findResource() not working with DataTemplate - c#

I defined a DataTemplate the following way:
<ImageBrush x:Key="WindowBackground" Stretch="None" Opacity="0.6" ImageSource="pack://application:,,,/Resources/WindowBackground.jpg"/>
<DataTemplate x:Key="ContainerItemTemplate">
<Border BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="White" Margin="3">
<s:SurfaceTextBox IsReadOnly="True" Width="120" Text="{Binding Path=name}" Padding="3"/>
<s:SurfaceButton Content="Expand" Click="SourceFilePressed"></s:SurfaceButton>
Then I used it to add a ItemTemplate to a LibraryContainer:
<Grid Name="RootGrid" Background="{StaticResource WindowBackground}" >
<s:ScatterView Name="RootScatter">
<s:LibraryContainer Name="RootContainer" Grid.Row="0" ViewingMode="Bar">
<s:BarView Rows="2" NormalizedTransitionSize="2.5,0.8" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ContainerItemTemplate}">
<s:StackView NormalizedTransitionSize="1,1" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ContainerItemTemplate}">
Later, I add a new ScatterViewItem to the ScatterView:
ScatterViewItem item = new ScatterViewItem();
FrameworkElement element = surfaceWindow as FrameworkElement;
DataTemplate tmpl = element.FindResource("ContainerItemTemplate") as DataTemplate;
LibraryContainer container = new LibraryContainer();
container.ViewingMode = LibraryContainerViewingMode.Bar;
container.ItemsSource = itms;
container.BarView.ItemTemplate = tmpl;
item.Content = container;
Unfortunately, I always get a NullReferenceException inthe line:
container.BarView.ItemTemplate = tmpl;
Additional Information:
The object surfaceWindow is passed in this method. It is a reference to the file where i have defined DataTemplate.

Unless your constructor for your LibraryContainer object builds the LibraryContainer.BarView object, it is going to be null at that point.
Ok, so ignore the previous attempts...I've done a little more reading on the surface controls now.
Going back to your original method of fetching the data template via the key:
DataTemplate tmpl = element.FindResource("ContainerItemTemplate")
If you set a breakpoint there, was the template being returned or was it null at this point?


How do I get the pixel locations of text and other elements in a UWP ListView?

I have a ListView in my UWP app with an ItemTemplate that consists of a Path geometry and a TextBox:
ItemsSource="{x:Bind Categories}">
<DataTemplate x:DataType="myData:Category">
ToolTipService.ToolTip="{x:Bind CategoryString, Mode=OneWay}">
Margin="14, 10, 4, 0"
Data="{x:Bind SymbolGeometry, Mode=OneWay}"
Fill="{x:Bind Colour, Mode=OneWay}"/>
Text="{x:Bind LegendLabel, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
As part of exporting a piece of the UI to an SVG I would like to find the locations (in pixel coordinates relative to any parent item) of the TextBox text and Path geometry for each item in the ListView. Does anybody know how to achieve this? As the ListView items are dependant on user input I'm unsure how to retrieve the necessary information.
I'm aware UIElements can be converted to bitmaps for export, however this does not fulfil the requirements of the app.
You could use the UIElement.TransformToVisual(UIElement) Method and GeneralTransform.TransformPoint(Point) Method to get the locations of UIElement objects.
Please check the following code:
for(int i=0;i<ListView.Items.Count;i++)
var item = ListView.ContainerFromIndex(i) as ListViewItem;
var path = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(item.ContentTemplateRoot as DependencyObject, 0) as Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path;
var box = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(item.ContentTemplateRoot as DependencyObject, 1) as TextBox;
var visual1 = path.TransformToVisual(ListView); //Select the ListView control as the parent element.
var point = visual1.TransformPoint(new Point(0, 0));
var visual2 = box.TransformToVisual(ListView);
var point2 = visual2.TransformPoint(new Point(0, 0));

Set Content of an Element without a Name-Property

I'm using a ListBox in combination with a ObservableCollection. The content is set via a TemplateSelector (TextBlock or Label). The text has to be formatted (f.e. with Run-Tags in Code-behind), but i can't access the Items. Is there a solution to get the elements?
I've tried the usage of OfType<>, but this works only on Panels. I searched for an children-attribute but, there isn't one for ListBoxes. Setting the Name-Property via binding is not possible for UId and Name.
An IEnumerator for the LogicalChildren doesn't work and iterate over the whole content everytime a new element is added, is not so optimal. Here a minimal example.
<DataTemplate x:Key="TextBlockTemplate">
<TextBlock />
<DataTemplate x:Key="LabelTemplate">
<local:myTemplateSelector x:Key="myTemplateSelector" x:Name="myTemplateSelector" TextBlockTemplate="{StaticResource TextBlockTemplate}" LabelTemplate="{StaticResource LabelTemplate}"/>
<Grid Margin="0">
<ListBox Name="mylist" Grid.Row="3"
ItemsSource="{Binding _listEntries}"
ItemTemplateSelector="{StaticResource myTemplateSelector}"
Greetings and thanks :)
The TextBlock has an Inlines property that returns the Inline elements that comprise the contents of the TextBlock.
The Label has a Content property that you, depending on how you are using it, may cast to a Panel.
There are no inline elements for a TextBox.
Now, I found a solution. I made the TextBlock and Label as User Control and set the Name-property. In the code-behind, I have access to the DataContext and the element can set itself.
<UserControl x:Class="Test.TextBlockControl"
<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="0,0,0,0">
<TextBlock Name="textBlock"/>
In the Code behind i can now access the values and set:
public partial class TextBlockControl : UserControl
public List<string> name => DataContext as List<string>;
public TextBlockControl()
private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
foreach (var t in name)
var run = new Run(t.Text);
if (t.IsHighlighted)
run.Foreground = Brushes.Green;
run.Foreground = Brushes.Red;
In the MainWindow, the dataTemplate then references the UserControl (root is the namespace):
<root:PickControl />

C# UWP Button binding with flyout not refreshing button content

I have a button that displays the value from a class that I created. Everything works fine, except for the fact that the button content does not refresh once the value of the binding is changed in the code. If I exit the screen and come back, the value is correct. Staying on the same screen does not refresh the button content.
The button code is shown below.
<Grid x:Name="Task1Grid" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Margin="5,0,5,0">
<RowDefinition Height=".2*"/>
<RowDefinition Height=".6*"/>
<RowDefinition Height=".2*"/>
<Button Grid.Row="1" Style="{StaticResource RoundedButtonStyle}" Tag="0" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Click="StoplightButton_Click" FontFamily="Global User Interface">
<Image Stretch="Uniform" Source="{Binding SelectedRepairOrder.TaskStatusGrid[0], Converter={StaticResource TaskStatusToStopLight}, Mode=OneWay}"/>
<ImageBrush Stretch="Uniform" ImageSource="{Binding SelectedRepairOrder.TaskStatusGrid[0], Converter={StaticResource TaskStatusToStopLight}, Mode=OneWay}"/>
<Button x:Name="Task0Time" Tag="0" Style="{StaticResource RoundedButtonStyle}" Visibility="{Binding SelectedRepairOrder.TaskStatusGrid[0].NewTaskstatus, Converter=
{StaticResource TaskStatusToVisibility}}" IsEnabled="{Binding ShowForecastFeatures}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Content="{Binding SelectedRepairOrder.TaskStatusGrid[0].TmTimecmpltask, Converter={StaticResource TaskCompleteTimeToTime}}" Grid.Row="2" Flyout="{StaticResource Task1Flyout}"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Row="0" Text="{Binding ClientInfo.TasksInfo[0].TaskDescription}" TextAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" FontSize="28"/>
The flyout code is shown below.
<Border x:Name="StopLightBorder" Background="CornflowerBlue" Grid.Row="1" BorderBrush="White" BorderThickness="2">
<Grid x:Name="StopLightGrid" Margin="5" >
<converter:TaskStatusToStopLight x:Key="TaskStatusToStopLight"/>
<converter:TaskCompleteTimeToTime x:Key="TaskCompleteTimeToTime"/>
<converter:TaskStatusToVisibility x:Key="TaskStatusToVisibility"/>
<Flyout x:Key="Task1Flyout" >
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ForecastTimes}" Tag="0" SelectionChanged="ForecastTimeChanged"/>
The code which changes the value for the binding is shown below.
private void ForecastTimeChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
var timeListBox = (ListBox)sender;
var completeTime = Convert.ToDateTime(e.AddedItems[0].ToString());
var taskNum = Convert.ToInt16(((FrameworkElement)sender).Tag);
var result = checkPreviousTaskTimes(completeTime, taskNum);
switch (result)
case ForecastResult.ValidTime:
globalContext.SelectedRepairOrder.TaskStatusGrid[taskNum].TmTimecmpltask = completeTime.ToString();
globalContext.SelectedRepairOrder.TaskStatusGrid[taskNum].DtDateoverride = completeTime.ToString();
globalContext.SelectedRepairOrder.TaskStatusGrid[taskNum].TmTimeoverride = completeTime.ToString();
globalContext.SelectedRepairOrder.TaskStatusGrid[taskNum].SendOverrideForecastTime = true;
globalContext.SelectedRepairOrder.WasChanged = true;
globalContext.SelectedRepairOrder.RecordGrid = "1";
((Popup)((FlyoutPresenter)((FrameworkElement)sender).Parent).Parent).IsOpen = false;
showForecastError(result, completeTime, taskNum);
The Visibility and IsEnabled both work just fine. Not sure what else I can do at this point. It seems that changing the bound data does not have an effect until you leave the screen. I chased this issue all the way through and saw the changes to the data as well as everything else I expected. The flyout causes the forecasttimechanged method to activate. When we go to save this data to the database, the data is correct. The flyout shows the selected time when viewing it on the screen, which is what I want. I see that highlighted in the flyout.
If there is a better control to use than the button, I am all ears at this point. Here is the tricky part. This forecast time can be set in the application as well as the app you are seeing code from. The app has time in 15 minute increments, but the other program that can update this control can put in any time it wishes.
I know there is some control or parameter that needs to be set in order to make this happen properly, but for the life of me, I cannot find it. I have tried everything for the past 3 days now and nothing works.
Help me please.
I know there is some control or parameter that needs to be set in order to make this happen properly, but for the life of me, I cannot find it. I have tried everything for the past 3 days now and nothing works.
From your code, I guess the problem is that you have not implemented INotifyPropertyChanged for binding property. And your logic is complex, you could realize your feature with the easy way like the follow example.
<Button Content="{Binding SelectItem,Mode=OneWay}">
<Flyout Placement="Top">
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectItem,Mode=TwoWay}">
Bind the button content with SelectItem, And then the button content will be modified automatically if the ListBox SelectedItem changed.
public class MainPageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public List<string> Items { get; set; } = new List<string>();
private string selectItem = "Nico";
public string SelectItem { get { return selectItem; } set { selectItem = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } }
public MainPageViewModel()

Assigning zIndex order to image and text elements on a canvas in Silverlight

I have an image editor in silverlight that allows the user to add, manipulate and delete image and text elements on a canvas. I notice it seems to act strangely when adding new elements sometimes and they will be placed behind an existing element for example. Below is the code for adding image elements, and the order elements method which it calls. I inherited this code from someone else so at times I can't follow what his intention was. The code doesn't seem to do what it is supposed to though.
Can someone suggest a better way to assign a Z-Index value to elements that I am adding?
XAML of my workspace canvas -
<Canvas x:Name="pnlCanvas" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Height="{Binding Path=CanvasHeight, Mode=OneWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=Default}"
Width="{Binding Path=CanvasWidth, Mode=OneWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=Default}" >
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Elements, Mode=OneWay}" >
<Canvas Background="{Binding Path=CanvasBackground, Mode=OneWay}"
Height="{Binding Path=CanvasHeight, Mode=OneWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=Default}"
Width="{Binding Path=CanvasWidth, Mode=OneWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=Default}" />
Adding image element -
private void AddImageElement(object param)
bool? gotImage;
string fileName;
BitmapImage imageSource = GetImageFromLocalMachine(out gotImage, out fileName);
if (gotImage == true)
Image image = new Image();
image.Name = fileName;
image.Source = imageSource;
image.Height = imageSource.PixelHeight;
image.Width = imageSource.PixelWidth;
image.MaxHeight = imageSource.PixelHeight;
image.MaxWidth = imageSource.PixelWidth;
image.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
image.Tag = null;
image.MouseLeftButtonUp += element_MouseLeftButtonUp;
this.SelectedElement = image;
this.SelectedImageElement = image;
Order Elements -
private void OrderElements()
var elList = (from element in this.Elements
orderby element.GetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty)
select element).ToList<FrameworkElement>();
for (int i = 0; i < elList.Count; i++)
FrameworkElement fe = elList[i];
fe.SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, i);
this.Elements = new ObservableCollection<FrameworkElement>(elList);
My end intention once I have this sorted out is to include a layers container like in Photoshop etc. where I will be able to reorder the elements. Hopefully someone can help get me moving in that direction. Basically how do I set the Z-Index correctly because I don't think this is doing it.
An ItemsControl wraps each element in a <ContentPresenter> tag, so although the ZIndex is set on your element, it doesn't get applied because the ZIndex on the ContentPresenter is what matters
What actually gets rendered looks like this:
<Image Canvas.ZIndex="0" />
<Image Canvas.ZIndex="1" />
To fix the issue, set the ZIndex in the ItemContainerStyle so it gets applied to the ContentPresenter instead of the UI Element
<Setter Property="Canvas.ZIndex" Value="{Binding Canvas.ZIndex}" />
For more information, see the bottom section of my blog post about WPF's ItemsControl
Apparently Silverlight doesn't have an ItemsContainerStyle for the ItemsControl.
In that case, simply set an implicit style for the ContentPresenter that sets the Canvas.ZIndex value in your ItemsControl.Resources
<Style TargetType="ContentPresenter">
<Setter Property="Canvas.ZIndex" Value="{Binding Canvas.ZIndex}" />

Converting ControlTemplate XAML to C#

I have been stumped with trying to convert the following code into pure c#. This XAML code is from Cavanaghs blog on how to make rounded corners on anything. The code works but I need to convert it to c# as i need it to be dynamic in some cases. If you could help that would be great.
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType='{x:Type ListViewItem}'>
<Border CornerRadius="15" Name="mask" Background="White"/>
<StackPanel Background="Beige">
<VisualBrush Visual="{Binding ElementName=mask}"/>
<GridViewRowPresenter Content="{TemplateBinding Content}" Columns="{TemplateBinding GridView.ColumnCollection}"/>
<TextBlock Background="LightBlue" Text="{Binding News}" />
So far I have the following but I am getting errors.
FrameworkElementFactory border = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(Border));
border.SetValue(Border.BackgroundProperty, Brushes.White);
border.SetValue(Border.CornerRadiusProperty, new CornerRadius(8, 8, 8, 8));
border.SetValue(Border.NameProperty, "roundedMask");
As far as I can tell I cant make the VisualBrush as a FrameworkElementFactory (crashes), but if i declare it as a regular element VisualBrush i cant pass border in as a Visual since its a FrameworkElementFactory.
Simply i am getting lost, any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for any help
You don't actually have to convert this into C# to apply it dynamically. If you add it to your application resources, within your App.xaml file as follows:
<ControlTemplate TargetType='{x:Type ListViewItem}' x:Key="MyListViewItemTemplate">
<Border CornerRadius="15" Name="mask" Background="White"/>
<StackPanel Background="Beige">
<VisualBrush Visual="{Binding ElementName=mask}"/>
<GridViewRowPresenter Content="{TemplateBinding Content}" Columns="{TemplateBinding GridView.ColumnCollection}"/>
<TextBlock Background="LightBlue" Text="{Binding News}" />
Note the x:Key attribute which keys this item.
You can then look it up anywhere in your code ...
ControlTemplate template = this.Findresource("MyListViewItemTemplate") as ControlTemplate
You can then apply it as and when you need it!
You do not want to know this. Seriously, you don't, it's a nightmare.
Edit: If i did not make any mistake this is the translation of your code...
Setter setter = new Setter();
setter.Property = ListViewItem.TemplateProperty;
ControlTemplate template = new ControlTemplate(typeof(ListViewItem));
var grid = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(Grid));
var border = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(Border));
border.SetValue(Border.BackgroundProperty, Brushes.White);
border.SetValue(Border.NameProperty, "mask");
border.SetValue(Border.CornerRadiusProperty, new CornerRadius(15));
var stackPanel = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(StackPanel));
stackPanel.SetValue(StackPanel.BackgroundProperty, Brushes.Beige);
var visualBrush = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(VisualBrush));
visualBrush.SetBinding(VisualBrush.VisualProperty, new Binding() { ElementName = "mask" });
stackPanel.SetValue(StackPanel.OpacityMaskProperty, visualBrush);
var gridViewRowPresenter = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(GridViewRowPresenter));
gridViewRowPresenter.SetValue(GridViewRowPresenter.ContentProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(GridViewRowPresenter.ContentProperty));
gridViewRowPresenter.SetValue(GridViewRowPresenter.ColumnsProperty, new TemplateBindingExtension(GridView.ColumnCollectionProperty));
var textBlock = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(TextBlock));
textBlock.SetValue(TextBlock.BackgroundProperty, Brushes.LightBlue);
textBlock.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding("News"));
template.VisualTree = grid;
setter.Value = template;
Edit: There is still a bug left, the VisualBrush cannot be created like that, the rest seems to work.
