I have a web form and want to 'get' it to another page..
is there anyway to submit it without posting the ViewState and other bits I don't want?
Or should I be catching the submit button click and redirecting with a querystring I build myself.
You have a couple of options here:
Disable ViewState
Use jQuery to remove the fields you don't want to post before the are sent to the server
You don't have to disable ViewState on all pages, just the pages that you do not care for the state to be saved.
But there is also the option to disable the ViewState completely if you never want to use it.
If you just want to compose a GET by yourself, you can use jQuery for that aswell so you only pass the parameters you really want which will give you 100% control of what is posted /getted.
If you are not using the viewstate, why have you kept it enabled? Just disable it. For every server control, set the EnableViewState = False and you are free from it. If you need the viewstate, it will be part of the post all the time.
There are different ways to persist viewstate.
I have had in the past, had to persist viewstate on the server (using ApplicationState/Session, cant remember) for a heavy AJAX page to support faster updates. Works well.
See Page.LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium and Page.SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium.
Sorry, no links from Reflector available.
You could add an event handler to your search button and do something similar to this
private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
String query = queryTextBox.Text;
Response.Redirect("SearchResults.aspx?query=" + query);
Using JavaScript
function doSearch()
// Assuming you are not using jQuery,
// using jQuery it would be $('#queryTextBox').value instead
var queryString = document.getElementById('queryTextBox').value;
window.open("SearchResults.aspx?query=" + queryString);
return false;
<input type="text" id="queryTextBox" />
<input type="button" onclick="return doSearch()" value="Go" />
In my asp.net web page, there are a few of buttons and checkboxs. They all can cause postback.
Can I detect which control is clicked? Because I will add code for if clicked a button then do something.
I saw that some examples are done with Jquery.
Can we just do it in C#?
Why are you not just using the click behavior of the button:
<asp:Button id="Button1"
Text="Click here for greeting..."
void GreetingBtn_Click(Object sender,EventArgs e)
reference here
You could check Request.Form["_EVENTTARGET"] for the control that generated the postback
well if each of the buttons submit a key value to the post or get parameters, and theyre all different it should be pretty easy! :)
the above is an example of a get parameter url, you can use jquery to get those, or if its a post you would have access to them in a similar way...the previous page would have to have been a form though.
You could eventually do it by checking Request.Form["_EVENTTARGET"] but that is highly unusual and certainly not necessary.
Whatever you need to do, you can do it in the Click event handler of the given control.
You can set a server hidden control specifying the action (checkbox/textbox/button clicked) using javascript & retrieve that server control in page load to check its action & add your code for that action
I'm trying to send data from client-side to server-side (asp.net c#), if you really want to know, I want to send the window.name property.
First I thought about having a asp:HiddenField and on the OnSubmit event have some JS write the value in the hidden field. The only problem is that I can access the hidden field value (according to this) only from PreLoad event to PreRenderComplete event. The project that I'm working on has a lot of code in the OnInit event, and unfortunately I cannot move it and I need to use the window.name value here.
The other ideas that I have is to add a custom HTTP Header windowId or on the OnSubmit event have a JS that appends a parameter to the document.location.href.
I managed to write to the header from JS with the XMLHttpRequest setRequestHeader, but, maybe I did something wrong in my implementation, this generates 2 requests, the first one is the normal, expected one(clicking a button/link ...) and the second is from the XMLHttpRequest. I find this behavior very unnatural. Do you have any sugestions? (see code snippet below). I do not what to use AJAX.
var oReq = new window.XMLHttpRequest;
oReq.open('POST', document.location, false);
oReq.setRequestHeader("windowId", window.name);
For the OnSubmit hook idea, i haven't spent to much time on it, but i think I have to append the # character before i append my windowId parameter with it's value, so that the page doesn't reload. I might be wrong about this. Any way, I have to remove this from the URL after I take the value, so that the user doesn't see the nasty URL. Do you have any sugestions?
Ok so what are your ideas?
Thank you for reading all my blabbering, and thank you, in advance, for you answers.
I would recommend the <asp:HiddenField /> (e.g., <asp:HiddenField ID="hfWindowName" runat="server" />. In OnInit you can still access its value by using Request.Form:
string windowName = Request.Form(hfWindowName.UniqueID);
I wanted to know if you can call server side method using JavaScript or jQuery whilst doing a postback?
I have created a anchor button and want it to work same way as a linkbutton i.e. do postback and call a event. So i thought it could be possible of using JavaScript?
How would i do this? I have done alot of searches on net but could not find anything..
Have you tried searching for ajax?
There's lots of tutorials online. If you're using dot net then there's also a JQuery plugin called dot net ajax which I find really useful. However ajax is a huge topic and your question is really broad so it's hard to be more specific!
What you could do is send an AJAX call to the server. But it's a really big topic, you can find a lot of information on the internet.
The simplest form with jQuery is
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="SOMEID" >Call the server</a>;
$.get('url/on/server', function(data){
//do something with data returned from server
This makes an Asynchronous call to the url url/on/server and then waits for an answer (since the call is Asynchronous the user can keep on doing things on the page)
Okay you need to postback. Take a look at this article --> http://weblogs.asp.net/mnolton/archive/2003/06/04/8260.aspx
The only catch is you have to call the GetPostbackReference every time a postback happens.
If you want to do postback from anchor tag using javascript, you can do
document.forms[0].submit(); //This will post your form
If you want to know which control caused postback.
function __doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) {
var theform;
if (window.navigator.appName.toLowerCase().indexOf("n etscape") > -1) {
theform = document.forms["Form1"];
else {
theform = document.Form1;
theform.__EVENTTARGET.value = eventTarget.split("$").join(":");
theform.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = eventArgument;
With following ASPX code to make it work
<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTTARGET" />
<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTARGUMENT" />
Hope this is what you are looking for.
I have an asp button that produces this html:
<input type="submit" name="ctl00$m$g_a2ba5666_c8e9_4bd7_a44a_f9407dbe2199$ctl00$btnAddWebPart" value="Add Report" id="ctl00_m_g_a2ba5666_c8e9_4bd7_a44a_f9407dbe2199_ctl00_btnAddWebPart" />
When the button is submitted and the page_load method is hit, I am trying to do this:
String target = Page.Request.Params.Get("__EVENTTARGET");
but, for some reason 'target' is empty. I checked to see if __EVENTTARGET is getting populated and it is an empty string. Any ideas as to why this is happening? It is something really silly.
Wrap this button up in an ajaxtoolkit update panel. that way you can update the various page components (add / remove your web parts) within an async call.
This means that the page is partially rendered instead of it being the result of a full postback.
I agree with Josh on this ... handling the event in this way is ugly and against the intended purpose of this part of asp.net from microsoft.
partial postbacks dont result in that ugly flicker effect so this should produce the result you want and not effect the rest of the page.
Simple one here... is there a clean way of preventing a user from double-clicking a button in a web form and thus causing duplicate events to fire?
If I had a comment form for example and the user types in "this is my comment" and clicks submit, the comment is shown below... however if they double-click, triple-click or just go nuts on the keyboard they can cause multiple versions to be posted.
Client-side I could quite easily disable the button onclick - but I prefer server-side solutions to things like this :)
Is there a postback timeout per viewstate that can be set for example?
I dont think that you should be loading the server for trivial tasks like these. You could try some thing jquery UI blocking solution like this one. Microsoft Ajax toolkit should also have some control which does the same. I had used it a long time ago, cant seem to recall the control name though.
With jQuery you can make use of the one event.
Another interesting read is this: Build Your ASP.NET Pages on a Richer Bedrock.
Set a session variable when the user enters the page like Session["FormXYZSubmitted"]=false.
When the form is submitted check that variable like
if((bool) Session["FormXYZSubmitted"] == false) {
// save to db
Session["FormXYZSubmitted"] = true;
Client side can be tricky if you are using Asp.Net validation.
If you have a master page, put this in the master page:
void IterateThroughControls(Control parent)
foreach (Control SelectedButton in parent.Controls)
if (SelectedButton is Button)
((Button)SelectedButton).Attributes.Add("onclick", " this.disabled = true; " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(((Button)SelectedButton), null) + ";");
if (SelectedButton.Controls.Count > 0)
Then add this to the master page Page_Load:
I have had the same scenario. The solution of one of my coworkers was to implement a kind of Timer in Javascript, to avoid considering the second click as a click.
Hope that helps,
Disable the button on click, utilize jquery or microsoft ajax toolkit.
Depending on how important this is to you, could create an array of one time GUID's which you remove from the array once the update has been processed (ie posted back in viewstate/hidden field)
If the guid is not in the array on postback, the request is invalid.
Substitute database table for array in a clustered environment.