Find all substrings between two strings - c#

I need to get all substrings from string.
For ex:
StringParser.GetSubstrings("[start]aaaaaa[end] wwwww [start]cccccc[end]", "[start]", "[end]");
that returns 2 string "aaaaaa" and "cccccc"
Suppose we have only one level of nesting.
Not sure about regexp, but I think it will be userful.

private IEnumerable<string> GetSubStrings(string input, string start, string end)
Regex r = new Regex(Regex.Escape(start) + "(.*?)" + Regex.Escape(end));
MatchCollection matches = r.Matches(input);
foreach (Match match in matches)
yield return match.Groups[1].Value;

Here's a solution that doesn't use regular expressions and doesn't take nesting into consideration.
public static IEnumerable<string> EnclosedStrings(
this string s,
string begin,
string end)
int beginPos = s.IndexOf(begin, 0);
while (beginPos >= 0)
int start = beginPos + begin.Length;
int stop = s.IndexOf(end, start);
if (stop < 0)
yield break;
yield return s.Substring(start, stop - start);
beginPos = s.IndexOf(begin, stop+end.Length);

You can use a regular expression, but remember to call Regex.Escape on your arguments:
public static IEnumerable<string> GetSubStrings(
string text,
string start,
string end)
string regex = string.Format("{0}(.*?){1}",
return Regex.Matches(text, regex, RegexOptions.Singleline)
.Select(match => match.Groups[1].Value);
I also added the SingleLine option so that it will match even if there are new-lines in your text.

You're going to need to better define the rules that govern your matching needs. When building any kind of matching or search code you need to be vary clear about what inputs you anticipate and what outputs you need to produce. It's very easy to produce buggy code if you don't take these questions into close consideration. That said...
You should be able to use regular expressions. Nesting may make it slightly more complicated but still doable (depending on what you expect to match in nested scenarios). Something like should get you started:
var start = "[start]";
var end = "[end]";
var regEx = new Regex(String.Format("{0}(.*){1}", Regex.Escape(start), Regex.Escape(end)));
var source = "[start]aaaaaa[end] wwwww [start]cccccc[end]";
var matches = regEx.Match( source );
It should be trivial to wrap the code above into a function appropriate for your needs.

I was bored, and thus I made a useless micro benchmark which "proves" (on my dataset, which has strings up to 7k of characters and <b> tags for start/end parameters) my suspicion that juharr's solution is the fastest of the three overall.
Results (1000000 iterations * 20 test cases):
juharr: 6371ms
Jake: 6825ms
Mark Byers: 82063ms
NOTE: Compiled regex didn't speed things up much on my dataset.


Replacing overlapping matches in a string (regex or string operations)

I have been trying to find all occurrences of a substring in a given string, and replace a specific occurrence with another substring (the condition is not important for the question).
What I need is to find all occurrences (even overlapping ones) and to be able to easily replace a specific one I choose.
The issue is that if I don't use lookahead I can't find overlapping occurrences (e.g. find "aa" in "aaa" will only find the first "aa" sequence because the second one overlaps with the first one):
var regex = new Regex(Regex.Escape("aa"));
Value of the second line: 1
Expected: 2
If I use a lookahead I find all of the occurrences but the replacement doesn't work (e.g. replace "a" in "a" with "b", will result in "ba" instead of "b"):
var regex = new Regex(Regex.Escape("(?=a)"));
regex.Replace("a", "b");
Replace result: ba
Expected: b
Those are, of course, simple examples that showcase the issues in an easy way, but I need this to work on any example.
I know that I can easily do a search for both, or manually go over the word, but this code snippet is going to run many times and needs to both be efficient and readable.
Any ideas / tips on finding overlapping occurrences while still being able to replace properly? Should I even be using regex?
I think I would forgo regex and write a simple loop as below (there is room for improvement), because I think it would be quicker and more understandable.
public IEnumerable<int> FindStartingOccurrences(string input, string pattern)
var occurrences = new List<int>();
for (int i=0; i<input.Length; i++)
if (input.Length+1 > i+pattern.Length)
if (input.Substring(i, pattern.Length) == pattern)
return occurrences;
and then call like:
var occurrences = FindStartingOccurrences("aaabbaaaaaccaadaaa", "aa");
To get overlapping results you have to shift your search pattern by one char for as many times as your search string is long.
Let's say for a text containing aaaaaa and a seachrstring of aaa (4 expected matches), three regex searches will be done with the search patterns:
aaa (2 Matches)
(?<=a)aaa (1 Match)
(?<=aa)aaa (1 Match)
Same works for more complex searches like aba in abababa.
private static IEnumerable<Match> GetOverlappingMatches(string text, string searchstring)
IEnumerable<Match> combinedMatches = Enumerable.Empty<Match>();
for (int i = 0; i < searchstring.Length; i++)
combinedMatches = combinedMatches.Concat(GetMatches(text, searchstring, i));
return combinedMatches.Distinct(new MatchComparer());
private static IEnumerable<Match> GetMatches(string text, string searchstring, int shifts)
string lookahead = $"(?<={searchstring.Substring(0, shifts)})";
string pattern = $"{lookahead}{searchstring}";
return Regex.Matches(text, pattern);
You also want to add a MatchComparer to filter double matches.
public class MatchComparer : IEqualityComparer<Match>
public bool Equals(Match x, Match y)
return x.Index == y.Index
&& x.Length == y.Length;
public int GetHashCode([DisallowNull] Match obj)
return obj.Index ^ obj.Length;

Remove list of words from string

I have a list of words that I want to remove from a string I use the following method
string stringToClean = "The.Flash.2014.S07E06.720p.WEB-DL.HEVC.x265.RMTeam";
string[] BAD_WORDS = {
"720p", "web-dl", "hevc", "x265", "Rmteam", "."
var cleaned = string.Join(" ", stringToClean.Split(' ').Where(w => !BAD_WORDS.Contains(w, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
but it is not working And the following text is output
For this it would be a good idea to create a reusable method that splits a string into words. I'll do this as an extension method of string. If you are not familiar with extension methods, read extension methods demystified
public static IEnumerable<string> ToWords(this string text)
// TODO implement
Usage will be as follows:
string text = "This is some wild text!"
List<string> words = text.ToWords().ToList();
var first3Words = text.ToWords().Take(3);
var lastWord = text.ToWords().LastOrDefault();
Once you've got this method, the solution to your problem will be easy:
IEnumerable<string> badWords = ...
string inputText = ...
IEnumerable<string> validWords = inputText.ToWords().Except(badWords);
Or maybe you want to use Except(badWords, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
The implementation of ToWords depends on what you would call a word: everything delimited by a dot? or do you want to support whitespaces? or maybe even new-lines?
The implementation for your problem: A word is any sequence of characters delimited by a dot.
public static IEnumerable<string> ToWords(this string text)
// find the next dot:
const char dot = '.';
int startIndex = 0;
int dotIndex = text.IndexOf(dot, startIndex);
while (dotIndex != -1)
// found a Dot, return the substring until the dot:
int wordLength = dotIndex - startIndex;
yield return text.Substring(startIndex, wordLength;
// find the next dot
startIndex = dotIndex + 1;
dotIndex = text.IndexOf(dot, startIndex);
// read until the end of the text. Return everything after the last dot:
yield return text.SubString(startIndex, text.Length);
Decide what you want to return if text starts with a dot ".ABC.DEF".
Decide what you want to return if the text ends with a dot: "ABC.DEF."
Check if the return value is what you want if text is empty.
Your split/join don't match up with your input.
That said, here's a quick one-liner:
string clean = BAD_WORDS.Aggregate(stringToClean, (acc, word) => acc.Replace(word, string.Empty));
This is basically a "reduce". Not fantastically performant but over strings that are known to be decently small I'd consider it acceptable. If you have to use a really large string or a really large number of "words" you might look at another option but it should work for the example case you've given us.
Edit: The downside of this approach is that you'll get partials. So for example in your token array you have "720p" but the code I suggested here will still match on "720px" but there are still ways around it. For example instead of using string's implementation of Replace you could use a regex that will match your delimiters something like Regex.Replace(acc, $"[. ]{word}([. ])", "$1") (regex not confirmed but should be close and I added a capture for the delimiter in order to put it back for the next pass)

Using Regex.Replace to keep characters that can be vary

I have the following:
string text = "version=\"1,0\"";
I want to replace the comma for a dot, while keeping the 1 and 0, BUT keeping in mind that they be different in different situations! It could be version="2,3" .
The smart ass and noob-unworking way to do it would be:
for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
for (int z = 0; z <= 9; z++)
text = Regex.Replace(text, "version=\"i,z\"", "version=\"i.z\"");
But of course.. it's a string, and I dont want i and z be behave as a string in there.
I could also try the lame but working way:
text = Regex.Replace(text, "version=\"1,", "version=\"1.");
text = Regex.Replace(text, "version=\"2,", "version=\"2.");
text = Regex.Replace(text, "version=\"3,", "version=\"3.");
And so on.. but it would be lame.
Any hints on how to single-handedly handle this?
Edit: I have other commas that I don't wanna replace, so text.Replace(",",".") can't do
You need a regex like this to locate the comma
Regex reg = new Regex("(version=\"[0-9]),([0-9]\")");
Then do the repacement:
text = reg.Replace(text, "$1.$2");
You can use $1, $2, etc. to refer to the matching groups in order.
You can try this.See demo.Replace by $1.
You can perhaps use capture groups to keep the numbers in front and after for replacement afterwards for a more 'traditional way' to do it:
string text = "version=\"1,0\"";
var regex = new Regex(#"version=""(\d*),(\d*)""");
var result = regex.Replace(text, "version=\"$1.$2\"");
Using parens like the above in a regex is to create a capture group (so the matched part can be accessed later when needed) so that in the above, the digits before and after the comma will be stored in $1 and $2 respectively.
But I decided to delve a little bit further and let's consider the case if there are more than one comma to replace in the version, i.e. if the text was version="1,1,0". It would actually be tedious to do the above, and you would have to make one replace for each 'type' of version. So here's one solution that is sometimes called a callback in other languages (not a C# dev, but I fiddled around lambda functions and it seems to work :)):
private static string SpecialReplace(string text)
var result = text.Replace(',', '.');
return result;
public static void Main()
string text = "version=\"1,0,0\"";
var regex = new Regex(#"version=""[\d,]*""");
var result = regex.Replace(text, x => SpecialReplace(x.Value));
The above gives version="1.0.0".
"version=""[\d,]*""" will first match any sequence of digits and commas within version="...", then pass it to the next line for the replace.
The replace takes the matched text, passes it to the lambda function which takes it to the function SpecialReplace, where a simple text replace is carried out only on the matched part.
ideone demo

Increasing Regex Efficiency

I have about 100k Outlook mail items that have about 500-600 chars per Body. I have a list of 580 keywords that must search through each body, then append the words at the bottom.
I believe I've increased the efficiency of the majority of the function, but it still takes a lot of time. Even for 100 emails it takes about 4 seconds.
I run two functions for each keyword list (290 keywords each list).
public List<string> Keyword_Search(HtmlNode nSearch)
var wordFound = new List<string>();
foreach (string currWord in _keywordList)
bool isMatch = Regex.IsMatch(nSearch.InnerHtml, "\\b" + #currWord + "\\b",
if (isMatch)
return wordFound;
Is there anyway I can increase the efficiency of this function?
The other thing that might be slowing it down is that I use HTML Agility Pack to navigate through some nodes and pull out the body (nSearch.InnerHtml). The _keywordList is a List item, and not an array.
I assume that the COM call nSearch.InnerHtml is pretty slow and you repeat the call for every single word that you are checking. You can simply cache the result of the call:
public List<string> Keyword_Search(HtmlNode nSearch)
var wordFound = new List<string>();
// cache inner HTML
string innerHtml = nSearch.InnerHtml;
foreach (string currWord in _keywordList)
bool isMatch = Regex.IsMatch(innerHtml, "\\b" + #currWord + "\\b",
if (isMatch)
return wordFound;
Another optimization would be the one suggested by Jeff Yates. E.g. by using a single pattern:
string pattern = #"(\b(?:" + string.Join("|", _keywordList) + #")\b)";
I don't think this is a job for regular expressions. You might be better off searching each message word by word and checking each word against your word list. With the approach you have, you're searching each message n times where n is the number of words you want to find - it's no wonder that it takes a while.
Most of the time comes form matches that fail, so you want to minimize failures.
If the search keyword are not frequent, you can test for all of them at the same time (with regexp \b(aaa|bbb|ccc|....)\b), then you exclude the emails with no matches. The one that have at least one match, you do a thorough search.
one thing you can easily do is match agaist all the words in one go by building an expression like:
Then you can precompile the pattern and reuse it to look up all occurencesfor each email (not sure how you do this with .Net API, but there must be a way).
Another thing is instead of using the ignorecase flag, if you convert everything to lowercase, that might give you a small speed boost (need to profile it as it's implementation dependent). Don't forget to warm up the CLR when you profile.
This may be faster. You can leverage Regex Groups like this:
public List<string> Keyword_Search(HtmlNode nSearch)
var wordFound = new List<string>();
// cache inner HTML
string innerHtml = nSearch.InnerHtml;
string pattern = "(\\b" + string.Join("\\b)|(\\b", _keywordList) + "\\b)";
Regex myRegex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
MatchCollection myMatches = myRegex.Matches(innerHtml);
foreach (Match myMatch in myMatches)
// Group 0 represents the entire match so we skip that one
for (int i = 1; i < myMatch.Groups.Count; i++)
if (myMatch.Groups[i].Success)
return wordFound;
This way you're only using one regular expression. And the indices of the Groups should correlate with your _keywordList by an offset of 1, hence the line wordFound.Add(_keywordList[i-1]);
After looking at my code again I just realized that putting the matches into Groups is really unnecessary. And Regex Groups have some overhead. Instead, you could remove the parenthesis from the pattern, and then simply add the matches themselves to the wordFound list. This would produce the same effect, but it'd be faster.
It'd be something like this:
public List<string> Keyword_Search(HtmlNode nSearch)
var wordFound = new List<string>();
// cache inner HTML
string innerHtml = nSearch.InnerHtml;
string pattern = "\\b(?:" + string.Join("|", _keywordList) + ")\\b";
Regex myRegex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
MatchCollection myMatches = myRegex.Matches(innerHtml);
foreach (Match myMatch in myMatches)
return wordFound;
Regular expressions can be optimized quite a bit when you just want to match against a fixed set of constant strings. Instead of several matches, e.g. against "winter", "win" or "wombat", you can just match against "w(in(ter)?|ombat)", for example (Jeffrey Friedl's book can give you lots of ideas like this). This kind of optimisation is also built into some programs, notably emacs ('regexp-opt'). I'm not too familiar with .NET, but I assume someone has programmed similar functionality - google for "regexp optimization".
If the regular expression is indeed the bottle neck, and even optimizing it (by concatenating the search words to one expression) doesn’t help, consider using a multi-pattern search algorithm, such as Wu-Manber.
I’ve posted a very simple implementation here on Stack Overflow. It’s written in C++ but since the code is straightforward it should be easy to translate it to C#.
Notice that this will find words anywhere, not just at word boundaries. However, this can be easily tested after you’ve checked whether the text contains any words; either once again with a regular expression (now you only test individual emails – much faster) or manually by checking the characters before and after the individual hits.
If your problem is about searching for outlook items containing certain string, you should get a gain from using outlooks search facilities...
If your keyword search is straight literals, ie do not contain further regex pattern matches, then other method may be more appropriate. The following code demonstrates one such method, this code only goes through each email once, your code went through each email 290 time( twice)
public List<string> FindKeywords(string emailbody, List<string> keywordList)
// may want to clean up the input a bit, such as replacing '.' and ',' with a space
// and remove double spaces
string emailBodyAsUppercase = emailbody.ToUpper();
List<string> emailBodyAsList = new List<string>(emailBodyAsUppercase.Split(' '));
List<string> foundKeywords = new List<string>(emailBodyAsList.Intersect(keywordList));
return foundKeywords;
If you can use .Net 3.5+ and LINQ you could do something like this.
public static class HtmlNodeTools
public static IEnumerable<string> MatchedKeywords(
this HtmlNode nSearch,
IEnumerable<string> keywordList)
//// as regex
//var innerHtml = nSearch.InnerHtml;
//return keywordList.Where(kw =>
// Regex.IsMatch(innerHtml,
// #"\b" + kw + #"\b",
// RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
// );
//would be faster if you don't need the pattern matching
var innerHtml = ' ' + nSearch.InnerHtml + ' ';
return keywordList.Where(kw => innerHtml.Contains(kw));
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var keyworkList = new string[] { "hello", "world", "nomatch" };
var h = new HtmlNode()
InnerHtml = "hi there hello other world"
var matched = h.MatchedKeywords(keyworkList).ToList();
//hello, world
... reused regex example ...
public static class HtmlNodeTools
public static IEnumerable<string> MatchedKeywords(
this HtmlNode nSearch,
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, Regex>> keywordList)
// as regex
var innerHtml = nSearch.InnerHtml;
return from kvp in keywordList
where kvp.Value.IsMatch(innerHtml)
select kvp.Key;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var keyworkList = new string[] { "hello", "world", "nomatch" };
var h = new HtmlNode()
InnerHtml = "hi there hello other world"
var keyworkSet = keyworkList.Select(kw =>
new KeyValuePair<string, Regex>(kw,
new Regex(
#"\b" + kw + #"\b",
var matched = h.MatchedKeywords(keyworkSet).ToList();
//hello, world

Formatting sentences in a string using C#

I have a string with multiple sentences. How do I Capitalize the first letter of first word in every sentence. Something like paragraph formatting in word.
eg ."this is some code. the code is in C#. "
The ouput must be "This is some code. The code is in C#".
one way would be to split the string based on '.' and then capitalize the first letter and then rejoin.
Is there a better solution?
In my opinion, when it comes to potentially complex rules-based string matching and replacing - you can't get much better than a Regex-based solution (despite the fact that they are so hard to read!). This offers the best performance and memory efficiency, in my opinion - you'll be surprised at just how fast this'll be.
I'd use the Regex.Replace overload that accepts an input string, regex pattern and a MatchEvaluator delegate. A MatchEvaluator is a function that accepts a Match object as input and returns a string replacement.
Here's the code:
public static string Capitalise(string input)
//now the first character
return Regex.Replace(input, #"(?<=(^|[.;:])\s*)[a-z]",
(match) => { return match.Value.ToUpper(); });
The regex uses the (?<=) construct (zero-width positive lookbehind) to restrict captures only to a-z characters preceded by the start of the string, or the punctuation marks you want. In the [.;:] bit you can add the extra ones you want (e.g. [.;:?."] to add ? and " characters.
This means, also, that your MatchEvaluator doesn't have to do any unnecessary string joining (which you want to avoid for performance reasons).
All the other stuff mentioned by one of the other answerers about using the RegexOptions.Compiled is also relevant from a performance point of view. The static Regex.Replace method does offer very similar performance benefits, though (there's just an additional dictionary lookup).
Like I say - I'll be surprised if any of the other non-regex solutions here will work better and be as fast.
Have put this solution up against Ahmad's as he quite rightly pointed out that a look-around might be less efficient than doing it his way.
Here's the crude benchmark I did:
public string LowerCaseLipsum
//went to and generated 10 paragraphs of lipsum
//which I then initialised into the backing field with #"[lipsumtext]".ToLower()
return _lowerCaseLipsum;
public void CapitaliseAhmadsWay()
List<string> results = new List<string>();
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
Regex r = new Regex(#"(^|\p{P}\s+)(\w+)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
for (int f = 0; f < 1000; f++)
results.Add(r.Replace(LowerCaseLipsum, m => m.Groups[1].Value
+ m.Groups[2].Value.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper()
+ m.Groups[2].Value.Substring(1)));
TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - start;
Console.WriteLine("Operation took {0} seconds", duration.TotalSeconds);
public void CapitaliseLookAroundWay()
List<string> results = new List<string>();
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
Regex r = new Regex(#"(?<=(^|[.;:])\s*)[a-z]", RegexOptions.Compiled);
for (int f = 0; f < 1000; f++)
results.Add(r.Replace(LowerCaseLipsum, m => m.Value.ToUpper()));
TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - start;
Console.WriteLine("Operation took {0} seconds", duration.TotalSeconds);
In a release build, the my solution was about 12% faster than the Ahmad's (1.48 seconds as opposed to 1.68 seconds).
Interestingly, however, if it was done through the static Regex.Replace method, both were about 80% slower, and my solution was slower than Ahmad's.
Here's a regex solution that uses the punctuation category to avoid having to specify .!?" etc. although you should certainly check if it covers your needs or set them explicitly. Read up on the "P" category under the "Supported Unicode General Categories" section located on the MSDN Character Classes page.
string input = #"this is some code. the code is in C#? it's great! In ""quotes."" after quotes.";
string pattern = #"(^|\p{P}\s+)(\w+)";
// compiled for performance (might want to benchmark it for your loop)
Regex rx = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Compiled);
string result = rx.Replace(input, m => m.Groups[1].Value
+ m.Groups[2].Value.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper()
+ m.Groups[2].Value.Substring(1));
If you decide not to use the \p{P} class you would have to specify the characters yourself, similar to:
string pattern = #"(^|[.?!""]\s+)(\w+)";
EDIT: below is an updated example to demonstrate 3 patterns. The first shows how all punctuations affect casing. The second shows how to pick and choose certain punctuation categories by using class subtraction. It uses all punctuations while removing specific punctuation groups. The third is similar to the 2nd but using different groups.
The MSDN link doesn't spell out what some of the punctuation categories refer to, so here's a breakdown:
P: all punctuations (comprises all of the categories below)
Pc: underscore _
Pd: dash -
Ps: open parenthesis, brackets and braces ( [ {
Pe: closing parenthesis, brackets and braces ) ] }
Pi: initial single/double quotes (MSDN says it "may behave like Ps/Pe depending on usage")
Pf: final single/double quotes (MSDN Pi note applies)
Po: other punctuation such as commas, colons, semi-colons and slashes ,, :, ;, \, /
Carefully compare how the results are affected by these groups. This should grant you a great degree of flexibility. If this doesn't seem desirable then you may use specific characters in a character class as shown earlier.
string input = #"foo ( parens ) bar { braces } foo [ brackets ] bar. single ' quote & "" double "" quote.
dash - test. Connector _ test. Comma, test. Semicolon; test. Colon: test. Slash / test. Slash \ test.";
string[] patterns = {
#"(^|\p{P}\s+)(\w+)", // all punctuation chars
#"(^|[\p{P}-[\p{Pc}\p{Pd}\p{Ps}\p{Pe}]]\s+)(\w+)", // all punctuation chars except Pc/Pd/Ps/Pe
#"(^|[\p{P}-[\p{Po}]]\s+)(\w+)" // all punctuation chars except Po
// compiled for performance (might want to benchmark it for your loop)
foreach (string pattern in patterns)
Console.WriteLine("*** Current pattern: {0}", pattern);
string result = Regex.Replace(input, pattern,
m => m.Groups[1].Value
+ m.Groups[2].Value.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper()
+ m.Groups[2].Value.Substring(1));
Notice that "Dash" is not capitalized using the last pattern and it's on a new line. One way to make it capitalized is to use the RegexOptions.Multiline option. Try the above snippet with that to see if it meets your desired result.
Also, for the sake of example, I didn't use RegexOptions.Compiled in the above loop. To use both options OR them together: RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline.
You have a few different options:
Your approach of splitting the string, capitalizing and then re-joining
Using regular expressions to perform a replace of the expressions (which can be a bit tricky for case)
Write a C# iterator that iterates over each character and yields a new IEnumerable<char> with the first letter after a period in upper case. May offer benefit of a streaming solution.
Loop over each char and upper-case those that appear immediately after a period (whitespace ignored) - a StringBuffer may make this easier.
The code below uses an iterator:
public static string ToSentenceCase( string someString )
var sb = new StringBuilder( someString.Length );
bool wasPeriodLastSeen = true; // We want first letter to be capitalized
foreach( var c in someString )
if( wasPeriodLastSeen && !c.IsWhiteSpace )
sb.Append( c.ToUpper() );
wasPeriodLastSeen = false;
if( c == '.' ) // you may want to expand this to other punctuation
wasPeriodLastSeen = true;
sb.Append( c );
return sb.ToString();
I don't know why, but I decided to give yield return a try, based on what LBushkin had suggested. Just for fun.
static IEnumerable<char> CapitalLetters(string sentence)
//capitalize first letter
bool capitalize = true;
char lastLetter;
for (int i = 0; i < sentence.Length; i++)
lastLetter = sentence[i];
yield return (capitalize) ? Char.ToUpper(sentence[i]) : sentence[i];
if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(lastLetter) && capitalize == true)
capitalize = false;
if (lastLetter == '.' || lastLetter == '!') //etc
capitalize = true;
To use it:
string sentence = new String(CapitalLetters("this is some code. the code is in C#.").ToArray());
Do your work in a StringBuffer.
Lowercase the whole thing.
Loop through and uppercase leading chars.
Call ToString.
