Determine if code is running as part of a unit test - c#

I have a unit test (nUnit). Many layers down the call stack a method will fail if it is running via a unit test.
Ideally you would use something like mocking to setup the object that this method is depending on but this is 3rd party code and I can't do that without a lot of work.
I don't want setup nUnit specific methods - there are too many levels here and its a poor way of doing unit test.
Instead what I would like to do is to add something like this deep down in the call stack
#IF DEBUG // Unit tests only included in debug build
if (IsRunningInUnitTest)
// Do some setup to avoid error
So any ideas about how to write IsRunningInUnitTest?
P.S. I am fully aware that this is not great design, but I think its better than the alternatives.

I've done this before - I had to hold my nose while I did it, but I did it. Pragmatism beats dogmatism every time. Of course, if there is a nice way you can refactor to avoid it, that would be great.
Basically I had a "UnitTestDetector" class which checked whether the NUnit framework assembly was loaded in the current AppDomain. It only needed to do this once, then cache the result. Ugly, but simple and effective.

Taking Jon's idea this is what I came up with -
using System;
using System.Reflection;
/// <summary>
/// Detect if we are running as part of a nUnit unit test.
/// This is DIRTY and should only be used if absolutely necessary
/// as its usually a sign of bad design.
/// </summary>
static class UnitTestDetector
private static bool _runningFromNUnit = false;
static UnitTestDetector()
foreach (Assembly assem in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
// Can't do something like this as it will load the nUnit assembly
// if (assem == typeof(NUnit.Framework.Assert))
if (assem.FullName.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("nunit.framework"))
_runningFromNUnit = true;
public static bool IsRunningFromNUnit
get { return _runningFromNUnit; }
Pipe down at the back we're all big enough boys to recognise when we're doing something we probably shouldn't ;)

Adapted from Ryan's answer. This one is for the MS unit test framework.
The reason I need this is because I show a MessageBox on errors. But my unit tests also test the error handling code, and I don't want a MessageBox to pop up when running unit tests.
/// <summary>
/// Detects if we are running inside a unit test.
/// </summary>
public static class UnitTestDetector
static UnitTestDetector()
string testAssemblyName = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework";
UnitTestDetector.IsInUnitTest = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.Any(a => a.FullName.StartsWith(testAssemblyName));
public static bool IsInUnitTest { get; private set; }
And here's a unit test for it:
public void IsInUnitTest()
"Should detect that we are running inside a unit test."); // lol

Simplifying Ryan's solution, you can just add the following static property to any class:
public static readonly bool IsRunningFromNUnit =
a => a.FullName.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("nunit.framework"));

I use a similar approach as tallseth
This is the basic code which could be easily modified to include caching.
Another good idea would be to add a setter to IsRunningInUnitTest and call UnitTestDetector.IsRunningInUnitTest = false to your projects main entry point to avoid the code execution.
public static class UnitTestDetector
public static readonly HashSet<string> UnitTestAttributes = new HashSet<string>
public static bool IsRunningInUnitTest
foreach (var f in new StackTrace().GetFrames())
if (f.GetMethod().DeclaringType.GetCustomAttributes(false).Any(x => UnitTestAttributes.Contains(x.GetType().FullName)))
return true;
return false;

Maybe useful, checking current ProcessName:
public static bool UnitTestMode
string processName = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName;
return processName == "VSTestHost"
|| processName.StartsWith("vstest.executionengine") //it can be vstest.executionengine.x86 or vstest.executionengine.x86.clr20
|| processName.StartsWith("QTAgent"); //QTAgent32 or QTAgent32_35
And this function should be also check by unittest:
public class TestUnittestRunning
public void UnitTestRunningTest()
Matthew Watson in

Somewhere in the project being tested:
public static class Startup
public static bool IsRunningInUnitTest { get; set; }
Somewhere in your unit test project:
public static class AssemblyInitializer
public static void Initialize(TestContext context)
Startup.IsRunningInUnitTest = true;
Elegant, no. But straightforward and fast. AssemblyInitializer is for MS Test. I would expect other test frameworks to have equivalents.

In test mode, Assembly.GetEntryAssembly() seems to be null.
#IF DEBUG // Unit tests only included in debug build
if (Assembly.GetEntryAssembly() == null)
// Do some setup to avoid error
Note that if Assembly.GetEntryAssembly() is null, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() isn't.
The documentation says: The GetEntryAssembly method can return null when a managed assembly has been loaded from an unmanaged application.

Just use this:
In test mode, it will return false.

I use this only for skipping logic that disables all TraceAppenders in log4net during startup when no debugger is attached. This allows unit tests to log to the Resharper results window even when running in non-debug mode.
The method that uses this function is either called on startup of the application or when beginning a test fixture.
It is similar to Ryan's post but uses LINQ, drops the System.Reflection requirement, does not cache the result, and is private to prevent (accidental) misuse.
private static bool IsNUnitRunning()
return AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Any(assembly => assembly.FullName.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("nunit.framework"));

Having a reference to nunit framework doesn't mean that test is actually running. For example in Unity when you activate play mode tests the nunit references are added to the project. And when you run a game the references are exist, so UnitTestDetector would not work correctly.
Instead of checking for nunit assembly we can ask nunit api to check is code under executing test now or not.
using NUnit.Framework;
// ...
if (TestContext.CurrentContext != null)
// nunit test detected
// Do some setup to avoid error
Beware that the TestContext may be automatically generated if it's required.

I have a solution that's closer to what the original poster wanted. The issue is how to set the test flag to indicate the code is executing as part of a test. This can be implemented with 2 lines of code.
I have added an internal variable called RunningNunitTest at the top of the class. Be sure to make this an internal variable and not public. We don't want to export this variable when we build the project. Also this is how we're going to allow NUnit to set it to true.
NUnit does not have access to private variables or methods in our code. This is an easy fix. In between the using statements and the namespace add a [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("NUnitTest")] decoration. This allows NUint access to any internal variable or method. My NUnit test project is named "NUintTest." Replace this name with the name of your NUint test Project.
That's it! Set RunningNunitTest to true in your NUnit tests.
using NetworkDeviceScanner;
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("NUnitTest")] // Add this decoration to your class
namespace NetworkDeviceScannerLibrary
public class DetectDevice
internal bool RunningNunitTest = false; // Add this variable to your class
public ulong TotalAddressesFound;
public ulong ScanCount;
NUnit Code
var startIp = IPAddress.Parse("");
var endIp = IPAddress.Parse("");
var detectDevice = new DetectDevice
RunningNunitTest = true
Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => detectDevice.DetectIpRange(startIp, endIp, null));

works like a charm
if (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault(x => x.FullName.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("nunit.framework")) != null)
fileName = #"C:\Users\blabla\xxx.txt";
var sfd = new SaveFileDialog
{ ... };
var dialogResult = sfd.ShowDialog();
if (dialogResult != DialogResult.OK)
fileName = sfd.FileName;

Unit tests will skip application entry point. At least for wpf, winforms and console application main() is not being called.
If main method is called than we are in run-time, otherwise we are in unit test mode:
public static bool IsUnitTest { get; private set; } = true;
public static void main()
IsUnitTest = false;

I was unhappy to have this problem recently. I solved it in a slightly different way. First, I was unwilling to make the assumption that nunit framework would never be loaded outside a test environment; I was particularly worried about developers running the app on their machines. So I walked the call stack instead. Second, I was able to make the assumption that test code would never be run against release binaries, so I made sure this code did not exist in a release system.
internal abstract class TestModeDetector
internal abstract bool RunningInUnitTest();
internal static TestModeDetector GetInstance()
return new DebugImplementation();
return new ReleaseImplementation();
private class ReleaseImplementation : TestModeDetector
internal override bool RunningInUnitTest()
return false;
private class DebugImplementation : TestModeDetector
private Mode mode_;
internal override bool RunningInUnitTest()
if (mode_ == Mode.Unknown)
mode_ = DetectMode();
return mode_ == Mode.Test;
private Mode DetectMode()
return HasUnitTestInStack(new StackTrace()) ? Mode.Test : Mode.Regular;
private static bool HasUnitTestInStack(StackTrace callStack)
return GetStackFrames(callStack).SelectMany(stackFrame => stackFrame.GetMethod().GetCustomAttributes(false)).Any(NunitAttribute);
private static IEnumerable<StackFrame> GetStackFrames(StackTrace callStack)
return callStack.GetFrames() ?? new StackFrame[0];
private static bool NunitAttribute(object attr)
var type = attr.GetType();
if (type.FullName != null)
return type.FullName.StartsWith("nunit.framework", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
return false;
private enum Mode

Application.Current is null when running under the unit tester. At least for my WPF app using MS Unit tester. That's an easy test to make if needed. Also, something to keep in mind when using Application.Current in your code.

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~")))
// Running not as a web app (unit tests)
// Running as a web app

There is a really simple solution as well when you are testing a class...
Simply give the class you are testing a property like this:
// For testing purposes to avoid running certain code in unit tests.
public bool thisIsUnitTest { get; set; }
Now your unit test can set the "thisIsUnitTest" boolean to true, so in the code you want to skip, add:
if (thisIsUnitTest)
Its easier and faster than inspecting the assemblies. Reminds me of Ruby On Rails where you'd look to see if you are in the TEST environment.

Considering your code is normaly run in the main (gui) thread of an windows forms application and you want it to behave different while running in a test you can check for
if (SynchronizationContext.Current == null)
// code running in a background thread or from within a unit test
// code running in the main thread or any other thread where
// a SynchronizationContext has been set with
// SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(synchronizationContext);
I am using this for code that I want to fire and forgot in a gui application but in the unit tests I might need the computed result for an assertation and I don't want to mess with multiple threads running.
Works for MSTest. The advantage it that my code does not need to check for the testing framework itself and if I really need the async behaviour in a certain test I can set my own SynchronizationContext.
Be aware that this is not a reliable method to Determine if code is running as part of a unit test as requested by OP since code could be running inside a thread but for certain scenarios this could be a good solution (also: If I am already running from a background thread, it might not be necessary to start a new one).

I've used the following in VB in my code to check if we ae in a unit test. spifically i didn't want the test to open Word
If Not Application.ProductName.ToLower().Contains("test") then
' Do something
End If

How about using reflection and something like this:
var underTest = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly() != typeof(MainForm).Assembly;
The calling assembly will be where your test cases are and just substitute for MainForm some type that's in your code being tested.


NUnit cannot call properly method as Program can. How to Mock it properly?

In Nunit I try to test a method. I prepared the same input as in production code, but still method which do my work doesn't call properly. Tried to mock it, with no effect at this moment.
I was told that moq is the answer and it won't be easy, but send me a "Similar" question from this forum. below is try of all that I could. all found in that topic was implemented, but service is still not called properly. Checked if in normal case it would work (program.cs) and there function is called, and works as it should.
public class Helper
public string a;
public string b;
public Helper(string aa, string bb)
a = aa;
b = bb; //here is some transformation, but I checked it, and it's working properly
public class Service
public static string NotWorkingFunction(Helper o)
InternallService w = ThatPrivateFunctionWorks(o);
return ThatPrivateFunctionDont(w);
private InternallService ThatPrivateFunctionWorks(Helper o)
return DLL_external.SomeInternalService(o); //call was ok in both program, and in NUnit
ThatPrivateFunctionDont(InternallService w)
return DLL_external.CallingServiceFarAwayFromDLL(w); //this one works if is in part of program, but does not from NUnit. checks if have permission from Windows Credentials, then do a work. Error here from NUnit is that he cannot even call this function!
public class InternallService
public string smth;
public InternallService(Helper o)
smth = o.a;
public class DLL_external
public InternallService SomeInternalService(Helper o)
InternallService p = new InternallService(o);
return p; //prepare service for function. does not need to connect. output also is checked n another way, and is ok.
public InternallService CallingServiceFarAwayFromDLL(InternallService o)
return o; //here it connects to the service (don't know how, which protocol etc. works if run under program.cs)
in Nunit
public class Test
public void Tester()
Mock<Helper> MockedObject = new Mock<Helper>("a", "B"); //Mocking an object
Mock<Service> MockedService = new Mock<Service>(MockBehavior.Strict);
var Helper = new Helper("a", "B");
Service.NotWorkingFunction(MockedObject.Object); //still does not work properly. cannot call service inside the function (But very similar thing Can, but in Program.cs)
MockedService.Object.NotWorkingFunction(MockedObject.Object);//service does not call
MockedService.Setup(p => p.NotWorkingFunction(MockedObject.Object)); //found at Stack overflow, but still function is not called
//of course all uncompiling things are commented in mine code
Expected to work. but still don't know how call it to test from NUnit. Maybe I am wrong with tool, which I use.
The idea of unit testing is that you test individual units of code rather than the whole system. Integration testing is where you test the whole system. You should test each public interface of each class individually. If that class has dependencies that you want to exclude from the test, you can create mocks of those dependencies: these are fake objects that are called instead of calling your actual code.
For example, to test the function that you say is not working you write a test that calls that function, not a test that goes through the rest of the code to hopefully call that function. You need to set up the data the function being tested needs, either directly or with mock objects. So tests for Dll_External might start like this:
public class Dll_External_Tests
public void ShouldReturnAnInternalServiceFromCallingServiceFarAwayFromDLL()
// setup
Helper helper = new Helper("a", "B");
InternallService internalService = new InternallService(helper);
DLL_external dLL_external = new DLL_external();
// act
var result = dLL_external.CallingServiceFarAwayFromDLL(internalService);
// assert
Assert.IsTrue(result is InternallService);
// add more assertions for what you expect the result to be
You will see this test does not use Service at all - it is only testing DLL_External and only creates the objects it needs to be able to do that.
Incidentally, the code you have shown won't compile: you need an object to call a method on. You can only call static methods directly on the class like ClassName.StaticMethod(). Also, it can be a bit confusing if your objects have the same name as the class, convention is that class names start with a capital letter and instances (objects) start with a lower case letter.

.NET assert assertions are enabled

How does one assert that assertions are enabled in C#?
Here's a link to a related answer for Java, that does not work in C#.
The purpose of this would be to prevent the use of release-type assemblies because where efficiency is of no concern I might as well be running with all the assertions working, so there is in some places a preference for debug-type assemblies.
Use of Debug.Assert(false) was not satisfactory because it creates a dialog and requires user interaction. It would be good to know assertions work without the "noise". The Java solution is noiseless.
EDIT: This is taken from a comment under the accepted answer.
public static class CompileTimeInformation
public static void AssertAssertionsEnabled()
// Recall that assertions work only in the debug version of an assembly.
// Thus the assertion that assertions work relies upon detecting that the assembly was compiled as a debug version.
if (IsReleaseTypeAssembly())
throw new ApplicationException("Assertions are not enabled.");
public static bool IsReleaseTypeAssembly()
return ! IsDebugTypeAssembly();
public static bool IsDebugTypeAssembly()
Update: There's a simpler solution. The other one is still below for the curious.
public static bool AreAssertionsEnabled =
Looks nasty but is quite simple.
Let's first look at what causes Debug.Assert to disappear in non-DEBUG builds:
[Conditional("DEBUG"), __DynamicallyInvokable]
public static void Assert(bool condition)
It's [Conditional("DEBUG")]. That inspires the following solution:
public static bool AreAssertionsEnabled = false;
static MyClassName() { MaybeSetEnabled(); /* call deleted in RELEASE builds */ }
static void MaybeSetEnabled()
AreAssertionsEnabled = true;
You can probably refactor this so that AreAssertionsEnabled can be readonly. I just can't think of a way right now.
You can now check the boolean value AreAssertionsEnabled and perform any logic you like based on it.

How can I tell that my program is under unit test environment

I have a console application. In release environment, it works perfectly at this time. When in IDE debug environment, I don't want the console window close, so I added this function, and calling it in the very end of my program.
public static void DebugWaitAKey(string message = "Press any key")
It works well for me, when I debug my program. But with unit testing, it still wait for a key before exiting!
The work-around is only unit-testing release edition of my program, or test other functions. But I do want something can identify current session is under unit testing, and use that flag in this function.
I believe this should answer your question. I took a class from there and adapted it to your situation.
/// <summary>
/// Detects if we are running inside a unit test.
/// </summary>
public static class UnitTestDetector
static UnitTestDetector()
string testAssemblyName = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework";
UnitTestDetector.IsInUnitTest = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.Any(a => a.FullName.StartsWith(testAssemblyName));
public static bool IsInUnitTest { get; private set; }
Then I added a line to your method which if it is running a test it will not hit the Console.ReadKey();
public static void DebugWaitAKey(string message = "Press any key")
Note: This would be considered a hack and would not be considered a best practice.
I also created a sample project on github to demonstrate this code.
The simple way if your test runs from a dedicated UnitTest project : use a flag in AppSettings...
I would not investigate around patterns for such a purpose, i would run the test in a dedicated UnitTest project with its own configuration.
If you need to collect data maybe should you simply use traces (they can be customized from your .config file)... ?
Hope this helps...
Rather than looking for whether the program was compiled in debug mode, you can look at whether a debugger is attached:
if (Debugger.IsAttached)
Note this will only detect if you start with F5 from Visual Studio, not Ctrl-F5 (i.e. Start with Debugging only)
I used a variation of Jeff's UnitTestDetector. I did not want to check the unit test assembly and wanted to control which unit tests would consider this or not.
So I created a simple class with IsInUnitTest defaulting to false.
Then in the unit test classes where I wanted the conditional code to run I added TestInitializer and TestCleanup where I set the bool accordingly.
Then in my regular code I can use UnitTestDetector.IsInUnitTest
Simple UnitTestDetector class:
/// <summary>
/// Detects if we are running inside a unit test.
/// </summary>
public static class UnitTestDetector
static private bool _isInUnitTest = false;
public static bool IsInUnitTest
get { return _isInUnitTest; }
set { _isInUnitTest = value; }
Unit Test to Test this stuff:
public class UnitTestDetectorTest_WithoutIsInUnitTest
public void IsInUnitTest_WithoutUnitTestAttribute_False()
bool expected = false;
bool actual = UnitTestDetector.IsInUnitTest;
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
public class UnitTestDetectorTest_WithIsInUnitTest
public void Initialize()
UnitTestDetector.IsInUnitTest = true;
public void Cleanup()
UnitTestDetector.IsInUnitTest = false;
public void IsInUnitTest_WithUnitTestAttribute_True()
bool expected = true;
bool actual = UnitTestDetector.IsInUnitTest;
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Condition in Code:
if (UnitTestDetector.IsInUnitTest)
return "Hey I'm in the unit test :)";
I know this is old but I really don't like many of these answers, especially anything that hard codes an assembly name or version.
This works well, as long as the class you are testing is not Sealed. It's pretty simple:
Add this class variable to the class you are testing:
protected Boolean IsInUnitTestMode = false;
We default it to false so in production it will always be false.
Add something like this wrapper to your test class
class ProfileTest : Profiles
public ProfileTest() : base()
IsInUnitTestMode = true;
In this example Profiles is the class we are testing, ProfileTest is a wrapper class in the test project's namespace. It will never be deployed. The test class uses this to create an instance of the class to be tested:
ProfileTest profiles = new ProfileTest();
As opposed to this:
private Profiles profiles = new Profiles();
The we can use it something like this:
private string ProfilePath
if (IsInUnitTestMode)
return SafeStorage.EnsureFolderExists(Path.Combine(SafeStorage.UserPath, UNITTESTFOLDERNAME)).FullName;
return SafeStorage.EnsureFolderExists(Path.Combine(SafeStorage.UserPath, PROFILEFOLDERNAME)).FullName;
As I said, this won't work with sealed classes, nor will it work well with static ones. With that said the number of times I actually choose to test for the unit test condition is quite rare. This works extremely well for me.

Skipping a whole test class in

Is it possible to skip all tests from a specific class like in NUnit
public class TestClass {
No - there is no such facility at present, and the last time it was requested it was considered too low value to add,
One quick way of achieving the effect in xUnit is to comment out the public - private classes are not reflected over (obviously it won't appear on the skip list that way though).
UPDATE: Another way is to put a TraitAttribute on the class and then (assuming you're using the xunit.console runner) filter it out by running with /-trait traitName. (e.g. you can achieve ExplicitAttribute, some aspects of the BDD frameworky technique of Pending tests and similar semantics that way - of course the big problem is they don't show up in any reports when using any of these filtering techniques)
UPDATE 2: You can do
const string skip = "Class X disabled";
void Test() {}
Then you can change to to const string skip = null to undo the skip. The (dis)advantage of this is that the test is still shown as a Skipped test in the test list, generally with a reason included in the test run report (vs making it private which makes it likely to be forgotten)
Here is my hack to avoid error xUnit1000: Test classes must be public (checked on single Fact, I think Theories can be hacked this way, too).
// Uncomment to enable tests
//public class FactSwitch : FactAttribute { } // public! ahh, a bug!
// Uncomment to disable tests
internal class FactSwitch : Attribute { }
public class MyTests
public void MyTest1()
(3 years later)
While searching for the same solution I found there are better ways to do the same.
Let's rewrite the example above in a way Ruben Bartelink suggested (continuation of his idea).
public class MyTests
//const string SkipOrNot = null; // Run all tests
const string SkipOrNot = "reason"; // Skip all tests
[Fact(Skip = SkipOrNot)]
public void MyTest1()
Nathan Cooper suggested a good improvement for my idea:
public class MyTests
// Uncomment to disable tests
//private class FactAttribute : Attribute { }
public void MyTest1()
So I like both ideas from Ruben and Nathan. There is a subtle difference between using Skip="something" (Ruben) and not using Skip at all. Using "Skip" will put all your tests in a "Skipped tests" warning zone, while "FactAttribute : Attribute" will hide them.
I've found yet another way of temporary disabling entire class without compiler warning.
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Usage", "xUnit1000:Test classes must be public", Justification = "Disabled")]//*/
public /**/class DatabaseTests
to enable move the /* one line up (i.e. using alt+up):
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Usage", "xUnit1000:Test classes must be public", Justification = "Disabled")]//*/
public /**/class DatabaseTests
Note that using full namespace path for SupressMessage does not mess up with your usings.
You need to set the your class access level as as internal and surpress message as #Miq did:
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Usage", "xUnit1000:Test classes must be public", Justification = "Disabled")]
internal class MyClassThatIsNotATestClass
{ ... }
You can create LocalOnlyFactAttribute
public class LocalOnlyFactAttribute : FactAttribute
//uncomment to run on local
//const string skip = null;
//keep this to avoid slow running tests on other env
const string skip = "Disabled slow running tests.";
public override string Skip { get => skip; set => base.Skip = value; }
As far as I know, the simplest way to dynamically skip a whole xUnit test class at runtime is to use the TestFrameworkAttribute at the assembly level, to point to a class that implements the ITestFramework interface (or inherits from XunitTestFramework, which is simpler) and which overrides the CreateDiscoverer() method to return another class, that implements the ITestFrameworkDiscoverer interface (or inherits from XunitTestFrameworkDiscoverer, which is simpler), where you can finally override the IsValidTestClass() method, to decide whether a class should be skipped or not.
Here is some sample code:
[assembly: TestFramework("MyNamespace.Xunit.MyTestFramework", "MyAssembly")]
namespace MyNamespace.Xunit
public class MyTestFramework : XunitTestFramework
public MyTestFramework(IMessageSink messageSink)
: base(messageSink)
protected override ITestFrameworkDiscoverer CreateDiscoverer(
IAssemblyInfo assemblyInfo)
=> new MyTestFrameworkDiscoverer(
public class MyTestFrameworkDiscoverer : XunitTestFrameworkDiscoverer
public MyTestFrameworkDiscoverer(
IAssemblyInfo assemblyInfo,
ISourceInformationProvider sourceProvider,
IMessageSink diagnosticMessageSink,
IXunitTestCollectionFactory collectionFactory = null)
: base(
protected override bool IsValidTestClass(ITypeInfo type)
=> base.IsValidTestClass(type) &&
protected virtual bool FilterType(ITypeInfo type)
// Insert your custom filter conditions here.
return true;
Tested with xUnit 2.4.1.
We are using it in Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql (see AssemblyInfo.cs and MySqlXunitTestFrameworkDiscoverer.cs) (a bit more complex than the sample code here).
You could achieve this through a custom ITestClassCommand.
Here's another hack that requires minimal changes to code
using FactAttribute = System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute;
using TheoryAttribute = System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute;
Any compatible attribute can be used for the replacement.
If you also use the InlineDataAttribute then you'll need to define a replacement as I don't think there's an existing compatible attribute.
using InlineDataAttribute = DummyDataAttribute;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
internal class DummyDataAttribute : Attribute
public DummyDataAttribute(params object[] data)
Adding a reason almost after one year after the initial question. I have a set of tests which are calling real server apis, and I would like to run then on demand. With nUnit, it has Ignore attribute : with that set, test runner will skip those tests, but I can still manually run it.
xUnit has no such feature. The nearest one is setting such a class level attribute, and comment it out when I want to run it.
Consider creating LocalOnlyFactAttribute, which can be reused across multiple test files.
public class LocalOnlyFactAttribute : FactAttribute
//uncomment to run on local
//const string skip = null;
//keep this to avoid slow running tests on other env
const string skip = "Disabled slow running tests.";
public override string Skip { get => skip; set => this.Skip = value; }

VS2008 unit tests - assert method exits

I'm trying to write a C# unit test with VS 2008's built-in unit testing framework and the method I'm testing calls Environment.Exit(0). When I call this method in my unit test, my unit test is Aborted. The method should indeed be calling Exit, and I want a way to test that it does, and also to test the exit code that it uses. How might I do this? I looked at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting Namespace but didn't see anything that looked relevant.
public void MyProgTest()
// Want to ensure this Exit's with code 0:
Meanwhile, here's the gist of the code that I want to test:
static void myMethod()
Edit: here's the solution I used in my test method, thanks to RichardOD:
Process proc;
proc = Process.Start(path, myArgs);
catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception ex)
proc = null;
Assert.AreEqual(code, proc.ExitCode);
You'll need to create a wrapper for the Environment class, then use the wrapper in your code. For your unit tests, inject a mock version of the wrapper. The following example uses RhinoMocks to verify that the method calls the wrapper with the expected argument.
public class EnvironmentWrapper
public virtual void Exit( int code )
Environment.Exit( code );
public class MyClass
private EnvironmentWrapper Environment { get; set; }
public MyClass() : this( null ) { }
public MyClass( EnvironmentWrapper wrapper )
this.Environment = wrapper ?? new EnvironmentWrapper();
public void MyMethod( int code )
this.Environment.Exit( code )
public void MyMethodTest()
var mockWrapper = MockRepository.GenerateMock<EnvironmentWrapper>();
int expectedCode = 5;
mockWrapper.Expect( m => m.Exit( expectedCode ) );
var myClass = new MyClass( mockWrapper );
myclass.MyMethod( expectedCode );
This sounds like an incredibly bad idea. Environment.Exit(0), will obviously do as prescribed, hence why your unit testings are breaking.
If you really want to still test this you can by launching a seperate process and checking the return code- have a look at wrapping it up in Process.Start.
I guess another option is factoring this code out and injecting a test spy, or using a mock object to verify correct behaviour.
Perhaps you can do something with Typemock Isolator- I believe this lets you mock static methods.
You won't be able to test this - Environment.Exit kills the application completely. This means that any AppDomain that uses this code will be unloaded completely, whether it is your production application or the unit testing framework.
Your only option here would be to mock the Environment class with a fakie Exit method.
You can add an argument to your method to pass it a fake environment where the exit() method won't exit.
You can this parametrized method extracted from the method called from your application, and unit test the extracted function. That way, you won't have to modify your app.
The only thing that comes to my mind is something along:
static void myMethod()
static void DoEnvironentExit(int code)
#if defined TEST_SOLUTION
