string temp_constraint = row["Constraint_Name"].ToString();
string split_string = "FK_"+tableName+"_";
string[] words = Regex.Split(temp_constraint, split_string);
I am trying to split a string using another string.
temp_constraint = FK_ss_foo_ss_fee
split_string = FK_ss_foo_
but it returns a single dimension array with the same string as in temp_constraint
Please help
Your split operation works fine for me:
string temp_constraint = "FK_ss_foo_ss_fee";
string split_string = "FK_ss_foo_";
string[] words = Regex.Split(temp_constraint, split_string);
foreach (string word in words)
Console.WriteLine(">{0}<", word);
I think the problem is that your variables are not set to what you think they are. You will need to debug to find the error elsewhere in your program.
I would also avoid using Split for this (both Regex and String.Split). You aren't really splitting the input - you are removing a string from the start. Split might not always do what you want. Imagine if you have a foreign key like the following:
You want to get ss_fee_FK_ss_foo_ss_bee but split would give you ss_fee_ and ss_bee. This is a contrived example, but it does demonstrate that what you are doing is not a split.
You should use String.Split instead
string[] words =
temp_constraint.Split(new []{split_string}, StringSplitOptions.None);
string split uses a character array to split text and does the split by each character which is not often ideal.
The following article shows how to split text by an entire word
I am using Visual studio to create a C# windows form that helps me find the suffix,first and last name of the user. I am using string.split to find the first space and split from there but it only gives me from the first space onward. if the user input " Mr. Donald duck " I can not manage to make it work in the situation.
"Mr. -5 spaces- Donald -5spaces- Duck"
the code doesn't read past the first space.
any suggestions?
Trimming is only going to take care of leading and trailing white-space characters. Here's what you need in order to get just the 3 useful parts of the text when you have all those extra spaces between words:
string name = "Mr. Donald Duck";
string[] split = name.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
The string array will contain 3 items: Mr., Donald, and Duck. The StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries will take care of repeating white-space when you split the original string.
Without it, you get something like this: Mr., , , , , Donald, , , , , Duck
You should always use String.Trim() function. (To remove leading and trailing white-space from string) when you deal with user input as a string.
string s = " Mr. Donald duck ";
// Split string on spaces.
// ... This will separate all the words.
string[] words = s.Trim().Split(' ');
//.....check size of array.
if(words.Length ==3)
string suffix=words[0];
string firstname=words[1];
string lastname=words[2];
I am not getting -5 in your question but hope this will help.
Split with remove empty string option, then you will get non empty word array as result. From that you can get name parts.
The Syntax for String.Split would be like this:
// 0 1 2
// ooo|oooooo|oooo
string str = "Mr. Donald Duck";
string suffix = str.Split(' ')[0];
string fname = str.Split(' ')[1];
string lname = str.Split(' ')[0];
Just for explanation
According to MSDN You can easily remove white spaces from both ends of a string by using the String.Trim method. You can read it here. For more good understanding you can visit here
string input = Console.ReadLine();
// This will remove white spaces from both ends and split on the basis of spaces in string.
string[] tokens = input.Trim().Split(' ');
string title = tokens[0];
string firstname = tokens[1];
string secondname = tokens[2];
I have a string that is like the following:
string str = hello_16_0_2016;
What I want is to extract hello from the string. As in my program the string part can occur anywhere as it is autogenerated, so I cannot fix the position of my string.
For example: I can take the first five string from above and store it in a new variable.
But as occurring of letters is random and I want to extract only letters from the string above, so can someone guide me to the correct procedure to do this?
Could you just use a simple regular expression to pull out only alphabetic characters, assuming you only need a-z?
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
var str = "hello_16_0_2016";
var onlyLetters = Regex.Replace(str, #"[^a-zA-Z]", "");
// onlyLetters = "hello"
I'd use something like this (uses Linq):
var str = "hello_16_0_2016";
var result = string.Concat(str.Where(char.IsLetter));
Check it out
Or, if performance is a concern (because you have to do this on a tight loop, or have to convert hundreds of thousands of strings), it'd probably be faster to do:
var result = new string(str.Where(char.IsLetter).ToArray());
Check it too
But as occurring of letters is random and I want to extract only
letters from the string above, so can someone guide me to the correct
procedure to do this?
The following will extract the first text, without numbers anywhere in the string:
Console.WriteLine( Regex.Match("hello_16_0_2016", #"[A-Za-z]+").Value ); // "hello"
I have the following strings:
string a = "1. testdata";
string b = "12. testdata xxx";
What I would like is to be able to extract the number into one string and the characters following the number into another. I tried using .IndexOf(".") and then remove, trim and
substrings. If possible I would like to find something simpler as I have this to do in a
lot of parts of my code.
if the format is always the same you could do:
Proposed solutions so far are not correct.
First, after Split('.') or Split(".") you will have space in the beginning of second substring.
Second, if you have more than one dot - you'll have to do something yet after the split.
More robust solution is below:
string a = "11. Test string. With dots.";
var res = a.Split(new[] {". "}, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);
string number = res[0];
string val = res[1];
Argument 2 specifies maximum number of strings to return. Thus when you have several dots - it will make a split only at the first.
string[]list = a.Split(".");
string numbers = list[0];
string chars = list[1];
I have a string like
in which I want to extract A150, D10, B10
In between these valid string, i can have any characters. The one part that is consistent is the semicolumn between each legitimate strings.
Again the junk character that I am trying to remove itself can contain the semi column
Without having more detail for the specific rules, it looks like you want to use String.Split(';') and then construct a regex to parse out the string you really need foreach string in your newly created collection. Since you said that the semi colon can appear in the "junk" it's irrelevant since it won't match your regex.
var input = "A150[ff+1];A160;A150[ff-1]";
var temp = new List<string>();
foreach (var s in input.Split(';'))
temp.Add(Regex.Replace(s, "(A[0-9]*)\\[*.*", "$1"));
foreach (var s1 in temp.Distinct())
produces the output
First,you should use
string s="A150[ff;1];A160;A100;D10;B1";
Through this command you can get the index of A160 and other words.
And then s.Remove(index,count).
If you only want to remove the 'junk' inbetween the '[' and ']' characters you can use regex for that
Regex regex = new Regex(#"\[([^\}]+)\]");
string result = regex.Replace("A150[ff;1];A160;A100;D10;B10", "");
Then String.Split to get the individual items
i have a string like
i want to split it into 123 Prefix1 and store them in different variables
i m trying to do it in c#,.net
jst litle bit confused on how to use split method
splitArray = Regex.Split(subjectString, #"(?<=\p{N})(?=\p{L})");
will work in C# to split in positions between a number (\p{N}) and a letter (\p{L}).
If you also want to split between a letter and a number, use
splitArray = Regex.Split(subjectString, #"(?<=\p{L})(?=\p{N})|(?<=\p{N})(?=\p{L})");
however, that splits your example too much.
You only want to split that one string? Too easy!
string filename = ""
string part1 = "123"
string part2 = "Prefix1"
string part3 = ""
Ok this is a joke, but it gives the right answer. Unless you generalise your splitting rule, or provide further examples, we can only guess.
You may be asking to make a string break after a numeral, but again I'm only guessing.
You can start with:
string filename = ""
string part1 = filename.Substring(0, 3);
string part2 = filename.Substring(3, 7);
string part3 = filename.Substring(10, 4);
You can also note String.Split() needs a separator argument, like an ; or ,. As you don't have any separator, you can try two approaches:
Make sure all your filenames have same format; this way, you can to use Substring() to break your strings
You can identify a more general pattern, as "numbers, 7 characters plus 4 more characters" and to use a regular expression. This is a more advanced solution and can lead to maintenance problems;
I recommend you to stick with first option.
You can split it like this:
your ip in a string variable like this:
create a char vector
then a string vector
string theIP="this is string";
char[] separator={' '}; //you can put multiple separators
string[] result = theIP.Split(separator,StringSplitOptions.None);
this means result[0] is "this", result[1] is "is", and so on.
You can find a good tutorial about string splitting here:
Good luck!
Look like you want to split by fixed size.
So use yourString.Substring(0, 3);