I'm currently developing an asp.net mvc 2 application which uses the default SqlMembershipProvider for authentication. I've implemented a controller method that reads the ProviderUserKey of the current user by calling Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.
Now I'm trying to write some test methods for this controller.
To get rid of the dependancy on the static Membership class, I've created a thin wrapper and made my controller depend on the corresponding interface:
public interface IStaticMembershipService {
MembershipUser GetUser();
void UpdateUser(MembershipUser user);
So far everything works, but in order to unit-test the controller, I still need to mock the GetUser() method of this interface and return a MembershipUser object that contains a ProviderUserKey property. What is the easiest way to mock such an object?
I'm using moq as mocking framework.
It'd look something like this:
var membershipMock = new Mock<IStaticMembershipService>();
var userMock = new Mock<MembershipUser>();
userMock.Setup(u => u.ProviderUserKey).Returns(guid);
membershipMock.Setup(s => s.GetUser()).Returns(userMock.Object);
If the MembershipUser class doesn't lend itself to mocking (i.e. if ProviderUserKey isn't virtual), you'll want to create your own object to represent the values you're going to need from a MembershipUser object, and have your service return one of those instead.
There's also a slight possibility that a MembershipUser is a poco-like object, and you can create an instance like this:
var userMock = new MembershipUser {ProviderUserKey = guid};
I think you need to separate your implementation specifics from the interface the consumer really cares about. I'm not sure what your control needs the ProviderUserKey for, if it's casting it to a specific class, etc., but I would look at making your interface actually meet the controller's needs, not the other way around. Something like (without knowing more details):
public interface IMembershipDetailsService {
Guid UserKey { get; }
Once you do that level of abstraction, then mocking becomes much easier, because you could just do:
membershipService.Setup (svc => svc.UserKey).Returns (myGuid);
Just another thought, rather than trying to return a whole MembershipUser object you need to further stub.
Something similar to this:
var user = new MembershipUser();
var membershipService = new Mock<IStaticMembershipService>();
membershipService.Setup(p => p.GetUser()).Returns(user);
Could you do something like below if you need to Mock out the HttpContext stuff too.. below is using NUnit and Moq.
private void Setup()
_mockHttpContext = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
_mockStaticMembership = new Mock<IStaticMembershipService>();
_mockUser = new Mock<MembershipUser>();
_mockPrincipalUser = new Mock<IPrincipal>();
_mockHttpContext.Setup(http => http.User).Returns( _mockPrincipalUser.Object );
_mockPrincipalUser.Setup(principal => principal.Identity.Name).Returns("myname");
_mockUser.Setup(user => user.ProviderUserKey).Returns( Guid.NewGuid() );
_mockStaticMembership.Setup(membership => membership.GetUser(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns( _mockUser.Object );
public void Some_Test_For_My_Controller()
var controller = new MyController( _mockStaticMembership.Object );
controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(_mockHttpContext.Object, new RouteData(), controller);
//Test your action and verify
-------Please see updates below as I now have this set up for dependency injection and the use of the MOQ mocking framework. I'd still like to split up my repository so it doesn't directly depend on pulling the windowsUser within the same function.
I have a Web API in an intranet site that populates a dropdown. The query behind the dropdown takes the windows username as a parameter to return the list.
I realize I don't have all of this set up correctly because I'm not able to unit test it. I need to know how this "should" be set up to allow unit testing and then what the unit tests should look like.
Additional info: this is an ASP.NET MVC 5 application.
public interface ITestRepository
HttpResponseMessage DropDownList();
public class ExampleRepository : IExampleRepository
//Accessing the data through Entity Framework
private MyDatabaseEntities db = new MyDatabaseEntities();
public HttpResponseMessage DropDownList()
//Get the current windows user
string windowsUser = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
//Pass the parameter to a procedure running a select query
var sourceQuery = (from p in db.spDropDownList(windowsUser)
select p).ToList();
string result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sourceQuery);
var response = new HttpResponseMessage();
response.Content = new StringContent(result, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode, "application/json");
return response;
public class ExampleController : ApiController
private IExampleRepository _exampleRepository;
public ExampleController()
_exampleRepository = new ExampleRepository();
public HttpResponseMessage DropDownList()
return _exampleRepository.DropDownList();
throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));
I have updated my Controller based on BartoszKP's suggestion to show dependency injection.
public class ExampleController : ApiController
private IExampleRepository _exampleRepository;
//Dependency Injection
public ExampleController(IExampleRepository exampleRepository)
_exampleRepository = exampleRepository;
public HttpResponseMessage DropDownList()
return _exampleRepository.DropDownList();
throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));
I have decided to use MOQ as a mocking framework for unit testing. I'm able to test something simple, like the following. This would test a simple method that doesn't take any parameters and doesn't include the windowsUser part.
public void ExampleOfAnotherTest()
var mockRepository = new Mock<IExampleRepository>();
.Setup(x => x.DropDownList())
.Returns(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK));
ExampleController controller = new ExampleController(mockRepository.Object);
controller.Request = new HttpRequestMessage();
controller.Configuration = new HttpConfiguration();
var response = controller.DropDownList();
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
I need help testing the DropDownList method (one that does include code to get the windowsUser). I need advice on how to break this method apart. I know both parts shouldn't been in the same method. I don't know how to arrange splitting out the windowsUser variable. I realize this really should be brought in as a parameter, but I can't figure out how.
You usually do not unit-test repositories (integration tests verify if they really persist the data in the database correctly) - see for example this article on MSDN:
Typically, it is difficult to unit test the repositories themselves, so it is often better to write integration tests for them.
So, let's focus on testing only the controller.
Change the controller to take IExampleRepository in its constructor as a parameter:
private IExampleRepository _exampleRepository;
public ExampleController(IExampleRepository exampleRepository)
_exampleRepository = exampleRepository;
Then, in your unit tests, use one of mocking frameworks (such as RhinoMock for example) to create a stub for the sole purpose of testing the controller.
public class ExampleTestFixture
private IExampleRepository CreateRepositoryStub(fake data)
var exampleRepositoryStub = ...; // create the stub with a mocking framework
// make the stub return given fake data
return exampleRepositoryStub;
public void GivenX_WhenDropDownListIsRequested_ReturnsY()
// Arrange
var exampleRepositoryStub = CreateRepositoryStub(X);
var exampleController = new ExampleController(exampleRepositoryStub);
// Act
var result = exampleController.DropDownList();
// Assert
Assert.That(result, Is.Equal(Y));
This is just a quick&dirty example - CreateRepositoryStub method should be of course extracted to some test utility class. Perhaps it should return a fluent interface to make the test's Arrange section more readable on what is given. Something more like:
// Arrange
var exampleController
= GivenAController()
(with better names that reflect your business logic of course).
In case of ASP.NET MVC, the framework needs to know how to construct the controller. Fortunately, ASP.NET supports the Dependency Injection paradigm and a parameterless constructor is not required when using MVC unity.
Also, note the comment by Richard Szalay:
You shouldn't use HttpContext.Current in WebApi - you can use base.User which comes from HttpRequestBase.User and is mockable. If you really want to continue using HttpContext.Current, take a look at Mock HttpContext.Current in Test Init Method
One trick that I find very useful when trying to make old code testable when said code is accessing some global static or other messy stuff that I can't easily just parameterize is to wrap access to the resource in a virtual method call. Then you can subclass your system under test and use that in the unit test instead.
Example, using a hard dependency in the System.Random class
public class Untestable
public int CalculateSomethingRandom()
return new Random().Next() + new Random().Next();
Now we replace var rng = new Random();
public class Untestable
public int CalculateSomethingRandom()
return GetRandomNumber() + GetRandomNumber();
protected virtual int GetRandomNumber()
return new Random().Next();
Now we can create a testable version of the class:
public class Testable : Untestable
protected override int GetRandomNumber()
// You can return whatever you want for your test here,
// it depends on what type of behaviour you are faking.
// You can easily inject values here via a constructor or
// some public field in the subclass. You can also add
// counters for times method was called, save the args etc.
return 4;
The drawback with this method is that you can't use (most) isolation frameworks to implement protected methods (easily), and for good reason, since protected methods are sort of internal and shouldn't be all that important to your unit tests. It's still a really handy way of getting things covered with tests so you can refactor them, instead of having to spend 10 hours without tests, trying to do major architectual changes to your code before you get to "safety".
Just another tool to keep in mind, I find it comes in handy from time to time!
EDIT: More concretely, in your case you might want to create a protected virtual string GetLoggedInUserName(). This will technically speaking keep the actual call to HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name untested, but you will have isolated it to the simplest smallest possible method, so you can test that the code is calling the correct method the right amount of times with the correct args, and then you simply have to know that HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name contains what you want. This can later be refactored into some sort of user manager or logged in user provider, you'll see what suits best as you go along.
I´m currently working on a MVC4 Project. As I did a few refactorings the tests should be changed too.
In the first scenario a session hash had to be passed included within the URL. That being nasted, I decided to pass it to the server as a Request header.
public ActionResult Generate(ClipGenerateRequest request)
string hash = Request.Headers["hash"];
ClipGenerationResponse responseModel = new ClipGenerationResponse();
return Json(responseModel, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
The problem now seems to be that I'm unable to mock the Request object to a custom one as the Request object is a read-only object. Dynamically setting the header doesn't work, as the Request is null when performing Unit Tests. So the following won't work:
public void GenerateTest()
GenerationController target = new GenerationController(this.loginModelMock, this.clipTemplateModelMock, this.clipTemplateFieldModelMock);
target.Request = this.requestBase;
string templateId = "0";
ActionResult actual = target.Generate(templateId);
Assert.AreEqual(typeof(JsonResult), actual.GetType());
Assert.AreEqual(typeof(ClipGenerationResponse), ((JsonResult)actual).Data.GetType());
Where this.requestBase would be mock created with Moq.
public HttpContextBase CreateMockHttpContext()
var serverVariables = new NameValueCollection {
{ "UserHostAddress", "" },
{ "UserAgent", "Unit Test Value" }
var httpRequest = new Moq.Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
httpRequest.SetupGet(x => x.Headers).Returns(
new System.Net.WebHeaderCollection {
{"hash", "somehash"}
httpRequest.Setup(x => x.ServerVariables.Get(It.IsAny<string>()))
.Returns<string>(x =>
return serverVariables[x];
var httpContext = (new Moq.Mock<HttpContextBase>());
httpContext.Setup(x => x.Request).Returns(httpRequest.Object);
return httpContext.Object;
Nor the static way would work:
target.Request.Headers["hash"] = "hash";
So, I'm wondering how this could be fixed nicely. I could always obtain the Request in the Constructor, set a class variable to hold the Request, and then mock the getter / setter for testing purposes, but I'd rather use a nicer way to do it. Though I don't seem to know a way to get it working.
PS: Please note that some class names may have been altered for preview.
As you seem to be unable to mock HttpContext.Current.Request, I decided to mock the HttpContext.Current. Resulting in:
Sadly this works for the API, but not for unit testing as HttpContext cannot e mocked as it's not an interface.
Initialization method
threw exception. System.NotSupportedException:
System.NotSupportedException: Type to mock must be an interface or an
abstract or non-sealed class. .
The suggested way was by doing:
But this doesn't work because Request cannot be cast to HttpRequestBase.
Which means, I do now have a way to unit test my code, but it will no longer be able to run..
Testing if this problem could be solved using a HttpRequestWrapper.
Looks like the following does work for testing:
HttpRequestBase requestBase = new HttpRequestWrapper(HttpContext.Current.Request);
But not for runtime. Because:
- Additional headers are not sent, such as: UserHostAddress, Custom Headers
with Postman is set with every request a custom header, named "hash". Using this method, it looks like these headers are no longer set.
Looks like headers are set when the method is called, but not when the Controller itself is created. Therefore Dependency Injection on this might not be suitable.
Ugly Temporary fix:
private AuthenticationHelper authenticationHelper = null;
private ILoginModel iLoginModel = null;
private IModuleModel iModuleModel = null;
private HttpRequestBase iRequestBase = null;
public LoginController(ILoginModel loginModel, IModuleModel moduleModel, HttpRequestBase requestBase)
this.authenticationHelper = new AuthenticationHelper(loginModel);
this.iLoginModel = loginModel;
this.iModuleModel = moduleModel;
this.iRequestBase = requestBase;
private HttpRequestBase GetRequestBase()
if (Request != null)
return Request;
return iRequestBase;
public ActionResult Login(LoginRequest login)
var ip = this.authenticationHelper.GetIpAddress(GetRequestBase());
var userAgent = this.authenticationHelper.GetUserAgent(GetRequestBase());
When within Controller you refer to something by static classes or Controller properties you usually shoot yourself in the boot, because you make your class not testable with unit test, as in your case. To avoid such situation is that your Controller gets HttpRequestBase injected with IoC. For instance with Autofac after you register module AutofacWebTypesModule your Controllers may accept in their constructor parameter of type HttpRequestBase with basically what you get with Register property. So you should make your controller look like this:
public class GenerationController : Controller
readonly HttpRequestBase _request;
public GenerationController(
HttpRequestBase request,
// Additional constructor parameters goes here
_request = request;
With Unity you should register factory for HttpRequestBase like this:
new InjectionFactory(c => new HttpRequestWrapper(HttpContext.Current.Request))
When you create your Controller within unit test it is extremely easy to mock HttpRequestBase as all its properties, along with Headers are virtual.
This is approach I usually use in my projects. However there is option to mock Controller Request property even without rewriting your original code. It involves use of Controller ControllerContext property:
Mock<HttpContextBase> httpContextMock = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
Mock<HttpRequestBase> httpReguestMock = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
httpContextMock.SetupGet(c => c.Request).Returns(httpReguestMock.Object);
GenerationController controller = new GenerationController();
controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(httpContextMock.Object, new RouteData(), controller);
My mock for request looks:
var request = A.Fake<HttpRequestBase>();
var formCollection = new NameValueCollection();
A.CallTo(() => request.HttpMethod).Returns("POST");
A.CallTo(() => request.Headers).Returns(new System.Net.WebHeaderCollection
{"X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"}
A.CallTo(() => request.Form).Returns(formCollection);
A.CallTo(() => request.ApplicationPath).Returns("/");
For my needs it works. I'am using FakeItEasy to mock request, but I'm pretty sure that you can use Moq instead. I'm using FakeItEasy and Moq parallel in my project, and it works perfect.
I am testing the following controller:
public class MyController : ApiController
private readonly IUserManager _users;
private int num = 0;
public MyController(IUserManager users)
_users = users;
public User GetByCredentials(string username, string pass)
var account = new Account(username, pass);
User u = _users.GetByCredentials(num, account);
return u;
I was thinking to mock the IUserManager.GetByCredentials method, as I only want to see that MyController.GetByCredentials method works as expected. The problem is that the User class cannot be instantiated directly, so I cannot mock a User object, because the constructor is private:
public class User
// private attributes here
protected User()
// do a lot of stuff here, call other objects to initialize attributes
private User(int num, string id, string userid, Account account)
: this()
// do other stuff here with the params
public static User CreateUser(int num, string id, string userid, Account account)
return new User(num, id, userid, account);
// and so on
I am using the Moq framework, but I am open to different solutions. I would prefer to avoid the creation of test data in this case, because it depends on database the initialization, servers and so on - and then it would not be a unit test anymore. Have you ever had an issue like this? How do you deal with it? Thanks.
You don't need to mock User - you can use the real User class. You only need to mock (or fake) IUserManager. Your mock/fake IUserManager can use User.CreateUser to create the User objects to be returned to your controller.
Unless the User class itself "knows" about the database, that should be fine. Resist the temptation to mock everything - you only need to get rid of dependencies that make it hard to write tests.
Now you've written that your User private constructor "does a lot of stuff" - if that reaches out too far, you should redesign User so it's simpler... your user manager should possibly be responsible for some of the work that's going on there.
While it's an oversimplification to completely split the world into services (like the user manager) and dumb data objects (like the user), it makes things much easier if a design reasonably naturally splits itself in that respect.
In order to test your MyController, you will be mocking IUserManager not User so you will be able to do something like this:
var mockUserManager = new Mock<IUserManager>();
// Configure the User to be returned by calling GetByCredentials
.Setup(x => x.GetByCredentials(It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<Account>())
.Returns(User.CreateUser(1, "foo", "username", new Account());
var controller = new MyController(mockUserManager.Object);
var user = controller.GetByCredentials("username", "password");
mockUserManager.Verify(x => x.GetByCredentials(It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<Account>(), Times.Once());
The point of mock/fake objects is to avoid database/web service calls. Your Account and User classes should be poco classes - e.g. only contain methods and properties which act upon itself, no database or web service calls etc so they don't actually need mocking.
I have some issue. Im writing some unit test in my project but i don't know how to test my CRUD methods.. Maybe they are not testable ;/
This is one of my methods:
public static void IncrementInvalidLoginColumn(string login)
User user;
using (DTContext context = new DTContext())
user = context.Users.Where(u => u.Login.CompareTo(login) == 0).FirstOrDefault();
if (user.InvalidLogins < 3)
user.InvalidLogins = user.InvalidLogins + 1;
Maybe someone will have idea what should i do.
It depends on what you mean by "unit" test. If you don't want your test to hit the database then your method is not testable (or at least not without some refactoring).
If hitting the database is acceptable (which would actually be an integration test) then you can definitely test your method.
Here are some steps:
1. Arrange the initial data. You use an instance of the DTContext directly in the test to put the system in a predefined state (basically you write some user records in the database)
You run the method you want to test (which in fact uses its own instance of the DTContext)
You use DTContext again to read the user information directly from the database and assert that the InvalidLogins property has incremented.
You need to make sure you delete any data that you put in manually.
This is the gist of DI:
public class Example {
private IDatabaseGateway myDatabase;
public Example(IDatabaseGateway myDb) {
myDatabase = myDb;
public void DoStuff() {
You give your business class an abstraction of the database via the constructor, that is you inject your dependencies in the class that needs them.
Once you have this in place, in production code you pass in the constructor a concrete instance of IDatabaseGateway that goes to the actual database.
In the case of a unit test you pass it a mock instance of the same interface. The mock is a special object that you can setup/configure to return what you want. Various libraries exist for mocking (an easy one is Moq).
However without modifying your code too much, it is better to stick with integration testing that hits the database. It will give you a simple and valid test.
Especially since there are some pitfalls in mocking the DbContext in EF (ex. some queries may not work when you will use them in production, testing updates in EF with mocks is a bit trickier).
Ok so i read all of your posts and they was very helpful.
I use MOQ framework and this is example how i do it.
This is how Liviu M. told me to do for example:
public class CRUDclass
private DTContext _context;
public CRUDclass(DTContext myObj)
_context = myObj;
We have CRUD Class which are doing operations directly on our database. We have constructor with one argument and private field. This our context :)
This is (for example) my method in CRUDclass:
public bool AddUser(User user)
return true;
return false;
Ovecourse he have our DTContext class witch DBSet becouse i using entity framework. And after that i am able to write some test method:
public void Should_Add_User()
var mockSet = new Mock<DbSet<User>>();
var mockContext = new Mock<DTContext>();
mockContext.Setup(m => m.Users).Returns(mockSet.Object);
var usrCRUD = new UserCRUD(mockContext.Object);
var usr = new User();
usr.Login = "Login_Name";
usr.Email = "loginName#test.com";
usr.Password = "***";
usr.InvalidLogins = 0;
usr.RememberID = 0;
mockSet.Verify(m => m.Add(It.Is<User>(arg => arg.Login == "Login_Name")));
mockContext.Verify(m => m.SaveChanges(), Times.Once());
At first a have to set my fake object (Mock>).
This test method checks if our user was added to Mock :)
I hope it can help somebody, if anything will be unclear please write a question :)
The idea of unit tests is to test your ifs, switches, etc., not the database operations.
In your case you need an interface that is an abstration of DTContext. In the simplest case it might look as the following.
public interface IObjectContext : IDisposable
IEnumerable<User> Users { get; }
In more complicated cases you may need to use IQueryable<T> or IObjectSet<T> instead of IEnumerable<T>.
Add a partial class declaration of DTContext and make it implement IObjectContext. Add a constructor to the class that contains the method IncrementInvalidLoginColumn with a parameter of type IObjectContext. Now you can inject any instance of IObjectContext instead of creating it in your class. This instance can be a DTContext or a mock for testing. Your class is ready to be tested without connection to a real database.
NB. In case of instances of IDisposable it's better to inject a Func<IObjectContext> instead of IObjectContext. Then you can create an instance for each operation and dispose it immediately after.
If there are CRUD operations in your code then I will recommend to use MOQ framework for unit testing. Below links are quite helpful:
Quick Start
Code Project
Ideally you would inject your DTContext rather than creating a new one every time that the method is called. That way you could mock that object in your unit test and verify that it is called as expected.
Your constructor would look something like:
private readonly IDTContext _context;
public CrudClass(IDTContext context)
_context = context
With your method now looking like
public static void IncrementInvalidLoginColumn(string login)
User user;
user = _context.Users.Where(u => u.Login.CompareTo(login) == 0).FirstOrDefault();
if (user.InvalidLogins < 3)
user.InvalidLogins = user.InvalidLogins + 1;
// Handle errors
And then in your test, if you were using a framework like Moq, you would basically script how that object would behave and test against that. For instance, setting up the mocked IDTContext to always return the same user for your Users collection and SaveChanges() method will write the number of invalid logins to a variable that you could then test against.
I have a project where I need to provide action tests. My approuch has been to ensure actions do not rely on anything they do not receive as parameters, maing use of ValueProviders and ModelBinders. As such I would pass in HTTPContextBase etc.
However, I now have an action which uses a static class that is a wrapper around HTTPContext to accesses Session and Identity. Thus it seems I have to mock out HTTPContext to test this action. Not too complicated, I guess, but it just feels wrong.
My gut feeling is that the static class should be redeveloped to be instantiated with HTTPSessionStateBase and IPrinicple and use them as internal stores. Then I could instantiate this wrapper in my action, from action parameters, making the action and the wrapper class much more testing friendly.
Would this be a recommended approuch or does anyone have any other ideas, were I would not have to change my static class to instance ?
I think that using Moq to mock a HttpContext is just the way you might want to try it out.
public void Test()
var context = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
var request = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
context.Setup(c => c.Request).Returns(request.Object);
HomeController controller = new HomeController();
controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext( context , new RouteData(), controller );
In the case if you want to mock HttpSession(as gdoron mentioned in comment). It is not really complicated since you are MOCKING something doesn't means you have to build entire, real object and all of its properties.
Suppose that your controller will
Checks whether user is authenticated.
Gets identity name.
Gets a value from Session["key"].
manipulates cookie.
The code could be like that:
public void Test()
var mockedControllerContext = new Mock<ControllerContext> ();
mockedControllerContext.SetupGet(p => p.HttpContext.Session["key"]).Returns("A value in session");
mockedControllerContext.SetupGet(p => p.HttpContext.Request.IsAuthenticated).Returns(true);
mockedControllerContext.SetupGet(p => p.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name).Returns("An identity name");
mockedControllerContext.SetupGet(p => p.HttpContext.Response.Cookies).Returns(new HttpCookieCollection ());
HomeController controller = new HomeController();
controller.ControllerContext = mockedControllerContext.Object;
I strongly recommend using MvcContrib - testhelpers
Learn how to use from CodePlex
You can download it from nuget or directly from CodePlex
Good luck!