What C# data types can be nullable types? - c#

Can someone give me a list, or point me to where I can find a list of C# data types that can be a nullable type?
For example:
I know that Nullable<int> is ok
I know that Nullable<byte[]> is not.
I'd like to know which types are nullable and which are not. BTW, I know I can test for this at runtime. However, this is for a code generator we're writing, so I don't have an actual type. I just know that a column is string or int32 (etc).

All value types (except Nullable<T> itself) can be used in nullable types – i.e. all types that derive from System.ValueType (that also includes enums!).
The reason for this is that Nullable is declared something like this:
struct Nullable<T> where T : struct, new() { … }

A type is said to be nullable if it can be assigned a value or can be assigned null, which means the type has no value whatsoever. Consequently, a nullable type can express a value, or that no value exists. For example, a reference type such as String is nullable, whereas a value type such as Int32 is not. A value type cannot be nullable because it has enough capacity to express only the values appropriate for that type; it does not have the additional capacity required to express a value of null.
The Nullable structure supports using only a value type as a nullable type because reference types are nullable by design.
The Nullable class provides complementary support for the Nullable structure. The Nullable class supports obtaining the underlying type of a nullable type, and comparison and equality operations on pairs of nullable types whose underlying value type does not support generic comparison and equality operations.
From Help Docs

It can be any value type including struct, it cannot be a reference type, as those are inherently nullable already.
For more information, see MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2cf62fcy(v=VS.80).aspx

Any data type can be nullable.
Nullable works for you because normal int is not nullable, so the conversion to nullable int is necessary.
Nullable<int[]> not works because int[] is already a nullable type.
Nullable does not support types that are already nullable.
Note, that you need to convert a type to be nullable only if he is not already a nullable type.
Value types are not nullable, value types are int, float, double, long etc, as well as structs you create.
While reference types, for example, are already nullable (classes for example).
You can use the ? operator to make the type to be a nullable type.
Note, that even tho it's not a good practice if you would use the question mark operator on a type that is already nullable it will not raise an error.
int? myNullableVar = null;
int[]? MyNullableArr = null; //not necessary but does not raise an error


How can I initialize a System.Nullable<Int32>? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
GetType on Nullable Boolean
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I need a Nullable type but how do I initialize such a variable? Whenever I try to do this it automatically converts to a normal Int32.
Nullable<Int32> nullableInt32 = new Nullable<Int32>(3);
Console.WriteLine(nullableInt32.GetType()); // gives me System.Int32
Is this a bug? How can I actually initalize the Nullable?
From Microsoft's documentation:
If you want to determine whether an instance is of a nullable value type, don't use the Object.GetType method to get a Type instance to be tested with the preceding code. When you call the Object.GetType method on an instance of a nullable value type, the instance is boxed to Object. As boxing of a non-null instance of a nullable value type is equivalent to boxing of a value of the underlying type, GetType returns a Type instance that represents the underlying type of a nullable value type.
So your int? gets boxed to int, and GetType() is called on the boxed instance.
Unless you know the type at compile time and use typeof, there is no way to get a type of a nullable object:
var type = typeof(int?);
In practice this shouldn't matter because if you don't know the type at compile time, it means you're using some sort of type erasure (i.e. a cast to object), and that means boxing, and nullable value types don't exist there. You can't use polymorphism because that doesn't work with value types.
If you think you have a valid need for this, feel free to explain your use case in the comments.

How to "customize" the Name of a type, like Nullable?

How does the Nullable class do it?
public class Foo<T>
public T Bar { get; set; }
var n1 = new Nullable<int>(123).GetType().Name; // "Int32"
var n2 = new Foo<int>().GetType().Name; // "Foo`1"
Is it possible to make Foo have the same type name, i.e. "Int32"?
tl;dr: No, you can't change the name of Foo. What you're seeing with Nullable is a side-effect of how nullable values are boxed.
There are a few things at play causing the behavior you see regarding the Nullable type:
Invoking .GetType() on a value type causes the value to be boxed.
Nullable gets special treatment by the runtime regarding boxing. A Nullable itself is never boxed, instead:
If the Nullable contains a value, that value is boxed (the int value 123 in this case).
If the Nullable does not contain a value, the boxing operation evaluates as null.
The result is that, in your code, Object.GetType() is seeing a boxed int value when it executes, not a boxed Nullable<int> object (because, again, that's impossible). This is why the name of a nullable is the same as the name of its content. This is the simplest way to demonstrate what's happening:
new Nullable<int>(123).GetType() == typeof(int)
new Nullable<int>(123).GetType() != typeof(Nullable<int>)
As a side note, because a nullable without a value boxes as null, it's an error to invoke .GetType() on a null nullable! This simultaneously makes sense (it's null, right?) and doesn't make sense (it's a value type... it can't really be null!). When a nullable has no value, you can invoke methods implemented or overridden on Nullable itself (because these calls do not require boxing), but you cannot invoke methods inherited from Object and not overridden.
Nullable has a strange dual personality, and sometimes it results in surprises like this.
Now that we know what's going on with the Nullable case, we can see that Nullable doesn't actually rename itself -- the name of the type that you see is the result of nullable boxing behavior.

Is the C# compiler optimizing nullable types?

Can anybody shed any light on why this unit test is failing in Visual Studio 2013?
public void Inconceivable()
int? x = 0;
Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int?), x.GetType());
Your test is failing because:
Calling GetType on a Nullable type causes a boxing operation to be performed when the type is implicitly converted to Object. Therefore GetType always returns a Type object that represents the underlying type, not the Nullable type.
You can read more from How to: Identify a Nullable Type.
Some examples taken from the previous article:
int? i = 5;
Type t = i.GetType();
Console.WriteLine(t.FullName); //"System.Int32"
Also note that:
The C# is operator also operates on a Nullable's underlying type. Therefore you cannot use is to determine whether a variable is a Nullable type. The following example shows that the is operator treats a Nullable<int> variable as an int.
int? i = 5;
if (i is int) { ... } // true
You are correct in presuming that the C# compiler is optimizing nullable types. Here's a quote from Jon Skeet's C# in Depth which should answer your question:
It’s only with respect to boxing and unboxing that the CLR has
any special behavior regarding nullable types. In fact, the behavior was only changed shortly before the release of .NET 2.0, as the result of community requests.
An instance of Nullable is boxed to either a null reference (if it doesn’t have a value) or a boxed value of T (if it does). It never boxes to a “boxed nullable int”—there’s no such type.
There's a similar thread on StackOverflow: Nullable type is not a nullable type?

Are nullable value types just wrappers around the regular value type?

The reason I ask is that you can cast a nullable type to a regular type with the Value property. That makes me think that the regular type is just wrapped up in the nullable type.
Yes, it is a generic struct:
public struct Nullable<T> where T : struct, new()
This is probably more confusing if you've only seen the T? syntax - but that is just syntactic sugar, the compiler is changing it to Nullable<T>.
Source: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b3h38hb0.aspx , http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/1t3y8s4s.aspx
Yes - 'Nullable<T> Structure':
Represents an object whose underlying
type is a value type that can also be
assigned null like a reference type.
[BTW, if your curious you can use Reflector to 'look under the hood']
According to MSDN "Nullable types are instances of the System.Nullable<T> struct. A nullable type can represent the correct range of values for its underlying value type, plus an additional null value"

Do C# Nullable variables still function as value types?

If I declare a nullable (either via Nullable or the ? symbol) variable from a value type, does it still respect the rules of value types (i.e. pass by value by default, deallocated when it falls out of scope, not when the garbage collector runs) or does it turn into a reference type since it's actually of type Nullable?
The documentation is here:
As you can see, the documentation describes this as the "nullable structure", indicating that it is a value type. Also, the documentation gives the first lines of the declaration of the type:
public struct Nullable<T> where T : struct, new()
again showing that the type is a value type.
Yes, System.Nullable is a generic Struct, ie value type.
Nullable value types are essentially just a struct wrapper around a value type which allows them to be flagged as null.
something like this:
struct Nullable<T>
public T Value;
public bool HasValue;
I believe it's actually more complex than that under the hood, and the compiler does lots of nice stuff for you so you can write for example if(myInt == null). But yes, they are still value types.
