Best way to implement Filewatching in my case? - c#

So, this is roughly how my C# program looks
// call to method that reads XML file and loads it into a list of structure
// call to method that works on the structure, manpulates data etc.
// call to method that starts filewatching
// if any change is detected, calls method OnChange
// Action on change
If OnChange method is called i.e. a change has been detected, I want to repeat the entire process all over again. Should I call Main() from OnChange, or is there another way that is better?

You may take a look at the FileSystemWatcher class which allows you to monitor and be notified of events happening on the file system like file being changed.

Personally, this is what I think.
Yes, you should call your Main from your OnChange method, if that is in fact what you want to do (i.e., just run Main again).
But to prevent uncontrolled recursion, you should ensure that the file manipulation you're performing from within Main does not itself trigger OnChange. This could be by either setting a flag or temporarily removing your Changed handler and adding it back when you're done.

Create one FileSystemWatcher object, which throws several events, you can handle every event differently.


Using XmlDocument.Save() Effectively

I'm working with a .XML document in C# to which I'm selecting nodes from, adding nodes to, and deleting nodes many, many times over a span of my code.
All of the XML editing of this document is contained within a class, which other classes call to.
Since the Data Access class has no way of telling if the classes using it are done with editing the document, it has no logic as to if/when to save.
I could save after every modification of the document, but I'm concerned with performance issues.
Alternatively I could just assume/hope that it will be saved by the other classes that use it (I created a one-line public method to save the document, so another class can request a save).
The second option concerns me as I feel like I should have it globally enforced in some manner to avoid it being called upon and modifications not being committed. To this point there will never be a case where a rollback is needed; any change is a change that should be committed.
Does .Net (Or coding design) have a way to balance performance and safety in such a situation?
If you always want to save the changes (just don't know when) then you could add the save command to the class destructor. This way you know the changes will always be saved.
If you need additional help or want an example please leave a comment, otherwise select an answer as correct.
Update: It has been brought to my attention that the class destructor may fire after other objects (like a FileStream) have already been disposed.
I recommended that you test for this condition in your destructor and also that you implement and use the IDisposable interface. You can then subscribe to the either the Application.Exit event or Application.ApplicationExit event and call dispose there.
Be sure to keep the code in the destructor (but make sure you have it in a try block) in case the program crashes or there is some other, unexpected exit.
Basically your question says i all: You need to save, but you don't know when, as the knowledge about the savepoints is otside your class.
My recommendation is to wrap your calls - assuming you have something like public void MyClass.SomeEditing(int foo), create a wrapper like public void MyClass.SomeEditing(int foo, bool ShouldSave) with shouldsave defaultingto true.
This way, a consumer of your class can decide, wether he wants an immediate save or not, chosing false if he knows, an immediately following other edit will cause the save. Existing code, which calls the "old" API is protected by the default of "save imediately"

Auto Generate Custom Events at runtime

I have a class that Handles send & receive over a socket between my application and the network. This class uses other classes, including a low level sockket connection class and a PDU handler class that creates the messages to send and handles received data.
Now i use an event to signal my class that the low level connection class has data for it and i need to send that data to the PDU handler to convert to information the application can use and then hand the data to the application.
For future usage, i am trying to get the class to be as generic as possible, so that on future Server/Client projects i will need only to change the PDU handler to take under consideration the new operations availlable and how to handle the data.
All that is well underway and now i am facing the isssue of handing the data back to the app. For that, my logical approach is an event letting the app know data is ready for collection. For that i can either:
a) have one event and let the app sort out what kind of message it is through the operation code (doable)
b) Have one event per operation code and have the app subscribe to all of them and thus know at start what it is getting
Considering the idea of making things generic, and the approach stated in b, is there a way to dinamicly create events based on a given delegate signature at runtime?
e. g.
imagine you have opcodes in an enum called MyOperation1 and MyOperation2 and you have defined a delegate like:
public delegate void PDUEventHandler(ParamType Param, [...]);
and i want to define events called:
public event PDUEventHandler MyOperation1;
public event PDUEventHandler MyOperation2;
But if i add a new operation code i will need an event for it.
Can this events be created dinamicly or do i need to do it by hand?
If i need to do it by hand then i guess a single event would be better and handle things app side.
Perhaps what you need is a callback - essentially you pass to the event handler a delegate for it to execute when the handler is done. Here's a stackoverflow thread to give you an idea
In terms of event handlers & re-useability, perhaps you can extend EventArgs and have that delegate as a property.
I was thinking a single PDUEventHandler having common code and a "hole" where custom code is run. That custom code is passed to the handler as a delegate (i.e. a method) or even a class instance. But let's change that a little...
Sounds like you need a factory. In fact you're practically describing a factory.
Conceptually let go of the idea of passing special opcodes to an EventHandler per se, or having multi-signature PDUEventHandlers.
Create a PDUHandlerFactoryclass. The factory returns a customized instance as a general PDUHandler class reference. Then instead of a PDUEventHander you caller has a PDUHandler reference that points to the factory-custom instance.

C# detect if calls were in the same UI action

I have some nice, working edit-undo functionality in my winforms application. It works using a CommandStack class, which is two Stack<IStateCommand>s (one for undo, one for redo). Each command has an Execute and an Undo method, and the CommandStack object itself has an event that is fired when the stacks are changed.
The CommandStack also works out if the LogCommand method is called from its own Undo function, and therefore adding it to the redo stack, rather than the undo stack. This is done by simply adding the current ManagingThreadId to a List<int> object, then removing it after the Undo command is completed (as opposed to using the stack trace, which I believe would be much slower and a bit dirty).
There is a lot of different commands within my application so this formula is sort of set in stone as it'll take me a few days to redo all those IStateCommands implementations.
The only problem with this, currently, some UI events within also call other UI events, both of which log an IStateCommand to the undo history. Is there any way in C# that I can detect if the LogCommand function has already been called from the same UI event (Click, DragDrop, SelectedIndexChanged, TextChanged, etc), then I can combine the commands into one command (using my CommandList class, which also inherits IStateCommand)?
I've thought of saving the current time when the undo event was called, then if the next command is logged less than x milliseconds later, combine them in the history, but this seems a bit sloppy. I've also considered searching the stack trace, but I don't really know what to look for to find the root UI event, nor do I know whether I would tell the different between one button click, then a different click on the same button.
It may also be helpful to know that all of these commands are being called from the UI thread from event handlers (mostly from events from custom user controls). The only part of my application that uses another thread runs after most UI events, after the undo history is logged.
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The same method is being called twice from the same UI event (eg, MouseUp, DragDrop). The second time this method is called, how do I check that it has already been called once by the same UI event?
Edit: The solution (sort of)
It's a bit of a dirty one as I don't have the time to completely re-write this system. However I've implemented it in such a way that gives the option not to be so dirty in the future.
The solution is based on one of Erno's comments on his answer (so I will mark his answer as accepted), where he suggests added a parameter. I added another overload to my LogCommand(IStackCommand) method in the CommandStack class, LogCommand(IStackCommand, string). The string is the actionId, which is stored for each command, and if this string is the same as the last, the commands are combined. This gives the option to go through each event and give a unique ID.
However, the dirty part - to get it working before we have to show the client, the actionId defaults to System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.ToString(), ouch!! Since the cursor position is not changed while the UI thread is executing, this combines each command. It actually even combines TextChanged commands (as long as they don't move their mouse!)
It might be an option to add a local stack of called-commands to a command.
When a command executes other commands add the command to the local stack so you can undo the commands on this local stack when the command must be undone or redone.
I am not quite sure what you don't understand.
I would simply add a CommandList property to the StateCommand. Everytime the StateCommand invokes/triggers another StateCommand it should add the new StateCommand to the CommandList. So the global CommandList keeps track of the Commands that can be undone from the UI and each StateCommand keeps track of the StateCommands it invoked (so these are not added to the global undo CommandList)
If you can't or do not want to change to that setup you would have to pass a parameter to the execution of the commands that links them together.
Did you try to inspect the method stack and analyze it method-by-method:
StackTrace st = new StackTrace();
for ( int i=0; i<st.FrameCount; i++ )
StackFrame sf = st.GetFrame(i);
MethodBase mb = sf.GetMethod();
// do whatever you want
I don't know what you need exactly to achieve, but I implemented something similar, maybe you can get some ideas...
In summary, you can store some information in a ThreadStatic variable. Then, any time you want to log a command, inspect the thread static variable to find out the context in which you are logging the command. If it's empty, you are starting a new command logging sequence. If not, you are inside a sequence.
Maybe you can store the entry event (e.g. Click, DragDrop,...), or the command itself... It depends on your needs.
When the initial event callback is completed, clean the static variable to signal that the sequence has been completed.
I successfully implemented a similar strategy to track commands executed upon an object model. I encapsulated the logic within an IDisposable class that also implemented the reference counting to handle the nested usings. The first using started the sequence, subsequents using statements increased and decreased the reference counting to know when the sequence was completed. The outermost context disposing fired an event containing all the nested commands. In my specific case it has worked perfectly, I don't know if it may fulfill your needs...

User-initiated action implementation

In Flash 10 there are methods that require that they are triggered from user-initiated actions like button click, keyboard up/down keys, etc.
Is it possible to implement this behaviour in .NET? For example, if we have this subroutine:
void SomeMethod() {
// Here some stuff
how to check inside it whether the method was called from a mouse click event handler?
Also we can think of this methods like the protected functions in World of Warcraft, if anyone knows what I mean.
EDIT: Looks like this behaviour is implemented in Silverlight — we can popup file dialogs (open, save) ONLY by mouse click or other user-initiated action, otherwise a SecurityException will be thrown. I want to achieve this bevaviour but in my case it’s not a file dialog but our own methods.
Why not just provide it as a parameter?
void SomeMethod(bool userInitiated) {
// Here some stuff
Given that you're already calling it, sometimes from an event handler and sometimes not, you already have that information.
EDIT: Another approach is to have a thread-static field which you set on entry to an event-handler and then reset on exit (in a finally block). Any code which wants to test whether they're "responding to a user action" can then test that field.
If that's not good enough, then I suspect the answer is simply "no".
EDIT: You can get at the call stack (see the StackTrace class) but that's relatively slow and can miss out stack frames due to inlining. There's also Code Access Security which may just about help you - but I doubt it.
It seems that you are writing some sort of plugin API. You want to provide a method that does something the user might not want, e.g. changes the clipboard contents, and you want to ensure that your plugins can call that method only in response to a user action.
The only way I can think of to do this is that the API needs to be continually aware of whether it is currently processing a user-initiated action or not. Presumably there will be some code in your program that calls the plugin-provided code, e.g.
if (plugin.HasHandlerForMouseClick)
At this point you will need to remember that this is a user-initiated action. Once the method returns, that’s the end of the user-initiated action:
if (plugin.HasHandlerForMouseClick)
_userInitiated = true;
_userInitiated = false;
Then, in your “unsafe” method, e.g. the one to set the clipboard, you will have to check this flag:
public void SetClipboard(object newValue)
if (!_userInitiated)
return; // or throw AccessDeniedException?
// set clipboard here
As hinted by Jon, the field should be declared thread-static. This means that there is a separate copy of the field for each thread:
private static bool _userInitiated = false;

Order of Precedence with methods?

Say I have 2 methods. One is an method triggered by the selected index changing in the listbox. The second method helps by clearing all textboxes, setting listbox index to -1, and setting the focus.
Method two executes, during the code it changes the selected index of the listbox to -1, thereby setting off the event trigger for the 1st method. Does Method 2 HALT it's own execution and transfer the process to the event, and then return back to its work after Method 1 is finished... OR does method 2 finish its entire codeblock then transfer to Method 1 since the selected index changes?
The first case.
Let's leave threads out of it for a moment, particularly because they're not involved in your scenario.
You're talking about properties and methods, but underneath it all, it's all just functions. When one function invokes another, control in your program transfers to the called function. When that function finishes running, control returns to the point where it was called. Your program automatically remembers where it needs to go back to, no matter how deeply functions call more functions.*
When your second function sets the index, what really happens is that the compiler translates the property-set operation into a function call. (Properties are ultimately just "syntactic sugar" for functions.) That function calls a bunch of other functions that aren't important to the scenario, except that one of them is the one that invokes the "index changed" event handler. It sees that you have a method associated with that event, and it calls your first method.
Your first method runs, and when it finishes, it returns to the "invoke the index-changed event handler" function. Eventually, that and all the other unimportant functions finish running (perhaps after making more function calls in sequence), and the "set the index property" function returns control to your second method.
You can prove to yourself that your first suggestion is how it works. Display a message box in your first method, and display another message box after the point in your second method where you set the index property. (Use different messages!) You should see the first message appear, and after you dismiss the message box, you should see the second message appear, thus showing that the second method did not continue executing while the first one was running.
* There is a limit, but it's rarely hit unless there's a bug in your program. When you have too many nested function calls, what happens is a stack overflow.
There's a third alternative you can explore: they can also run at the same time! If I understand your question correctly, method 2 would be triggered by the index change event. In a C# Windows Forms application, this other event would occur in a separate thread of execution.
Concepts to explore: threading.
I hope this gives you a starting point in your explorations of knowledge.
Assuming no multi-thread situation, the event will fire before he end of execution of the method. If you want to see this, code what you have suggested in a .NET language and examine the Il produced. You can do this with ILDASM, or Reflector, or even create your own relfletion application. You do have to understand the syntax of IL enough to see the branch, but it is not that difficult, as long as you understand programming concepts.
Rob has labeled this "syntactical sugar", which I will agree with somewhat. It is really a compiler trick, but I guess it falls under the label "syntactical sugar" as it is commonly used.
I assume the language in question is c# and you thus have a language that supports multiple threads. If you don't want to worry about threads (which would be a bad idea if you consider user experience) you can run your GUI in one thread and have the same behavior, unless the components create their own thread (which would be a bit weird though). If you want to achieve an asynchronous (parallel) execution of the event you need to have the the event triggering in its own thread.
To answer your question: if you aren't using multiple threads, the method triggered by the event will be queued. This is exactly what happens when you see GUI responding slowly in some programs.
Hope it cleared things out and welcome from another newcomer :)
I myself am a beginner, maybe I can help. Method2 would fire, then when the selection changes, Method1 would do his stuff, then Method2 would continue.
If you don't want Method1 to fire at that time, you might want to do is something like:
(REALLY pseudo code)
Method2(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Unsubscribe Method1 from ListboxEvent
Listbox.OnSelectionChange -= Method1;
... Stuff Method2 actually does ...
Manualy call Method1 if you want it to fire
//Subscribe Method1 from ListboxEvent
Listbox.OnSelectionChange += Method1;
It's probably not optimal (and maybe some Best Practices...) but for a lack of a better explanation, at least you have a bit of information to help you search. Hope it helps!
