Calculating Google map's viewport? - c#

I'm doing a bit of geocoding using Google Local Search and need to be able to set the viewport of a google maps api v3 object on the page.
Now this is fine if google local search has returned me a good viewport as it does for a postcode or street but if i put in the name of a bar for example. The viewport returned is very large presumable because local search has found many matches but has returned the best.
I'd like to calculate my own viewport in this case and am doing so in the following manner:
result.Centre = new LatLon(double.Parse(lat),double.Parse(lon));
result.Span = new LatLon(0.006295d, 0.008407d);
string viewport = "{{\"center\":{{\"lat\":\"{0}\",\"lng\":\"{1}\"}},\"span\":{{\"lat\":\"{2}\",\"lng\":\"{3}\"}},\"sw\":{{\"lat\":\"{4}\",\"lng\":\"{5}\"}},\"ne\":{{\"lat\":\"{6}\",\"lng\":\"{7}\"}}}}";
//Calculate the south west by taking half the span and adding it to the centre
double swLat = result.Centre.Latitude + (result.Span.Latitude/2);
double swLon = result.Centre.Longitude + (result.Span.Longitude/2);
//and northeast corners by taking half the span and subtracting from the centre
double neLat = result.Centre.Latitude - (result.Span.Latitude/2);
double neLon = result.Centre.Longitude - (result.Span.Longitude/2);
//Fingers crossed :)
result.ViewPortJSON = string.Format(viewport, result.Centre.Latitude, result.Centre.Longitude,result.Span.Latitude, result.Span.Longitude, swLat, swLon,neLat, neLon);
The problem is I get some valid json but google maps zooms right out so I can see the whole world. The same code is being used at the front end as if google has given me the viewport so I don't understand what is going on.
Any ideas? Have I got my calculations wrong? I have tried with the whole span (i.e. assuming it is already a radius) with the same effect.
Thanks in advance.

hey, shouldn't you be doing:
double swLat = result.Centre.Latitude - (result.Span.Latitude/2);
double swLon = result.Centre.Longitude - (result.Span.Longitude/2);
//and northeast corners by taking half the span and subtracting from the centre
double neLat = result.Centre.Latitude + (result.Span.Latitude/2);
double neLon = result.Centre.Longitude + (result.Span.Longitude/2);


AnimateCamera in GoogleMaps is not displaying all location included in builder

I am working with GoogleMap and I am trying to focus my map on a region that displayed my list of locations. The list gets "included" into the builder one by one, but when I actually call this method a lot of my locations are cropped out. Seems to me like the zoom level on the NewLatLngBounds is too high.
I thought about getting the Northeast and Southwest Corners and then centering the map but that doesn't work either. Not sure what else to try.
public void DisplayRegion(List<Position> positions, int padding = 0)
if (_googleMap == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Map is not ready");
LatLngBounds.Builder builder = new LatLngBounds.Builder();
foreach(var p in positions)
builder.Include(new LatLng(p.Latitude, p.Longitude);
LatLngBounds bounds = builder.Build();
//var ne = bounds.Northeast;
// var se = bounds.Southwest;
_googleMap.AnimateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.NewLatLngBounds(bounds, padding));
This does work but like I said above a good chunk of the locations passed in are cropped off screen. I also tried factoring in the width and height of the and basing padding on that but it's like I didn't do anything. All I want is for every item in my List of Positions to display on screen at an appropriate zoom level. Any suggestions?
First , select a location as the center of the map,just get the midpoint from Northeast and Southwest Corners , let's say we get a point ,it has centerLatitude and centerLongitude .
Calculate how far are the positions between the center location , and get the farthest distance , call it farthestDistance.
Use map.MoveToRegion (MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius (new Position (centerLatitude,centerLongitude), Distance.FromKilometers (farthestDistance)));
Then the map will display including all the positions and use a proper zoom level .
Refer to .

Google map show different distance between two dastination

I am creating a window form application, which calculate the distance between two locations by their Lat-Long using google API. This works fine, But i notice that some time api give different result (distance) for same locations.
Example :-
Location-A => Mumbai (19.075983 , 72.877655)
Location-B => Delhi (28.704060 , 77.102493)
When i calculate the distance from location-A To location-B
decimal Distance = EmployeeTaskWorkLogManager.getDistance(string.Concat(19.075983, ", ", 72.877655), string.Concat(28.704060, ", ", 77.102493));
This shows
Distance = 1423.297
And when i calculate the distance from location-B To location-A
decimal Distance = EmployeeTaskWorkLogManager.getDistance(string.Concat(28.704060, ", ", 77.102493), string.Concat(19.075983, ", ", 72.877655));
This shows
Distance = 1415.239
This the code that i am using to calculate distance between two locations,
public static decimal getDistance(string origin, string destination)
decimal num;
decimal num1 = new decimal(0);
string[] strArrays = new string[] { "", origin, "&destinations=", destination, "&key=****" };
string str = string.Concat(strArrays);
JObject jObjects = JObject.Parse(EmployeeTaskWorkLogManager.fileGetContents(str));
num1 = (decimal)jObjects.SelectToken("rows[0].elements[0].distance.value");
num = num1 / new decimal(1000);
num = num1;
return num;
I Checked each line of my code, but unable to find why this difference has occurs.
The Google Maps Distance Matrix API does not calculate a straight-line or big-circle distance between two points. Instead it returns the distance according to the mode of travel (which you haven't specified in your API call, so it defaults to driving).
Think about it: there is no way that you will travel the exact distance in both directions, and the difference will become more marked the longer the journey and the more route changes it requires. It will depend on freeway off ramps (not available at particular intersections in both directions), one way streets, etc etc.
Therefore, the result is as expected.
Source: Google Maps Distance Matrix API

Conversion of points in one Projected Coordinate System to Another

How can I convert points from one projected coordinate system to another using ArcObjects in C#?
//Coordinates in feet
double feetLong = 2007816.711;
double feetLat = 393153.895;
//Coordinates in decimal degrees (Should be the resulting coordinates)
//long: -97.474575;
//lat: 32.747352;
double[] feetPair = new double[] { feetLong, feetLat };
//Our projection used in GIS
string epsg32038 = "PROJCS[\"NAD27 / Texas North Central\",GEOGCS[\"GCS_North_American_1927\",DATUM[\"D_North_American_1927\",SPHEROID[\"Clarke_1866\",6378206.4,294.9786982138982]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.017453292519943295]],PROJECTION[\"Lambert_Conformal_Conic\"],PARAMETER[\"standard_parallel_1\",32.13333333333333],PARAMETER[\"standard_parallel_2\",33.96666666666667],PARAMETER[\"latitude_of_origin\",31.66666666666667],PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",-97.5],PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",2000000],PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0],UNIT[\"Foot_US\",0.30480060960121924]]";
//Google Maps projection
string epsg3785 = "PROJCS[\"Popular Visualisation CRS / Mercator\",GEOGCS[\"Popular Visualisation CRS\",DATUM[\"D_Popular_Visualisation_Datum\",SPHEROID[\"Popular_Visualisation_Sphere\",6378137,0]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.017453292519943295]],PROJECTION[\"Mercator\"],PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",0],PARAMETER[\"scale_factor\",1],PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",0],PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0],UNIT[\"Meter\",1]]";
This is the beginning of my code. I've tried using the CoordinateSystemFactory but never got anything to work. I intend to use ProjNet to solve this although I am open to any other way. I am really new to using ArcObjects to create custom tools and have been stuck on this for a while.

Is there an algorithm to compute miles between coordinates?

I want to be able to display a Bing map in a Windows 8/Store app with an array of pushpins/waypoints at a zoom setting that will show every location, but no more than that - IOW, I want as much detail as possible while still showing all of the locations/coordinates.
I have this pseudocode:
public static int GetMapZoomSettingForCoordinates(List<String> coordinatesList)
string furthestNorth = GetFurthestNorth(coordinatesList);
string furthestSouth = GetFurthestSouth(coordinatesList);
string furthestEast = GetFurthestEast(coordinatesList);
string furthestWest = GetFurthestWest(coordinatesList);
int milesBetweenNorthAndSouthExtremes = GetMilesBetween(furthestNorth, furthestSouth);
int milesBetweenEastAndWestExtremes = GetMilesBetween(furthestEast, furthestWest);
int greaterCardinalDistance = Math.Max(milesBetweenNorthAndSouthExtremes, milesBetweenEastAndWestExtremes);
return GetZoomSettingForDistance(greaterCardinalDistance);
...but the "sticking point" (the hard part) are the "milesBetween" functions. Is there an existing algorithm for computing the miles between two coordinates?
I do realize this is a U.S.-centric bunch of code for now (miles vs. kilometers); that is, for now, as designed.
This is my new pseudocode (actual compiling code, but untested):
public static int GetMapZoomSettingForCoordinates(List<string> coordinatePairsList)
List<double> LatsList = new List<double>();
List<double> LongsList = new List<double>();
List<string> tempList = new List<string>();
foreach (string s in coordinatePairsList)
double dLat;
double.TryParse(tempList[0], out dLat);
double dLong;
double.TryParse(tempList[0], out dLong);
double furthestNorth = GetFurthestNorth(LatsList);
double furthestSouth = GetFurthestSouth(LatsList);
double furthestEast = GetFurthestEast(LongsList);
double furthestWest = GetFurthestWest(LongsList);
int milesToDisplay =
HaversineInMiles(furthestWest, furthestNorth, furthestEast, furthestSouth);
return GetZoomSettingForDistance(milesToDisplay);
private static double GetFurthestNorth(List<double> longitudesList)
double northernmostVal = 0.0;
foreach (double d in longitudesList)
if (d > northernmostVal)
northernmostVal = d;
return northernmostVal;
...I still don't know what GetZoomSettingForDistance() should be/do, though...
This is "more better":
public static int GetMapZoomSettingForCoordinates(List<Tuple<double, double>> coordinatePairsList)
var LatsList = new List<double>();
var LongsList = new List<double>();
foreach (Tuple<double,double> tupDub in coordinatePairsList)
double furthestNorth = GetFurthestNorth(LongsList);
double furthestSouth = GetFurthestSouth(LongsList);
double furthestEast = GetFurthestEast(LatsList);
double furthestWest = GetFurthestWest(LatsList);
int milesToDisplay =
HaversineInMiles(furthestWest, furthestNorth, furthestEast, furthestSouth);
return GetZoomSettingForDistance(milesToDisplay);
I realized that my logic was backwards, or wrong, at any rate, regarding meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude. While it's true that meridians of longitude are the vertical lines ("drawn" North-to-South or vice versa) and that parallels of latitude are the horizontal lines ("drawn" East-to-West), points along those line represent the North-South location based on parallels of latitude, and represent East-West locations based on meridians of longitude. This seemed backwards in my mind until I visualized the lines spinning across (longitude) and up and over (latitude) the earth, rather than simply circling the earth like the rings of Saturn do; what also helped get my perception right was reminding myself that it is the values of the meridians of longitude that determine in which time zone one finds themselves. SO, the code above should change to pass latitudes to determine furthest North and furthest South, and conversely pass longitudes to determine furthest East and furthest West.
You can use the Haversine formula to compute the distance along the surface of a sphere.
Here's a C++ function to compute the distance using the Earth as the size of the sphere. It would easily be convertible to C#.
Note that the formula can be simplified if you want to just find the distance either latitudinally or longitudinally (which it sounds like you are trying to do).
To get the straight line distance you use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the hypotenuse.
d = ((delta x)^2 + (delta y)^2)^.5
Basically square both the changes in the x direction and the y direction, add them, then take the square root.
in your pseudo code it looks like you could have many points and you want to find a maximum distance that should encompass all of them, which makes sense if you are trying to figure out a scale for the zoom of the map. The same formula should work, just use milesBetweenEastAndWestExtremes for delta x, and milesBetweenNorthAndSouthExtremes for delta y. You may opt to add a fixed amount to this just to make sure you don't have points right on the very edge of the map.

How to get levels for Fry Graph readability formula?

I'm working in an application (C#) that applies some readability formulas to a text, like Gunning-Fog, Precise SMOG, Flesh-Kincaid.
Now, I need to implement the Fry-based Grade formula in my program, I understand the formula's logic, pretty much you take 3 100-words samples and calculate the average on sentences per 100-words and syllables per 100-words, and then, you use a graph to plot the values.
Here is a more detailed explanation on how this formula works.
I already have the averages, but I have no idea on how can I tell my program to "go check the graph and plot the values and give me a level." I don't have to show the graph to the user, I only have to show him the level.
I was thinking that maybe I can have all the values in memory, divided into levels, for example:
Level 1: values whose sentence average are between 10.0 and 25+, and whose syllables average are between 108 and 132.
Level 2: values whose sentence average are between 7.7 and 10.0, and .... so on
But the problem is that so far, the only place in which I have found the values that define a level, are in the graph itself, and they aren't too much accurate, so if I apply the approach commented above, trying to take the values from the graph, my level estimations would be too much imprecise, thus, the Fry-based Grade will not be accurate.
So, maybe any of you knows about some place where I can find exact values for the different levels of the Fry-based Grade, or maybe any of you can help me think in a way to workaround this.
Well, I'm not sure about this being the most efficient solution, neither the best one, but at least it does the job.
I gave up to the idea of having like a math formula to get the levels, maybe there is such a formula, but I couldn't find it.
So I took the Fry's graph, with all the levels, and I painted each level of a different color, them I loaded the image on my program using:
Bitmap image = new Bitmap(#"C:\FryGraph.png");
image.GetPixel(int x, int y);
As you can see, after loading the image I use the GetPixel method to get the color at the specified coordinates. I had to do some conversion, to get the equivalent pixels for a given value on the graph, since the scale of the graph is not the equivalent to the pixels of the image.
In the end, I compare the color returned by GetPixel to see which was the Fry readability level of the text.
I hope this may be of any help for someone who faces the same problem.
You simply need to determine the formula for the graph. That is, a formula that accepts the number of sentences and number of syllables, and returns the level.
If you can't find the formula, you can determine it yourself. Estimate the linear equation for each of the lines on the graph. Also estimate the 'out-of-bounds' areas in the 'long words' and 'long sentences' areas.
Now for each point, just determine the region in which it resides; which lines it is above and which lines it is below. This is fairly simple algebra, unfortunately this is the best link I can find to describe how to do that.
I have made a first pass at solving this that I thought I would share in case someone else is looking sometime in the future. I built on the answer above and created a generic list of linear equations that one can use to determine an approximate grade level. First had to correct the values to make it more linear. This does not take into account the invalid areas, but I may revisit that.
The equation class:
public class GradeLineEquation
// using form y = mx+b
// or y=Slope(x)=yIntercept
public int GradeLevel { get; set; }
public float Slope { get; set; }
public float yIntercept { get; set; }
public float GetYGivenX(float x)
float result = 0;
result = (Slope * x) + yIntercept;
return result;
public GradeLineEquation(int gradelevel,float slope,float yintercept)
this.GradeLevel = gradelevel;
this.Slope = slope;
this.yIntercept = yintercept;
Here is the FryCalculator:
public class FryCalculator
//this class normalizes the plot on the Fry readability graph the same way a person would, by choosing points on the graph based on values even though
//the y-axis is non-linear and neither axis starts at 0. Just picking a relative point on each axis to plot the intercept of the zero and infinite scope lines
private List<GradeLineEquation> linedefs = new List<GradeLineEquation>();
public FryCalculator()
private void LoadLevelEquations()
// load the estimated linear equations for each line with the
// grade level, Slope, and y-intercept
linedefs.Add(new NLPTest.GradeLineEquation(1, (float)0.5, (float)22.5));
linedefs.Add(new NLPTest.GradeLineEquation(2, (float)0.5, (float)20.5));
linedefs.Add(new NLPTest.GradeLineEquation(3, (float)0.6, (float)17.4));
linedefs.Add(new NLPTest.GradeLineEquation(4, (float)0.6, (float)15.4));
linedefs.Add(new NLPTest.GradeLineEquation(5, (float)0.625, (float)13.125));
linedefs.Add(new NLPTest.GradeLineEquation(6, (float)0.833, (float)7.333));
linedefs.Add(new NLPTest.GradeLineEquation(7, (float)1.05, (float)-1.15));
linedefs.Add(new NLPTest.GradeLineEquation(8, (float)1.25, (float)-8.75));
linedefs.Add(new NLPTest.GradeLineEquation(9, (float)1.75, (float)-24.25));
linedefs.Add(new NLPTest.GradeLineEquation(10, (float)2, (float)-35));
linedefs.Add(new NLPTest.GradeLineEquation(11, (float)2, (float)-40));
linedefs.Add(new NLPTest.GradeLineEquation(12, (float)2.5, (float)-58.5));
linedefs.Add(new NLPTest.GradeLineEquation(13, (float)3.5, (float)-93));
linedefs.Add(new NLPTest.GradeLineEquation(14, (float)5.5, (float)-163));
public int GetGradeLevel(float avgSylls,float avgSentences)
// first normalize the values given to cartesion positions on the graph
float x = NormalizeX(avgSylls);
float y = NormalizeY(avgSentences);
// given x find the first grade level equation that produces a lower y at that x
return linedefs.Find(a => a.GetYGivenX(x) < y).GradeLevel;
private float NormalizeY(float avgSentenceCount)
float result = 0;
int lower = -1;
int upper = -1;
// load the list of y axis line intervalse
List<double> intervals = new List<double> {2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 4.0, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.8, 5.0, 5.2, 5.6, 5.9, 6.3, 6.7, 7.1, 7.7, 8.3, 9.1, 10.0, 11.1, 12.5, 14.3, 16.7, 20.0, 25.0 };
// find the first line lower or equal to the number we have
lower = intervals.FindLastIndex(a => ((double)avgSentenceCount) >= a);
// if we are not over the top or on the line grab the next higher line value
if(lower > -1 && lower < intervals.Count-1 && ((float) intervals[lower] != avgSentenceCount))
upper = lower + 1;
// set the integer portion of the respons
result = (float)lower;
// if we have an upper limit calculate the percentage above the lower line (to two decimal places) and add it to the result
if(upper != -1)
result += (float)Math.Round((((avgSentenceCount - intervals[lower])/(intervals[upper] - intervals[lower]))),2);
return result;
private float NormalizeX(float avgSyllableCount)
// the x axis is MUCH simpler. Subtract 108 and divide by 2 to get the x position relative to a 0 origin.
float result = (avgSyllableCount - 108) / 2;
return result;
