Sorry for a lot of code to read. It's the simplest way to show the problem.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace P1
class A
static Dictionary<int, A> a = new Dictionary<int, A>();
static int i = 0;
int id;
public A()
id = ++i;
a[id] = this;
public static int Count() { return a.Count; }
class B : A
public B()
throw new Exception();
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var b = new B();
// What should be here ????
Console.WriteLine(A.Count()); //prints 1 - not good
Can anyone suggest cleanup logic for case when subclass constructor fails?
You will need to put the cleanup logic in the constructor of B, since you cannot have access to the instance reference after the constructor fails.
Here is an example on how you could do this:
class A
static Dictionary<int, A> a = new Dictionary<int, A>();
static int i = 0;
int id;
public A()
id = ++i;
a[id] = this;
protected void Destroy()
public static int Count() { return a.Count; }
class B : A
public B()
throw new Exception();
catch (Exception)
Your base class constructor is being called before the exception is thrown, so the object has already been created and assigned to it's spot in a. If you want the object to not be created by the constructor, then you might want to consider a static method to instantiate a new A instead of using the default constructor. Then, when the instantiation of the object fails (in B) you'll throw the exception before the object is added to the dictionary.
I have two constructors which feed values to readonly fields.
public class Sample
public Sample(string theIntAsString)
int i = int.Parse(theIntAsString);
_intField = i;
public Sample(int theInt) => _intField = theInt;
public int IntProperty => _intField;
private readonly int _intField;
One constructor receives the values directly, and the other does some calculation and obtains the values, then sets the fields.
Now here's the catch:
I don't want to duplicate the
setting code. In this case, just one
field is set but of course there may
well be more than one.
To make the fields readonly, I need
to set them from the constructor, so
I can't "extract" the shared code to
a utility function.
I don't know how to call one
constructor from another.
Any ideas?
Like this:
public Sample(string str) : this(int.Parse(str)) { }
If what you want can't be achieved satisfactorily without having the initialization in its own method (e.g. because you want to do too much before the initialization code, or wrap it in a try-finally, or whatever) you can have any or all constructors pass the readonly variables by reference to an initialization routine, which will then be able to manipulate them at will.
public class Sample
private readonly int _intField;
public int IntProperty => _intField;
private void setupStuff(ref int intField, int newValue) => intField = newValue;
public Sample(string theIntAsString)
int i = int.Parse(theIntAsString);
setupStuff(ref _intField,i);
public Sample(int theInt) => setupStuff(ref _intField, theInt);
Before the body of the constructor, use either:
: base (parameters)
: this (parameters)
public class People: User
public People (int EmpID) : base (EmpID)
// Add more statements here.
I am improving upon supercat's answer. I guess the following can also be done:
class Sample
private readonly int _intField;
public int IntProperty
get { return _intField; }
void setupStuff(ref int intField, int newValue)
//Do some stuff here based upon the necessary initialized variables.
intField = newValue;
public Sample(string theIntAsString, bool? doStuff = true)
//Initialization of some necessary variables.
int i = int.Parse(theIntAsString);
// ................
// .......................
if (!doStuff.HasValue || doStuff.Value == true)
setupStuff(ref _intField,i);
public Sample(int theInt): this(theInt, false) //"false" param to avoid setupStuff() being called two times
setupStuff(ref _intField, theInt);
Here is an example that calls another constructor, then checks on the property it has set.
public SomeClass(int i)
I = i;
public SomeClass(SomeOtherClass soc)
: this(soc.J)
if (I==0)
I = DoSomethingHere();
Yeah, you can call other method before of the call base or this!
public class MyException : Exception
public MyException(int number) : base(ConvertToString(number))
private static string ConvertToString(int number)
return number.toString()
Constructor chaining i.e you can use "Base" for Is a relationship and "This" you can use for same class, when you want call multiple Constructor in single call.
class BaseClass
public BaseClass():this(10)
public BaseClass(int val)
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
new BaseClass();
When you inherit a class from a base class, you can invoke the base class constructor by instantiating the derived class
class sample
public int x;
public sample(int value)
x = value;
class der : sample
public int a;
public int b;
public der(int value1,int value2) : base(50)
a = value1;
b = value2;
class run
public static void Main(string[] args)
der obj = new der(10,20);
Output of the sample program is
50 10 20
You can also use this keyword to invoke a constructor from another constructor
class sample
public int x;
public sample(int value)
x = value;
public sample(sample obj) : this(obj.x)
class run
public static void Main(string[] args)
sample s = new sample(20);
sample ss = new sample(s);
The output of this sample program is
Error handling and making your code reusable is key. I added string to int validation and it is possible to add other types if needed. Solving this problem with a more reusable solution could be this:
public class Sample
public Sample(object inputToInt)
_intField = objectToInt(inputToInt);
public int IntProperty => _intField;
private readonly int _intField;
public static int objectToInt(object inputToInt)
switch (inputToInt)
case int inputInt:
return inputInt;
case string inputString:
if (!int.TryParse(inputString, out int parsedInt))
throw new InvalidParameterException($"The input {inputString} could not be parsed to int");
return parsedInt;
throw new InvalidParameterException($"Constructor do not support {inputToInt.GetType().Name}");
Please, please, and pretty please do not try this at home, or work, or anywhere really.
This is a way solve to a very very specific problem, and I hope you will not have that.
I'm posting this since it is technically an answer, and another perspective to look at it.
I repeat, do not use it under any condition. Code is to run with LINQPad.
void Main()
(new A(1)).Dump();
(new B(2, -1)).Dump();
var b2 = new B(2, -1);
class A
public readonly int I = 0;
public A(int i)
I = i;
class B: A
public int J;
public B(int i, int j): base(i)
J = j;
public B(int i, bool wtf): base(i)
public void Increment()
int i = I + 1;
var t = typeof(B).BaseType;
var ctor = t.GetConstructors().First();
ctor.Invoke(this, new object[] { i });
Since constructor is a method, you can call it with reflection. Now you either think with portals, or visualize a picture of a can of worms. sorry about this.
In my case, I had a main constructor that used an OracleDataReader as an argument, but I wanted to use different query to create the instance:
I had this code:
public Subscriber(OracleDataReader contractReader)
this.contract = Convert.ToString(contractReader["contract"]);
this.customerGroup = Convert.ToString(contractReader["customerGroup"]);
this.subGroup = Convert.ToString(contractReader["customerSubGroup"]);
this.pricingPlan= Convert.ToString(contractReader["pricingPlan"]);
this.items = new Dictionary<string, Member>();
this.status = 0;
So I created the following constructor:
public Subscriber(string contract, string customerGroup) : this(getSubReader(contract, customerGroup))
{ }
and this method:
private static OracleDataReader getSubReader(string contract, string customerGroup)
cmdSubscriber.Parameters[":contract"].Value = contract + "%";
cmdSubscriber.Parameters[":customerGroup"].Value = customerGroup+ "%";
return cmdSubscriber.ExecuteReader();
notes: a statically defined cmdSubscriber is defined elsewhere in the code; My main constructor has been simplified for this illustration.
In case you need to run something before calling another constructor not after.
public class Sample
static int preprocess(string theIntAsString)
return preprocess(int.Parse(theIntAsString));
static int preprocess(int theIntNeedRounding)
return theIntNeedRounding/100;
public Sample(string theIntAsString)
_intField = preprocess(theIntAsString)
public Sample(int theIntNeedRounding)
_intField = preprocess(theIntNeedRounding)
public int IntProperty => _intField;
private readonly int _intField;
And ValueTuple can be very helpful if you need to set more than one field.
NOTE: most of the solutions above does not work for structs.
Unfortunately initializing struct fields in a method called by a constructor is not recognized by the compiler and will lead to 2 errors:
in the constructor: Field xxxx must be fully assigned...
in the method, if you have readonly fields: a read-only field cannot be assigned except in a constructor.
These can be really frustrating for example when you just need to do simple check to decide on which constructor to orient your call to.
I'm developing a library for developers where they have to create a class that inherits from a class I created.
This base class essentially manages an array of objects for the developer, however the developer gets to specify the type of these objects they want the base class to manage.
So the developer essentially just tells the base class to create an array, then only has read only access to that array. The base class will (depending on the state of the application) add or remove objects from the array.
I'm stuck at finding the right data type to store such a thing. I've tried ref and out but that got me nowhere. The closest I got was with a Dictionary but that idea fell apart because C# is actually just copying the value into the dictionary instead of referencing or pointing to it.
Here is a quick example I threw together:
public static void Main()
Derived d = new Derived();
d.AddElement<GenericObject>(new GenericObject{ i = 2 });
public class Base {
Dictionary<Type, List<object>> ArrayReferences;
public void InitBase() {
ArrayReferences = new Dictionary<Type, List<object>>();
protected ReadOnlyCollection<T> RegisterArray<T>() {
List<object> managedArray = new List<object>();
ArrayReferences.Add(typeof(T), managedArray);
return Array.AsReadOnly(managedArray.Select(s => (T)s).ToArray());
public void AddElement<T>(T obj) {
public void RemoveElement<T>(T obj) {
public class Derived: Base {
ReadOnlyCollection<GenericObject> arr;
public void Init() {
arr = RegisterArray<GenericObject>();
public void CheckArray() {
public class GenericObject {
public int i = 0;
Dictionary obviously doesn't store the values as references like I want it to. So what other technique does C# have or is this simply not possible? Also not sure how many issues unsafe will cause me so I'm scared going that route.
While I think there are better ways of handling this issue, this can be done.
Instead of storing a List<object> reference, which isn't compatible with a List<T>, store an object. Use a static in Base to hold the Dictionary so there is one Dictionary for all derived classes.
public static void Main() {
var d = new Derived();
d.CheckCollection("d before AddElement");
d.AddElement(new GenericObject { i = 2 });
d.CheckCollection("d after AddElement");
Console.WriteLine($"ListCount = {Base.ListCount}");
var d2 = new Derived2();
d2.CheckCollection("d2 before AddElement");
d2.AddElement(new GenericObject2 { i = 4 });
d2.AddElement(new GenericObject2 { i = 5 });
d2.CheckCollection("d2 after AddElement");
Console.WriteLine($"ListCount = {Base.ListCount}");
public class Base {
static Dictionary<Type, object> ListReferences = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
public static int ListCount => ListReferences.Count();
protected ReadOnlyCollection<T> RegisterList<T>() {
var managedList = new List<T>();
ListReferences.Add(typeof(T), managedList);
return managedList.AsReadOnly();
public void AddElement<T>(T obj) {
public void RemoveElement<T>(T obj) {
public class Derived : Base {
ReadOnlyCollection<GenericObject> roc;
public Derived() {
roc = RegisterList<GenericObject>();
public void CheckCollection(string msg) {
public class Derived2 : Base {
ReadOnlyCollection<GenericObject2> roc;
public Derived2() {
roc = RegisterList<GenericObject2>();
public void CheckCollection(string msg) {
public class GenericObject {
public int i = 0;
public class GenericObject2 {
public int i = 0;
PS Also, don't name methods and variables with "array" when you are using Lists.
The following code you've written makes a copy of your list at the time you created it - so it is always empty, no matter what you add to the list afterwards.
List<object> managedArray = new List<object>();
ArrayReferences.Add(typeof(T), managedArray);
return Array.AsReadOnly(managedArray.Select(s => (T)s).ToArray());
Here is how you should write your code to get what you want:
public static void Main()
Derived d = new Derived();
d.AddElement(new GenericObject { i = 2 });
public class Base<T>
List<T> _items = new List<T>();
public ReadOnlyCollection<T> AsReadOnly()
return Array.AsReadOnly(_items.ToArray());
public void AddElement(T obj)
public void RemoveElement(T obj)
public class Derived : Base<GenericObject>
public class GenericObject
public int i = 0;
That outputs:
Now, it's worth considering that List<T> already has a AsReadOnly() method, so you could simply write this:
public static void Main()
var d = new List<GenericObject>();
d.Add(new GenericObject { i = 2 });
public class GenericObject
public int i = 0;
That works too.
Here's how you should do this to hold more than one list at a time. There's no need for inheritance.
public static void Main()
Repository r = new Repository();
r.AddElement<GenericObject>(new GenericObject { i = 2 });
public class Repository
private Dictionary<Type, object> _references = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
private void Ensure<T>()
if (!_references.ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
_references[typeof(T)] = new List<T>();
public ReadOnlyCollection<T> AsReadOnly<T>()
return (_references[typeof(T)] as List<T>).AsReadOnly();
public void AddElement<T>(T obj)
(_references[typeof(T)] as List<T>).Add(obj);
public void RemoveElement<T>(T obj)
(_references[typeof(T)] as List<T>).Remove(obj);
public class GenericObject
public int i = 0;
In your base (or encapsulated class if you choose to go that way):
protected ReadOnlyCollection<T> GetSnapshot<T>() {
return Array.AsReadOnly(ArrayReferences[typeof(T)].Select(s => (T)s).ToArray());
Then you'd also add any other methods to view the data, e.g. to get a count:
protected int GetCount<T>() {
return ArrayReferences[typeof(T)].Count;
What I need is to check the parameters passed to the constructor and prevent the instantiation of the specific object in case they are treated as invalid.
What I have found is that an exception can be thrown so the object reference will end up with "null" as expected.
For example, this class will be instantiated only if the integer passed to the constructor is non negative.
class MyClass
public MyClass(int a)
if (a < 0)
throw new Exception();
Although the above works fine, I bet that c# can provide a cleaner way to do this, avoiding the extra cost of the try/catch need, each time a new object is about to be constructed.
static void Main(string[] args)
MyClass e1;
MyClass e2;
e1 = new MyClass(1);
catch(Exception) { }
e2 = new MyClass(-1);
catch(Exception) { }
In cases like this, you should consider using the Factory Pattern. You made the constructor private, and instead use a static method to return an instance.
public class Foo {
private Foo(int a) { ... }
public static Foo GetFoo(int a) {
if (a < 0) {
throw new Exception("No Foo for you!");
// or
return null;
return new Foo(a);
public class Program {
public static void Main() {
Foo f;
f = new Foo(); // Not allowed, ctor is private.
f = Foo.GetFoo(42); // Do this instead.
With this, you can do some pretty interesting stuff.
Here, we have a Foo class, with different sub-classes. By using the Factory Pattern, we can construct an instance of a particular Foo sub-class, without the outside world even knowing that any subclasses exist!
public abstract class Foo {
// Private implementations of Foo
// No one outside can ever construct one directly.
private class RedFoo : Foo { }
private class GreenFoo : Foo { }
private class BlueFoo : Foo { }
public static Foo GetColoredFoo(string color) {
switch (color.ToLower()) {
case "red": return new RedFoo();
case "green": return new GreenFoo();
case "blue": return new BlueFoo();
throw new Exception("No Foo for that color!");
public class Program {
public static void Main() {
Foo f;
f = new Foo(); // Not allowed; Foo is abstract
f = new RedFoo(); // Not allowed, RedFoo is private, inside of Foo
f = Foo.GetColoredFoo("red"); // Returns an instance of RedFoo
This moves the knowledge of "how to best construct the object you really need" into the definition of the class itself, and of course eliminates the try/catch. You could apply any logic you need inside of the static factory method.
You can go with the factory pattern, as suggested by MarcinJruaszek, by making the constructor private and add a static method:
public class myClass
private myClass(int a)
// constructor
public static myClass Create(int a){
if (a < 0)
return null;
return new myClass(a);
And do myClass.Create(1).
What I suggest you do is create a static method of your class that accepts the parameters you need to verify and have that return the object. I do not know of a way to abandon object creation during a constructor without throwing an Exception.
Say I have a class declared as follows:
public class ExampleClass
public Action<int> Do { get; set; }
public ExampleClass()
public void FuncA(int n)
//irrelevant code here
public void FuncB(int n)
//other irrelevant code here
I want to be able to use this class like this
ExampleClass excl = new ExampleClass() { Do = FuncA }
ExampleClass excl = new ExampleClass() { Do = excl.FuncA }
ExampleClass excl = new ExampleClass() { Do = ExampleClass.FuncA }
I can compile the second option there, but I get a "Delegate to an instance method cannot have null 'this'." exception when I hit that code. The third one doesn't even make sense, because FuncA isn't static.
In my actual code, there will be maybe 10-15 different functions it could get tied to, and I could be adding or removing them at any time, so I don't want to have to have a large switch or it-else statement. Additionally, being able assign a value to 'Do' when instantiating the class is very convenient.
Am I just using incorrect syntax? Is there a better way to create a class and assign an action in one line? Should I just man up and manage a huge switch statement?
You have to create the instance of the class and later set the property to the instance member. Something like:
ExampleClass excl = new ExampleClass();
excl.Do = excl.FuncA;
For your line:
ExampleClass excl = new ExampleClass() { Do = FuncA }
FuncA is not visible without an instance of the class.
ExampleClass excl = new ExampleClass() { Do = excl.FuncA }
Instance has not yet been created that is why you are getting the exception for null reference.
ExampleClass excl = new ExampleClass() { Do = ExampleClass.FuncA }
FuncA is not a static method, you can't access it with the class name.
In object initializer syntax you cannot access the variable being initialized before it is definitely assigned:
ExampleClass excl = new ExampleClass()
Do = excl.FuncA //excl is unavailable here
Read Object and Collection Initializers (C# Programming Guide) for more info.
You could do the following, for example:
public class ExampleClass
public Action<int> Do { get; set; }
public ExampleClass(bool useA)
if (useA)
Do = FuncA;
Do = FuncB;
public void FuncA(int n)
//irrelevant code here
public void FuncB(int n)
//other irrelevant code here
and use it:
ExampleClass exclA = new ExampleClass(true);
ExampleClass exclB = new ExampleClass(false);
Another idea is if these functions may be declared as static (i.e. they don't need any instance members of the ExampleClass), then this would work:
public class ExampleClass
public Action<int> Do { get; set; }
public ExampleClass() { }
public static void FuncA(int n) { /*...*/}
public static void FuncB(int n) { /*...*/}
and use it the way you want:
ExampleClass excl = new ExampleClass() { Do = ExampleClass.FuncA };
If you have extension methods make sure that those values are not null before invoking the extension methods or handle nulls inside the extension methods.
For example
public static ExtensionClass
public static bool RunExtensionMethod(this object myObject)
var someExecutionOnMyObject = myObject.IsValid();
//the above line would invoke the exception when myObject is null
return someExecutionOnMyObject ;
public void CallingMethod()
var myObject = getMyObject();
if(myObject.RunExtensionMethod()) //This would cause "delete to an instance method cannot have null" if myObject is null
To handle this scenario handle nulls and assert nulls if you own the extension class.
public static ExtensionClass
public static bool RunExtensionMethod(this object myObject)
if(myObject == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(myObject));
var someExecutionOnMyObject = myObject.IsValid();
return someExecutionOnMyObject ;
public void CallingMethod()
var myObject = getMyObject();
if(myObject != null && myObject.RunExtensionMethod())
ok this may sound a little crazy but, i have class A and a function, returns an instance of A, also called A() and i have to access a static field of class A.
public class A
public static int Num = 1;
class Program
public A A()
Console.WriteLine(A.Num); // Error points here. A.Num.
return new A();
and i get
'Program.A()' is a 'method', which is
not valid in the given context
what is the solution?
Well, you can specify the namespace:
If there's no namespace, use the global namespace alias:
use the namesapce instead
namesapce test {
public class A
public static int Num = 1;
class Programs:A
public A A()
return new A();