Refractoring a nested query in Linq to Entity Framework - c#

Supposing I have this query:
var ps = from p in dc.Products
let text =
(from t in p.Text
orderby t.Language == "ja" descending
select t).FirstOrDefault()
select new { p.Id, text.Name };
Is there any way to refractor the query being assigned to text?
My guess is that I need to make it an Expression<Func<Product, string, ProductText>>, but I don't know how I'd invoke it.
By the way, if there are more efficient ways to do this, I'd be happy to know.
Edit: To clarify, the idea is that if Japanese isn't available, I want it to fall back on whatever other language is available.
Maybe this is more efficient?
let text = p.Text.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Language == "ja") ?? p.Text.FirstOrDefault()
Either way, my main question is about how I might make text query reusable -- because it's rather unintuitive, and I can picture myself or someone else doing it wrong in the future.

var ps = dc.Products.Select(p => new
Id = p.Id,
Text = p.Text.OrderBy(t=> t.Language == "ja").First()
.Select (x => new
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name,


Linq:How to write Any in query syntax?

IEnumerable<Gruppe> cand = (IEnumerable<Gruppe>)populations.Where(
x => !x.Attributes.Any(
y => y.GetType() == typeof(Arbeit)
I wondered how I could write the above in query syntax but stumbled because of the Any method.
There is no equivalent of Any in query syntax. So the best you can do is:
IEnumerable<Gruppe> cand =
from population in populations
where !population.Attributes.Any(y => y.GetType() == typeof(Arbeit))
select population
(I'm assuming that the cast to IEnumerable<Gruppe> is not necessary. If that assumption is wrong, you will need to add it back.)
The Any could be refactored out, but you are still going to need a Count.
var cand = from population in populations
let attributeCount = population.Attributes.Count
let validAttributeCount = (
from attribute in population.Attributes
where attribute.GetType() != typeof(Arbeit)
select attribute
where attributeCount == validAttributeCount
select population;
I like Svik's answer.
Another way to put it is like this:
IEnumerable<Gruppe> cand =
from population in populations
where ( from attribute in population.Attributes
where attribute.GetType() == typeof(Arbeit)
select true).Any() == false
select population

How to Link two IDs from different classes in MVC5 to display certain information

I am trying to link up the RestaurantId in the RestaurantReservationEventsTbl with the RestaurantID in the RestaurantTbl to display reservations that are only made for the currently logged in restaurant.
I am receiving the following error in my code operator == cannot be applied to operands of type int and iqueryable int
Here is what I am doing in my home controller
var RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl = from r in db.Restaurants select r.RestaurantID;
//var listOfRestaurantsReservations = db.RestaurantReservationEvents.ToList();
var listOfRestaurantsReservations = db.RestaurantReservationEvents.Where(x => x.RestaurantID == RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl).ToList();
//return View(restaurants.Where(x => x.RestaurantEmailAddress == UserEmail).ToList());
//create partial view called _RestaurantReservation
return PartialView("_RestaurantReservations", listOfRestaurantsReservations);
You have to change your code to materialize the restaurantIds like this:
var RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl = (from r in db.Restaurants
select r.RestaurantID).ToList();
Then you may change the code as below for the comparison to work:
var listOfRestaurantsReservations = db.RestaurantReservationEvents.Where(x => RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl.Contains(x.RestaurantID)).ToList();
Anyway this is not the best solution. I will write another example for you, just try this example if it is working or not and let me know for the result.
I would considering changing the code as below to be much more efficient:
var listOfRestaurantsReservations = (from r in db.Restaurants
join e in db.RestaurantReservationEvents
on r.RestaurantID equals e.RestaurantID
//where r.RestaurantID == something //if where condition needed
select e).ToList();
If your tables are not connected with foreignkeys please consider to read this documentation here to make a better structure of the tables since they are related to each-other.
If your tables are related as in documentation article you might have something like that:
var RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl = db.Restaurants.SingleOrDefault(x => x.RestaurantID == something);
if(RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl != null)
var listOfRestaurantsReservations = RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl.RestaurantReservationEvents.ToList();
// This will give you a list of IDs
var RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl = db.Restaurants
.Select(p => p.RestaurantID)
// Using .Any() is a better choice instead of .Contains()
// .Contains is used to check if a list contains an item while .Any will look for an item in a list with a specific ID
var listOfRestaurantsReservations = db.RestaurantReservationEvents
.Where(p => RestaurantIDRestaurantTbl.Any(r => r.pRestaurantID == p))

How to create a custom store expression for my linq queries

Let me first explain what I'm trying to accomplish.
I'm working with a C# ASP.NET MVC 5 project using Entity Framework to communicate with a SQL Server database. Most of the queries utilizes linq for its queries. In various places on the frontend site I'm displaying lists of records and need to provide the means of searching these records via a search bar. The initial idea right now is to allow the user to enter a search phrase with keywords being separated by spaces, and those keywords are used to match any combination of fields in the records of a table.
For example, say my search is "John Doe" against a user table. Consider these being the records in this table:
uFirstName uLastName
---------- ----------
Johnny Doe
John Doe
Jane Doe
The first two records should be returned.
Here's an example method I would call to return the results I expect:
public static List<UserModel> GetUserList(string terms)
using (DBConnection dbcontext = new DBConnection())
var termlist = (terms == "") ? new List<string>() : terms.Split(' ').ToList();
var linqList = (from u in dbcontext.Users
(terms == "") ||
(termlist.Any(_s => u.uLastName.Contains(_s))) ||
(termlist.Any(_s => u.uFirstName.Contains(_s)))
select new { u.uLastName, u.uFirstName });
return linqList.ToList().ConvertAll<UserModel> ( u => new UserModel { LastName = u.uLastName, FirstName = u.uFirstName } );
In my project I'm utilizing this search bar in various places being used to search against a variety of tables that obviously have different fields. What I would like to do is create a helper method that allows me to pass in the "terms" string and have it matched against a list of field values within the linq statement generically. Here's an example pseudo method that shows what I would like to change the above method to:
public static List<UserModel> GetUserList(string terms)
using (DBConnection dbcontext = new DBConnection())
var linqList = (from u in dbcontext.Users
where SearchTermMatch(terms, new List<string>() { u.uLastName, u.uFirstName }) == true
select new { u.uLastName, u.uFirstName });
return linqList.ToList().ConvertAll<UserModel>(u => new UserModel { LastName = u.uLastName, FirstName = u.uFirstName });
And this is what the helper method would look like:
public static bool SearchTermMatch(string terms, List<string> fieldvalues)
if (terms == "") return true;
var termlist = terms.Split(' ').ToList();
var foundlist = new List<bool>();
foreach (string value in fieldvalues)
foundlist.Add(termlist.Any(s => value.Contains(s)));
return foundlist.Any(f => f == true);
Even though this compiles fine, at runtime it produces the following error:
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean SearchTermMatch(System.String, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
From all my searching on how to get this working, it's clear I need to utilize Expressions, but I can't for the life of me understand how those work. What I do understand is that Entity Framework wants to convert the linq statements into a query that SQL can understand, and my helper method isn't equipped to do so.
Ultimately what I want to accomplish is to build a helper method that I can later expand upon with more advanced searching techniques. I figure if I start simple with a search on all relevant fields based on a keyword split, I can later add more complexity that I would only have to do to this helper method and all my search bars will benefit from those advancements.
So I guess what I'm looking for is your help on how I can create this helper method that I can use throughout my various linq statements in my project.
Ok, I found a solution to my question. It's not completely ideal, but it gets the job done.
Let me first give reference to the sources I'm using for my solution. I first referred to this answer as the starting point:
This answer referred to a source that I ended up using in my project. If you're using Visual Studio, you can find the package in NuGet, just search for "neinlinq", or get it from this GitHub repository:
The only reason I don't consider this my ideal solution is that I was hoping to stick completely to the libraries in .NET / MVC. There's nothing wrong with using a 3rd party library, and in this case, it got the job done for me. But I was hoping to accomplish this as native as possible, and within reason.
So on to my code solution, as I hope this will help someone else in some capacity.
My "helper" function(s) ended up being this (don't forget to include "using NeinLinq;")
public static bool SearchTermMatch(List<string> termlist, List<string> fieldvalues)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static Expression<Func<List<string>, List<string>, bool>> SearchTermMatch()
return (t,f) =>
(t.Count() == 0) ||
(t.Count(_t => f.Any(_f => _f.Contains(_t)) || _t == "") == t.Count())
And, my linq statement ended up being the following:
public static List<UserModel> GetUserList(string terms)
using (DBConnection dbcontext = new DBConnection())
var termlist = (terms == "") ? new List<string>() : terms.Split(' ').ToList();
var linqList = (from u in dbcontext.Users
where SearchTermMatch(termlist, new List<string>() { u.uLastName, u.uFirstName })
select new { u.uLastName, u.uFirstName });
return linqList.ToList().ConvertAll<UserModel>(u => new UserModel { LastName = u.uLastName, FirstName = u.uFirstName });
I also didn't like that I have to construct the "termlist" before the linq statement in order to make the comparisons I wanted. Ideally I'd like to have the "SearchTermMatch" expression to construct the list through something similar to Split so all I had to do was pass in the string "terms", but I couldn't figure out how to accomplish that in the expression. If someone has an idea on how to do that please let me know. I could then have the flexibility to establish my own set of search rules in the expression instead of having the calling linq statement make the list.
So, to come full circle on how this accomplishes my sitution, I can now repurpose SearchTermMatch for all my search bar scenarios. Take for example this statement:
var linqList = (from p in Person
join a in Address on p.AddressID equals a.AddressID
select new { p.ContactName, p.EmailAddress, a.Street, a.City, a.State, a.Zipcode });
I can now easily update it to the following to handle my search bar call:
var termlist = (terms == "") ? new List<string>() : terms.Split(' ').ToList();
var linqList = (from p in Person
join a in Address on p.AddressID equals a.AddressID
where SearchTermMatch(termlist, new List<string>() { p.ContactName, p.EmailAddress, a.Street, a.City, a.State, a.Zipcode })
select new { p.ContactName, p.EmailAddress, a.Street, a.City, a.State, a.Zipcode });

Nested query in entity framework

I am getting the following exception:
The nested query is not supported. Operation1='Case' Operation2='Collect'
with this query
var Games = context.Games.Select(a => new GameModel
Members = (a.Type == 1 ? (a.UsersInGames.Where(b => b.GameID == a.ID && b.StatusID == 1).Select(c => new Member
ID = c.UserID,
email = c.UserInfo.EmailAddress,
screenName = c.UserInfo.ScreenName
})) :
(a.Teams.Where(b => b.GameID == a.ID).SelectMany(b => b.UsersInTeams.Where(c => c.StatusID == 1)).Select(d => new Member
ID = d.UserID,
email = d.UserInfo.EmailAddress,
screenName = d.UserInfo.ScreenName
when I don't include the condition in selecting Members, the query works fine. Is there a way I can do the conditional inside the query?
You're overestimating the power of LINQ translation to SQL. Not everything is translatable and there is no compiler warning for that due to the way LINQ works.
Nested collections are usually either a) not supported or b) end up in horrible SELECT N+1 queries. What you ask EF to do is to return an object tree. SQL does not support tree like results so you run into the object-relational impedance mismatch and it hurts.
I advise you to fetch the nested collection data as a second, completely separate query. That allows you more control and is guaranteed to work.
As a non-essential side-note, you will probably not be able to convince EF to use the ?: operator over sequences. That is very hard to translate. Think how you would write this as SQL - very hard and convoluted.
It looks like Linq to EF doesn't support the following
context.Games.Select(g => new
Field = g.IsX? queryable1 : queryable2
But, here's a hack you can use to get it to work:
context.Games.Select(g => new
Field = queryable1.Where(q => g.IsX)
.Concat(queryable2.Where(q => !g.IsX))
I faced the same problem. The solution was to load both results and determine what to use after the query (I know it has performance downside), but at least you can do it temporarily if deadline attacks you:
At the LINQ side
var Games = context.Games.Select(a => new GameModel
// carries type1 results
Members = a.UsersInGames.Where(b => b.GameID == a.ID && b.StatusID == 1).Select(c => new Member
ID = c.UserID,
email = c.UserInfo.EmailAddress,
screenName = c.UserInfo.ScreenName
//You need to create this temporary carrier to carry type 2 results
MembersOfType2 = a.Teams.Where(b => b.GameID == a.ID).SelectMany(b => b.UsersInTeams.Where(c => c.StatusID == 1)).Select(d => new Member
ID = d.UserID,
email = d.UserInfo.EmailAddress,
screenName = d.UserInfo.ScreenName
After that you may loop Gamesand make the assignment Members = MembersOfType2 if Type == 1 for a certain game.
I had this error too. I had code like this:
var Games = context.Games.Select(a => new GameModel
Members = (!filters.GetDatailedDataToo ? null : new List<MemberModel>())
This error occurs when null is used in ? : operation.
This is not that case, written up here, but I've wasted lot of time, I think anyone uses this case, who searches this error text..

Linq - Retrieve a single value in a String

I use 3.5 and EF 4.
I need find a specific row in my DataBase and display on a label a single value as string.
At the moment I use this code, it is working, so I find a single Object and read its properties.
var myAuthor = (from at in context.CmsAuthors
where at.AuthorId == myRow.AuthorId
select at).Single();
myAuthorNameLabel.Text = myAuthor.LastName;
I would like to know:
If there is another syntax in Linq to achieve the same result.
How to do it using Lamba?
Which approach would you suggest me?
Here's the method syntax (using lambdas)
myAuthorNameLabel.Text = context.CmsAuthors
.Where(at => at.AuthorId == myRow.AuthorId)
.Select(at => at.LastName)
.SingleOrDefault() ?? string.Empty;
You can use:
var myAuthorName =
(from at in context.CmsAuthors where at.AuthorId == myRow.AuthorId select at).Single().Select(a => a.LastName);
actually this would be even better:
var myAuthorName =
(from at in context.CmsAuthors where at.AuthorId == myRow.AuthorId select at).Select(a => a.LastName).Single();
An example of how to use with Anonymous type:
var myAuthorNames =
(from at in context.CmsAuthors where at.AuthorId == myRow.AuthorId select at).Select( a => new {a.LastName, a.FirstName}).Single();
