Generate Sitemap from URLs in Database - c#

Problem Statement:
URLs are stored in a database, example:
and so on.
I would like to arrange the above urls into a tree fashion as shown below (each item will be a url link). The final output would be a simple HTML List (plus any sub list(s))
home gallery info
page1 image1 IT
page2 image2 contact
page3 map
Programming Language is C# , platform is
In the above example, we end up with Three Lists because in our example there is three main 'groups' eg: home, gallery, info.
Naturally, this can change, the algorithm needs to be able to somehow build the lists recursively..

Well,sorting those strings need a lot of work,I've done something similar to your condition.I wish to share the strategy with you.
First of all,(if you can change design of your tables indeed)
Create a table URL like below
| URL Table |
| ID |
| ParentID |
| Page |
|..extra info..|
It's an implementation of category and sub category in same table.In a similar manner,you can contain insert a lot of page and subpage.For example,
| ID | ParentID | Page | ...
| 0 | null | Home |
| 1 | null | Gallery |
| 2 | null | Info |
| 3 | 0 | Page1 |
| 4 | 0 | Page2 |
| 5 | 0 | Page3 | ...
| 6 | 1 | Image1 |
| 7 | 1 | Image2 |
| 8 | 2 | IT |
| 9 | 8 | contact |
| 1 | 8 | map |
------------------------------------- ...
when ParentID is null then its highest level
when ParentID is and ID then its a sublevel of whatever level is on that ID and so on...
From C# side,you know the top pages where ParentID's are null.
You can bring sub pages of them by selected ID's of top pages.It's some ADO.NET work.
Hope this helps

ok, did it:
First created a class:
public class Node
private string _Parent = string.Empty;
private string _Child = string.Empty;
private bool _IsRoot = false;
public string Parent
set { _Parent = value; }
get { return _Parent; }
public string Child
set { _Child = value; }
get { return _Child; }
public Node(string PChild, string PParent)
_Parent = PParent;
_Child = PChild;
public bool IsRoot
set { _IsRoot = value; }
get { return _IsRoot; }
then generated the SiteMap, by transforming the urls strings directly as follows:
private static string MakeTree()
List<Node> __myTree = new List<Node>();
List<string> urlRecords = new List<string>();
__myTree = ExtractNode(urlRecords);
List<string> __roots = new List<string>();
foreach(Node itm in __myTree)
if (itm.IsRoot)
string __trees = string.Empty;
foreach (string roots in __roots)
__trees += GetChildren(roots, __myTree) + "<hr/>";
return __trees;
private static string GetChildren(string PRoot, List<Node> PList)
string __res = string.Empty;
int __Idx = 0;
foreach (Node x in PList)
if (x.Parent.Equals(PRoot))
__Idx += 1;
if (__Idx > 0)
string RootHeader = string.Empty;
foreach (Node x in PList)
if (x.IsRoot & PRoot == x.Child)
RootHeader = x.Child;
__res += RootHeader+ "<ul>\n";
foreach (Node itm in PList)
if (itm.Parent.Equals(PRoot))
__res += string.Format("<ul><li>{0}{1}</li></ul>\n", itm.Child, GetChildren(itm.Child, PList));
__res += "</ul>\n";
return __res;
return string.Empty;
private static List<Node> ExtractNode(List<string> Urls)
List<Node> __NodeList = new List<Node>();
foreach (string itm in Urls)
string[] __arr = itm.Split('/');
int __idx = -1;
foreach (string node in __arr)
__idx += 1;
if (__idx == 0)
Node __node = new Node(node, "");
if (!__NodeList.Exists(x => x.Child == __node.Child & x.Parent == __node.Parent))
__node.IsRoot = true;
Node __node = new Node(node, __arr[__idx - 1].ToString());
if (!__NodeList.Exists (x => x.Child == __node.Child & x.Parent == __node.Parent))
return __NodeList;
anyway it's not optimised, I'm sure I can clean it up a lot..


Multiple lines and columns in Specflow

I have a Specflow table that looks like this.
When I Perform POST Operation for "/example/" with body
| answerValue1 | answerValue2 | countryCode | Cash |
| Yes | Yes | AD | 76-100% |
| | | AF | |
The column CountryCode is the only one that can be multiple choices.
What I tried to do was to add the columns to dictionary with a simple tableExtenstions
public class TableExtensions
public static Dictionary<string, string> ToDictionary(Table table)
var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var row in table.Rows)
dictionary.Add(row[0], row[1]);
return dictionary;
and call it from the method.
var dictionary = TableExtensions.ToDictionary(table);
var countryCode = dictionary["countryCode"];
Unfortnally I get error The given key was not present in the dictionary,
since the dictionary only returns two values from the first and the second Key
Ofcourse if I change the keys to row[2], row[3] it gets the right columns.
But I would like to reuse the Table Extension.
Also i tried to increment them, but it only took the first to columns
var i = 0;
foreach (var row in table.Rows)
dictionary.Add(row[i], row[i]);
Does anyone has a better solution?
I'm not entirely sure what you want the dictionary to ultimately contain, but as you mention that manually changing the rows it looks for to:
row[2], row[3]
gives the data you want, perhaps this would give you the reusability you're looking for:
public class TableExtensions
public static Dictionary<string, string> ToDictionary(Table table, int columnOne, int columnTwo)
int i = 0;
var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var row in table.Rows)
dictionary.Add(row[columnOne], row[columnTwo]);
return dictionary;
var dictionary = TableExtensions.ToDictionary(table, 2, 3);
This produces a dictionary with the following contents:
You could get the country code like this:
foreach (var row in dictionary)
var countryCode = row.Key;
var score = row.Value ?? string.empty;
Given the simplicity of the country codes I would make them a comma separated list and use a vertical table instead:
When I Perform POST Operation for "/example/"
| Field | Value |
| answerValue1 | ... |
| answerValue2 | ... |
| countryCodes | AD, AF |
| cash | ... |
In your step definition:
var example = table.CreateInstance<ExampleRow>();
// use example.GetCountryCodes();
And the ExampleRow class to parse the table into an object:
public class ExampleRow
public string AnswerValue1 { get; set; }
public string AnswerValue2 { get; set; }
private string[] countryCodes;
public string CountryCodes
get => string.Join(", ", countryCodes);
set => countryCodes = value.Split(", ");
public string[] GetCountryCodes()
return countryCodes;

Replace repeated values in collection with its sum

I have a list of custom class ModeTime, its structure is below:
private class ModeTime
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public string LineName { get; set; }
public string Mode { get; set; }
public TimeSpan Time { get; set; }
In this list I have some items, whose LineName and Modeare the same, and they are written in the list one by one. I need to sum Time property of such items and replace it with one item with sum of Time property without changing LineName and Mode, Date should be taken from first of replaced items. I will give an example below:
Original: Modified:
Date | LineName | Mode | Time Date | LineName | Mode | Time
01.09.2018 | Line1 | Auto | 00:30:00 01.09.2018 | Line1 | Auto | 00:30:00
01.09.2018 | Line2 | Auto | 00:10:00 01.09.2018 | Line2 | Auto | 00:15:00
01.09.2018 | Line2 | Auto | 00:05:00 01.09.2018 | Line2 | Manual | 00:02:00
01.09.2018 | Line2 | Manual | 00:02:00 01.09.2018 | Line2 | Auto | 00:08:00
01.09.2018 | Line2 | Auto | 00:08:00 01.09.2018 | Line1 | Manual | 00:25:00
01.09.2018 | Line1 | Manual | 00:25:00 01.09.2018 | Line2 | Auto | 00:24:00
01.09.2018 | Line2 | Auto | 00:05:00 02.09.2018 | Line1 | Auto | 00:05:00
02.09.2018 | Line2 | Auto | 00:12:00
02.09.2018 | Line2 | Auto | 00:07:00
02.09.2018 | Line1 | Auto | 00:05:00
I have tried to write method to do it, it partly works, but some not summarized items still remain.
private static List<ModeTime> MergeTime(List<ModeTime> modeTimes)
modeTimes = modeTimes.OrderBy(e => e.Date).ToList();
var mergedModeTimes = new List<ModeTime>();
for (var i = 0; i < modeTimes.Count; i++)
if (i - 1 != -1)
if (modeTimes[i].LineName == modeTimes[i - 1].LineName &&
modeTimes[i].Mode == modeTimes[i - 1].Mode)
mergedModeTimes.Add(new ModeTime
Date = modeTimes[i - 1].Date,
LineName = modeTimes[i - 1].LineName,
Mode = modeTimes[i - 1].Mode,
Time = modeTimes[i - 1].Time + modeTimes[i].Time
i += 2;
return mergedModeTimes;
I have also tried to wrap for with do {} while() and reduce source list modeTimes length. Unfortunately it leads to loop and memory leak (I waited till 5GB memory using).
Hope someone can help me. I searched this problem, in some familiar cases people use GroupBy. But I don't think it will work in my case, I must sum item with the same LineName and Mode, only if they are in the list one by one.
Most primitive solution would be something like this.
var items = GetItems();
var sum = TimeSpan.Zero;
for (int index = items.Count - 1; index > 0; index--)
var item = items[index];
var nextItem = items[index - 1];
if (item.LineName == nextItem.LineName && item.Mode == nextItem.Mode)
sum += item.Time;
item.Time += sum;
sum = TimeSpan.Zero;
items.First().Time += sum;
Edit: I missed last line, where you have to add leftovers. This only applies if first and second elements of the collection are the same. Without it, it would not assign aggregated time to first element.
You can use LINQ's GroupBy. To group only consecutive elements, this uses a trick. It stores the key values in a tuple together with a group index which is only incremented when LineName or Mode changes.
int i = 0; // Used as group index.
(int Index, string LN, string M) prev = default; // Stores previous key for later comparison.
var modified = original
.GroupBy(mt => {
var ret = (Index: prev.LN == mt.LineName && prev.M == mt.Mode ? i : ++i,
LN: mt.LineName, M: mt.Mode);
prev = (Index: i, LN: mt.LineName, M: mt.Mode);
return ret;
.Select(g => new ModeTime {
Date = g.Min(mt => mt.Date),
LineName = g.Key.LN,
Mode = g.Key.M,
Time = new TimeSpan(g.Sum(mt => mt.Time.Ticks))
This produces the expected 7 result rows.

TreeView from database with null

I have som problem populating a treeview in c# from database. The table looks like this:
| code | description | attached to |
| P001 | TEST001 | NULL |
| P0001 | TEST002 | P001 |
| P002 | TEST003 | NULL |
| P00201 | TESTXXX | P002 |
| P00222 | TESTXXX | P002 |
| P002020 | TESTSSS | P00222 |
This does not work.
protected void PopulateTreeView(TreeNodeCollection parentNode, string parentID, DataTable folders)
foreach (DataRow folder in folders.Rows)
// if (Convert.ToInt32(folder["Attached to"]) == parentID)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder["Attached to"].ToString()))
String key = folder["code"].ToString();
String text = folder["description"].ToString();
TreeNodeCollection newParentNode = parentNode.Add(key, text).Nodes;
//PopulateTreeView(newParentNode, Convert.ToInt32(folder["code"]), folders);
PopulateTreeView(newParentNode, folder["code"].ToString(), folders);
The problem is with your If condition. You should search for rows that are attached to parentID. Here is corrected method with test:
public void Test_PopulateTreeViews()
var rootNode = new TreeNode();
var folders = new DataTable();
folders.Columns.Add("Attached to");
folders.Rows.Add("P001", "TEST001", string.Empty);
folders.Rows.Add("P0001", "TEST002", "P001");
folders.Rows.Add("P002", "TEST003", null);
folders.Rows.Add("P00201", "TEST003", "P002");
folders.Rows.Add("P00222", "TESTXXX", "P002");
folders.Rows.Add("P002020", "TESTSSS", "P00222");
PopulateTreeView(rootNode, string.Empty, folders);
private void PopulateTreeView(TreeNode parentNode, string parentID, DataTable folders)
foreach (DataRow folder in folders.Rows)
if (folder["Attached to"].ToString() == parentID)
String key = folder["code"].ToString();
String text = folder["description"].ToString();
var newParentNode = new TreeNode(key, text);
PopulateTreeView(newParentNode, folder["code"].ToString(), folders);

Horrible response time with NHibernate and Oracle11g

My problem is at the same time simple and complex :
I'm working with NHibernate 3.3 and Oracle 11g with ODP drivers.
This piece of code works like a charm:
var query = Session.CreateSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM wip_event_log WHERE track_id='" + trackId + "'");
query.AddEntity("l", typeof(MotIdenWipEventLog));
var results = query.List<MotIdenWipEventLog>();
in a couple of milliseconds I get the result set. (only 5 records from a table with 11.000.000 of records)
In the other hand, this piece of code :
var results = Session.Query<MotIdenWipEventLog>().Where(m => m.TRACK_ID == trackId).ToList();
takes about 4 seconds to get 5 the records!.
I read about an problem with the AnsiString columns in Oracle databases ( and added a custom convention for work with strings on my fluent configuration:
.Configure(new Configuration().Configure())
.ConnectionString(c => c.Is("User ID=XXXX;Password=XXXX;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SID = iden01)))"))
cfg => cfg.FluentMappings.LocalAddFromAssemblyOf<MotIdenPackSalesModelsHeaderMap>().Conventions.Add<OracleStringPropertyConvention>()
and the custom convention MotIdenPackSalesModelsHeaderMap is:
public class OracleStringPropertyConvention : IPropertyConvention
public void Apply(IPropertyInstance instance)
if (instance.Property.PropertyType == typeof(string)) instance.CustomType("AnsiString");
The entity MotIdenWipEventLog is defined below:
public class MotIdenWipEventLog
public virtual String TRACK_ID { get; set; } // VARCHAR2(16 BYTE) No
public virtual String ASSY_PART_NUM { get; set; } // VARCHAR2(20 BYTE) Yes
public virtual String ASSY_VER_CODE { get; set; } // VARCHAR2(4 BYTE) Yes
public virtual int PROC_ID { get; set; } // NUMBER(9,0) Yes
public virtual String WIP_EVENT_CODE { get; set; } // VARCHAR2(4 BYTE) Yes
public virtual DateTime EVENT_DATETIME { get; set; } // DATE No
public virtual int EVENT_CLKSEQ { get; set; } // NUMBER(12,0) Yes
public virtual String AREA_ID { get; set; } // VARCHAR2(8 BYTE) Yes
public virtual String PERSONNEL_ID { get; set; } // VARCHAR2(11 BYTE) Yes
public virtual String STN_ID { get; set; } // VARCHAR2(20 BYTE) Yes
public virtual int WIP_COUNT { get; set; } // NUMBER(3,0) Yes
public virtual String STN_GROUP { get; set; } // VARCHAR2(8 BYTE) Yes
Mapped through the class MotIdenWipEventLogMap:
public class MotIdenWipEventLogMap : ClassMap<MotIdenWipEventLog>
public MotIdenWipEventLogMap()
Id(m => m.TRACK_ID, "TRACK_ID").GeneratedBy.Assigned();
#region Fields
Map(m => m.TRACK_ID).Not.Nullable()
.Length(16).Index("WIP_EVENT_LOG_IDX1"); // VARCHAR2(16 BYTE) No
Map(m=>m.ASSY_PART_NUM).Nullable().Length(20); // VARCHAR2(20 BYTE) Yes
Map(m=>m.ASSY_VER_CODE).Nullable().Length(4); // VARCHAR2(4 BYTE) Yes
Map(m=>m.PROC_ID).Nullable(); // NUMBER(9,0) Yes
Map(m=>m.WIP_EVENT_CODE).Nullable().Length(4); // VARCHAR2(4 BYTE) Yes
Map(m=>m.EVENT_DATETIME).Not.Nullable(); // DATE No
Map(m=>m.EVENT_CLKSEQ).Nullable(); // NUMBER(12,0) Yes
Map(m=>m.AREA_ID).Nullable().Length(8); // VARCHAR2(8 BYTE) Yes
Map(m=>m.PERSONNEL_ID).Nullable().Length(11); // VARCHAR2(11 BYTE) Yes
Map(m=>m.STN_ID).Nullable().Length(20); // VARCHAR2(20 BYTE) Yes
Map(m=>m.WIP_COUNT).Nullable(); // NUMBER(3,0) Yes
Map(m=>m.STN_GROUP).Nullable().Length(8); // VARCHAR2(8 BYTE) Yes
Looking my log file for NHibernate in Debug level of Log4Net:
2013-11-06 14:24:22,375 DEBUG - Opened IDataReader, open IDataReaders: 1
2013-11-06 14:24:22,376 DEBUG - processing result set
2013-11-06 14:24:26,956 DEBUG - result set row: 0
2013-11-06 14:24:26,959 DEBUG - returning 'F7012B200ZMH' as column: TRACK1_6_
and seeing in the NHibernate source code of class Loader.cs :
HandleEmptyCollections(queryParameters.CollectionKeys, rs, session);
EntityKey[] keys = new EntityKey[entitySpan]; // we can reuse it each time
if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
Log.Debug("processing result set");
int count;
for (count = 0; count < maxRows && rs.Read(); count++)
if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
Log.Debug("result set row: " + count);
object result = GetRowFromResultSet(rs, session, queryParameters, lockModeArray, optionalObjectKey, hydratedObjects, keys, returnProxies);
I cant find where the problem is...
What I doing wrong?
Any idea?
Rather a patch than a solution, but you could create a function-based index to match the type your application is requesting.
create index patch_index on your_table(cast(your_column as nvarchar2(16)));
Illustrating this on Oracle 11g using EXPLAIN PLAN.
create table t(x varchar2(10));
create index idx on t(x);
insert into t values ('a');
The query
select * from t where x = 'a';
gives you the following plan
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU) | Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 7 | 3 (0) | 00:00:01 |
|* 1 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | T | 1 | 7 | 3 (0) | 00:00:01 |
After adding the following index
create index t2 on t(cast(x as nvarchar2(10)))
The same query now gives you the following plan
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 19 | 2 (0) | 00:00:01 |
| 1 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| T | 1 | 19 | 2 (0) | 00:00:01 |
|* 2 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | T2 | 1 | | 1 (0) | 00:00:01 |
You can apply this technique if you cannot fix the problem on the application side.

reading a CSV into a Datatable without knowing the structure

I am trying to read a CSV into a datatable.
The CSV maybe have hundreds of columns and only up to 20 rows.
It will look something like this:
| email1 | email2 | email3 | email4 | … |
| ccemail1 | anotherccemail1 | 3rdccemail1 | ccemail | |
| ccemail2 | anotherccemail2 | 3rdccemail2 | | |
| ccemail3 | anotherccemail3 | | | |
| ccemail4 | anotherccemail4 | | | |
| ccemail5 | | | | |
| ccemail6 | | | | |
| ccemail7 | | | | |
| … | | | | |
i am trying to use genericparser for this; however, i believe that it requires you to know the column names.
string strID, strName, strStatus;
using (GenericParser parser = new GenericParser())
parser.ColumnDelimiter = "\t".ToCharArray();
parser.FirstRowHasHeader = true;
parser.SkipStartingDataRows = 10;
parser.MaxBufferSize = 4096;
parser.MaxRows = 500;
parser.TextQualifier = '\"';
while (parser.Read())
strID = parser["ID"]; //as you can see this requires you to know the column names
strName = parser["Name"];
strStatus = parser["Status"];
// Your code here ...
is there a way to read this file into a datatable without know the column names?
It's so simple!
var adapter = new GenericParsing.GenericParserAdapter(filepath);
DataTable dt = adapter.GetDataTable();
This will automatically do everything for you.
I looked at the source code, and you can access the data by column index too, like this
var firstColumn = parser[0]
Replace the 0 with the column number.
The number of colums can be found using
I'm not familiar with that GenericParser, i would suggest to use tools like TextFieldParser, FileHelpers or this CSV-Reader.
But this simple manual approach should work also:
IEnumerable<String> lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
String header = lines.First();
var headers = header.Split(new[]{','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
DataTable tbl = new DataTable();
for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++)
var data = lines.Skip(1);
foreach(var line in data)
var fields = line.Split(new[]{','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
DataRow newRow = tbl.Rows.Add();
newRow.ItemArray = fields;
i used generic parser to do it.
On the first run through the loop i get the columns names and then reference them to add them to a list
In my case i have pivoted the data but here is a code sample if it helps someone
bool firstRow = true;
List<string> columnNames = new List<string>();
List<Tuple<string, string, string>> results = new List<Tuple<string, string, string>>();
while (parser.Read())
if (firstRow)
for (int i = 0; i < parser.ColumnCount; i++)
if (parser.GetColumnName(i).Contains("FY"))
Console.Log("Column found: {0}", parser.GetColumnName(i));
firstRow = false;
foreach (var col in columnNames)
double actualCost = 0;
bool hasValueParsed = Double.TryParse(parser[col], out actualCost);
csvData.Add(new ProjectCost
ProjectItem = parser["ProjectItem"],
ActualCosts = actualCost,
ColumnName = col
