector.RegisterLocalSpeakerEventListener(new LocalSpeakerListener(this));
_connector.RegisterParticipantEventListener(new ParticipantListener(this));
_connector.RegisterLocalMonitorEventListener(new LocalMonitorListener(this));
_connector.RegisterMessageEventListener(new ChatListener(this));
then after joining a room I share window using code like this
var winToShare = LocalWindows.FirstOrDefault( );
if (winToShare != null)
winToShare.IsSelected = true;
SharingInProgress = _connector.SelectLocalWindowShare(winToShare.Object);
and same for monitors , Now I always get this error
can't share overconstrained frame interval
What platform are you developing for? Seems like you may be building a mobile app using Xamarin and if that's the case, you will not be able to do window/app share. That feature is available only on desktop and web clients.

C# Take window/desktop screenshot using SlimDX

I am new to SlimDX and I've heard that there is a way to capture screenshots using this library. The reason I want to use SlimDX is that I want to capture screenshots much faster than
so that I can make a livestream app running at higher framerates.
I have some code I found on the internet which should capture the desktop, but it always crashes at the line where I create an instance of Device.
I tried changing the DeviceType parameter to Software and the CreateFlags to Multithreaded just to see if anything changes, but nothing did and this is what it says every time:
SlimDX.Direct3D9.Direct3D9Exception: 'D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Invalid call (-2005530516)'
Here's the code I have:
var pp = new PresentParameters();
pp.Windowed = true;
pp.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard;
var d = new Device(new Direct3D(), 0, DeviceType.Hardware, IntPtr.Zero, CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing, pp);
var surface = Surface.CreateOffscreenPlain(d, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Scratch);
d.GetFrontBufferData(0, surface);
//not sure if this will work
var ds = Surface.ToStream(surface, ImageFileFormat.Jpg);
var img = Image.FromStream(ds);
I've also read that it could be a result of BackBuffer not being supported by the graphics card, but in that case I really don't know how to fix this.
My graphics card is AMD R270X.
Any ideas?
Setting pp.BackBufferCount to 0 worked. The capture time is still pretty long though..

SharpDx direct3d11 how to start rendering

I want to use directx on C# and I am using SharpDX wrapper. I got a book called Direct3D rendering cookbook and I got the basic code from it. I want to create a 3d world view. For that I will need a camera view and a grid that helps to recognize world position just like in Autodesk Maya but I do not know how to do that. My mind is rally mixed what should I do to start ?
Here I have code that is ready to render something I think:
using System;
using SharpDX.Windows;
using SharpDX.DXGI;
using SharpDX.Direct3D11;
using Device = SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device;
using Device1 = SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device1;
namespace CurrencyConverter
static class Program
static void Main()
// Enable object tracking
SharpDX.Configuration.EnableObjectTracking = true;
SharpDX.Animation.Timer timer = new SharpDX.Animation.Timer();
#region Direct3D Initialization
// Create the window to render to
Form1 form = new Form1();
form.Text = "D3DRendering - EmptyProject";
form.Width = 640;
form.Height = 480;
// Declare the device and swapChain vars
Device device;
SwapChain swapChain;
// Create the device and swapchain
// First create a regular D3D11 device
using (var device11 = new Device(
new[] {
// Query device for the Device1 interface (ID3D11Device1)
device = device11.QueryInterfaceOrNull<Device1>();
if (device == null)
throw new NotSupportedException(
"SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device1 is not supported");
}// Rather than create a new DXGI Factory we reuse the
// one that has been used internally to create the device
using (var dxgi = device.QueryInterface<SharpDX.DXGI.Device2>())
using (var adapter = dxgi.Adapter)
using (var factory = adapter.GetParent<Factory2>())
var desc1 = new SwapChainDescription1()
Width = form.ClientSize.Width,
Height = form.ClientSize.Height,
Format = Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm,
Stereo = false,
SampleDescription = new SampleDescription(1, 0),
Usage = Usage.BackBuffer | Usage.RenderTargetOutput,
BufferCount = 1,
Scaling = Scaling.Stretch,
SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard,
swapChain = new SwapChain1(factory,
ref desc1,
new SwapChainFullScreenDescription()
RefreshRate = new Rational(60, 1),
Scaling = DisplayModeScaling.Centered,
Windowed = true
// Restrict output to specific Output (monitor)
// Create references for backBuffer and renderTargetView
var backBuffer = Texture2D.FromSwapChain<Texture2D>(swapChain,
var renderTargetView = new RenderTargetView(device,
// Setup object debug names
device.DebugName = "The Device";
swapChain.DebugName = "The SwapChain";
backBuffer.DebugName = "The Backbuffer";
renderTargetView.DebugName = "The RenderTargetView";
#region Render loop
// Create and run the render loop
RenderLoop.Run(form, () =>
// Clear the render target with...
var lerpColor = SharpDX.Color.Lerp(SharpDX.Color.White,
(float)((timer.Time) / 10.0 % 1.0));
// Execute rendering commands here...
// Present the frame
swapChain.Present(0, PresentFlags.RestrictToOutput);
#region Direct3D Cleanup
// Release the device and any other resources created
Generally speaking, with Direct3D you need a substantial amount of code before to have anything happening on the screen.
In the SharpDX repository you have the MiniCube sample which contains enough to really get you started, as it has all the elements required to draw a 3d scene.
I recommend to particularily look for:
Depth buffer creation (DepthStencilView)
fx file, as you need shaders to have anything on the screen (no more fixed funtion)
How the Vertex Buffer is created, you need to split geometry in triangles (in common cases, there are other possibilities).
Don't forget the SetViewport (it's really common to have it omitted)
The calls referring to Input Assembler are assigning the geometry to be drawn
Constant buffer creation : this is to pass matrices and changing data (like diffuse)
Also make sure to have DeviceCreationFlags.None with the Device.CreateWithSwapChain call, and in visual studio debug options, use "Enable Native Code Debugging". This will give you errors and warnings if something is not set properly, plus a meaningful reason in case any for the resource creation fails (instead of "Invalid Args", which is quite pointless).
As another recommendation, all the Direct3D11 resource creation parameters are incredibly error prone and tedious (many options are non compatible between each other), so it quite important to wrap those into some easier to use helper functions (and make a small amount of unit tests to validate them once and for all). The old Toolkit has quite some of those examples
SharpDX wrapper is relatively close to the c++ counterpart, so anything in the c++ documentation applies to it too.

Embedding Cgi video in site

Hello All I have various web cameras i would like to embed in my site
The problem is at times the cameras go down so i need to check they are active in c# before attempting to render:
<img height="240" width="320" src="" />
Please can someone advise how i can check the cgi is active in c# or any other recommendation. If i simple load the cgi and it is down it causes the browser to crash
One recommendation was to use the code below:
The problem with the below approach is the site is forever loading and a fav icon is never shown as can be seen http://www.camsecure.co.uk/
newImage = new Image();
function LoadNewImage() {
var unique = new Date();
document.images.webcam.src = newImage.src;
newImage.src = "http://collectart.dyndns.org:4484/Jpeg/CamImg.jpg?time=" + unique.getTime();
function InitialImage() {
var unique = new Date();
newImage.onload = LoadNewImage();
newImage.src = "http://collectart.dyndns.org:4484/Jpeg/CamImg.jpg?time=" + unique.getTime();
document.images.webcam.src = "http://collectart.dyndns.org:4484/Jpeg/CamImg.jpg?time=" + unique.getTime();
document.images.webcam.onload = "";
First off, you need to put some security over that first link. It appears the camera settings are public and available to anyone.
If the only problem is the long loading times slowing the rest of the site down, you could load the images in an iframe rather than directly in an image tag -- then the hang is only in the iframe:
<iframe src=""></iframe>
To check the IP camera is up, you could simply try to get it's host page:
using System.Net.Http;
var uri = new Uri("");
var task = new HttpClient().GetAsync(uri);
if (task.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) && task.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// FAILURE... try next camera
However, it looks like the image .cgi location can still fail if the camera is available. In that case it would be best to load in an iframe even if you get success.

Storing RTSP to a file location

I am able to stream an rtsp on windows 7 64 bit machine through C# Winform application. This is the library i used - VLCDotNet and here is the code sample to play the RTSP stream:
LocationMedia media = new LocationMedia(#"rtsp://");
vlcControl1.Media = media;
I would like to store the streams to a file in my PC on a button click and stop the same with another button. How do i achieve this?
Here is the code:
Vlc.DotNet.Core.Medias.MediaBase media1
= new Vlc.DotNet.Core.Medias.PathMedia("rtsp://");
VlcControl control = new VlcControl();
control.Media = media;
VlcContext.StartupOptions.IgnoreConfig = true;
VlcContext.StartupOptions.LogOptions.LogInFile = true;
VlcContext.StartupOptions.LogOptions.ShowLoggerConsole = true;
VlcContext.StartupOptions.LogOptions.Verbosity = VlcLogVerbosities.Debug;
// Disable showing the movie file name as an overlay
// VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--no-video-title-show");
// VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--no-audio");
VlcContext.StartupOptions.AddOption("--rtsp-tcp"); //this line was important to make this work
As of Vlc.DotNet.Core 2.1.62, The way to do this is use the extra opts param of the .Play on the vlc control.
var opts = new string[] { #":sout=file/ogg:C:\video.ogg" };
vlc.MediaPlayer.Play(new Uri(videoURI), opts);
