How do I change the URL of a SoapHttoClientProtocol object? - c#

I received some code from a client containg a wsdl.exe generated SoapHttpClientProtocol sub-class for us to access. I altered the code as follows:
public WebService(string url, bool useDefaultCredentials)
this.Url = url;
this.UseDefaultCredentials = useDefaultCredentials;
The client changed the URL for the web-service so we changed the config to match, unfortunately it still appears to be hitting the old URL.
The code contains several attributes referencing the old web service. Specifically a WebServiceBindingAttribute with a Namespace parameter set to the old .asmx file and a SoapDocumentMethodAttribute with the Action parameter set to the old URL and the RequestNamespace parameter set to the old .asmx file. Could these be the problem?

Update from the client: It looks like in addition to changing the location of the webservice, they also changed the Namespaces of the SOAP methods which broke the auto-generated [SoapDocumentMethod] attribute.


How to set a proxy when using SoapPortClient?

I'm trying to execute a function using a Soap Port Client object (from an external WebService), and I need to set a proxy (address and credentials) for it. Because when I test the app (not on localhost), the WS functionality doesn't work.
Namespace.WebService.SoapPortClient foo = new Namespace.WebService.SoapPortClient();
short cod_error;
string des_error;
string url = "";
int fooNumber = 10;
url = foo.Execute(fooNumber, out cod_error, out des_error);
...code continues
In the above example, I need to set a proxy for 'foo'. I've tried with foo.Proxy but this property doesn't exists in the SoapPortClient.
Thank you all!
After reading your comments and problem I realized that you are talking about WCF.
Regards to your latest problem:
Now I'm getting the following error: The content type text/HTML of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/XML; charset=utf-8)
My first suggestion would be to check that the user you're running the WCF client under has access to the resource.
Can't say much since it's very hard to say something without seeing the config file or code in general.

Setting Authorization Header to .Net Web Service Client

I know this has been asked a hundred times before, but I just can't get this working. I have a .Net web service client that needs to connect to an external web service that does not return 401 challenge response. I have to send the authentication header on the first call. I have overridden the GetWebRequest method of the generated proxy class by creating a partial class in another file. I have also added the method to the generated file to see if that makes a difference, but the code just does not get called. This was originally a .Net 3.5 Web Service Project created in VS 2013, but I have tried changing the target framework to 4.0, 4.5 e.t.c. and that does not have any effect.
The code I am using:
[System.Web.Services.WebServiceBindingAttribute(Name = "WSLDSD03_v1_webService_ValidationTicketCreation_Binder", Namespace = "http://llvap002d/WSLDSD03.v1.webService:ValidationTicketCreation")]
public partial class WSLDSD03_v1_webService_ValidationTicketCreation_Binder : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol
protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri uri)
var request = base.GetWebRequest(uri);
string WSUID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WSUID"];
string WSPWD = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WSPWD"];
string encoded = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(WSUID + ":" + WSPWD));
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + encoded);
return request;
Update: I have since found that after a clean solution and rebuild the method does in fact get called if I move it into the generated class. It is the partial class in a separate file that appears to be the problem.
It turned out to be a simple coding error. I failed to notice that the namespace in the generated proxy file was like MyProject.WebReference, but in my separate file I used the main project namespace.

How to serialize an object into string\xml with its headers

I'm using a third side web service client (created by using the "Add service reference") in order to retrieve some data.
After filling the web service objects with proper data we need to add some data to the headers (encrypted password and some other predefined data)
Then, we are serializing every request sent to the web service, using the standard .net XmlSerializer.
However, in the result of the serialization I don't see the headers of the request. I've searched for a long time and couldn't find any way to "print" them as well.
Here is some example code:
Ibooking proxy = new BookingManager();
/* Init proxy Data...*/
GetAvailabilityRequest request = new GetAvailabilityRequest();
/*Fill more data on the request...*/
GetAvailabilityResponse response = proxy.GetAvailability(request); //Send request to the web service
var xmlString2 = response.Serialize(); //only body, no headers in the XML
/* Extension class to Serialize any object */
public static class ExtensionUtil
public static string Serialize<T>(this T value)
XmlSerializer xmlserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
var stringWriter = new StringWriter();
using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter))
xmlserializer.Serialize(writer, value);
return stringWriter.ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("An error occurred", ex);
I've excluded the code that adds more data to the request since it's long and complicated (need to implement IEndpointBehavior and IClientMessageInspector to "catch" the request before we send it) - but currently as a workaround I put a BreakPoint on the Message object and convert it into string using Visual Studio. In this way I do see the headers but obviously this is bad practice since I want it to be automated in the serialization.
I would like to see an example of how you are adding these headers.
In most web services the message body is the part that is serialized into XML or JSON - the headers are not.
You may be able to inspect the service call by using Fiddler and a proxy implemented by a small change in your web.config as described in this article:
The short version of this is to add the following to your web.config or app.config:
<proxy proxyaddress="" />
Download and run Fiddler while calling the service and you should see and be able to inspect the call in Fiddler.
If you want to inspect and/or modify the headers within your code base could look into implementing IClientMessageInspector or IDispatchMessageInspector. Here are a couple articles on the topic:
Here is an implementation I did. I didn't need access the headers, but rather to modify the xml namespaces created by the service client, but it should give you an idea on how to do the implementation: How can I create custom XML namespace attributes when consuming a legacy SOAP service?
OperationContext is your friend here. Use an OperationContextScope to wrap the call to the service, then use OperationContext.Current to get at all the hidden goodies you need.
Note that you'll need to know the specific types of the headers you want to get at, and I've had some trouble getting at the values, rather than just the names, of headers if they're not marked as serializable when using XmlSerializer

How do I set out Attribute in Api Controller

is it possible to use out attribute in a Api Controller method? I'm using C#.
for exp:
public string GetWhatever(string type, string source,out int errorCode, out string errorMessage)
if it is, an example of how to call it and get the out value would be great.
No, this is not possible. Only the return value is used and sent to the client.
You should sent a proper HTTP status code and the error message in body. Have a look at this:
I believe you miss-understand the usage of the Web API.
Your Web Api method will not be called like any other C# class method, unless you access the library directly and reference the api controller and its method like any other C# class.
The method will be called via the ASP.NET action selector and that will depend on your HTTP verb (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE or PATCH) and depending on the type and the number of your parameters.
Now your method can return your data or returns error depending on your situation, but eventually all your responses will convert to statuscode/content/error,...etc which is what the HTTP protocol understands and deals with.
for example your method can return Ok Status code (200), or Notfound status code 404 depending on where your request found the requested resource or not.
You can start with this article about Web API 2, hopefully you get a better understanding.
Hope that helps.

RESTful web service returning XML not JSON

I have this simple web service, right now it just looks to see if the part number is A123456789 and then it returns a model number. This will be replaced by logic that will be connecting into a database to check the partno against and then return the actual model number. But at this point I just need it to return some dummy JSON data. However when I use Fiddler and look at the call in the web broswer of http://localhost:PORT/Scan/Model/A123456789 it returns this
<string xmlns="">Model: CVS-1679</string>
But when I do a GET in fiddler of the same URI I get
"Model: CVS-1679"
Only under the textview tab.
Why is it being returned in XML (in the browser and text in Fiddler) and not JSON, when I have setup my ResponseFormat to be JSON?
My Code:
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "Model/{partno}", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
public string Model(string partno)
if (partno == "A123456789")
string modelno = "CVS-1679";
return "Model: " + modelno;
string modelno = "CVS-1601";
return "Model: " + modelno;
ASP.NET webservice return XML / SOAP message by default. In case you want to return Json string, you would need to decorate the Webservice with [ScriptService] attribute. This inform the IIS that this service would be used by ASP.NET AJAX calls. These attribute are part of System.Web.Extensions.
You can define the web method response format by decorating the webmethod with ScriptMethod attribute.
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
However even after decorating the webservice and webmethod by these attribute, the response can still be in XML format. This behaviour happen when the client which makes the request does not set the Request Header content type as “application/json”.
Before return the method call from webmethod serialize to Json string using JavaScriptSerializer
Debugging WebService using Fiddler
It is quite easy to use fiddler to test webservice. Following figure is an example of how to call a Webservice which returns a json string. Note that the request content type is set to application/json. The parameters expected by webserivce is mentioed in the Request Body section.
Note that the request content type is set to application/json.
It is being returned in Json if you look at the format of the data you get...
key: value
or in your case
string Model = "CVS-1679"
When you view it in fiddler your seeing the raw serialization transport from one MS endpoint to the other. The serialisation & De-serialisation elements in the .NET framework take care of transporting it across the wire, so that when you get the object back into your .NET app at the calling end, you get a variable called Model with the value you expect.
If you try to send an entire class you'll see a lot of nested XML tags, but when you get the object in your code, you'll see a first class citizen in the object hierarchy.
The reason it appears in your browser is because, the browser doesn't know how to de-serialise it, and so just displays the text
