How can I mock this asynchronous method? - c#

I have a class that roughly looks like this:
public class ViewModel
public ViewModel(IWebService service)
this.WebService = service;
private IWebService WebService{get;set;}
private IEnumerable<SomeData> MyData{get;set;}
private void GetReferenceData()
this.WebService.BeginGetStaticReferenceData(GetReferenceDataOnComplete, null);
private void GetReferenceDataOnComplete(IAsyncResult result)
this.MyData = this.WebService.EndGetStaticReferenceData(result);
I want to mock my IWebService interface so that when BeginGetStaticReferenceData is called it is able to call the callback method. I'm using Moq and I can't work out how to do this. My unit test set up code looks something like:
var service = new Mock<IWebService>();
service.Setup(x => x.BeginGetStaticReferenceData(/*.......don't know.....*/));
service.Setup(x => x.EndGetStaticReferenceData(It.IsAny<IAsyncResult>())).Returns(new List<SomeData>{new SomeData{Name="blah"}});
var viewModel = new ViewModel(service.Object);

Here's how:
public void Test10()
var expectedData = new[]{new SomeData(), new SomeData()};
AsyncCallback callback = null;
IAsyncResult ar = new Mock<IAsyncResult>().Object;
var webServiceStub = new Mock<IWebService>();
.Setup(ws => ws.BeginGetStaticReferenceData(It.IsAny<AsyncCallback>(), null))
.Callback((AsyncCallback cb, object state) => callback = cb)
.Setup(ws => ws.EndGetStaticReferenceData(It.IsAny<IAsyncResult>()))
var sut = new ViewModel(webServiceStub.Object);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedData, sut.MyData);
This test assumes a slightly modified ViewModel where I added a few public members to have something against which to test:
public class ViewModel
public ViewModel(IWebService service)
this.WebService = service;
public IEnumerable<SomeData> MyData { get; set; }
public void DoIt()
private IWebService WebService { get; set; }
private void GetReferenceData()
this.WebService.BeginGetStaticReferenceData(GetReferenceDataOnComplete, null);
private void GetReferenceDataOnComplete(IAsyncResult result)
this.MyData = this.WebService.EndGetStaticReferenceData(result);

This article contains a very good explanation on how to test async methods using Rhino Mocks - I'm sure it can be easily adapted to use Moq instead.


Create wrapper around interface and get method/paramters called

Lets say I have this interface
public interface ITest
int Property1 { get; set; }
void Method1();
string GetMethod1();
void MethodWithParam(string str);
How can I create a wrapper object around this?
And then capture the methods called or paramters and values accessed etc.
For example:
var myWrapper = GetWrapper<ITest>();
myWrapper.Property1 = 7;
How would I be able to using reflection or whatever to know the following:
Paramter name being called and value being set
var data = myWrapper.GetMethod1("Test");
Get method name of "GetMethod1" along with paramaters and then return a value based on that?
Hope makes sense
Ok so answer quite simple using Castle Core proxy generator:
public interface ITest
int Property1 { get; set; }
void Method1();
string GetMethod1();
void MethodWithParam(string str);
public static class Wrapper
private class MethodInterceptor : IInterceptor
Action<IInvocation> OnIntercept;
public MethodInterceptor(Action<IInvocation> OnIntercept)
this.OnIntercept = OnIntercept;
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
private static void CallAPI(IInvocation invocation)
var methodName = invocation.Method.Name;
var valuespassed = invocation.Arguments;
var retType = invocation.Method.ReturnType.FullName;
public static T Get<T>()
ProxyGenerator generator = new ProxyGenerator();
var interceptor = new MethodInterceptor(CallAPI);
var c = generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget<ITest>(interceptor);
return (T)c;
public class Test123
public void Test()
var c = Wrapper.Get<ITest>();
c.Property1 = 7;
var propval = c.Property1;
Any action on c calls the intercept function where can get everything from method name being called to arguments passed.

Mocking Hangfire RecurringJob Dependency in .Net Core 2

Consider the following controller:
public class SubmissionController : Controller
public SubmissionController()
{ }
public IActionResult Post()
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(() => InitiateSubmission(), Cron.Minutely);
return Ok("Periodic submission triggered");
Does Hangfire offer an abstraction inject a dependency for RecurringJob class? I have done some research and the only available abstraction is IBackgroundJobClient, which does not have the option to schedule a recurring job.
I need to verify that the job has been added in a unit test.
If you check the source code of RecurringJob class, you will see that its static methods result in call to RecurringJobManager class:
public static class RecurringJob
private static readonly Lazy<RecurringJobManager> Instance = new Lazy<RecurringJobManager>(
() => new RecurringJobManager());
// ...
public static void AddOrUpdate(
Expression<Action> methodCall,
string cronExpression,
TimeZoneInfo timeZone = null,
string queue = EnqueuedState.DefaultQueue)
var job = Job.FromExpression(methodCall);
var id = GetRecurringJobId(job);
Instance.Value.AddOrUpdate(id, job, cronExpression, timeZone ?? TimeZoneInfo.Utc, queue);
// ...
RecurringJobManager implements IRecurringJobManager interface which you could use for dependency injection and mock in UT.
However RecurringJob has internal logic for getting a job from lambda and building a job id:
var job = Job.FromExpression(methodCall);
var id = GetRecurringJobId(job);
Job.FromExpression() is a public method that you can safely use. However GetRecurringJobId is a private method defined as following:
private static string GetRecurringJobId(Job job)
return $"{job.Type.ToGenericTypeString()}.{job.Method.Name}";
GetRecurringJobId basically returns name of job method in form of SubmissionController.InitiateSubmission. It's based on internal class TypeExtensions with extension methods for Type. You can't use this class directly since it is internal, so you should duplicate that logic.
If you follow this approach your final solution would be:
TypeExtensions (copied from Hangfire sources):
static class TypeExtensions
public static string ToGenericTypeString(this Type type)
if (!type.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType)
return type.GetFullNameWithoutNamespace()
return type.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
private static string GetFullNameWithoutNamespace(this Type type)
if (type.IsGenericParameter)
return type.Name;
const int dotLength = 1;
// ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
return !String.IsNullOrEmpty(type.Namespace)
? type.FullName.Substring(type.Namespace.Length + dotLength)
: type.FullName;
private static string ReplacePlusWithDotInNestedTypeName(this string typeName)
return typeName.Replace('+', '.');
private static string ReplaceGenericParametersInGenericTypeName(this string typeName, Type type)
var genericArguments = type.GetTypeInfo().GetAllGenericArguments();
const string regexForGenericArguments = #"`[1-9]\d*";
var rgx = new Regex(regexForGenericArguments);
typeName = rgx.Replace(typeName, match =>
var currentGenericArgumentNumbers = int.Parse(match.Value.Substring(1));
var currentArguments = string.Join(",", genericArguments.Take(currentGenericArgumentNumbers).Select(ToGenericTypeString));
genericArguments = genericArguments.Skip(currentGenericArgumentNumbers).ToArray();
return string.Concat("<", currentArguments, ">");
return typeName;
public static Type[] GetAllGenericArguments(this TypeInfo type)
return type.GenericTypeArguments.Length > 0 ? type.GenericTypeArguments : type.GenericTypeParameters;
public static class RecurringJobManagerExtensions
public static void AddOrUpdate(this IRecurringJobManager manager, Expression<Action> methodCall, Func<string> cronExpression, TimeZoneInfo timeZone = null, string queue = EnqueuedState.DefaultQueue)
var job = Job.FromExpression(methodCall);
var id = $"{job.Type.ToGenericTypeString()}.{job.Method.Name}";
manager.AddOrUpdate(id, job, cronExpression(), timeZone ?? TimeZoneInfo.Utc, queue);
Controller with injected IRecurringJobManager:
public class SubmissionController : Controller
private readonly IRecurringJobManager recurringJobManager;
public SubmissionController(IRecurringJobManager recurringJobManager)
this.recurringJobManager = recurringJobManager;
public IActionResult Post()
recurringJobManager.AddOrUpdate(() => InitiateSubmission(), Cron.Minutely);
return Ok("Periodic submission triggered");
public void InitiateSubmission()
// ...
Well, this approach will work, but I'm not a fan of it. It's based on some internal Hangfire stuff that could be changed in the future.
That's why I suggest to use another approach. You could add new facade interface (e.g. IRecurringJobFacade) which will mimic methods from RecurringJob that you are going to use. Implementation of this interface will just call corresponding RecurringJob methods. Then you inject this IRecurringJobFacade into the controller and could easily mock it in UT. Here is a sample:
public interface IRecurringJobFacade
void AddOrUpdate(Expression<Action> methodCall, Func<string> cronExpression);
// Mimic other methods from RecurringJob that you are going to use.
// ...
public class RecurringJobFacade : IRecurringJobFacade
public void AddOrUpdate(Expression<Action> methodCall, Func<string> cronExpression)
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(methodCall, cronExpression);
Controller with injected IRecurringJobFacade:
public class SubmissionController : Controller
private readonly IRecurringJobFacade recurringJobFacade;
public SubmissionController(IRecurringJobFacade recurringJobFacade)
this.recurringJobFacade = recurringJobFacade;
public IActionResult Post()
recurringJobFacade.AddOrUpdate(() => InitiateSubmission(), Cron.Minutely);
return Ok("Periodic submission triggered");
public void InitiateSubmission()
// ...
As you see this approach is much simpler and most importantly it's much more reliable, since it does not dig into Hangfire internals and just calls RecurringJob methods as usual.
Such facade interface is often used when code could not be mocked directly (static methods or classes not based on interfaces). Some other examples that I have used in my practice: mock of System.IO.File, DateTime.Now, System.Timers.Timer, etc.
I had a similar case with: RecurringJob.RemoveIfExists. I try this (I see the original code in github and setup my mock's):
private void SetupHangfire()
Mock<JobStorage> _jobStorageMock = new Mock<JobStorage>();
Mock<IStorageConnection> _storageConnectionMock = new Mock<IStorageConnection>();
Mock<IWriteOnlyTransaction> _transactionConnectionMock = new Mock<IWriteOnlyTransaction>();
JobStorage.Current = _jobStorageMock.Object;
.Setup(y => y.GetConnection())
.Setup(y => y.AcquireDistributedLock(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<TimeSpan>()))
.Setup(y => y.CreateWriteTransaction())
.Setup(y => y.RemoveHash(It.IsAny<string>()));
.Setup(y => y.RemoveFromSet(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>()));
.Setup(y => y.Commit());

Compare Action<T>

I have a service class as below:
public class MyService
private readonly IMyDependency _myDependency;
public MyService(IMyDependency myDependency)
_myDependency = myDependency;
public void MyHandler(string param)
// work
public void AnotherMethod()
How can I Unit Test that MyHandler has been given as a parameter of DoWork()?
Since you are using Moq, you can write test like this:
public void DoWorkWasCalledWithCorrectParameters()
var mock = new Moq.Mock<IMyDependency>();
var myService = new MyService(mock.Object);
// verify that method was called once and with correct parameter:
mock.Verify(x => x.DoWork(myService.MyHandler), Moq.Times.Once);

Mocking delegates with Moq

I have an interface:
public interface IRepeater
void Each(string path, Action<string> action);
I want to mock this interface using Moq. Now I can obviously do the following:
var mock = new Mock<IRepeater>();
mock.Setup(m => m.Each(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<Action<string>>());
However, to aid testing I want to be able to mock the string that gets passed to the Action<string>. Can this be done with Moq? If yes, how?
To clarify I am testing a different class that has a dependency on IRepeater. I want to mock IRepeater.Each so I can control the string that the Action gets so I can test the behaviour.
So if I have a class like so.
public class Service
private readonly IRepeater _repeater;
public Service(IRepeater repeater)
_repeater = repeater;
public string Parse(string path)
var builder = new StringBuilder();
_repeater.Each(path, line => builder.Append(line));
return builder.ToString();
How do I mock IRepeater.Each so that I can test Service.Parse?
You have to use callback method. Since line => builder.Append(line) is part of the method behavior, you have to execute this behavior when you test the method:
public void Test_Service_When_Passing_String_And_ActionDelegate()
var fakeReporter = new Mock<IRepeater>();
fakeReporter.Setup(x => x.Each(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<Action<string>>()))
.Callback<string, Action<string>>((s, action) => action(s));
var target = new Service(fakeReporter.Object);
var result = target.Parse("asdfghj");
Assert.AreEqual("asdfghj", result);
Another approach to test this method is to verify the method was called with the correct path and then verify that the action is the correct action:
public void Test_Service_When_Passing_String_And_ActionDelegate()
var fakeReporter = new Mock<IRepeater>();
fakeReporter.Setup(x => x.Each(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<Action<string>>()))
.Callback<string, Action<string>>((s, action) =>
Assert.AreEqual("asdfghj", s);
foreach (var w in "pass")
var target = new Service(fakeReporter.Object);
var result = target.Parse("asdfghj");
Assert.AreEqual("pass", result);
BTW you can replace the It.IsAny<string>() with the string and then remove the Assert.AreEqual("asdfghj", s);(I just like to test things in the explicit way...)
Seems like you are looking to verify that a passed Action (delegate) will be passed to the IRepeater Call. Because you are not testing the Repeater but a Repeater caller (The Repeater is the mock and not the tested subject).
Here is how I would have done it:
public class Service
private readonly IRepeater repeater;
public Service(IRepeater repeater)
this.repeater = repeater;
public void Foo(string str, Action<string> action)
repeater.Each(str, action);
public class ActionImplement
public virtual void Action(string str)
public interface IRepeater
void Each(string path, Action<string> action);
And the test would have verify the passing of ActionImplement.Action
public void Test_Service_When_Passing_String_And_ActionDelegate()
var actionImplement = new Mock<ActionImplement>();
actionImplement.Setup(m => m.Action(It.IsAny<string>()));
var mock = new Mock<IRepeater>();
mock.Setup(m => m.Each(It.IsAny<string>(), actionImplement.Object.Action));
var srv = new Service(mock.Object);
mock.Verify(ai => ai.Each("aa", actionImplement.Object.Action));

Unit testing a method that uses (dynamic) using Moq

I have the below method:
public void Enqueue(ICommand itemToQueue)
if (itemToQueue == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("itemToQueue");
// Using the dynamic keywork to ensure the type passed in to the generic
// method is the implementation type; not the interface.
With QueueStorage being a dependency that implements IQueueStorage. I wish to unit test it but the (dynamic) keyword seems to be blocking Moq from binding correctly to it. The keyword is used to correctly assign the concrete class type rather than ICommand interface type when it is added to the queue.
The unit test looks like this:
public void Enqueue_ItemGiven_AddToQueueCalledOnQueueStorage()
int timesAddToQueueCalled = 0;
var dummyQueueStorage = new Mock<IQueueStorage>();
var testCommand = new TestCommand();
var queueManager = new AzureCommandQueueManager();
.Setup(x => x.AddToQueue(It.IsAny<TestCommand>()))
.Callback(() => timesAddToQueueCalled++);
queueManager.QueueStorage = dummyQueueStorage.Object;
Assert.AreEqual(1, timesAddToQueueCalled);
Whilst test command is a blank implementation of ICommand:
private class TestCommand : ICommand
public interface ICommand
The timesAddedToQueuCalled is not being incremented. I've tried using It.IsAny<ICommand> and (testCommand) to no avail. It looks like the Callback method is not being executed. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT: IQueueStorage code:
public interface IQueueStorage
void AddToQueue<T>(T item) where T : class;
T ReadFromQueue<T>() where T : class;
Here is code which works without problems:
public class AzureCommandQueueManager
public void Enqueue(ICommand itemToQueue)
if (itemToQueue == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("itemToQueue");
public IQueueStorage QueueStorage { get; set; }
public interface IQueueStorage
void AddToQueue<T>(T command) where T : class;
public class TestCommand : ICommand {}
public interface ICommand {}
And test method:
public void Enqueue_ItemGiven_AddToQueueCalledOnQueueStorage()
int timesAddToQueueCalled = 0;
var dummyQueueStorage = new Mock<IQueueStorage>();
var testCommand = new TestCommand();
var queueManager = new AzureCommandQueueManager();
.Setup(x => x.AddToQueue(It.IsAny<TestCommand>()))
.Callback(() => timesAddToQueueCalled++);
queueManager.QueueStorage = dummyQueueStorage.Object;
Assert.AreEqual(1, timesAddToQueueCalled);
The only difference I see - you have private modifier of TestCommand class. Btw if it is private, how do you access that class from your tests?
