I need a statement to select data from an MS Access database table.
WITHIN selected dates
I have two textboxes in my GUI called StartDate and EndDate
I want to select data within those 2 dates.
I have tried 2 methods.
The first is
" DAY(V.RegDate) between " + Start.ToString("dd")
+ " and " + End.ToString("dd");
" and MONTH(V.RegDate) between " + Start.ToString("MM") + " and "
+ End.ToString("MM");
" and YEAR(V.RegDate) between " + Start.ToString("yyyy") + " and "
+ End.ToString("yyyy");
V.RegDate is the date column from the database.
But it returns me no data when I select 01/08/2010 and 01/09/2010 while there is some data at 25/08/2010.
I think that is because I chose the date separately and since the 2 dates are the same,
returns me nothing
I have tried another way...
" V.RegDate between #" + Start.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "# and #" _
+ End.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "#";
This also return me nothing
Any Ideas????
This pattern works for me:
SELECT sometable.somedate
FROM sometable
WHERE (((sometable.somedate) Between #2/1/2010# And #4/1/2010#));
(in this case it's MDY, I normally prefer ISO-ish style - YYYY/MM/DD because there is no way that Access can screw that up)
Maybe you've got your date set using the American default - MDY instead of the British(?) standard DMY.
I am completely confused by SQLite right now.
I use the System.Data.SQLite Version for C#
I have two Tables:
Table 1:
In it I have created two columns (more but they are the important in this case and the statement is way to long to post it). The first one is called RecStat and the second one DOXinM.
Both are a Decimal and are created like this:
[RectStat] Decimal,
[DOXinM] Decimal,
The Create Table statement looks like this:
Create Table If Not Exists "Table1"
When I insert a value in this table the decimal works perfectly fine and when I read it out it works too on the xaml GUI.
After that I created a second Table which also has a Decimal Column.
I Created the table the same way (this is a short one, So i can give the whole statement)
Create Table If Not Exists "Table2" (
[ID] Integer Not Null Primary Key,
[Material] VarChar(10],
[Thickness] Decimal);
C# Code for the creation (Note that I work with a const string for all SQL Commands):
mySQLiteCommand.CommandText = #"" + DatabasePara.CREATE_SQL + " " + DatabasePara.TABLE_SQL + " " + DatabasePara.IF_SQL + " " + DatabasePara.NOT_SQL + " " + DatabasePara.EXISTS_SQL + " " + DBTableFilter.Filter + "
mySQLiteCommand.CommandText += #"([" + DBTableFilter.ID + "] " + DatabasePara.INTEGER_SQL + " " + DatabasePara.NOT_SQL + " " + DatabasePara.NULL_SQL + " " + DatabasePara.PRIMARYKEY_SQL + ", ";
mySQLiteCommand.CommandText += #"[" + DBTableFilter.Material + "] " + DatabasePara.VARCHAR_SQL + "(360), ";
mySQLiteCommand.CommandText += #"[" + DBTableFilter.Thickness + "] " + DatabasePara.DECIMAL_SQL + ");";
In both case I do the same insert for the Decimal Column:
Insert into Table1 ('RectStat') values ('10.5');
Insert into Table1 ('DOXinM') values ('1.3');
Insert into Table2 ('Thickness') values ('0.25');
For the Table2 Insert:
for (int FilterIndex = 0; FilterIndex < Database.FilterTable.FilterList.Count; FilterIndex++)
mySQLiteCommand.CommandText = #"" + DatabasePara.INSERTINTO_SQL + " " + DBTableFilter.Filter + "(" + DBTableFilter.Material + ", " + DBTableFilter.Thickness + ") ";
mySQLiteCommand.CommandText += #"" + DatabasePara.VALUES_SQL + " ('" + Database.FilterTable.GetFilterAt(FilterIndex).Material_Property + "', " + Database.FilterTable.GetFilterAt(FilterIndex).Thickness_Property + ");";
Now the Database inserts the first two Statements as 10.5/1.3 and the last one as 0,25
When I read out the value the first two works perfectly fine but the last one is shown without the numbers after the decimal "point".
So my question is.
Why does this happens?
(Btw I have more than 20 Decimals columns in my table and the "Thickness" is the only one with this problem)
I hope you can help me.
Thanks in Advance
What I have tried:
Tried different Values (Had the hope that it was because of the 0.25)
Tried it without the ''. But than the statement thought it had three values for two columns...
First of all, you should use parameterized queries. They will get rid of conversion problems and prevent sql injection. Most likely your issues are created by the fact, that your type of query creation calls decimal.ToString() implicitly. For certain locales, this replaces the . with a , which leads to a syntax error.
var query = "INSERT INTO yourtable COLUMNS(col1, col2, col3) VALUES(#p1, #p2, #p3)";
var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(query, connection);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#p1", 1);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#p2", 2.2);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#p3", "three");
This will, among other things, send the decimals to your server in a correct format, and also take care of possible ' quotes in your string literals and prevent sql injection, thus making your code more secure.
I'm trying to pull event logs from a windows PC given certain information. This block of code is working fine but only pulls logs from the current day. I'd like to only pull logs that where created between dates that are specified earlier, "toDate" and "fromDate". This is my first time using xpath and I can't seem to find anything online that deals with something like this.
string queryString =
"<QueryList>" +
" <Query Id=\"0\" Path=\"Application\">" +
" <Select Path=\"Application\">" +
" *[System[(Level=3) and " +
" TimeCreated[timediff(#SystemTime) <= 86400000]]]" +
" </Select>" +
" </Query>" +
I've written the following query for a resource scheduling calendar app. The query is used to find any events already scheduled on the calendar that would conflict with the event of interest:
string qry = "SELECT * FROM " + EventX.Schema.TableName +
" WHERE " +
" ( " +
" ( " +
EventX.Columns.StartTime + " >= '" + startTime +
"' AND " + EventX.Columns.StartTime + " < '" + endTime +
"' ) " +
" OR " +
" ( " +
EventX.Columns.EndTime + " > '" + startTime +
"' AND " + EventX.Columns.EndTime + " <= '" + endTime +
"' ) " +
" ) " +
" AND " +
" ( " +
EventX.Columns.EventID + " <> " + eventId +
" AND " + EventX.Columns.StatusID + " IN " +
" ( " +
(int) EventStatus.Approved + " , " +
(int) EventStatus.Completed +
" ) " +
" ) ";
QueryCommand qc = new QueryCommand(qry, EventX.Schema.Provider.Name);
EventXCollection events = new EventXCollection();
The above query works, but it's a freakishly ugly abomination in terms of aesthetics and I'd prefer not to leave a mess for whoever has to maintain this after me. I wrote this query after having tried and failed to get it working using a SqlQuery instead. The closest I came to getting it right before giving up on SqlQuery and writing the functional-but-ugly hack above was the following (incorrect) query:
SqlQuery qry = new Select().From(EventX.Schema.TableName);
qry.And(EventX.Columns.StatusID).In((int)EventStatus.Approved, (int)EventStatus.Completed);
I'm working on maintaining an application written by a developer who has since moved on and this is my first experience working with Subsonic. Note that if event A ends at 2:00 PM and event B starts at 2:00 PM, then events A and B do not constitute a scheduling conflict and the query should reflect that. How would you write this query using Subsonic?
If i'm correct, EventX.Schema.TableName and EventX.Columns.xyz are just constants, and actual variables are startTime, endTime and eventId right?
If so, why not make a stored proc, or at least a parameterized query, so SQL can cache execution plans? IIRC Subsonic supports SPs, but the project site looks like it's about to fall apart.
Sql something like this, could be an SP, or a parameterized query:
SELECT * FROM EventTable
StartTime >= #startTime
AND StartTime < #endTime
EndTime > #startTime
AND EndTime <= #endTime
EventID <> #eventId
StatusID IN ( 1,2 )
--just made up these numbers, should be the ID of Approved and Completed ...
And pass in #startTime, #endTime and #eventId as parameters?
Although I don't know the state of you project, but if I was in your place, probably I would try to leave what's working correctly as it is. And slowly try to replace Subsonic with something actively used in the world, or you are experienced in using it. Would be better both for you, and whoever will have to maintain it later.
Subsonic 3.0 was released about two ago, and feels pretty much dead now. Rob Connery created Massive since, and pretty much abandoned Subsonic if I'm correct...
Just to make it clear: I'm not saying Subsonic is bad, used and tweaked it's T4 templates a lot to suit my needs. About 2 years ago. But not a lot of people are familiar with it, so moved to other, more widely known data access techniques...
I will be tested the application as windows application then it will be stored the datetime in MySQL data base.When I will be start this application using windows service it will be thrown this exception.
error [HY000][MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver] [MySqlid -6.0.11-alpha-community]incorrect datetime value " 5/6/2011 9:00:00 AM" for column column-name at row1
Windows application take the system format & my system format is yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
in windows service which format is used.
query18 += "select '" + obj8 + "' as DTvalue ,'" + date8 + "' as DTdatelogged1 ,'" + OpcGroup.QualityToString(e8.sts[counter8].Quality) + "' as DTquality ,'" + DateTime.FromFileTime(e8.sts[counter8].TimeStamp) + "' as DTtimestamp ,'" + e8.sts[counter8].HandleClient + "' as DTparamID Union " + Environment.NewLine;
UpdateQuery = Update parameter t Left join + Environment.NewLine;
UpdateQuery8 += ( + query18 + ) Temp on" + Environment.NewLine;
UpdateQuery8 += t.itemID=Temp.DTparamID+ Environment.NewLine;
UpdateQuery8 += set paramvalue=DTvalue, date_logged1=DTdatelogged1,Quality= DTquality,date_logged=DTtimestamp + Environment.NewLine;
UpdateQuery8 += where t.groupID=9 and t.itemID=Temp.DTparamID;
my query likethis timestamp value is 129500892576718750 it will be convert DateTime.FromFileTime() function converted value like '2011-05-17 12:30:57' in windows application it will be write into mysql database
but in windows service converted value like 2011/05/17 12:30:57 PM it will be not accepted by the MYSQL database same thing i will be used in the windows service
UpdateQuery8 = "Update parameter " + Environment.NewLine;
UpdateQuery8 += "set paramvalue=#paramvalue,date_logged1=#date_logged1,Quality=#Quality,date_logged=#date_logged" + Environment.NewLine;
UpdateQuery8 += "where groupID=9 and itemID=#itemID";
cmd8 = new OdbcCommand(UpdateQuery8, con136);
cmd8.Parameters.Add("#paramvalue", obj8.ToString());
cmd8.Parameters.Add("#date_logged1", date8);
cmd8.Parameters.Add("#Quality", OpcGroup.QualityToString(e8.sts[counter8].Quality));
cmd8.Parameters.Add("#date_logged", dt);
it will be execute but there no updation in database
Please help me in this regard.
Thanks in Advance.
Always use parametrized queries to pass data to the DB driver. Then it is up to the driver to format your dates correctly, and you avoid being susceptible to SQL-Injection attacks.
Create a datetime and format it the way YOU want. Not the system defaults, not the casual user defaults, the one you want.
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
String str = dt.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
This should lead to "20110517" if i'm not mistaking.
Bonus points are given if you use one of the better answers setting the code locale to the one used by the mysql server. But the one above should give you a way that works.
I want to filter values from database based on date.
Date in a database contains values like this: 2008-12-28 18:00:00. And my class has a DateTime variable depending on which I want to filter. Ideally it would work like this:
myBindingSource.Filter = "DATE(myDateField) = myDateTime.Date" + adjusting myDateTime.Date format as needed.
But it throws an EvaluateException: "The expression contains undefined function call DATE()."
Although if I execute the SQL statement directly, I can use the DATE() function in filter.
P.S. I use MYSQL DB with the Connector/Net 5.2
How can I solve this problem?
Thank You all for suggestions.
The getSqlDate function is not needed. You can use String.Format() to format dates:
String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd} 00:00:00", myDateTime)
myDateTime.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00"
You could filter the binding source like this:
myBindingSource.Filter = String.Format("myDateField >= '{0:yyyy-MM-dd}' AND myDateField < '{1:yyyy-MM-dd}'", myDateTime, myDateTime.AddDays(1));
Thank you Tom H.
Yes, i wanted to eliminate the time portion of the datetime in the filter and your suggestion works perfectly.
I`ll leave the complete solution for others:
myBindingSource.Filter = "myDateField >= '" + getSqlDate(myDateTime) + "' AND myDateField < '" + getSqlDate(myDateTime.AddDays(1)) + "'";
where getSqlDate function is:
string getSqlDate(DateTime date) {
string year = "" + date.Year;
string month = (date.Month < 10) ? "0" + date.Month : "" + date.Month;
string day = (date.Day < 10) ? "0" + date.Day : "" + date.Day;
return year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " 00:00:00";
A correction to the answer:
Accoring to msdn
,to get the correct date
the mm in
would have to be capitalized
like so;
to get a correctly formatted date.
Is myDateField the name of the field in the dataset? I think you want an expression like this:
myBindingSource.Filter = "myDateField = " & myDateTime.Date.ToString()
Are you asking how to eliminate the time portion of the datetime in the filter? I'm not too familiar with MySQL, but if you use any kind of function that returns the date portion of a datetime then you are likely to kill any chance of using an index on that column for the query (existing or future index).
Your best bet is to create a filter on the front end that checks for a range that is only for your given filter date. For example:
myBindingSource.Filter = "myDateField >= " & <code to create a string representing 12AM of your date> &
" myDateField < " & <code to create a string for 12AM of the next day>
Sorry for not having exact code, but I'm a SQL developer and my lack of VB/C# skills would require me to take a lot more time to come up with the functions then it would probably take you. :)
For search between two date in DataGridView you can use this code :
BindingSource1.Filter = "F5 >= '" + maskedTextBox1.Text + "' And " + "F5 <= '" + maskedTextBox2.Text + "'";
BindingSource1 : my datagridview datasourc load in BindingSource1 .
F5 : name of your header column in datagridview .
maskedTextBox1 : for get first date .
maskedTextBox2 : for get second date .
Be successfull "Arn_7"
For search between two date in DataGridView you can use this code :
BindingSource1.Filter = "F5 >= '" + maskedTextBox1.Text + "' And " + "F5 <= '" + maskedTextBox2.Text + "'";
BindingSource1 : my datagridview datasourc load in BindingSource1 .
F5 : name of your header column in datagridview .
maskedTextBox1 : for get first date .
maskedTextBox2 : for get second date .
You will need to add signle quotes like this "'2021-09-26'".
myBindingSource.Filter = "myDateField = " + "'" + myDateTime.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"