Use a Regex to form delimited string for SQL Server - c#

I have a SQL Server database (service-based) with a table (Contact). Instead of having multiple tables, I decided to have one delimited string called Emails. So how could I use a Regex and a delimiter to add on to the string.

First of all, you should consider to change your decision to have delimited values instead of an extra table. It may seem simpler at first, but as you have already noticed, it quickly gets painful to work with.
That said, there are some different ways to handle delimited values, but using a regular expression is hardly one of them.
For example:
if (value.Length == 0) {
value = email;
} else {
value = value + delimiter + email;
List<string> emails = new List(value.Split(new String[]{ delimiter }));
value = String.Join(delimiter, emails.ToArray());


Split string with plus sign as a delimiter

I have an issue with a string containing the plus sign (+).
I want to split that string (or if there is some other way to solve my problem)
string ColumnPlusLevel = "+-J10+-J10+-J10+-J10+-J10";
string strpluslevel = "";
strpluslevel = ColumnPlusLevel;
string[] strpluslevel_lines = Regex.Split(strpluslevel, "+");
foreach (string line in strpluslevel_lines)
strpluslevel_summa = strpluslevel_summa + line;
MessageBox.Show(strpluslevel_summa, "summa sumarum");
The MessageBox is for my testing purpose.
Now... The ColumnPlusLevel string can have very varied entry but it is always a repeated pattern starting with the plus sign.
i.e. "+MJ+MJ+MJ" or "+PPL14.1+PPL14.1+PPL14.1" as examples.
(It comes form Another software and I cant edit the output from that software)
How can I find out what that pattern is that is being repeated?
That in this exampels is the +-J10 or +MJ or +PPL14.1
In my case above I have tested it by using only a MessageBox to show the result but I want the repeated pattering stored in a string later on.
Maybe im doing it wrong by using Split, maybe there is another solution.
Maybe I use Split in the wrong way.
Hope you understand my problem and the result I want.
Thanks for any advice.
How can I find out what that pattern is that is being repeated?
Maybe i didn't understand the requirement fully, but isn't it easy as:
string[] tokens = ColumnPlusLevel.Split(new[]{'+'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string first = tokens[0];
bool repeatingPattern = tokens.Skip(1).All(s => s == first);
If repeatingPattern is true you know that the pattern itself is first.
Can you maybe explain how the logic works
The line which contains tokens.Skip(1) is a LINQ query, so you need to add using System.Linq at the top of your code file. Since tokens is a string[] which implements IEnumerable<string> you can use any LINQ (extension-)method. Enumerable.Skip(1) will skip the first because i have already stored that in a variable and i want to know if all others are same. Therefore i use All which returns false as soon as one item doesn't match the condition(so one string is different to the first). If all are same you know that there is a repeating pattern which is already stored in the variable first.
You should use String.Split function :
string pattern = ColumnPlusLevel.Split("+")[0];
...but it is always a repeated pattern starting with the plus sign.
Why do you even need String.Split() here if the pattern always only repeats itself?
string input = #"+MJ+MJ+MJ";
int indexOfSecondPlus = input.IndexOf('+', 1);
string pattern = input.Remove(indexOfSecondPlus, input.Length - indexOfSecondPlus);
//pattern is now "+MJ"
No need of string split, no need to use LinQ
String has a method called Split which let's you split/divide the string based on a given character/character-set:
string givenString = "+-J10+-J10+-J10+-J10+-J10"'
string SplittedString = givenString.Split("+")[0] ///Here + is the character based on which the string would be splitted and 0 is the index number
string result = SplittedString.Replace("-","") //The mothod REPLACE replaces the given string with a targeted string,i added this so that you can get the numbers only from the string

c# How to insert a variable into a string?

I would like to know the different ways of inserting a variable into a string, in C#.
I am currently trying to insert values into a json string that I am building:
Random rnd = new Random();
int ID = rnd.Next(1, 999);
string body = #"{""currency"":""country"",""gold"":1,""detail"":""detailid-979095986"",""tId"":""help here""}";
How could I add the "ID" to the string body?
In a typical string inserting scenario, I'd do one of these:
string body = string.Format("My ID is {0}", ID);
string body = "My ID is " + ID;
However, your string is apparently JSON serialized data. I'd expect that I'd want to parse that into a class in order to work with it.
var myObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyClass>(someString);
myObj.TID = ID;
// maybe do other things with it, then if I need JSON again...
string body = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myObj);
One reason to take this approach is to make sure that any data I put in still makes the JSON valid. For example, if my ID were, instead of an int, a string with characters that needed escaping, directly inserting "\"\n\"" would not be the right thing to do.
String interpolation is the easiest way these days:
int myIntValue = 123;
string myStringValue = "one two three";
string interpolatedString = $"my int is: {myIntValue}. My string is: {myStringValue}.";
Output would be "my int is: 123. My string is: one two three.".
You can experiment with this sample yourself, over here.
The $ special character identifies a string literal as an interpolated
string. An interpolated string is a string literal that might contain
interpolation expressions. When an interpolated string is resolved to
a result string, items with interpolation expressions are replaced by
the string representations of the expression results. This feature is available starting with C# 6.
You could try this:
string body = #"{""currency"":""country"",""gold"":1,""detail"":""detailid-979095986"",""tId"":""" + ID + #"""}";
You can also use string.Concat:
string body = string.Concat(#"{""currency"":""country"",""gold"":1,""detail"":""detailid-979095986"",""tId"":""", ID, #"""}");
There are a number of ways to inject values into strings, however it's easy to lose sight of encodings, and cause major breakage.
If you just want to inject a value into another string, you can use:
string concatenation
string building
string formatting
The simplest and most common way to build strings is by simply concatenating them together with the + operator:
var foo = 5;
var bar = "example-" + foo;
Concatenation can be difficult to read which makes it easy to introduce bugs, but for most simple tasks is the right tool for the job.
In this case, it's a poor choice:
string body = #"{""currency"":""country"",""gold"":1,""detail"":""detailid-979095986"",""tId"":""" + ID.ToString() + #"""}";
String Building
The StringBuilder class is useful for building large strings particularly when built iteratively.
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
sb.Append(" ");
var output = sb.ToString();
It can still be difficult to read and hard to debug, but for cases where you're joining lots of strings together, it's super efficient
In this case, it's a poor choice:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
string body = sb.ToString();
String formatting
The string.Format method makes templating data into a string super easy and efficient. If you plan on reusing the same string over and over, using a format string makes it much easier to read and debug code, particularly when there are lots of replacements:
var foo = 5;
var bar = string.Format("example-{0}", foo);
Format strings can also automatically apply culturally accurate formatting to particular data types, so that a DateTime is appropriately displayed, or so that a number has the appropriate number of trailing zeros.
In this case, it's a poor choice:
string string.Format(#"{""currency"":""country"",""gold"":1,""detail"":""detailid-979095986"",""tId"":""{0}""}", ID);
The right choice
You're not dumping data into any old string. That's JSON encoded data. If you just concatenate/build/format in any old value, you can break your string. For example, if the ID variable contained a " character, you'd break the entire JSON dataset.
Additionally, the length of the string and necessary quotes make it super difficult to read, which makes it difficult to maintain. Good luck when you get around to needing to add another formatted value, it's going to be a pain to change any existing value or add in new dynamic ones.
Instead of writing a JSON literal, write an object and encode it to JSON:
var bodyData =
currency = "country",
gold = 1,
detail = "detailid-979095986",
tId = ID //here's where you set the ID
var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var body = jss.Serialize(bodyData);
This code is much easier to modify when the data changes, and will actually encode your data correctly. You don't need to worry about all those annoying double quote characters any more either.
You can use the
String.Format(#"{""currency"":""country"",""gold"":1,""detail"":""detailid-979095986"",""tId"":""{0}""}", ID)
Since this is params object[], you can use as many {n} as you want.
Instead of using on string, you could concatenate strings together using +, which would allow you to insert text between the generated strings.
string body = #"***" + ID + #"***";

Best way to provide the user an escape string

Suppose I want to ask a user what format they want a certain output to be in and the output will include fill-in fields. So they provide something like this string:
"Output text including some field {FieldName1Value} and another {FieldName2Value} and so on..."
Anything bound by the {} should be a column name in a table somewhere they will be replaced with the the stored value with the code I am writing. Seems simple, I could just do a string.Replace on any instance that matches the patter "{" + FieldName + "}". But, what if I also want to give the user the option of using an escape so they can use brackets like any other string. I was thinking they provide "{{" or "}}" to escape that bracket - nice and easy for them. So, they could provide something like:
"Output text including some field {FieldName1Value} and another {FieldName2Value} but not this {{FieldName2Value}}"
But now that "{{FieldName2Value}}" is to be treated like any other string and ignored by the by the Replace. Also, if they decided to put something like "{{{FieldName2Value}}}" with the triple brackets, that would be interpreted by the code as the field value wrapped with brackets and so on.
This is where I get stuck. I am trying with RegEx and came up with this:
public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
string format = (string)values[0];
ObservableCollection<CalloutFieldAliasMap> oc = (ObservableCollection<CalloutFieldAliasMap>)values[1];
foreach (CalloutFieldMap map in oc)
format = Regex.Replace(format, #"(?<!{){" + map.FieldName + "(?<!})}", " " + map.FieldAlias + " ", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
return format;
This works in the situation with double brackets {{ }} but NOT if there are three, ie {{{ }}}. The triple brackets are treated like string when it should be treated as {FieldValue}.
Thanks for any help.
By expanding on your regular expression, the presence of literals can be accommodated.
format = Regex.Replace(format,
#"(?<!([^{]|^){(?:{{)*){" + Regex.Escape(map.FieldName) + "}",
String.Format(" {0} ", map.FieldAlias),
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
The first part of the expression, (?<!([^{]|^){(?:{{)*){, designates that the { must be preceded by an even number of { characters for it to mark the beginning of a field token. Thus, {FieldName} and {{{FieldName} will denote the start of a field name, whereas {{FieldName} and {{{{FieldName} would not.
The closing } simply requires that the end of the field be a simple }. There is some ambiguity in the syntax in that {FieldName1Value}}} could be parsed as a token with FieldName1Value (followed by the literal }) or FieldName1Value}. The regex assumes the former. (If the latter is intended, you could replace this with }(?!}(}})*) instead.
A couple of other notes. I added Regex.Escape(map.FieldName) so that all characters in the field name are treated as literals; and added the RegexOptions.Compiled flag. (Since this is both a complex expression and executed in a loop, it is a good candidate for compilation.)
After the loop executes, a simple:
format = format.Replace("{{", "{").Replace("}}", "}")
can be used to unescape the literal {{ and }} characters.
The simplest way would be to use String.Replace to replace the double brackets with a character sequence that the user can not (or almost certainly will not) enter. Then do the replacement of your fields, and finally convert replacement back to the double brackets.
For example, given:
string replaceOpen = "{x"; // 'x' should be something like \u00ff, for example
string replaceClose = "x}";
string template = "Replace {ThisField} but not {{ThatField}}";
string temp = template.Replace("{{", replaceOpen).Replace("}}", replaceClose);
string converted = temp.Replace("{ThisField}", "Foo");
string final = converted.Replace(replaceOpen, "{{").Replace(replaceClose, "}});
It's not particularly pretty, but it's effective.
How you go about it is going to depend in large part on how often you call this, and how fast you really need it to be.
I have an extension method I wrote that almost does what you ask, but, while it does escape using double braces, it doesn't do the triple braces like you suggested. Here is the method (also on GitHub at
private const string FormatTokenGroupName = "token";
private static readonly Regex FormatRegex = new Regex(#"(?<!\{)\{(?<" + FormatTokenGroupName + #">\w+)\}(?!\})", RegexOptions.Compiled);
public static string Format(this string source, IDictionary<string, string> replacements)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source) || replacements == null)
return source;
string replaced = replacements.Aggregate(source,
(current, pair) =>
new MatchEvaluator(match =>
(match.Groups[FormatTokenGroupName].Value == pair.Key
? pair.Value : match.Value))));
return replaced.Replace("{{", "{").Replace("}}", "}");
"This is my {FieldName}".Format(new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "FieldName", "value" } });
Even easier if you add this:
public static string Format(this string source, object replacements)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source) || replacements == null)
return source;
IDictionary<string, string> replacementsDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(replacements))
string token = propertyDescriptor.Name;
object value = propertyDescriptor.GetValue(replacements);
replacementsDictionary.Add(token, (value != null ? value.ToString() : String.Empty));
return Format(source, replacementsDictionary);
"This is my {FieldName}".Format(new { FieldName = "value" });
Unit tests for this method are at
If this doesn't work, what would your ideal solution do for more than three braces? In other words, if {{{FieldName}}} becomes {value}, what does {{{{FieldName}}}} become? What about {{{{{FieldName}}}}} and so on? While those cases are unlikely, they still need to be handled purposefully.
RegEx will not do what you want because it only knows it's current state and what transitions are available. It has no concept of memory. The language you're trying parse is not regular so you will never be able to write a RegEx to handle the general case. You would need i expressions where i is the number of matching braces.
There is a lot of theory behind this and I'll provide some links at the bottom if you're curious. But basically the language you're trying to parse is context-free and to implement a general solution you'll need model a push down automaton, which uses a stack to ensure that an opening brace has a matching closing brace (yes, this is why most languages have matching braces).
Each time you encounter { you put it on the stack. If you encounter } you pop from the stack. When you empty the stack you will know that you've reached the end of a field. Of course that's a major simplification of the problem, but if you're looking for a general solution it should get you moving in the right direction.

Parsing similar named parameters out of a URL

I'm taking a URL that looks like this:[0]=a_value&label[1]=b_value&label[2]=c_value
The indexed number is generated, so there's a dynamic number of these 'label[x]' values every time.
What would the simplest way of parsing these all into a String[] named 'Label' in ASP/C#.NET 4.0?
You should use a NameValueCollection instead of array of Strings.
NameValueCollection queryParameters = new NameValueCollection();
string[] querySegments = queryString.Split('&');
foreach(string segment in querySegments)
string[] parts = segment.Split('=');
if (parts.Length > 0)
string key = parts[0].Trim(new char[] { '?', ' ' });
string val = parts[1].Trim();
queryParameters.Add(key, val);
To get the number of the label withing the square brackets, use Regular Expressions.
regxObj = new Regex(#"\[(.*?)\]");
Have you thought about enumerating the entries in the Request.Querystring collection?
You can start by taking the substring from the index of '?' to the end, then split by '&'.
Then you can either loop through that list and split by '=' and take the second element, or the substring of each of those starting after the index of '='.
If you do want it as just and array of strings for some reason, this one line will probably work.
String[] labels = (from substring in s.Substring(s.IndexOf('?') + 1).Split('&') select substring.Substring(substring.IndexOf('=') + 1)).ToArray();
edit: Do note that this disregards what the actual labels are, as well as their numbers; if there's something other than named, numbered label[n] tags, those will be added as to the array as well.
make a parameter called length[0]=a_value&label[1]=b_value&label[2]=c_value...
then that will be easy to parse on the other side already knowing the length
if you know the length , then you know how many times to iterate through a loop to read the values of querystring
don't have a variable amount of parametes , use one , and use any special character to seperate them, then split the value by the seperating char on the other side

Pick a value using a regular expression

I have a string in the format:
PROVIDER=Sybase.ASEOLEDBProvider.2;User ID=sa;Server Name=UKServer;Server Port Address=5001;Initial Catalog=master
Using a regular expression in C# now can I get the value of Server Name?
Please note that Server Name could be in any location in the string and there may or may not be a space either side of the "=" i.e. the fomate could be
... Server Name=UKServer;....
... Server Name = UKServer;....
... Server Name =UKServer;....
... Server Name= UKServer;....
You don't really have to the parse the connection-string yourself; the handy OdbcConnectionStringBuilderclass can do it for you. It implementsIDictionary, allowing you retrieve all of the attributes of the connection-string by key. I'm sure it is reasonably resistant to the different kinds of input that you mention, e.g. additional white-space, different ordering of key-vale pairs, etc.
Here's an example, tested for your sample:
var connString = #"PROVIDER=Sybase.ASEOLEDBProvider.2;User ID=sa;Server Name=UKServer;Server Port Address=5001;Initial Catalog=master";
var connStringBuilder = new OdbcConnectionStringBuilder(connString);
var serverName = connStringBuilder["Server Name"].ToString();
_serverName = RegEx.Match(inputString, "Server Name ?= ?([\\w]+);").Groups(1).Value;
Server Name ?= ? // Normal string, the ? means that the preceding character
// or group is optional (0 or 1)
([\w]+); // The parentheses define a group (the Group(0) is the
// always the whole match), so that you can easily get a
// substring of the match.
[\w]+ // Matches any alphabetical character, number or underscore
Something like this should work:
"Server Name\s*=\s*(\w+)\s*;"
How about something like this :
[^&]*(i?)(Server Name\s|)((i?)[a-z]);
_serverName = RegEx.Match(inputString, "[^&]*(i?)(Server Name\s|)((i?)[a-z]);").Groups(2).Value;
