Analysis of Permutation Finder algorithm(pseudo code) - c#

A SO post about generating all the permutations got me thinking about a few alternative approaches. I was thinking about using space/run-time trade offs and was wondering if people could critique this approach and possible hiccups while trying to implement it in C#.
The steps goes as follows:
Given a data-structure of homogeneous elements, count the number of elements in the structure.
Assuming the permutation consists of all the elements of the structure, calculate the factorial of the value from Step 1.
Instantiate a newer structure(Dictionary) of type <key(Somehashofcollection),Collection<data-structure of homogeneous elements>> and initialize a counter.
Hash(???) the seed structure from step 1, and insert the key/value pair of hash and collection into the Dictionary. Increment the counter by 1.
Randomly shuffle(???) the order of the seed structure, hash it and then try to insert it into the Dictionary from step 3.
If there is a conflict in hashes,repeat step 5 again to get a new order and hash and check for conflict. Upon successful insertion increment the counter by 1.
Repeat steps 5 & 6 until the counter equals the factorial calculated in step 2.
It seems like doing it this way using some sort of randomizer(which is a black box to me at the moment) might help with getting all the permutations within a decent timeframe for datasets of obscene sizes.
It will be great to get some feedback from the great minds of SO to further analyze this approach whose objective is to deviate from the traditional brute-force approach prevalent in algorithms of such nature and also the repercussions of implementing such an algorithm using C#.

This method of generating all permutations does not fare well as compared to the standard known methods.
Say you had n items and M=n! permutations.
This method of generation is expected to generate M*lnM permutations before discovering all M.
(See this answer for a possible explanation: Programing Pearls - Random Select algorithm)
Also, what would the hash function be? For a reasonable hash function, we might have to start dealing with very large integer issues pretty soon (any n > 50 for sure, don't remember that exact cut-off point).
This method uses up a lot of memory too (the hashtable of all permutations).
Even assuming the hash is perfect, this method would take expected Omega(nMlogM) operations and guaranteed Omega(nM) space, while standard well-known methods can do it in O(M) time and O(n) space.
As a starting point I suggest one can read: Systematic Generation of All Permutations which is believe is O(nM) time and O(n) space and still much better than this method.
Note that if one has to generate all permutations, any algorithm will necessarily take Omega(M) steps and so the the method I refer to above is optimal!

It seems like a complicated way to randomise the order of the generated permutations. In terms of time efficiency, you can't do much better than the 'brute force' approach.


String similar to a set of strings

I need to compare a set of strings to another set of strings and find which strings are similar (fuzzy-string matching).
For example:
{ "A.B. Mann Incorporated", "Mr. Enrique Bellini", "Park Management Systems" }
{ "Park", "AB Mann Inc.", "E. Bellini" }
Assuming a zero-based index, the matches would be 0-1, 1-2, 2-0. Obviously, no algorithm can be perfect at this type of thing.
I have a working implementation of the Levenshtein-distance algorithm, but using it to find similar strings from each set necessitates looping through both sets of strings to do the comparison, resulting in an O(n^2) algorithm. This runs unacceptably slow even with modestly sized sets.
I've also tried a clustering algorithm that uses shingling and the Jaccard coefficient. Unfortunately, this too runs in O(n^2), which ends up being too slow, even with bit-level optimizations.
Does anyone know of a more efficient algorithm (faster than O(n^2)), or better yet, a library already written in C#, for accomplishing this?
Not a direct answer to the O(N^2) but a comment on the N1 algorithm.
That is sample data but it is all clean. That is not data that I would use Levenstien on. Incriminate would have closer distance to Incorporated than Inc. E. would not match well to Enrique.
Levenshtein-distance is good at catching key entry errors.
It is also good for matching OCR.
If you have clean data I would go with stemming and other custom rules.
Porter stemmer is available for C# and if you have clean data
remove . and other punctuation
remove stop words (the)
parse each list once and assign an int value for each unique stem
do the match on int
still N^2 but now N1 is faster
you might add in a single cap the matches a word that start with cap gets a partial score
also need to account for number of words
two groups of 5 that match of 3 should score higher then two groups of 10 that match on 4
I would create Int hashsets for each phrase and then intersect and count.
Not sure you can get out of N^2.
But I am suggesting you look at N1.
Lucene is a library with phrase matching but it is not really set up for batches.
Create the index with the intent it is used many time so index search speed is optimized over index creation time.
In the given examples at least one word is always matching. A possible approach could use a multimap (a dictionary being able to store multiple entries per key) or a Dictionary<TKey,List<TVlaue>>. Each string from the first set would be splitted into single words. These words would be used as key in the multimap and the whole string would be stored as value.
Now you can split strings from the second set into single words and do an O(1) lookup for each word, i.e. an O(N) lookup for all the words. This yields a first raw result, where each match contains at least one matching word. Finally you would have to refine this raw result by applying other rules (like searching for initials or abbreviated words).
This problem, called "string similarity join," has been studied a lot recently in the research community. We released a source code package in C++ called Flamingo that implements such an algorithm We also have a Hadoop-based implementation at if your data set is too large for a single machine.

Efficiently storing a set of numbers

I am looking for the most efficient way to store a collection of integers. Right now they're being stored in a HashSet<T>, but profiling has shown that these collections weigh heavily on some performance-critical code and I suspect there's a better option.
Some more details:
Random lookups must be O(1) or close to it.
The collections can grow large, so space efficiency is desirable.
The values are uniformly distributed in a 64-bit space.
Mutability is not needed.
There's no clear upper bound on size, but tens of millions of elements is not uncommon.
The most painful performance hit right now is creating them. That seems to be allocation-related - clearing and reusing HashSets helps a lot in benchmarks, but unfortunately that is not a feasible option in the application code.
(added) Implementing a data structure that's tailored to the task is fine. Is a hash table still the way to go? A trie also seems like a possibility at first glance, but I don't have any practical experience with them.
HashSet is usually the best general purpose collection in this case.
If you have any specific information about your collection you may have better options.
If you have a fixed upper bound that is not incredibly large you can use a bit vector of suitable size.
If you have a very dense collection you can instead store the missing values.
If you have very small collections, <= 4 items or so, you can store them in a regular array. A full scan of such small array may be faster than the hashing required to use the hash-set.
If you don't have any more specific characteristics of your data than "large collections of int" HashSet is the way to go.
If the size of the values is bounded you could use a bitset. It stores one bit per integer. In total the memory use would be log n bits with n being the greatest integer.
Another option is a bloom filter. Bloom filters are very compact but you have to be prepared for an occasional false positive in lookups. You can find more about them in wikipedia.
A third option is using a simle sorted array. Lookups are log n with n being the number of integers. It may be fast enough.
I decided to try and implement a special purpose hash-based set class that uses linear probing to handle collisions:
Backing store is a simple array of longs
The array is sized to be larger than the expected number of elements to be stored.
For a value's hash code, use the least-significant 31 bits.
Searching for the position of a value in the backing store is done using a basic linear probe, like so:
int FindIndex(long value)
var index = ((int)(value & 0x7FFFFFFF) % _storage.Length;
var slotValue = _storage[index];
if(slotValue == 0x0 || slotValue == value) return index;
for(++index; ; index++)
if (index == _storage.Length) index = 0;
slotValue = _storage[index];
if(slotValue == 0x0 || slotValue == value) return index;
(I was able to determine that the data being stored will never include 0, so that number is safe to use for empty slots.)
The array needs to be larger than the number of elements stored. (Load factor less than 1.) If the set is ever completely filled then FindIndex() will go into an infinite loop if it's used to search for a value that isn't already in the set. In fact, it will want to have quite a lot of empty space, otherwise search and retrieval may suffer as the data starts to form large clumps.
I'm sure there's still room for optimization, and I will may get stuck using some sort of BigArray<T> or sharding for the backing store on large sets. But initial results are promising. It performs over twice as fast as HashSet<T> at a load factor of 0.5, nearly twice as fast with a load factor of 0.8, and even at 0.9 it's still working 40% faster in my tests.
Overhead is 1 / load factor, so if those performance figures hold out in the real world then I believe it will also be more memory-efficient than HashSet<T>. I haven't done a formal analysis, but judging by the internal structure of HashSet<T> I'm pretty sure its overhead is well above 10%.
So I'm pretty happy with this solution, but I'm still curious if there are other possibilities. Maybe some sort of trie?
Epilogue: Finally got around to doing some competitive benchmarks of this vs. HashSet<T> on live data. (Before I was using synthetic test sets.) It's even beating my optimistic expectations from before. Real-world performance is turning out to be as much as 6x faster than HashSet<T>, depending on collection size.
What I would do is just create an array of integers with a sufficient enough size to handle how ever many integers you need. Is there any reason from staying away from the generic List<T>?
The most painful performance hit right now is creating them...
As you've obviously observed, HashSet<T> does not have a constructor that takes a capacity argument to initialize its capacity.
One trick which I believe would work is the following:
int capacity = ... some appropriate number;
int[] items = new int[capacity];
HashSet<int> hashSet = new HashSet<int>(items);
Looking at the implementation with reflector, this will initialize the capacity to the size of the items array, ignoring the fact that this array contains duplicates. It will, however, only actually add one value (zero), so I'd assume that initializing and clearing should be reasonably efficient.
I haven't tested this so you'd have to benchmark it. And be willing to take the risk of depending on an undocumented internal implementation detail.
It would be interesting to know why Microsoft didn't provide a constructor with a capacity argument like they do for other collection types.

How is a random number generated at runtime?

Since computers cannot pick random numbers(can they?) how is this random number actually generated. For example in C# we say,
What happens inside?
You may checkout this article. According to the documentation the specific implementation used in .NET is based on Donald E. Knuth's subtractive random number generator algorithm. For more information, see D. E. Knuth. "The Art of Computer Programming, volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms". Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, second edition, 1981.
Since computers cannot pick random numbers (can they?)
As others have noted, "Random" is actually pseudo-random. To answer your parenthetical question: yes, computers can pick truly random numbers. Doing so is much more expensive than the simple integer arithmetic of a pseudo-random number generator, and usually not required. However there are applications where you must have non-predictable true randomness: cryptography and online poker immediately come to mind. If either use a predictable source of pseudo-randomness then attackers can decrypt/forge messages much more easily, and cheaters can figure out who has what in their hands.
The .NET crypto classes have methods that give random numbers suitable for cryptography or games where money is on the line. As for how they work: the literature on crypto-strength randomness is extensive; consult any good university undergrad textbook on cryptography for details.
Specialty hardware also exists to get random bits. If you need random numbers that are drawn from atmospheric noise, see
Knuth covers the topic of randomness very well.
We don't really understand random well. How can something predictable be random? And yet pseudo-random sequences can appear to be perfectly random by statistical tests.
There are three categories of Random generators, amplifying on the comment above.
First, you have pseudo random number generators where if you know the current random number, it's easy to compute the next one. This makes it easy to reverse engineer other numbers if you find out a few.
Then, there are cryptographic algorithms that make this much harder. I believe they still are pseudo random sequences (contrary to what the comment above implies), but with the very important property that knowing a few numbers in the sequence does NOT make it obvious how to compute the rest. The way it works is that crypto routines tend to hash up the number, so that if one bit changes, every bit is equally likely to change as a result.
Consider a simple modulo generator (similar to some implementations in C rand() )
int rand() {
return seed = seed * m + a;
if m=0 and a=0, this is a lousy generator with period 1: 0, 0, 0, 0, ....
if m=1 and a=1, it's also not very random looking: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...
But if you pick m and a to be prime numbers around 2^16, this will jump around nicely looking very random if you are casually inspecting. But because both numbers are odd, you would see that the low bit would toggle, ie the number is alternately odd and even. Not a great random number generator. And since there are only 2^32 values in a 32 bit number, by definition after 2^32 iterations at most, you will repeat the sequence again, making it obvious that the generator is NOT random.
If you think of the middle bits as nice and scrambled, while the lower ones aren't as random, then you can construct a better random number generator out of a few of these, with the various bits XORed together so that all the bits are covered well. Something like:
(rand1() >> 8) ^ rand2() ^ (rand3() > 5) ...
Still, every number is flipping in synch, which makes this predictable. And if you get two sequential values they are correlated, so that if you plot them you will get lines on your screen. Now imagine you have rules combining the generators, so that sequential values are not the next ones.
For example
v1 = rand1() >> 8 ^ rand2() ...
v2 = rand2() >> 8 ^ rand5() ..
and imagine that the seeds don't always advance. Now you're starting to make something that's much harder to predict based on reverse engineering, and the sequence is longer.
For example, if you compute rand1() every time, but only advance the seed in rand2() every 3rd time, a generator combining them might not repeat for far longer than the period of either one.
Now imagine that you pump your (fairly predictable) modulo-type random number generator through DES or some other encryption algorithm. That will scramble up the bits.
Obviously, there are better algorithms, but this gives you an idea. Numerical Recipes has a lot of algorithms implemented in code and explained. One very good trick: generate not one but a block of random values in a table. Then use an independent random number generator to pick one of the generated numbers, generate a new one and replace it. This breaks up any correlation between adjacent pairs of numbers.
The third category is actual hardware-based random number generators, for example based on atmospheric noise
This is, according to current science, truly random. Perhaps someday we will discover that it obeys some underlying rule, but currently, we cannot predict these values, and they are "truly" random as far as we are concerned.
The boost library has excellent C++ implementations of Fibonacci generators, the reigning kings of pseudo-random sequences if you want to see some source code.
I'll just add an answer to the first part of the question (the "can they?" part).h
Computers can generate (well, generate may not be an entirely accurate word) random numbers (as in, not pseudo-random). Specifically, by using environmental randomness which is gotten through specialized hardware devices (that generates randomness based on noise, for e.g.) or by using environmental inputs (e.g. hard disk timings, user input event timings).
However, that has no bearing on the second question (which was how Random.Next() works).
The Random class is a pseudo-random number generator.
It is basically an extremely long but deterministic repeating sequence. The "randomness" comes from starting at different positions. Specifying where to start is done by choosing a seed for the random number generator and can for example be done by using the system time or by getting a random seed from another random source. The default Random constructor uses the system time as a seed.
The actual algorithm used to generate the sequence of numbers is documented in MSDN:
The current implementation of the Random class is based on Donald E. Knuth's subtractive random number generator algorithm. For more information, see D. E. Knuth. "The Art of Computer Programming, volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms". Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, second edition, 1981.
Computers use pseudorandom number generators. Essentially, they work by start with a seed number and iterating it through an algorithm each time a new pseudorandom number is required.
The process is of course entirely deterministic, so a given seed will generate exactly the same sequence of numbers every time it is used, but the numbers generated form a statistically uniform distribution (approximately), and this is fine, since in most scenarios all you need is stochastic randomness.
The usual practice is to use the current system time as a seed, though if more security is required, "entropy" may be gathered from a physical source such as disk latency in order to generate a seed that is more difficult to predict. In this case, you'd also want to use a cryptographically strong random number generator such as this.
I don't know much details but what I know is that a seed is used in order to generate the random numbers it is then based on some algorithm that uses that seed that a new number is obtained.
If you get random numbers based on the same seed they will be the same often.

Efficient insertion and search of strings

In an application I will have between about 3000 and 30000 strings.
After creation (read from files unordered) there will not be many strings that will be added often (but there WILL be sometimes!). Deletion of strings will also not happen often.
Comparing a string with the ones stored will occur frequently.
What kind of structure can I use best, a hashtable, a tree (Red-Black, Splay,....) or just on ordered list (maybe a StringArray?) ?
(Additional remark : a link to a good C# implementation would be appreciated as well)
It sounds like you simply need a hashtable. The HashSet<T> would thus seem to be the ideal choice. (You don't seem to require keys, but Dictionary<T> would be the right option if you did, of course.)
Here's a summary of the time complexities of the different operations on a HashSet<T> of size n. They're partially based off the fact that the type uses an array as the backing data structure.
Insertion: Typically O(1), but potentially O(n) if the array needs to be resized.
Deletion: O(1)
Exists (Contains): O(1) (given ideal hashtable buckets)
Someone correct me if any of these are wrong please. They are just my best guesses from what I know of the implementation/hashtables in general.
HashSet is very good for fast insertion and search speeds. Add, Remove and Contains are O(1).
Edit- Add assumes the array does not need to be resized. If that's the case as Noldorin has stated it is O(n).
I used HashSet on a recent VB 6 (I didn't write it) to .NET 3.5 upgrade project where I was iterating round a collection that had child items and each child item could appear in more than one parent item. The application processed a list of items I wanted to send to an API that charges a lot of money per call.
I basically used the HashSet to keep track items I'd already sent to prevent us incurring an unnecessary charge. As the process was invoked several times (it is basically a batch job with multiple commands), I serialized the HashSet between invocations. This worked very well- I had a requirement to reuse as much as the existing code as possible as this had been thoroughly tested. The HashSet certainly performed very fast.
If you're looking for real-time performance or optimal memory efficiency I'd recommend a radix tree or explicit suffix or prefix tree. Otherwise I'd probably use a hash.
Trees have the advantage of having fixed bounds on worst case lookup, insertion and deletion times (based on the length of the pattern you're looking up). Hash based solutions have the advantage of being a whole lot easier to code (you get these out of the box in C#), cheaper to construct initially and if properly configured have similar average-case performance. However, they do tend to use more memory and have non-deterministic time lookups, insertions (and depending on the implementation possibly deletions).
The answers recommending HashSet<T> are spot on if your comparisons are just "is this string present in the set or not". You could even use different IEqualityComparer<string> implementations (probably choosing from the ones in StringComparer) for case-sensitivity etc.
Is this the only type of comparison you need, or do you need things like "where would this string appear in the set if it were actually an ordered list?" If you need that sort of check, then you'll probably want to do a binary search. (List<T> provides a BinarySearch method; I don't know why SortedList and SortedDictionary don't, as both would be able to search pretty easily. Admittedly a SortedDictionary search wouldn't be quite the same as a normal binary search, but it would still usually have similar characteristics I believe.)
As I say, if you only want "in the set or not" checking, the HashSet<T> is your friend. I just thought I'd bring up the rest in case :)
If you need to know "where would this string appear in the set if it were actually an ordered list" (as in Jon Skeet's answer), you could consider a trie. This solution can only be used for certain types of "string-like" data, and if the "alphabet" is large compared to the number of strings it can quickly lose its advantages. Cache locality could also be a problem.
This could be over-engineered for a set of only N = 30,000 things that is largely precomputed, however. You might even do better just allocating an array of k * N Optional and filling it by skipping k spaces between each actual thing (thus reducing the probability that your rare insertions will require reallocation, still leaving you with a variant of binary search, and keeping your items in sorted order. If you need precise "where would this string appear in the set", though, this wouldn't work because you would need O(n) time to examine each space before the item checking if it was blank or O(n) time on insert to update a "how many items are really before me" counter in each slot. It could provide you with very fast imprecise indexes, though, and those indexes would be stable between insertions/deletions.

List.BinarySearch vs Dictionary.TryGetValue - which is faster

Which would be faster for say 500 elements.
Or what's the faster data structure/collection for retrieving elements?
List<MyObj> myObjs = new List<MyObj>();
int i = myObjs.BinarySearch(myObjsToFind);
MyObj obj = myObjs[i];
Dictionary<MyObj, MyObj> myObjss = new Dictionary<MyObj, MyObj>();
MyObj value;
myObjss.TryGetValue(myObjsToFind, out value);
I assume in your real code you'd actually populate myObjs - and sort it.
Have you just tried it? It will depend on several factors:
Do you need to sort the list for any other reason?
How fast is MyObj.CompareTo(MyObj)?
How fast is MyObj.GetHashCode()?
How fast is MyObj.Equals()?
How likely are you to get hash collisions?
Does it actually make a significant difference to you?
It'll take around 8 or 9 comparisons in the binary search case, against a single call to GetHashCode and some number of calls to Equals (depending on hash collisions) in the dictionary case. Then there's the intrinsic calculations (accessing arrays etc) involved in both cases.
Is this really a bottleneck for you though?
I'd expect Dictionary to be a bit faster at 500 elements, but not very much faster. As the collection grows, the difference will obviously grow.
Have been doing some real world tests with in memory collection of about 500k items.
Binary Search wins in every way.
Dictionary slows down the more hash collision you have. Binary search technically slows down but no where as fast as the dictionaries algorithm.
The neat thing about the binary search is it will tell you exactly where to insert the item into the list if not found.. so making the sorted list is pretty fast too. (not as fast)
Dictionaries that large also consume a lot of memory compared to a list sorted with binary search. From my tests the sorted list consumed about 27% of the memory a dictionary id. (so a diction claimed 3.7 X the memory)
For smallish list dictionary is just fine -- once you get largish it may not be the best choice.
The latter.
A binary search runs at O(log n) while a hashtable will be O(1).
Big 'O' notation, as used by some of the commenters, is a great guideline to use. In practice, though, the only way to be sure which way is faster in a particular situation is to time your own code before and after a change (as hinted at by Jon).
BinarySearch requires the list to already be sorted. [edit: Forgot that dictionary is a hashtable. So lookup is O(1)]. The 2 are not really the same either. The first one is really just checking if it exists in the list and where it is. If you want to just check existance in a dictionary use the contain method.
