So I've been told what I'm doing here is wrong, but I'm not sure why.
I have a webpage that imports a CSV file with document numbers to perform an expensive operation on. I've put the expensive operation into a background thread to prevent it from blocking the application. Here's what I have in a nutshell.
protected void ButtonUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (FileUploadCSV.HasFile)
string fileText;
using (var sr = new StreamReader(FileUploadCSV.FileContent))
fileText = sr.ReadToEnd();
var documentNumbers = fileText.Split(new[] {',', '\n', '\r'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
ThreadStart threadStart = () => AnotherClass.ExpensiveOperation(documentNumbers);
var thread = new Thread(threadStart) {IsBackground = true};
(obviously with some error checking & messages for users thrown in)
So my three-fold question is:
a) Is this a bad idea?
b) Why is this a bad idea?
c) What would you do instead?
A possible problem is that your background thread is running in your web sites application pool. IIS may decide to recycle your application pool causing the expensive operation to be killed before it is done.
I would rather go for an option where I had a separate process, possibly a windows service, that would get the expensive operation requests and perform them outside the process. Not only would this mean that your expensive operation would survive an application pool restart, but it would also simplify your web application since it didn't have to handle the processing.
Telling the service to perform the expensive process could be done using some sort of inter-process communication, the service could poll a database table or a file, or you could use a management queue that the service would listen to.
There are many ways to do this, but my main point is that you should separate the expensive process from your web application if possible.
I recommend you use the BackgroundWorker class instead of using threads directly. This is because BackgroundWorker is designed specifically to perform background operations for a graphical application, and (among other things) provides mechanisms to communicate updates to the user interface.
a: yes.
Use the ThreadPool;) Queue a WorkItem - avoids the overhead of generating tons of threads.
I' trying to implement a fault recovery mechanism which will dispose a WCF connection on error (and then periodically attempt to reconnect and retry)
Essentially the relevant code is just
The problem is that the above code runs inside a TPL dataflow block and must be thread safe. I'm having problems with the client being disposed while in use by other threads. I don't really want to put a lock around the whole thing as I then lose concurrent uploads and performance suffers.
I'm looking for some way to block new threads using the client but not try to dispose until I know any current calls are completed. And then to ensure that only one thread performs the dispose.
I'm imaging some mechanism along the lines of below (pseudo) code
using (var counter = new ThreadCounter())
if (!faulted)
faulted = true;
if (counter == 1)
Is there anything in the framework that would let me achieve this? Or any other suggestions?
Or any other suggestions?
Just follow the rule "one thread - one client". There's no reason to share database connections, http clients, service clients and so on between threads.
As a rule, all of these objects has a tiny state, and any efforts to minimize resource usage via sharing them is a headache, since you need to synchronize cross-thread access to prevent objects' state from corruption.
If your code considers system resources while creating new threads (thus, doesn't create 100 threads running on 4 CPU cores), one service client per thread isn't a problem.
I need to execute an infinite while loop and want to initiate the execution in global.asax.
My question is how exactly should I do it? Should I start a new Thread or should I use Async and Task or anything else? Inside the while loop I need to do await TaskEx.Delay(5000);
How do I do this so it will not block any other processes and will not create memory leaks?
I use VS10,AsyncCTP3,MVC4
public void SignalRConnectionRecovery()
while (true)
await TaskEx.Delay(5000);
All I need to do is to run this as a singleton instance globally as long as application is available.
This is the final solution in Global.asax
protected void Application_Start()
Thread signalRConnectionRecovery = new Thread(SignalRConnectionRecovery);
signalRConnectionRecovery.IsBackground = true;
Application["SignalRConnectionRecovery"] = signalRConnectionRecovery;
protected void Application_End()
Thread signalRConnectionRecovery = (Thread)Application["SignalRConnectionRecovery"];
if (signalRConnectionRecovery != null && signalRConnectionRecovery.IsAlive)
I found this nice article about how to use async worker:
And this:
But I think for my needs this one will be perfect:
ASP.NET is not designed to handle this kind of requirement. If you need something to run constantly, you would be better off creating a windows service.
ASP.NET is not designed for long running tasks. It's designed to respond quickly to HTTP requests. See Cyborgx37's answer or Can I use threads to carry out long-running jobs on IIS? for a few reasons why.
Now that you finally mentioned you are working with SignalR, I see that you are trying to host SignalR within ASP.NET, correct? I think you're going about this the wrong way, see the example NuGet package referenced on the project wiki. This example uses an IAsyncHttpHandler to manage tasks.
You can start a thread in your global.asax, however it will only run till your process get recycled. This will happen at least once a day, or when no one uses of your site. If the process get recycled, the only way the thread is restarted agian, is when you have a hit on your site. So the thread is not running continueuosly.
To get a continues process it is better to start a windows service.
If you do the 'In process' solution, it realy depends on what your are doing. The Thread itself will not cause you any problems in memory or deadlocks. You should add a meganism to stop your thread when the application stops. Otherwise restarting will take a long time, because it will wait for your thread to stop.
This is an old post, but as I was seraching for this, I would like to report that in .NET 4.5.2 there is a native way to do it with QueueBackgroundWorkItem.
Take a look at this post:
It depends what you are trying to accomplish in your while loop, but in general this is the kind of situation where a Windows Service is the best answer. Installing a Windows Service is going to require that you have admin privileges on the web server.
With an infinite loop you end up with a lot of issues regard the Windows message pump. This is the thing that keeps a Windows application alive even when the application isn't "doing" anything. Without it, a program simply ends.
The problem with an infinite loop is that the application is stuck "doing" something, which prevents other applications (or threads) from "doing" their thing. There have been a few workarounds, such as the DoEvents in Windows Forms, but they all have some serious drawbacks when it comes to responsiveness and resource management. (Acceptable on a small LOB application, maybe not on a web server.) Even if the while-loop is on a separate thread, it will use up all available processing power.
Asynchronus programming is really designed more for long-running processes, such as waiting for a database to return a result or waiting for a printer to come online. In these cases, it's the external process that is taking a long time, not a while-loop.
If a Window Service is not possible, then I think your best bet is going to be setting up a separate thread with its own message pump, but it's a bit complicated. I've never done it on a web server, but you might be able to start an Application. This will provide a message pump for you and allow you to respond to Windows events, etc. The only problem is that this is going to start a Windows application (either WPF or WinForms), which may not be desirable on a web server.
What are you trying to accomplish? Is there another way you might go about it?
I found this nice article about how to use async worker, will give it a try.
And this:
But I think for my needs this one will be perfect:
We are just starting to use RabbitMQ with C#. My current plan is to configure in the database the number and kind of consumers to run on a given server. We have an existing windows service and when that starts I want to spawn all of the RabbitMQ consumers. My question is what is the best way to spwan these from a windows service?
My current plan is to read the configuration out of the database and spawn a long running task for each consumer.
var t = new Task(() =>
var instance = LoadConsumerClass(consumerEnum, consumerName);
instance.StartConsuming();//blocking call
}, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
Is this better or worse than creating a thread for each consumer?
var messageConsumer = LoadConsumerClass(consumerEnum, consumerName);
var thread = new Thread(messageConsumer.StartConsuming);
I'm hoping that more than a few others have already tried what I'm doing and can provide me with some ideas for what worked well and what didn't.
In EasyNetQ we have a single dispatcher thread for all consumers on a single connection. We also provide a facility to to return a Task from the message handler, so it's easy to do async IO if you want to make a database call, go to the file system, or make a web service request.
Having said that it's perfectly legitimate to have each consumer consuming on a different thread. I guess it depends on your message throughput, how many consumers you have and the nature of your message handlers.
I'd stick with Tasks as they give you more features and generally allow for less boilerplate code.
And, If I understand your code correctly, you'd be sharing a channel (IModel) in second case. This might cause troubles as the default IModel implementation is not thread safe (or used to be). There're more subtle nuances regarding thread safety you'd have to watch out.
But it depends on your usage patterns. If you don't expect many messages/sec on each consumer, or if your app can handle messages fast then perhaps a single thread for all consumers will be you best option.
Task is great, but you not really going to use all the stuff it can do. The only thing you need is to do work in parallel.
I faced the same question couple of months ago, what I finished with - is a thread per computation type (per queue) which is blocking on message arrival and doesn't consume cpu when waiting for messages.
Open a new channel for each one of the threads.
As for connections - if you application is meant to deal with high load of messages, I suggest you opening connection for every X workers (figure you your X), since only one channel can send the messages through the connection, so assuming one worker is consuming large message the others are blocked on connection level waiting it to be free.
I wanted to implement a windows service that captures dropped flat delimited files to a folder for import to the database. What I originally envision is to have a FileSystemWatcher looking over new files imported and creating a new thread for importing.
I wanted to know how I should properly implement an algorithm for this and what technique should I use? Am I going to the right direction?
I developed an product like this for a customer. The service were monitoring a number of folders for new files and when the files were discovered, the files were read, processed (printed on barcode printers), archived and deleted.
We used a "discoverer" layer that discovered files using FileSystemWatcher or polling depending on environment (since FileSystemWatcher is not reliable when monitoring e.g. samba shares), a "file reader" layer and a "processor" layer.
The "discoverer" layer discovered files and put the filenames in a list that the "file reader" layer processed. The "discoverer" layer signaled that there were new files to process by settings an event that the "file reader" layer were waiting on.
The "file reader" layer then read the files (using retry functionality since you may get notifications for new files before the files has been completely written by the process that create the file).
After the "file reader" layer has read the file, a new "processor" thread were created using the ThreadPool.QueueWorkItem to process the file contents.
When the file has been processed, the original file were copied to an archive and deleted from the original location. The archive were also cleaned up regularly to keep from flooding the server. The archive were great for troubleshooting.
This has now been used in production in a number of different environments in over two years now and has proved to be very reliable.
I've fielded a service that does this as well. I poll via a timer whose elapsed event handler acts as a supervisor, adding new files to a queue and launching a configurable number of threads that consume the queue. Once the files are processed, it restarts the timer.
Each thread including the event handler traps and reports all exceptions. The service is always running, and I use a separate UI app to tell the service to start and stop the timer. This approach has been rock solid and the service has never crashed in several years of processing.
The traditional approach is to create a finite set of threads (could be as few as 1) and have them watch a blocking queue. The code in the FileSystemWatcher1 event handlers will enqueue work items while the worker thread(s) dequeue and process them. It might look like the following which uses the BlockingCollection class which is available in .NET 4.0 or as part of the Reactive Extensions download.
Note: The code is left short and concise for brevity. You will have to expand and harden it yourself.
public class Example
private BlockingCollection<string> m_Queue = new BlockingCollection<string>();
public Example()
var thread = new Thread(Process);
thread.IsBackground = true;
private void FileSystemWatcher_Event(object sender, EventArgs args)
string file = GetFilePathFromEventArgs(args);
private void Process()
while (true)
string file = m_Queue.Take();
// Process the file here.
You could take advantage of the Task class in the TPL for a more modern and ThreadPool-like approach. You would start a new task for each file (or perhaps batch them) that needs to be processed. The only gotcha I see with this approach is that it would be harder to control the number of database connections being opened simultaneously. Its definitely not a showstopper and it might be of no concern.
1The FileSystemWatcher has been known to be a little flaky so it is often advised to use a secondary method of discovering file changes in case they get missed by the FileSystemWatcher. Your mileage may vary on this issue.
Creating a thread per message will most likely be too expensive. If you can use .NET 4, you could start a Task for each message. That would run the code on a thread pool thread and thus reduce the overhead of creating threads.
You could also do something similar with asynchronous delegates if .NET 4 is not an option. However, the code gets a bit more complicated in that case. That would utilize the thread pool as well and save you the overhead of creating a new thread for each message.
Here's the setup: I'm trying to make a relatively simple Winforms app, a feed reader using the FeedDotNet library. The question I have is about using the threadpool. Since FeedDotNet is making synchronous HttpWebRequests, it is blocking the GUI thread. So the best thing seemed like putting the synchronous call on a ThreadPool thread, and while it is working, invoke the controls that need updating on the form. Some rough code:
private void ThreadProc(object state)
Interlocked.Increment(ref updatesPending);
// check that main form isn't closed/closing so that we don't get an ObjectDisposedException exception
if (this.IsDisposed || !this.IsHandleCreated) return;
if (this.InvokeRequired)
if (!marqueeProgressBar.Visible)
this.marqueeProgressBar.Visible = true;
ThreadAction t = state as ThreadAction;
Feed feed = FeedReader.Read(t.XmlUri);
Interlocked.Decrement(ref updatesPending);
if (this.IsDisposed || !this.IsHandleCreated) return;
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { ProcessFeedResult(feed, t.Action, t.Node); });
// finished everything, hide progress bar
if (updatesPending == 0)
if (this.IsDisposed || !this.IsHandleCreated) return;
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { this.marqueeProgressBar.Visible = false; });
this = main form instance
updatesPending = volatile int in the main form
ProcessFeedResult = method that does some operations on the Feed object. Since a threadpool thread can't return a result, is this an acceptable way of processing the result via the main thread?
The main thing I'm worried about is how this scales. I've tried ~250 requests at once. The max number of threads I've seen was around 53 and once all threads were completed, back to 21. I recall in one exceptional instance of me playing around with the code, I had seen it rise as high as 120. This isn't normal, is it? Also, being on Windows XP, I reckon that with such high number of connections, there would be a bottleneck somewhere. Am I right?
What can I do to ensure maximum efficiency of threads/connections?
Having all these questions also made me wonder whether this is the right case for a Threadpool use. MSDN and other sources say it should be used for "short-lived" tasks. Is 1-2 seconds "short-lived" enough, considering I'm on a relatively fast connection? What if the user is on a 56K dial-up and one request could take from 5-12 seconds and ever more. Would the threadpool be an efficient solution then too?
The ThreadPool, unchecked is probably a bad idea.
Out of the box you get 250 threads in the threadpool per cpu.
Imagine if in a single burst you flatten out someones net connection and get them banned from getting notifications from a site cause they are suspected to be running a DoS attack.
Instead, when downloading stuff from the net you should build in tons of control. The user should be able to decide how many concurrent requests they make (and how many concurrent requests per domain), ideally you also want to offer controls for the amount of bandwidth.
Though this could be orchestrated with the ThreadPool, having dedicated threads or using something like a bunch of instances of the BackgroundWorker class is a better option.
My understanding of the ThreadPool is that it is designed for this type of situation. I think the definition of short-lived is of this order of time - perhaps even up to minutes. A "long-lived" thread would be one that was alive for the lifetime of the application.
Don't forget Microsoft would have spent some getting the efficiency of the ThreadPool as high as it could. Do you think that you could write something that was more efficient? I know I couldn't.
The .NET thread pool is designed specifically for executing short-running tasks for which the overhead of creating a new thread would negate the benefits of creating a new thread. It is not designed for tasks which block for prolonged periods or have a long execution time.
The idea is to for a task to hop onto a thread, run quickly, complete and hop off.
The BackgroundWorker class provides an easy way to execute tasks on a thread pool thread, and provides mechanisms for the task to report progress and handle cancel requests.
In this MSDN article on the BackgroundWorker Component, file downloads are explicitly given as examples of the appropriate use of this class. That should hopefully encourage you to use this class to perform the work you need.
If you're worried about overusing the thread pool, you can be assured the runtime does manage the number of available threads based on demand. Tasks are queued on the thread pool for execution. When a thread becomes available to do work, the task is loaded onto the thread. At regular intervals, a monitoring process checks the state of the thread pool. If there are tasks waiting to be executed, it can create more threads. If there are several idle threads, it can shut down some to release resources.
In a worse-case scenario, where all threads are busy and you have work queued up, the runtime will be adding threads to deal with the extra workload. The application will be running more slowly as it has to wait for more threads to be made available, but it will continue to run.
A few points, and to combine info form a few other answers:
your ThreadProc does not contain Exception handling. You should add that or 1 I/O error will halt your process.
Sam Saffron is quite right that you should limit the number of threads. You could use a (ThreadSafe) Queue to push your feeds into (WorkItems) and have 1+ threads reading from the queue in a loop.
The BackgrounWorker might be a good idea, it would provide you with both the Exception handling and Synchronization you need.
And the BackgrounWorker uses the ThreadPool, and that is fine
You may want to take a look to the "BackgroundWorker" class.