Check signature for x509 certificate - c#

I have:
x509 certificate (Base64);
String data;
Signature of string data (Base64).
Is it possible to check signature?
My code:
bool valid = false;
var signature = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Signature);
var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringData);
var x509 = new X509Certificate2(Convert.FromBase64String(certificate));
var dsa = x509.PublicKey.Key as DSACryptoServiceProvider;
if (dsa!=null)
valid = dsa.VerifySignature(data, signature);
else {
var rsa = x509.PublicKey.Key as RSACryptoServiceProvider;
if (rsa!=null)
valid = rsa.VerifyHash(data, ???, signature);
I don't know what I should use instead of ???. It is possible to get hash algorithm from certificate?

The sender of the original message may use whatever algorithm he likes to sign his message, using the private key that corresponds to the certificate. While you can get the OID of the algorithm used to sign the certificate from its the SignatureAlgorithm property, nothing prevents the sender to use a different signing or hashing algorithm.
According to the documentation, the only valid hashing algorithms for the RSA provider are SHA1 and MD5. Perhaps you should try VerifyHash with both algorithms and check which one succeeds. You can get the proper OID for each one using the CryptoConfig.MapNameToOID method like this:
string sha1Oid = CryptoConfig.MapNameToOID("SHA1");
string md5Oid = CryptoConfig.MapNameToOID("MD5");
bool sha1Valid = rsa.VerifyHash(data, sha1Oid, signature);
bool md5Valid = rsa.VerifyHash(data, md5Oid, signature);
valid = sha1Valid || md5Valid;


How do I sign with HashiCorp Vault

i don't know if this question is very easy and I just didn't figure it out how to sign with HashiCorp-VaultĀ“s Api VaultSharp, but I am despairing.
The entire Documentation with examples can be found here:
Encryption and Decryption works fine. Only Signing is a problem.
Code for Encryption:
public byte[] EncryptData(byte[] data, string keyName)
SecretsEngine transitSecretsEngine = new SecretsEngine
Type = SecretsEngineType.Transit,
Path = path
Client.V1.Secrets.Transit.CreateEncryptionKeyAsync(keyName, new CreateKeyRequestOptions()
Exportable = true
}, path).Wait();
EncryptRequestOptions encryptOptions = new EncryptRequestOptions
Base64EncodedPlainText = Convert.ToBase64String(data),
ConvergentEncryption = true,
Secret<EncryptionResponse> encryptionResponse = Client.V1.Secrets.Transit.EncryptAsync(keyName,
encryptOptions, path).Result;
string cipherText = encryptionResponse.Data.CipherText;
return Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(cipherText);
Code for Decryption:
public byte[] DecryptData(string ciphertext, string keyName)
DecryptRequestOptions decryptOptions = new DecryptRequestOptions
CipherText = ciphertext,
Secret<DecryptionResponse> decryptionResponse = Client.V1.Secrets.Transit.DecryptAsync(keyName,
decryptOptions, path).Result;
return Convert.FromBase64String(decryptionResponse.Data.Base64EncodedPlainText);
Here is my Code Trial for signing:
public byte[] Sign(byte[] plaintextBytes, string keyName)
byte[] hash = ComputeHash(plaintextBytes,SHA256.Create());
GCKMS.SignatureOptions options = new GCKMS.SignatureOptions()
Digest = Convert.ToBase64String(hash),
Secret<GCKMS.SignatureResponse> result = Client.V1.Secrets.GoogleCloudKMS.SignAsync(keyName,
return Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(result.Data.Signature);
The Error is:
VaultSharp.Core.VaultApiException: {"errors":["no handler for route
Last but not least my Code for validating the signature:
public bool ValidateSignature(byte[] plaintextByte, byte[] signature, string keyName)
GCKMS.VerificationOptions option = new GCKMS.VerificationOptions
Digest = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(ComputeHash(plaintextByte)),
Signature = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(signature)
Secret<GCKMS.VerificationResponse> result =
Client.V1.Secrets.GoogleCloudKMS.VerifyAsync(keyName, option).Result;
return result.Data.Valid;
I am not sure but this could be because I don't use a SecretsEngine with a Path. I could not find any SecretsEngine for GoogleCloudKms.
Useful information:
I generate the Path with Guid.NewGuid().ToString();.
ComputeHash is a self written Function that computes the Hash with a give Algorithm. The
default algorithm is SHA256.
GCMS is a short version of the Namespace VaultSharp.V1.SecretsEngines.GoogleCloudKMS
Any ideas and suggestions are very welcome.
Thanks in advance!
Although Vault offers convenient signature with Transit, the C# wrapper you are using does not support it.
Google KMS does offer signature, but its interface is more complex: you have to do the hash yourself and keep track of the key versions.
What I suggest is that you play a trick on your API wrapper:
Leave your encryption and decryption code as-is
Write to the the Transit backend as if it was a KV store version 1
Get your signature by sending your payload as the input parameter
You still have to base64 your data before sending it to Vault, to avoid binary encoding issues.
So assuming that:
You want to sign the text StackOverflow
The transit back-end is mounted under transit
Your signature key is named my-key
This should get you started:
var value = new Dictionary<string, object> { "input", Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("StackOverflow")) } };
var writtenValue = await vaultClient.V1.Secrets.KeyValue.V1.WriteSecretAsync("sign/my-key", value, "transit");

How to validate a certificate chain from a specific root CA in C#

I have a certificate chain that looks like this: root CA -> intermediate CA -> client certificate. How can I validate that a received certificate is explicitly created by "root CA"?
To validate the whole chain is not a problem. This can be done like this:
X509Certificate2 rootCert = new X509Certificate2(rootCertFile);
X509Certificate2 intermediateCert = new X509Certificate2(intermediateCertFile);
X509Certificate2 clientCert = new X509Certificate2(clientCertFile);
// ... chain is valid
The issue here is that the certificate gets validated against the (Windows) certificate store but I just want to validate it against a specific root CA.
I also thought that it would be possible to check if the chain.ChainElements contains my expected root CA. But what if someone sends me a valid chain from a different root CA and just adds the my expected root CA?
The certificate chain API checks that each element signed the preceding element, so there's no way that someone can just tack your root CA on the end (provided you're not using something like a 384-bit RSA key with MD5 signatures, in which case they can just forge your signature).
You can encode any extra checks that you like, such as that you know none of your chains will exceed length 3 (though you could just have encoded that in your root CA's X509 Basic Constraints extension).
if (!chain.Build(cert))
return false;
if (chain.ChainElements.Length > 3)
return false;
X509Certificate2 chainRoot = chain.ChainElements[chain.ChainElements.Length - 1].Certificate;
return chainRoot.Equals(root);
If you prefer the last line could be return root.RawData.SequenceEquals(chainRoot.RawData); (ensure they have the same bytes).
Some things of note:
When you call X509Chain.Build() every X509Certificate2 object it returns via an X509ChainElement is a new object. You may wish to Dispose any of the objects you aren't returning (which may be all of them).
Even when chain.Build returns false it will populate the ChainElements array so you can inspect why.
The X509Chain object itself is Disposable, you likely want to Dispose it (which you might already be doing outside of your snippet).
Disposing the chain won't Dispose any of the created certificates, since you could have been holding an object reference already.
The X509Chain does not work reliably for scenarios where you do not have the root certificate in the trusted CA store on the machine.
Others will advocate using bouncy castle. I wanted to avoid bringing in another library just for this task, so I wrote my own.
As see in RFC3280 Section 4.1 the certificate is a ASN1 encoded structure, and at it's base level is comprised of only 3 elements.
The "TBS" (to be signed) certificate
The signature algorithm
and the signature value
Certificate ::= SEQUENCE {
tbsCertificate TBSCertificate,
signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
signatureValue BIT STRING
C# actually has a handy tool for parsing ASN1, the System.Formats.Asn1.AsnDecoder.
Using this, we can extract these 3 elements from the certificate to verify the chain.
The first step was extracting the certificate signature, since the X509Certificate2 class does not expose this information and it is necessary for the purpose of certificate validation.
Example code to extract the signature value part:
public static byte[] Signature(
this X509Certificate2 certificate,
AsnEncodingRules encodingRules = AsnEncodingRules.BER)
var signedData = certificate.RawDataMemory;
out var offset,
out var length,
out _
var certificateSpan = signedData.Span[offset..(offset + length)];
out var tbsOffset,
out var tbsLength,
out _
var offsetSpan = certificateSpan[(tbsOffset + tbsLength)..];
out var algOffset,
out var algLength,
out _
return AsnDecoder.ReadBitString(
offsetSpan[(algOffset + algLength)..],
out _,
out _
The next step is to extract the TBS certificate. This is the original data which was signed.
example code to extract the TBS certificate data:
public static ReadOnlySpan<byte> TbsCertificate(
this X509Certificate2 certificate,
AsnEncodingRules encodingRules = AsnEncodingRules.BER)
var signedData = certificate.RawDataMemory;
out var offset,
out var length,
out _
var certificateSpan = signedData.Span[offset..(offset + length)];
out var tbsOffset,
out var tbsLength,
out _
// include ASN1 4 byte header to get WHOLE TBS Cert
return certificateSpan.Slice(tbsOffset - 4, tbsLength + 4);
You may notice that when extracting the TBS certiifcate I needed to include the ASN1 header in the data, this is because the signature of the TBS Certificate INCLUDES this data (this annoyed me for a while).
For the first time in history, Microsoft does not impede us with their API design, and we are able to obtain the Signature Algorithm directly from the X509Certificate2 object. Then we just need to decide to what extent we are going to implement different hash algorithms.
var signature = signed.Signature();
var tbs = signed.TbsCertificate();
var alg = signed.SignatureAlgorithm;
switch (alg)
case { Value: var value } when value?.StartsWith("1.2.840.113549.1.1.") ?? false:
return signedBy.GetRSAPublicKey()?.VerifyData(
value switch {
"1.2.840.113549.1.1.11" => HashAlgorithmName.SHA256,
"1.2.840.113549.1.1.12" => HashAlgorithmName.SHA384,
"1.2.840.113549.1.1.13" => HashAlgorithmName.SHA512,
_ => throw new UnsupportedSignatureAlgorithm(alg)
) ?? false;
case { Value: var value } when value?.StartsWith("1.2.840.10045.4.3.") ?? false:
return signedBy.GetECDsaPublicKey()?.VerifyData(
value switch
"1.2.840.10045.4.3.2" => HashAlgorithmName.SHA256,
"1.2.840.10045.4.3.3" => HashAlgorithmName.SHA384,
"1.2.840.10045.4.3.4" => HashAlgorithmName.SHA512,
_ => throw new UnsupportedSignatureAlgorithm(alg)
) ?? false;
default: throw new UnsupportedSignatureAlgorithm(alg);
As shown in the code above, is a good resource to see the mapping of algorithms and OIDs.
Another thing you should be aware of is that there are some articles out there that claim that for elliptical curve algorithms, microsoft expects a R,S formatted key instead of a DER formatted key. I tried to convert the key to this format but it ultimately didn't work. What I discovered was that it was necessary to use the DSASignatureFormat.Rfc3279DerSequence parameter.
Additional certificate checks, like "not before" and "not after", or CRL and OCSP checks can be done in addition to the chain verification.

Password hash and verification don't match

I'm writing custom forms authentication for ASP.NET MVC 5 (no, I don't want to use ASP.NET Identity). I'm trying to hash my passwords using a randomly-generated salt and then hashing salt+password using SHA512. Here are the methods I've written:
private static User SetPassword(User newUser, string password)
var rand = RNGCryptoServiceProvider.Create();
var saltBytes = new byte[128];
var passwordBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
var passHash = SHA512Managed.Create().ComputeHash(saltBytes.Concat(passwordBytes).ToArray());
var hash = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(passHash);
var salt = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(saltBytes);
newUser.PasswordHash = hash;
newUser.Salt = salt;
return newUser;
private static bool ValidatePassword(User user, string passwordTry)
var actualPasswordBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(user.PasswordHash);
var passwordTryBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(passwordTry);
var saltBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(user.Salt);
var passwordTryHashBytes = SHA512Managed.Create().ComputeHash(saltBytes.Concat(passwordTryBytes).ToArray());
if (passwordTryHashBytes == actualPasswordBytes)
return true;
return false;
If I step through the code, the registration (SetPassword()) method appears to work successfully. The user's record gets set with a UTF-8 encoded password hash and salt.
If I step through the password validation method, everything also appears to be operating normally. The user's record (the salt and hash) are checked against the password try.
The problem is, when I register with a password and then try to log in as that user, the password validation fails. I'm probably not understanding how one of the Cryptography classes works... can anyone explain why this doesn't work?
The following code will always fail because both objects do not point to the same reference:
if (passwordTryHashBytes == actualPasswordBytes)
Try using LINQ's SequenceEqual() method

Verify Private Key Protection before signing with RSACryptoServiceProvider

When signing data with RSACryptoServiceProvider in C#, I have a requirement to ensure the certificate was imported with strong key protection and a high security level to require the user enters the password every time they sign with the key. Here's a quick simplified sample of the signing code:
X509Store myCurrentUserStore = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
X509Certificate2 currentCertificate = myCurrentUserStore.Certificates[4];
RSACryptoServiceProvider key = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] signedData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(originalFileContent);
byte[] signature = key.SignData(signedData, CryptoConfig2.CreateFromName("SHA256CryptoServiceProvider") as HashAlgorithm);
So what's the best way to go about checking how the certificate was installed so I can display an error message if it was not installed with strong private key protection with a high security level?
There are a couple things in your snippet that I don't understand.
Why you're opening with MaxAllowed. If you just want to read, use ReadOnly.
Why you're reading store.Certificates[4]. But presumably this is just a placeholder for "read a cert".
Why you're exporting and re-importing the key. (Especially since that would have had to prompt, which would defeat your "it needs to prompt" goal).
For #3 I'm assuming you are just looking to have a unique instance, in which case: Good news! .NET 4.6 added a GetRSAPrivateKey (extension) method to X509Certificate2 which always returns a unique instance. (And you might be excited to know about the new overload to SignData which doesn't encourage sending objects to the finalizer queue:
Anyways, what I wrote here works for medium (consent) or high (password) protection. The CngKey based approach can distinguish medium from high, but the classic CAPI fallback can't tell which is which. (The classic CAPI fallback will only happen with obscure HSMs which don't have a CNG-compatible driver).
private static bool HasProtectedKey(X509Certificate2 cert)
if (!cert.HasPrivateKey)
return false;
using (RSA rsa = cert.GetRSAPrivateKey())
return HasProtectedKey(rsa);
private static bool HasProtectedKey(RSA rsa)
RSACng rsaCng = rsa as RSACng;
if (rsaCng != null)
return rsaCng.Key.UIPolicy.ProtectionLevel != CngUIProtectionLevels.None;
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsaCsp = rsa as RSACryptoServiceProvider;
if (rsaCsp != null)
CspKeyContainerInfo info = rsaCsp.CspKeyContainerInfo;
// First, try with the CNG API, it can answer the question directly:
var openOptions = info.MachineKeyStore
? CngKeyOpenOptions.MachineKey
: CngKeyOpenOptions.UserKey;
var cngProvider = new CngProvider(info.ProviderName);
using (CngKey cngKey =
CngKey.Open(info.KeyContainerName, cngProvider, openOptions))
return cngKey.UIPolicy.ProtectionLevel != CngUIProtectionLevels.None;
catch (CryptographicException)
// Fallback for CSP modules which CNG cannot load:
CspParameters silentParams = new CspParameters
KeyContainerName = info.KeyContainerName,
KeyNumber = (int)info.KeyNumber,
ProviderType = info.ProviderType,
ProviderName = info.ProviderName,
Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseExistingKey | CspProviderFlags.NoPrompt,
if (info.MachineKeyStore)
silentParams.Flags |= CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore;
using (new RSACryptoServiceProvider(silentParams))
return false;
catch (CryptographicException e)
const int NTE_SILENT_CONTEXT = unchecked((int)0x80090022);
if (e.HResult == NTE_SILENT_CONTEXT)
return true;
// Some sort of RSA we don't know about, assume false.
return false;

x509 certificate example in OpenSSL .NET Wrapper [duplicate]

Hi Iam using the OpenSSL .NET wrapper in my c# project. i want to generate an X509 certification but i don't really know the procedure. what should it contain (what parameters)...etc
this is my code, I did it after looking some tests:
OpenSSL.X509.X509Certificate x509 = new OpenSSL.X509.X509Certificate();
OpenSSL.Crypto.RSA rsa = new OpenSSL.Crypto.RSA();
rsa.GenerateKeys(1024, 0x10001, null, null);
OpenSSL.Crypto.CryptoKey key = new OpenSSL.Crypto.CryptoKey(rsa);
OpenSSL.Crypto.MessageDigestContext digest = new OpenSSL.Crypto.MessageDigestContext(
I suppose that the certificate should take RSA private key and the digest as parameters and i have to configure it (date...and others parameters).
Can any one help me about that ? to finish my code ? thank you.
I use the following routine:
// Initialize the following with your information
var serial = 1234;
var issuer = new X509Name("issuer");
var subject = new X509Name("subject");
// Creates the key pair
var rsa = new RSA();
rsa.GenerateKeys(1024, 0x10001, null, null);
// Creates the certificate
var key = new CryptoKey(rsa);
var cert = new X509Certificate(serial, subject, issuer, key, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddYears(20));
// Dumps the certificate into a .cer file
var bio = BIO.File("C:/temp/cert.cer", "w");
