I have to define a communication protocol and I want to use a bitfield to store some logic values.
I'm working on the both systems: the sender: a device and a .Net software as receiver.
On the firmware side, I defined as usually a bitfield struct like:
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) BitsField
// Logic values
uint8_t vesselPresenceSw: 1;
uint8_t drawerPresenceSw: 1;
uint8_t pumpState: 1;
uint8_t waterValveState: 1;
uint8_t steamValveState: 1;
uint8_t motorDriverState: 1;
// Unused
uint8_t unused_0: 1;
uint8_t unused_1: 1;
How I can define a same structure on the software side that support a bytes deserialization to build the struct itself?
I'm afraid there is no direct C# equivalent to C-style bitfield structs.
C# is capable, to a limited extent, of approximating C-style unions by using FieldOffset attributes. These explicit layout attributes allow you to specify exact and potentially overlapping field offsets. Unfortunately, that doesn't even get you halfway there: the offsets must be specified in bytes rather than bits, and you cannot enforce a specific width when reading or writing overlapping fields.
The closest C# comes to natively supporting bitfields is probably flag-based enum types. You may find this sufficient, provided you don't need more than 64 bits. Start by declaring an enum based on the smallest unsigned type that will fit all your flags:
public enum BitFields : byte {
None = 0,
VesselPresenceSw = 1 << 0,
DrawerPresenceSw = 1 << 1,
PumpState = 1 << 2,
WaterValveState = 1 << 3,
SteamValveState = 1 << 4,
MotorDriverState = 1 << 5
The named items can have any value assigned to them that fits within the underlying type (byte in this case), so one item could represent multiple bits if you wanted it to. Note that if you want to interop directly with a C-style bitfield, your first value should start at the most significant bit rather than the least.
To use your flags, just declare a variable or field of your new type and perform whatever bitwise operations you need:
BitFields bits = BitFields.None;
bits |= BitFields.VesselPresenceSw | BitFields.PumpState;
bits &= ~BitFields.VesselPresenceSw;
// etc.
On the upside, enums declared with [Flags] are nicely formatted when displayed in the debugger or converted to strings. For example, if you were to print the expression BitFields.VesselPresenceSw | BitFields.PumpState, you would get the text DrawerPresenceSw, PumpState.
There is a caveat: the storage for an enum will accept any value that fits within the underlying type. It would be perfectly legal to write:
BitFields badBits = (BitFields)0xFF;
This sets all 8 bits of the byte-sized enumeration, but our named values only cover 6 bits. Depending on your requirements, you may want to declare a constant that encompasses only the 'legal' flags, which you could & against.
If you need anything richer than that, there is a framework-level 'bitfield' data structure called BitArray. However, BitArray is a reference type that uses a managed int[] for storage. It's not going to help you if want a struct that you could use for interop purposes or any kind of memory mapping.
Please see an example,
C code,
struct example_bit_field
unsigned char bit1 : 1;
unsigned char bit2 : 1;
unsigned char two_bits : 2;
unsigned char four_bits : 4;
and C# equivalent,
struct ExampleBitField : IBitField
[BitFieldInfo(0, 1)]
public bool Bit1 { get; set; }
[BitFieldInfo(1, 1)]
public byte Bit2 { get; set; }
[BitFieldInfo(2, 2)]
public byte TwoBits { get; set; }
[BitFieldInfo(4, 4)]
public byte FourBits { get; set; }
Source :-
You can try mimic such a struct. It seems, that you want to use it in the interop (say, C routine exchange data with C# program). Since you have logic values, let expose them as bool:
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct MyBitsField {
private Byte m_Data; // We actually store Byte
public MyBitsField(Byte data) {
m_Data = data;
private bool GetBit(int index) {
return (m_Data & (1 << index)) != 0;
private void SetBit(int index, bool value) {
byte v = (byte)(1 << index);
if (value)
m_Data |= v;
m_Data = (byte) ((m_Data | v) ^ v);
public bool vesselPresenceSw {
get { return GetBit(0); }
set { SetBit(0, value); }
public bool motorDriverState {
get { return GetBit(5); }
set { SetBit(5, value); }
var itemToSend = new MyBitsField() {
vesselPresenceSw = false,
motorDriverState = true,
In the meantime, I had a similar idea #Dmitry.
I found the following solution using FieldOffset attribute.
Working well without additional code. I think it's acceptable.
public struct LiveDataBitField
// Where the values are effectively stored
public byte WholeField { get; private set; }
public bool VesselPresenceSw
get => (WholeField & 0x1) > 0;
if (value)
WholeField |= 1;
WholeField &= 0xfE;
public bool DrawerPresenceSw
get => (WholeField & 0x2) >> 1 > 0;
if (value)
WholeField |= (1 << 1);
WholeField &= 0xFD;
public bool PumpState
get => (WholeField & 0x4) >> 2 > 0;
if (value)
WholeField |= (1 << 2);
WholeField &= 0xFB;
public bool WaterValveState
get => (WholeField & 0x8) >> 3 > 0;
if (value)
WholeField |= (1 << 3);
WholeField &= 0xF7;
public bool SteamValveState
get => (WholeField & 0x10) >> 4 > 0;
if (value)
WholeField |= (1 << 4);
WholeField &= 0xEF;
public bool MotorDriverState
get => (WholeField & 0x20) >> 5 > 0;
if (value)
WholeField |= (1 << 5);
WholeField &= 0xDF;
To deserialize a byte array to struct you can use:
public static object ReadStruct(byte[] data, Type type)
var pinnedPacket = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
var obj = Marshal.PtrToStructure(pinnedPacket.AddrOfPinnedObject(), type);
return obj;
Let say we have two bitmaps that are represented by unsigned long(64-bit) arrays. And I want to merge this two bitmaps using specific shift(offset).
For example merge bitmap1(bigger) into bitmap2(smaller) starting offset 3. Offset 3 mean that 3rd bit of bitmap1 corresponds to 0 bit of bitmap2.
By merge I mean logical Or operation. What is the cleanest way to do this?
Currently I have done this with simple uneffective for loop
const ulong BitsPerUlong = 64;
MergeAt(ulong startIndex, Bitmap bitmap2)
for (int i = startIndex; i < bitmap2.Capacity; i++)
bool newVal = bitmap2.GetAt(i) | bitmap1.GetAt(i)
bitmap2.SetAt(i, newVal)
bool GetAt(ulong index)
var dataOffset = BitOffsetToUlongOffset(index);
ulong mask = 0x1ul << ((int)(index % BitsPerUlong));
return (_data[dataOffset] & mask) == mask;
void SetAt(ulong index, bool value)
var dataOffset = BitOffsetToUlongOffset(index);
ulong mask = 0x1ul << ((int)(index % BitsPerUlong));
if (value)
_data[dataOffset] |= mask;
_data[dataOffset] &= ~mask;
ulong BitOffsetToUlongOffset(ulong index)
var dataOffset = index / BitsPerUlong;
return dataOffset;
(C/C++/C# accepted).
As you probably figured out yourself, if offset < BitsPerULong the first block can be merged with:
data1[0] |= data2[0] << offset;
Which leaves some bits in data2[0] unmerged, but you can get those with:
data2[0] >> (BitsPerULong - offset)
So the next merge for i > 0 becomes:
data1[i] |= (data2[i] << offset) | (data2[i-1] >> (BitsPerULong - offset));
from which you can construct a for-loop to merge all data. Of course, this still means a couple of bits from data2 will "fall off" but I think that's inherent to your problem description?
If you need a more generic solution where offset can also be greater than BitsPerULong, this needs a bit more work.
I presume you mean that you want to "merge" the smaller INTO the bigger.
Have you tried: bitmapLarger |= ( bitmapSmaller << 3 ) ?
I am trying to extract the height from a file like this:
The pixels are loaded into an Int32 array
private Int16[] heights;
private int Width, Height;
public TextureData(Texture2D t)
Int32[] data = new Int32[t.Width * t.Height];
Width = t.Width;
Height = t.Height;
heights= new Int16[t.Width * t.Height];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
heights[i] = ReverseBytes(data[i]);
// reverse byte order (16-bit)
public static Int16 ReverseBytes(Int32 value)
return (Int16)( ((value << 8) | (value >> 8)) );
I dont know why but the heights are not correct...
I think the Big Endian conversion is wrong, can you help me please?
this is the result, the heights are higher than expected...
public static int ReverseBytes(int value)
int sign = (value & 0x8000) >> 15;
int msb = (value & 0x7F) >> 7;
int lsb = (value & 0xFF) << 8;
return (msb | lsb | sign);
is this ok? I don't know why but it is still wrong...
int refers to a 32 bit signed integer but your byte-reverser is written for a 16 bit signed integer so it will only work for positive values up to 32767. If you have any values higher than that you will need to shift and then mask one byte at a time before "orring" them together.
There has lots of example of convert CIDR to ip range. But I want to know how can I use start/end ip address to generate a/some cidr in C#?
for example:
I have start ip address( and end ip address( So use these two address to generate cidr list {,}. Is there any C# code example?
CIDR class with static methods to split an IP range into a minimal set of disjoint CIDR ranges, which cover exactly the original IP range.
The split methods (the "real" one working on BigIntegers doing the actual work, and the wrapper for IP addresses and CIDR creation) are at the bottom.
Use with foreach (IPRangeToCidr.CIDR c in IPRangeToCidr.CIDR.split(first, last)) ...
Requires System.Numerics.dll in the references.
using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace IPRangeToCidr {
public struct CIDR {
private IPAddress address;
private uint network_length, bits;
public CIDR(IPAddress address, uint network_length) {
this.address = address;
this.network_length = network_length;
this.bits = AddressFamilyBits(address.AddressFamily);
if (network_length > bits) {
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid network length " + network_length + " for " + address.AddressFamily);
public IPAddress NetworkAddress {
get { return address; }
public IPAddress LastAddress {
get { return IPAddressAdd(address, (new BigInteger(1) << (int) HostLength) - 1); }
public uint NetworkLength {
get { return network_length; }
public uint AddressBits {
get { return bits; }
public uint HostLength {
get { return bits - network_length; }
override public String ToString() {
return address.ToString() + "/" + NetworkLength.ToString();
public String ToShortString() {
if (network_length == bits) return address.ToString();
return address.ToString() + "/" + NetworkLength.ToString();
/* static helpers */
public static IPAddress IPAddressAdd(IPAddress address, BigInteger i) {
return IPFromUnsigned(IPToUnsigned(address) + i, address.AddressFamily);
public static uint AddressFamilyBits(AddressFamily family) {
switch (family) {
case AddressFamily.InterNetwork:
return 32;
case AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6:
return 128;
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid address family " + family);
private static BigInteger IPToUnsigned(IPAddress addr) {
/* Need to reverse addr bytes for BigInteger; prefix with 0 byte to force unsigned BigInteger
* read BigInteger bytes as: bytes[n] bytes[n-1] ... bytes[0], address is bytes[0] bytes[1] .. bytes[n] */
byte[] b = addr.GetAddressBytes();
byte[] unsigned = new byte[b.Length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; ++i) {
unsigned[i] = b[(b.Length - 1) - i];
unsigned[b.Length] = 0;
return new BigInteger(unsigned);
private static byte[] GetUnsignedBytes(BigInteger unsigned, uint bytes) {
/* reverse bytes again. check that now higher bytes are actually used */
if (unsigned.Sign < 0) throw new ArgumentException("argument must be >= 0");
byte[] data = unsigned.ToByteArray();
byte[] result = new byte[bytes];
for (int i = 0; i < bytes && i < data.Length; ++i) {
result[bytes - 1 - i] = data[i];
for (uint i = bytes; i < data.Length; ++i) {
if (data[i] != 0) throw new ArgumentException("argument doesn't fit in requested number of bytes");
return result;
private static IPAddress IPFromUnsigned(BigInteger unsigned, System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily family) {
/* IPAddress(byte[]) constructor picks family from array size */
switch (family) {
case System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork:
return new IPAddress(GetUnsignedBytes(unsigned, 4));
case System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6:
return new IPAddress(GetUnsignedBytes(unsigned, 16));
throw new ArgumentException("AddressFamily " + family.ToString() + " not supported");
/* splits set [first..last] of unsigned integers into disjoint slices { x,..., x + 2^k - 1 | x mod 2^k == 0 }
* covering exaclty the given set.
* yields the slices ordered by x as tuples (x, k)
* This code relies on the fact that BigInteger can't overflow; temporary results may need more bits than last is using.
public static IEnumerable<Tuple<BigInteger, uint>> split(BigInteger first, BigInteger last) {
if (first > last) yield break;
if (first < 0) throw new ArgumentException();
last += 1;
/* mask == 1 << len */
BigInteger mask = 1;
uint len = 0;
while (first + mask <= last) {
if ((first & mask) != 0) {
yield return new Tuple<BigInteger, uint>(first, len);
first += mask;
mask <<= 1;
while (first < last) {
mask >>= 1;
if ((last & mask) != 0) {
yield return new Tuple<BigInteger, uint>(first, len);
first += mask;
public static IEnumerable<CIDR> split(IPAddress first, IPAddress last) {
if (first.AddressFamily != last.AddressFamily) {
throw new ArgumentException("AddressFamilies don't match");
AddressFamily family = first.AddressFamily;
uint bits = AddressFamilyBits(family); /* split on numbers returns host length, CIDR takes network length */
foreach (Tuple<BigInteger, uint> slice in split(IPToUnsigned(first), IPToUnsigned(last))) {
yield return new CIDR(IPFromUnsigned(slice.Item1, family), bits - slice.Item2);
It is difficult to determine the what exactly is being asked here (the CIDR list you give doesn't seem to correspond with the given input addresses), however the following code will allow you to find the smallest single CIDR that contains the specified start and end addresses.
You need to first convert the start and end IP addresses into 32 bit integers (e.g. becomes 0xc0a80001), then apply the following algorithm:
var startAddr = 0xc0a80001; //
var endAddr = 0xc0a800fe; //
// Determine all bits that are different between the two IPs
var diffs = startAddr ^ endAddr;
// Now count the number of consecutive zero bits starting at the most significant
var bits = 32;
var mask = 0;
while (diffs != 0)
// We keep shifting diffs right until it's zero (i.e. we've shifted all the non-zero bits off)
diffs >>= 1;
// Every time we shift, that's one fewer consecutive zero bits in the prefix
// Accumulate a mask which will have zeros in the consecutive zeros of the prefix and ones elsewhere
mask = (mask << 1) | 1;
// Construct the root of the range by inverting the mask and ANDing it with the start address
var root = startAddr & ~mask;
// Finally, output the range
Console.WriteLine("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}/{4}", root >> 24, (root >> 16) & 0xff, (root >> 8) & 0xff, root & 0xff, bits);
Running it on the two addresses in your question gives:
No, there wasn't, and I don't understand why people keep upvoting wrong answers.
Here's the code for IP-range to CIDR & vice-versa:
public static string IPrange2CIDR(string ip1, string ip2)
uint startAddr = IP2num(ip1);
uint endAddr = IP2num(ip2);
// uint startAddr = 0xc0a80001; //
// uint endAddr = 0xc0a800fe; //
// uint startAddr = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(ip1).GetAddressBytes(), 0);
// uint endAddr = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(ip2).GetAddressBytes(), 0);
if (startAddr > endAddr)
uint temp = startAddr;
startAddr = endAddr;
endAddr = temp;
// uint diff = endAddr - startAddr -1;
// int bits = 32 - (int)System.Math.Ceiling(System.Math.Log10(diff) / System.Math.Log10(2));
// return ip1 + "/" + bits;
uint diffs = startAddr ^ endAddr;
// Now count the number of consecutive zero bits starting at the most significant
int bits = 32;
// int mask = 0;
// We keep shifting diffs right until it's zero (i.e. we've shifted all the non-zero bits off)
while (diffs != 0)
diffs >>= 1;
bits--; // Every time we shift, that's one fewer consecutive zero bits in the prefix
// Accumulate a mask which will have zeros in the consecutive zeros of the prefix and ones elsewhere
// mask = (mask << 1) | 1;
string res = ip1 + "/" + bits;
return res;
public static void CIDR2IP(string IP)
string[] parts = IP.Split('.', '/');
uint ipnum = (System.Convert.ToUInt32(parts[0]) << 24) |
(System.Convert.ToUInt32(parts[1]) << 16) |
(System.Convert.ToUInt32(parts[2]) << 8) |
int maskbits = System.Convert.ToInt32(parts[4]);
uint mask = 0xffffffff;
mask <<= (32 - maskbits);
uint ipstart = ipnum & mask;
uint ipend = ipnum | (mask ^ 0xffffffff);
string fromRange = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", ipstart >> 24, (ipstart >> 16) & 0xff, (ipstart >> 8) & 0xff, ipstart & 0xff);
string toRange = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", ipend >> 24, (ipend >> 16) & 0xff, (ipend >> 8) & 0xff, ipend & 0xff);
System.Console.WriteLine(fromRange + " - " + toRange);
public static uint IP2num(string ip)
string[] nums = ip.Split('.');
uint first = System.UInt32.Parse(nums[0]);
uint second = System.UInt32.Parse(nums[1]);
uint third = System.UInt32.Parse(nums[2]);
uint fourth = System.UInt32.Parse(nums[3]);
return (first << 24) | (second << 16) | (third << 8) | (fourth);
public static void Test()
string IP = "";
// IP = "";
// IPrange2CIDR("", "");
IPrange2CIDR("", "");
System.Console.WriteLine(" --- Press any key to continue --- ");
I use this for IpV4, let me know if there is a problem in it.
You can find the extraction source code from the following link:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
namespace ConsoleApp
public class IPNetwork
private readonly long _firstIpAddress;
private readonly long _lastIpAddress;
public static IPNetwork[] FromIpRange(IPAddress firstIpAddress, IPAddress lastIpAddress)
=> FromIpRange(IpAddressToLong(firstIpAddress), IpAddressToLong(lastIpAddress));
public static IPNetwork[] FromIpRange(long firstIpAddress, long lastIpAddress)
var result = new List<IPNetwork>();
while (lastIpAddress >= firstIpAddress)
byte maxSize = 32;
while (maxSize > 0)
long mask = IMask(maxSize - 1);
long maskBase = firstIpAddress & mask;
if (maskBase != firstIpAddress)
double x = Math.Log(lastIpAddress - firstIpAddress + 1) / Math.Log(2);
byte maxDiff = (byte)(32 - Math.Floor(x));
if (maxSize < maxDiff)
maxSize = maxDiff;
var ipAddress = IpAddressFromLong(firstIpAddress);
result.Add(new IPNetwork(ipAddress, maxSize));
firstIpAddress += (long)Math.Pow(2, 32 - maxSize);
return result.ToArray();
private static long IMask(int s)
return (long)(Math.Pow(2, 32) - Math.Pow(2, 32 - s));
public static long IpAddressToLong(IPAddress ipAddress)
var bytes = ipAddress.GetAddressBytes();
return ((long)bytes[0] << 24) | ((long)bytes[1] << 16) | ((long)bytes[2] << 8) | bytes[3];
public static IPAddress IpAddressFromLong(long ipAddress)
=> new IPAddress((uint)IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((int)ipAddress));
public IPNetwork(IPAddress prefix, int prefixLength = 32)
if (prefix.AddressFamily != System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
throw new NotSupportedException("IPv6 is not supported");
Prefix = prefix;
PrefixLength = prefixLength;
var mask = (uint)~(0xFFFFFFFFL >> prefixLength);
_firstIpAddress = IpAddressToLong(Prefix) & mask;
_lastIpAddress = _firstIpAddress | ~mask;
public static IPNetwork Parse(string value)
var parts = value.Split('/');
return new IPNetwork(IPAddress.Parse(parts[0]), int.Parse(parts[1]));
throw new FormatException($"Could not parse IPNetwork from {value}");
public override string ToString() => $"{Prefix}/{PrefixLength}";
public IPAddress Prefix { get; }
public int PrefixLength { get; }
public IPAddress LastAddress => IpAddressFromLong(_lastIpAddress);
public IPAddress FirstAddress => IpAddressFromLong(_firstIpAddress);
public long Total => _lastIpAddress - _firstIpAddress + 1;
Usage 1:
var startAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
var endAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
foreach (var item in IPNetwork.FromIpRange(startAddress, endAddress))
Usage 2:
var startAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
var endAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
foreach (var item in IPNetwork.FromIpRange(startAddress, endAddress))
I would recommend the use of IPNetwork Library
As of version 2, it supports IPv4 and IPv6 as well.
IPNetwork network = IPNetwork.Parse("");
IPNetwork network2 = IPNetwork.Parse("");
IPNetwork ipnetwork = IPNetwork.Supernet(network, network2);
Console.WriteLine("Network : {0}", ipnetwork.Network);
Console.WriteLine("Netmask : {0}", ipnetwork.Netmask);
Console.WriteLine("Broadcast : {0}", ipnetwork.Broadcast);
Console.WriteLine("FirstUsable : {0}", ipnetwork.FirstUsable);
Console.WriteLine("LastUsable : {0}", ipnetwork.LastUsable);
Console.WriteLine("Usable : {0}", ipnetwork.Usable);
Console.WriteLine("Cidr : {0}", ipnetwork.Cidr);
Network :
Netmask :
Broadcast :
FirstUsable :
LastUsable :
Usable : 254
Cidr : 24
Have fun !
I found this C code and converted it into C# and it's working now.
I am making application in C# which has a byte array containing hex values.
I am getting data as a big-endian but I want it as a little-endian and I am using Bitconverter.toInt32 method for converting that value to integer.
My problem is that before converting the value, I have to copy that 4 byte data into temporary array from source byte array and then reverse that temporary byte array.
I can't reverse source array because it also contains other data.
Because of that my application becomes slow.
In the code I have one source array of byte as waveData[] which contains a lot of data.
byte[] tempForTimestamp=new byte[4];
tempForTimestamp[0] = waveData[290];
tempForTimestamp[1] = waveData[289];
tempForTimestamp[2] = waveData[288];
tempForTimestamp[3] = waveData[287];
int number = BitConverter.ToInt32(tempForTimestamp, 0);
Is there any other method for that conversion?
Add a reference to System.Memory nuget and use BinaryPrimitives.ReverseEndianness().
using System.Buffers.Binary;
number = BinaryPrimitives.ReverseEndianness(number);
It supports both signed and unsigned integers (byte/short/int/long).
In modern-day Linq the one-liner and easiest to understand version would be:
int number = BitConverter.ToInt32(waveData.Skip(286).Take(4).Reverse().ToArray(), 0);
You could also...
byte[] tempForTimestamp = new byte[4];
Array.Copy(waveData, 287, tempForTimestamp, 0, 4);
int number = BitConverter.ToInt32(tempForTimestamp);
If you know the data is big-endian, perhaps just do it manually:
int value = (buffer[i++] << 24) | (buffer[i++] << 16)
| (buffer[i++] << 8) | buffer[i++];
this will work reliably on any CPU, too. Note i is your current offset into the buffer.
Another approach would be to shuffle the array:
byte tmp = buffer[i+3];
buffer[i+3] = buffer[i];
buffer[i] = tmp;
tmp = buffer[i+2];
buffer[i+2] = buffer[i+1];
buffer[i+1] = tmp;
int value = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, i);
i += 4;
I find the first immensely more readable, and there are no branches / complex code, so it should work pretty fast too. The second could also run into problems on some platforms (where the CPU is already running big-endian).
Here you go
public static int SwapEndianness(int value)
var b1 = (value >> 0) & 0xff;
var b2 = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
var b3 = (value >> 16) & 0xff;
var b4 = (value >> 24) & 0xff;
return b1 << 24 | b2 << 16 | b3 << 8 | b4 << 0;
Declare this class:
using static System.Net.IPAddress;
namespace BigEndianExtension
public static class BigEndian
public static short ToBigEndian(this short value) => HostToNetworkOrder(value);
public static int ToBigEndian(this int value) => HostToNetworkOrder(value);
public static long ToBigEndian(this long value) => HostToNetworkOrder(value);
public static short FromBigEndian(this short value) => NetworkToHostOrder(value);
public static int FromBigEndian(this int value) => NetworkToHostOrder(value);
public static long FromBigEndian(this long value) => NetworkToHostOrder(value);
Example, create a form with a button and a multiline textbox:
using BigEndianExtension;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
short int16 = 0x1234;
int int32 = 0x12345678;
long int64 = 0x123456789abcdef0;
string text = string.Format("LE:{0:X4}\r\nBE:{1:X4}\r\n", int16, int16.ToBigEndian());
text += string.Format("LE:{0:X8}\r\nBE:{1:X8}\r\n", int32, int32.ToBigEndian());
text += string.Format("LE:{0:X16}\r\nBE:{1:X16}\r\n", int64, int64.ToBigEndian());
textBox1.Text = text;
//Some code...
The most straightforward way is to use the BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt32BigEndian(ReadOnlySpan) Method introduced in .NET Standard 2.1
var number = BinaryPrimitives.ReadInt32BigEndian(waveData[297..291]);
If you won't ever again need that reversed, temporary array, you could just create it as you pass the parameter, instead of making four assignments. For example:
int i = 287;
int value = BitConverter.ToInt32({
waveData(i + 3),
waveData(i + 2),
waveData(i + 1),
}, 0);
I use the following helper functions
public static Int16 ToInt16(byte[] data, int offset)
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
return BitConverter.ToInt16(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? data.Skip(offset).Take(2).Reverse().ToArray() : data, 0);
return BitConverter.ToInt16(data, offset);
public static Int32 ToInt32(byte[] data, int offset)
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
return BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? data.Skip(offset).Take(4).Reverse().ToArray() : data, 0);
return BitConverter.ToInt32(data, offset);
public static Int64 ToInt64(byte[] data, int offset)
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
return BitConverter.ToInt64(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? data.Skip(offset).Take(8).Reverse().ToArray() : data, 0);
return BitConverter.ToInt64(data, offset);
You can also use Jon Skeet "Misc Utils" library, available at
His library has many utility functions. For Big/Little endian conversions you can check the MiscUtil/Conversion/EndianBitConverter.cs file.
var littleEndianBitConverter = new MiscUtil.Conversion.LittleEndianBitConverter();
littleEndianBitConverter.ToInt64(bytes, offset);
var bigEndianBitConverter = new MiscUtil.Conversion.BigEndianBitConverter();
bigEndianBitConverter.ToInt64(bytes, offset);
His software is from 2009 but I guess it's still relevant.
I dislike BitConverter, because (as Marc Gravell answered) it is specced to rely on system endianness, meaning you technically have to do a system endianness check every time you use BitConverter to ensure you don't have to reverse the array. And usually, with saved files, you generally know the endianness you're trying to read, and that might not be the same. You might just be handling file formats with big-endian values, too, like, for instance, PNG chunks.
Because of that, I just wrote my own methods for this, which take a byte array, the read offset and read length as arguments, as well as a boolean to specify the endianness handling, and which uses bit shifting for efficiency:
public static UInt64 ReadIntFromByteArray(Byte[] data, Int32 startIndex, Int32 bytes, Boolean littleEndian)
Int32 lastByte = bytes - 1;
if (data.Length < startIndex + bytes)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex", "Data array is too small to read a " + bytes + "-byte value at offset " + startIndex + ".");
UInt64 value = 0;
for (Int32 index = 0; index < bytes; index++)
Int32 offs = startIndex + (littleEndian ? index : lastByte - index);
value |= (((UInt64)data[offs]) << (8 * index));
return value;
This code can handle any value between 1 and 8 bytes, both little-endian and big-endian. The only small usage peculiarity is that you need to both give the amount of bytes to read, and need to specifically cast the result to the type you want.
Example from some code where I used it to read the header of some proprietary image type:
Int16 imageWidth = (Int16) ReadIntFromByteArray(fileData, hdrOffset, 2, true);
Int16 imageHeight = (Int16) ReadIntFromByteArray(fileData, hdrOffset + 2, 2, true);
This will read two consecutive 16-bit integers off an array, as signed little-endian values. You can of course just make a bunch of overload functions for all possibilities, like this:
public Int16 ReadInt16FromByteArrayLe(Byte[] data, Int32 startIndex)
return (Int16) ReadIntFromByteArray(data, startIndex, 2, true);
But personally I didn't bother with that.
And, here's the same for writing bytes:
public static void WriteIntToByteArray(Byte[] data, Int32 startIndex, Int32 bytes, Boolean littleEndian, UInt64 value)
Int32 lastByte = bytes - 1;
if (data.Length < startIndex + bytes)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex", "Data array is too small to write a " + bytes + "-byte value at offset " + startIndex + ".");
for (Int32 index = 0; index < bytes; index++)
Int32 offs = startIndex + (littleEndian ? index : lastByte - index);
data[offs] = (Byte) (value >> (8*index) & 0xFF);
The only requirement here is that you have to cast the input arg to 64-bit unsigned integer when passing it to the function.
public static unsafe int Reverse(int value)
byte* p = (byte*)&value;
return (*p << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3];
If unsafe is allowed... Based on Marc Gravell's post
This will reverse the data inline if unsafe code is allowed...
fixed (byte* wavepointer = waveData)
new Span<byte>(wavepointer + offset, 4).Reverse();