Reverse case of all alphabetic characters in C# string - c#

What is the simplest way to reverse the case of all alphabetic characters in a C# string? For example "aBc1$;" should become "AbC1$;" I could easily write a method that does this, but I am hoping there is a library call that I don't know about that would make this easier. I would also like to avoid having a list of all known alphabetic characters and comparing each character to what is in the list. Maybe this can be done with regular expressions, but I don't know them very well. Thanks.
Thanks for the help. I created a string extension method for this that is mostly inspired by Anthony Pegram's solution, but without the LINQ. I think this strikes a good balance between readability and performance. Here is what I came up with.
public static string SwapCase(this string source) {
char[] caseSwappedChars = new char[source.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < caseSwappedChars.Length; i++) {
char c = source[i];
if(char.IsLetter(c)) {
caseSwappedChars[i] =
char.IsUpper(c) ? char.ToLower(c) : char.ToUpper(c);
} else {
caseSwappedChars[i] = c;
return new string(caseSwappedChars);

You could do it in a line with LINQ. One method:
string input = "aBc1$";
string reversedCase = new string(
input.Select(c => char.IsLetter(c) ? (char.IsUpper(c) ?
char.ToLower(c) : char.ToUpper(c)) : c).ToArray());

If you don't care about internationalization:
string input = "aBc1$#[\\]^_{|{~";
Encoding enc = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] b = enc.GetBytes(input);
for (int i = input.Length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
if ((b[i] & 0xdf) >= 65 && (b[i] & 0xdf) <= 90) { //check if alpha
b[i] ^= 0x20; // then XOR the correct bit to change case
If, on the other hand, you DO care about internationalization, you'll want to pass in CultureInfo.InvariantCulture to your ToUpper() and ToLower() functions...

You could do it old-school if you don't know LINQ.
static string InvertCasing(string s)
char[] c = s.ToCharArray();
char[] cUpper = s.ToUpper().ToCharArray();
char[] cLower = s.ToLower().ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < c.Length; i++)
if (c[i] == cUpper[i])
c[i] = cLower[i];
c[i] = cUpper[i];
return new string(c);

Here's a regex approach:
string input = "aBcdefGhI123jKLMo$";
string result = Regex.Replace(input, "[a-zA-Z]",
m => Char.IsUpper(m.Value[0]) ?
Char.ToLower(m.Value[0]).ToString() :
Console.WriteLine("Original: " + input);
Console.WriteLine("Modified: " + result);
You can use Char.Parse(m.Value) as an alternate to m.Value[0]. Also, be mindful of using the ToUpperInvariant and ToLowerInvariant methods instead. For more info see this question: In C# what is the difference between ToUpper() and ToUpperInvariant()?

I made an extension method for strings which does just this!
public static class InvertStringExtension
public static string Invert(this string s)
char[] chars = s.ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
chars[i] = chars[i].Invert();
return new string(chars);
public static class InvertCharExtension
public static char Invert(this char c)
if (!char.IsLetter(c))
return c;
return char.IsUpper(c) ? char.ToLower(c) : char.ToUpper(c);
To use
var hello = "hELLO wORLD";
var helloInverted = hello.Invert();
// helloInverted == "Hello World"

char[] carr = str.ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < carr.Length; i++)
if (char.IsLetter(carr[i]))
carr[i] = char.IsUpper(carr[i]) ? char.ToLower(carr[i]) : char.ToUpper(carr[i]);
str = new string(carr);

I was asked a similar question yesterday and my answer is like:
public static partial class StringExtensions {
public static String InvertCase(this String t) {
Func<char, String> selector=
c => (char.IsUpper(c)?char.ToLower(c):char.ToUpper(c)).ToString();
return t.Select(selector).Aggregate(String.Concat);
You can easily change the method signature to add a parameter of type CultureInfo, and use it with methods like char.ToUpper for a requirement of globalization.

A little bit faster than some other methods listed here and it is nice because it uses Char arithmetics!
var line = "someStringToSwapCase";
var charArr = new char[line.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)
if (line[i] >= 65 && line[i] <= 90)
charArr[i] = (char)(line[i] + 32);
else if (line[i] >= 97 && line[i] <= 122)
charArr[i] = (char)(line[i] - 32);
charArr[i] = line[i];
var res = new String(charArr);

This will helps you more.. because here i have not use directly function.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Practice
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
char[] new_str = new char[50];
string str;
int ch;
Console.Write("Enter String : ");
str = Console.ReadLine();
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
ch = (int)str[i];
if (ch > 64 && ch < 91)
ch = ch + 32;
new_str[i] = Convert.ToChar(ch);
ch = ch - 32;
new_str[i] = Convert.ToChar(ch);
I am sure this will also works for you.. Thank you.

Code below makes only 2 function calls to each letter. Instead of checking if IsLetter, we just apply upper/lowercase if necessary.
string result="";
foreach (var item in S)
if (char.ToLower(item) != item )
result+= char.ToLower(item);
result+= char.ToUpper(item);
It would be also possible (tho less readable) to create an extra variable and set it to char.ToLower(item) before the check, exchanging one function call for one extra variable, thie way:
string result="";
foreach (var item in S)
var temp=char.ToLower(item);
if (temp != item )
result+= temp;
result+= char.ToUpper(item);


How to create a sequence of strings between "start" and "end" strings [duplicate]

I have a question about iterate through the Alphabet.
I would like to have a loop that begins with "a" and ends with "z". After that, the loop begins "aa" and count to "az". after that begins with "ba" up to "bz" and so on...
Anybody know some solution?
EDIT: I forgot that I give a char "a" to the function then the function must return b. if u give "bnc" then the function must return "bnd"
First effort, with just a-z then aa-zz
public static IEnumerable<string> GetExcelColumns()
for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
yield return c.ToString();
char[] chars = new char[2];
for (char high = 'a'; high <= 'z'; high++)
chars[0] = high;
for (char low = 'a'; low <= 'z'; low++)
chars[1] = low;
yield return new string(chars);
Note that this will stop at 'zz'. Of course, there's some ugly duplication here in terms of the loops. Fortunately, that's easy to fix - and it can be even more flexible, too:
Second attempt: more flexible alphabet
private const string Alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
public static IEnumerable<string> GetExcelColumns()
return GetExcelColumns(Alphabet);
public static IEnumerable<string> GetExcelColumns(string alphabet)
foreach(char c in alphabet)
yield return c.ToString();
char[] chars = new char[2];
foreach(char high in alphabet)
chars[0] = high;
foreach(char low in alphabet)
chars[1] = low;
yield return new string(chars);
Now if you want to generate just a, b, c, d, aa, ab, ac, ad, ba, ... you'd call GetExcelColumns("abcd").
Third attempt (revised further) - infinite sequence
public static IEnumerable<string> GetExcelColumns(string alphabet)
int length = 0;
char[] chars = null;
int[] indexes = null;
while (true)
int position = length-1;
// Try to increment the least significant
// value.
while (position >= 0)
if (indexes[position] == alphabet.Length)
for (int i=position; i < length; i++)
indexes[i] = 0;
chars[i] = alphabet[0];
chars[position] = alphabet[indexes[position]];
// If we got all the way to the start of the array,
// we need an extra value
if (position == -1)
chars = new char[length];
indexes = new int[length];
for (int i=0; i < length; i++)
chars[i] = alphabet[0];
yield return new string(chars);
It's possible that it would be cleaner code using recursion, but it wouldn't be as efficient.
Note that if you want to stop at a certain point, you can just use LINQ:
var query = GetExcelColumns().TakeWhile(x => x != "zzz");
"Restarting" the iterator
To restart the iterator from a given point, you could indeed use SkipWhile as suggested by thesoftwarejedi. That's fairly inefficient, of course. If you're able to keep any state between call, you can just keep the iterator (for either solution):
using (IEnumerator<string> iterator = GetExcelColumns())
string firstAttempt = iterator.Current;
if (someCondition)
string secondAttempt = iterator.Current;
// etc
Alternatively, you may well be able to structure your code to use a foreach anyway, just breaking out on the first value you can actually use.
Edit: Made it do exactly as the OP's latest edit wants
This is the simplest solution, and tested:
static void Main(string[] args)
private static string GetNextBase26(string a)
return Base26Sequence().SkipWhile(x => x != a).Skip(1).First();
private static IEnumerable<string> Base26Sequence()
long i = 0L;
while (true)
yield return Base26Encode(i++);
private static char[] base26Chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".ToCharArray();
private static string Base26Encode(Int64 value)
string returnValue = null;
returnValue = base26Chars[value % 26] + returnValue;
value /= 26;
} while (value-- != 0);
return returnValue;
The following populates a list with the required strings:
List<string> result = new List<string>();
for (char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++){
result.Add (ch.ToString());
for (char i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++)
for (char j = 'a'; j <= 'z'; j++)
result.Add (i.ToString() + j.ToString());
I know there are plenty of answers here, and one's been accepted, but IMO they all make it harder than it needs to be. I think the following is simpler and cleaner:
static string NextColumn(string column){
char[] c = column.ToCharArray();
for(int i = c.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
if(char.ToUpper(c[i]++) < 'Z')
c[i] -= (char)26;
if(i == 0)
return "A" + new string(c);
return new string(c);
Note that this doesn't do any input validation. If you don't trust your callers, you should add an IsNullOrEmpty check at the beginning, and a c[i] >= 'A' && c[i] <= 'Z' || c[i] >= 'a' && c[i] <= 'z' check at the top of the loop. Or just leave it be and let it be GIGO.
You may also find use for these companion functions:
static string GetColumnName(int index){
StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder();
txt.Append((char)('A' + index % 26));
//txt.Append((char)('A' + --index % 26));
while((index /= 26) > 0)
txt.Insert(0, (char)('A' + --index % 26));
return txt.ToString();
static int GetColumnIndex(string name){
int rtn = 0;
foreach(char c in name)
rtn = rtn * 26 + (char.ToUpper(c) - '#');
return rtn - 1;
//return rtn;
These two functions are zero-based. That is, "A" = 0, "Z" = 25, "AA" = 26, etc. To make them one-based (like Excel's COM interface), remove the line above the commented line in each function, and uncomment those lines.
As with the NextColumn function, these functions don't validate their inputs. Both with give you garbage if that's what they get.
Here’s what I came up with.
/// <summary>
/// Return an incremented alphabtical string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="letter">The string to be incremented</param>
/// <returns>the incremented string</returns>
public static string NextLetter(string letter)
const string alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(letter))
char lastLetterInString = letter[letter.Length - 1];
// if the last letter in the string is the last letter of the alphabet
if (alphabet.IndexOf(lastLetterInString) == alphabet.Length - 1)
//replace the last letter in the string with the first leter of the alphbat and get the next letter for the rest of the string
return NextLetter(letter.Substring(0, letter.Length - 1)) + alphabet[0];
// replace the last letter in the string with the proceeding letter of the alphabet
return letter.Remove(letter.Length-1).Insert(letter.Length-1, (alphabet[alphabet.IndexOf(letter[letter.Length-1])+1]).ToString() );
//return the first letter of the alphabet
return alphabet[0].ToString();
just curious , why not just
private string alphRecursive(int c) {
var alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".ToCharArray();
if (c >= alphabet.Length) {
return alphRecursive(c/alphabet.Length) + alphabet[c%alphabet.Length];
} else {
return "" + alphabet[c%alphabet.Length];
This is like displaying an int, only using base 26 in stead of base 10. Try the following algorithm to find the nth entry of the array
q = n div 26;
r = n mod 26;
s = '';
while (q > 0 || r > 0) {
s = alphabet[r] + s;
q = q div 26;
r = q mod 26;
Of course, if you want the first n entries, this is not the most efficient solution. In this case, try something like daniel's solution.
I gave this a go and came up with this:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Alphabetty
class Program
const string alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
static int cursor = 0;
static int prefixCursor;
static string prefix = string.Empty;
static bool done = false;
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = string.Empty;
while (s != "Done")
s = GetNextString();
static string GetNextString()
if (done) return "Done";
char? nextLetter = GetNextLetter(ref cursor);
if (nextLetter == null)
char? nextPrefixLetter = GetNextLetter(ref prefixCursor);
if(nextPrefixLetter == null)
done = true;
return "Done";
prefix = nextPrefixLetter.Value.ToString();
nextLetter = GetNextLetter(ref cursor);
return prefix + nextLetter;
static char? GetNextLetter(ref int letterCursor)
if (letterCursor == alphabet.Length)
letterCursor = 0;
return null;
char c = alphabet[letterCursor];
return c;
Here is something I had cooked up that may be similar. I was experimenting with iteration counts in order to design a numbering schema that was as small as possible, yet gave me enough uniqueness.
I knew that each time a added an Alpha character, it would increase the possibilities 26x but I wasn't sure how many letters, numbers, or the pattern I wanted to use.
That lead me to the code below. Basically you pass it an AlphaNumber string, and every position that has a Letter, would eventually increment to "z\Z" and every position that had a Number, would eventually increment to "9".
So you can call it 1 of two ways..
//This would give you the next Itteration... (H3reIsaStup4dExamplf)
string myNextValue = IncrementAlphaNumericValue("H3reIsaStup4dExample")
//Or Loop it resulting eventually as "Z9zzZzzZzzz9zZzzzzzz"
string myNextValue = "H3reIsaStup4dExample"
while (myNextValue != null)
myNextValue = IncrementAlphaNumericValue(myNextValue)
//And of course do something with this like write it out
(For me, I was doing something like "1AA000")
public string IncrementAlphaNumericValue(string Value)
//We only allow Characters a-b, A-Z, 0-9
if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(Value, "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") == false)
throw new Exception("Invalid Character: Must be a-Z or 0-9");
//We work with each Character so it's best to convert the string to a char array for incrementing
char[] myCharacterArray = Value.ToCharArray();
//So what we do here is step backwards through the Characters and increment the first one we can.
for (Int32 myCharIndex = myCharacterArray.Length - 1; myCharIndex >= 0; myCharIndex--)
//Converts the Character to it's ASCII value
Int32 myCharValue = Convert.ToInt32(myCharacterArray[myCharIndex]);
//We only Increment this Character Position, if it is not already at it's Max value (Z = 90, z = 122, 57 = 9)
if (myCharValue != 57 && myCharValue != 90 && myCharValue != 122)
//Now that we have Incremented the Character, we "reset" all the values to the right of it
for (Int32 myResetIndex = myCharIndex + 1; myResetIndex < myCharacterArray.Length; myResetIndex++)
myCharValue = Convert.ToInt32(myCharacterArray[myResetIndex]);
if (myCharValue >= 65 && myCharValue <= 90)
myCharacterArray[myResetIndex] = 'A';
else if (myCharValue >= 97 && myCharValue <= 122)
myCharacterArray[myResetIndex] = 'a';
else if (myCharValue >= 48 && myCharValue <= 57)
myCharacterArray[myResetIndex] = '0';
//Now we just return an new Value
return new string(myCharacterArray);
//If we got through the Character Loop and were not able to increment anything, we retun a NULL.
return null;
Here's my attempt using recursion:
public static void PrintAlphabet(string alphabet, string prefix)
for (int i = 0; i < alphabet.Length; i++) {
Console.WriteLine(prefix + alphabet[i].ToString());
if (prefix.Length < alphabet.Length - 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < alphabet.Length; i++) {
PrintAlphabet(alphabet, prefix + alphabet[i]);
Then simply call PrintAlphabet("abcd", "");

Reverse word of full sentence using for loop in c#

I want to print the string in reverse format in for loop:
Input: I'm Learning c#
Output: c# Learning I'm
No Split functions and reverse functions should be used, it has to do only with forloop.
for (int i = m.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if(a[i]==' '|| a[i]==0)
for (int x = b.Length - 1; x >= 0; x--)
c[k] = b[x];
} Console.ReadKey();
You have to create an array of the words in the sentence:
var words = input.Split(' ');
Then you just loop through the above array from the end to the start:
for(int i=words.Length-1; i>=0; i--)
Console.Write(words[i]+" ");
With LINQ and string methods you can simplify it:
var reversedWords = input.Split().Reverse(); // Split without parameters will use space, tab and new-line characters as delimiter
string output = string.Join(" ", reversedWords); // build reversed words, space is delimiter
Use Stack<Queue<char>>
Hey if you want to show off your knowledge of data structures, use a queue and a stack! This makes for a very concise answer as well.
You want the sentence to be LIFO with respect to words but FIFO with respect to letters within words, so you need a stack (which are LIFO) of queues (which are FIFO). You can take advantage of the fact that a string, a queue<char>, and a stack<char> all expose IEnumerable<char> as well, so it's easy to convert back and forth; once you have all the characters ordered in your data structure, you can extract the whole thing as a character array using SelectMany(), which you can pass to a string constructor for the final answer.
This solution uses no Split() or Reverse() functions, as required.
public static string ReverseSentence(string input)
var word = new Queue<char>();
var sentence = new Stack<IEnumerable<char>>( new [] { word } );
foreach ( char c in input )
if (c == ' ')
sentence.Push( " " );
sentence.Push( word = new Queue<char>() );
return new string( sentence.SelectMany( w => w ).ToArray() );
public void Test()
var input = "I'm Learning c#";
var output = ReverseSentence(input);
c# Learning I'm
Without split and reverse, I modify your logic little bit to achieve what you need
namespace MyNamespace
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var m="this is mystring";
var b = new char [m.Length];
var j=0;
//Your code goes here
for (int i = m.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if(m[i]==' ' || i==0)
b[j]=' ';
for (int x = b.Length - 1; x >= 0; x--)
b=new char[m.Length];
Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!");
Input: "this is mystring"
Output: "mystring is this"
Here is a simple console application for your question
Without using Reverse and Split methods (just for loop)
class Program
static void Main()
string input = "I'm learning C#";
string[] result = new string[3];
int arrayIndex = 0;
string tempStr = "";
// Split string
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
tempStr += input[i].ToString();
if (input[i] != ' ')
result[arrayIndex] = tempStr;
tempStr = "";
// Display Result
for (int i = result.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
System.Console.Write(result[i] + ' ');
Press Ctrl + F5 to run the program
Output: C# learning I'm

Using indexOf (C#) to remove a set of characters from a string

public static string shita1(string st1)
string st2 = "", stemp = st1;
int i;
for(i=0; i<stemp.Length; i++)
if (stemp.IndexOf("cbc") == i)
i += 2 ;
stemp = "";
stemp = st1.Substring(i);
i = 0;
st2 = st2 + stemp[i];
return st2;
static void Main(string[] args)
string st1;
Console.WriteLine("enter one string:");
st1 = Console.ReadLine();
i got a challange from my college, the challange is to move any "cbc" characters from a string...
this is my code... it works when i use only one "cbc" but when i use 2 of them it stucks... help please :)
The IndexOf Method gives you everything you need to know.
Per the documentation.
Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a specified
Unicode character or string within this instance. The method returns
-1 if the character or string is not found in this instance.
This means you can create a loop that repeats as long as the returned index is not -1 and you don't have to loop through the string testing letter by letter.
I think this should work just tested it on some examples. Doesn't use string.Replace or IndexOf
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("enter one string:");
var input = Console.ReadLine();
static string RemoveCBC(string source)
var result = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < source.Length; i++)
if (i + 2 == source.Length)
var c = source[i];
var b = source[i + 1];
var c2 = source[i + 2];
if (c == 'c' && c2 == 'c' && b == 'b')
i = i + 2;
return result.ToString();
You can use Replace to remove/replace all occurances of a string inside another string:
string original = "cbc_STRING_cbc";
original = original.Replace("cbc", String.Empty);
If you want remove characters from string using only IndexOf method you can use this code.
public static string shita1(string st1)
int index = -1;
string yourMatchingString = "cbc";
while ((index = st1.IndexOf(yourMatchingString)) != -1)
st1 = st1.Remove(index, yourMatchingString.Length);
return st1;
This code remove all inputs of you string.
But you can do it just in one line:
st1 = st1.Replace("cbc", string.Empty);
Hope this help.

Counting number of words in C#

I'm trying to count the number of words from a rich textbox in C# the code that I have below only works if it is a single line. How do I do this without relying on regex or any other special functions.
string whole_text = richTextBox1.Text;
string trimmed_text = whole_text.Trim();
string[] split_text = trimmed_text.Split(' ');
int space_count = 0;
string new_text = "";
foreach(string av in split_text)
if (av == "")
new_text = new_text + av + ",";
new_text = new_text.TrimEnd(',');
split_text = new_text.Split(',');
MessageBox.Show(split_text.Length.ToString ());
char[] delimiters = new char[] {' ', '\r', '\n' };
Since you are only interested in word count, and you don't care about individual words, String.Split could be avoided. String.Split is handy, but it unnecessarily generates a (potentially) large number of String objects, which in turn creates an unnecessary burden on the garbage collector. For each word in your text, a new String object needs to be instantiated, and then soon collected since you are not using it.
For a homework assignment, this may not matter, but if your text box contents change often and you do this calculation inside an event handler, it may be wiser to simply iterate through characters manually. If you really want to use String.Split, then go for a simpler version like Yonix recommended.
Otherwise, use an algorithm similar to this:
int wordCount = 0, index = 0;
// skip whitespace until first word
while (index < text.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(text[index]))
while (index < text.Length)
// check if current char is part of a word
while (index < text.Length && !char.IsWhiteSpace(text[index]))
// skip whitespace until next word
while (index < text.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(text[index]))
This code should work better with cases where you have multiple spaces between each word, you can test the code online.
There are some better ways to do this, but in keeping with what you've got, try the following:
string whole_text = richTextBox1.Text;
string trimmed_text = whole_text.Trim();
// new line split here
string[] lines = trimmed_text.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray());
// don't need this here now...
//string[] split_text = trimmed_text.Split(' ');
int space_count = 0;
string new_text = "";
Now make two foreach loops. One for each line and one for counting words within the lines.
foreach (string line in lines)
// Modify the inner foreach to do the split on ' ' here
// instead of split_text
foreach (string av in line.Split(' '))
if (av == "")
new_text = new_text + av + ",";
new_text = new_text.TrimEnd(',');
// use lines here instead of split_text
lines = new_text.Split(',');
This was a phone screening interview question that I just took (by a large company located in CA who sells all kinds of devices that starts with a letter "i"), and I think I franked... after I got offline, I wrote this. I wish I were able to do it during interview..
static void Main(string[] args)
Debug.Assert(CountWords("Hello world") == 2);
Debug.Assert(CountWords(" Hello world") == 2);
Debug.Assert(CountWords("Hello world ") == 2);
Debug.Assert(CountWords("Hello world") == 2);
public static int CountWords(string test)
int count = 0;
bool wasInWord = false;
bool inWord = false;
for (int i = 0; i < test.Length; i++)
if (inWord)
wasInWord = true;
if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(test[i]))
if (wasInWord)
wasInWord = false;
inWord = false;
inWord = true;
// Check to see if we got out with seeing a word
if (wasInWord)
return count;
Have a look at the Lines property mentioned in #Jay Riggs comment, along with this overload of String.Split to make the code much simpler. Then the simplest approach would be to loop over each line in the Lines property, call String.Split on it, and add the length of the array it returns to a running count.
EDIT: Also, is there any reason you're using a RichTextBox instead of a TextBox with Multiline set to True?
I use an extension method for grabbing word count in a string. Do note, however, that double spaces will mess the count up.
public static int CountWords(this string line)
var wordCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)
if (line[i] == ' ' || i == line.Length - 1)
return wordCount;
Your approach is on the right path. I would do something like, passing the text property of richTextBox1 into the method. This however won't be accurate if your rich textbox is formatting HTML, so you'll need to strip out any HTML tags prior to running the word count:
public static int CountWords(string s)
int c = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < s.Length; i++)
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(s[i - 1]) == true)
if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(s[i]) == true ||
if (s.Length > 2)
return c;
We used an adapted form of Yoshi's answer, where we fixed the bug where it would not count the last word in a string if there was no white-space after it:
public static int CountWords(string test)
int count = 0;
bool inWord = false;
foreach (char t in test)
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(t))
inWord = false;
if (!inWord) count++;
inWord = true;
return count;
using System.Collections;
using System;
class Program{
public static void Main(string[] args){
//Enter the value of n
int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
string[] s = new string[n];
ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
//enter the elements
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
s[i] = Console.ReadLine();
string str = "";
//Filter out duplicate values and store in arr
foreach(string i in s){
str += i;
//Count the string with arr and s variables
foreach(string i in arr){
int count = 0;
foreach(string j in s){
Console.WriteLine(i+" - "+count);
int wordCount = 0;
bool previousLetterWasWhiteSpace = false;
foreach (char letter in keyword)
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(letter))
previousLetterWasWhiteSpace = true;
if (previousLetterWasWhiteSpace)
previousLetterWasWhiteSpace = false;
public static int WordCount(string str)
int num=0;
bool wasInaWord=true;;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
return num;
for (int i=0;i< str.Length;i++)
if (i!=0)
if (str[i]==' ' && str[i-1]!=' ')
if (str[i]!=' ')
if (wasInaWord)
return num;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string str;
int i, wrd, l;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Console.Write("\n\nCount the total number of words in a string
Console.Write("Input the string : ");
str = Console.ReadLine();
l = 0;
wrd = 1;
foreach (var a in str)
if (str[l] == ' ' || str[l] == '\n' || str[l] == '\t')
Console.WriteLine(sb.Replace(' ', '\n'));
Console.Write("Total number of words in the string is : {0}\n",
This should work
input.Split(' ').ToList().Count;
This can show you the number of words in a line
string line = Console.ReadLine();
string[] word = line.Split(' ');
Console.WriteLine("Words " + word.Length);
You can also do it in this way!! Add this method to your extension methods.
public static int WordsCount(this string str)
return Regex.Matches(str, #"((\w+(\s?)))").Count;
And call it like this.
string someString = "Let me show how I do it!";
int wc = someString.WordsCount();

calculate number of repetition of character in string in c#

how can I calculate the number of repetition of character in string in c# ?
example I have sasysays number of repetition of character 's' is 4
Here is a version using LINQ (written using extension methods):
int s = str.Where(c => c == 's').Count();
This uses the fact that string is IEnumerable<char>, so we can filter all characters that are equal to the one you're looking for and then count the number of selected elements. In fact, you can write just this (because the Count method allows you to specify a predicate that should hold for all counted elements):
int s = str.Count(c => c == 's');
Another option is:
int numberOfS = str.Count('s'.Equals);
This is a little backwards - 's' is a char, and every char has an Equals method, which can be used as the argument for Count.
Of course, this is less flexible than c => c == 's' - you cannot trivially change it to a complex condition.
s.Where(c => c == 's').Count()
given s is a string and you are looking for 's'
for(int i=0; i < str.Length; i++) {
if(str[i] == myChar) {
A more general solution, to count number of occurrences of all characters :
var charFrequencies = new Dictionary<char, int>();
foreach(char c in s)
int n;
charFrequencies.TryGetValue(c, out n);
charFrequencies[c] = n;
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} instances of 's' in the string", charFrequencies['s']);
string s = "sasysays ";
List<char> list = s.ToList<char>();
numberOfChar = list.Count<char>(c => c=='s');
Try this code :
namespace Count_char
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string s1 = Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine());
for (int i = 97; i < 123; i++)
string s2 = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToChar(i));
CountStringOccurrences(s1, s2);
public static void CountStringOccurrences(string text, string pattern)
int count = 0;
int i = 0;
while ((i = text.IndexOf(pattern, i)) != -1)
i += pattern.Length;
if (count != 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0}-->{1}", pattern, count);
