Problem compiling a .sln file with Visual C# 2010 Express - c#

First thing when I try to run the application (I just downloaded it from CodeProject, right here), I get this error:
The name Resource does not exist in the current context
So when I double click the error it takes me to this code:
private Image mp_CodeImage_Class = Resource._class;
But there is a class called Resource but is in a file called Resource.Designer.cs, and this file is in a resource file called Resource.resx. When I check the properties of Resource.resx, Build Action is set to Embedded Resource and Custom Tool is set to PublicResXFileCodeGenerator. I'm just saying this details in case they help you find a solution because I know nothing about resources, just almost never use them. Hope you can help. Thanks.

For one, you can't open .sln files (which are VS solutions) in the express versions.
So what you will need to do is open the project file (.csproj), compile it, close that project and then copy the dll which you've just compiled into your project in which you want to use the control.
Hope this helps.


C# Couldn't process file xxx.resx due to its being in the Internet or Restricted zone or having the mark of the web on the file

I have an issue while I try to build project in VS2012.
It cannot build due to the error:
Couldn't process file xxx.resx due to its being in the Internet or Restricted
zone or having the mark of the web on the file. Remove the mark of the web if
you want to process these files.
Here is a similar question.
but I tried that option and had no luck, because I did not download the file from the internet. That project was built from scratch. In project after selecting Properties, in Windows Explorer nothing happened. I do not have the "unblock" option, only the default three options (read only, hidden, and archived).
I have the same error and cannot build or rebuild the project. I have a theory that it is a recent error after updating Windows. Before the update, everything worked fine. Any ideas?
Go to xxx.resx file in Windows File Explorer. Right-click and select properties. At the bottom of the the dialog is an "unblock" option:
Check this and click Apply. Clean your solution and it will build.
In my case I had the same problem with many files.
My solution with VS Prof. 2017 V15.95 was:
Open powershell and execute dir -Path [directory path] -Recurse | Unblock-File
Rebuild all
On the solution folders locate abc.resx.
Open the file using any text editor, preferably Notepad++.
Locate and delete any node starting with <data
Example. This is what you should delete.
<data name="$this.Icon" type="System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/">
Reload or reopen your solution and build. You are ready to go.
Had the same problem after updating to VS 2017 v15.8.5, and none of the solutions above or on other forums worked for me.
So, since a .resx file is just XML, I just copied the content, deleted the original file and recreated it with the copied content.
That was the only thing that worked, and it worked first time.
A quick way to remove this mark of the web for multiple files and folders recursively for me was to
Zip them up.
Delete originals.
I'm not really sure either, I have the exact same issue.
But, what i did, was hit view in file explorer.
Then, i clicked show hidden items.
Finally, i went back to my folder and clicked on the .vs folder, my project/file name, v15, Server, sqlite3, and deleted DB.Lock.
I reopened the project, clicked build, and it worked perfectly.
This worked for me, it might/might not for you.
I also encountered this issue recently. The error began occurring after I set the icon of a Windows Form.
Researching for the cause and solution almost led me nowhere, because I did not download the icon from the internet, nor was I referencing a web-based icon file. It was stored entirely on my local machine.
After some more researching and digging around, I was able to figure out exactly what was causing the problem. I have Microsoft One-Drive installed on my machine. The directory in which the icon file was located is managed/synced by One-Drive. That fact was somehow tricking Visual Studio into believing the file was located or downloaded from the internet.
The solution proved to be very simple. I removed the icon from the form, as well as from the corresponding .resx file. Then I moved the icon file to another directory not associated with One-Drive. Finally, I was able to use that icon in my Windows Forms application without getting this error.
I understand there are other possible causes for this error. But if in your case, the issue happened after setting a form's icon--and if you have One-Drive (or perhaps another cloud-based storage solution) installed--then check to be sure that icon file is not in a directory managed by that service. If so, relocate it and change the form's icon property to point to the new location.
To fix this for multiple files within a project, Visual Studio -> Tools -> Options -> Trust Settings and add the project path as a trusted path.
Using VS 2019, and building against source stored on an Azure shared file system. I think I may have just tracked down a work-around, and it has to do with the Icon as referenced above by Jake above. If I add the icon to the form's resource file (that really long string), The error occurs.
However, if I add the Icon to the Project's resources, delete the Icon from the form's resource file, and change form to set the Icon manually...
this.Icon = MyProjectName.Properties.Resources.MyIcon;
The error goes away.
I found this solution on another forum. My project resided on a file share, so I had to enter file://[file share] for Step 4 below. I am running VS2019 on Windows 10.
Start Menu > type 'Internet Options'.
Select Local intranet zone on the Security tab then click the Sites button
Click Advanced button
Enter file://[computer name] or file://[file share]
Make sure 'Require server verification...' is unticked
I had the same issue in Windows 10 VS 2019 16.4.457 (previous version of VS 2019 had no problems).
The "marked for web" error shows only after I moved the project under One-Drive.
If I move the project back to a local drive the error doesn't show.
As Anthony Gingrich suggested, I tried to move the project images to a local directory without success.
The solution that works for me was, for each image, in the "Select Resource dialog" use "Project resource file" instead "Local resouce".
Please guys, I already fixed the issue, this is cause by OneDrive, please close your OneDrive with the use of task manager or close the icon OneDrive's Hidden Icons on the taskbar
I just ran into the same issue and also tried the Unblock option from explorer with no luck. I even restarted VS with no luck.
However, I'm not sure which combination did the trick but I opened the form as well as the resx file from within VS, just to see if I can open it, which opened fine. I then did a clean and rebuild and that appeared to do the trick. If it doesn't try restarting VS after the clean then rebuild.
I had a similar issue and the problem was an image that I had downloaded and added to my Resources. Not completely sure why that was the only image that gave me problems, however, I opened my abc.resx file giving me issues an a text editor, removed the node starting with " (it was the last and only node) just like Albert Alberto mentioned. Saved the changed, cleaned and rebuilt my solution and it all works! The image didn't render but it only took a second to go back and add the image. It wasn't removing the entire file, just the node that was causing the issue.
I had the same problem on Windows 10, VS 2017 (15.9.13). I sent myself a project from work through Dropbox so I could try a couple of things from home. But when I tried to build it VS gave me the 'marked for web' error.
After trying the solutions above without success I began experimenting. I was able to solve this by using the method listed above (right click -> properties -> unblock), but I had to do it for each of the images in the Resource folder--and I had to do EACH FILE individually since the 'unblock' option was not available on group-selects. I actually unblocked each source file in the project as well before trying to rebuild so I am not sure if both are required.
Its a bit of a pain--probably a huge pain for larger projects--but it absolutely got the project building again.
EDIT: I did find this article afterwards about unblocking entire folders--even recursively but have not tried it:
None of these worked for me. I fixed it by converting the embedded base64 into a linked resource:
I found out the issue was with the embedded base64 image I had in the .resx (as the issue went away removing the data tag as explained in this question but that meant I removed the image) so I converted the embedded image into a .png file and made a link to that in the .resx.
To do that: open the .resx file in Visual Studio 2019 and double-click the image, and then click Ok and Yes in the following prompts that will appear so VS will convert the embedded image into a linked resource (sorry I can't upload pictures yet):
Hope it helps!
From my original comment.

File 'PATH\bin\Release\APPNAME\Controls\xyz.xaml' could not be found

I created a new class library for windows store apps and within this library I created a Usercontrol in a folder named 'Controls'.
I use this class library in another project (especially this controls mentioned above) and everytime I try to run this project a weird error occurs:
"Payload file 'C:\PATH TO CLASSLIBRARY FOLDER\bin\Release\LIBRARYNAME\Controls\Usercontrol.xaml' could not be found"
So I opened my library's folder and looked up this path.
The path described in the error message does not exists but if you would replace
\bin\Release\LIBRARYNAME\Controls\Usercontrol.xaml with \bin\Release\Controls\Usercontrol.xaml then there is the wanted file.
Then I simply copied the \Controls\ folder containing Usercontrol.xaml and pasted it into the newly created folder \LIBRARYNAME\Controls\Usercontrol.xaml.
Now this error doesn't occur anymore but I don't want to do this copy-paste action everytime I modify Usercontrol.xaml?!
Does anybody know why this happens? Is there a way to avoid my inconvenient solution?
Thanks for help! :)
After doing some further researching with the exacty english error message (worked with german vs2012 by then) it seems that this is a bug in Visual Studio.
More info about this:

Force Visual Studio Rebuild on Embedded Resource Changed

We have a SQL file that's an embedded resource in our solution. When the sql file changes, and we click debug, the solution doesn't rebuild the project with the embedded resource if no actual C# code has changed.
I've had this issue with other solutions as long as I can remember, and I personally know to do Build Solution to make sure it gets built...but this has become an issue for a number of new developers who can't remember to do this and get confused when their changes to the SQL file aren't reflected at debug I was wondering if anyone knows an easy fix.
The easiest fix is to "rebuild" instead of "build". Other people will "clean" and then "build" to be 100% sure.
Embedded Resources are not updated in the debugging DLLs unless the output DLL is truncated, which can only be guaranteed to occur with rebuild and clean.
Unfortunately, a clean and rebuild does not seem to always work for Resource files. My issue was with a string resource file, and how I fixed was as follows in VS2016:
Close .resx and .Designer.cs if they are open in the IDE
Delete .Designer.cs class (right-click, delete in solution explorer)
Double click .resx file in solution explorer to open
If required, change 'Access Modifier' from 'Public' to 'No Code Generation', and save
Change 'Access Modifier' from 'No Code Generation' to 'Public', and save
=> the .Designer.cs code should then update
I ran into the same issue with VS2017.
This is what worked for me:
Open the .resx file. Make sure you are in the Resource editor, do not use an XML editor since sometimes changes done there will not trigger the generation of Designer.cs
Make sure Designer.cs is not open.
Do a small change, save
Undo the change, save

How licenses.licx file is used

I've got licenses.licx file that is included to one of my projects properties. I am not sure how that is used by its dlls. Is it used by msbuild? Do you have any idea how it is used when the solution is building?
Since you indicate that StellarEleven's reply doesn't help, I guess you're looking for something even simpler. This is probably not 100% correct, but it is my understanding of how this works:
The licx file is simply a list of the "licensed" components used by your application.
Each line in the file is of the following format:
[Component Name], [Assembly Name]
For example one of my projects uses the licensed IP Works NetDial component so my .licx file contains the following line:
nsoftware.IPWorks.Netdial, nsoftware.IPWorks
In the context of the project (.csproj) file, the .licx file is referenced as an EmbeddedResource. During the build process, LC.exe verifies that the machine performing the build has the appropriate license(s) for the component in question, and generates a binary .licenses file which eventually gets embedded as a resource ([AssemblyName].exe.licenses) in the final executable.
Does this help?
Licenses.licx file woes
File this under ASP.NET, Department of WTF.
Frustration When you are developing a web application with our
controls, a mysterious file called licenses.licx appears. No, it's not
an order to use a weirdly-named lollipop, but is a transitional file
generated (and modified) by Visual Studio that participates in license
checking. In design mode, Visual Studio uses this file to make a note
of every licensed control you use in your design. When you then build
your application, Visual Studio read this licenses.licx file and for
every control mentioned there, will load the relevant assembly and run
the license code in that assembly to see if the assembly is properly
licensed (that is, that the product to which it belongs has been
properly installed on that machine). If everything checks out, Visual
Studio embeds the license key into the executable. If it doesn't,
you'll get weird error messages about the control not being licensed
(my favorite is "Could not transform licenses file 'licenses.licx'
into a binary resource." to which I usually invoke the colorful
language of my ancestors).
Licenses.licx is actually a file in your solution (if you cannot see
it there, click Show All Files). Visual Studio uses a program called
lc.exe to compile the licenses into embedded resources in your
application, and when things go wrong with the license compiling I've
seen error messages that reference this executable as well.
Here's an example of a line in a licenses.licx file.
DevExpress.XtraCharts.v8.2.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral,
The first value in this comma delimited list is the class, the second
is the assembly where it's found, and the other values are the rest of
the assembly's strong name. I'm sure you can see problems already,
especially when you upgrade a solution to the latest versions of the
third-party controls you use. If you want, you can edit this file and
remove the strong name parts with no problem.
But that's not the biggest issue with licenses.licx. The thing is
Visual Studio has a propensity of touching this file if you open the
solution (that's "touching" as in changing the file date to the
current date/time). This plays havoc with licensing, especially if you
happen open the solution on a non-licensed machine and you are using
source control. Suddenly your build machine will throw off these
"cannot transform" messages and you're left wondering what went wrong.
Another prevalent issue is when you have a team of developers working
on a solution: they're all unconsciously "modifying" this file.
So, the answer seems to be not to put the licenses.licx file under
source control. (KB article)
But this solution to the problem throws another red flag: if one of
the developers in a team adds a new control that needs licensing to
the form, a line gets added to his local licenses.licx file and it may
not get reflected in source control. Bam, your build machine fails the
build and Joe, who added the control, has to buy doughnuts for the
team until someone else breaks the build.
I'm afraid I have no good solution to this latter issue, because
unfortunately the "not putting licenses.licx in source control" seems
to be the way everyone is solving the licensing problem. Another
solution is to delete the licenses.licx file altogether and then get
Visual Studio to regenerate it by opening the solution (although this
is a bit difficult on a build machine).
Anyway, hope that all helps in some way. And hitting your laptop with
a phone isn't really going to help.
We use a custom check-in policy (TFS) that explicitly nulls the contents of this while if present in the check-in list.

Multiple icons in executable in VS2010

I have Googled and found multiple ways of adding multiple icons into the executable, but they all seem to work for VS 2003-2005-2008, nothing for VS2010. I have not tried the Win32 resource with /win32res because I do not know how to use it (can't figure to get a good Google result for that either).
Any simple suggestion?
I've just created a simple tool to do exactly this without having to mess with .res files. It's a tiny utility which you can use as part of your Post-Build event and lets you add all icons files in a particular folder to your assembly. If we assume that you have a icons folder under your main project folder you can add the following post-build event:
C:\path\to\InsertIcons.exe $(TargetPath) $(ProjectDir)icons
A further description and a download can be found at
This works for me:
If you're using visual studio 2012:
For C#.NET Here I found a good solution for this problem for c# projects as an example. But it only works in my C# projects
Create a new "Native Resource Template" from the File | New dialog box.
In project properties(project->application->resources) there is option to choose resource file (.res) rather than "Icon and manifest" which is selected by default (This option is visible only to C# projects!).
For VB.Net projects this link (Also mentioned here by Waldo) can be more helpful because in my visual 2012 there is no option to select/browse Native Resource Template(.res) files but you could manually change project definition file for project as described to compile project win a native win32 resource file:
Open your project file in notepad (*.vbProj) and add the following block:
The Code Project article explains how to create a "assemblyWin32.res" file.
