Is it possible to set LinqDataSource.OrderBy to a method's result? - c#

I haven't used LINQ extensively but the more I use it the more I realize how powerful it can be. Using the LinqDataSource.OrderBy clause is obviously easy if you want to sort from a property on the bounded items but what if you want to sort the items based on a method return? Take this class for instance (please ignore the quirky design - it's just used to emphasize my point):
public class DataItem
private string Id { get; set; }
private int SortValue { get; set; }
public DataItem(string id, int sortValue)
this.Id = id;
this.SortValue = sortValue;
public int GetSortValue()
return SortValue;
Is there a way that I can set the orderby expression on the LinqDataSource so that it uses the value returned from GetSortValue (i.e order by other members than properties) but without altering the DataItem class?

If the method has no parameters you could wrap it with a property?
public int SortOrderBy { get { return GetSortValue(); } }
Edit: This will also work if the parameters are constants or class fields/properties.

The MSDN docs mention that it is indeed possible to do custom sorting but I might have misinterpreted your question.


C# 9 require property set at construction without explicit constructor [duplicate]

I have requirement in a custom class where I want to make one of my properties required.
How can I make the following property required?
public string DocumentType
return _documentType;
_documentType = value;
If you mean "the user must specify a value", then force it via the constructor:
public YourType(string documentType) {
DocumentType = documentType; // TODO validation; can it be null? blank?
public string DocumentType {get;private set;}
Now you can't create an instance without specifying the document type, and it can't be removed after that time. You could also allow the set but validate:
public YourType(string documentType) {
DocumentType = documentType;
private string documentType;
public string DocumentType {
get { return documentType; }
set {
// TODO: validate
documentType = value;
.NET 7 or newer
public class MyClass
public required string Name { get; init; }
new MyClass(); // illegal
new MyClass { Name = "Me" }; // works fine
The required properties must declare a setter (either init or set).
Access modifiers on properties or setters cannot be less visible than their containing type, as they would make impossible to initialize the class in some cases.
public class MyClass
internal required string Name { get; set; } // illegal
Official documentation here
Feature demo here
.NET 6 or older
See this answer
If you mean you want it always to have been given a value by the client code, then your best bet is to require it as a parameter in the constructor:
class SomeClass
private string _documentType;
public string DocumentType
return _documentType;
_documentType = value;
public SomeClass(string documentType)
DocumentType = documentType;
You can do your validation – if you need it – either in the property's set accessor body or in the constructor.
With the release of .NET 7 and C# 11 in November 2022 you can now use the required modifier this way:
public class Person
public Person() { }
public Person(string firstName) => FirstName = firstName;
public required string FirstName { get; init; }
public int Age { get; set; }
And when you don't have the required properties it will throw an error when you try to initialize an object.
For more information refer to:
Add a required attribute to the property
Required(ErrorMessage = "DocumentTypeis required.")]
public string DocumentType
return _documentType;
_documentType = value;
For custom attribute detail Click Here
I used an other solution, not exactly what you want, but worked for me fine because I declare the object first and based on specific situation I have different values. I didnt want to use the constructor because I then had to use dummy data.
My solution was to create Private Sets on the class (public get) and you can only set the values on the object by methods. For example:
public void SetObject(string mandatory, string mandatory2, string optional = "", string optional2 = "")
This one liner works in C# 9:
public record Document(string DocumentType);
new Document(); // compiler error
new Document("csv"); // correct way to construct with required parameter
This explains how it works. In the above code, Document is the name of the class or "record". That first line of code actually defines an entire class. In addition to this solution essentially making a required DocumentType property (required by an auto implemented constructor), because it uses records, there are additional implications. So this may not always be an appropriate solution, and the C# 11 required keyword will still come in handy at times. Just using record types doesn't automatically make properties required. The above code is a special syntax way of using records that essentially has this effect as well as making the property init only and causes a deconstructor to be automatically implemented.
A better example would be using an int property instead of a string since a string could still be empty. Unfortunately I don't know of any good way to do extra validation within the record to make sure the string is not empty or an int is in range, etc. You would have to go deeper down the TOP (type driven development) rabbit hole, which may not be a bad thing. You could create your own type that doesn't allow empty strings or integers outside your accepted range. Unfortunately such an approach would lead to runtime discovery of invalid input instead of compile time. There might be a better way using static analysis and metadata, but I've been away from C# for too long to know anything about that.

How to display custom field type on data grid view? [C# / WinForms]

I have employee class, which has field of type ISalary (Interface). In data grid view, I want to display that salary, but what I get is empty field. Is it any possible way to display that "custom type field" in data grid view? invoking toString method would help, but I can't understand how to do that.
Here is how I am binding data:
employeeBindingSource.DataSource = employeesList;
All fields in that list, ofc is not null. And here is some of my class, which list I want to display:
public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Gender { get; set; }
public int DepartmentId { get; set; }
// how to display this?
public ISalary Salary { get; set; }
I did some research and could not find any example on it. Or maybe was not trying hard enough.:/
Since you are using a interface as type of property, you can not override ToString method for that ISalary type without knowing the concrete type. So if you know a Salary class which implemented that interface and used instead of that interface at run-time, you can override ToString of that type.
But, in general it's not a good idea to rely on ToString of that concrete type, this way your program will be tightly relied on the concrete type and will loose its goal in using the interface.
Instead, you can use either of these options:
Use CellFormatting event to provide display value.
Use a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn which contains a List<Salary> but, set its display style property to nothing to not show dropdown button.
Use a readonly property in Employee class which return a known property of ISalary, like return this.Salary.SomeProperty;
And still there are more options. To see some other options and examples, take a look at this post: How to bind a column from second level list on bindsource in winforms datagridview or this one: Show Properties of a Navigation Property in DataGridView (Second Level Properties).
This should work for you:
public ISalary Salary
get{ return this.Salary.ToString(); };
To use ToString(), you only append it at the end of the object you want to be returned as a string.
See the official MSDN on the ToString() function:
Object.ToString Method
interface ISalary
public decimal Amount { get; set; }
public string GetSalaryString();
the code:
List<Employee> lstEmployee = GetEmployeeList();
if (lstEmployee.Count == 0)
foreach (var employee in lstEmployee)
DataGridViewRow dgvr = dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.Rows.Add()];
dgvr.Cells[colnId.Index].Value = employee.Id;
dgvr.Cells[colnName.Index].Value = employee.Name;
dgvr.Cells[colnGender.Index].Value = employee.Gender;
dgvr.Cells[colnDepartmentId.Index].Value = employee.DepartmentId;
dgvr.Cells[colnSalary.Index].Value = employee.Salary.GetSalaryString();

C# data model, are there any differences between using these form?

I'm going to build my MVC Web Application and I created my data models.
I found online many ways to compile a data model code. This is easiest one, using only public properties:
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
But I also found a version using a private variable and a public properies, like this:
public class Person
private int id;
private string firstName;
private string lastName;
public int Id { get { return id; } set { id = value; } }
public string FirstName { get { return firstName; } set { firstName = value; } }
public string LastName { get { return lastName; } set { lastName = value; } }
What is the difference between these two data models?
When is more advisable using the first one or the second one?
This is the same like asking: what is a difference bwteen auto properties and normal properties.
Auto properties:
easy creation (less to type)
internal field is generated for you automatically by compiler
Not possible to debug (set a break point inside the property)
Normal properties
Sligtly more code to type
Easy to debug
More code can be injected inside get and set
If first example compiler will create private field for every automatic property itself, but they behave exactly the same. More info on MSDN
I would suggest second approach as you have more control how property works, but there is nothing wrong in using first one.
The fiest block you have are auto-properties, and under the hood the c# will be compiled similar to the second block, so in this case there is no difference. Take a look at these posts here:
C# 3.0 auto-properties - useful or not?
What are Automatic Properties in C# and what is their purpose?
Any reason to use auto-implemented properties over manual implemented properties?
If you were implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, then you would need to use the traditional way as you would be interacting with the property in the setter, see example...

C# Custom Attribute code -> Look at the field that it was associated with

I have a C# class that is used in my custom DB ORM tools, called DbFieldAttribute.
I place it over my field, like so:
public int UserId{ get; set; }
Challenge: From my attributes Constructor code, get the FieldInfo of the field it is associated with the attribute. In the case above, it would give me the FieldInfo for UserId.
Any help would be great. Thanks.
Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, there is no way to accomplish what you are asking for.
But if it is not necessary that you get the PropertyInfo or the FieldInfo object inside your constructor, but instead you would be satisfied with it being passed to a method, then there is a possible solution.
First of all, your DbField class would need to be defined in the following way.
class DbField : Attribute
public DbField(string source) { }
public void GetInstance(PropertyInfo source)
You would then need to define the following class which would get all the (in this case) properties marked with the DbField attribute, and pass them to the GetInstance(PropertyInfo) method.
class ActivateAttributes
public ActivateAttributes(object source)
.Where(x => x.GetCustomAttributes().OfType<DbField>().Any())
.ForEach(x => (x.GetCustomAttributes().OfType<DbField>().First() as DbField).GetInstance(x));
The way you would trigger this process is inside an abstract class, which is defined as so.
abstract class AbstractDecoratedClass
public AbstractDecoratedClass()
new ActivateAttributes(this);
Now your target class, which has its properties decorated by DbField attributes, simply needs to derive from this class, so that you won't be bothered by the invocation inside the constructor.
class DecoratedClass : AbstractDecoratedClass
public int UserId { get; set; }
public int UserId2 { get; set; }
You are now only left with testing the solution as shown here.
class Program
static void Main()
new DecoratedClass();
The solution could not be solved directly, as #Mario pointed out, but here is the solution I ended up going with.
The key is to know that the attribute alone has no way of knowing this information, but at the time it is called it is reasonable to expect that the FieldInfo or PropertyInfo was also available.
My original problem was that my ORM code looked to an attribute to determine if a field/property related to a database field. Then, I had instances where the Prop/Field name in the class did not match up with the database for reasons of making it more logical to the Code/Db. In those cases I needed to pass in a field name to use instead of the actual field. I was hoping the attribute could do more of the work, or at least help make it more obvious for any future code that used it.
(I stripped out xml comments and extra code not relavant to this solution)
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
public class DbFieldAttribute : Attribute
private string fieldName = "";
public DbFieldAttribute() { }
public DbFieldAttribute(string fieldName)
this.fieldName = fieldName;
public string FieldName(PropertyInfo pi)
if (this.fieldName != "") return this.fieldName;
else return pi.Name;
public string FieldName(FieldInfo fi)
if (this.fieldName != "") return this.fieldName;
else return fi.Name;
Now when my ORM code wants the field name, it has to pass in the field or property info related to that field. This means that what is needed, is now intrinsic in the attributes use, instead of needing to be derived in external code.

Implementing phantom types in C#

I'm looking to use "phantom types" to implement type-safe identifiers. There's a question here about doing this in F#.
I'd like to do this in C#. How?
I've got a solution (which has problems), so I'll post it as a possible answer to see if anyone can improve it.
Why not make it a sealed class with its constructor private?
public sealed class Id<TDiscriminator>
private Id() { }
//some static methods
I've come up with the following:
struct Id<TDiscriminator>
private readonly Guid _id;
private Id(Guid id)
_id = id;
public Guid Value
get { return _id; }
public static Id<TDiscriminator> NewId()
return From(Guid.NewGuid());
public static Id<TDiscriminator> From(Guid id)
return new Id<TDiscriminator>(id);
public static readonly Id<TDiscriminator> Empty = From(Guid.Empty);
// Equality operators ellided...
...which I can use as follows:
class Order { /* empty */ }
class Customer { /* empty */ }
void Foo()
var orderId = Id<Order>.NewId();
var customerId = Id<Customer>.NewId();
// This doesn't compile. GOOD.
bool same = (orderId == customerId);
I don't particularly want concrete classes for the discriminator, because I don't want anyone instantiating them.
I could get around that by using an interface or an abstract class. Unfortunately, these can still be derived from and instantiated.
C# won't let you use a static class as a type argument. I can't say that I'm totally happy with the answers to that question, because the answers basically say "just because".
How about?
public sealed class Order
private Order() {}
public static sealed class Id<T>
// ...
I think that's exactly what you say. No one (except some special cases) can construct it and no one can inherit from it.
Well, as far as I could understand, you would like to provide a mechanism for distinguishing different types by a custom identifier object. I think you are almost near a working solution. In .NET when having a generic class, each substitution of the generic argument (or each unique combination of the generic arguments, if more than one) creates a unique type in the runtime. In your code Id<Order> and Id<Customer> are two distinct types. The NewId() method returns an instance of Id<Order> for the orderId and Id<Customer> for the customerId variables. The two types do not implement the == operator and therefore cannot be compared. Moreover, such comparison would be difficult to implement, since you cannot determine all possible uses of the Id<TDsicriminator> - you cannot guess what type will the TDsicriminator be substituted with.
A fast and simple solution will be to do this:
class Order { /* skipped */ }
class Customer { /* skipped */ }
void Foo()
var orderId = Id<Order>.NewId();
var customerId = Id<Customer>.NewId();
bool sameIds = (orderId.Value == customerId.Value); // true
bool sameObjects = orderId.Equals(customerId); // false
Since the Value properties are both of the Guid type, comparison is possible.
If you need however, to implement the == operator, or some sort of equality comparisons for instances of Id<TDisciminator>, the approach will be different. What comes up to my mind is the following:
public abstract class IdBase
public abstract Guid Value { get; protected set; }
public static bool operator == (IdBase left, IdBase right)
return left.Value == right.Value;
public sealed class Id<TDiscriminator> : IdBase
// your implementation here, just remember the override keyword for the Value property
Many people would not recommend the second approach though, since different implementations of IdBase may happen to have the same Value property (if you used the constructor that passes an existing ID). For instance:
var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
var customerID = Id<Customer>.From(guid);
var orderID = Id<Order>.From(guid);
Here (customerID == orderID) will then return true which is probably not what you want.
Shortly, in such a case, two different types will count as equal, which is a big logical mistake, so I'd stick to the first approach.
If you need Id<Customer>.Value to always be different than Id<Order>.Value, because of the different generic arguments (Customer is different than Order), then the following approach will work:
public sealed class Id<in TDiscriminator>
private static readonly Guid _idStatic = Guid.NewGuid();
private Id()
public Guid Value
get { return _idStatic; }
Notice the in keyword used here. This is applicable for .NET 4.0 where generics can be covariant and ensures that your class uses contravariant generics. (see In the above code, the _idStatic field will have a unique value for every different type supplied as a generic argument.
I hope this info is helpful.
