Gradient Drawing Bug - c#

I'm having trouble with a gradient drawing call. I have a Form that looks like this.
The problem is every now and again the above gradient drawing bug will start happening. It should go right across of course. Sometimes it only takes some build-rebuild-mashing to fix and it'll simply just "start" after a build every now and again.
That control (the top white part) is a TableLayoutPanel. The BackColor is set to white and on the panel's Paint event I do this:
/// <summary>
/// Draws the background gradient.
/// </summary>
private void titleBarLayoutPanel_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Brush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(titleBarLayoutPanel.Bounds, TaskHeaderLeftColor, TaskHeaderRightColor, LinearGradientMode.Horizontal);
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, titleBarLayoutPanel.Bounds);
Should I be doing something else? The problem is that it works, and then without so much as a rebuild or build this will start happening!
EDIT I have since rebuilt the class library it is contained in (it's a generic Form) then rebuilt the app it's used in and the gradient is now filling across completely. This is bizarre.

Building and re-building your application, with no changes, normally doesn't solve this (or most any other bug for that matter) save the ones in which you run your application without doing a clean/rebuild first and then notice that the code you just wrote doesn't run (not sure that's possible these days with the IDEs). I see this a lot with newer devs when they keep rebuilding hoping that somehow the compiler will make the code "correct" or that maybe the compiler is simply not generating the correct code to begin with. (Please note that I do not mean the aforementioned statements to be taken disparagingly.)
To solve the issue at hand, you might try deriving your own TableLayoutPanel class in which you override the OnBackgroundPaint event, painting your own background, or simply returning if you don't want to paint your own background. (You seem to be painting the background in the Paint event). What you are doing in the code above is simply painting over the background already painted by the control, hence the "bug" you see, (double paint). It appears that the form is not resizable. Try making it resizable. Then resize it and watch it paint, or simply move other windows over it.
class CustomTableLayoutPanel : TableLayoutPanel
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
Brush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(this.ClientRectangle, TaskHeaderLeftColor, TaskHeaderRightColor, LinearGradientMode.Horizontal);
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, this.ClientRectangle);

By the way, you should replace Bounds with ClientRectangle.
Bounds is the control's rectangle relative to its parent; ClientRectangle is relative to the control itself.
In this particular case, it won't make a difference, since the control is at 0, 0.


Controlling how, when, and if child controls are drawn (.NET)

I am writing an application in .NET that has a plugin interface. That plugin interface provides several ways to draw information (controls) onto the surface of the application window. While there are several reasons why I am doing this, the main reason is to provide custom colorization to text, either through the use of a graphic or directly manipulating the color of the text based on the background color. I do this through the use of a "text mask" which is a black and white bitmap that works as an "alpha" map to let the Paint method know where to apply the texture/color changes.
The plugin developer has the option of using regular text (such as with a label), mask text (which is drawn to the mask rather than as a regular control), OR letting the user decide. To go along with this, I have provided a modified label class that can either be drawn "normally' (when the text mask is not set for the control), or to the text mask when the User OR Developer decides (depending on what the plugin developer wishes to offer to the user). Here is the class's code so that you understand how this is being done:
public class MaskingLabel : Label
private static readonly SolidBrush maskBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
public Bitmap Mask { get; set; }
public MaskingLabel() : base() { }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
if (Mask == null)
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(Mask);
g.DrawString(Text, Font, maskBrush, Location);
The problem I am running into is that this approach requires that I handle controls in a very specific order so that the form is drawn correctly. I need to find the most efficient approach to get the tasks listed below done in the order given. I have thought of three possibilities discussed further down. For reference, this is the order in which tasks must be done:
All "MaskingLabel" controls that have the bitmap object set to the mask must be drawn first so that the mask is created before the next step.
The mask is applied to the background picture.
The resulting Bitmap is drawn in a way similar to the way a background would be drawn (except that it is modified first).
The rest of the controls are drawn as normal.
Is there a way for me to insure this happens without separating the controls manually? My first guess is no. As such, I have a few guesses below about how I should go about this. I was hoping someone with more in depth knowledge of GDI+ could offer some insight.
One idea that has occurred to me is to draw the masked controls during the OnPaintBackground method. However, I don't want to waste time by painting the controls twice. This means I would need to filter out which controls are drawn during the main Paint method which effectively leads us to option 2 (FAIK):
I can manually filter out the controls which draw to the mask so that they don't get added to the control. My question here though is would they get drawn at all? Can I manually force them to invoke the OnPaint method?
If doing that wouldn't work, then perhaps I can create a separate derived panel control to serve as a "backdrop" child control that acts as the background picture which can be forced to be drawn first?
EDIT (With Part of the answer):
I realized after posting this that I already have part of the solution built into my project. Still, I think it is a legitimate question to ask, so if anyone can add insight beyond what I have done in my description below, it is welcome.
Specifically, my project has only two controls that are added to the "root" form: a bar that goes to the top (docked at the top when it is shown), and a transparent panel that occupies the rest of the space (with a dock style set to fill). So my solution would be to add the mask controls to the main form and add all the rest to the panel. This only leaves one remaining issue to be resolved: How do I make sure that the panel and the bar are drawn last? (As part of step 4 in the first list?)

How to set initial color of owner drawn control

Having a Windows Forms Form-derived form that contains a Panel-derived control:
The form gets a black background color set:
public MyForm()
base.BackColor = Color.Black;
And the panel control is configured to be double buffered and the like, as described here, here and here:
public MyPanel()
base.DoubleBuffered = true;
SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
The actual drawing is done inside these overrides in MyPanel:
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
Wrong behaviour
Every now and then, when the form is initially shown, my owner drawn panel is shortly drawn as white, before my own drawing code is actually called:
After my drawing code is called, everything is drawn correctly and I never can reproduce the white background again:
Even resizing the window and panel does not make it flicker in white.
Enforcing the wrong behavior
I can enforce the initial white-drawn of my panel, if I put a sleep in the Shown event handler of my form:
private void MyForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
The panel is shown in white for 1000 ms just before my owner-drawn paint code is being called.
My question
How can I avoid the initial white displaying when having an owner drawn/custom drawn panel?
My goal is to have the control "know" its initial background color (black in my example) right from the start, not after it is initially shown.
Some thoughts
I've tried to play with all kind of things including the CreateParams property, but with no visible success.
My initial idea was to provide some initial background color through the WNDCLASSEX structure, but after digging through the Reference Source, I still have no clue whether this is possible and would help.
Whole code
Just to be safe, following is my whole code.
public partial class MyForm : Form
public MyForm()
base.BackColor = Color.Black;
private void MyForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
public class MyPanel : Panel
public MyPanel()
base.DoubleBuffered = true;
SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
I had a custom control, pretty much completely self-drawn, that was dynamically getting added to a Form in the dropdown mechanism in PropertyGrid.
If I read your problem right, it's basically the same overall issue.
I had BackColor set and was fine. But with DoubleBuffer set, it seems to just ignore it for a bit.
Taking in all of the existing comments on the question, I was able to have this solution, and hope the details help someone else make their own.
Problem 1
My control flickered unless I repainted whole control every OnPaint.
If did proper painting only attempting to paint things that intersected the e.ClipRectangle, then it would flicker in real-time, like effects from invalidates that had to do when the mouse was moved. Attempt to Paint whole thing, no problem.
I watched trace output real-time and watched all of my draws and invalidates print, and never a time where should be introducing flicker myself, on myself directly.
Problem 2
If I turn on DoubleBuffered, then instead it flickered badly as the control was shown every time opening the dropdown. From white background only for 100-200 ms, at least, then to black and rendered foreground suddenly in one step.
Problem 3
I never actually needed double buffer. Both the problem 1 and 2 were always related to WM_ERASEBKGND.
The actual original flicker seems to be caused by WM_ERASEBKGND very briefly visibly whacking my already painted thing, right before I painted it again. Did not really need actual double buffering in my case. For some reason when I was blindly painting the whole list maybe the timing was different and was painting over the erase before could see it.
All that said, if I turn DoubleBuffered on which removes WM_ERASEBKGND via turning on AllPaintingInWmPaint, then initial background won't be painted until I suppose the double buffer and paint process works its way, all the way through the first time.
Problem 4
If I let the WM_ERASEBKGND "just happen", then it's still double painting, and I don't know if or when it might end up flicking anyway for someone else.
If I only turn on SetStyle(OptimizedDoubleBuffer, then I now know I'll be letting the initial background paint and not flicker on show. But I also know I'm using double buffer to mask the WM_ERASEBKGND for the entirety of the life of the control after it is shown.
I did something like this:
Part 1
if the user of the control sees a need to double buffer doing something that might flicker, create a way for them to easily enable it, without forcing AllPaintingInWmPaint. Like if they want to use Paint or a DrawXXX event and doing something that animates or something related to mouse movement.
bool _isDoubleBuffer;
public virtual bool DoubleBuffer
get { return _isDoubleBuffer; } // dont care about real SetStyle state
if (value != DoubleBuffer)
_isDoubleBuffer = value;
SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, value);
Part 2
Manage WM_ERASEBKGND yourself, as the choice is otherwise 1) always off with AllPaintingInWmPaint, and no background paint on show, or 2) violating what double buffer expects where it would be always masking the WM_ERASEBKGND.
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
switch (m.Msg)
if (_hasPaintForeground && _isDoubleBuffer)
base.WndProc(ref m);
Part 3
You are now your own decider of what AllPaintingInWmPaint means.
In this case would want the initial messages to process like normal. When we knew for sure the .Net and DoubleBuffer side was finally kicking it, by seeing our first real paint happen, then turn WM_ERASEBKGND off for the duration.
bool _hasPaintForeground;
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
// your paint code here, if any
if (!_hasPaintForeground) // read cheaper than write every time
_hasPaintForeground = true;
Part 4
In my case, I also had originally gimped the OnBackground draw, which works if you are opaque drawing each element yourself in OnPaint. This allowed me to not have double buffer on for so long until I started following the clip and changed the timing so that I started also seeing the other WM_ERASEBKGND side effects and issues.
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
{ // Paint default background until first time paint foreground.
if (!_hasPaintForeground) // This will kill background image but stop background flicker
{ // and eliminate a lot of code, and need for double buffer.
} // PaintBackground is needed on first show so no white background
I may not need this part anymore, but if my DoubleBuffer is off then I would. So long as I'm always painting opaque in OnPaint covering the whole draw Clip area.
In addition to all of that....
Separate issue with text render.
It looks like if I render only 250 x 42, like two rows and two text renders, which all occur in one OnPaint, verified with Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine, then the text renders at least one monitor frame later, every single time. Making it look like the text is flashing. Is just 2x paint background single color then 2x paint text each for rows.
However, if I attempt to paint the whole client area of like 250 x 512 or whatever, like 17 rows, even though the e.Clip is exactly those two rows, because I'm the one that invalidated it, then no flicker of the text, 0 flicker.
There is either some timing issue or other side effect. But that's 17 chances instead of two, for at least one row to flicker text where the whole background is shown before the text renders, and it never happens. If I try to only render rows that are in the clip area it happens every time.
There is def something going with .Net or Windows. I tried with both g.DrawString and TextRenderer.DrawText and they both do it. Flicker if draw 2, not flicker if attempt to draw 17. Every time.
Maybe has something to do with drawing text near the mouse pointer, when OnPaint comes back too quickly?
Maybe if I draw enough things or OnPaint takes longer to come back, it's doing double buffer anyway? Dunno
It's a good thing I went through this exercise with the original question.
I may choose to just render the whole client every time, but I'll never be able to do it the "right way" without something like my example code above.

Drawing a Grid of Dots on a PictureBox in C#

I have been searching for about 12 hours now trying to find a way to draw dots on a PictureBox, I've found many threads giving example code and yet I just can't seem to get done what I want.
In essance what I am trying to do is this:
I have a windows form with a PictureBox on it, I do not have any Image in the PictureBox, however I do have the BackColor set to Black. I am trying to create a new bitmap image then run code to create white dots in the following style:
Thus giving me a grid style Look on the PictureBox. However at every attempt I have failed, so if anyone could help me understand how to work with this I would appreciate it.
My most recent attempt was to use the ControlPaint.DrawGrid Method, like so:
private void picBox_Display_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Size size = new Size(35, 35);
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0,0,picBox_Display.Width, picBox_Display.Height);
ControlPaint.DrawGrid(Graphics.FromHwnd(picBox_Display.Handle), rect, size, Color.White);
The above code is in the PictureBox Paint event method. I know it runs through the code because I have a breakpoint at the end of the method, but nothing happens. I'm not sure I understand how the ControlPaint.DrawGrid works am I supposed to be adding something else?
I tried using the Bitmap.SetPixel method earlier today but kept having issues with it and kept looking for other ways to try to get it done.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You need to use e.Graphics for this. Note also that debugging this sort of code can be difficult because debugging often invalidates the drawing so it needs to be drawn again. The last parameter is meant to be the background color against what you are painting, so it looks like it draws the opposite of what you specify. If you background is black you need to pass in Color.Black
ControlPaint.DrawGrid(e.Graphics, rect, size, Color.Black);

How can I add transparency to a c# form while keeping controls visible?

UPDATE: I took a break from messing with the transparency stuff for a few days. I started messing with it again tonight. I got a new result using Hans Passant's solution:
Passant's solution does solve the issue of the transparent background gradient. However, I'm still running into the problem with the transparent colors in my icon blending with the form's BackColor. You can see the fuchsia around various parts of the icon in the above image.
I've been going at this for several hours now, and I haven't had much luck. I've messed with Control.Region, Form.TransparencyKey, Form.Opacity, and a couple other random things with some funky effects.
Lately I've been trying to customize my desktop and decided to mess with Application Docks. After seeing what the Mac dock and a few third-party Windows implementations had to offer, I decided I wanted to build my own.
Eventually I want to move on to using the Win32 API. For now I just want to get something working using as much C# and .Net framework capabilities as possible.
There are a few things I want to be able to do in this application:
Display a form/menu with a gradient background.
Allow the form/menu to have transparency while keeping icons opaque.
Display icons that contain transparent backgrounds.
The Menu and Icons should be able to receive mouse-related events (hover, leave, click, dragover, dragdrop, and a few others).
This is the effect I'm shooting for:
This image shows the visual effects I'm trying to achieve. This was a skin I made for a program called Rainmeter. The image shows Notepad++ behind the skin with a few of the skin's files open in the editor. The menu is transparent, but the icons remain opaque.
My Approach:
Using a Form to act as the menu seemed like a logical first choice to me. I have a basic understanding of events. I'm not quite sure how to create my own click events, so a form would make working with events a tad easier. I considered a few options for the icons. I decided I'd use PictureBoxes for the icons, since they can hold images and receive events.
Once I finished the code for all the structural logic of my menu, I started playing around with it to try to get the visual effect I wanted. Form.Opacity affected the transparency of everything on the form. Since I want the icons to be fully opaque, I left this property alone. I tried setting the BackColor to Color.Transparent, but that gives an error. I played around with a few combinations...
I drew the gradient with a Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush into a Bitmap. This Bitmap was then placed as the Form.BackgroundImage or as a PictureBox.Image. If used, the PictureBox was sized to cover the entire Form and sent to the back.
I noticed that some of the Form.BackgroundColor would be mixed in with the outlines of my icons. The icons have transparency along the edges for a smoother appearance. Since the icons are picking up the Form's BackgroundColor, this makes me think that the PictureBoxes are creating new images when the icons are loaded into the form. The semi-transparent portions of the image are then merged with the Form's BackgroundColor when they should merge with whatever colors are behind the form.
In this image you can see the Fuchsia existing in the icons even though the Form's Fuchsia color is now completely transparent. I forgot to point out that the same green to yellow gradient with an Alpha value of 150 was used in every case. In the images where the gradient doesn't look green, it's because the transparent colors are blending with the Fuchsia background.
I'm not really sure what to do from here. I feel like I could get what I want if I could somehow make the Form alone completely transparent. I was also thinking I may have better luck just drawing the icons instead of using PictureBoxes. The problem then would be setting up the icons to receive mouse events. (I've never made my own events, and I think it would involved some Win32 API calls.)
Is there something else I can do with the PictureBoxes to get the effect I want? Whichever the case, I'm open to any ideas or suggestions for the overall effect I'm trying to achieve.
This is pretty easy to do in Winforms. What you need is a sandwich of two forms. The bottom one should provide the transparent gradient background, the top one should draw the icons and handle mouse clicks. Some sample code:
public partial class Form1 : Form {
public Form1() {
this.TopMost = true;
this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
this.TransparencyKey = this.BackColor = Color.Fuchsia;
this.Opacity = 0.3;
var overlay = new Form();
overlay.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
overlay.TransparencyKey = overlay.BackColor = Color.Fuchsia;
overlay.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
overlay.Location = this.Location;
overlay.MouseDown += HandleIconClick;
this.Resize += delegate { overlay.Size = this.Size; };
this.LocationChanged += delegate { overlay.Location = this.Location; };
overlay.Paint += PaintIcons;
this.Paint += PaintBackground;
this.Load += delegate { overlay.Show(this); };
private void PaintBackground(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) {
var rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height);
using (var br = new LinearGradientBrush(rc, Color.Gainsboro, Color.Yellow, 0f)) {
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(br, rc);
private void PaintIcons(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) {
e.Graphics.DrawIcon(Properties.Resources.ExampleIcon1, 50, 30);
// etc...
void HandleIconClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
Which looks like this with the somewhat random colors and icon I selected:
OK, I got a bit lost in all that, but from the description in the original paragraph, I would make sure the background rectangle is NOT the visual parent of the pictureboxes. Make them overlapping siblings, with the pictureboxes in front using Panel.Zindex.
Then you can just change the opacity of the rectangle, without affecting the icons. Also make sure the icon source image files have a transparent background.
Should work I think.

Drawing an image onto a Panel control gives artefacts when resizing

Currently I'm trying to do what I thought would be a simple task:
Draw an image onto the full area of a Panel control in Windows Forms. (Please ignore for the moment that I could use the BackgroundImage property)
The image to draw looks like this:
I.e. a yellow box with an 1 pixel blue frame around.
To draw, I'm using the Paint event of the Panel control:
private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(Resources.MyImage, panel1.ClientRectangle);
This looks fine when initially displaying the form:
When resizing the form (and the docked panel, too), it either cuts the edges when being made smaller...
...or it draws artefacts, when being made larger:
I'm pretty sure that there is going on something rather simple and straight-forward but I really cannot understand the reason.
Since I'm ignoring the ClipRectangle and always draw everything, I thought the image would be scaled all the time.
My questions are:
What is the reason for the artefacts? (I love to understand this!)
What do I have to do in order to get rid of the artefacts? (beside calling Invalidate on each resize)
Thanks to Ryan's answer, I was able to find an acceptable solution. Basically I derived a class from Panel, did an override of OnPaintBackground and did not call the base method. Last, I added the following code to the constructor of my derived panel:
base.DoubleBuffered = true;
SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
The reason for the artefacts is that the entire surface isn't redrawn when the form is resized; only the necessary parts are. The generally best solution is what you don't want to do, calling Invalidate on each resize. However, if this is in fact your situation, just use a PictureBox instead. If it's not, you might consider overriding OnPaint in your form instead, and using this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true) to do this automatically.
