extending SqlMethods.Like to support property name - c#

I'm trying to extend SqlMethods.Like method to support property name rather than property value, i wrote the following extension method :
public static bool Like(this object obj, string propertyName, string pattern)
var properties = obj.GetType().GetProperties().Select(p => p.Name);
throw new Exception(string.Format("Object does not contain property:{0}", propertyName));
return SqlMethods.Like(obj.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).GetValue(obj, null).ToString(), pattern);
however the method throws the following exception :
Method 'Boolean Like(System.Object, System.String, System.String)' has no supported translation to SQL.
how can i write an extension method with transaction to SQL support ?

I found this answer from RichardD that is exactly the correct answer. Reposting for clarity, but original is linked below.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
public static class Extensions
public static IQueryable<T> WhereLike<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, string propertyName, string pattern)
if (null == source) throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) throw new ArgumentNullException("propertyName");
var a = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "a");
var prop = Expression.Property(a, propertyName);
var body = Expression.Call(typeof(SqlMethods), "Like", null, prop, Expression.Constant(pattern));
var fn = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(body, a);
return source.Where(fn);
.WhereLike("Description", "%a%b%c%"));
The solution uses expression trees, but all advanced LinqToSql operations will require familiarity with that.
From: http://forums.asp.net/p/1488418/3503874.aspx

What you want to do does not seem to make sense in the contxt of what SqlMethods.Like actually does. When you pass in a property of a class you are essentially telling it to translate that into the equivelent field in the SQL query. e.g.
var result = from names in db.Names
where SqlMethods.Like(names.FullName, '%Smith%')
select names;
would translate to something like:
FROM Names
WHERE Fullname LIKE '%Smith%'
(in practice it would be different using parameters and sp_executeSQL but coneptually that is what it would do).
If you want to pass in the name of a property what does that mean in terms of SQL, conceptually it makes no sense e.g.
FROM Names
WHERE --what would go here-- LIKE '%Smith%'
As such you are not going to be able to create a Linq To SQL method that creates nonsense SQL.
What are you actually trying to do, the chance is that you are going about it completely the wrong way.
Edit:hmm from your comment i think i understand what you want to do, in essense you want to be able to specify the column you are doing a LIKE comparison with at run time. You cannot do it exactly. You could use a stored procedure that used dynamic SQL and took a string parameter for the column. You could then expose this as a method on your data context class.


Combine property selector expression tree and value to create a predicate for EF filtering - create filter from lambda selector and value

Given a simple class with arbitrary properties (for discussion lets say Id, Name, and Description)
and given an instance of that class, I want to find matching entries in the database by specifying the property to match
I'm trying to do something in this respect similar to the AddOrUpdate method of EF, but I need the entity returned to me for further processing.
var match = new SomeClass{Name="Whatever"};
var found = Context.SomeClass.Find(x=>x.Name, match);
public static T Find<T>(this DbSet<T> set, Expression<Func<T, object>> matchOn, T matchAgainst) where T : class {
var func = matchOn.Compile();
var valueToFind = func(matchAgainst);
var combinedExpression = //matchon + "=" + valueToFind;
var found = set.FirstOrDefault(combinedExpression);
return found;
That gives me the value of the property in the passed in object, but I need to now combine that value with the passed in expression and pass it to the db set.
IE, the code I'm effectively trying to run is set.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.Name==valueToFind) How do I take the matchon expression (which contains x=>x.Name) and combine that with the ==valueToFind to get the x=>x.Name==valueToFind from them?
How do I build the combined expression? (I realize the "string" code above is completely wrong, but I was trying to get across what I need the function to do, but I have no idea what that syntax would look like.)
For manually coded examples, it would be easy enough just to pass in a hardcoded lambda with the value set, but my use case involves running through a collection of objects and finding the match for each one, so the value will not be known until runtime, and the method must work against arbitrary types and various properties, so I can't hardcode the property name either.
If you have a property selector, and a value to compare to, you can get an expression tree like this:
public static Func<TEntity, bool> GetComparer<TEntity,TProperty>(
Expression<Func<TEntity,TProperty>> selector, TProperty value)
var propertyRef = selector.Body;
var parameter = selector.Parameters[0];
var constantRef = Expression.Constant(value);
var comparer
= Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>
(Expression.Equal(propertyRef, constantRef), parameter)
return comparer;
Sample usage:
var comparer = GetComparer<Person, string>(p => p.Name, "John");
var persons = Person.GetPersons();
var john = persons.FirstOrDefault(comparer);

How to Perform ToString On Property of an Entity Framework Model Using Reflection

I am trying to write something that will do a "Contains" query on all properties of an entity framework model.
I am able to do the following for example with no issues:
var students = db.Students.AsQueryable();
var test = students.Where(x => x.FirstName.ToString().ToLower().Contains("1"));
However when using reflection (as shown in the code below), the following error is returned:
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
It's supposed to be supported now.
I have read up on this error, but as you see above ToString is perfectly valid even when using an IQueryable (which is required in my case because I don't want to post filter the data).
The main difference is I need to invoke it through reflection.
private static readonly MethodInfo StringContainsMethod =
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, null, new[] { typeof(string) }, null);
Type dbType = typeof(Student);
var dbFieldMemberInfo = dbType.GetMember("FirstName",
BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).Single();
// Create an "x" as TDbType
var dbTypeParameter = Expression.Parameter(dbType, #"x");
// Get at x.FirstName
var dbFieldMember = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(dbTypeParameter, dbFieldMemberInfo);
// Create the criterion as a constant
var criterionConstant = new Expression[] { Expression.Constant(searchString) };
var toStringMethod = typeof(Convert).GetMethod("ToString", Type.EmptyTypes);
var toStringCall = Expression.Call(dbFieldMember, toStringMethod);
var fancyContain = Expression.Call(toStringCall, StringContainsMethod, criterionConstant);
// Create a lambda like x => x.FirstName.ToString().Contains(criterion)
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(fancyContain, dbTypeParameter) as Expression<Func<Student, bool>>;
This produces the same exact lambda x.FirstName.ToString().Contains("") yet it returns an error that ToString can't be used. Clearly from the first example and the fact it was added to EF 6.1, it can be used. Is this a limitation of reflection?
Looks like the issue is stemming from using the Convert.ToString() method in your expression instead of the type's individual implementation of the ToString() method, e.g. toStringMethod = type.GetMethod("ToString", Type.EmptyTypes);
It looks like what you trying to do is to search based on all columns the easiest and fastest way would be to execute query from EF and do full text search.
var students = db.Database.SqlQuery<Student>("SELECT * FROM Student WHERE CONTAINS((Name, ID), '12')");
(just make sure you clean the string no sql injections)
I think that when you build the expression tree as you trying to do and execute it against SQL, SQL does not recognizing it because when you use Querable you not yet executing it.
another way is to use SqlFunctions.StringConvert instead of ToString
This looks like a lot of complexity for something that should be fairly simple. I would suggest making a textdata computed column in your table that simply concatenates all the fields you're interested in. Then you can add a property to your model like this:
public string TextData { get; set; }
Finally, you can just do a LINQ query against this one property to check whether it .Contains(...) whatever text you're interested in. As long as you index the column, searching shouldn't be too bad. Your major penalty will be in inserts.

Creating an IQueryable to Equal int32?

I am trying to create an query extension which would compare a nullable int sql column value with a value. But i am struggling already over 8 hours to find any working solution.
I have already found a lot of help on this side. But all the remarks did not helped me.
I have altered the code so many times, but nothing seems to work. I want to create something similar as WHERE ManagerID IN (10,20,30)
The main code
IQueryable<Users> query = _context.CreateObjectSet<Users>();
query = query.IsMember(a => a.ManagerID, new Int32?[] { 10,20,30 });
return query.ToList();
Currently while executing the query.ToList(); it returns me a
Unable to create a constant value of type 'System.Object'. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context.
public static IQueryable<T> IsMember<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, Int32?>> stringProperty, params Int32?[] searchTerms)
if (searchTerms == null || !searchTerms.Any())
return source;
Expression orExpression = null;
foreach (var searchTerm in searchTerms)
var searchTermExpression = Expression.Constant(searchTerm, typeof(object)); // <<--- This cast would make it no longer a primitive type
var containsExpression = Expression.Call(stringProperty.Body, typeof(Int32?).GetMethod("Equals"), searchTermExpression);
orExpression = BuildOrExpression(orExpression, containsExpression);
var completeExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(orExpression, stringProperty.Parameters);
return source.Where(completeExpression);
private static Expression BuildOrExpression(Expression existingExpression, Expression expressionToAdd)
return existingExpression == null ? expressionToAdd : Expression.OrElse(existingExpression, expressionToAdd);
The line marked to give the constant another datatype, is indeed causing the issue, but if I dont make it of type object, the Expression will not work, as it could not match the Int32? datatype.
Can anybody help me?
Additional info
It is indeed to had a a larger picture.
I just want to create something more dynamic which could be used on other projects also.
I would like to use some functions which will look appealing than all those multilines
query = query.Like(a => a.UserName, filter.UserName, true);
query = query.Equals(a => a.UserTown, filter.UserTown, true);
query = query.IsMember(a => a.Division, filter.Division); // is an array of possible divisions
it worked fine for Like and Equals which are string based. But want to have a similar product for (nullable) integers
I was inspired by the following post. Which created a search function (which i renamed for my project to Like)
I wanted to create others similar. the last boolean is to verify if nullable in the column is allowed or not.
The reason also to use an extension, is that i also have alot of filters in my filter page.
With this extension, i would easily check in the beginning of my Like and Equal function if a filter was given without checking if my filter has a value 20x.
public static IQueryable<T> Like<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, string>> stringProperty, string searchTerm, bool isnullValueAllowed)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm))
return query;
It's not clear why you want to create this extension as you could simply write something like:
query.Where(user => (new[]{10,20,30}).Contains(user.ManagerId)).ToList();
However, assuming the real use case is somewhat more complicated than the example you've given, could you not construct your expression as either a comparison against a constant Int32 or a comparison against null, depending on whether searchTerm.HasValue() was true?
You need to use the equality operator == rather than the Equals method here. It actually makes your expression code a tad simpler:
foreach (var searchTerm in searchTerms)
var comparison = Expression.Equals(stringProperty.Body,
orExpression = BuildOrExpression(orExpression, comparison);
Of course, as is mentioned by others, you don't need to build up an expression representing an OR of each of these comparisons, you can simply use Conatains on the set in a lambda and the query provider will do all of this for you.

Get Method Name Using Lambda Expression

I'm trying to get the name of a method on a type using a lambda expression. I'm using Windows Identity Foundation and need to define access policies with the type name with namespace as a resource and the method name as the action. Here is an example.
This is the type I would be getting the type name and method name from:
namespace My.OrderEntry {
public class Order {
public void AddItem(string itemNumber, int quantity) {}
This is how I would like to define the access policy through a DSL:
ForResource<Order>().Performing(o => o.AddItem).AllowUsersHaving(new Claim());
From that statement, I would like to get "My.OrderEntry.Order" as the resource and "AddItem" as the action. Getting the type name with namespace is no problem, but I don't think I can use a lambda for a method like I'm trying to do.
public static IPermissionExp Performing<T>(
this IActionExp<T> exp,
Func<T, delegate???> action) {} //this is where I don't know what to define
Is this sort of thing even possible to do? Is there another way to do this sort of thing without using magic strings?
There are two ways to do this:
1: You could make overloads that take the various Func and Action delegates(eg Expression<Func<T, Func<TParam1,TParam2, TReturn>>. Note that your callers would need to specify the generic parameters explicitly, either in the method call or by creating the delegate. This would be used like this:
ForResource<Order>().Performing(o => new Action<string>(o.AddItem)).AllowUsersHaving(new Claim());
2: You could take an Expression<Action> that contains a method call, and parse out the MethodInfo being called from the expression tree. This would be used like this:
ForResource<Order>().Performing(o => { o.AddItem(null); }).AllowUsersHaving(new Claim());
It looks like this is what you are looking for if you want the name of the action delegate method passed in to the Performing function.
public static IPermissionExp Performing<T>(
this IActionExp<T> exp,
Expression<Action<T, string, int>> action)
var expression = action.Body as MethodCallExpression;
string actionMethodName = string.Empty;
if (expression != null)
actionMethodName = expression.Method.Name;
// use actionMethodName ("AddItem" in the case below) here
This would allow you to call the method like this...
ForResource<Order>().Performing((o, a, b) => o.AddItem(a, b)).AllowUsersHaving(new Claim());
I recently did a thing at work where you defined the a method using a lambda, which the internal object then took the name of. You could use strings as well, or pass in a MethodInfo but the first one isn't really type safe (and typos are a big risk), and the latter is not very elegant.
Basically I had a method like this (this is not the exact method, it is a bit more advanced):
public void SetRequest(Request req, Expression<Func<Service, Func<long, IEnumerable<Stuff>>> methodSelector);
The key here is the "Expression" thing, this lets you "select" a method like this:
SetRequest(req, service => service.SomeMethodTakingLongReturningStuffs);
Method selector is made into a expression tree which you can then fetch different bits of data from. I don't recall exactly what the resulting tree looks like, it also depends on how your lambdas look.
You could pass it in as a Action instead, which doesn't force any return type. It is still a little messy though, because you have to pass some arguments to the method in order for it to compile.

Using an expression tree to read the name and value of a property. Is there an alternative?

Suppose I have a class with a property:
class ClassWithProperty
public string Prop { get; private set; }
public ClassWithProperty(string prop)
this.Prop = prop;
And now suppose I have created an instance of that class:
var test = new ClassWithProperty("test value");
What I want
I want this printed out to the console:
Prop = 'test value'
Piece of cake! I use this code to produce the wanted output:
Console.WriteLine("Prop = '{1}'", test.Prop);
I am violating DRY, because "Prop" appears twice in the code above. If I refactor the class and change the name of the property, I also have to change the string literal. There is also a lot of boilerplate code, if I had a class with many properties.
Proposed solution
string result = buildString(() => c.Prop);
Where the buildString method looks like this:
private static string buildString(Expression<Func<string>> expression)
MemberExpression memberExpression = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
string propertyName = memberExpression.Member.Name;
Func<string> compiledFunction = expression.Compile();
string propertyValue = compiledFunction.Invoke();
return string.Format("{0} = '{1}'", propertyName, propertyValue);
The above solution works fine and I am happy with it, but if there is some more easier and less "scary" way to solve this, that would make me much happier. Is there some easier alternative to achieve the same result with less and simpler code? Maybe something without expression trees?
Based on Manu's fine idea (see below) I could use this extension method:
static public IEnumerable<string> ListProperties<T>(this T instance)
return instance.GetType().GetProperties()
.Select(p => string.Format("{0} = '{1}'",
p.Name, p.GetValue(instance, null)));
It's great for getting a string representation for all properties for an instance.
But: From this enumeration, how could I pick type-safely a specific property? Again I would use expression trees ... or am I not seeing the wood for the trees?
Edit 2
Using reflection or expression trees here is a matter of taste.
Luke's idea using projection initializers is just brilliant. From his answer I finally build this extension method (which is basically just a LINQ'd version of his answer):
public static IEnumerable<string> BuildString(this object source)
return from p in source.GetType().GetProperties()
select string.Format("{0} = '{1}'", p.Name, p.GetValue(source, null));
Now a call will look like this:
new { c.Prop }.BuildString().First()
Which looks a bit nicer than the my original call with a lambda (but this is also a matter of taste I guess). Luke's suggestion is however superior to my solution, since it allows specifying as many properties as you like (see below).
You could pass an anonymous type to a BuildStrings method, taking advantage of projection initializers to automatically create the names and values of the anonymous type's properties. Inside the method you would use reflection to interrogate those properties.
This would also allow you to pass multiple items if you wished. You could also pass fields and locals as well as properties, because they'd all be projected as properties of the anonymous type that can then be interrogated with GetProperties etc. (Of course, all that the method is actually doing is enumerating all properties of the object that's passed-in. You could pass any type.)
string result = BuildStrings(new { test.Prop }).First();
// or
string foo = "Test";
int bar = 42;
string results = BuildStrings(new { foo, bar, test.Prop });
foreach (string r in results)
// ...
public static IEnumerable<string> BuildStrings(object source)
return source.GetType().GetProperties().Select(
p => string.Format("{0} = '{1}'", p.Name, p.GetValue(source, null)));
I actually like your original idea of using an expression tree. It's a good use case for ET. But you make it look a little bit scary because you compile and execute an expression tree to get the value of the property, while all you need is just the name. Make the method return only the name and then use it as you did in your first "non-DRY" attempt.
private static string buildString(Expression<Func<string>> expression)
MemberExpression memberExpression = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
return memberExpression.Member.Name;
And then
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", buildString(() => c.Prop), c.Prop);
It doesn't look that scary. Yes, you use c.Prop twice here, but I think you get a significant performance improvement, because you don't need expression tree compilation. And you still don't use any string literals.
var listOfPropertyNamesAndValues = this.GetType().GetProperties()
.Select(prop => string.Format("{0} = '{1}'",
prop.Name, prop.GetValue(this,null)));
If you want to fetch a specific Property, you'll have to pass it's name as a string and get it via reflection (just add a where clause to above query). The good news are that you are not violating DRY anymore, the bad news are that it's not typesafe.
I've seen it done with a delegate and IL interrogation, but that isn't exactly simpler. In short, no: there is no infoof in C#. Here's Eric Lippert's take on this: In Foof We Trust: A Dialogue
